Document List for 3GPPSA3#78
List generated on : 2015-01-23 at 14:54:06 (GMT +01:00)

Doc.Name S3-151000 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: WG Chairman
Withdrawn: Y
Late Contribution Date: 2015-01-19 16:00:00
Late Contribution Flag: N
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DOCUMENT: Report from last SA meeting
Doc.Name S3-151001 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: WG Chairman
Withdrawn: N
Late Contribution Date: 2015-01-19 16:00:00
Late Contribution Flag: N
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DOCUMENT: SA3 meeting calendar
Doc.Name S3-151002 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: ETSI Secretariat
Withdrawn: Y
Late Contribution Date: 2015-01-19 16:00:00
Late Contribution Flag: N
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DOCUMENT: Report from last SA3 meeting
Doc.Name S3-151003 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: ETSI Secretariat
Withdrawn: N
Late Contribution Date: 2015-01-19 16:00:00
Late Contribution Flag: N
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Doc.Name S3-151004 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: ETSI Secretariat
Withdrawn: N
Late Contribution Date: 2015-01-19 16:00:00
Late Contribution Flag: N
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DOCUMENT: Reply LS on UICC Access Optimization
Doc.Name S3-151005 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: C6-140686
Withdrawn: N
Late Contribution Date: 2015-01-19 16:00:00
Late Contribution Flag: N
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DOCUMENT: LS on UE-based procedure with USAT application pairing
Doc.Name S3-151006 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: C6-140730
Withdrawn: N
Late Contribution Date: 2015-01-19 16:00:00
Late Contribution Flag: N
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DOCUMENT: LS on Security Framework for Cellular IoT
Doc.Name S3-151007 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: GP-140717
Withdrawn: N
Late Contribution Date: 2015-01-19 16:00:00
Late Contribution Flag: N
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DOCUMENT: Reply LS on new work item on simple encryption procedure for
IoT device security
Doc.Name S3-151008 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: GP-140967
Withdrawn: N
Late Contribution Date: 2015-01-19 16:00:00
Late Contribution Flag: N
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DOCUMENT: Potential collaboration on Mobile-Edge Computing
Doc.Name S3-151009 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Withdrawn: N
Late Contribution Date: 2015-01-19 16:00:00
Late Contribution Flag: N
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DOCUMENT: LS on TLS and DTLS terminology
Doc.Name S3-151010 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: ITU-T Q3/16
Withdrawn: N
Late Contribution Date: 2015-01-19 16:00:00
Late Contribution Flag: N
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DOCUMENT: LS to SA3 on RAN2 agreements for Dual Connectivity
Doc.Name S3-151011 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: R2-145367
Withdrawn: N
Late Contribution Date: 2015-01-19 16:00:00
Late Contribution Flag: N
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DOCUMENT: Reply LS on Transferring Security Information in the PDCP He
Doc.Name S3-151012 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: R2-145415
Withdrawn: N
Late Contribution Date: 2015-01-19 16:00:00
Late Contribution Flag: N
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DOCUMENT: LS on Network Access Algorithm Support for the Embedded UICC
Doc.Name S3-151013 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: GSMA SIM Group and Security Group
Withdrawn: N
Late Contribution Date: 2015-01-19 16:00:00
Late Contribution Flag: N
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DOCUMENT: Candidate Release Available
Doc.Name S3-151014 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: OneM2M
Withdrawn: N
Late Contribution Date: 2015-01-19 16:00:00
Late Contribution Flag: N
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DOCUMENT: LS on Establishment of new working group TSG SA WG6
Doc.Name S3-151015 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: SP-140884
Withdrawn: N
Late Contribution Date: 2015-01-19 16:00:00
Late Contribution Flag: N
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DOCUMENT: Liaison on Complete Platform Integrity for 3GPP Infrastructu
Doc.Name S3-151016 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: TCG Trusted Mobility Solutions WG
Withdrawn: N
Late Contribution Date: 2015-01-19 16:00:00
Late Contribution Flag: N
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DOCUMENT: Draft Reply LS to TCG
Doc.Name S3-151017 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Interdigital, Freescale Semiconductor
Specification: n/a
CR category: n/a
Release: n/a
WI code: n/a
Document for: discussion and agreement
Abstract: This contribution proposes a response to the LS 'Liaison on Complete Platform In
tegrity for 3GPP Infrastructure' from TCG Trusted Mobility Solutions WG.
