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icon SRIT Section 2.docx 2024/12/12 7:18 119,5 KB
icon SP-241910_Rel-20_5GA_Core_Miscellaneous_items_v1.pptx 2024/12/11 8:50 472,3 KB
icon SP-241425_SA106_Agenda_v3.docx 2024/12/10 16:07 67,1 KB
icon 2024/12/11 13:22 286,6 KB
icon RIT Section 2.docx 2024/12/12 7:18 108,7 KB
icon draft-SP-241954-rev-SP-241840 Rel-19 pCR TR 22.850 AIML Terminology analysis across 3GPP.docx 2024/12/12 15:58 78,7 KB
icon draft-SP-241924-rev-SP-241842 Rel-19 pCR TR 22.850 ML model inference analysis across 3GPP.docx 2024/12/12 15:58 81,5 KB
icon draft-SP-241923-rev-SP-241841 Rel-19 pCR TR 22.850 ML model training analysis across 3GPP.docx 2024/12/12 15:58 72 KB
icon draftSP-241898_was1887_Rel-20_5GA_Topics_Consolidated_List.xlsx 2024/12/10 9:32 35,4 KB
icon draft2 pCR TR22.850 chapter 6 SP-24efgh.doc 2024/12/11 6:50 350 KB
icon draft2 pCR TR22.850 chapter 5.2 SP-24abcd.doc 2024/12/11 6:50 401,5 KB
icon draft_SP-241899 way forward on Ambient IoT SA_v2.pptx 2024/12/11 12:32 86,3 KB
icon draft_SP-241899 way forward on Ambient IoT SA_v1.pptx 2024/12/11 10:57 86,3 KB
icon draft_SP-241899 way forward on Ambient IoT SA.pptx 2024/12/10 16:26 86,2 KB
icon draft SP-241966 revision of SP-241832.doc 2024/12/12 16:37 123 KB
icon draft pCR TR22.850 chapter 6 SP-24efgh.doc 2024/12/10 16:11 350,5 KB
icon draft pCR TR22.850 chapter 5.2 SP-24abcd.doc 2024/12/10 16:11 396 KB
icon 3GPP TSGs December_Riu hotel Madrid_guide.pdf 2024/12/09 7:28 1588,3 KB

18 items.