Agenda with allocated Tdocs
Created: 2011-09-08 10:10 Last document: S5-112712
Agenda | Topic | Tdoc | Title | Source | Doc-type | Doc-for | Avail | Treated | Decision | Wdrn | Replaced-by | Replaces |
1 |
Opening of the meeting |
2 |
Approval of the agenda and registration of new documents |
S5-112200 | Agenda | WG Chairman | agenda | approval | Yes | Yes | approved | No | ||
3 |
IPR declaration |
S5-112537 | IPR Declaration | WG Chairman | other | discussion | Yes | Yes | noted | No | ||
4 |
Meetings and activities reports |
4.1 |
Last SA5 meeting report |
S5-112201 | Report from last SA5 meeting | MCC | report | approval | Yes | Yes | approved | No | ||
4.2 |
Last SA meeting report |
S5-112202 | Report from last SA meeting | WG Chairman | report | approval | Yes | Yes | noted | No | ||
4.3 |
LS status |
S5-112253 | LS on Equivalent PLMN | RP-110905 | i/c LS | discussion | Yes | Yes | noted | No | ||
S5-112551 | NGMN_NGCOR_LS-and-draft-requirements | NGMN_NGCOR_LS-and-draft-requirements | i/c LS | discussion | Yes | Yes | replied to | No | ||||
S5-112660 | Reply to: NGMN_NGCOR_LS-and-draft-requirements | SA5 | o/g LS | approval | No | Yes | revised | No | S5-112669 | |||
S5-112669 | Reply to: NGMN_NGCOR_LS-and-draft-requirements | SA5 | o/g LS | approval | No | Yes | approved | No | S5-112660 | |||
S5-112588 | LS on Radio metrics with respect to QoE | S4-110800 | i/c LS | discussion | Yes | Yes | postponed to the next meeting | No | ||||
4.4 |
Inter-organizational communication reports |
S5-112252 | Response to S5-112090 on Multi SDO meeting | TM Forum | i/c LS | discussion | Yes | Yes | noted | No | ||
S5-112254 | Reply LS on FMC governance aspects and multi-SDO initiative | SP-110429 | i/c LS | discussion | Yes | Yes | noted | No | ||||
S5-112257 | Termination of the JCA-Mgt | COM 2 - LS 102- E | i/c LS | discussion | Yes | Yes | noted | No | ||||
S5-112258 | Updates on the framework for Web-Services/XML based management interfaces | COM 2 - LS 125 - E | i/c LS | discussion | Yes | Yes | noted | No | ||||
S5-112274 | SA5 presentation at Multi SDO meeting on FMC OAM July 26-27 2011 | WG Chairman | report | approval | Yes | Yes | noted | No | ||||
S5-112337 | Presentations of Workshop on Converged Management of Fixed Mobile Networks - July 2011 | WG Chairman | report | approval | Yes | Yes | noted | No | ||||
S5-112338 | Outputs of Multi-SDO Workshop - July 2011 | WG Chairman | report | approval | Yes | Yes | noted | No | ||||
S5-112527 | NGMN Project NGCOR liaison statement and draft requirements | NGMN Alliance, Project NGCOR | i/c LS | discussion | Yes | No | withdrawn | Yes | ||||
4.5 |
Other reports |
S5-112318 | History of SA5 Telecom Management from 1998 | MCC (A Zoicas) | other | discussion | Yes | Yes | revised | No | S5-112511 | |
S5-112511 | revised History of SA5 Telecom Management from 1998 | MCC (A Zoicas) | other | discussion | Yes | Yes | noted | No | S5-112318 | |||
5 |
Cross-SWG issues at SA5 level |
5.1 |
Administrative issues at SA5 level |
S5-112213 | SA5 Working Procedures | WG Chairman | other | discussion | Yes | Yes | noted | No | ||
S5-112214 | SA5 Meeting Facility Requirements | WG Chairman | other | discussion | Yes | Yes | noted | No | ||||
S5-112215 | Draft TS/TR Management Process | WG Vice Chair | other | discussion | Yes | Yes | approved | No | ||||
S5-112216 | CR Quality Check | MCC | other | discussion | Yes | Yes | noted | No | ||||
S5-112233 | Agenda Leaders Meeting | WG Chairman | agenda | approval | Yes | Yes | noted | No | ||||
S5-112246 | Minutes Leaders Meeting | WG Chairman | report | approval | Yes | Yes | noted | No | ||||
5.2 |
Meeting calendar |
S5-112212 | SA5 Meeting Calendar | WG Chairman | other | discussion | Yes | Yes | noted | No | ||
5.3 |
Technical issues at SA5 level |
S5-112455 | Considerations on NGMN NGCOR requirements | Huawei | other | discussion | Yes | Yes | noted | No | ||
S5-112461 | Comments on NGMN NGCOR Consolidated Requirements v092 | Ericsson | other | discussion | Yes | Yes | noted | No | ||||
S5-112539 | Comments & Discussion on 'NGCOR CONSOLIDATED REQUIREMENTS' V0.92 | Nokia Siemens Networks | other | discussion | Yes | Yes | noted | No | ||||
S5-112540 | Feedback on NGMN NGCOR Consolidated Requirements v092 | ZTE | other | discussion | Yes | Yes | noted | No | ||||
S5-112552 | Feedback on NGMN “NGCOR CONSOLIDATED REQUIREMENTS” V.092 | 3GPP SA WG5 | o/g LS | discussion | Yes | Yes | revised | No | S5-112659 | |||
S5-112659 | Feedback on NGMN “NGCOR CONSOLIDATED REQUIREMENTS” V.092 | 3GPP SA WG5 | meeting report / action list | discussion | No | Yes | agreed | No | S5-112552 | |||
S5-112571 | Minutes of Breakout session on NGCOR Requirements response | Ericsson | meeting report / action list | approval | Yes | Yes | noted | No | ||||
S5-112585 | Comments on NGMN-NGCOR | Alcatel-Lucent | other | discussion | Yes | Yes | noted | No | ||||
5.4 |
Review of the 3GPP Work Plan |
S5-112217 | TR 30.820 Project scheduling for SA5 Release 10 | MCC | draft TS/TR | discussion | Yes | Yes | agreed | No | ||
S5-112262 | TR 30.821 Project scheduling for SA5 Release 11 | MCC | draft TS/TR | discussion | Yes | Yes | noted | No | ||||
S5-112220 | Deliverables due for the NEXT SA Plenary | MCC | other | discussion | Yes | Yes | noted | No | ||||
S5-112263 | 3GPP SA5 Work Plan | MCC | other | discussion | Yes | Yes | noted | No | ||||
5.5 |
Election for Chairman and 2 Vice Chairmen of 3GPP TSG SA WG 5 |
S5-112534 | Nomination of Christian Toche for SA5 chairman position | MCC | other | discussion | Yes | Yes | noted | No | ||
S5-112535 | Nomination of Istvan Aba for SA5 vice-chairman position | MCC | other | discussion | Yes | Yes | noted | No | ||||
S5-112536 | Nomination of Thomas Tovinger for SA5 vice-chairman position | MCC | other | discussion | Yes | Yes | noted | No | ||||
6 |
OAM&P (Operations, Administration, Maintenance & Provisioning |
6.1 |
OAM&P Plenary |
S5-112553 | Resubmitted LS on H(e)NB related LI requirements | SA3LI10_056r2 | i/c LS | discussion | Yes | Yes | noted | No | ||
S5-112203 | OAM Time Plan | WG Chairman | other | discussion | Yes | Yes | approved | No | ||||
S5-112204 | OAM Detailed Report from LAST Meeting | OAM SWG Chair | report | approval | Yes | Yes | approved | No | ||||
S5-112205 | OAM Executive Report from THIS Meeting | OAM SWG Chair | report | approval | Yes | Yes | approved | No | ||||
S5-112206 | OAM Detailed Report from THIS Meeting | OAM SWG Chair | report | approval | Yes | Yes | not addressed | No | ||||
S5-112268 | Response to SA5 Liaison (S5-111514) and Straw Ballot for TR-196i2 and TR-262 | Broadband Forum | i/c LS | discussion | Yes | Yes | noted | No | ||||
S5-112269 | NGMN Partner Briefing July 2011 | NGCOR Project | i/c LS | discussion | Yes | Yes | noted | No | ||||
S5-112271 | Reply LS to Reply LS on Network Sharing | S2-113809 | i/c LS | discussion | Yes | Yes | noted | No | ||||
S5-112324 | Response to SA5 Liaison S5-111905 on consistency of H(e)NB PM between BBF and 3GPP | bbf2011-777-01_Liaision | i/c LS | discussion | Yes | Yes | replied to | No | ||||
S5-112554 | Reply to: Response to SA5 Liaison S5-111905 on consistency of H(e)NB PM between BBF and 3GPP | SA5 | o/g LS | approval | Yes | Yes | revised | No | S5-112705 | |||
S5-112705 | Reply to: Response to SA5 Liaison S5-111905 on consistency of H(e)NB PM between BBF and 3GPP | SA5 | o/g LS | approval | No | Yes | sent for email approval | No | S5-112554 | |||
S5-112651 | LS to RAN3 on Energy savings management | SA5 | o/g LS | approval | Yes | Yes | revised | No | S5-112702 | |||
S5-112702 | LS to RAN3 on Energy savings management | SA5 | o/g LS | approval | Yes | Yes | revised | No | S5-112706 | S5-112651 | ||
S5-112706 | LS to RAN3 on Energy savings management | SA5 | o/g LS | approval | Yes | Yes | approved | No | S5-112702 | |||
S5-112661 | Adding TCE address and TCE ID mapping information to ENBFunction | MCC, Huawei | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | revised | No | S5-112693 | |||
S5-112693 | Adding TCE address and TCE ID mapping information to ENBFunction | MCC, Huawei | CR | agreement | No | Yes | agreed | No | S5-112661 | |||
6.2 |
New OAM&P Work Item proposals |
S5-112339 | New WID_Carrier Aggregation management | Nokia Siemens Networks | New WID | agreement | Yes | Yes | revised | No | S5-112555 | |
S5-112555 | New WID_Carrier Aggregation management | Nokia Siemens Networks | New WID | agreement | No | Yes | revised | No | S5-112694 | S5-112339 | ||
S5-112694 | New WID_Carrier Aggregation management | Nokia Siemens Networks | New WID | agreement | Yes | Yes | agreed | No | S5-112555 | |||
S5-112436 | New WID on LTE SON management enhancement | Huawei | New WID | agreement | Yes | Yes | revised | No | S5-112556 | |||
S5-112556 | New WID on LTE SON management enhancement | Huawei | New WID | agreement | No | Yes | revised | No | S5-112708 | S5-112436 | ||
S5-112708 | New WID on LTE SON management enhancement | Huawei | New WID | agreement | No | Yes | revised | No | S5-112711 | S5-112556 | ||
S5-112711 | New WID on LTE SON management enhancement | Huawei | New WID | agreement | No | Yes | agreed | No | S5-112708 | |||
S5-112470 | 3GPP and WLAN interworking Network Management | China Mobile | New WID | agreement | Yes | Yes | revised | No | S5-112557 | |||
S5-112557 | 3GPP and WLAN interworking Network Management | China Mobile | New WID | agreement | No | Yes | revised | No | S5-112696 | S5-112470 | ||
S5-112696 | 3GPP and WLAN interworking Network Management | China Mobile | New WID | agreement | Yes | Yes | agreed | No | S5-112557 | |||
6.3 |
OAM&P Maintenance and Rel-11 small Enhancements |
S5-112221 | Agenda OAM&P Maintenance and Rel-11 small Enhancements | OAM SWG Chair | agenda | approval | No | No | withdrawn | Yes | ||
