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The identification of 6G use cases is key to determining the
requirements for future generational change. Therefore, Journey Towards Green Telco
operators, technology suppliers and academic advisors in
NGMN joined forces and contributed their views on which 6G In its Green Future Networks Project Phase 1, NGMN released
use cases they predict will emerge in the future decade. The publications on four main items:
use cases are categorised into four classes:
“Sustainability Challenges and Initiatives in Mobile Networks”,
• ENHANCED HUMAN COMMUNICATION – including use cases “Network Equipment Eco-Design
that have the potential to enrich human communications,
such as immersive experience, telepresence & multi-modal and E2E Service Footprint”, “Network Energy Efficiency” and
interaction. “Metering for Sustainable Networks”.
• ENHANCED MACHINE COMMUNICATION – including The “Network Energy Efficiency” publication focuses on best
use cases reflecting the growth in collaborative robotics, possible ways of reducing the energy consumption of mobile
and autonomous machines, the requirement for sensing networks, a key concern of operators and an important step
the surrounding environment and the need for robots to towards greener networks. In its publication, NGMN studies
communicate among themselves and with humans. the different existing and future energy saving features and
processes, and their potential when rolled out in the networks
• ENABLING SERVICES – including use cases that require – among others, the usage of automatic and AI-driven wake-
up/sleep modes as standardized by 3GPP, virtualisation
additional features, such as high accuracy location, mapping,
environmental, or body sensing data. technology, and the usage of efficient power amplifiers
• NETWORK EVOLUTION – describing aspects related to the combined with massive Multiple Input Multiple Output
evolution of core technologies including AI as a service, (MIMO).
energy efficiency, and delivering ubiquitous coverage.
NGMN emphasises the importance for all vendors and
operators to continue the implementation and activation
of advanced energy saving features supported by the 5G
NGMN expects new use cases to emerge, in support of standard.
digitalisation and innovation beyond today’s imagination.
NGMN is now working on 6G E2E requirements which will feed The second phase of Green Future Networks focuses now
into the ITU-R IMT Vision for 2030 and beyond and later into on four main topics: supply chain circular economy criteria,
3GPP and other Organizations who develop and standardise reducing environmental impact, network energy efficiency
appropriate technologies. phase 2 and defining an industry standard for a global green
networks benchmark.
NGMN continues the valuable collaboration with its
Disaggregation Challenge cooperation partners on all mentioned strategic focus topics
and invites interested parties to join this endeavour for the
benefit of the industry and the entire ecosystem.
As networks become more complex – with increased
separation between software and hardware and with an
increasing number of interfaces and functions – the challenge
of how to efficiently deploy and operate networks to meet
customers’ needs becomes increasingly relevant.
New Partner joins 3GPP
In late 2021, NGMN released a first White Paper on ODiN
– Operating Disaggregated Networks, which explored the SatCom Industry Association (SIA-India) is now a
opportunities and challenges of disaggregated mobile Market Representation Partner (MRP) in 3GPP.
networks. Whilst disaggregation provides many opportunities
- a more resilient ecosystem and supply chain, increased SIA-India represents the interests of the satellite
innovation, agility and flexibility; deploying and operating a communication ecosystem in India, with a
disaggregated network presents challenges such as increasing membership drawn from satellite operators,
complexities in interoperability, system integration, efficient manufacturers and solutions providers.
and resilient operation. All these aspects lead to the need for a The body works alongside Government bodies,
significant End-to-End operating model transformation.
Regulators, Policymakers and domestic and
NGMN operators and vendors collaborate in generating End- international standards bodies to ensure that satellite
to-End operating model blueprints, identifying potential gaps effectively provides broadband access to end-users in
and providing requirements to the industry and to other India, with a particular focus on serving remote and
organisations. rural areas.
SIA-India recently compiled the report “A Balanced
Approach for Spectrum Allocation - Support for a
Thriving 5G/IMT & Satellite Sector in India”
The current Phase 2 of the activity focuses on: 3GPP now has 26 MRPs – representing their
• Industry status and roadmap, including foreseen technical community’s interests in our groups & promoting
and tool evolutions standards participation to a growing variety of
industry experts.
• Target picture provided by Network Disaggregation
• Relationship with specific industry verticals
• Operating Model(s) options, their pros/cons, main decision
criteria and blueprints
• Role and impact of Disaggregated Network Testing |
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