Chairman's notes


IPR call reminder:

I draw your attention to your obligations under the 3GPP Partner Organizations’ IPR policies. Every Individual Member organization is obliged to declare to the Partner Organization or Organizations of which it is a member any IPR owned by the Individual Member or any other organization which is or is likely to become essential to the work of 3GPP.

Delegates are asked to take note that they are thereby invited:

  • to investigate whether their organization or any other organization owns IPRs which were, or were likely to become Essential in respect of the work of 3GPP.
  • to notify their respective Organizational Partners of all potential IPRs, e.g., for ETSI, by means of the IPR Information Statement and the Licensing declaration forms.


Antitrust policy Reminder:

I also draw your attention to the fact that 3GPP activities are subject to all applicable antitrust and competition laws and that compliance with said laws is therefore required of any participant of this TSG/WG/SWG meeting including the Chair and Vice Chairs. In case of question I recommend that you contact your legal counsel.

The leadership shall conduct the present meeting with impartiality and in the interests of 3GPP.

Furthermore, I would like to remind you that timely submission of work items in advance of TSG/WG/SWG meetings is important to allow for full and fair consideration of such matters.



List for Meeting: All Sessions
Temporary Documents List - Ordered by Agenda Item
AI TD# Type Doc For Subject Source Rel Work Item Comment Result
0 - - - All Agenda Items - - S2-164 Docs:=0
1.1 - - - Opening of the meeting - - Andy Docs:=0
2 - - - Review of the Agenda - - Andy Docs:=2
2 S2-2407386 AGENDA Approval SA2#164 meeting Agenda SA WG2 Chair This AGENDA was approved
2 S2-2408311 AGENDA Endorsement SA WG2-164 Session plan SA WG2 Chair r8 endorsed as an initial plan, which may need update as the meeting progresses
2.1 - - - IPR Call and Antitrust Reminder - - Andy Docs:=0
3 - - - SA2#163 Meeting report - - Andy Docs:=1
3 S2-2407387 REPORT Approval Draft Report of SA WG2 meeting #163 SA WG2 Secretary This REPORT was approved
4 - - - General - - Andy Docs:=0
4.1 - - - Common issues and Incoming LSs - - Andy Docs:=41
4.1 - - - LS in for Information - propose to note - - - Docs:=12
4.1 S2-2407432 LS In Information LS from SA WG1: Reply LS on clarification on mobile metaverse services SA WG1 (S1-241351) Noted
4.1 S2-2407433 LS In Information LS from SA WG5: Reply LS from SA5 on Updated AECC Publications for Future Connected Vehicle Services SA WG5 (S5-243069) Noted
4.1 S2-2407436 LS In Information LS from TSG SA: Reply LS on GSMA OPG PRDs publication TSG SA (SP-240946) Noted
4.1 S2-2407437 LS In Information LS from TSG SA: Reply LS on Updated AECC Publications for Future Connected Vehicle Services TSG SA (SP-240948) Noted
4.1 S2-2407438 LS In Information LS from TSG SA: Reply LS on alignment of eCall over IMS with CEN TSG SA (SP-240973) Noted
4.1 S2-2407439 LS In Information LS from TSG SA: Reply LS on the stage 2 aspects of MINT_Ph2 TSG SA (SP-241013) Noted
4.1 S2-2407440 LS In Information LS from TSG SA: Reply LS on data plane control by roaming hubs TSG SA (SP-241014) Noted
4.1 S2-2407443 LS In Information LS from GSMA URSWPI: LS to 3GPP on publication of NG.141 GSMA URSWPI (URSPWI 09_002r2) Noted
4.1 S2-2407450 LS In Information LS from SA WG3-LI: Reply LS on LI considerations for TR 33.757 SA WG3-LI (S3i240502) Rel-19 LI19 Noted
4.1 S2-2407451 LS In Information LS from ITU-T SG2: LS/r on initiation of new work item ITU-T Q.IEM_arch_req 'Reference architecture and signalling requirements for interactive emergency messaging through mobile network' and ITU-T Q.Req_Frame_RRDN, 'Requirements and framework for rapid r ITU-T SG2 (SG2-LS105) Noted
4.1 S2-2407454 LS In Information LS from ETSI TC EMTEL: Reply LS to ITU-T SG11 on initiation of new work item ITU-T Q.IEM_arch_req ETSI TC EMTEL (EMTEL(24)000034r4) Noted
4.1 S2-2407456 LS In Information LS from SA WG6: LS on collaboration and alignment of 3GPP defined CAPIF with GSMA Open Gateway SA WG6 (S6a240333) Noted
4.1 - - - LS in for Information - previously postponed, no response submitted - - - Docs:=2
4.1 S2-2407394 LS In Information LS from CT WG4: LS on Clarification on Dual Registration Indication CT WG4 (C4-241547) Rel-18 TEI18, 5GS_Ph1 Revision of postponed S2-2405868 from S2#163. This LS was noted.