S5-112234 | Minutes OAM&P Maintenance and Rel-11 small Enhancements | Rapporteur | report | approval | No | No | withdrawn | Yes | ||||
S5-112311 | CR R10 32.386 Correct syntax errors in XML schema and WSDL specification | ETRI | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | agreed | No | ||||
S5-112312 | CR R7 32.385 Correct syntax errors in XML schema | ETRI | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | agreed | No | ||||
S5-112313 | CR R8 32.385 Correct syntax errors in XML schema | ETRI | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | agreed | No | ||||
S5-112314 | CR R9 32.385 Correct syntax errors in XML schema | ETRI | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | agreed | No | ||||
S5-112315 | CR R9 32.387 Correct syntax errors in WSDL specification | ETRI | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | agreed | No | ||||
S5-112326 | CR R8 32.583 Align the HNB-GW discovery procedure with flow diagram | Nokia Siemens Networks | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | revised | No | S5-112558 | |||
S5-112558 | CR R8 32.583 Align the HNB-GW discovery procedure with flow diagram | Nokia Siemens Networks | CR | agreement | No | Yes | agreed | No | S5-112326 | |||
S5-112327 | CR R9 32.583 Align the HNB-GW discovery procedure with flow diagram | Nokia Siemens Networks | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | revised | No | S5-112559 | |||
S5-112559 | CR R9 32.583 Align the HNB-GW discovery procedure with flow diagram | Nokia Siemens Networks | CR | agreement | No | Yes | agreed | No | S5-112327 | |||
S5-112328 | CR R10 32.583 Align the HNB-GW discovery procedure with flow diagram | Nokia Siemens Networks | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | revised | No | S5-112560 | |||
S5-112560 | CR R10 32.583 Align the HNB-GW discovery procedure with flow diagram | Nokia Siemens Networks | CR | agreement | No | Yes | agreed | No | S5-112328 | |||
S5-112329 | CR R9 32.583 Add the root CA certificate pre-configuration to the discovery procedures | Nokia Siemens Networks | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | revised | No | S5-112561 | |||
S5-112561 | CR R9 32.583 Add the root CA certificate pre-configuration to the discovery procedures | Nokia Siemens Networks | CR | agreement | No | Yes | agreed | No | S5-112329 | |||
S5-112330 | CR R10 32.583 Add the root CA certificate pre-configuration to the discovery procedures | Nokia Siemens Networks | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | revised | No | S5-112562 | |||
S5-112562 | CR R10 32.583 Add the root CA certificate pre-configuration to the discovery procedures | Nokia Siemens Networks | CR | agreement | No | Yes | agreed | No | S5-112330 | |||
S5-112331 | CR R9 32.593 Editorial cleanup of Serving HeMS Discovery procedure | Nokia Siemens Networks | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | withdrawn | Yes | ||||
S5-112332 | CR R10 32.593 Editorial cleanup of Serving HeMS Discovery procedure | Nokia Siemens Networks | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | revised | No | S5-112563 | |||
S5-112563 | CR R10 32.593 Editorial cleanup of Serving HeMS Discovery procedure | Nokia Siemens Networks | CR | agreement | No | Yes | agreed | No | S5-112332 | |||
S5-112333 | CR R9 32.593 Add the root CA certificate pre-configuration to the discovery procedures | Nokia Siemens Networks | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | revised | No | S5-112564 | |||
S5-112564 | CR R9 32.593 Add the root CA certificate pre-configuration to the discovery procedures | Nokia Siemens Networks | CR | agreement | No | Yes | agreed | No | S5-112333 | |||
S5-112334 | CR R10 32.593 Add the root CA certificate pre-configuration to the discovery procedures | Nokia Siemens Networks | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | revised | No | S5-112565 | |||
S5-112565 | CR R10 32.593 Add the root CA certificate pre-configuration to the discovery procedures | Nokia Siemens Networks | CR | agreement | No | Yes | agreed | No | S5-112334 | |||
S5-112335 | CR R9 32.593 Add the FQDNs of the Serving SeGW and Serving HeMS to the list of parameters configured by Initial HeMS | Nokia Siemens Networks | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | agreed | No | ||||
S5-112336 | CR R10 32.593 Add the FQDNs of the Serving SeGW and Serving HeMS to the list of parameters configured by Initial HeMS | Nokia Siemens Networks | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | agreed | No | ||||
S5-112340 | Discussion paper of counters for Too-Late Handover | Nokia Siemens Networks | other | discussion | Yes | Yes | noted | No | ||||
S5-112341 | CR R11 Counters For Too-Late Handover | Nokia Siemens Networks | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | revised | No | S5-112566 | |||
S5-112566 | CR R11 Counters For Too-Late Handover | Nokia Siemens Networks | CR | agreement | No | Yes | sent for email approval | No | S5-112341 | |||
S5-112342 | CR R10 Add missing PM for Inter-RAT MRO | Nokia Siemens Networks | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | revised | No | S5-112567 | |||
S5-112567 | CR R10 Add missing PM for Inter-RAT MRO | Nokia Siemens Networks | CR | agreement | No | Yes | agreed | No | S5-112342 | |||
S5-112343 | CR R10 Add missing measurements for unnecessary HOs for Inter-RAT MRO | Nokia Siemens Networks | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | revised | No | S5-112610 | |||
S5-112610 | CR R10 Add missing measurements for unnecessary HOs for Inter-RAT MRO | Nokia Siemens Networks | CR | agreement | No | Yes | agreed | No | S5-112343 | |||
S5-112391 | E-CR32.511 Rel-11 Add requirements for UTRAN IRAT ANR | Ericsson | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | revised | No | S5-112568 | |||
S5-112393 | CR R8 32.307 Change direction of notifications in SOAP solution | Ericsson | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | agreed | No | ||||
S5-112394 | CR R9 32.307 Change direction of notifications in SOAP solution | Ericsson | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | agreed | No | ||||
S5-112395 | CR R10 32.306 Change direction of notifications in SOAP solution | Ericsson | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | agreed | No | ||||
S5-112462 | CR R8 32.425 Correction of the measurement definition for Number of released active E-RABs | China Mobile | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | noted | No | ||||
S5-112463 | CR R9 32.425 Correction of the measurement definition for Number of released active E-RABs | China Mobile | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | noted | No | ||||
S5-112464 | CR R10 32.425 Correction of the measurement definition of number of released active E-RABs | China Mobile | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | noted | No | ||||
S5-112465 | CR R8 32.450 Correction of the measurement names in the KPI definition of E-RAB Accessibility | China Mobile | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | agreed | No | ||||
S5-112466 | CR R9 32.450 Correction of the measurement names in the KPI definition of E-RAB Accessibility | China Mobile | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | agreed | No | ||||
S5-112471 | Addition of measurements related to Direct User plane Path between HNB and LGW | China Mobile | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | revised | No | S5-112569 | |||
S5-112569 | Addition of measurements related to Direct User plane Path between HNB and LGW | China Mobile | CR | agreement | No | Yes | agreed | No | S5-112471 | |||
S5-112472 | Addition of measurements related to Direct User plane Path between HeNB and LGW | China Mobile | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | revised | No | S5-112570 | |||
S5-112570 | Addition of measurements related to Direct User plane Path between HeNB and LGW | China Mobile | CR | agreement | No | Yes | agreed | No | S5-112472 | |||
S5-112473 | CR R10 32.404 Correct references to performance measurements TSs and add missing text referring to LTE | Ericsson | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | agreed | No | ||||
S5-112507 | CR R11 32.762 Add the attribute NbrOfSubframesRNAllowedList for DeNBCapability | ZTE | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | revised | No | S5-112572 | |||
S5-112572 | CR R11 32.762 Add the attribute NbrOfSubframesRNAllowedList for DeNBCapability | ZTE | CR | agreement | No | Yes | noted | No | S5-112507 | |||
S5-112508 | CR R11 32.766 Add the attribute NbrOfSubframesRNAllowedList for DeNBCapability - aligned with 32.762 IS | ZTE | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | noted | No | ||||
S5-112510 | CR R11 32.642 Add IOC EUtranRelation to UTRAN NRM Containment diagram | ZTE | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | noted | No | ||||
6.4 |
OAM&P 10 Network Infrastructure Management (460032) |
6.4.1 |
Alarm Correlation and Root Cause Analysis (510041) |
S5-112222 | Agenda Alarm Correlation and Root Cause Analysis (510041) | Rapporteur | agenda | approval | Yes | Yes | approved | No | ||
S5-112235 | Minutes Alarm Correlation and Root Cause Analysis (510041) | Rapporteur | report | approval | No | Yes | noted | No | ||||
S5-112392 | CR R10 32.111-1 AC-RCA requirements | Ericsson | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | revised | No | S5-112677 | |||
S5-112677 | CR R10 32.111-1 AC-RCA requirements | Ericsson | CR | agreement | No | Yes | agreed | No | S5-112392 | |||
S5-112512 | CR R10 32.111-2 Add absent rootCauseIndicators | ZTE | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | agreed | No | ||||
S5-112459 | Clarify usage of correlated notification | Ericsson | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | agreed | No | ||||
