Four Generations of Mobile Standards

3GPP TDocs (written contributions) at meeting

Meeting: SP-43 - 2009-03-09 to 2009-03-12, Biarritz

meeting id: SP-43 (click id for more info on this meeting)

Click on the Tdoc to open its file.

TDoc Title Source Remarks
SP‑090001 Draft agenda for TSG SA meeting #43 TSG SA Chairman Approved
SP‑090002 Draft report of TSG SA Meeting #42 TSG SA Secretary Approved
SP‑090003 SA WG4 Status Report at TSG SA#43 SA WG4 Chairman Noted
SP‑090004 CRs TS 26.346 on 'MBMS & MBMS User Service Extensions (MBMS-TSMBMS & MBMSUSE)' (Releases 6, 7 and 8) SA WG4 Approved
SP‑090005 CRs TS 26.114 on 'IMS Multimedia Telephony; Media Handling and Interaction (MTSI-MHI)' (Release 7 and Release 8) SA WG4 CR0056R2, CR0057R2 Rejected. Other CRs approved
SP‑090006 CRs TS 26.234 on 'Packet Switched Streaming Service (Enhancements) (PSSe)' (Releases 6, 7 and 8) SA WG4 Approved
SP‑090007 CRs TS 26.237 on 'IMS Initiated and controlled PSS and MBMS User Services (IMS_PSS_MBMS_US)' (Release 8) SA WG4 Approved
SP‑090008 TS 26.267 (2009-03) 'eCall Data Transfer - In-band modem solution; General Description' (Release 8) V 2.0.0 SA WG4 Approved
SP‑090009 TS 26.268 (2009-03) 'eCall Data Transfer - In-band modem solution; ANSI-C reference code' (Release 8) V 2.0.0 SA WG4 Revised in SP-090201
SP‑090010 TS 26.269 (2009-03) 'eCall Data Transfer - In-band modem solution; Conformance testing' (Release 8) V 1.0.0 (for information) SA WG4 Noted
SP‑090011 Exception sheet for eCall standardization SA WG4 Exception Granted
SP‑090012 CRs TS 26.114 on 'Enhancements to MTSI-MHI (MTSI_eMHI)' (Release 8) SA WG4 Approved
SP‑090013 CRs TS 26.114 on 'MTSI Video : Dynamic Rate Adaptation / Signalling of Image size (MTSI_eMHI-DRASIS)' (Release 8) SA WG4 Approved
SP‑090014 CR TS 26.234 on 'PSS Timeshift Corrections (PSS_MBMS_OMTV)' (Release 8) SA WG4 Approved
SP‑090015 CR TS 26.132 on 'Clarification on Distortion with psophometric filter (RETEM_WB_T)' (Release 8) SA WG4 Approved
SP‑090016 CR TS 28.062 on 'TFO - Correction of References' (Release 8) SA WG4 Approved
SP‑090017 CR TS 26.131 on 'Terminal acoustic characteristics for telephony' (Release 9) SA WG4 Approved
SP‑090018 CR TS 26.132 on 'Speech and video telephony terminal acoustic test' (Release 9) SA WG4 Approved
SP‑090019 New SID - 'Surround Sound codec extension for PSS and MBMS' SA WG4 Approved
SP‑090020 New WID on 'Mobile Optimized Really Simple Syndication' SA WG4 Noted
SP‑090021 New WID on 'Managing MTSI Media Adaptation' SA WG4 Approved
SP‑090022 New WID on 'PSS and MBMS extensions' SA WG4 Approved
SP‑090023 New WID on 'Improved Video Support for PSS and MBMS' SA WG4 Approved
SP‑090024 New WID on 'IMS based PSS and MBMS User Service extensions' SA WG4 Revised in SP-090225
SP‑090025 DRAFT 3GPP Work Plan update at the End-of-TSG#43 & post-GERAN#41 MCC Work Plan Manager (A. Zoicas) Noted
SP‑090026 3GPP Work Plan review at Plenary #43 MCC Work Plan Manager (A. Zoicas) Revised in SP-090239
SP‑090027 Home NodeB' flagged work items across 3GPP Releases and TSGs MCC Work Plan Manager (A. Zoicas) Noted
SP‑090028 Summary of all Release 7 Features (ongoing RAN WG5 UID_350147 Multimedia Telephony Service for IMS (MTSI) - UE Conformance Testing UID_25035 Conformance Test Aspects Enhanced CELL_FACH state in FDD) MCC Work Plan Manager (A. Zoicas) Noted
SP‑090029 Summary of all Release 8 Features (ongoing 38 Features) MCC Work Plan Manager (A. Zoicas) Noted
