TECH DOC 10_001 LS to ITU v2.zip
2010/03/19 9:32
50,4 KB
JEM 03- 002.zip
2010/08/18 8:59
38,7 KB
LS Out Fast Dormancy Best Practices.zip
2010/09/10 12:41
348,6 KB
Liaison Statement Response on Clarification to eUICC uses cases and Requirements S1-111298 v1.zip
2011/06/10 14:59
486,5 KB
2011/11/03 14:12
57,2 KB
Draft LS from GSMA EMTA to 3GPP on eCall testingv2.zip
2011/11/03 14:51
20,6 KB
LS to 3GPP and WFA on WiFi Roaming.zip
2012/01/30 9:11
611,7 KB
PSMC Doc 104_16c_and_d.zip
2012/06/18 8:36
574,4 KB
TSGWIF_111r2_Liaison Statement_GSMA WIFI PRD Publication_WFA_WBA_OMA_3GPP_v04.zip
2012/06/19 9:26
437 KB
SOLU 55_015.zip
2012/07/02 13:03
87,2 KB
2012/07/06 9:00
649,7 KB
2013/01/14 10:42
37,9 KB
LS to 3GPP SA3 and ETSI SAGE re Withdrawal of GEA1 from Mobile Devices.zip
2013/01/18 9:12
16,9 KB
LS to 3GPP SA3 re Security Assurance Methodology for 3GPP Network Elements.zip
2013/01/18 9:12
18,4 KB
CLP_Doc LS_001 to_SA1_on_APN_SIM_Storage.zip
2013/04/30 14:23
26,1 KB
2013/05/17 9:05
317,1 KB
2013/05/23 9:46
23,5 KB
WBA-GSMA TF on mobility - LS2 22052013.zip
2013/05/23 10:16
612,3 KB
WBA-GSMA TF on mobility - LS3 22052013.zip
2013/05/23 10:16
611,2 KB
WBA-GSMA TF on Signalling Optimisation - output LS 3GPP WFA 26062013.zip
2013/07/01 14:20
575,8 KB
SG Doc 88_03 Draft Liaison Statement to SA1 re SMS Barring.zip
2013/08/19 8:10
32,8 KB
2014/01/16 14:33
36,8 KB
TSG14_034_Liaison_statement_TSG_Publication HD Voice Logo Annex C D.zip
2014/01/20 11:30
36,7 KB
2014/05/16 12:48
46,7 KB
CPAS04_001 LS to 3GPP from GSMA Personal Data on USSD authenticator.zip
2014/07/08 14:31
110,8 KB
2014/09/16 9:34
513,1 KB
GSMA LS to 3GPP Risk assessment Network Initiated USSD in IMS.zip
2014/10/02 7:57
80,2 KB
2014/10/17 14:35
73,8 KB
15ESIM08_12_Liaison Statement 3GPP CT6 on Specific network availability.zip
2015/03/20 10:22
58,8 KB
TSGAP_147 LS_Announcing publication of TS24 V3 0.zip
2015/09/28 14:24
244,1 KB
2016/04/12 14:27
45,2 KB
LS_TSG Announcing IoT TS34 and 35 v3 0.zip
2016/04/29 13:30
54,1 KB
LS to CTIA and 3GPP Ran Plenary on Transmit Antenna Switching v3.zip
2016/10/23 14:16
48,1 KB
2016/10/23 14:19
TSGRMS_001 LS TSG Announcing TS.37 V3.0.zip
2017/01/19 9:53
397,7 KB
NBIOTDM 009_001 - GSMA MIoT response to 3GPP.zip
2017/02/13 11:58
39,4 KB
NBIOTDM 009_001 - GSMA MIoT response to 3GPP v1.zip
2017/02/13 12:00
39,5 KB
TSGAP LS on the defintion of a Wide Phantom Hand for measuring OTA Performance v4.zip
2017/03/13 15:27
58,3 KB
NEST_03_006_LS on NetworkSlicing.zip
2017/06/06 8:33
53,9 KB
TSG30_007 LS on MIMO OTA Testing.zip
2017/10/31 13:57
670,7 KB
TSGRMS_002 LS TSG Announcing TS.37 V3.0.zip
2017/11/07 14:27
445,1 KB
LS reply to 3GPP SA2 onStatusIcon.zip
2017/11/23 8:15
57 KB
LS on Interworking between networks with different 5G deployments options in a roaming scenario.zip
2017/11/29 9:48
71 KB
TSG30_054 LS to RAN5 on missing RFC Feature Tags (005).zip
2018/01/16 9:13
57,4 KB
3GPPOP 95_003 LS on Rel-16 prioritisation r2.zip
2018/06/12 8:24
361,6 KB
WSOLU 34_007 LS to 3GPP on SoR v2.zip
2018/08/20 14:09
54,6 KB
5GSI_04 Doc 003 LS to 3GPP on 5G Indicator Requirement.zip
2018/09/06 9:43
46,2 KB
5GJA5_120 LS SMS roaming interface evolution.zip
2019/02/18 10:30
53,6 KB
LS from GSMA TSG eSIMTP WG to RAN5 v2.3.zip
2019/02/21 10:22
56,6 KB
TSGIoT15_003 LS on OTA testing of IoT devices V1.0.zip
2019/03/04 10:07
1775,1 KB
TSGWAP02_002 LS_Announcing creation of TSGWAP v2.zip
2019/04/17 9:16
56,9 KB
DESS31_05 LS to 3GPP SA3 to review Diameter solution - final8.zip
2019/04/18 7:36
229,1 KB