S5-112513 | CR R10 32.111-6 Correct definition of rootCauseIndicator of IDL specification | ZTE | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | revised | No | S5-112676 | |||
S5-112676 | CR R10 32.111-6 Correct definition of rootCauseIndicator of IDL specification | ZTE | CR | agreement | No | Yes | agreed | No | S5-112513 | |||
6.5 |
OAM&P 11 Network Infrastructure Management (510151) |
6.5.1 |
IRP framework enhancements to support Management of Converged Networks (510056) |
S5-112223 | Agenda IRP framework enhancements to support Management of Converged Networks (510056) | Rapporteur | agenda | approval | No | No | withdrawn | Yes | ||
S5-112236 | Minutes IRP framework enhancements to support Management of Converged Networks (510056) | Rapporteur | report | approval | No | Yes | noted | No | ||||
S5-112509 | Add the inventory related Umbrella Class | ZTE | pseudoCR | approval | Yes | Yes | approved | No | ||||
6.6 |
OAM&P 11 Performance Management (510251) |
6.6.1 |
IMS performance management enhancement (510057) |
S5-112224 | Agenda IMS performance management enhancement (510057) | Rapporteur | agenda | approval | Yes | Yes | approved | No | ||
S5-112237 | Minutes IMS performance management enhancement (510057) | Rapporteur | report | approval | No | Yes | noted | No | ||||
S5-112344 | CR R11 32.409 Correct CDIV related measurement | ZTE | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | revised | No | S5-112573 | |||
S5-112573 | CR R11 32.409 Correct CDIV related measurement | ZTE | CR | agreement | No | Yes | agreed | No | S5-112344 | |||
S5-112345 | CR R11 32.409 Add CFNL and CD related measurements in CDIV | ZTE | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | revised | No | S5-112574 | |||
S5-112574 | CR R11 32.409 Add CFNL and CD related measurements in CDIV | ZTE | CR | agreement | No | No | withdrawn | Yes | S5-112345 | |||
S5-112346 | CR R11 32.409 Add CW related measurement | ZTE | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | revised | No | S5-112575 | |||
S5-112575 | CR R11 32.409 Add CW related measurement | ZTE | CR | agreement | No | Yes | agreed | No | S5-112346 | |||
S5-112347 | CR R11 32.409 Add HOLD related measurement | ZTE | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | revised | No | S5-112576 | |||
S5-112576 | CR R11 32.409 Add HOLD related measurement | ZTE | CR | agreement | No | Yes | agreed | No | S5-112347 | |||
S5-112348 | CR R11 32.409 Add CB and ACR related measurement | ZTE | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | revised | No | S5-112577 | |||
S5-112577 | CR R11 32.409 Add CB and ACR related measurement | ZTE | CR | agreement | No | Yes | agreed | No | S5-112348 | |||
S5-112349 | CR R11 32.409 Correct Dropped Sessions related measurements | ZTE | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | noted | No | ||||
S5-112350 | CR R11 32.409 Add EPC-HSS related measurements | ZTE | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | revised | No | S5-112578 | |||
S5-112578 | CR R11 32.409 Add EPC-HSS related measurements | ZTE | CR | agreement | No | Yes | agreed | No | S5-112350 | |||
S5-112351 | CR R11 32.409 Correct Emergency Session related measurements | ZTE | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | revised | No | S5-112581 | |||
S5-112581 | CR R11 32.409 Correct Emergency Session related measurements | ZTE | CR | agreement | No | Yes | agreed | No | S5-112351 | |||
S5-112388 | CR R11 32.732 Add ECSCFFunction into IMS NRM | ZTE | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | revised | No | S5-112579 | |||
S5-112579 | CR R11 32.732 Add ECSCFFunction into IMS NRM | ZTE | CR | agreement | No | Yes | agreed | No | S5-112388 | |||
S5-112389 | CR R11 32.736 Add ECSCFFunction into IMS NRM | ZTE | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | revised | No | S5-112580 | |||
S5-112580 | CR R11 32.736 Add ECSCFFunction into IMS NRM | ZTE | CR | agreement | No | Yes | agreed | No | S5-112389 | |||
6.6.2 |
Enhanced Management of UE based network performance measurements (510058) |
S5-112225 | Agenda Enhanced Management of UE based network performance measurements (510058) | Rapporteur | agenda | approval | Yes | Yes | approved | No | ||
S5-112238 | Minutes Enhanced Management of UE based network performance measurements (510058) | Rapporteur | report | approval | No | Yes | noted | No | ||||
S5-112249 | Reply LS on Immediate MDT in case of inter-PLMN handover | R3-111747 | i/c LS | discussion | Yes | Yes | noted | No | ||||
S5-112250 | LS on Removal of MDT M3 LTE Measurement | R2-113651 | i/c LS | discussion | Yes | Yes | noted | No | ||||
S5-112256 | LS on Equivalent PLMN identities and MDT | SP-110433 | i/c LS | discussion | Yes | Yes | replied to | No | ||||
S5-112670 | Reply to: LS on Equivalent PLMN identities and MDT | SA5 (Huawei) | o/g LS | approval | Yes | Yes | revised | No | S5-112707 | |||
S5-112707 | Reply to: LS on Equivalent PLMN identities and MDT | SA5 (Huawei) | o/g LS | approval | Yes | Yes | approved | No | S5-112670 | |||
S5-112265 | Reply LS on Equivalent PLMN identities and MDT | C1-112683 | i/c LS | discussion | Yes | Yes | noted | No | ||||
S5-112272 | Reply LS to S5-111696/S3-100575 on Minimization of Drive Tests (MDT) privacy | S3-110844 | i/c LS | discussion | Yes | Yes | postponed to the next meeting | No | ||||
S5-112363 | Discussion paper MDT at roaming and inter - PLMN mobility | TeliaSonera | other | discussion | Yes | Yes | noted | No | ||||
S5-112364 | CR R10 32421 MDT for multiple PLMN IDs | TeliaSonera | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | revised | No | S5-112663 | |||
S5-112663 | CR R10 32421 MDT for multiple PLMN IDs | TeliaSonera | CR | agreement | No | Yes | agreed | No | S5-112364 | |||
S5-112369 | CR R11 32421 MDT for multiple PLMN IDs | TeliaSonera | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | revised | No | S5-112664 | |||
S5-112664 | CR R11 32421 MDT for multiple PLMN IDs | TeliaSonera | CR | agreement | No | Yes | agreed | No | S5-112369 | |||
S5-112439 | CR 32.421 R11 Add MDT UE selection criteria requirements | Huawei | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | noted | No | ||||
S5-112441 | Discussion on correlating RLF reporting with MDT reporting over Itf-N | Huawei | other | discussion | Yes | Yes | noted | No | ||||
S5-112365 | CR R10 32422 RAI in MDT area scope | TeliaSonera | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | revised | No | S5-112684 | |||
S5-112684 | CR R10 32422 RAI in MDT area scope | TeliaSonera | CR | agreement | No | Yes | agreed | No | S5-112365 | |||
S5-112370 | CR R11 32422 RAI in MDT area scope | TeliaSonera | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | revised | No | S5-112685 | |||
S5-112685 | CR R11 32422 RAI in MDT area scope | TeliaSonera | CR | agreement | No | Yes | agreed | No | S5-112370 | |||
S5-112371 | CR R11 32422 Activating MDT in home operator that uses more than one PLMN | TeliaSonera | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | noted | No | ||||
S5-112366 | CR R10 32422 Activating MDT in home operator that uses more than one PLMN | TeliaSonera | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | revised | No | S5-112691 | |||
S5-112691 | CR R10 32422 Activating MDT in home operator that uses more than one PLMN | TeliaSonera, Huawei | CR | agreement | No | Yes | revised | No | S5-112703 | S5-112366 | ||
S5-112703 | CR R10 32422 Activating MDT in home operator that uses more than one PLMN and Add Clarification for UE selection in EPLMN Scenario | TeliaSonera, Huawei | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | revised | No | S5-112709 | S5-112691 | ||
S5-112698 | CR R11 32422 Activating MDT in home operator that uses more than one PLMN | TeliaSonera, Huawei | CR | agreement | No | Yes | merged in S5-112704 | No | ||||
S5-112709 | CR R10 32.422 Activating MDT in home operator that uses more than one PLMN and Add Clarification for UE selection in EPLMN Scenario | TeliaSonera, Huawei | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | agreed | No | S5-112703 | |||
S5-112367 | CR R10 32422 Inter-PLMN MDT for operator that uses more than one PLMN | TeliaSonera | CR | agreement | Yes | No | withdrawn | Yes | ||||
S5-112368 | CR R10 32422 Inter-PLMN MDT for operator that uses more than one PLMN - with ASN impact | TeliaSonera | CR | agreement | Yes | No | withdrawn | Yes | ||||
S5-112433 | RLF reporting in MDT trace | Ericsson | other | discussion | Yes | Yes | noted | No | ||||
S5-112434 | CR R11 32.422 Adding RLF reporting to MDT | Ericsson | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | noted | No | ||||
S5-112372 | CR R11 32422 Inter-PLMN MDT for operator that uses more than one PLMN | TeliaSonera | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | noted | No | ||||
S5-112373 | CR R11 32422 Inter-PLMN MDT for operator that uses more than one PLMN - with ASN impact | TeliaSonera | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | noted | No | ||||
S5-112425 | CR R11 32.421 Adding requirements for MDT positioning | Ericsson | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | revised | No | S5-112679 | |||
S5-112679 | CR R11 32.421 Adding requirements for MDT positioning | Ericsson | CR | agreement | No | Yes | agreed | No | S5-112425 | |||
S5-112429 | CR R10 32.442 Correction to AreaScope parameter in MDT job configuration | Ericsson | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | postponed to the next meeting | No | ||||
S5-112430 | CR R10 32.446 Correction to AreaScope parameter in MDT job configuration | Ericsson | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | postponed to the next meeting | No | ||||
S5-112431 | CR R11 32.442 Correction to AreaScope parameter in MDT job configuration | Ericsson | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | postponed to the next meeting | No | ||||
