ETSI logo / ftp / Meetings_3GPP_SYNC / RAN1 / Inbox / drafts / 8.2(UE_Features) / LS

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icon draft_R1-2501388 Updated RAN1 UE features list for Rel-18 NR after RAN1_120.docx 2025/02/17 15:27 425,5 KB
icon draft_R1-2501388 Updated RAN1 UE features list for Rel-18 NR after RAN1_120_r1.docx 2025/02/21 11:19 427,4 KB
icon draft_R1-2501389 draft LS on RAN1 UE features list for Rel-18 NR after RAN1_120.docx 2025/02/17 15:27 40,8 KB
icon draft_R1-2501389 draft LS on RAN1 UE features list for Rel-18 NR after RAN1_120_r1.docx 2025/02/21 11:11 42,9 KB

4 items.