4.1 S2-2407403 LS In Action LS from ITU-T SG12: LS on contribution about the 'impact of 5G Home Base Routing on conversational Voice Quality' ITU-T SG12 (oLS65) Revision of postponed S2-2405891 from S2#163. Noted
4.1 - - - Clarifications on consent management - - - Docs:=5
4.1 S2-2407399 LS In Information LS from GSMA OPG: LS on clarifications on consent management GSMA OPG (OPG_173_Doc_04) Revision of postponed S2-2405883 from S2#163. Response drafted in S2-2408478. For e-mail approval. Final response in S2-2409440
Replied to
4.1 S2-2408478 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] Reply LS on clarifications on consent management Samsung Rel-19 Response to S2-2407399. Revised to S2-2408687.
Samsung believe some SA2 work is required, so proposes additional text in the response that will be put together by SA.
4.1 S2-2408687 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] Reply LS on clarifications on consent management Samsung Rel-19 Revision of S2-2408478. Revised to S2-2409545.
4.1 S2-2409545 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] Reply LS on clarifications on consent management Samsung Rel-19 Revision of S2-2408687. For e-mail approval. r07 agreed. Revised to S2-2409440.
4.1 S2-2409440 LS OUT Approval Reply LS on clarifications on consent management SA WG2 Rel-19 - Revision of S2-2409545r07. This LS OUT was e-mail approved
4.1 - - - Multi-Tenant FWA - - - Docs:=4
4.1 S2-2407402 LS In Information LS from BBF: Multi-Tenant FWA BBF (LIAISE-654) Revision of postponed S2-2405890 from S2#163. Response drafted in S2-2407606. Final response in S2-2409546
Replied to
4.1 S2-2407606 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] LS on Multi-Tenant FWA Nokia Response to S2-2407402. Revised to S2-2408688.
4.1 S2-2408688 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] LS on Multi-Tenant FWA Nokia Revision of S2-2407606. Revised to S2-2409546.
4.1 S2-2409546 LS OUT Approval LS on Multi-Tenant FWA SA WG2 Revision of S2-2408688. This LS OUT was approved
4.1 - - - 5GS missing CBC support for shared networks - - - Docs:=1
4.1 S2-2407417 LS In Action LS from CT WG1: Reply LS on 5GS missing CBC support for shared networks CT WG1 (C1-243686) Noted
4.1 - - - Indicating Emergency Service Support over NG - - - Docs:=7
4.1 S2-2407409 LS In Action LS from RAN WG3: LS on Indicating Emergency Service Support over NG RAN WG3 (R3-243933) Rel-15 NR_newRAT-Core Revision of postponed S2-2406863 from S2#163. Noted
4.1 S2-2407552 CR Approval 23.501 CR5418 (Rel-18, 'F'): Lack of indication of Emergency Service Support over NG Qualcomm Incorporated Rel-18 5GS_Ph1, TEI18 Revised, merging S2-2408113, to S2-2408689.
Related to LS R3-243933 RAN3
4.1 S2-2408689 CR Approval 23.501 CR5418R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Lack of indication of Emergency Service Support over NG Qualcomm Incorporated Rel-18 5GS_Ph1, TEI18 Revision of S2-2407552, merging S2-2408113. This CR was agreed
4.1 S2-2407553 CR Approval 23.501 CR5419 (Rel-19, 'A'): Lack of indication of Emergency Service Support over NG Qualcomm Incorporated Rel-19 5GS_Ph1, TEI18 Revised, merging S2-2408114, to S2-2408690.