S5-112432 | CR R11 32.446 Correction to AreaScope parameter in MDT job configuration | Ericsson | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | postponed to the next meeting | No | ||||
S5-112440 | CR 32.421 R11 Add MDT location availability requirements | Huawei | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | revised | No | S5-112674 | |||
S5-112674 | CR 32.421 R11 Add MDT location availability requirements | Huawei | CR | agreement | No | Yes | revised | No | S5-112683 | S5-112440 | ||
S5-112683 | CR 32.421 R11 Add MDT location availability requirements | Huawei | CR | agreement | No | Yes | agreed | No | S5-112674 | |||
S5-112443 | CR 32.422 R10 Add Clarification for MDT continuation in EPLMN Scenario | Huawei | CR | agreement | Yes | No | withdrawn | Yes | ||||
S5-112444 | Discussion paper on UE selection in EPLMN scenario | Huawei | other | discussion | Yes | Yes | noted | No | ||||
S5-112445 | CR 32.422 R10 Add Clarification for UE selection in EPLMN Scenario | Huawei | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | revised | No | S5-112671 | |||
S5-112442 | Discussion paper on MDT continuation in EPLMN scenario | Huawei | other | discussion | Yes | Yes | noted | No | ||||
S5-112671 | CR 32.422 R10 Add Clarification for UE selection in EPLMN Scenario | Huawei | CR | agreement | No | Yes | revised | No | S5-112692 | S5-112445 | ||
S5-112692 | CR 32.422 R10 Add Clarification for UE selection in EPLMN Scenario | Huawei | CR | agreement | No | Yes | merged in S5-112703 | No | S5-112671 | |||
S5-112678 | CR 32.422 R11 Add Clarification for UE selection in EPLMN Scenario | Huawei | CR | agreement | No | Yes | revised | No | S5-112695 | |||
S5-112695 | CR 32.422 R11 Add Clarification for UE selection in EPLMN Scenario | Huawei | CR | agreement | No | Yes | revised | No | S5-112704 | S5-112678 | ||
S5-112704 | CR 32.422 R11 Add Clarification for UE selection in EPLMN Scenario | Huawei | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | revised | No | S5-112710 | S5-112695 | ||
S5-112710 | CR R11 32.422 Activating MDT in home operator that uses more than one PLMN and Add Clarification for UE selection in EPLMN Scenario | TeliaSonera, Huawei | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | agreed | No | S5-112704 | |||
S5-112446 | CR 32.752 R11 Add access rights configuration among PLMNs | Huawei | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | noted | No | ||||
S5-112447 | CR 32.422 R10 MDT measurement alignment | Huawei | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | revised | No | S5-112672 | |||
S5-112672 | CR 32.422 R10 MDT measurement alignment | Huawei | CR | agreement | No | Yes | agreed | No | S5-112447 | |||
S5-112448 | CR 32.422 R11 MDT measurement alignment | Huawei | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | revised | No | S5-112673 | |||
S5-112673 | CR 32.422 R11 MDT measurement alignment | Huawei | CR | agreement | No | Yes | agreed | No | S5-112448 | |||
S5-112449 | CR 32.422 R10 Error Correction on description of TCE IP address in MDT report | Huawei | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | agreed | No | ||||
S5-112450 | CR 32.422 R11 Error Correction on description of TCE IP address in MDT report | Huawei | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | agreed | No | ||||
S5-112451 | CR 32.422 R11 Enhance TRSR uniqueness mechanism in management based MDT | Huawei | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | noted | No | ||||
S5-112500 | CR R10 32.422 Add PS domain MDT activiation procedure after UE attach | China Unicom | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | revised | No | S5-112680 | |||
S5-112680 | CR R10 32.422 Add PS domain MDT activiation procedure after UE attach | China Unicom | CR | agreement | No | Yes | agreed | No | S5-112500 | |||
S5-112501 | CR R11 32.422 Add PS domain MDT activiation procedure after UE attach | China Unicom | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | revised | No | S5-112681 | |||
S5-112681 | CR R11 32.422 Add PS domain MDT activiation procedure after UE attach | China Unicom | CR | agreement | No | Yes | agreed | No | S5-112501 | |||
S5-112518 | Discuss Paper for Coordination of UE Measurements and Location Service for MDT | ZTE | other | discussion | Yes | Yes | noted | No | ||||
S5-112519 | Add procedure description of Coordination of UE Measurements and LCS | ZTE | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | noted | No | ||||
S5-112520 | Discussion on reduction of traffic generated in MDT | NEC | other | discussion | Yes | Yes | noted | No | ||||
S5-112521 | CR 32422vb00 Add performance criteria for MDT | NEC | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | noted | No | ||||
S5-112522 | Discussion on handling MTC devices in MDT | NEC | other | discussion | Yes | Yes | noted | No | ||||
S5-112523 | CR 32422vb00 Add selection based on type of device | NEC | other | discussion | Yes | Yes | noted | No | ||||
S5-112524 | CR 32422va40_Correct figure in MDT activation | NEC | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | noted | No | ||||
S5-112525 | CR 32422vb00_Correct figure in MDT activation | NEC | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | noted | No | ||||
S5-112541 | Cleanup text for propogation of Immediate MDT | Alcatel-Lucent | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | revised | No | S5-112682 | |||
S5-112682 | Cleanup text for propagation of Immediate MDT | Alcatel-Lucent | CR | agreement | No | Yes | agreed | No | S5-112541 | |||
S5-112549 | Enhancement for E-UTRAN activation mechanisms for area based MDT without IMSI/IMEI(SV) selection | PIWorks | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | revised | No | S5-112666 | |||
S5-112666 | Enhancement for E-UTRAN activation mechanisms for area based MDT without IMSI/IMEI(SV) selection | PIWorks | CR | agreement | No | Yes | agreed | No | S5-112549 | |||
S5-112550 | R11 Correction in flow chart for area based MDT activation in E-UTRAN | PIWorks | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | revised | No | S5-112667 | |||
S5-112667 | R10 Correction in flow chart for area based MDT activation in E-UTRAN | PIWorks | CR | agreement | No | Yes | agreed | No | ||||
S5-112668 | R11 Correction in flow chart for area based MDT activation in E-UTRAN | PIWorks | CR | agreement | No | Yes | agreed | No | S5-112550 | |||
6.6.3 |
CN performance measurements enhancement (520034) |
S5-112226 | Agenda CN performance measurements enhancement (520034) | Rapporteur | agenda | approval | Yes | Yes | approved | No | ||
S5-112239 | Minutes CN performance measurements enhancement (520034) | Rapporteur | report | approval | No | Yes | noted | No | ||||
S5-112352 | CR R11 32.406-Add Service Request procedure related measurements | ZTE | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | revised | No | S5-112611 | |||
S5-112611 | CR R11 32.406-Add Service Request procedure related measurements | ZTE | CR | agreement | No | Yes | agreed | No | S5-112352 | |||
S5-112354 | CR R11 32.406-Add Max number of activated PDP contexts related measurements | ZTE | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | noted | No | ||||
S5-112353 | CR R11 32.406-Add number of activated PDP contexts with direct tunnel related measurements | ZTE | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | revised | No | S5-112628 | |||
S5-112628 | CR R11 32.406-Add number of activated PDP contexts with direct tunnel related measurements | ZTE | CR | agreement | No | Yes | agreed | No | S5-112353 | |||
S5-112468 | CR R11 32.406 Addition of Direct Tunnel Related Measurements | China Mobile | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | agreed | No | ||||
S5-112355 | CR R11 32.407 Add the mean delay and mean delay jitter on Iu interface related measurements | ZTE | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | revised | No | S5-112614 | |||
S5-112614 | CR R11 32.407 Add the mean delay and mean delay jitter on Iu interface related measurements | ZTE | CR | agreement | No | Yes | agreed | No | S5-112355 | |||
S5-112356 | CR R11 32.407 Add the mean delay and mean delay jitter on Nb interface related measurements | ZTE | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | revised | No | S5-112615 | |||
S5-112615 | CR R11 32.407 Add the mean delay and mean delay jitter on Nb interface related measurements | ZTE | CR | agreement | No | Yes | agreed | No | S5-112356 | |||
S5-112357 | CR R11 32.407 Correct the number of subscribers in VLR related measurements | ZTE | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | revised | No | S5-112616 | |||
S5-112616 | CR R11 32.407 Correct the number of subscribers in VLR related measurements | ZTE | CR | agreement | No | Yes | agreed | No | S5-112357 | |||
S5-112358 | CR R11 32.407 Add Handover Intra-3G_MSC related measurements | ZTE | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | revised | No | S5-112617 | |||
S5-112617 | CR R11 32.407 Add Handover Intra-3G_MSC related measurements | ZTE | CR | agreement | No | Yes | agreed | No | S5-112358 | |||
S5-112469 | CR R11 32.407 Addition of Iucslink and Alink related traffic measurement | China Mobile | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | revised | No | S5-112618 | |||
S5-112618 | CR R11 32.407 Addition of Iucslink and Alink related traffic measurement | China Mobile | CR | agreement | No | Yes | agreed | No | S5-112469 | |||
S5-112503 | CR R11 32.426 Add S4 data volume related measurements | ZTE | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | revised | No | S5-112630 | |||
S5-112630 | CR R11 32.426 Add S4 data volume related measurements | ZTE | CR | agreement | No | Yes | agreed | No | S5-112503 | |||
S5-112504 | CR R11 32.426 Add S12 data volume related measurements | ZTE | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | revised | No | S5-112631 | |||
