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icon C3-246342-r1.1_Procedure for Vertical Federated Learning when NWDAF is acting as VFL server-29552-rel19.docx 2024/11/19 21:40 39,2 KB
icon C3-246342-r2_Procedure for Vertical Federated Learning when NWDAF is acting as VFL server-29552-rel19.docx 2024/11/20 15:44 39,5 KB
icon C3-246110_r1 AIML_CN 29.552 Support of signalling storm mitigation and prevention.docx 2024/11/20 19:53 168,3 KB
icon C3-246149_R1.docx 2024/11/21 13:33 44,6 KB
icon C3-246342-r3_Procedure for Vertical Federated Learning when NWDAF is acting as VFL server-29552-rel19.docx 2024/11/21 14:44 39,4 KB
icon C3-246151r4 AIML_CN Support of activation time information collection 29.517 Rel-19.docx 2024/11/21 14:45 154,8 KB
icon C3-246152r3 AIML_CN Support of activation time information collection 29.591 Rel-19.docx 2024/11/21 14:50 110,8 KB
icon C3-246191r1_29575_Adding-LMF-as-data-source.docx 2024/11/21 19:40 94,9 KB
icon C3-246192r1_29552_Adding-LMF-as-data-source.docx 2024/11/21 19:40 76 KB
icon C3-246190r1_29574_Adding-LMF-as-data-source.docx 2024/11/22 10:30 153,4 KB
icon C3-246191r2_29575_Adding-LMF-as-data-source.docx 2024/11/22 10:30 93,5 KB
icon C3-246192r2_29552_Adding-LMF-as-data-source.docx 2024/11/22 10:30 75,1 KB

12 items.