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            3GPP  Highlights                                                                          May 2022

            3GPP - the Mobile

            Broadband Standard

             Technical News                      Partner Focus                       A look inside

          We have articles on UAS connectivity-  Our Market Representation Partners   We have two articles that shine a
          identification-tracking (CT-wide), on   (MRPs) have again contributed original   light on how the 3GPP groups have
          RAN support for AI & machine learning,   content for Highlights.       managed the work during the Covid-19
          news about SA4’s award winning work                                    pandemic.
          on media streaming protocols.      We have a piece about Creating the
                                             Control Rooms of the Future (TCCA),   Stephen Hayes, the 3GPP Working
          There are also articles on Energy   another on the developing role of the   Procedures Group Chair explains
          Efficiency from SA5, a RAN4 briefing on   NGMN Association. Also, our new MRP   recent changes to make our rules fit for
          the Rel-18 package, a CT4 perspective   ‘Open Generation’ explain the 5G use   purpose in the age of e-meetings.
          on 3GPP port assignments for protocols   cases for BVLOS.
          and a piece from the CT Chair about                                    Issam Toufik, Director of the 3GPP MCC,
          OpenAPIs… and there’s more.        We also have an Interview with NG   looks at the arrangements being made
                                             Subramaniam, Chair of TSDSI.        for the return to F2F Plenary meetings,
                                                                                 in June 2022.
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