S5-112631 | CR R11 32.426 Add S12 data volume related measurements | ZTE | CR | agreement | No | Yes | agreed | No | S5-112504 | |||
S5-112505 | CR R11 32.426 Add the measurement of number of home and visiting subscribers | ZTE | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | noted | No | ||||
S5-112506 | CR R11 32.426 Add the measurement of number of implicit detach procedure | ZTE | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | agreed | No | ||||
S5-112467 | CR R11 32.409 Addition of IP-CAN session establishment related measurements | China Mobile | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | revised | No | S5-112619 | |||
S5-112619 | CR R11 32.426 Addition of IP-CAN session establishment related measurements | China Mobile | CR | agreement | No | Yes | agreed | No | S5-112467 | |||
6.7 |
OAM&P 11 Self-Organizing Networks (SON) - OAM aspects (510351) |
6.7.1 |
UTRAN Self-Organizing Networks (SON) management (510059) |
S5-112227 | Agenda UTRAN Self-Organizing Networks (SON) management (510059) | Rapporteur | agenda | approval | Yes | Yes | approved | No | ||
S5-112437 | CR R10 32.762 Correction on the support condition of attribute cellIndividualOffset | Huawei | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | agreed | No | ||||
S5-112438 | CR R10 32.766 Corrections on some data type definitions | Huawei | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | revised | No | S5-112586 | |||
S5-112586 | CR R10 32.766 Corrections on some data type definitions | Huawei | CR | agreement | No | Yes | agreed | No | S5-112438 | |||
S5-112240 | Minutes UTRAN Self-Organizing Networks (SON) management (510059) | Rapporteur | report | approval | Yes | Yes | noted | No | ||||
S5-112568 | CR R11 32.511 Introducing ANR concepts and requirements for UTRAN | Huawei, Ericsson | CR | agreement | No | Yes | agreed | No | S5-112391 | |||
S5-112325 | Revised WID on UTRAN Self-Organizing Networks (SON) management (revision of SP-110133) | Ericsson | New WID | agreement | Yes | Yes | revised | No | S5-112587 | |||
S5-112587 | Revised WID on UTRAN Self-Organizing Networks (SON) management (revision of SP-110133) | Ericsson | New WID | agreement | No | Yes | revised | No | S5-112697 | S5-112325 | ||
S5-112697 | Revised WID on UTRAN Self-Organizing Networks (SON) management (revision of SP-110133) | Ericsson | revised WID | agreement | Yes | Yes | agreed | No | S5-112587 | |||
S5-112390 | CR 32.511 Rel-11 Add requirements for UTRAN ANR | Ericsson | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | revised | No | S5-112568 | |||
S5-112452 | CR R11 32.511 Introducing ANR concepts and requirements for UTRAN | Huawei | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | revised | No | S5-112568 | |||
S5-112514 | CR 32.641 Rel-11 Add HO&ANR related Requirements | ZTE | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | revised | No | S5-112589 | |||
S5-112589 | CR 32.641 Rel-11 Add HO related Requirements | ZTE | CR | agreement | No | Yes | agreed | No | S5-112514 | |||
S5-112590 | CR 32.641 Rel-11 Add ANR related Requirements | ZTE | CR | agreement | No | Yes | agreed | No | ||||
S5-112515 | CR 32.642 Add attributes for UTRAN ANR | ZTE | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | noted | No | ||||
6.8 |
OAM&P Studies |
6.8.1 |
Study on version handling (470050) |
S5-112228 | Agenda Study on version handling (470050) | Rapporteur | agenda | approval | Yes | No | withdrawn | Yes | ||
S5-112241 | Minutes Study on version handling (470050) | Rapporteur | report | approval | No | Yes | noted | No | ||||
S5-112460 | Class name space | Ericsson | other | discussion | Yes | Yes | noted | No | ||||
6.8.2 |
Study on Management of Converged Networks (480047) |
S5-112229 | Agenda Study on Management of Converged Networks (480047) | Rapporteur | agenda | approval | No | No | withdrawn | Yes | ||
S5-112242 | Minutes Study on Management of Converged Networks (480047) | Rapporteur | report | approval | No | Yes | noted | Yes | ||||
S5-112266 | Minutes of the F2F model alignment meeting in Montreal 4-6 July | WG Chairman | report | information | Yes | Yes | noted | No | ||||
S5-112267 | Minutes of the F2F FM Harmonization meeting in Montreal 7-8 July | WG Chairman | report | information | Yes | Yes | noted | No | ||||
S5-112538 | Living List version 6 - output of Montreal meeting | WG Chairman | report | information | Yes | Yes | noted | No | ||||
S5-112529 | FMC: FNM v1.3 | Ericsson | other | discussion | Yes | Yes | noted | No | ||||
S5-112530 | FMC: Umbrella v1.3 | Ericsson | other | discussion | Yes | Yes | noted | No | ||||
S5-112531 | FMC: Repertoire v1.1 | Ericsson | other | discussion | Yes | Yes | noted | No | ||||
6.8.3 |
Study on UDC Information Model Handling and Provisioning: Example Use Cases (490039) |
S5-112230 | Agenda Study on UDC Information Model Handling and Provisioning: Example Use Cases (490039) | Rapporteur | agenda | approval | Yes | Yes | approved | No | ||
S5-112304 | SpIM Info Model | Alcatel-Lucent | pseudoCR | approval | Yes | Yes | revised | No | S5-112595 | |||
S5-112243 | Minutes Study on UDC Information Model Handling and Provisioning: Example Use Cases (490039) | Rapporteur | report | approval | No | Yes | noted | Yes | ||||
S5-112298 | Text corrections to 32.901 on UDC Study | Alcatel-Lucent | pseudoCR | approval | Yes | Yes | approved | No | ||||
S5-112300 | PS Domain applaction data definition for UDC study | Alcatel-Lucent | pseudoCR | approval | Yes | Yes | revised | No | S5-112596 | |||
S5-112596 | PS Domain applaction data definition for UDC study | Alcatel-Lucent | pseudoCR | approval | No | Yes | revised | No | S5-112688 | S5-112300 | ||
S5-112688 | PS Domain applaction data definition for UDC study | Alcatel-Lucent | pseudoCR | approval | No | Yes | sent for email approval | No | S5-112596 | |||
S5-112301 | Add application data defintion for IMS/MMTel for UDC study | Alcatel-Lucent | pseudoCR | approval | Yes | Yes | revised | No | S5-112597 | |||
S5-112597 | Add application data defintion for IMS/MMTel for UDC study | Alcatel-Lucent | pseudoCR | approval | No | Yes | revised | No | S5-112690 | S5-112301 | ||
S5-112690 | Add application data defintion for IMS/MMTel for UDC study | Alcatel-Lucent | pseudoCR | approval | No | Yes | sent for email approval | No | S5-112597 | |||
S5-112302 | Add application data defintion for IMS/PCEF for UDC study | Alcatel-Lucent | pseudoCR | approval | Yes | Yes | revised | No | S5-112598 | |||
S5-112307 | Add application data details in section heading | Alcatel-Lucent | pseudoCR | approval | Yes | Yes | revised | No | S5-112600 | |||
S5-112598 | Add application data defintion for IMS/PCEF for UDC study | Alcatel-Lucent | pseudoCR | approval | No | No | withdrawn | Yes | S5-112302 | |||
S5-112303 | Add applctaion data defintiton for IMS/CSCF for UDC study | Alcatel-Lucent | pseudoCR | approval | Yes | Yes | revised | No | S5-112599 | |||
S5-112599 | Add applctaion data defintiton for IMS/CSCF for UDC study | Alcatel-Lucent | pseudoCR | approval | No | Yes | revised | No | S5-112689 | S5-112303 | ||
S5-112595 | SpIM Info Model | Alcatel-Lucent | pseudoCR | approval | No | Yes | approved | No | S5-112304 | |||
S5-112689 | Add applctaion data defintiton for IMS/CSCF for UDC study | Alcatel-Lucent | pseudoCR | approval | No | Yes | sent for email approval | No | S5-112599 | |||
S5-112305 | Add example SPIM for Preferred Currency in UDC study | Alcatel-Lucent | pseudoCR | approval | Yes | Yes | revised | No | S5-112593 | |||
S5-112593 | Add example SPIM for Preferred Currency in UDC study | Alcatel-Lucent | pseudoCR | approval | No | Yes | sent for email approval | No | S5-112305 | |||
S5-112306 | Add example SPIM for User Name in UDC study | Alactel-Lucent | pseudoCR | approval | Yes | Yes | revised | No | S5-112594 | |||
S5-112594 | Add example SPIM for User Name in UDC study | Alactel-Lucent | pseudoCR | approval | No | Yes | sent for email approval | No | S5-112306 | |||
S5-112600 | Add application data details in section heading | Alcatel-Lucent | pseudoCR | approval | No | Yes | revised | No | S5-112686 | S5-112307 | ||
S5-112686 | Add application data details in section heading | Alcatel-Lucent | pseudoCR | approval | No | Yes | sent for email approval | No | S5-112600 | |||
S5-112299 | CS Domain application data defintions for UDC study | Alcatel-Lucent | pseudoCR | approval | Yes | Yes | revised | No | S5-112601 | |||
S5-112601 | CS Domain application data defintions for UDC study | Alcatel-Lucent | pseudoCR | approval | No | Yes | revised | No | S5-112687 | S5-112299 | ||
S5-112687 | CS Domain application data defintions for UDC study | Alcatel-Lucent | pseudoCR | approval | No | Yes | sent for email approval | No | S5-112601 | |||
6.8.4 |
Study on OAM aspects of inter-RAT Energy Saving (510045) |
S5-112231 | Agenda Study on OAM aspects of inter-RAT Energy Saving (510045) | Rapporteur | agenda | approval | No | Yes | approved | No | ||
S5-112244 | Minutes Study on OAM aspects of inter-RAT Energy Saving (510045) | Rapporteur | report | approval | No | Yes | noted | No | ||||
S5-112247 | Reply LS on questions on Inter-RAT Energy Saving | R3-111701 | i/c LS | discussion | Yes | Yes | noted | No | ||||
S5-112273 | Reply LS on UE capabilities for Inter-RAT energy saving | S2-113831 | i/c LS | discussion | Yes | Yes | noted | No | ||||
S5-112532 | LS to SA5 on inter-RAT energy saving | S1-112246 | i/c LS | discussion | Yes | Yes | noted | No | ||||
S5-112316 | Minutes of SA5 virtual meeting on Inter-RAT ESM, 9 June 2011 | Nokia Siemens Networks | report | approval | Yes | Yes | approved | No | ||||
S5-112317 | TR 32.834 V0.2.1.0 | Rapporteur | draft TS/TR | agreement | Yes | Yes | agreed | No | ||||
