Project Coordination Group (PCG)

The PCG is the highest decision making body in 3GPP, it meets formally every six months to carry out the final adoption of 3GPP Technical Specification Group work items, to ratify election results and the resources committed to 3GPP.
Useful Links and Information
A listing of the present and past leadership of the Project Coordination Group
Downloadable meeting documents from our FTP site.
Next meeting information and previous meeting reports and documents.
Click here to contact the PCG Secretary directly.
Terms of Reference
The Project Co-ordination Group (PCG) is responsible for overall time-frame and management of technical work to ensure that the 3GPP specifications are produced in a timely manner as required by the market place according to the principles and rules contained in the Project reference documentation (Partnership Project Description, Partnership Project Agreement, Partnership Project Working Procedures).
The technical specification development work within 3GPP is accomplished by Technical Specification Groups (TSGs):
- Core Network & Terminals (TSG CT)
- Radio Access Network (TSG RAN)
- Service & System Aspects (TSG SA)
Each TSG has the responsibility to prepare, approve and maintain the specifications within its terms of reference, may organize their work in Working Groups and liaise with other groups as appropriate. The TSGs report to the PCG.
Specifically, the PCG has responsibility for:
- Determination of overall time-frame and management of overall work progress.
- Final adoption of work items within the agreed 3GPP scope.
- Allocation of budgeted human and financial resources to each TSG as provided by Organisational Partners.
- Allocation of additional voluntary human and/or financial resources to each TSG as provided by Individual Members.
- Appointment of TSG Chairs
- Appointment of PCG Chair
In addition, the PCG has the responsibility for:
- Handling of appeals from Individual Members on procedural matters.
- Handling of appeals from Individual Members on technical matters.
- The PCG has one ad hoc subgroup, responsible for the 3GPP Working Procedures