The web site shall provide the following window types. The hyperlinks in the list below are to an example page on the current 3GPP web site.
In addition, each future meeting (i.e. each meeting for which the start date is greater than the current date) has an associated iCal file.
Examples of these pages can be seen on the current 3GPP web. Note that, on the current web, each instance of the above pages is an independent, static, HTML page generated from the 3GPP Specs Status database application. In consequence, there are over twenty thousand such pages in total. In 3UA, these will be replaced by one dynamic page for each of the above list of page types.
These pages are extensively interlinked, so it is possible to go from a Spec series list to an individual Spec, from there to that Spec's Change Requests, and from a given Change Request to the TSG plenary tdoc in which that CR can be found. Again, it is possible to go from a Spec to the work item under which that Spec was originally written, and from the work item to its entry in the Gantt chart, and from there to the tdoc containing its WID. And again, from the Gantt chart it is possible to go to the home page for the committee responsible for a given work item, and from there to the list of its elected officials, or to its list of meetings; and from its list of meetings, it is possible to see the list of tdocs presented at that meeting and from there to the file containing that tdoc.
3UA shall provide similar pages, but generated dynamically as a function of the starting point. Those pages shall be coded (Visual Basic and ASP .NET) as efficiently as possible to avoid lengthy delays in rendering the output. Ideally the user shall not experience a noticeable difference in rendering speed compared with the equivalent former static page.