S5-112319 | Presentation of TR 32.834 to SA for information | Nokia Siemens Networks | presentation sheet | approval | Yes | Yes | approved | No | ||||
S5-112321 | On energySavingState for Inter-RAT energy saving | Nokia Siemens Networks | pseudoCR | approval | Yes | Yes | noted | No | ||||
S5-112322 | On thresholding for Inter-RAT energy saving | Nokia Siemens Networks | pseudoCR | approval | Yes | Yes | approved with modifications | No | ||||
S5-112323 | Inter-RAT energy saving concept 2 | Nokia Siemens Networks | pseudoCR | approval | Yes | Yes | revised | No | S5-112646 | |||
S5-112646 | Inter-RAT energy saving concept 2 | Nokia Siemens Networks | pseudoCR | approval | No | Yes | approved | No | S5-112323 | |||
S5-112396 | Proposed candidate solution for Inter-RAT ESM | Ericsson | pseudoCR | approval | Yes | Yes | revised | No | S5-112647 | |||
S5-112647 | Proposed candidate solution for Inter-RAT ESM | Ericsson | pseudoCR | approval | No | Yes | agreed | No | S5-112396 | |||
S5-112453 | pCR 32.834 Identify business level requirements for inter-RAT energy Saving | Huawei | pseudoCR | approval | Yes | Yes | revised | No | S5-112649 | |||
S5-112649 | pCR 32.834 Identify business level requirements for inter-RAT energy Saving | Huawei | pseudoCR | approval | No | Yes | approved | No | S5-112453 | |||
S5-112456 | Include Wi-Fi as RAT 2 Technology | Intel | other | discussion | Yes | Yes | noted | No | ||||
S5-112454 | pCR 32.834 On load measurements in inter-RAT energy saving management | Huawei | pseudoCR | approval | Yes | Yes | merged in S5-112653 | No | ||||
S5-112458 | Inter-RAT load measurement in ESM | Intel | other | discussion | Yes | Yes | merged in S5-112653 | No | S5-112653 | |||
S5-112653 | pCR 32.834 On load measurements in inter-RAT energy saving management | Huawei, Intel | pseudo CR | discussion | No | Yes | approved | No | S5-112458 | |||
S5-112457 | Inter-RAT energy saving Requirements | Intel | other | discussion | Yes | Yes | approved with modifications | No | ||||
S5-112516 | pCR 32.834 Clarify the description of use case 1 | ZTE | pseudoCR | approval | Yes | Yes | approved | No | ||||
S5-112517 | pCR 32.834 Add deactivate scenario of policy based Statistical ESM | ZTE | pseudoCR | approval | Yes | Yes | approved | No | ||||
S5-112526 | pCR TR 32.834 Inter-RAT and LTE Energy Saving | NEC | pseudoCR | approval | Yes | Yes | approved | No | ||||
6.8.5 |
Study on management of Heterogeneous Networks (510046) |
S5-112232 | Agenda Study on management of Heterogeneous Networks (510046) | Rapporteur | agenda | approval | Yes | Yes | approved | No | ||
S5-112245 | Minutes Study on management of Heterogeneous Networks (510046) | Rapporteur | report | approval | No | Yes | noted | No | ||||
S5-112259 | Skeleton of TR 32.8xy HetNet management | Rapporteur | draft TS/TR | agreement | Yes | Yes | noted | No | ||||
S5-112435 | Introduction, Scope and requirements for Management of Heterogeneous Networks | Ericsson | pseudoCR | approval | Yes | Yes | approved with modifications | No | ||||
7 |
Charging Management |
7.1 |
Charging Plenary |
S5-112207 | CH Agenda and Time Plan | CH SWG Chair | agenda | approval | Yes | Yes | approved | No | ||
S5-112208 | CH List of Documents | CH SWG Chair | other | discussion | No | No | withdrawn | Yes | ||||
S5-112209 | CH Detailed Report from LAST Meeting | CH SWG Chair | report | approval | Yes | Yes | approved | No | ||||
S5-112210 | CH Executive Report from THIS Meeting | CH SWG Chair | report | approval | Yes | Yes | approved | No | ||||
S5-112211 | CH Detailed Report from THIS Meeting | CH SWG Chair | report | approval | No | Yes | not addressed | No | ||||
S5-112248 | LS on QoS, charging and roaming agreement enforcement when roaming | C1-112314 | i/c LS | discussion | Yes | Yes | noted | No | ||||
S5-112251 | Reply LS to S5-112032 on the work split between SA5 and CT3 for QoS Control Based on Subscriber Spending Limits (Rel-11 QoS_SSL) | C3-111217 | i/c LS | discussion | Yes | Yes | replied to | No | ||||
S5-112255 | LS on CT3 aspects of QoS Control Based on Subscriber Spending Limits | SP-110427 | i/c LS | discussion | Yes | Yes | replied to | No | ||||
S5-112650 | Reply to: LS on CT3 aspects of QoS Control Based on Subscriber Spending Limits | SA5 | o/g LS | approval | No | Yes | revised | No | S5-112675 | |||
S5-112675 | Reply to: LS on CT3 aspects of QoS Control Based on Subscriber Spending Limits | SA5 | o/g LS | approval | Yes | Yes | approved | No | S5-112650 | |||
S5-112264 | Reply LS on IMS Application Reference Identifier(IARI) consideration for Charging | C1-112967 | i/c LS | discussion | Yes | Yes | noted | No | ||||
S5-112270 | Reply LS on SA WG5 update of SA WG2 SID on Usage Monitoring Control Enhancement | S2-113816 | i/c LS | discussion | Yes | Yes | noted | No | ||||
S5-112657 | Reply to: Reply LS on SA WG5 update of SA WG2 SID on Usage Monitoring Control Enhancement | SA5 | o/g LS | approval | No | No | withdrawn | Yes | ||||
S5-112533 | LS on use cases and requirements for FS_UMONC | S1-112424 | i/c LS | discussion | Yes | Yes | noted | No | ||||
S5-112547 | LS on Transit IOI scenarios | C1-112983 | i/c LS | discussion | Yes | Yes | replied to | No | ||||
S5-112603 | CR R10 32.251 Correction on identifiers and correlation | Nokia Siemens Networks | CR | agreement | No | Yes | agreed | No | ||||
S5-112606 | R10 CR 32298 Solve Editor s Note on Charging Id | Alcatel-Lucent | CR | discussion | No | Yes | agreed | No | ||||
S5-112612 | LSout to SA2 on IPv6 address usage | SA5 | o/g LS | discussion | No | Yes | revised | No | S5-112665 | |||
S5-112665 | LSout to SA2 on IPv6 address usage | SA5 | o/g LS | discussion | No | Yes | approved | No | S5-112612 | |||
S5-112642 | LS_out to SA1 and SA2 on charging interface to ePDG in EPC charging | CHG | o/g LS | approval | No | Yes | revised | No | S5-112712 | |||
S5-112712 | LS_out to SA1 and SA2 on charging interface to ePDG in EPC charging | CHG | o/g LS | approval | No | Yes | approved | No | S5-112642 | |||
7.2 |
New Charging Work Item proposals |
7.3 |
Charging Maintenance and Rel-11 small Enhancements |
S5-112275 | CR R8 32251 Correction on PDN connection identifier for Charging | Alcatel-Lucent | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | agreed | No | ||
S5-112276 | CR R8 32299 Correction on PDN connection identifier for Charging | Alcatel-Lucent | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | agreed | No | ||||
S5-112277 | CR R8 32298 Correction on PDN connection identifier for Charging | Alcatel-Lucent | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | agreed | No | ||||
S5-112278 | CR R9 32251 Correction on PDN connection identifier for Charging | Alcatel-Lucent | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | agreed | No | ||||
S5-112279 | CR R9 32299 Correction on PDN connection identifier for Charging | Alcatel-Lucent | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | agreed | No | ||||
S5-112280 | CR R9 32298 Correction on PDN connection identifier for Charging | Alcatel-Lucent | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | agreed | No | ||||
S5-112281 | CR R10 32251 Correction on PDN connection identifier for Charging | Alcatel-Lucent | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | revised | No | S5-112602 | |||
S5-112602 | CR R10 32251 Correction on PDN connection identifier for Charging | Alcatel-Lucent | CR | agreement | No | Yes | agreed | No | S5-112281 | |||
S5-112282 | CR R10 32299 Correction on PDN connection identifier for Charging | Alcatel-Lucent | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | agreed | No | ||||
S5-112283 | CR R10 32298 Correction on PDN connection identifier for Charging | Alcatel-Lucent | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | agreed | No | ||||
S5-112284 | CR R11 32299 Correction on PDN connection identifier for Charging | Alcatel-Lucent | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | agreed | No | ||||
S5-112285 | CR R8 32298 Solve Editor s Note on Charging Id | Alcatel-Lucent | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | revised | No | S5-112604 | |||
S5-112604 | CR R8 32298 Solve Editor s Note on Charging Id | Alcatel-Lucent | CR | agreement | No | Yes | agreed | No | S5-112285 | |||
S5-112286 | CR R9 32298 Solve Editor s Note on Charging Id | Alcatel-Lucent | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | revised | No | S5-112605 | |||
S5-112605 | CR R9 32298 Solve Editor s Note on Charging Id | Alcatel-Lucent | CR | agreement | No | Yes | agreed | No | S5-112286 | |||
S5-112287 | CR R9 32.250 Correction on MT-LR CDR - Alignment with TS 23.271 | Alcatel-Lucent | CR | agreement | Yes | No | withdrawn | Yes | ||||
S5-112288 | CR R9 32.298 Correction on MT-LR CDR - Alignment with TS 23.271 | Alcatel-Lucent | CR | agreement | Yes | No | withdrawn | Yes | ||||
S5-112289 | CR R10 32.250 Correction on MT-LR CDR - Alignment with TS 23.271 | Alcatel-Lucent | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | revised | No | S5-112626 | |||
S5-112626 | CR R10 32.250 Correction on MT-LR CDR - Alignment with TS 23.271 | Alcatel-Lucent | CR | agreement | No | Yes | agreed | No | S5-112289 | |||
S5-112290 | CR R10 32.298 Correction on MT-LR CDR - Alignment with TS 23.271 | Alcatel-Lucent | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | revised | No | S5-112627 | |||
S5-112627 | CR R10 32.298 Correction on MT-LR CDR - Alignment with TS 23.271 | Alcatel-Lucent | CR | agreement | No | Yes | agreed | No | S5-112290 | |||
S5-112291 | CR R9 32.260 Correction for emergency IMS session service continuity | Alcatel-Lucent | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | agreed | No | ||||
S5-112292 | CR R10 32.260 Correction for emergency IMS session service continuity | Alcatel-Lucent | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | agreed | No | ||||
