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icon S6-245355 DRAFT1 was 245033 TS23280 CR613rev1 Recording admin and replay service user profile requirements.docx 2024/11/20 15:45 21,3 KB
icon DRAFT1_Proposed_Edits_SP-230988_Revised_WID_on_Enhanced_Mission_Critical_Architecture_for_Rel-19.docx 2024/11/20 17:11 26,3 KB
icon DRAFT2_Proposed_Edits_SP-230988_Revised_WID_on_Enhanced_Mission_Critical_Architecture_for_Rel-19.docx 2024/11/20 17:23 26,3 KB
icon DRAFT - S6-245xxx pCR - Updated Evaluation and Conclusion based on new KI#1 solutions.docx 2024/11/20 14:34 26,6 KB
icon DRAFT3_SP-245xxx_Revised_WID_on_Enhanced_Mission_Critical_Architecture_for_Rel-19.docx 2024/11/21 16:04 26,7 KB
icon S6-245337_was5202_Generic_IOPS_Updates to clause 1 (Scope).docx 2024/11/19 14:37 30,7 KB
icon S6-245337_was5202_Generic_IOPS_Updates to clause 1 (Scope)_rev1.docx 2024/11/20 19:36 30,8 KB
icon S6-245340_was5228_Generic_IOPS_Updates to clause (IOPS discovery request).docx 2024/11/19 14:37 31 KB
icon S6-245602_was5236_Revised_WID_on_Railways_specific_Enhancements_to_Mission_Critical_Services_Phase_5-rm.docx 2024/11/21 17:00 34,2 KB
icon S6-245358_draft was5238_Support of provisioning MBS assistance information to the 5GC.docx 2024/11/21 13:20 34,4 KB
icon S6-245110_draft1_was_S6-245091_recording_interface_defn_update.docx 2024/11/20 16:10 34,5 KB
icon S6_245362_DRAFT1_was_S6-245110_was_S6-245091_recording_interface_defn.docx 2024/11/20 16:34 34,5 KB
icon S6-245345_was5194_Generic_IOPS_Updates to clause 2 and clause 3 (References, Definitions, Abbreviations).docx 2024/11/19 14:37 34,6 KB
icon S6-245358_draft3 was5238_Support of provisioning MBS assistance information to the 5GC.docx 2024/11/21 16:08 34,8 KB
icon S6-245358_draft2 was5238_Support of provisioning MBS assistance information to the 5GC.docx 2024/11/21 15:26 34,8 KB
icon draft1-S6-245364-was-5022-23281-CR0238-Control-plane-user-plane-separation.docx 2024/11/20 22:25 35,1 KB
icon draft1-S6-245363-was-5021-23379-CR0447-Control-plane-user-plane-separation.docx 2024/11/20 16:37 35,1 KB
icon draft4-S6-245364-was-5022-23281-CR0238-Control-plane-user-plane-separation.docx 2024/11/21 17:15 35,2 KB
icon S6_245362_DRAFT4_Pre-Agreed_was_S6-245110_was_S6-245091_recording_interface_defn.docx 2024/11/21 14:53 35,2 KB
icon S6_245362_DRAFT4_was_S6-245110_was_S6-245091_recording_interface_defn.docx 2024/11/20 21:38 35,3 KB
icon S6_245362_DRAFT3_was_S6-245110_was_S6-245091_recording_interface_defn.docx 2024/11/20 20:03 35,5 KB
icon draft4-S6-245363-was-5021-23379-CR0447-Control-plane-user-plane-separation.docx 2024/11/21 17:15 35,7 KB
icon Example scenarios for MCGWUE.pptx 2024/11/21 14:49 36,3 KB
icon S6-245349_draft1_was_245042_Default location reporting configuration.docx 2024/11/19 14:55 37,9 KB
icon S6-245349_draft4_was_245042_Default location reporting configuration.docx 2024/11/20 21:31 38 KB
icon S6-245349_draft2_was_245042_Default location reporting configuration.docx 2024/11/19 22:18 38,2 KB
icon S6-245349_draft3_was_245042_Default location reporting configuration.docx 2024/11/20 15:31 38,2 KB
icon S6-245344_was_S6-245058_Generic_IOPS_23.180_clauses A.1, A.2 and A.6 update_d1.docx 2024/11/19 14:41 38,6 KB
icon draft1-S6-245346-was-5027-Amendments to location reporting configuration.docx 2024/11/19 17:52 41,4 KB
icon draft2-S6-245346-was-5027-Amendments to location reporting configuration.docx 2024/11/20 21:07 41,6 KB
icon draft3-S6-245346-was-5027-Amendments to location reporting configuration.docx 2024/11/20 21:19 41,6 KB
icon draft4-S6-245346-was-5027-Amendments to location reporting configuration.docx 2024/11/20 22:13 41,6 KB
icon S6-245352 DRAFT1 was 245032 TS23280 CR585rev3 Initial UE configuration for recording and replay.docx 2024/11/20 15:45 48,2 KB
icon S6-245354 was 245292 TS23280 CR0629 MCX Replay procedure.docx 2024/11/19 21:24 56,4 KB
icon S6-245347_draft2_was_245040_was_244400_was_244054_Clarifications to client-triggered location reporting procedure.docx 2024/11/20 21:56 58,3 KB
icon S6-245347_draft1_was_245040_was_244400_was_244054_Clarifications to client-triggered location reporting procedure.docx 2024/11/19 14:55 58,3 KB
icon S6-245375_draft was5207_MBS service area handling during TMGI allocation - r18.docx 2024/11/21 13:20 64,6 KB
icon S6-245376_draft was5208_MBS service area handling during TMGI allocation - r19.docx 2024/11/21 13:20 64,6 KB
