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icon S4-211394 Draft EVS SWG agenda - R1.doc 2021/11/09 18:52 60 KB
icon DRAFT S4-21xxxx IVAS-4 Design Constraints v0.2.1.docx 2021/11/12 14:22 38,9 KB
icon Draft-S4-211636 - CR_26445-0053 (Rel-12).doc 2021/11/15 10:36 69,5 KB
icon Draft-S4-211640 - CR_26445-0057 (Rel-16).doc 2021/11/15 10:37 73 KB
icon Draft-S4-211639 - CR_26445-0056 (Rel-15).doc 2021/11/15 10:38 70 KB
icon Draft-S4-211637 - CR_26445-0054 (Rel-13).doc 2021/11/15 10:38 69,5 KB
icon Draft-S4-211638 - CR_26445-0055 (Rel-14).doc 2021/11/15 10:38 69,5 KB
icon S4-211524 IVAS bit rate constraints-EVS-SWGedits.docx 2021/11/16 15:31 51,7 KB
icon S4-211525 IVAS performance requirements,EVS-SWGedits.docx 2021/11/16 15:38 55,5 KB
icon draft S4-211645 IVAS-3 Performance Requirements v0.1.0.docx 2021/11/16 16:12 40,8 KB
icon DRAFT S4-21xxxx IVAS-4 Design Constraints v0.2.2.docx 2021/11/16 19:41 39,9 KB
icon CRto26445 2021/11/18 1:30
icon S4-211641 draft IVAS-2 v0.2.0.docx 2021/11/18 9:06 44,8 KB
icon DRAFT S4-211642 IVAS-4 Design Constraints v0.3.0.docx 2021/11/18 9:31 40,2 KB
icon DRAFT-S4-211651_IVAS-8a_TestPlan_v.0.2.0_rm.docx 2021/11/18 9:32 949,6 KB

15 items.