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Late Contribution Date: 2015-01-19 16:00:00
Late Contribution Flag: N
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DOCUMENT: pCR SCAS Clarification/Improvements of logging requirements
Doc.Name S3-151018 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Withdrawn: N
Late Contribution Date: 2015-01-19 16:00:00
Late Contribution Flag: N
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DOCUMENT: pCR SCAS Clarification/Improvements of traffic separation re
Doc.Name S3-151019 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Withdrawn: N
Late Contribution Date: 2015-01-19 16:00:00
Late Contribution Flag: N
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DOCUMENT: Proposed TR skeleton for MCPTT Security Study
Doc.Name S3-151020 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: CESG
Withdrawn: N
Late Contribution Date: 2015-01-19 16:00:00
Late Contribution Flag: N
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DOCUMENT: pCR to TR 33.806 clause B.3.4.1
Doc.Name S3-151021 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Deutsche Telekom AG
Specification: 33.806
Document for: Discussion/decision
Withdrawn: N
Late Contribution Date: 2015-01-19 16:00:00
Late Contribution Flag: N
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DOCUMENT: pCR to TR 33.806 clause B.3.4.2
Doc.Name S3-151022 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Deutsche Telekom AG
Specification: 33.806
Document for: Discussion/decision
Withdrawn: N
Late Contribution Date: 2015-01-19 16:00:00
Late Contribution Flag: N
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DOCUMENT: pCR to TR 33.806 clause B.4.3
Doc.Name S3-151023 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Deutsche Telekom AG
Specification: 33.806
Document for: Discussion/decision
Withdrawn: N
Late Contribution Date: 2015-01-19 16:00:00
Late Contribution Flag: N
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DOCUMENT: pCR to TR 33.806 clause B.4.2
Doc.Name S3-151024 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Deutsche Telekom AG
Specification: 33.806
Document for: Discussion/decision
Withdrawn: N
Late Contribution Date: 2015-01-19 16:00:00
Late Contribution Flag: N
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DOCUMENT: Proposing a template to be used for test cases
Doc.Name S3-151025 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Telecom Italia S.p.A
Specification: TR 33.916
Release: Rel-13
WI code: SCAS
Document for: Discussion and Approval
Abstract: This contribution proposes to add to TR 33.916 a template to be used for the Tes
t Cases description. This template is intended to be concretely used within TR 3
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Late Contribution Date: 2015-01-19 16:00:00
Late Contribution Flag: N
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DOCUMENT: Adding a new Annex (Annex D) to collect all test cases
Doc.Name S3-151026 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Telecom Italia S.p.A
Specification: TR 33.806
Release: Rel-13
WI code: SCAS
Document for: Discussion and Approval
Abstract: This contribution proposes to collect all test cases in one single dedicated Ann
ex (i.e. Annex D) of TR 33.806 adopting the template described in TD S3-151025.
While writing the Annex D, all test cases are consistently removed from the exis
ting requirements in the Annex B, to avoid duplication. This contribution is foc
used on existing test cases of requirements already listed in Annex B.
Withdrawn: Y
Late Contribution Date: 2015-01-19 16:00:00
Late Contribution Flag: N
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DOCUMENT: Additions to Annex D related to new test cases
Doc.Name S3-151027 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Telecom Italia S.p.A
Specification: TR 33.806
Release: Rel-13
WI code: SCAS
Document for: Discussion and Approval
Abstract: This contribution follows the approach described in TD S3-151026, adopts the tem
plate described in TD S3-151025 and proposes to add (to the new Annex D of TR 33
.806) some new test cases of requirements already listed in Annex B.
Withdrawn: N
Late Contribution Date: 2015-01-19 16:00:00
Late Contribution Flag: N
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DOCUMENT: pCR on moving existing threats to the Tampering threat cate
Doc.Name S3-151028 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Telecom Italia S.p.A
Specification: TR 33.806
Release: Rel-13
WI code: SCAS
Document for: Discussion and Approval
Abstract: Following the agreement reached during SA3#77 meeting on restructuring threats a
nd requirements within the TR 33.806, this contribution proposes to move some ex
isting threats (in a restructured form, when needed) to Annex A, clause A.4 Tamp
Withdrawn: N
Late Contribution Date: 2015-01-19 16:00:00
Late Contribution Flag: N
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DOCUMENT: pCR on moving existing threats to the Denial of Service thre
at category
Doc.Name S3-151029 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Telecom Italia S.p.A
Specification: TR 33.806
Release: Rel-13
WI code: SCAS
Document for: Discussion and Approval
Abstract: Following the agreement reached during SA3#77 meeting on restructuring threats a
nd requirements within the TR 33.806, this contribution proposes to move some ex
isting threats (in a restructured form, when needed) to Annex A, clause A.7 Deni
al of Service.
Withdrawn: N
Late Contribution Date: 2015-01-19 16:00:00
Late Contribution Flag: N
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DOCUMENT: pCR on moving existing threats to the Elevation of Privilege
threat category
Doc.Name S3-151030 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Telecom Italia S.p.A
Specification: TR 33.806
Release: Rel-13
WI code: SCAS
Document for: Discussion and Approval
Abstract: Following the agreement reached during SA3#77 meeting on restructuring threats a
nd requirements within the TR 33.806, this contribution proposes to move some ex
isting threats (in a restructured form, when needed) to Annex A, clause A.8 Elev
ation of Privilege.