SP‑090030 Summary of all Release 9 Features (ongoing 27 Features) MCC Work Plan Manager (A. Zoicas) Noted
SP‑090031 Summary of all Release 10 Features (ongoing 2 Features) MCC Work Plan Manager (A. Zoicas) Noted
SP‑090032 CR 0309 to 22.101 for UICC high-speed interface support in ME T-Mobile USA, Rogers Wireless, Telecom Italia, Telefonica Revised in SP-090199
SP‑090033 CRs to 21101 family MCC (Specifications Manager) Approved
SP‑090034 Presentation of draft TS to TSG: 21.201 'Technical Specifications and Technical Reports relating to an Evolved Packet System (EPS) based 3GPP system', v1.0.1 MCC (Specifications Manager) Revised in SP-090224
SP‑090035 Presentation of draft TS to TSG: 21.202 'Technical Specifications and Technical Reports relating to the Common IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS)', v1.1.0 MCC (Specifications Manager) -
SP‑090036 3GPP training course MCC (Specifications Manager) Noted
SP‑090037 Specs status at close of SA MCC (Specifications Manager) Noted
SP‑090038 Support Team report MCC (Specifications Manager) Noted
SP‑090039 3GPP satisfaction survey results MCC (Specifications Manager) Noted
SP‑090040 SA WG5 Status Report SA WG5 Chairman Noted
SP‑090041 Rel-8 CRs on OAM&P (OAM8) SA WG5 Revised in SP-090207
SP‑090042 Rel-9 CRs on OAM&P (OAM9) SA WG5 Revised in SP-090217
SP‑090043 Rel-8 CRs on EPC Charging (EPC-CH) SA WG5 Revised in SP-090206
SP‑090044 Rel-8 CRs on IMS Multimedia Telephony and Supplementary Services (IMSTSS) SA WG5 Revised in SP-090203
SP‑090045 Rel-8 CRs on Charging Management (CH8) SA WG5 Approved
SP‑090046 Rel-8 CRs on Technical Enhancements and Improvements (TEI8) SA WG5 Revised in SP-090213
SP‑090047 3G Home NodeB OAM&P (Type 1 interface definition) SA WG5 Exception Granted
SP‑090048 Rel-9 Study WID proposal 'Energy Savings Management' SA WG5 Approved
SP‑090049 Rel-9 WID on EPC Peformance Measurements SA WG5 Approved
SP‑090050 Rel-9 WID on Type 1 Interface for HNB/HeNB SA WG5 Revised in SP-090208
SP‑090051 Rel-9 WID for MMTel offline and online charging SA WG5 Revised in SP-090196
SP‑090052 WID MBMS charging in EPS Rel9 SA WG5 Approved
SP‑090053 New WID on enhancement of performance measurements for E-UTRAN SA WG5 Approved
SP‑090054 Revised WI UID_390007 SON Self-Optimization & Self-Healing handling SA WG5 Approved
SP‑090055 New WID on RTTI support in IMS charging SA WG5 Approved
SP‑090056 TS 32.111-7 Telecommunication management; Alarm Integration Reference Point (IRP): SOAP Solution Set (SS) (Release 8) for SA Information and Approval SA WG5 Approved
SP‑090057 TS 32.153 Integration Reference Point (IRP) technology specific templates, rules and guidelines for SA approval SA WG5 Approved
SP‑090058 TS 32.275 Telecommunication management; Charging management; MultiMedia Telephony (MMTel) charging for SA approval SA WG5 Approved
SP‑090059 TS 32.280 Telecommunication management; Charging Management: Advice of Charge (AoC) service for SA approval SA WG5 Approved
SP‑090060 TS 32.347 Telecommunication management; File Transfer (FT) Integration Reference Point (IRP): SOAP Solution Set (SS) for SA information and approval SA WG5 Approved
SP‑090061 TS 32.367 Telecommunication management; Entry Point (EP) Integration Reference Point (IRP): SOAP Solution Set (SS) for SA information and approval SA WG5 Approved
SP‑090062 TS 32.410 Telecommunication management; Key Performance Indicators (KPI) for UMTS and GSM (Release 8) for SA approval SA WG5 Approved
