ETSI logo / ftp / tsg_sa / WG6_MissionCritical / TSGS6_049-bis-e / inbox / drafts / 07_Rel-17_Work_Items

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icon S6-221633_rev1.docx 2022/06/28 9:33 32,9 KB
icon S6-221639_rev1.docx 2022/06/28 9:33 32,9 KB
icon S6-22xxxx was1616 EDGEAPP add security info in service provisioning 23558 v1.docx 2022/06/23 14:31 37,6 KB
icon S6-22xxxx was1617 EDGEAPP clarify location user consent 23558 v2.docx 2022/06/23 14:44 94,6 KB

4 items.