4.1 S2-2408690 CR Approval 23.501 CR5419R1 (Rel-19, 'A'): Lack of indication of Emergency Service Support over NG Qualcomm Incorporated Rel-19 5GS_Ph1, TEI18 Revision of S2-2407553, merging S2-2408114. Postponed
4.1 S2-2408113 CR Approval 23.501 CR5529 (Rel-18, 'F'): Emergency service supported in NG-RAN Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-18 5GS_Ph1, TEI18 Merged into S2-2408689
4.1 S2-2408114 CR Approval 23.501 CR5530 (Rel-19, 'A'): Emergency service supported in NG-RAN Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 5GS_Ph1, TEI18 Merged into S2-2408690
4.1 - - - Clarification on Dual Registration Indication - - - Docs:=1
4.1 S2-2407420 LS In Information LS from CT WG1: Reply LS on Clarification on Dual Registration Indication CT WG1 (C1-243691) Noted
4.1 - - - DET for Unmanned Aircraft System Remote ID (UAS RID) - - - Docs:=4
4.1 S2-2407425 LS In Information LS from IETF IETF TEAS WG: LS on RFC 9543, 'A Framework for Network Slices in Networks Built from IETF Technologies' IETF TEAS WG (liaison-teas-3gpp-framework) Noted
4.1 S2-2407426 LS In Information LS from IETF IETF TEAS WG: LS on 'A Realization of Network Slices for 5G Networks Using Current IP/MPLS Technologies' IETF TEAS WG (liaison-teas-realization) Response drafted in S2-2407889. Final response in S2-2408691
Replied to
4.1 S2-2407889 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] LS Reply on 'A Realization of Network Slices for 5G Networks Using Current IP/MPLS Technologies' Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 5GS_Ph1 Response to S2-2407426. Revised to S2-2408691.
4.1 S2-2408691 LS OUT Approval LS Reply on 'A Realization of Network Slices for 5G Networks Using Current IP/MPLS Technologies' SA WG2 5GS_Ph1 Revision of S2-2407889. This LS OUT was approved
4.1 - - - For action (no input papers) - - - Docs:=3
4.1 S2-2407431 LS In Action LS from TSG RAN: LS on Avoiding Cross-TSG TEI TSG RAN (RP-241686) Noted
4.1 S2-2407435 LS In Action LS from SA WG5: LS on GSMA OPG PRDs publication SA WG5 (S5-243436) Noted
4.1 S2-2407453 LS In Action LS from GSMA TSG: Newly published data channel GSMA PRD TS.66 GSMA TSG (TSG56_059v3) Noted
GSMA would like to ask feedback on whether work is planned or ongoing to develop security controls for IMS Data Channel (and more generally for new type of communication services). Samsung suggest to draft a short reply to say no work is planned
4.1 - - - Move? - - - Docs:=2
4.1 S2-2407792 CR Approval 23.501 CR5458 (Rel-18, 'F'): Correction on MSISDN exposure Samsung, AT&T Rel-18 EDGEAPP, TEI18 This CR was agreed
4.1 S2-2407793 CR Approval 23.501 CR5459 (Rel-19, 'A'): Correction on MSISDN exposure Samsung, AT&T Rel-19 EDGEAPP, TEI18 This CR was agreed
4.2 - - - P-CRs/CRs related to use of inclusive language in 3GPP - - Andy Docs:=0
5 - - - Pre-Rel-17 Maintenance (excluding all 5G topics) - - Andy Docs:=0
5.1 - - - 3GPP Packet Access Maintenance - - Andy Docs:=0
5.2 - - - QoS and PCC Maintenance - - Andy Docs:=0
5.3 - - - Non-3GPP Access Maintenance - - Andy Docs:=0
5.4 - - - IMS and IMS-Related Maintenance - - Andy Docs:=0
6 - - - Rel-15/Rel-16 Maintenance for 5G (only related to 5GS_Ph1 Work Item) - - Andy Docs:=0
6.1 - - - General aspects, concepts and reference models - - Andy Docs:=0
6.2 - - - Common Access Control, RM and CM functions and procedure flows - - Wanqiang Docs:=17
6.2 S2-2407851 CR Approval 23.501 CR5472 (Rel-19, 'F'): Correction about Default Configured NSSAI Nokia Rel-19 5GS_Ph1, TEI19 WI Code should not be TEI-19! Revised in parallel session to S2-2408734.