SP‑090063 TS 32.417 Telecommunication management; Performance Management (PM) Integration Reference Point (IRP): SOAP Solution Set (SS) (Release 8) for SA information and approval SA WG5 Approved
SP‑090064 TS 32.426 Telecommunication management; Performance measurements for EPC for SA approval SA WG5 Approved
SP‑090065 TS 32.450 Telecommunication management; Key Performance Indicators (KPI) for E-UTRAN: Definitions (Release 8) for SA approval SA WG5 Approved
SP‑090066 TS 32.451 Telecommunication management; Key Performance Indicators (KPI) for E-UTRAN: Requirements (Release 8) for SA approval SA WG5 Approved
SP‑090067 TS 32.581 Telecommunications management; Home Node B (HNB) Operations, Administration, Maintenance and Provisioning (OAM&P); Concepts and requirements for Type 1 interface HNB to HNB Management System (HMS) (Release 8) for SA information and approval SA WG5 Approved
SP‑090068 TS 32.582 Telecommunications management; Home Node B (HNB) Operations, Administration, Maintenance and Provisioning (OAM&P); Information model for Type 1 interface HNB to HNB Management System (HMS) (Release 8) for SA information and approval SA WG5 Approved
SP‑090069 TS 32.583 Telecommunications management; Home Node B (HNB) Operations, Administration, Maintenance and Provisioning (OAM&P); Procedure flows for Type 1 interface HNB to HNB Management System (HMS) (Release 8) for SA information and approval SA WG5 Approved
SP‑090070 TS 32.617 Telecommunication management; Bulk CM Integration Reference Point (IRP): SOAP Solution Set (SS) (Release 8) for SA information and approval SA WG5 Approved
SP‑090071 TS 32.752 Telecommunication management; Evolved Packet Core (EPC) Network Resource Model (NRM) Integration Reference Point (IRP): Information Service (IS) (Release 8) for SA approval SA WG5 Approved
SP‑090072 TS 32.753 Telecommunication management; Evolved Packet Core (EPC) Network Resource Model (NRM) Integration Reference Point (IRP): Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) Solution Set (SS) for SA information and approval SA WG5 Approved
SP‑090073 TS 32.755 Telecommunication management; Evolved Packet Core (EPC) Network Resource Model (NRM) Integration Reference Point (IRP): Bulk CM eXtensible Markup Language (XML) file format definition for SA information and approval SA WG5 Approved
SP‑090074 TS 32.762 Telecommunication management; Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access Network (E-UTRAN) Network Resource Model (NRM) Integration Reference Point (IRP): Information Service (IS) for SA approval SA WG5 Approved
SP‑090075 TS 32.763 Telecommunication management; Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access Network (E-UTRAN) Network Resource Model (NRM) Integration Reference Point (IRP): Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) Solution Set (SS) SA WG5 Approved
SP‑090076 TS 32.765 Telecommunication management; Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access Network (E-UTRAN) Network Resource Model (NRM) Integration Reference Point (IRP): Bulk CM eXtensible Markup Language (XML) file format definition SA WG5 Approved
SP‑090077 Status Report from SA WG1 to TSG SA#43 SA WG1 Chairman Noted
SP‑090078 Stage 1 CRs on TEI7 SA WG1 22.101 CR0304R1; 22.101 CR0305R1; 22.173 CR0051 were approved. 22.233 CR0031R1; 22.233 CR0032R1 were revised in SP-090200