icon S6-245350_d1_was_S6-245047_FRMCS_Ph5_23.280_Including UE capabilities towards the partner MC system during migration.docx 2024/11/20 21:08 65,4 KB
icon S6-245356 DRAFT1 was 245031 TS23280 CR586rev3 Configuration data for recording and replay service authorizations.docx 2024/11/20 15:45 68,6 KB
icon S6-245339_draft was5211_Update the IOPS network deployment-r2.docx 2024/11/19 20:47 71,7 KB
icon draft3-S6-245364-was-5022-23281-CR0238-Control-plane-user-plane-separation.docx 2024/11/21 16:29 81,5 KB
icon S6-245353 DRAFT1 was 245030 TS23280 CR612rev1 Information flows and procedures to set users and groups as targets for recording.docx 2024/11/20 15:45 91,5 KB
icon draft1-S6-245370-5177-Enable connectivity for selective users in IOPS through limited backhaul.docx 2024/11/20 17:10 98,1 KB
icon S6-245359_draft1_was_5024_Floor remote request in emergency communication.docx 2024/11/20 15:50 100,6 KB
icon S6-245359_draft3_was_5024_Floor remote request in emergency communication.docx 2024/11/21 0:47 100,8 KB
icon S6-245359_draft2_was_5024_Floor remote request in emergency communication.docx 2024/11/20 18:18 100,8 KB
icon S6-245359_draft5_was_5024_Floor remote request in emergency communication.docx 2024/11/21 15:32 102 KB
icon S6-245359_draft4_was_5024_Floor remote request in emergency communication.docx 2024/11/21 15:16 102,3 KB
icon S6-245348_draft1_was_245041_Location reporting trigger override procedure.docx 2024/11/19 14:55 111,4 KB
icon S6-245348_draft2_was_245041_Location reporting trigger override procedure.docx 2024/11/19 22:50 111,5 KB
icon S6-245348_draft3_was_245041_Location reporting trigger override procedure.docx 2024/11/20 12:37 111,5 KB
icon S6-245348_draft7_was_245041_Location reporting trigger override procedure.docx 2024/11/20 21:55 111,6 KB
icon S6-245348_draft4_was_245041_Location reporting trigger override procedure.docx 2024/11/20 15:31 112,5 KB
icon S6-245348_draft5_was_245041_Location reporting trigger override procedure.docx 2024/11/20 17:23 112,6 KB
icon S6-245348_draft6_was_245041_Location reporting trigger override procedure.docx 2024/11/20 17:52 112,7 KB
icon S6-245360 DRAFT1 was 245330 TS23280 CRxxxrev1 MCX Recording procedures.docx 2024/11/20 15:45 117,9 KB
icon S6-245341_draft was5212_Update MBMS transmissions aspect.docx 2024/11/19 20:47 150,9 KB
icon draft3-S6-245363-was-5021-23379-CR0447-Control-plane-user-plane-separation.docx 2024/11/21 16:04 153,2 KB
icon S6-245057_d1_was_S6-245046_enhMC_23.280_Updating location procedures to align with the agreed configurations in CR0598.docx 2024/11/20 21:05 178,6 KB
icon S6-245373_draft was5204_Void MBMS bearer event notification procedure - r18.docx 2024/11/21 13:20 184,2 KB
icon S6-245374_draft was5205_Void MBMS bearer event notification procedure - r19.docx 2024/11/21 13:20 184,2 KB
icon S6-245374_draft2 was5205_Void MBMS bearer event notification procedure - r19.docx 2024/11/21 14:15 184,9 KB
icon S6-245373_draft2 was5204_Void MBMS bearer event notification procedure - r18.docx 2024/11/21 14:15 185,1 KB
icon S6-245379_was_S6-244459_MCOver5MBS_23.289_Rel19_MBS service area handling.docx 2024/11/21 14:19 186,5 KB
icon S6-245378_was_S6-244458_MCOver5MBS_23.289_Rel18_MBS service area handling.docx 2024/11/21 14:19 188,2 KB
icon S6-245338_was_S6-245056_Generic_IOPS_23.180_clause 7 update_d1.docx 2024/11/19 14:41 212,8 KB
icon S6-245351 DRAFT1 Option1 was 245029 TS23280 CR611rev1 Procedures for recording admin and replay service configuration.docx 2024/11/20 15:45 235,1 KB
icon S6-245351 DRAFT1 Option2 was 245029 TS23280 CR611 Procedures for recording admin and replay service configuration.docx 2024/11/20 15:45 236,6 KB
icon S6-245357_was_S6-245048_enhMC_23.289_Include the support of MC recording and replay and ACM for 5GS_d1.docx 2024/11/19 16:28 269,7 KB
icon S6-245372_draft1_was_S6-245175-MC gateway UE fixes.docx 2024/11/21 13:31 657 KB
icon S6-245372_was_S6-245175-MC gateway UE fixes.docx 2024/11/20 21:27 692,5 KB
icon S6-245361 DRAFT3 was 245028 TS23280 CR584rev3 Updated functional architecture for recording and replay.docx 2024/11/21 15:25 1341,6 KB
icon S6-245361 DRAFT2 was 245028 TS23280 CR584rev3 Updated functional architecture for recording and replay.docx 2024/11/21 14:04 1342,5 KB
icon S6-245361 DRAFT1 was 245028 TS23280 CR584rev3 Updated functional architecture for recording and replay.docx 2024/11/20 15:45 1342,9 KB

75 items.