TSG LS announcing the release of the GSMA Generic Test Profile v1.0.zip
2019/05/07 14:12
200,5 KB
GERI 002_106 LS-3GPP SMS and AML r0.zip
2019/09/04 12:20
75,8 KB
GERI 004_201 Response LS to 3GPP CT4 on New Sub-domain for IWK with SNPN.zip
2020/04/02 8:24
78,4 KB
BOD77_001 LS to SA Plenary from GSMA v9.zip
2020/06/08 12:00
52,6 KB
RIFS90_04 LS on 4G authentication improvement v3.zip
2020/08/10 13:23
63,7 KB
OPG_LS on OPG.01 Operator Platform Telco Edge Cloud Proposal.zip
2020/12/16 12:06
1223,9 KB
OPG_52_Doc_03_LS OPG_ETSI-3GPP SDO Mapping-final.zip
2021/03/31 7:18
125,5 KB
2021/06/14 14:41
96,9 KB
5GMRR Doc 19_11r2.zip
2021/08/25 8:59
224,4 KB
2021/10/29 14:28
88,8 KB
OPG_72_Doc_04_LS_OPG_ETSI-3GPP-SDO Mapping FINAL.zip
2021/11/24 9:27
67,2 KB
ESTF 02_102 - LS informing partners of ESTF creation r1.zip
2021/12/08 10:26
86,3 KB
OPAG_04_Doc_02_LS_OPAG_ETSI-3GPP-SDO Workshop.zip
2021/12/13 9:54
67,1 KB
2022/02/09 8:06
67,5 KB
ENSWI06 Doc09r1.zip
2022/02/22 10:38
113,4 KB
LS to 3GPP SA2 on GBR Alignment r2.zip
2022/03/03 8:49
100 KB
NRG 012_206r3 LS reply to 3GPP SA2 on ARP alignment with3GPP.zip
2022/03/04 9:32
102,6 KB
ENSWI09_Doc006_LS to 3GPP SA2 SA5 on enfocement of max number per slice v1.zip
2022/03/31 7:54
103,4 KB
2022/04/26 11:58
67 KB
LS from GSMA to to RAN-RAN4_6GHz .zip
2022/04/26 11:58
67 KB
2022/04/26 14:04
44,4 KB
ENSWI10_Doc010_LS on traffic categories_1.zip
2022/04/28 7:12
88,1 KB
2022/09/05 11:36
120,3 KB
ENSWI15_Doc008.zip - Shortcut.lnk
2022/09/05 12:09
2,6 KB
UPG04_109 - LS to 3GPP SA3 on IMS Data Channel Security Mode_v1.1.zip
2022/10/24 8:45
291,7 KB
UPG04_111r1 - LS to RAN5 on Confirmation of resource reservation.zip
2022/10/24 8:45
72,8 KB
2022/11/16 9:39
134,5 KB
ENSWI20_Doc004_LS_reply_on_Traffic_Categories r21.zip
2023/02/07 11:15
118,5 KB
NRG 016_208 LS to SA3 on Volte roaming lawful interception.zip
2023/02/07 11:38
90 KB
NRG 016_208 LS to SA3 on Volte roaming lawful interception - limitation to provide caller identify if caller activates r4 (003).zip
2023/02/08 9:28
90 KB
NRG 016_206 LS to SA3 on LI EPS Fallback for 5G inbound roamer r4.zip
2023/02/08 9:28
91,3 KB
PQTN_14_Doc_003R01 LS to inform about whitepaper publication.zip
2023/03/07 15:04
62,5 KB
UPG06_110r2 - LS from NG UPG to 3GPP SA4 on IMS Data Channel.zip
2023/04/13 8:42
83,8 KB
UEWIFI07_003 LS for SA2 on UE WiFi calling revised.zip
2023/04/20 14:44
166 KB
UPG06_122 - LS from UPG to ETSI TFES on aerial UE usage.zip
2023/04/28 15:56
206,3 KB
UPG06_121 - LS to 3GPP CT1 onDefault_EPS_bearer_QoS_Flow_context_usage_restriction_policy.zip
2023/05/02 9:02
96,3 KB
2023/05/15 9:33
98,6 KB
GSMA reply to SA2 on Voice over WiFi Handover V7.zip
2023/08/11 11:28
72,2 KB
TSGIoT52_006 GSMA Liaison Statement NTN UE Test Cases.zip
2023/08/11 11:39
37,8 KB
LS to 3GPP re Monitoring of Encrypted 5GS Signalling Traffic.zip
2023/10/05 14:09
76,6 KB
2023/12/18 9:21
65,1 KB
NESASG Doc 24b_010 LS to 3GPP SA3 re Definition of Term Network Product Class.zip
2024/01/10 14:54
66,5 KB
IMSDCAS09_011 v2.zip
2024/01/22 10:50
4762,4 KB
2024/05/16 9:01
55,7 KB
URSPWI 09_002r2- LS to 3GPP on publication of NG.141.zip
2024/06/06 14:25
64,8 KB
NRG 022_203 LS reply to SA5 on NG.116 Energy Efficiency Attribute v1.zip
2024/06/26 7:54
57,5 KB
TSG LS to 3GPP SAx.zip
2024/08/08 12:20
403,7 KB
2024/11/06 9:58
91,7 KB
URSPWI 15_003r3 LS out to CT1 on UE Local configuration.zip
2024/11/07 10:34
58,1 KB
NRG 024_203r1 LS to 3GPP on Format of FQDN for PRINS.zip
2025/02/04 14:29
69,4 KB
NRG 024_205r1 LS to 3GPP on new SST for guaranteed bit rate NEST.zip
2025/02/11 8:07
67 KB