SP‑090079 CRs on Clarification and enhancement of ciphering indicator feature SA WG1 Approved
SP‑090080 Stage 1 CRs on (HomeNB) - Home NodeB / eNodeB SA WG1 Approved
SP‑090081 Stage 1 CRs on (CIMS_3GPP2) - 3GPP2 Input to Common IMS SA WG1 Approved
SP‑090082 Stage 1 CRs on (EHNB) - Enhanced Home NodeB / eNodeB SA WG1 Revised in SP-090195
SP‑090083 Stage 1 CR on (eMMTel) - Multi-Media Telephony Service enhancements SA WG1 Approved
SP‑090084 Stage 1 CRs on (IMSSCC) - IMS Services Centralization and Continuity SA WG1 Approved
SP‑090085 Stage 1 CRs on (PWS) - Public Warning System SA WG1 CR0001R1, CR0002R1, CR0005 approved. CR0004R1 revised in SP-090216
SP‑090086 Stage 1 CRs on (TEI10) - TEI-Rel 10 SA WG1 Approved
SP‑090087 Presentation for approval of TS 22.220 V2.0.0 on Service requirements for Home NodeBs and Home eNodeBs SA WG1 Approved
SP‑090088 Proposed new Study WI on Mobile Haptic Services (FS_HAPTICS) SA WG1 Revised in SP-090221
SP‑090089 Report of SA WG2 activities to TSG SA#43 SA WG2 Chairman Revised in SP-090188
SP‑090090 TR 23.826: Feasibility Study on Voice Call Continuity Support for Emergency Calls, Version 2.0.0 (Release 9) SA WG2 Approved
SP‑090091 TR 23.838: 'IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) service continuity enhancements; Service, policy and interactions; Stage 2', Version 1.0.1 (Release 9) SA WG2 Noted
SP‑090092 TR 23.861: 'Multi access PDN connectivity and IP flow mobility', Version 1.0.0 (Release 9) SA WG2 Noted
SP‑090093 TR 23.869: 'Support for Internet Protocol (IP) based IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) Emergency calls over General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) and Evolved Packet Service (EPS)', Version 1.0.0 (Release 9) SA WG2 Approved
SP‑090094 TR 23.870: 'SR VCC Support for IMS Emergency Calls', Version 1.0.0 (Release 9) SA WG2 Noted
SP‑090095 TR 23.879: 'Study on Circuit Switched (CS) domain services over evolved Packet Switched (PS) access; Stage 2', Version 2.0.0 (Release 9) SA WG2 Approved. Does not preclude further work on FS_CSoPS
SP‑090096 TR 23.891: 'Evaluation of LCS Control Plane Solutions for EPS', Version 1.0.0 (Release 9) SA WG2 Approved
SP‑090097 TR 23.894 Version 1.0.0: 'System enhancements for the use of IMS services in local breakout and optimal routeing of media' (Release 9) SA WG2 Noted
SP‑090098 WID on Multiple PDN Connection to the Same APN for PMIP-based Interfaces SA WG2 Approved
SP‑090099 Updated WID: SR VCC Support for IMS Emergency Calls SA WG2 Approved
SP‑090100 WID on Multi Access PDN Connectivity SA WG2 Approved
SP‑090101 15 CRs to 23.060: SAES Essential Corrections (Rel-8) - SAES SA WG2 Approved
SP‑090102 1 CR to 23.060: GPRS Emergency PDP Context Activation (Rel-9) SA WG2 Rejected
SP‑090103 1 CR to 23.060: GPRS Emergency PDP Context Activation (Rel-9) MCC (Ericsson) Approved
SP‑090104 11 CRs to 23.060, 23.167, 23.203 and 23.401 on Support for IMS Emergency Calls over GPRS and EPS (Rel-9) SA WG2 Approved
SP‑090105 1 CR to 23.167: P-CSCF emergency call indicator removal (Rel-7) SA WG2 WITHDRAWN
SP‑090106 4 CRs to 23.060, 23.167 and 23.204 on Technical Enhancements and Improvements (Rel-8) SA WG2 Approved
SP‑090107 2 CRs to 23.167and 23.228 on Common IMS (Rel-8) SA WG2 Approved
SP‑090108 1 CR to 23.167 on Technical Enhancements and Improvements (Rel-9) SA WG2 Approved
SP‑090109 2 CRs to 23.203 on Evolution of Policy Control and Charging (Rel-7, Rel-8) SA WG2 Approved
