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             FORE - WORD

              Inside Issue 5

          This is the fifth issue of the 3GPP newsletter, aimed at allcomers,   the 3GPP market partner 5G-MAG, covering the development
          but reaching high to try and catch the interest of delegates and   of open software tools for 5G Media. Their work is an example
          experts by taking complex topics and shaping them into short   of the 3GPP group and an industry body walking in step for the
          articles that give a taste of what is going on across the groups   benefit of the broadcast industry as a  whole.
          and the extended 3GPP community.
                                                              Elsewhere - the new 3GPP website is now up-and-running and
          There is a strong broadcast feel in three of our articles this issue.   all of our technical articles from Highlights will now be put
          Immersive voice and audio services are introduced, then 5G   on the new site. This will enrich the website, but also give an
          Media Streaming (5GMS) is held up as an early use case for UE   extended life and readership to the Highlights content.
          data collection, reporting and exposure. The third article is from

              Release 18 in full flight as 5G reaches its mid-point

          We have a description of the AKMA security feature from SA3,   areas for growth in the project. Adrian was in at the start of 3GPP
          its architecture and related procedures. There is also a piece on   and as Head of MCC and ETSI CTO he has a hands-on perspective
          Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (AI/ML) for the new   on how we are doing.
          radio (NR) Air Interface and a short introduction to 5GS Support   So too do the 3GPP TSG Chairs. In this issue, our elected
          for AI/ML. Our  3GPP Working Group SA2 Chair has given us an   leadership explain the steps that they are taking to bring 3GPP
          overview of  Rel-18 Stage-2 work - listing the study items based   back to face-to-face meetings as the norm. Things are less than
          on new requirements and others that are created as a result of   straightforward, but there is a meeting plan in place and strong
          Rel-17 requirements that need further work.         optimism that we will build on the happy reunions of June
                                                              (plenaries) and August (RAN1#110) this year.
          SA5 have provided an overview of their Rel-17 Achievements.
          The partners have again contributed to the new issue and we
          thank them for their market and standards expertise, reflected   We hope that you enjoy Issue 5 of ‘Highlights’. If so, please tell
          in their articles in the ‘Partner Focus’ section.   a friend to subscribe. If not, please tell me and I will work to
                                                              be better next time.
          Finally, we have our ‘look inside’. I took some of Adrian Scrase’s
          time last week, to gather his views on how the project has stood
          up to recent challenges and asked him to identify one or two           Kevin Flynn
                                                                                 3GPP Marketing and

          Copyright & Contacts

          3GPP Highlights is published by 3GPP.  Copyright: The content provided in this   Thanks to the following for copy, proof
                                             publication remains the copyright of    reading and constructive criticism:
          Contact Address: 3GPP Marcom,      the author(s).
          c/o ETSI, 650 Route des Lucioles,                                     TSG Chairs: Wanshi Chen, Lionel Morand,
          06921 Sophia Antipolis, FRANCE     Copyright and Reprint Permission:    Georg Mayer
                                             We request that you credit the Author(s)
          Email:         as they appear on the article, or ‘3GPP   MCC Director: Issam Toufik
          This publication is supplied free-of-charge.  Highlights, Issue 5’.   PCG Secretary: Adrian Scrase
                                             The PDF version and subscription is    ETSI COM Director: Nadja Rachow
                                             online at:
                                                                                Further editorial guidance: 3GPP PCG
                                             Editorial group members:           Chair and Vice-Chairs
                                             Editor: 3GPP Marcom Officer, Kevin Flynn
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