Page 3 - ETSI_Enjoy_MAG_2024_NO2_August
P. 3

News Roundup

       Advancements in 5G
       and Beyond                                                                Focus on Quantum-
                                                                                 Safe Cryptography
       ETSI  has  made  significant  strides
       in  5G  technology,  focusing  on                                         In  response  to  the  growing  threat
       enhancing  network  performance                                           of  quantum  computing  to  current
       and  expanding  capabilities.  Recent                                     cryptographic  methods,  ETSI  has
       developments  include  the  approval                                      intensified  efforts  in  quantum-
       of  new  specifications  that  aim  to                                    safe  cryptography.  A  series  of  new
       improve  5G  network  efficiency  and                                     standards  have  been  introduced
       support  for  emerging  applications.                                     to  safeguard  data  against  future
       These  advancements  are  crucial  as                                     quantum attacks. These standards are
       industries increasingly rely on robust                                    essential  for  industries  that  handle
       5G networks for various applications,                                     sensitive information, ensuring long-
       from  autonomous  vehicles  to                                            term data security.
       smart cities.

                                                                                 Enhancements in
                                            Artificial Intelligence              Internet of Things

                                            and Securing AI                      (IoT) Security

                                            ETSI  continues  to  lead  in  setting   With  the  proliferation  of  IoT  devices,
                                            standards  for  artificial  intelligence   ETSI  has  updated  its  IoT  security
                                            (AI)  technologies,  with  a  particular   standards to tackle new vulnerabilities
                                            emphasis  on  the  security  aspects.   and ensure comprehensive protection.
                                            The recent release of guidelines and   The  new  guidelines  focus  on  device
                                            standards aims to address the ethical   authentication,   data   integrity,
                                            and security challenges posed by AI.   and    secure     communication
                                            These efforts are designed to foster   protocols.  These  updates  are  vital
                                            trust  and  promote  the  responsible   for  maintaining  the  security  of
                                            development and deployment of AI     interconnected  devices  in  both
                                            systems across various sectors.
                                                                                 consumer and industrial applications.

       Education and Standardization                           Cybersecurity Frameworks

       ETSI  is  also  addressing  the  growing  need  for  education   Cybersecurity  remains  a  top  priority  for  ETSI,  with  the
       in  standardization.  The  organization  has  launched  new   introduction  of  updated  frameworks  to  protect  critical
       educational initiatives aimed at training the next generation   infrastructure.  The  new  standards  focus  on  enhancing
       of  ICT  standardization  experts.  These  initiatives  include   resilience  against  cyber  threats  and  ensuring  robust
       updated  teaching  materials  and  collaboration  with   security  measures  for  network  infrastructures.  These
       academic institutions to integrate standardization into their   efforts  are  particularly  important  for  sectors  such  as
       curricula. This move is crucial for sustaining the growth and   finance, healthcare, and transportation, which rely heavily
       competitiveness of the ICT sector. See pp.24-25 for details.  on secure and reliable network operations.

                                                                          Enjoy! The ETSI Mag – August 2024     3
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