SP‑090110 17 CRs to 23.203 on 3GPP System Architecture Evolution Specification - Evolved Packet System (Rel-8) SA WG2 Approved
SP‑090111 2 CRs to 23.204 on Support of SMS over generic 3GPP IP access (Rel-7, Rel-8) SA WG2 Approved
SP‑090112 2 CRs to 23.216 on Single Radio Voice Call Continuity for 3GPP (Rel-8) SA WG2 Approved
SP‑090113 5 CRs to 23.216, 23.2128, 23.251 and 23.272 on 3GPP System Architecture Evolution Specification - Evolved Packet System (Rel-8) SA WG2 Approved
SP‑090114 19 CRs to 23.401 on System Architecture Evolution Specification - Evolved Packet System - CR pack 1 (Rel-8) SA WG2 Approved
SP‑090115 17 CRs to 23.401 on System Architecture Evolution Specification - Evolved Packet System - CR pack 2 (Rel-8) SA WG2 All CRs except 23.401 CR0764R1 were approved
SP‑090116 16 CRs to 23.401 on System Architecture Evolution Specification - Evolved Packet System - CR pack 3 (Rel-8) SA WG2 Approved
SP‑090117 14 CRs to 23.402 on System Architecture Evolution Specification - Evolved Packet System - CR pack 1 (Rel-8) SA WG2 Approved
SP‑090118 14 CRs to 23.402 on System Architecture Evolution Specification - Evolved Packet System - CR pack 2 (Rel-8) SA WG2 Approved
SP‑090119 12 CRs to 23.402 on System Architecture Evolution Specification - Evolved Packet System - CR pack 3 (Rel-8) SA WG2 Approved
SP‑090120 9 CRs to 23.237 on IMS Service Continuity (Rel-8) SA WG2 Approved
SP‑090121 2 CRs to 23.246 on MBMS support in EPS ({removal from} Rel-8, Rel-9) SA WG2 Approved
SP‑090122 7 CRs to 23.272 on CS Fallback in EPS (Rel-8) SA WG2 Approved
SP‑090123 3 CRs to 23.237 on IMS Services Centralization and Continuity (Rel-9) SA WG2 Approved
SP‑090124 8 CRs to 23.292 on IMS Services Centralization and Continuity (Rel-8, Rel-9) SA WG2 Approved
SP‑090125 1 CR to 23.327 on Mobility between 3GPP-WLAN Interworking and 3GPP Systems (Rel-8) SA WG2 Approved
SP‑090126 3 CRs to 23.402 on Access Network Discovery and Selection Enhancements (Rel-9) SA WG2 Approved
SP‑090127 SA WG3 Status Report SA WG3 Chairman Noted
SP‑090128 New WID on IMS Media Plane Security SA WG3 Approved
SP‑090129 CRs to 33.401 (SAES) SA WG3 Approved
SP‑090130 CRs to 33.402 (SAES) SA WG3 Approved
SP‑090131 TR 33.820 on Security of H(e)NB (Release 8) for SA approval SA WG3 Approved
SP‑090132 TR 33.821 Rationale and track of security decisions in Long Term Evolved (LTE) RAN / 3GPP System Architecture Evolution (SAE) for SA approval SA WG3 Approved
SP‑090133 CRs on Lawful Interception (LI8) SA WG3 Approved
SP‑090134 TR 33.828 Feasibility study on IMS media plane security (Release 8) for SA information SA WG3 Noted
SP‑090135 TS 33.224 Generic Authentication Architecture (GAA); Generic push layer (Release 9) for SA information SA WG3 Noted
SP‑090136 CRs on enhancement of ciphering indication feature SA WG3 Approved
SP‑090137 CRs on HSPA SRVCC SA WG3 Approved
SP‑090138 CR to 33.102 on update of UMTS security context SA WG3 Approved
SP‑090139 CR to 33.246 on update of NAIs SA WG3 Approved
SP‑090140 CR to 35.215 on Improvement to sample C code and removal of apparent keystream length limit SA WG3 Approved
SP‑090141 CRs to 33.223 on GBA Push (GBAPush) SA WG3 Approved
SP‑090142 CR to 33.203 on Solution for NAT traversal in GPRS-IMS-Bundled Authentication SA WG3 Approved
SP‑090143 TS 32.425 Telecommunication management; Performance Management (PM); Performance measurements Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access Network (E-UTRAN) (Release 8) SA WG5 Approved
