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icon TEI17_N3SLICE and other N3GPP aspects meeting notes (18 January 2021).docx 2021/01/20 11:11 27,5 KB
icon S2-2100068 N3SLICE 23502 V4.docx 2021/01/20 11:11 65 KB
icon S2-2100073 23501 N3GPP and slicing V2 .docx 2021/01/20 11:11 67,4 KB
icon S2-2100073 23501 N3GPP and slicing V3.docx 2021/01/20 11:11 70,1 KB
icon S2-2100068 N3SLICE 23502 V3 SENT.docx 2021/01/20 11:11 65 KB
icon S2-2100067 N3SLICE 23501 V3 SENT.docx 2021/01/20 11:11 70,7 KB
icon S2-2100067 N3SLICE 23501 V4.docx 2021/01/20 11:11 74,3 KB
icon 2101 TEI17_N3SLICE CC V0.pptx 2021/01/20 11:11 392,5 KB
icon 2101 R16 N3GPP and slicing CC V1 .pptx 2021/01/20 11:11 592,1 KB

9 items.