ETSI logo / ftp / tsg_ct / WG6_Smartcard_Ex-T3 / CT6-101e / Inbox / Drafts

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icon C6-200zzz Agenda CT6#101-e with doc status at end of meeting no macros.docx 2020/08/28 12:58 130,3 KB
icon C6-200yyy rev1 Agenda CT6#101-e with doc status after day 3 no macros.docx 2020/08/28 10:31 128,6 KB
icon C6-200yyy Agenda CT6#101-e with doc status after day 3 no macros.docx 2020/08/27 14:03 130,1 KB
icon C6-200618_Reply LS to GSMA regarding 3GPP TS 31.130 specification_DRAFT.docx 2020/08/27 10:41 25,5 KB
icon C6-200618_Reply LS to GSMA regarding 3GPP TS 31.130 specification_DRAFT 3.docx 2020/08/28 10:52 35,6 KB
icon C6-200618_Reply LS to GSMA regarding 3GPP TS 31.130 specification_DRAFT 2.docx 2020/08/28 9:28 26,3 KB
icon C6-2005xx Agenda CT6#101-e with doc status after day 2 no macros.docx 2020/08/26 11:53 116,4 KB

7 items.