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icon url_to_online_report.txt 2021/04/07 11:28 0 KB
icon S4-210652 dCR 26.131 Extension for headset interface tests of UE.docx 2021/04/10 10:23 2169,1 KB
icon Meeting agenda (SQ SWG during SA4#113-e).docx 2021/04/07 11:27 31,2 KB
icon Meeting agenda (SQ SWG during SA4#113-e) R4.docx 2021/04/12 20:35 32,3 KB
icon Meeting agenda (SQ SWG during SA4#113-e) R3.docx 2021/04/10 10:22 32 KB
icon Meeting agenda (SQ SWG during SA4#113-e) R2.docx 2021/04/09 13:22 31,7 KB
icon Meeting agenda (SQ SWG during SA4#113-e) R1.docx 2021/04/08 13:52 31,3 KB
icon DRAFT S4-210649 SQ SWG report at SA4#113-e.docx 2021/04/12 20:44 46,6 KB
icon DRAFT - S4-210653 - HInT Time Plan v0.4.docx 2021/04/12 6:40 46,6 KB
icon DRAFT - S4-210651 - DraftCR TS26.132 on Headset Interface Description (update).docx 2021/04/12 10:10 647,3 KB

10 items.