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By Thomas Stockhammer,
3GPP WGSA4 Rapporteur of 3GPP
DASH specification & Frédéric
Gabin, 3GPP SA4 Chair
The Tech Emmy® is awarded for the development (1) Create many small files, each representing something like
of technologies that either represent so extensive an 2 seconds of a video.
improvement on existing methods or are so innovative (2) Create multiple bitrate versions of the files.
in nature that they have materially affected television (3) Put audio and video in separate track files
production. On January 26, 2022, The National Academy (4) Document the location of the files into a manifest.
of Television Arts & Sciences (NATAS) announced the 73rd (5) Provide the manifest to a device.
Annual Technology & Engineering Emmy® Award winners (6) Let the device create a session, download the pieces using
and for the first time 3GPP is a recipient. a plain simple HTTP protocol, add it to playback buffers.
(7) Play the content and continue filling the buffers with real-
For the work on “Standardization of HTTP Encapsulated time media for continuous playback
Protocols”, 3GPP proudly shares the honors with colleagues
from the Moving Picture Experts Group (MPEG), for The stunning consequence was that suddenly media distribution
specifications on Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP over the open Internet was possible, independent of dedicated
(DASH) and with colleagues from Apple and MLB Advanced and typically expensive network systems. General purpose Content
Media for HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) work. Delivery Networks (CDNs) could be used for media distribution
and any device could access the media as HTTP/1.1 is very firewall
A predecessor of the DASH specification was originally friendly. It was also perfectly suited to mobile delivery, as the
developed in 3GPP Rel-9 in 2009 under the acronym adaptive nature permitted to accommodate bitrate variations on
3GPP Adaptive HTTP Streaming (AHS). In July 2010, 3GPP the access link and overcome possible losses or delays due to the
members responded to MPEGs Call for Proposals on HTTP use if TCP/IP in combination with HTTP.
Streaming and 3GPP AHS was selected as the baseline for
MPEG DASH specifications. The technology has evolved over the last decade, MPEG
meanwhile published the 5th edition of DASH and 3GPP has
In tremendous efforts, MPEG and 3GPP jointly developed adopted DASH as the core protocol for its 5G Media Streaming
DASH and published dual specifications in 3GPP TS 26.247 specifications in TS 26.512.
and ISO/IEC 23009-1. The beauty of the technology results
from its simplicity to permit seamless media streaming
experiences over the Internet and mobile connections And the winner is…
to any device without complex QoS provisioning. Since
then, the DASH technology has been widely adopted in
the industry and as of today is one of only two protocols
besides HLS to provide stunning TV services in operator, In recognition of the 3GPP specification work on Adaptive HTTP
television as well as third-party services to smartphones, Streaming and its evolution into 3GPP DASH, in cooperation with
tablets, TV sets and any new devices that are connected to MPEG, the National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences (NATAS)
the Internet. presented the Emmy® awards at the 73rd Annual Technology &
Engineering Emmy® ceremony - in partnership with the National
Association of Broadcasters (NAB) as part of their media and
What is HTTP Streaming all about? technology convention in Las Vegas on April 25, 2022.
Gilles Teniou, SA4 Vice-chair and Thomas Stockhammer (3GP-
DASH Rapporteur) formally represented 3GPP at the ceremony
Here is the flash tutorial: Until just 15 years ago, TV – together with other 3GPP colleagues. Duplicates of the statue
distribution and video streaming was built on top of will be given to the most active contributing 3GPP member
dedicated networks such as terrestrial, satellite, or cable companies and 5 Innovator statues are to be presented to
systems, and IPTV was just starting – all using dedicated individuals that were instrumental to the completion of the work
managed and expensive multicast systems. However, in 3GPP.
several smart people started to investigate the use of HTTP
as the delivery protocol for streaming media. The basic idea The Emmy® statue will be carried to 3GPP SA#96 F2F meeting
was to: for presentation by the SA4 leadership. The award will then be
proudly on display within the 3GPP MCC, based at ETSI.
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