Page 11 - Highlight_Issue_2_FLIP_BOOK
P. 11
Source: ETSI’
Highlights: How close is the ITU-R work on IMT to the ITU’s World resolve 6h there is room for further evolution, allowing “an ongoing
Radiocommunication Conference (WRC) Process? Can you tell us a and timely process where new radio interface technology proposals
little about how Spectrum or band arrangements are handled? may be submitted, and existing radio interface specifications can
be updated”. In 2021, ITU-R will define the schedule for future
SB: IMT dovetails with the WRC task to review and, if necessary,
revise the ITU Radio Regulations. That said, the IMT process itself revisions of the Recommendation ITU-R M.2150, to accommodate
is independent from the WRC process, with the specification, any future new, improved, or updated IMT-2020 candidate
evaluation, and approval of a radio interface technology (RIT or technology proposals beyond the first release.
SRITs) all done outside of WRC. The work on any IMT family spans Looking further ahead, ITU-R Working Party 5D has initiated work
over several years - As an example, the process for IMT-2020 has on future technology trends for “IMT towards 2030 and beyond”.
been done over 7 years (2014-2020), during which time there have This work could include anticipating new use cases for IMT and
been two World Radiocommunication Conferences (WRC-15 and subsequently the identification of any gaps and in particular new
WRC-19). technical enablers necessary in the 2030 timeframe. The Working
Party has invited organisations also external to ITU-R to provide
The processes are related to each other as they both seek to inputs for its June and October meetings in 2021, to help their
ensure the efficient use of the frequency bands identified by work on a new Report on “Future Technology Trends towards 2030
previous WRCs for IMT. The two will certainly come together to and beyond”.
consider decisions to be taken by WRC-23, on further spectrum
identifications for IMT-2020. It is fair to say that the well proven IMT
process will again be applied for ‘towards
Highlights: You have already started to work on the next IMT 2030 and beyond’, starting with a clear
process, with evolution ‘Towards 2030 and beyond’. When will we “ITU-R Vision” and definition phase.
see more on that?
ITU-R counts on the mutual cooperation
SB: First, I would stress that future developments for IMT-2020 with 3GPP to start the next journey.
are very important. I mentioned Resolution ITU-R 65 before and in
Detailed specifications of the radio interfaces of IMT-2020 Recommendation ITU-R M.2150 (February 2021)
ITU-R Working Party 5D (WP 5D) - IMT Systems – Web site.
Resolution ITU-R 65, Principles for the process of future development of IMT for 2020 and beyond
ITU-R Contact: Uwe Lowenstein, Counsellor for ITU-R Study Group 5 (SGD/SG5)
Issue 02 - March 2021 11