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icon draft 22261_CR0462r3_(Rel-17)_S1-203406 - quality improvement of TS 22.261 (R17) - editorial_LG_corrections_on_component10.doc 2020/09/18 13:53 385,5 KB
icon 22119_CR0004r1_(Rel-16)_S1-203269_rev_3123_LGcomment.doc 2020/09/18 13:43 96 KB
icon draft SP-200822rev1 WID-SFC-Intel+hw.doc 2020/09/18 10:50 146 KB
icon draft 22261_CR0464r2_(Rel-16)_S1-203374 - quality improvement of TS 22.261 (R16) - req enum.doc 2020/09/18 6:30 391,5 KB
icon draft 22261_CR0462r3_(Rel-17)_S1-203406 - quality improvement of TS 22.261 (R17) - editorial.doc 2020/09/18 6:18 419,5 KB
icon SP-200xxxx-GUTI reallocation_v2.pptx 2020/09/18 4:20 415,9 KB
icon SP-200xxxx-GUTI reallocation.pptx 2020/09/17 15:56 412,7 KB
icon draft SP-200775_rev3-VF.DOCX 2020/09/17 14:01 32,8 KB
icon SP-200796-LS on 5G GUTI reallocation-r2_rev1.doc 2020/09/17 11:32 47,5 KB
icon SP-200810 Draft reply LS on RAN impact of FS_5MBS Study_rev3.docx 2020/09/17 10:17 31,8 KB
icon SP-200810 Draft reply LS on RAN impact of FS_5MBS Study_rev2.docx 2020/09/16 10:19 31,4 KB
icon SP-200810 Draft reply LS on RAN impact of FS_5MBS Study_rev1.docx 2020/09/16 9:12 32 KB
icon SP-200717_WID_5GMSG_sec_Suresh.doc 2020/09/15 12:02 74 KB

13 items.