SP‑090144 TR 33.812 Technical Specification Group Services and System Aspects; Feasibility Study on Remote Management of USIM Application on M2M Equipment; (Release 8) for SA information SA WG3 Noted
SP‑090145 Work Item Description for CS Domain Services over evolved PS access T-Mobile Rejected
SP‑090146 Home-(e)NodeB and 3GPP packet access work in Release-9 RAN WG2 chairman, RAN WG3 chairman, SA WG2 chairman Revised in SP-090187
SP‑090147 WG and TSG meeting schedule for 2010 RAN WG1 chairman, RAN WG2 chairman, RAN WG3 chairman RAN WG4 chairman CT WG1 chairman, CT WG3 chairman, CT WG4 chairman, SA WG1 chairman, SA WG2 chairman Schedule Agreed
SP‑090148 Revised WID 400030 SOAP Solution Set SA WG5 Approved
SP‑090149 LS from ETSI TISPAN: Liaison reply on charging maintenance (S5-081283) ETSI TISPAN Noted
SP‑090150 LS from CT WG1: Response to Liaison statement on draft ITU-T Recommendation on Administration and allocation of multicast addresses for civic purposes CT WG1 Noted
SP‑090151 LS from CT WG1: LS on new WID on support of Personal Area Networks CT WG1 Noted
SP‑090152 LS from CT WG1: Reply LS on CSG support from roaming subscribers and Manual CSG Selection CT WG1 Noted
SP‑090153 LS from CT WG4: Reply LS on preventing inter-RAT HO for UE with SIM access CT WG4 Noted
SP‑090154 LS from GERAN: LS on ETWS information in TS 23.041 TSG GERAN Noted
SP‑090155 LS from ITU-T SG2: Draft ITU-T Recommendation on Administration and allocation of multicast addresses for civic purposes ITU-T SG2 Noted
SP‑090156 LS from GSMA North America: Response Liaison to ITU-T SG2 on Administration and allocation of multicast addresses for civic purposes GSMA North America Noted
SP‑090157 LS from OMA MWG: Liaison to 3GPP SA WG2 OMS MWG Noted
SP‑090158 LS from OMA-REQ: OMA Work on Converged Personal Network Service OMA-REQ Noted. MCC to forward to CT WG1. SENT 11/03/2009
SP‑090159 LS from SA WG1: Reply LS on Draft ITU-T Recommendation on Administration and allocation of multicast addresses for civic purposes SA WG1 Noted
SP‑090160 LS from SA WG2: Reply LS on Support for Voice on LTE while Roaming SA WG2 Response drafted in SP-090192
SP‑090161 LS from RAN WG3, SA WG5: LS on minimising drive tests SA WG5 (RAN WG3) Noted
SP‑090162 LS from SA WG1: LS on CSG support from roaming subscribers and Manual CSG Selection SA WG1 Noted
SP‑090163 LS from SA WG2: LS on conclusion of work on dual radio VCC for IMS Emergency SA WG2 Noted
SP‑090164 LS from SA WG2: LS on MBMS improvements for HSPA Evolution SA WG2 Noted. Attached CR Postponed. LS in SP-090232
SP‑090165 LS from ITU-T SG 13: LS to 3GPP on mobility coordination for NGN ITU-T SG 13 Response in SP-090210
SP‑090166 LS from ITU-T SG 13: Request for information for the new draft Recommendation Q.1741.6 (referencing of 3GPP Release 8) ITU-T SG 13 Noted
SP‑090167 LS from European Commission: eCall Standardisation European Commission Response to ETSI DG drafted in SP-090202
SP‑090168 LS from ATIS: Re: Response to Draft ITU-T Recommendation on Administration and allocation of multicast addresses for civic purposes ATIS Noted
SP‑090169 LS from ATIS: Issue Statement to provide support for Commercial Mobile Alert System (CMAS) over LTE/EPC ATIS Revised in SP-090174 to add attachment WTSC-2009-016R1
SP‑090170 Report of TSG GERAN activities to TSG SA # 43 TSG GERAN Chairman Noted
