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icon C3-246316r1_UAS_Ph3_29522_UAVFlightAssistance API OpenAPI definitions.docx 2024/11/21 12:20 71,3 KB
icon C3-246220r2 UAS_Ph3 rev of 5506 29.522 Rel-19.docx 2024/11/21 12:20 104,6 KB
icon C3-246265r1_UAS_Ph3_29520_Support list of UEs in QoS Sustanability and Movement Behaviour Analyses.docx 2024/11/21 19:09 70 KB
icon C3-246265r2_UAS_Ph3_29520_Support list of UEs in QoS Sustanability and Movement Behaviour Analyses.docx 2024/11/21 21:32 72,8 KB
icon C3-246266r1_UAS_Ph3_29522_Support list of UEs in QoS Sustanability and Movement Behaviour Analyses Exposure.docx 2024/11/22 7:12 84,6 KB
icon C3-246267r1_UAS_Ph3_29520_Update TTC predictions in Relative Proximity Analytics.docx 2024/11/22 7:46 164,9 KB
icon C3-246268r1_UAS_Ph3_29522_Update TTC predictions in Relative Proximity Analytics Exposure.docx 2024/11/22 7:59 81,8 KB
icon C3-246269r1_UAS_Ph3_29522_RetrieveInfoUAVFlight service descriptions and procedures.docx 2024/11/22 8:15 65,7 KB
icon C3-246271r1_UAS_Ph3_29522_RetrieveInfoUAVFlight API OpenAPI definitions.docx 2024/11/22 8:52 63,9 KB
icon C3-246270r1_UAS_Ph3_29522_RetrieveInfoUAVFlight API definitions.docx 2024/11/22 8:52 107,1 KB
icon C3-246265r3_UAS_Ph3_29520_Support list of UEs in QoS Sustanability and Movement Behaviour Analyses.docx 2024/11/22 14:59 137,6 KB
icon C3-246266r2_UAS_Ph3_29522_Support list of UEs in QoS Sustanability and Movement Behaviour Analyses Exposure (1).docx 2024/11/22 14:59 72,8 KB
icon C3-246268r2_UAS_Ph3_29522_Update TTC predictions in Relative Proximity Analytics Exposure.docx 2024/11/22 16:16 69,7 KB
icon C3-246458 was 6270r2_UAS_Ph3_29522_RetrieveInfoUAVFlight API definitions.docx 2024/11/22 17:33 107,5 KB

14 items.