Withdrawn: N
Late Contribution Date: 2015-01-19 16:00:00
Late Contribution Flag: N
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DOCUMENT: pCR on moving existing threats to the Information Disclosure
threat category
Doc.Name S3-151031 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Telecom Italia S.p.A
Specification: TR 33.806
Release: Rel-13
WI code: SCAS
Document for: Discussion and Approval
Abstract: Following the agreement reached during SA3#77 meeting on restructuring threats a
nd requirements within the TR 33.806, this contribution proposes to move some ex
isting threats (in a restructured form, when needed) to Annex A, clause A.6 Info
rmation Disclosure.
Withdrawn: N
Late Contribution Date: 2015-01-19 16:00:00
Late Contribution Flag: N
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DOCUMENT: Proposed handling of requirements on authentication and auth
orization in Annex B.3.3.4 of TR 33.806
Doc.Name S3-151032 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Alcatel-Lucent, Nokia Networks
Withdrawn: N
Late Contribution Date: 2015-01-19 16:00:00
Late Contribution Flag: N
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DOCUMENT: pCR to TR 33.806 on merging requirements on Authentication a
nd Authorisation – Authentication policy
Doc.Name S3-151033 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Alcatel-Lucent, Nokia Networks
Withdrawn: N
Late Contribution Date: 2015-01-19 16:00:00
Late Contribution Flag: N
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DOCUMENT: pCR to TR 33.806 on merging requirements on Authentication a
nd Authorisation – Authentication Attributes
Doc.Name S3-151034 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Alcatel-Lucent, Nokia Networks
Withdrawn: N
Late Contribution Date: 2015-01-19 16:00:00
Late Contribution Flag: N
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DOCUMENT: pCR to TR 33.806 on merging requirements on password rules
Doc.Name S3-151035 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Nokia Networks, Alcatel-Lucent
Withdrawn: N
Late Contribution Date: 2015-01-19 16:00:00
Late Contribution Flag: N
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DOCUMENT: pCR to TR 33.806 on merging requirements on Authentication a
nd Authorisation – Specific Authentication use cases
Doc.Name S3-151036 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Alcatel-Lucent, Nokia Networks
Withdrawn: N
Late Contribution Date: 2015-01-19 16:00:00
Late Contribution Flag: N
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DOCUMENT: pCR to TR 33.806 on requirement on lock-out policy
Doc.Name S3-151037 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Nokia Networks, Alcatel-Lucent
Withdrawn: N
Late Contribution Date: 2015-01-19 16:00:00
Late Contribution Flag: N
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DOCUMENT: pCR to TR 33.806 on merging requirements on authorization an
d access control
Doc.Name S3-151038 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Nokia Networks, Alcatel-Lucent
Withdrawn: N
Late Contribution Date: 2015-01-19 16:00:00
Late Contribution Flag: N
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DOCUMENT: Discussion of requirements 3.01-15 and 3.01-19 in Annex C of
TR 33.806
Doc.Name S3-151039 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Nokia Networks, Alcatel-Lucent
Withdrawn: N
Late Contribution Date: 2015-01-19 16:00:00
Late Contribution Flag: N
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DOCUMENT: pCR to TR 33.806 on modification of Editor’s note
Doc.Name S3-151040 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Nokia Networks, Alcatel-Lucent
Withdrawn: N
Late Contribution Date: 2015-01-19 16:00:00
Late Contribution Flag: N
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DOCUMENT: CR to TS 33.187: USAT Pairing update
Doc.Name S3-151041 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Gemalto
Specification: 3GPP TS 33.187
CR category: F
Release: Rel-12
WI code: MTCe
Document for: Approval
Abstract: Update of USAT Application Pairing for USIM restriction
Withdrawn: N
Late Contribution Date: 2015-01-19 16:00:00
Late Contribution Flag: N
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DOCUMENT: Work Plan input from the Rapporteurs
Doc.Name S3-151042 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: ETSI Secretariat
Withdrawn: N
Late Contribution Date: 2015-01-19 16:00:00
Late Contribution Flag: N
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DOCUMENT: 3GU overview
Doc.Name S3-151043 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: ETSI Secretariat
Withdrawn: N
Late Contribution Date: 2015-01-19 16:00:00
Late Contribution Flag: N
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DOCUMENT: Proposed Scope for MCPTT TR
Doc.Name S3-151044 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: CESG
Withdrawn: N
Late Contribution Date: 2015-01-19 16:00:00
Late Contribution Flag: N
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DOCUMENT: Security_requirements for MCPTT
Doc.Name S3-151045 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Airbus, CESG, French MoI, Harris, Motorola Solutions, Selex, Sepura, Telefonica
UK, Thales
Specification: MCPTT
Release: 13
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: Input on security requirements arising from joint OMA PCPS - ETSI TCCE workshop
in December 2014
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Late Contribution Flag: N
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DOCUMENT: Security threats for MCPTT
Doc.Name S3-151046 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Airbus, Motorola Solutions, Sepura PLC, UK Home Office, CESG, Thales
Specification: MCPTT
Release: 13
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: This contribution proposes some threats which could become the basis of key issu
es in the security TR for MCPTT
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Late Contribution Flag: N
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DOCUMENT: Discussion on RAN2 LS S3-151011
Doc.Name S3-151047 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Alcatel-Lucent
Specification: TS 33.401
Release: Rel-12
WI code: LTE_SC_enh_dualC-Core
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: Discussion on changes needed in 33.401 sub cluases based on the R2 LS.
