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P. 23

“Beyond testing tools, manufacturers
                                                                need to understand that the adoption of

                                                                3GPP standards means much more than
                                                                just selecting a specific set of protocols

                                                                and leveraging economies of scale.”



          By Bego Blanco Jauregi, Director of Quality Assurance and

          Institutional Assessment, University of the Basque Country

          During the past few years, the mission-critical communications   But again, there is something of the chicken-and-egg situation
          community has made a huge effort to develop new broadband   here. Unless there is a validated mission critical services (MCS) test
          solutions based on open standards. In this context, 3GPP provides   platform, certification programs cannot be launched. Meanwhile
          a key framework developing technical specifications to ensure   customers are forced to accept equipment supplied with unproven
          the evolution of mission-critical technology. However, using open   claims of standards compliance.
          standards is just not enough to break down traditional entry   Currently, both the GCF (Global Certification Forum) and CTIA/
          barriers and truly enable an open multi-vendor market. This is   PTCRB (the most prominent certification bodies) have MCS
          where conformance testing mechanisms and certification programs   certification related Work Items waiting for test platforms
          come into play. 3GPP has developed a comprehensive process   availability.  Only the availability of validated Test Platforms will
          to enable proper verification of conformance, from test cases   trigger the activation of those Work Items in
          definition in TSG RAN Working Group 5 (RAN5), to translation to   the certification bodies which is expected to
          neutral TTCN-3 testing language by TF160.
                                                               happen in the next six months.
          Beyond testing tools, manufacturers need to understand that the
          adoption of 3GPP standards means much more than just selecting   The MCS TaaSting project has been working
          a specific set of protocols and leveraging economies of scale.   intensively for the past two years to push all
          There needs to be a commitment to compliance in order to foster   the certification program building stages and
          interoperability in multi-vendor deployments, which must be   make the world’s first validated MCS test
          incorporated in the whole product development cycle as soon as   platform available.
          possible.                                            Furthermore, the testing-as-a-service mechanism proposed has
                                                               been conceived to fit the needs of the niche MCS community in
          Users must understand the added value of conformance testing
          and certification, which can be summarized as “ensuring you can   terms of cost efficiency and flexibility.
          just switch to another vendor client, server, or component and it   As a result, MCS TaaSting allows the industry to validate the 3GPP
          should work”. Only by including standard compliance requirements   standards-compliance of their solutions and will encourage users
          and verification mechanisms in their tendering processes will users   and operators to trust that products and services are built on
          free themselves from proprietary interfaces and long and costly   standards and will therefore be interoperable.
          integration processes.
                                                                     For more information visit
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