SP‑090172 On support of voice in LTE TeliaSonera, AT&T, Vodafone, Verizon, NTT DoCoMo, Softbank, KDDI Noted
SP‑090173 MBMS improvement on HSPA evolution for Rel-8 Huawei, ZTE, TD Tech Noted. LS in SP-090232
SP‑090174 LS from ATIS: Issue Statement to provide support for Commercial Mobile Alert System (CMAS) over LTE/EPC ATIS Response in SP-090228
SP‑090175 P-CR to TS 22.220 on UICC support in H(e)NB Telecom Italia, Teliasonera, Huawei, Sagem Orga, Gemalto Returned to SA WG1 for discussion
SP‑090176 LS from TSG CT: Reply LS on LTE CSG features for Release 8 TSG CT Noted
SP‑090177 LS from TSG CT: LS on Request for Information on Femtocells TSG CT Noted. Response in SP-090212
SP‑090178 LS from TSG CT: LS on co-ordination of SDO input to ITU-T Q.1741.6 TSG CT Noted. Enclosed LS revised in SP-090229
SP‑090179 TSG CT Status report TSG CT Chairman Revised in SP-090227
SP‑090180 IETF Status report TSG CT Chairman Noted
SP‑090181 TSG CT SAE Status report TSG CT Chairman Noted
SP‑090182 Draft Report of TSG CT#43 TSG CT Secretary Noted
SP‑090183 LS from TSG RAN: Reply LS to LS on MBMS improvements for HSPA Evolution TSG RAN Noted
SP‑090184 LS from TSG RAN: LTE CSG features for Release 8 TSG RAN Noted
SP‑090185 LS from TSG RAN: Coordination of work for response to ITU-R WP 5D Request for Information on Femtocells TSG RAN Noted. Response in SP-090212
SP‑090186 LS from TSG RAN (RAN WG2/RAN WG3 chairs): LS on Status of Rel-9 home access related Work Items after TSG RAN#43 TSG RAN (RAN WG2/RAN WG3 chairs) Noted
SP‑090187 Home-(e)NodeB and 3GPP packet access work in Release-9 RAN WG2 chairman, RAN WG3 chairman, SA WG2 chairman Noted
SP‑090188 Report of SA WG2 activities to TSG SA#43 SA WG2 Chairman Noted
SP‑090189 Voice Options for LTE Telefonica S.A. Noted
SP‑090190 Release 9 prioritisation table SA WG2 Chairman Revised in SP-090198
SP‑090191 LS from GSMA: LS to 3GPP SA WG2 on Support for Voice on LTE when Roaming GSMA Response in SP-090209
SP‑090192 DRAFT Reply LS on Support for Voice on LTE while Roaming TSG SA Revised in SP-090209
SP‑090193 [DRAFT] Response LS on ITU-T SG-13 on Mobility Coordination for NGN TSG SA Revised in SP-090210
SP‑090194 LS on availability of 3GPP TS 21.202 'Technical Specifications and Technical Reports relating to the Common IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS)' TSG SA Approved. MCC to remove 'draft'
SP‑090195 Stage 1 CRs on (EHNB) - Enhanced Home NodeB / eNodeB SA WG1 22.115 CR0044 and 22.011 CR0142R1 approved. 22.038 CR0036R4 revised in SP-090215
SP‑090196 Rel-9 WID for MMTel offline and online charging SA WG5 Approved
SP‑090197 Proposed umbrella WID: Support of Home NB and Home eNB enhancements SA WG2 Chairman Revised in SP-090214
SP‑090198 Home-(e)NodeB and 3GPP packet access work in Release-9 SA WG2 Chairman Revised in SP-090211
SP‑090199 CR 0309 to 22.101 for UICC high-speed interface support in ME T-Mobile USA, Rogers Wireless, Telecom Italia, Telefonica Rejected
SP‑090200 Stage 1 CRs on TEI7 SA WG1 Revised in SP-090218
SP‑090201 TS 26.268 (2009-03) 'eCall Data Transfer - In-band modem solution; ANSI-C reference code' (Release 8) V 2.0.0 SA WG4 Approved
SP‑090202 LS on eCall data transfer TSG SA Approved
SP‑090203 Rel-8 CRs on IMS Multimedia Telephony and Supplementary Services (IMSTSS) SA WG5 Revised in SP-090219
SP‑090204 Status report of TSG RAN meeting #43 TSG RAN Chairman Noted