6.2 S2-2408734 CR Approval 23.501 CR5472R1 (Rel-19, 'F'): Correction about Default Configured NSSAI Nokia Rel-19 5GS_Ph1, TEI19 Revision of S2-2407851. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409047.
6.2 S2-2409047 CR Approval 23.501 CR5472R2 (Rel-19, 'F'): Correction about Default Configured NSSAI Nokia Rel-19 5GS_Ph1, TEI19 Revision of S2-2408734. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409059.
6.2 S2-2409059 CR Approval 23.501 CR5472R3 (Rel-19, 'F'): Correction about Default Configured NSSAI Nokia Rel-19 5GS_Ph1, TEI19 Revision of S2-2409047. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409336.
6.2 S2-2409336 CR Approval 23.501 CR5472R4 (Rel-19, 'F'): Correction about Default Configured NSSAI Nokia Rel-19 5GS_Ph1, TEI19 Revision of S2-2409059. Agreed in parallel session. Revised to S2-2409550.
6.2 S2-2409550 CR Approval 23.501 CR5472R5 (Rel-19, 'F'): Correction about Default Configured NSSAI Nokia Rel-19 5GS_Ph1, TEI19 Revision of S2-2409336. This CR was agreed
6.2 S2-2407860 CR Approval 23.502 CR4891 (Rel-19, 'F'): Adding indication of Partially Allowed NSSAI to UE and Allowed NSSAI and Partially Allowed NSSAI to NG-RAN UE in UCU procedure Nokia Rel-19 5GS_Ph1, TEI19 WI Code should not be TEI-19! Revised in parallel session to S2-2408735.
6.2 S2-2408735 CR Approval 23.502 CR4891R1 (Rel-19, 'F'): Adding indication of Partially Allowed NSSAI to UE and Allowed NSSAI and Partially Allowed NSSAI to NG-RAN UE in UCU procedure Nokia Rel-19 5GS_Ph1, eNS_Ph3, TEI19 Revision of S2-2407860. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409048.
6.2 S2-2409048 CR Approval 23.502 CR4891R2 (Rel-19, 'F'): Adding indication of Partially Allowed NSSAI to UE and Allowed NSSAI and Partially Allowed NSSAI to NG-RAN UE in UCU procedure Nokia Rel-19 5GS_Ph1, eNS_Ph3, TEI19 Revision of S2-2408735. Agreed in parallel session. Revised to S2-2409551.
6.2 S2-2409551 CR Approval 23.502 CR4891R3 (Rel-19, 'F'): Adding indication of Partially Allowed NSSAI to UE and Allowed NSSAI and Partially Allowed NSSAI to NG-RAN UE in UCU procedure Nokia Rel-19 5GS_Ph1, eNS_Ph3, TEI19 Revision of S2-2409048. This CR was agreed
6.2 S2-2408280 CR Approval 23.501 CR5557 (Rel-17, 'F'): Network Slicing handling for EHPLMN case ZTE, Ericsson, Huawei, Nokia, China Unicom, NEC Rel-17 5GProtoc17, TEI17 Revised in parallel session to S2-2408736.
6.2 S2-2408736 CR Approval 23.501 CR5557R1 (Rel-17, 'F'): Network Slicing handling for EHPLMN case ZTE, Ericsson, Huawei, Nokia, China Unicom, NEC Rel-17 5GProtoc17, TEI17 Revision of S2-2408280. Agreed in parallel session
6.2 S2-2408281 CR Approval 23.501 CR5558 (Rel-18, 'A'): Network Slicing handling for EHPLMN case ZTE, Ericsson, Huawei, Nokia, China Unicom, NEC Rel-18 5GProtoc17, TEI17 Revised in parallel session to S2-2408737.
6.2 S2-2408737 CR Approval 23.501 CR5558R1 (Rel-18, 'A'): Network Slicing handling for EHPLMN case ZTE, Ericsson, Huawei, Nokia, China Unicom, NEC Rel-18 5GProtoc17, TEI17 Revision of S2-2408281. Agreed in parallel session
6.2 S2-2408282 CR Approval 23.501 CR5559 (Rel-19, 'A'): Network Slicing handling for EHPLMN case ZTE, Ericsson, Huawei, Nokia, China Unicom, NEC Rel-19 5GProtoc17, TEI17 Revised in parallel session to S2-2408738.
