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Meet the New Standards People

       Welcome to our New Members

       Arma di Carabinieri                  based products and services delivered   tomorrow’s   government   today.

                                            in four anchor formats that are each   Created at the beginning of 2021 by
            Italy                           standalone. Expansion Protocols were   the merger of Informatie Vlaanderen
       The Carabinieri fulfil the dual function   designed and developed in conjunction   with  the  ICT  department  of  the
       of  defending  the  Italian  state  and   with  the  Internet  Engineering  Task   Facilities  and  Services  Department,
       protecting  public  order  and  safety.   Force (IETF) to reduce the overall Cost   the agency now has a total of around
       Considered the first Corps of the Land   of Data (COD) via the ISO/OSI Model.   740 employees.
       Army since its origins, the Carabinieri   Using  existing  infrastructure  and
       have  permanently  maintained  this   internet-enabled  devices  -especially   EA Consult Services
       singular privilege even within the Army   low-end devices-, additional revenues,   Ltd
       of the Kingdom of Italy. Over time, the   and  digital  economic  benefits  as
       double  essence  of  the  Institution,  a   indirect  investment  anchors  enables    United Kingdom
       military body with a special order, has   the design, development, deployment   EA  Consult  Services  Ltd  provides
       been  consolidated,  which  as  early  as   and  operation  of  new  and  better   specialized  standardization  strategy
       1922 was defined as an ‘armed force in   technologies,   infrastructure   and   advice  to  both  ‘for-profit’  and  ‘not-
       permanent service of public security’.   internet enabled devices, particularly   for-profit’  clients.  The  primary  area
                                            in the Third World.                  of  focus  is  currently  the  evolution
       Central European                                                          of  5G  mobile  systems  towards  6G.
       Initiative (CIE)                     CROSSCALL                            In  addition,  the  company  provide

            Italy                                France                          specialist   software   consultancy
                                                                                 for  mission  critical  applications,
                                            Creator  of  the  outdoor  mobile
       The  Central  European  Initiative  (CEI)   technology   market,   Crosscall   particularly  for  clients  in  the  Fintech
       is  a  regional  intergovernmental   offers  waterproof,  durable,  and   domain.  EA  Consult  Services  Ltd  has
       forum  established  in  1989,  following   highly  autonomous  mobiles  and   offices  in  the  UK  and  France.  Adrian
       the  fall  of  the  Berlin  wall.  CIE  aims   smartphones.  The  brand  designs   Scrase (former ETSI CTO) is a Director
       at  overcoming  the  division  in  blocks   models   perfectly   adapted   to   of  EA  Consult  Services  Ltd  and  takes
       by  re-establishing  cooperation  links   the   hostile   and   unpredictable   care of standardization related clients.
       among countries of different political   environments   encountered   by   Holistic Innovation SLU
       orientations and economic structures.   athletes and professionals in the field
       Headquartered  in  Italy,  CIE  is  the   (water, rain, humidity, dust, shocks…),    Spain
       largest  and  oldest  forum  of  regional   as well as a range of high-performance
       cooperation  in  Central  and  Eastern   accessories.  The  French  company  is   Holistic  Innovation  is  a  Spanish  SME
       Europe  and  brings  together  17    currently  pursuing  its  international   specializing  in  services  related  to
       member  states  to  promote  regional   development  with  a  presence  in  16   innovation management for research
       cooperation  for  EU  integration  and   countries around the world.      and  technology  development.  Their
       sustainable development.                                                  vision  encompasses  a  holistic  and
                                                                                 strategic  approach  to  businesses
       Chazah Group Ltd                     Digitaal Vlaanderen                  associated with various fields, including:

            Uganda                               Belgium                         Audiovisual, networked media, future
                                                                                 internet,  satellite  communications,
                                            Digitaal  Vlaanderen  is  an  agency  of
       Technology-driven   Chazah   Group   the  Flemish  government.  It  realizes   mobile  communications,  5G  and
       Ltd  f  is  focused  on  investments  in   and  supervises  digital  transformation   beyond  5G,  Smart  Cities,  eHealth,
       the  global  digital  economy  via  the   projects  for  Flemish  and  local   and  maritime  communications.  The
       design,  development,  deployment,   authorities to pave the way to building   team of professionals and researchers
       and operations of its own technology-                                     has  extensive  experience  in  research

        8      Enjoy! The ETSI Mag – August 2024
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