S5-112293 | CR R11 32.260 Correction for emergency IMS session service continuity | Alcatel-Lucent | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | agreed | No | ||||
S5-112294 | CR R10 32.260 Correction for IARI - Alignment with TS 24.229 | Alcatel-Lucent | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | revised | No | S5-112543 | |||
S5-112295 | CR R10 32.299 Correction for IARI - Alignment with TS 24.229 | Alcatel-Lucent | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | revised | No | S5-112544 | |||
S5-112296 | CR R10 32.298 Correction for IARI - Alignment with TS 24.229 | Alcatel-Lucent | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | revised | No | S5-112545 | |||
S5-112297 | CR R10 32298 Solve Editor s Note on Charging Id | Alcatel-Lucent | CR | agreement | Yes | No | withdrawn | Yes | ||||
S5-112320 | Correction to fix misalignment with TS 23.203 | Openet | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | revised | No | S5-112629 | |||
S5-112629 | Correction to fix misalignment with TS 23.203 | Openet | CR | agreement | No | Yes | agreed | No | S5-112320 | |||
S5-112359 | CR R11 32.251 Add charging interface to ePDG in EPC charging | ZTE | CR | agreement | Yes | No | withdrawn | Yes | ||||
S5-112360 | Discussion on whether S4-SGSN could generate charging information in EPC | ZTE | other | discussion | Yes | Yes | noted | No | ||||
S5-112374 | Rel-8 CR 32.251 Correction on dynamic address flag | Ericsson | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | agreed | No | ||||
S5-112375 | Rel-8 CR 32.298 Correction on dynamic address flag | Ericsson | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | revised | No | S5-112633 | |||
S5-112633 | Rel-8 CR 32.298 Correction on dynamic address flag | Ericsson | CR | agreement | No | Yes | agreed | No | S5-112375 | |||
S5-112376 | Rel-8 CR 32.299 Correction on dynamic address flag | Ericsson | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | agreed | No | ||||
S5-112377 | Rel-9 CR 32.251 Correction on dynamic address flag | Ericsson | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | agreed | No | ||||
S5-112378 | Rel-9 CR 32.298 Correction on dynamic address flag | Ericsson | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | agreed | No | ||||
S5-112379 | Rel-9 CR 32.299 Correction on dynamic address flag | Ericsson | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | agreed | No | ||||
S5-112380 | Rel-10 CR 32.251 Correction on dynamic address flag | Ericsson | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | agreed | No | ||||
S5-112381 | Rel-10 CR 32.298 Correction on dynamic address flag | Ericsson | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | agreed | No | ||||
S5-112382 | Rel-10 CR 32.299 Correction on dynamic address flag | Ericsson | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | agreed | No | ||||
S5-112383 | Rel-11 CR 32.299 Correction on dynamic address flag | Ericsson | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | agreed | No | ||||
S5-112384 | Rel-9 CR 32.298 Alignment of the occurrence condition for IMSI with TS 32.251 | Ericsson | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | revised | No | S5-112638 | |||
S5-112638 | Rel-9 CR 32.298 Alignment of the occurrence condition for IMSI with TS 32.251 | Ericsson | CR | agreement | No | Yes | agreed | No | S5-112384 | |||
S5-112385 | Rel-10 CR 32.298 Alignment of the occurrence condition for IMSI with TS 32.251 | Ericsson | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | revised | No | S5-112639 | |||
S5-112639 | Rel-10 CR 32.298 Alignment of the occurrence condition for IMSI with TS 32.251 | Ericsson | CR | agreement | No | Yes | agreed | No | S5-112385 | |||
S5-112386 | Rel-10 CR 32.297 Correction on release identifier | Ericsson | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | revised | No | S5-112640 | |||
S5-112640 | Rel-10 CR 32.297 Correction on release identifier | Ericsson | CR | agreement | No | Yes | agreed | No | S5-112386 | |||
S5-112387 | Discussion paper on Gy Session handling | Ericsson, Orange | other | discussion | Yes | Yes | noted | No | ||||
S5-112397 | CR Rel-8 CR 32.251 Correction on RAT Type - Align with CT3 TS 29.061 | Nokia Siemens Networks | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | agreed | No | ||||
S5-112398 | CR Rel-8 CR 32.298 Correction on RAT Type - Align with CT3 TS 29.061 | Nokia Siemens Networks | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | agreed | No | ||||
S5-112399 | CR Rel-9 CR 32.251 Correction on RAT Type - Align with CT3 TS 29.061 | Nokia Siemens Networks | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | agreed | No | ||||
S5-112400 | CR Rel-9 CR 32.298 Correction on RAT Type - Align with CT3 TS 29.061 | Nokia Siemens Networks | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | revised | No | S5-112658 | |||
S5-112658 | CR Rel-9 CR 32.298 Correction on RAT Type - Align with CT3 TS 29.061 | Nokia Siemens Networks | CR | agreement | No | Yes | agreed | No | S5-112400 | |||
S5-112401 | CR Rel-10 CR 32.251 Correction on RAT Type - Align with CT3 TS 29.061 | Nokia Siemens Networks | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | agreed | No | ||||
S5-112402 | CR Rel-10 CR 32.298 Correction on RAT Type - Align with CT3 TS 29.061 | Nokia Siemens Networks | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | agreed | No | ||||
S5-112403 | CR Rel-10 CR 32.299 Correction on RAT Type - Align with CT3 TS 29.061 | Nokia Siemens Networks | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | agreed | No | ||||
S5-112404 | CR Rel-11 CR 32.299 Correction on RAT Type - Align with CT3 TS 29.061 | Nokia Siemens Networks | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | agreed | No | ||||
S5-112405 | CR Rel-8 32.299 Correction on AVP definition - Align with IETF RFC 3588 | Nokia Siemens Networks | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | revised | No | S5-112635 | |||
S5-112635 | CR Rel-8 32.299 Correction on AVP definition - Align with IETF RFC 3588 | Nokia Siemens Networks | CR | agreement | No | Yes | agreed | No | S5-112405 | |||
S5-112406 | CR Rel-9 32.299 Correction on AVP definition - Align with IETF RFC 3588 | Nokia Siemens Networks | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | revised | No | S5-112636 | |||
S5-112636 | CR Rel-9 32.299 Correction on AVP definition - Align with IETF RFC 3588 | Nokia Siemens Networks | CR | agreement | No | Yes | agreed | No | S5-112406 | |||
S5-112407 | CR Rel-10 32.299 Correction on AVP definition - Align with IETF RFC 3588 | Nokia Siemens Networks | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | revised | No | S5-112637 | |||
S5-112637 | CR Rel-10 32.299 Correction on AVP definition - Align with IETF RFC 3588 | Nokia Siemens Networks | CR | agreement | No | Yes | agreed | No | S5-112407 | |||
S5-112408 | CR Rel-11 32.299 Correction on AVP definition - Align with IETF RFC 3588 | Nokia Siemens Networks | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | revised | No | S5-112641 | |||
S5-112641 | CR Rel-11 32.299 Correction on AVP definition - Align with IETF RFC 3588 | Nokia Siemens Networks | CR | agreement | No | Yes | agreed | Yes | S5-112408 | |||
S5-112409 | CR Rel-8 32.298 Correction on pdpPDN Type definition | Nokia Siemens Networks | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | agreed | No | S5-112607 | |||
S5-112607 | CR Rel-8 32.298 Correction on pdpPDN Type definition | Nokia Siemens Networks | CR | agreement | No | No | withdrawn | Yes | S5-112409 | |||
S5-112410 | CR Rel-9 32.298 Correction on pdpPDN Type definition | Nokia Siemens Networks | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | agreed | No | S5-112608 | |||
S5-112608 | CR Rel-9 32.298 Correction on pdpPDN Type definition | Nokia Siemens Networks | CR | agreement | No | No | withdrawn | Yes | S5-112410 | |||
S5-112411 | CR Rel-10 32.298 Correction on pdpPDN Type definition | Nokia Siemens Networks | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | agreed | No | S5-112609 | |||
S5-112609 | CR Rel-10 32.298 Correction on pdpPDN Type definition | Nokia Siemens Networks | CR | agreement | No | No | withdrawn | Yes | S5-112411 | |||
S5-112412 | CR Rel-11 32.298 Correction on ASN.1 definition | Nokia Siemens Networks | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | revised | No | S5-112648 | |||
S5-112648 | CR Rel-10 32.298 Correction on ASN.1 definition | Nokia Siemens Networks | CR | agreement | No | No | withdrawn | Yes | S5-112412 | |||
S5-112413 | CR Rel-11 32.298 Correction on ASN.1 source code | Nokia Siemens Networks | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | revised | No | S5-112632 | |||
S5-112632 | CR Rel-10 32.298 Correction on ASN.1 source code | Nokia Siemens Networks | CR | agreement | No | Yes | revised | No | S5-112701 | S5-112413 | ||
S5-112701 | CR Rel-10 32.298 Correction on ASN.1 source code | Nokia Siemens Networks | CR | agreement | No | Yes | agreed | No | S5-112632 | |||
S5-112644 | CR Rel-8 32.298 Correction on ASN.1 source code | Nokia Siemens Networks | CR | agreement | No | Yes | revised | No | S5-112699 | |||
S5-112699 | CR Rel-8 32.298 Correction on ASN.1 source code | Nokia Siemens Networks | CR | agreement | No | Yes | agreed | No | S5-112644 | |||
S5-112645 | CR Rel-9 32.298 Correction on ASN.1 source code | Nokia Siemens Networks | CR | agreement | No | Yes | revised | No | S5-112700 | |||
S5-112700 | CR Rel-9 32.298 Correction on ASN.1 source code | Nokia Siemens Networks | CR | agreement | No | Yes | agreed | No | S5-112645 | |||
S5-112414 | CR Rel-8 32.251 Correction on PDP/PDN Address definition | Nokia Siemens Networks, Deutsche Telekom | CR | agreement | Yes | No | withdrawn | Yes | ||||
S5-112415 | CR Rel-8 32.298 Correction on PDP/PDN Address definition | Nokia Siemens Networks, Deutsche Telekom | CR | agreement | Yes | No | withdrawn | Yes | ||||