6.2 S2-2408738 CR Approval 23.501 CR5559R1 (Rel-19, 'F'): Network Slicing handling for EHPLMN case ZTE, Ericsson, Huawei, Nokia, China Unicom, NEC Rel-19 5GProtoc17, TEI17 Revision of S2-2408282. Agreed in parallel session. Revised to S2-2409552.
6.2 S2-2409552 CR Approval 23.501 CR5559R2 (Rel-19, 'A'): Network Slicing handling for EHPLMN case ZTE, Ericsson, Huawei, Nokia, China Unicom, NEC Rel-19 5GProtoc17, TEI17 Revision of S2-2408738. This CR was agreed
6.3 - - - Session management and continuity functions and flows - - Andy Docs:=0
6.4 - - - Security related functions and flows - - Andy Docs:=0
6.5 - - - QoS concept and functionality - - Andy Docs:=0
6.6 - - - Policy and charging control - - Andy Docs:=14
6.6 S2-2407502 CR Approval 23.503 CR1306 (Rel-18, 'F'): The PCF indicates QoS authorization failure due to roaming in a non-supported PLMN Ericsson Rel-18 5GS_Ph1, TEI18 Huawei asked whether the QoS is referenced in the scenario, as this would only apply for individual QoS parameters. It was decided to remove the text in parentheses. This was revised to S2-2409204.
Revised in parallel session to S2-2409204.
6.6 S2-2409204 CR Approval 23.503 CR1306R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): The PCF indicates QoS authorization failure due to roaming in a non-supported PLMN Ericsson Rel-18 5GS_Ph1, TEI18 This was agreed in parallel session.
Revision of S2-2407502. Agreed in parallel session
6.6 S2-2407503 CR Approval 23.503 CR1307 (Rel-19, 'A'): The PCF indicates QoS authorization failure due to roaming in a non-supported PLMN Ericsson Rel-19 5GS_Ph1, TEI18 This was revised in line with the Rel-18 CR to S2-2409205.
Revised in parallel session to S2-2409205.
6.6 S2-2409205 CR Approval 23.503 CR1307R1 (Rel-19, 'A'): The PCF indicates QoS authorization failure due to roaming in a non-supported PLMN Ericsson Rel-19 5GS_Ph1, TEI18 This was agreed in parallel session.
Revision of S2-2407503. Agreed in parallel session
6.6 S2-2407813 CR Approval 23.503 CR1330 (Rel-18, 'F'): Alignment of QoS monitoring as defined in TS 23.501 Verizon, Oracle, Ericsson?, Samsung, Nokia Rel-18 5GS_Ph1, TEI18 This was revised to confirm sources and update the Reason for change and Summary of change in S2-2409206.
Confirm Sources! Revised in parallel session to S2-2409206.
6.6 S2-2409206 CR Approval 23.503 CR1330R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Alignment of QoS monitoring as defined in TS 23.501 Verizon, Oracle, Ericsson, Samsung, Nokia Rel-18 5GS_Ph1, TEI18 This was agreed in parallel session.
Revision of S2-2407813. Agreed in parallel session
6.6 S2-2407815 CR Approval 23.503 CR1331 (Rel-19, 'A'): Alignment of QoS monitoring as defined in TS 23.501 Verizon, Oracle, Ericsson?, Samsung, Nokia Rel-19 5GS_Ph1 The WI Codes should align with the Rel-18 codes. The CR number should be added. This was revised to also confirm sources and update the Reason for change and Summary of change in S2-2409207.
Confirm Sources!. Confirm CR Number - CR states XXXX! Revised in parallel session to S2-2409207.
6.6 S2-2409207 CR Approval 23.503 CR1331R1 (Rel-19, 'A'): Alignment of QoS monitoring as defined in TS 23.501 Verizon, Oracle, Ericsson?, Samsung, Nokia Rel-19 5GS_Ph1, TEI18 This was agreed in parallel session.
Revision of S2-2407815. Agreed in parallel session
6.6 S2-2408363 CR Approval 23.503 CR1355 (Rel-18, 'D'): Addition of definitions Huawei (Rapporteur) Rel-18 5GS_Ph1, TEI18 Ericsson commented that there is a description of Flow Description in TS 23.503 which refers to the stage 3 TS and this may cause confusion. Ericsson asked to remove the expansion of AM and SM in the defined terms. This should be a Cat F CR. This was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2409208.