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Late Contribution Date: 2015-01-19 16:00:00
Late Contribution Flag: N
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DOCUMENT: draft_ CR to 33.401 corresponding to RAN2 LS S3-151011
Doc.Name S3-151048 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Alcatel-Lucent
Specification: TS 33.401
CR category: F
Release: Rel-12
WI code: LTE_SC_enh_dualC-Core
Document for: Approval
Abstract: Changes in 33.401 based on RAN2 LS S3-151011.
Withdrawn: N
Late Contribution Date: 2015-01-19 16:00:00
Late Contribution Flag: N
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Doc.Name S3-151049 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei,HiSilicon
Abstract: Update the eWebi WID for adding the ICE/TURN authentication and credential provi
sioning aspect.
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Late Contribution Flag: N
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DOCUMENT: pCR to TR 33.872 :Assessment of TURN authentication c
andidate solutions
Doc.Name S3-151050 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei,HiSilicon
Abstract: This contribution proposes a pCR update to TR 33.872 with assessment for the sol
utions of TURN credential provisioning and authentication
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Late Contribution Date: 2015-01-19 16:00:00
Late Contribution Flag: N
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DOCUMENT: Secure protection for unicast delivery of group message
Doc.Name S3-151051 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei, HiSilicon
Withdrawn: N
Late Contribution Date: 2015-01-19 16:00:00
Late Contribution Flag: N
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DOCUMENT: Security for T4 message delivery to a group of devices
Doc.Name S3-151052 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei, HiSilicon
Withdrawn: N
Late Contribution Date: 2015-01-19 16:00:00
Late Contribution Flag: N
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DOCUMENT: Authorisation for restricted ProSe direct discovery
Doc.Name S3-151053 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei, HiSilicon
Withdrawn: N
Late Contribution Date: 2015-01-19 16:00:00
Late Contribution Flag: N
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DOCUMENT: ProSe Counter
Doc.Name S3-151054 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei, HiSilicon
Withdrawn: N
Late Contribution Date: 2015-01-19 16:00:00
Late Contribution Flag: N
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DOCUMENT: Discovery Slot Clarification
Doc.Name S3-151055 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei, HiSilicon
Withdrawn: N
Late Contribution Date: 2015-01-19 16:00:00
Late Contribution Flag: N
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DOCUMENT: Discussion of integrity protection for cellular IoT UE
Doc.Name S3-151056 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei, HiSilicon, China Unicom
Withdrawn: N
Late Contribution Date: 2015-01-19 16:00:00
Late Contribution Flag: N
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DOCUMENT: Dicsussion of encryption algorithms for cellular IoT UE
Doc.Name S3-151057 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei, HiSilicon, China Unicom
Withdrawn: N
Late Contribution Date: 2015-01-19 16:00:00
Late Contribution Flag: N
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DOCUMENT: Discussion on SA5 related management security of virtualized
Doc.Name S3-151058 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: China Mobile
Withdrawn: Y
Late Contribution Date: 2015-01-19 16:00:00
Late Contribution Flag: N
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DOCUMENT: Mandatory support of mutual authentication
Doc.Name S3-151059 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei, HiSilicon,Vodafone
Withdrawn: N
Late Contribution Date: 2015-01-19 16:00:00
Late Contribution Flag: N
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DOCUMENT: pCR to TR 33.806 on requirements for MME Management and Main
teance Interfaces
Doc.Name S3-151060 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei, HiSilicon
Withdrawn: N
Late Contribution Date: 2015-01-19 16:00:00
Late Contribution Flag: N
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DOCUMENT: Definitions of identity and identifiable
Doc.Name S3-151061 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: China Unicom, ZTE Corporation
Withdrawn: N
Late Contribution Date: 2015-01-19 16:00:00
Late Contribution Flag: N
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DOCUMENT: Condense existing threats to the Privacy guidelines for writ
ing 3GPP TRs and TSs (in the new Annex F)
Doc.Name S3-151062 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: China Unicom, ZTE Corporation
Withdrawn: N
Late Contribution Date: 2015-01-19 16:00:00
Late Contribution Flag: N
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DOCUMENT: pCR to TR 33.806 on requirements for Log Protection and Mana
Doc.Name S3-151063 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei, HiSilicon
Withdrawn: N
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Late Contribution Flag: N
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DOCUMENT: pCR to TR 33.806 on requirements for user identities
Doc.Name S3-151064 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei, HiSilicon
Withdrawn: N
Late Contribution Date: 2015-01-19 16:00:00
Late Contribution Flag: N
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DOCUMENT: pCR to TR 33.806 on requirements for MME user account and pa
ssword management
Doc.Name S3-151065 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei, HiSilicon
Withdrawn: N
Late Contribution Date: 2015-01-19 16:00:00
Late Contribution Flag: N
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DOCUMENT: Privacy identification process