S5-112416 | CR Rel-8 32.299 Correction on PDP/PDN Address definition | Nokia Siemens Networks, Deutsche Telekom | CR | agreement | Yes | No | withdrawn | Yes | ||||
S5-112417 | CR Rel-9 32.251 Correction on PDP/PDN Address definition | Nokia Siemens Networks, Deutsche Telekom | CR | agreement | Yes | No | withdrawn | Yes | ||||
S5-112418 | CR Rel-9 32.298 Correction on PDP/PDN Address definition | Nokia Siemens Networks, Deutsche Telekom | CR | agreement | Yes | No | withdrawn | Yes | ||||
S5-112419 | CR Rel-9 32.299 Correction on PDP/PDN Address definition | Nokia Siemens Networks, Deutsche Telekom | CR | agreement | Yes | No | withdrawn | Yes | ||||
S5-112420 | CR Rel-10 32.251 Correction on PDP/PDN Address definition | Nokia Siemens Networks, Deutsche Telekom | CR | agreement | Yes | No | withdrawn | Yes | ||||
S5-112421 | CR Rel-10 32.298 Correction on PDP/PDN Address definition | Nokia Siemens Networks, Deutsche Telekom | CR | agreement | Yes | No | withdrawn | Yes | ||||
S5-112422 | CR Rel-10 32.299 Correction on PDP/PDN Address definition | Nokia Siemens Networks, Deutsche Telekom | CR | agreement | Yes | No | withdrawn | Yes | ||||
S5-112423 | CR Rel-11 32.299 Correction on PDP/PDN Address definition | Nokia Siemens Networks, Deutsche Telekom | CR | agreement | Yes | No | withdrawn | Yes | ||||
S5-112474 | R8 CR Correction to Charging ID in WLAN-CDR content | Huawei | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | revised | No | S5-112620 | |||
S5-112620 | R8 CR Correction to Charging ID in WLAN-CDR content | Huawei | CR | agreement | No | Yes | agreed | No | S5-112474 | |||
S5-112475 | R9 CR Correction to Charging ID in WLAN-CDR content | Huawei | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | revised | No | S5-112621 | |||
S5-112621 | R9 CR Correction to Charging ID in WLAN-CDR content | Huawei | CR | agreement | No | Yes | agreed | No | S5-112475 | |||
S5-112476 | R10 CR Correction to Charging ID in WLAN-CDR content | Huawei | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | revised | No | S5-112622 | |||
S5-112622 | R10 CR Correction to Charging ID in WLAN-CDR content | Huawei | CR | agreement | No | Yes | agreed | No | S5-112476 | |||
S5-112477 | R8 CR 32251 Correction to IPv6 prefix | Huawei | CR | agreement | Yes | No | withdrawn | Yes | ||||
S5-112478 | R9 CR 32251 Correction to IPv6 prefix | Huawei | CR | agreement | Yes | No | withdrawn | Yes | ||||
S5-112479 | R10 CR 32251 Correction to IPv6 prefix | Huawei | CR | agreement | Yes | No | withdrawn | Yes | ||||
S5-112480 | R8 CR 32298 IPv6 prefix for Served PDPPDN Address | Huawei | CR | agreement | Yes | No | withdrawn | Yes | ||||
S5-112481 | R9 CR 32298 IPv6 prefix for Served PDPPDN Address | Huawei | CR | agreement | Yes | No | withdrawn | Yes | ||||
S5-112482 | R10 CR 32298 IPv6 prefix for Served PDPPDN Address | Huawei | CR | agreement | Yes | No | withdrawn | Yes | ||||
S5-112483 | R8 CR 32298 Service Identifier Level Reporting | Huawei | CR | agreement | Yes | No | withdrawn | Yes | ||||
S5-112484 | R9 CR 32298 Service Identifier Level Reporting | Huawei | CR | agreement | Yes | No | withdrawn | Yes | ||||
S5-112485 | R10 CR 32298 Service Identifier Level Reporting | Huawei | CR | agreement | Yes | No | withdrawn | Yes | ||||
S5-112486 | R8 CR 32299 Service Identifier Level Reporting | Huawei | CR | agreement | Yes | No | withdrawn | Yes | ||||
S5-112487 | R9 CR 32299 Service Identifier Level Reporting | Huawei | CR | agreement | Yes | No | withdrawn | Yes | ||||
S5-112488 | R10 CR 32299 Service Identifier Level Reporting | Huawei | CR | agreement | Yes | No | withdrawn | Yes | ||||
S5-112489 | R8 CR 32299 Clarification to PDP-Address AVP | Huawei | CR | agreement | Yes | No | withdrawn | Yes | ||||
S5-112490 | R9 CR 32299 Clarification to PDP-Address AVP | Huawei | CR | agreement | Yes | No | withdrawn | Yes | ||||
S5-112491 | R10 CR 32299 Clarification to PDP-Address AVP | Huawei | CR | agreement | Yes | No | withdrawn | Yes | ||||
S5-112496 | Discussion paper on issues related to the service identifier level reporting | Huawei | other | discussion | Yes | Yes | noted | No | ||||
S5-112497 | R11 32251 CR Add Rating Group change as charging event | Huawei | CR | agreement | Yes | No | withdrawn | Yes | ||||
S5-112498 | R11 32299 CR Add Rating Group Change as charging event | Huawei | CR | agreement | Yes | No | withdrawn | Yes | ||||
S5-112543 | CR R10 32.260 Correction for IARI - Alignment with TS 24.229 | Alcatel-Lucent | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | agreed | No | S5-112294 | |||
S5-112544 | CR R10 32.299 Correction for IARI - Alignment with TS 24.229 | Alcatel-Lucent | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | revised | No | S5-112643 | S5-112295 | ||
S5-112643 | CR R10 32.299 Correction for IARI - Alignment with TS 24.229 | Alcatel-Lucent | CR | agreement | No | Yes | agreed | No | S5-112544 | |||
S5-112545 | CR R10 32.298 Correction for IARI - Alignment with TS 24.229 | Alcatel-Lucent | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | agreed | No | S5-112296 | |||
S5-112634 | Rel-8 CR 32.298 Correction on ASN.1 tag definition | Ericsson | CR | agreement | No | Yes | agreed | No | ||||
7.4 |
Rel-11 Charging |
7.4.1 |
Add solutions for Rc reference point within the Online Charging System (OCS) (470045) |
7.4.2 |
Network Provided Location Information for IMS Charging (490029) |
7.4.3 |
Charging for QoS Control Based on Subscriber Spending Limits (500029) |
S5-112260 | SA#51 approved SA5 (CH) WID on UID_5100029 Charging for QoS Control Based on Subscriber Spending Limits (QoS_SSL) | MCC (A Zoicas) | revised WID | agreement | Yes | Yes | noted | No | ||
S5-112261 | CT#52 approved CT3 WID on UID_520004 CT3 aspects of QoS Control Based on Subscriber Spending Limits | MCC (A Zoicas) | revised WID | agreement | Yes | Yes | noted | No | ||||
S5-112310 | Revision of SA5 (CH) WID on UID_5100029 Charging for QoS Control Based on Subscriber Spending Limits (QoS_SSL) | SA5 CH leaders | New WID | agreement | Yes | Yes | revised | No | S5-112662 | |||
S5-112662 | Revision of SA5 (CH) WID on UID_5100029 Charging for QoS Control Based on Subscriber Spending Limits (QoS_SSL) | SA5 CH leaders | Revised WID | agreement | No | Yes | agreed | No | S5-112310 | |||
S5-112362 | Reply LS to C3-111217 on the work split between SA5 and CT3 for QoS Control Based on Subscriber Spending Limits (Rel-11 QoS_SSL) | SA5 CH chair | o/g LS | discussion | Yes | Yes | revised | No | S5-112591 | |||
S5-112591 | Reply LS to C3-111217 on the work split between SA5 and CT3 for QoS Control Based on Subscriber Spending Limits (Rel-11 QoS_SSL) | SA5 CH chair | o/g LS | discussion | Yes | Yes | approved | No | S5-112362 | |||
S5-112499 | R11 32296 CR Sy Interface addition to OCS | Huawei | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | revised | No | S5-112652 | |||
S5-112542 | Rel-11 CR 32.296 Implication of Sy reference point on OCS archtecture | Nokia Siemens Networks, Amdocs | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | merged in S5-112652 | No | ||||
S5-112652 | R11 32296 CR Sy Interface addition to OCS | Huawei | CR | agreement | No | Yes | agreed | No | S5-112499 | |||
7.4.4 |
Transit Inter Operator Identifier for IMS Interconnection Charging in multi operator environment (510029) |
S5-112528 | LS reply to CT1 on Transit-IOI scenarios | Deutsche Telekom | o/g LS | approval | Yes | Yes | revised | No | S5-112592 | |
S5-112592 | LS reply to CT1 on Transit-IOI scenarios | Deutsche Telekom | o/g LS | approval | Yes | Yes | approved | No | S5-112528 | |||
7.4.5 |
Charging for Policy Enhancements for Sponsored Connectivity and Coherent Access to Policy related Data Bases (510060) |
S5-112424 | CR Rel-11 32.299 Addtion of Sponsor Identity and Application Service Provider Identifier AVPs | ZTE | CR | agreement | Yes | No | withdrawn | Yes | ||
S5-112426 | CR Rel-11 32.298 Addtion of Sponsor Identity and Application Service Provider Identifier AVPs | ZTE | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | merged in S5-112655 | No | ||||
S5-112428 | CR Rel-11 32.251 Addtion of Sponsor Identity and Application Service Provider Identifier AVPs | ZTE | CR | agreement | Yes | No | withdrawn | Yes | ||||
S5-112492 | Discussion paper on Sponsored Data Connectivity Charging | Huawei | other | discussion | Yes | Yes | noted | No | ||||
S5-112493 | R11 CR 32251 Sponsered Data Connectivity Charging | Huawei | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | revised | No | S5-112654 | |||
S5-112654 | R11 CR 32251 Sponsered Data Connectivity Charging | Huawei, Ericsson, ZTE | CR | agreement | No | Yes | agreed | No | S5-112493 | |||
S5-112494 | R11 CR 32298 Clarification for the Sponsor Identity and Application Service Provider Identifier AVPs in the service data containers | Huawei | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | revised | No | S5-112655 | |||
S5-112655 | R11 CR 32298 Clarification for the Sponsor Identity and Application Service Provider Identifier AVPs in the service data containers | Huawei, Ericsson, ZTE | CR | agreement | No | Yes | agreed | No | S5-112494 | |||
S5-112495 | R11 CR 32299 Clarification for the Sponsor Identity and Application Service Provider Identifier AVPs in the offline charging Message | Huawei | CR | agreement | Yes | Yes | revised | No | S5-112656 | |||
S5-112656 | R11 CR 32299 Clarification for the Sponsor Identity and Application Service Provider Identifier AVPs in the offline charging Message | Huawei, Ericsson, ZTE | CR | agreement | No | Yes | agreed | No | S5-112495 | |||
7.5 |
Charging Studies |
7.5.1 |
Study on Usage Monitoring Control Enhancement (520235) |
8 |
Any Other Business |
9 |
Closing |
Created: 2011-09-08 10:10 Last document: S5-112712