ETSI logo / ftp / tsg_sa / WG6_MissionCritical / Informal_ConfCalls / 2022 / ICC_20220328_Non-EDGE_Non-MC / inbox

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icon FS_ADAES- DP on potential topics and planned work.pptx 2022/03/25 9:21 588,4 KB
icon NSCALE_status.pptx 2022/03/28 7:12 114,1 KB
icon S6-220xxx_BDT_configuration solution.doc 2022/03/24 9:07 486 KB
icon S6-220xxx_NIDD_configuration solution.doc 2022/03/24 9:07 328 KB
icon S6-220xxx_UE activity pattern and monitoring solution.doc 2022/03/24 9:07 433,5 KB
icon S6-22xxxx FS_SNAAPP clarify CAPIF-10 23700-95 v1.doc 2022/03/27 9:15 610 KB
icon S6-22xxxx was2773 FS_ACE_IOT Application server monitoring 23700-97 v2.doc 2022/03/27 9:15 273,5 KB

7 items.