Doc.Name S3-151066 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: China Unicom, ZTE Corporation
Withdrawn: N
Late Contribution Date: 2015-01-19 16:00:00
Late Contribution Flag: N
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DOCUMENT: LS to SA5 on considerations for management security of virtu
alized networks
Doc.Name S3-151067 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: China Mobile
Withdrawn: Y
Late Contribution Date: 2015-01-19 16:00:00
Late Contribution Flag: N
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DOCUMENT: Privacy guidelines for the third party service providers
Doc.Name S3-151068 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: China Unicom, ZTE Corporation
Withdrawn: N
Late Contribution Date: 2015-01-19 16:00:00
Late Contribution Flag: N
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DOCUMENT: Key issue- user privacy preference
Doc.Name S3-151069 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: China Unicom, ZTE Corporation
Withdrawn: N
Late Contribution Date: 2015-01-19 16:00:00
Late Contribution Flag: N
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DOCUMENT: Correntions on SCG security algorithm negotiation
Doc.Name S3-151070 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei, HiSilicon
Withdrawn: N
Late Contribution Date: 2015-01-19 16:00:00
Late Contribution Flag: N
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DOCUMENT: Solutions analysis of DOS attack in registration procedure
Doc.Name S3-151071 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: China Mobile
Withdrawn: N
Late Contribution Date: 2015-01-19 16:00:00
Late Contribution Flag: N
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DOCUMENT: LS_out_SA3 to RAN2_Reply LS on RAN2 agreements for Dual Conn
Doc.Name S3-151072 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei, HiSilicon
Withdrawn: N
Late Contribution Date: 2015-01-19 16:00:00
Late Contribution Flag: N
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DOCUMENT: Solutions accessment of DOS attack in registration procedure
Doc.Name S3-151073 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: China Mobile
Withdrawn: N
Late Contribution Date: 2015-01-19 16:00:00
Late Contribution Flag: N
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DOCUMENT: General security requirments for MCPTT
Doc.Name S3-151074 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Huawei, HiSilicon
Withdrawn: N
Late Contribution Date: 2015-01-19 16:00:00
Late Contribution Flag: N
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DOCUMENT: [MTCe] Discussion about group authentication mechanism
Doc.Name S3-151075 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: China Mobile
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Late Contribution Date: 2015-01-19 16:00:00
Late Contribution Flag: N
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DOCUMENT: [MTCe] group authentication mechanism
Doc.Name S3-151076 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: China Mobile
Withdrawn: N
Late Contribution Date: 2015-01-19 16:00:00
Late Contribution Flag: N
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DOCUMENT: key issue on Authentication in ProSe Restricted Discovery
Doc.Name S3-151077 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: ZTE Corporation, China Unicom
Withdrawn: N
Late Contribution Date: 2015-01-19 16:00:00
Late Contribution Flag: N
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DOCUMENT: En on prevention against replay attacks in ProSe Restricted
Doc.Name S3-151078 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: ZTE Corporation, China Unicom
Withdrawn: N
Late Contribution Date: 2015-01-19 16:00:00
Late Contribution Flag: N
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DOCUMENT: key issue on Restricted ProSe Direct Discovery (Model B)
Doc.Name S3-151079 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: ZTE Corporation, China Unicom
Withdrawn: N
Late Contribution Date: 2015-01-19 16:00:00
Late Contribution Flag: N
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DOCUMENT: security for One-to-one Relays
Doc.Name S3-151080 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: ZTE Corporation, China Unicom
Withdrawn: N
Late Contribution Date: 2015-01-19 16:00:00
Late Contribution Flag: N
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DOCUMENT: MONTE-Requirement on Location Management
Doc.Name S3-151081 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: ZTE Corporation
Withdrawn: N
Late Contribution Date: 2015-01-19 16:00:00
Late Contribution Flag: N
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DOCUMENT: Summary of the IETF STIR group active drafts on spoofed call
Doc.Name S3-151082 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Alcatel Lucent
Specification: TR 33.832
Release: Rel-13
WI code: FS_Escapades
Document for: Discussion and approval
Abstract: This contribution presents a summary of the two active IETF STIR drafts on spoof
ed call detection and proposes a pCR update to clause 7 of TR 33.832
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Late Contribution Flag: N
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DOCUMENT: Clarifying PTK Identity description in TS 33.303
Doc.Name S3-151083 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Withdrawn: N
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Late Contribution Flag: N
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DOCUMENT: ProSe 33.833 Correction to Key Issue 7.1.2 ProSe UE-Network
Relays Connection
Doc.Name S3-151084 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Nokia Networks
Abstract: Proposing some clarifications to the key issue "ProSe UE-Network Relays Connecti
on" with reformulation of the requirement on "authorization and verification …"
since verification in the context of the proposed potential requirement does not
seem to fit.