SP‑090205 Draft report of TSG RAN meeting #43 TSG RAN Secretary Noted
SP‑090206 Rel-8 CRs on EPC Charging (EPC-CH) SA WG5 Approved
SP‑090207 Rel-8 CRs on OAM&P (OAM8) SA WG5 Approved
SP‑090208 Rel-9 WID on Type 1 Interface for HNB/HeNB SA WG5 Approved
SP‑090209 Reply LS on Support for Voice on LTE while Roaming TSG SA Approved
SP‑090210 Response LS on ITU-T SG-13 on Mobility Coordination for NGN TSG SA Approved
SP‑090211 Home-(e)NodeB and 3GPP packet access work in Release-9 SA WG2 Chairman Endorsed agreements
SP‑090212 [DRAFT] Response LS on Coordination of work for response to ITU-R WP 5D Request for Information on Femtocells TSG SA (TSG SA Chairman) Revised in SP-090226
SP‑090213 Rel-8 CRs on Technical Enhancements and Improvements (TEI8) SA WG5 Approved
SP‑090214 Proposed umbrella WID: Support of Home NB and Home eNB enhancements SA WG2 Chairman Approved
SP‑090215 Stage 1 CR on (EHNB) - Enhanced Home NodeB / eNodeB TSG SA Approved
SP‑090216 Stage 1 CR on (PWS) - Public Warning System SA WG1 Approved
SP‑090217 Rel-9 CRs on OAM&P (OAM9) SA WG5 Revised in SP-090220
SP‑090218 Stage 1 CRs on TEI7 SA WG1 Approved
SP‑090219 Rel-8 CRs on IMS Multimedia Telephony and Supplementary Services (IMSTSS) SA WG5 Approved
SP‑090220 Rel-9 CRs on OAM&P (OAM9) SA WG5 Approved
SP‑090221 Proposed new Study WI on Mobile Haptic Services (FS_HAPTICS) SA WG1 Revised in SP-090222
SP‑090222 Proposed new Study WI on Mobile Haptic Services (FS_HAPTICS) SA WG1 Approved
SP‑090223 LS to inform Partners of the removal of the Gq'/Rx Study Item from the Work Plan TSG SA (Telecom Italia) Revised in SP-090231
SP‑090224 Presentation of draft TS to TSG: 21.201 'Technical Specifications and Technical Reports relating to an Evolved Packet System (EPS) based 3GPP system', v2.0.0 MCC (Specifications Manager) Approved
SP‑090225 New WID on 'IMS based PSS and MBMS User Service extensions' SA WG4 Approved
SP‑090226 [DRAFT] Response LS on Coordination of work for response to ITU-R WP 5D Request for Information on Femtocells TSG SA (TSG SA Chairman) Revised in SP-090233
SP‑090227 TSG CT Status report TSG CT Chairman Noted
SP‑090228 LS on ATIS Issue Statement for CMAS via LTE Broadcast Capability Specification TSG SA Approved
SP‑090229 LS on co-ordination of SDO input to ITU-T Q.1741.6 TSG SA Revised in SP-090238
SP‑090230 [DRAFT] LS on resolution of MBMS for HSPA evolution TSG SA (Huawei) Revised in SP-090232
SP‑090231 LS to inform Partners of the removal of the Gq'/Rx Study Item from the Work Plan TSG SA Approved
SP‑090232 LS on resolution of MBMS for HSPA evolution TSG SA Approved
SP‑090233 Response LS on Coordination of work for response to ITU-R WP 5D Request for Information on Femtocells TSG SA Approved
SP‑090234 Agreed TSG 2010 Meeting Calendar MCC Revised in SP-090240
SP‑090235 [Draft] Results of SA Prioritization and Coordination Discussions for HNB TSG SA (TSG SA Chairman) Revised in SP-090236
SP‑090236 [Draft] Results of SA Prioritization and Coordination Discussions for HNB TSG SA (TSG SA Chairman) Revised in SP-090237
SP‑090237 [Draft] Results of SA Prioritization and Coordination Discussions for HNB TSG SA (TSG SA Chairman) Approved
SP‑090238 LS on co-ordination of SDO input to ITU-T Q.1741.6 TSG SA Approved
SP‑090239 3GPP Work Plan review at Plenary #43 MCC Work Plan Manager (A. Zoicas) Noted
SP‑090240 Agreed TSG 2010 Meeting Calendar MCC Noted

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