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icon S6-211158_rev1 (merge of S6-211279) EEC_Context_relocation_at_ACR-DRAFT.doc 2021/05/27 13:00 2582 KB
icon 2021/05/27 10:43 210,1 KB
icon S6-211257_rev1 EAS DNAIs.doc 2021/05/27 12:55 57,5 KB
icon S6-211258_rev1 EEC subscriptions.doc 2021/05/27 11:33 332,5 KB
icon S6-211276_rev1_EDGEAPP-23558-Adding the ACR notification to the ACR management procedure-DRAFT.doc 2021/05/27 13:00 216,5 KB
icon S6-211282_rev1_EDGEAPP-23558-Improvement of service provisioning response for EEC selecting EES.doc 2021/05/27 13:01 80 KB

6 items.