Withdrawn: N
Late Contribution Date: 2015-01-19 16:00:00
Late Contribution Flag: N
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DOCUMENT: Solving the first Editor Note in section of TR 33.87
Doc.Name S3-151085 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Alcatel Lucent
Specification: TR 33.872
Release: Rel-13
WI code: eWebRTCi
Document for: Discussion and approval
Abstract: This contribution aims to solve the first editor’s note in clause of 3GP
P TR 33.872
Withdrawn: N
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Late Contribution Flag: N
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DOCUMENT: ProSe 33 833 Clarification to traditional RN
Doc.Name S3-151086 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Nokia Networks
Abstract: This contribution discusses the usge of 33.401 Annex D (traditional RN) in the c
ontext of ProSe UE-to-Network Relay.
Withdrawn: N
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Late Contribution Flag: N
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DOCUMENT: Solving the second Editor Note in section of TR 33.8
Doc.Name S3-151087 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Alcatel Lucent
Specification: TR 33.872
Release: Rel-13
WI code: eWebRTCi
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: This contribution aims to solve the second editor’s notes in clause of 3
GPP TR 33.872
Withdrawn: N
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Late Contribution Flag: N
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DOCUMENT: SPI 33.849 Ed Note - Annex F
Doc.Name S3-151088 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Nokia Networks
Abstract: Continuation of the discussion about the focus and re-structuring of the present
TR. As discussed in the last meeting, the Annex F is proposed to serve as an in
termediate step and basis for a later possible transforming into a referenceable
guidance document.
Withdrawn: N
Late Contribution Date: 2015-01-19 16:00:00
Late Contribution Flag: N
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DOCUMENT: Clarification of one-to-many requirements
Doc.Name S3-151089 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Withdrawn: N
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Late Contribution Flag: N
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DOCUMENT: Discussion on some Cellular Internet of Things security requ
irements and solutions
Doc.Name S3-151090 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Withdrawn: N
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Late Contribution Flag: N
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DOCUMENT: SPI 33.849 Mitigation techniques - Annex F
Doc.Name S3-151091 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Nokia Networks
Abstract: Editor Note to outline, but not to limit, which possible mitigation techniques s
hould be described in Annex F.
Withdrawn: N
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Late Contribution Flag: N
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DOCUMENT: Solving the third Editor Note in section of TR 33.87
Doc.Name S3-151092 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Alcatel Lucent
Specification: TR 33.872
Release: Rel-13
WI code: eWebRTCi
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: This contribution aims to solve the third editor’s note in clause of 3GP
P TR 33.872
Withdrawn: N
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Late Contribution Flag: N
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DOCUMENT: SPI 33.849 Threats - Annex F
Doc.Name S3-151093 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Nokia Networks
Abstract: Editor Note to outline, but not to limit, which possible threats should be descr
ibed in Annex F.
Withdrawn: N
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Late Contribution Flag: N
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DOCUMENT: Update of SCEF security architecture figure in AESE, and add
ition of an editor's note on authorization in interface A1
Doc.Name S3-151094 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Withdrawn: N
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Late Contribution Flag: N
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DOCUMENT: SPI 33.849 Communication Model - Annex F
Doc.Name S3-151095 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Nokia Networks
Abstract: After agreement in the last meeting to fill in Annex F as the possible future re
ferenceable document of SPI, this CR rewrites and takes over parts of section 4
and proposes them for inclusion in Annex F.