Revised in parallel session to S2-2409208.
6.6 S2-2409208 CR Approval 23.503 CR1355R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Addition of definitions Huawei (Rapporteur) Rel-18 5GS_Ph1, TEI18 This was reviewed and agreed in parallel session.
Revision of S2-2408363. Agreed in parallel session
6.6 S2-2408364 CR Approval 23.503 CR1356 (Rel-19, 'A'): Addition of definitions Huawei (Rapporteur) Rel-19 5GS_Ph1, TEI18 This was revised to align with the Rel-18 CR in S2-2409209.
Revised in parallel session to S2-2409209.
6.6 S2-2409209 CR Approval 23.503 CR1356R1 (Rel-19, 'A'): Addition of definitions Huawei (Rapporteur) Rel-19 5GS_Ph1, TEI18 This was reviewed and agreed in parallel session.
Revision of S2-2408364. Agreed in parallel session
6.6 S2-2408365 CR Approval 23.501 CR5566 (Rel-18, 'F'): Correction of PCF related terminology Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-18 5GS_Ph1, TEI18 This was reviewed and agreed in parallel session.
Agreed in parallel session
6.6 S2-2408366 CR Approval 23.501 CR5567 (Rel-19, 'A'): Correction of PCF related terminology Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 5GS_Ph1, TEI18 This was reviewed and agreed in parallel session.
Agreed in parallel session
6.7 - - - 3GPP access specific functionality and flows - - Andy Docs:=0
6.8 - - - Specific services support - - Andy Docs:=12
6.8 S2-2407393 LS In Action LS from CT WG4: LS on MPS PDU Session Handling for Non-MPS Subscriber CT WG4 (C4-241527) The proposed response and associated CRs were reviewed.
Revision of postponed S2-2405867 from S2#163. Response drafted in S2-2407975. Final response in S2-2409263
Replied to
6.8 S2-2407975 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] Reply LS on MPS PDU session handling for Non-MPS subscriber Ericsson Rel-18 5GS_Ph1, TEI18 This was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2409223.
Response to S2-2407393. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409223.
See CRs below
6.8 S2-2409223 LS OUT Approval Reply LS on MPS PDU session handling for Non-MPS subscriber SA WG2 Rel-18 5GS_Ph1, TEI18 An editorial correction was needed and this was revised to S2-2409263.
Revision of S2-2407975. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409263.
6.8 S2-2409263 LS OUT Approval Reply LS on MPS PDU session handling for Non-MPS subscriber SA WG2 Rel-18 5GS_Ph1, TEI18 This was agreed in parallel session.
Revision of S2-2409223. Agreed in parallel session
6.8 S2-2407971 CR Approval 23.501 CR5401R2 (Rel-18, 'F'): Session level priority realization in AMF Ericsson, Verizon, Nokia Rel-18 5GS_Ph1, TEI18 Some issues were raised and a number of clarifications requested. This was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2409219.
Revision of (postponed) S2-2406997 from SA2#163. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409219.
6.8 S2-2409219 CR Approval 23.501 CR5401R3 (Rel-18, 'F'): Session level priority realization in AMF Ericsson, Verizon, Nokia Rel-18 5GS_Ph1, TEI18 This was reviewed and agreed in parallel session.
Revision of S2-2407971. Agreed in parallel session
6.8 S2-2407972 CR Approval 23.501 CR5496 (Rel-19, 'A'): Session level priority realization in AMF Ericsson, Verizon, Nokia Rel-19 5GS_Ph1, TEI18 This was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2409220.
Revised in parallel session to S2-2409220.
6.8 S2-2409220 CR Approval 23.501 CR5496R1 (Rel-19, 'A'): Session level priority realization in AMF Ericsson, Verizon, Nokia Rel-19 5GS_Ph1, TEI18 This was agreed in parallel session.
Revision of S2-2407972. Agreed in parallel session
6.8 S2-2407973 CR Approval 23.502 CR4813R2 (Rel-18, 'F'): Session level priority realization in AMF Ericsson, Verizon, Nokia Rel-18 5GS_Ph1, TEI18 This was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2409221.
Revision of (postponed) S2-2406998 from SA2#163. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409221.
