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icon S2-183122 Reply LS on DRX Param Negotiation DRAFT v1.0.doc 2018/04/07 13:17 64 KB
icon draft TS 2018/04/23 6:18 44 KB
icon S2-184499 LS on clarification of NSSAI in idle-connected mode transition_rev2.doc 2018/04/24 15:12 80 KB
icon S2-184078_was_S2-183492_23503_Network slicing information for-v2.doc 2018/04/25 3:00 81,5 KB
icon S2-184077_was_S2-183483_23502_Network slicing information as the input parameter of BSF service operations-rev1.doc 2018/04/25 6:52 80 KB
icon S2-184499 LS on clarification of NSSAI in idle-connected mode transition_rev4.doc 2018/04/25 12:15 75 KB
icon S2-18xxxx_PCR23715 eval and concl_v0.1.doc 2018/07/24 13:29 85,5 KB
icon draft 23715-061-clean.docx 2018/07/24 13:34 465,7 KB
icon draft 23715-061-rm.docx 2018/07/24 13:34 486 KB

9 items.