Withdrawn: N
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Late Contribution Flag: N
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DOCUMENT: Discussion on SA5 related management security of virtualized
Doc.Name S3-151096 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: China Mobile
Withdrawn: N
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Late Contribution Flag: N
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DOCUMENT: Removing all the Editor's notes in of TR 33.872
Doc.Name S3-151097 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Alcatel Lucent
Specification: TR 33.872
Release: Rel-13
WI code: eWebRTCi
Document for: Approval
Abstract: This contribution deletes all the Editor’s notes from section of TR 33.8
72 based on recommendations from contributions S3-151085, S3-151087 and S3-15109
Withdrawn: N
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Late Contribution Flag: N
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DOCUMENT: LS to SA5 on considerations for management security of virtu
alized networks
Doc.Name S3-151098 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: China Mobile
Withdrawn: N
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Late Contribution Flag: N
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DOCUMENT: AESE: Solution for using OMA-ER-Autho4API for securing SCEF
A2 and A3 interfaces
Doc.Name S3-151099 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Withdrawn: N
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Late Contribution Flag: N
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DOCUMENT: Identity-based authentication and key agreement for IOPS Sys
Doc.Name S3-151100 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Intel
Abstract: Discussion on the use of identity-based authentication and key agreement for pos
sible use in Isolated E-UTRAN Operation for Public Safety (IOPS)
Withdrawn: N
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Late Contribution Flag: N
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DOCUMENT: UE-to-network relay security for ProSe
Doc.Name S3-151101 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Withdrawn: N
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Late Contribution Flag: N
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DOCUMENT: One-to-one security for ProSe
Doc.Name S3-151102 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Withdrawn: N
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Late Contribution Flag: N
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DOCUMENT: Key issue for MONTE on privacy of UE location information
Doc.Name S3-151103 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Withdrawn: N
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Late Contribution Flag: N
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DOCUMENT: Study of the efficiency of AKA/SA procedures applied to C-Io
Doc.Name S3-151104 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Vodafone
Withdrawn: Y
Late Contribution Date: 2015-01-19 16:00:00
Late Contribution Flag: N
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DOCUMENT: Key issues and security requirements proposals for C-IoT
Doc.Name S3-151105 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Vodafone
Withdrawn: N
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Late Contribution Flag: N
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DOCUMENT: Aligning Network based protection for cell broadcast with SA
2 TR 23.769
Doc.Name S3-151106 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Samsung
Withdrawn: N
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Late Contribution Flag: N
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DOCUMENT: Security information in PDCP Header
Doc.Name S3-151107 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Samsung
Withdrawn: N
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Late Contribution Flag: N
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DOCUMENT: Security Requirements for Out-Of-Coverage Discovery
Doc.Name S3-151108 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Samsung
Withdrawn: N
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Late Contribution Flag: N
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DOCUMENT: Solution for Out-Of-Coverage Discovery
Doc.Name S3-151109 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Samsung
Withdrawn: N
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Late Contribution Flag: N
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DOCUMENT: New Study Item for Security Aspects of Isolated E-UTRAN Oper
ation for Public Safety
Doc.Name S3-151110 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: General Dynamics UK Ltd.
Release: Release 13
Document for: Approval
Abstract: It was agreed at SA2#106 (November 2014) to begin work on a feasibility study on
architecture enhancements for IOPS (Isolated E-UTRAN Operation for Public Safet
y). In addition to SA2 identifying system architectural requirement SA3 has been
requested to consider the security aspects. This contribution presents an SA3 f
easibility study proposal.
Withdrawn: N
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Late Contribution Flag: N
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DOCUMENT: Security aspects of the SA2 study on Isolated E-UTRAN Operat
ion for Public Safety (IOPS)
Doc.Name S3-151111 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: General Dynamics UK Ltd.
Release: Release 13
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: It was agreed at SA2#106 (November 2014) to begin work on a feasibility study on
architecture enhancements for IOPS (Isolated E-UTRAN Operation for Public Safet
y). In addition to SA2 identifying system architectural requirement SA3 has been
requested to consider the security aspects. This contribution reviews the IOPS
objectives agreed by SA2 and discusses the aspects of IOPS operation that are of
interest to SA3.
Withdrawn: N
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Late Contribution Flag: N
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DOCUMENT: Outline TR for Study on Isolated E-UTRAN Operation for Publi
c Safety: Security aspects
Doc.Name S3-151112 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: General Dynamics UK Ltd.
Release: Release 13
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: A proposal for an outline TR for the Study on Isolated E-UTRAN Operation for Pub
lic Safety
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Late Contribution Flag: N
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DOCUMENT: Text proposal for the outline TR for Study on Isolated E-UTR
AN Operation for Public Safety
Doc.Name S3-151113 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: General Dynamics UK Ltd.
Release: Release 13
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: This contribution proposes text for inclusion in the outline TR for the Study on
Isolated E-UTRAN Operation for Public Safety. Text is proposed for inclusion in
the Scope and Key Issues sections.
Withdrawn: N
Late Contribution Date: 2015-01-19 16:00:00
Late Contribution Flag: N
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DOCUMENT: Adding a MIC Check timer to direct discovery procedures
Doc.Name S3-151114 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Qualcomm Incorporated
Specification: TS 33.303
CR category: F
Release: Rel-12
WI code: ProSe
Withdrawn: N
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Late Contribution Flag: N
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DOCUMENT: Restricted Direct Discovery using Model B
Doc.Name S3-151115 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Withdrawn: N
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Late Contribution Flag: N
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DOCUMENT: Adding a key issue for restricted direct discovery to TR 33.
