ETSI logo / ftp / tsg_sa / WG4_CODEC / TSGS4_123-e / Inbox / Drafts / Plenary

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icon SA4#123-e Tdoc allocation.docx 2023/04/13 18:51 69,2 KB
icon SA4#123-e Tdoc allocation rev1.docx 2023/04/17 5:57 70 KB
icon SA4#123-e Tdoc allocation rev2.docx 2023/04/17 15:46 71 KB
icon SA4#123-e Tdoc allocation rev3.docx 2023/04/21 9:07 75,3 KB
icon S4-230643 - MeCAR Permanent Document v7.0 online edits.docx 2023/04/21 14:11 6407,6 KB
icon SA4#123-e Tdoc allocation rev4.docx 2023/04/21 16:35 76,4 KB

6 items.