/ NG_RTC_Ph2
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C3-246510 was 6460 was 6109 r4 NG_RTC_Ph2 29.522 Definition of Nnef_ImsSessionManagement service.docx
2024/11/22 13:17
101,9 KB
C3-246510 was 6460 was 6109 r3 NG_RTC_Ph2 29.522 Definition of Nnef_ImsSessionManagement service.docx
2024/11/22 12:49
105,3 KB
C3-246116r4 NG_RTC_Ph2 29522 IMS Event Exposure(EE) Services OpenAPI.docx
2024/11/21 23:30
75 KB
C3-246116r3 NG_RTC_Ph2 29522 IMS Event Exposure(EE) Services OpenAPI.docx
2024/11/21 22:45
75 KB
C3-246116r2 NG_RTC_Ph2 29522 IMS Event Exposure(EE) Services OpenAPI.docx
2024/11/19 18:50
73,7 KB
C3-246116r1 NG_RTC_Ph2 29522 IMS Event Exposure(EE) Services OpenAPI.docx
2024/11/18 17:19
73,5 KB
C3-246115r5 NG_RTC_Ph2 29522 IMS Event Exposure(EE) Services Operation and data model.docx
2024/11/21 23:39
134,8 KB
C3-246115r4 NG_RTC_Ph2 29522 IMS Event Exposure(EE) Services Operation and data model.docx
2024/11/21 19:29
133,5 KB
C3-246115r3 NG_RTC_Ph2 29522 IMS Event Exposure(EE) Services Operation and data model-Huawei comments.docx
2024/11/20 22:43
133,6 KB
C3-246115r2 NG_RTC_Ph2 29522 IMS Event Exposure(EE) Services Operation and data model.docx
2024/11/19 18:50
124,2 KB
C3-246115r1 NG_RTC_Ph2 29522 IMS Event Exposure(EE) Services Operation and data model.docx
2024/11/18 17:19
124,2 KB
C3-246114r4 NG_RTC_Ph2 29522 IMS Event Exposure(EE) Services description.docx
2024/11/21 14:29
52,7 KB
C3-246114r3 NG_RTC_Ph2 29522 IMS Event Exposure(EE) Services description-Huawei comments.docx
2024/11/20 22:43
52,3 KB
C3-246114r2 NG_RTC_Ph2 29522 IMS Event Exposure(EE) Services description.docx
2024/11/19 18:50
48,4 KB
C3-246114r1 NG_RTC_Ph2 29522 IMS Event Exposure(EE) Services description.docx
2024/11/18 17:19
48,3 KB
C3-246109 r2 NG_RTC_Ph2 29.522 Definition of Nnef_ImsSessionManagement service.docx
2024/11/20 22:54
105,2 KB
C3-246109 r1 NG_RTC_Ph2 29.522 Definition of Nnef_ImsSessionManagement service.docx
2024/11/19 20:24
105,9 KB
17 items.