/ CRs on FR1 SRS Bandwidth
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R3-24xxxx was R3-245674 Correction on FR1 SRS Bandwidth in Requested SRS Transmission Characteristics(r18-LPPA).docx
2024/10/17 0:10
43,8 KB
R3-24xxxx was R3-245673 Correction on FR1 SRS Bandwidth in Requested SRS Transmission Characteristics(r17-LPPA).docx
2024/10/17 0:10
43,2 KB
R3-24xxxx was R3-245672 Correction on FR1 SRS Bandwidth in Requested SRS Transmission Characteristics(r16-LPPA).docx
2024/10/17 0:10
42,9 KB
R3-24xxxx was R3-245671 Correction on FR1 SRS Bandwidth in Requested SRS Transmission Characteristics(R18).docx
2024/10/17 0:10
43,7 KB
R3-24xxxx was R3-245670 Correction on FR1 SRS Bandwidth in Requested SRS Transmission Characteristics(R17).docx
2024/10/17 0:10
43,3 KB
R3-24xxxx was R3-245669 Correction on FR1 SRS Bandwidth in Requested SRS Transmission Characteristics(R16).docx
2024/10/17 0:10
43,5 KB
R3-24xxxx introduction of bandwidths 35MHz and 45MHz in FR1 SRS Bandwidth(r18-LPPA).docx
2024/10/17 0:10
43 KB
R3-24xxxx introduction of bandwidths 35MHz and 45MHz in FR1 SRS Bandwidth(R18).docx
2024/10/17 0:10
43,2 KB
R3-24xxxx introduction of bandwidths 35MHz and 45MHz in FR1 SRS Bandwidth(r17-LPPA).docx
2024/10/17 0:10
43,2 KB
R3-24xxxx introduction of bandwidths 35MHz and 45MHz in FR1 SRS Bandwidth(R17).docx
2024/10/17 0:10
43,2 KB
10 items.