Doc.Name S3-151116 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Qualcomm Incorporated
Withdrawn: N
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Late Contribution Flag: N
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DOCUMENT: Adding a solution for restricted direct discovery to TR 33.8
Doc.Name S3-151117 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Qualcomm Incorporated
Withdrawn: N
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Late Contribution Flag: N
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DOCUMENT: pCR for a security solution for Restricted Direct Discovery
using Model
Doc.Name S3-151118 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Withdrawn: N
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Late Contribution Flag: N
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DOCUMENT: Some security analysis for GERAN CIoT
Doc.Name S3-151119 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Qualcomm Incorporated
Withdrawn: N
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Late Contribution Flag: N
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DOCUMENT: Discussion of open issues in security for Cellular Internet
of Things
Doc.Name S3-151120 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Nokia Networks
Withdrawn: N
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Late Contribution Flag: N
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DOCUMENT: Study of the efficiency of AKA/SA procedures applied to C-Io
Doc.Name S3-151121 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Vodafone
Withdrawn: N
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Late Contribution Flag: N
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DOCUMENT: Update to living document on security enhancements for Cellu
lar Internet of Things
Doc.Name S3-151122 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Nokia Networks
Withdrawn: N
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Late Contribution Flag: N
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DOCUMENT: Draft reply LS to GERAN on security for Cellular Internet of
Doc.Name S3-151123 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Nokia Networks
Withdrawn: N
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Late Contribution Flag: N
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DOCUMENT: Proposal to re-use security solution for ProSe Open Direct D
iscovery for Restricted Direct Discovery
Doc.Name S3-151124 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Withdrawn: N
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Late Contribution Flag: N
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DOCUMENT: Discussion of optionality of Match Report in ProSe Direct Op
en Discovery (Model A)
Doc.Name S3-151125 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Ericsson
Withdrawn: N
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Late Contribution Flag: N
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DOCUMENT: Identification of MCPTT Assets
Doc.Name S3-151126 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: CESG
Withdrawn: N
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Late Contribution Flag: N
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DOCUMENT: Comments to S3-151050
Doc.Name S3-151127 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Alcatel Lucent
Specification: TR 33.872
Release: Rel-13
WI code: eWebRTCi
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: Comments to S3-151050
Withdrawn: N
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Late Contribution Flag: Y
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DOCUMENT: Comments to S3-151041
Doc.Name S3-151128 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Gemalto
Specification: 33.187
CR category: F
Release: Rel-12
WI code: MTCe
Document for: Discussion
Abstract: Comment to S3-151041 for modification
Withdrawn: N
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Late Contribution Flag: Y
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DOCUMENT: Adding a new Annex (Annex D) to collect all test cases - Upd
Doc.Name S3-151129 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Telecom Italia S.p.A
Specification: TR 33.806
Release: Rel-13
WI code: SCAS
Document for: Discussion and approval
Abstract: Update of TD S3-151026.
Following some concerns expressed offline, word comments “F43” and “F45” have be
en corrected.

This contribution proposes to collect all test cases in one single dedicated Ann
ex (i.e. Annex D) of TR 33.806 adopting the template described in TD S3-151025.
Withdrawn: N
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Late Contribution Flag: Y
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DOCUMENT: Reply LS on LI requirements for end-to-end WebRTC-IMS securi
Doc.Name S3-151130 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: S3i150060
Withdrawn: N
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Late Contribution Flag: Y
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Doc.Name S3-151131 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: WG Chairman
Withdrawn: N
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Late Contribution Flag: Y
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DOCUMENT: LS related to Mobile VoIP IMS Roaming
Doc.Name S3-151132 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: S3i150073
Withdrawn: N
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Late Contribution Flag: Y
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DOCUMENT: MCPTT project plan
Doc.Name S3-151133 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: SA2 Chairman
Withdrawn: N
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Late Contribution Flag: N
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DOCUMENT: DT comments against S3-151129
Doc.Name S3-151134 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Deutsche Telekom AG
Withdrawn: N
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Late Contribution Flag: Y
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DOCUMENT: SA3 Meeting calendar
Doc.Name S3-151135 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: ETSI Secretariat
Withdrawn: N
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Late Contribution Flag: N
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DOCUMENT: Nokia comments on 1027_TEST-CASES-SHEET
Doc.Name S3-151136 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Nokia Networks
Withdrawn: N
Late Contribution Date: 2015-01-19 16:00:00
Late Contribution Flag: Y
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DOCUMENT: Nokia comments on 1129_Update_of_S3-151026
Doc.Name S3-151137 Allocations: Content Type:
File Name:
Source: Nokia Networks
Withdrawn: N
Late Contribution Date: 2015-01-19 16:00:00
Late Contribution Flag: Y
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138 Files Uploaded (with Correct Filename)
Last Upload On '2015-01-23 at 14:54:06 (GMT +01:00)'