ETSI logo / FTP / Email_Discussions / RAN3 / RAN3_114-e / rapporteur work

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icon draft R3-21xxxx_38401_CR0xxx_(Rel-17) rapporteur-dr2.doc 2021/10/22 3:50 2685,5 KB
icon draft R3-21xxxx_38401_CR0xxx_(Rel-17) rapporteur.doc 2021/10/21 0:38 2685,5 KB
icon draft_R3-21xxxx_38463_CR0xxx_(Rel-17) rapporteur.docx 2021/10/20 18:48 66 KB
icon draft R3-21xxxx_38455_CR0xxx_(Rel-17) rapporteur.docx 2021/10/19 18:16 39,6 KB
icon draft R3-21xxxx_38473_CR0xxx_(Rel-17) rapporteur.doc 2021/10/19 14:10 1084,1 KB
icon draft R3-21xxxx_38425_CR0xxx_(Rel-17) rapporteur.doc 2021/10/18 8:05 166,5 KB
icon draft_R3-21xxxx_36423_CR0xxxx_(Rel-17) rapporteur.docx 2021/10/15 20:35 124,5 KB
icon draft R3-21xxxx_38423_CR0xxx_(Rel-17) rapporteur.docx 2021/10/15 19:40 1592 KB
icon draft R3-21xxxx_38413_CR0xxx_(Rel-17) rapporteur.docx 2021/10/15 0:02 56,1 KB

9 items.