6.8 S2-2409221 CR Approval 23.502 CR4813R3 (Rel-18, 'F'): Session level priority realization in AMF Ericsson, Verizon, Nokia Rel-18 5GS_Ph1, TEI18 This was reviewed and agreed in parallel session.
Revision of S2-2407973. Agreed in parallel session
6.8 S2-2407974 CR Approval 23.502 CR4909 (Rel-19, 'A'): Session level priority realization in AMF Ericsson, Verizon, Nokia Rel-19 5GS_Ph1, TEI18 This was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2409222.
Revised in parallel session to S2-2409222.
6.8 S2-2409222 CR Approval 23.502 CR4909R1 (Rel-19, 'A'): Session level priority realization in AMF Ericsson, Verizon, Nokia Rel-19 5GS_Ph1, TEI18 This was agreed in parallel session.
Revision of S2-2407974. Agreed in parallel session
6.9 - - - Interworking and Migration - - Andy Docs:=0
6.10 - - - Non-3GPP access specific functionality and flows - - Andy Docs:=0
6.11 - - - Framework functions - - Andy Docs:=20
6.11 S2-2407625 CR Approval 23.501 CR5431 (Rel-17, 'F'): Align H-PCF selection with H-SMF selection in 23.501 R17 Oracle, Verizon UK Ltd. Rel-17 5GS_Ph1 S2-2407625_Align H-PCF selection with H-SMF selection in 23.501 R17_Ericsson was provided after off-line discussion and was reviewed.
Ericsson suggested taking the original CR and removing the SMF related changes. Huawei commented that the CT WG3 Rel-17 TS has been frozen for many years and this would need to have a change. It was decided to do this only from Rel-18 and this was noted in parallel session.
Noted in parallel session
6.11 S2-2407626 CR Approval 23.502 CR4854 (Rel-17, 'F'): Align H-PCF selection with H-SMF selection in 23.502 R17 Oracle, Verizon UK Ltd. Rel-17 5GS_Ph1 S2-2407626_Align H-PCF selection with H-SMF selection in 23.502 R17_Ericsson was provided after off-line discussion and was reviewed.
It was decided to do this only from Rel-18 and this was noted in parallel session.
Noted in parallel session
6.11 S2-2407627 CR Approval 23.501 CR5432 (Rel-18, 'A'): Align H-PCF selection with H-SMF selection in 23.501 R18 Oracle, Verizon UK Ltd. Rel-18 5GS_Ph1 This should be updated to Cat F CR. This was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2409210.
Revised in parallel session to S2-2409210.
6.11 S2-2409210 CR Approval 23.501 CR5432R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Align H-PCF selection with H-SMF selection in 23.501 R18 Oracle, Verizon UK Ltd. Rel-18 5G_eSBA, 5GS_Ph1 A correction was needed and this was revised to S2-2409526.
Revision of S2-2407627. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409526.
6.11 S2-2409526 CR Approval 23.501 CR5432R2 (Rel-18, 'F'): Align H-PCF selection with H-SMF selection in 23.501 R18 Oracle, Verizon UK Ltd. Rel-18 5G_eSBA, 5GS_Ph1, TEI18 Revision of S2-2409210. This CR was agreed
6.11 S2-2407628 CR Approval 23.502 CR4855 (Rel-18, 'A'): Align H-PCF selection with H-SMF selection in 23.502 R18 Oracle, Verizon UK Ltd. Rel-18 5GS_Ph1 This should be updated to Cat F CR. This was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2409211.
Revised in parallel session to S2-2409211.
6.11 S2-2409211 CR Approval 23.502 CR4855R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Align H-PCF selection with H-SMF selection in 23.502 R18 Oracle, Verizon UK Ltd. Rel-18 5GS_Ph1 The WI Code should also include TEI18'. This was revised to S2-2409259.
Revision of S2-2407628. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409259.
6.11 S2-2409259 CR Approval 23.502 CR4855R2 (Rel-18, 'F'): Align H-PCF selection with H-SMF selection in 23.502 R18 Oracle, Verizon UK Ltd., Ericsson, Deutsche Telekom Rel-18 5GS_Ph1, TEI18 This was agreed in parallel session.
Revision of S2-2409211. Agreed in parallel session
6.11 S2-2407629 CR Approval 23.501 CR5433 (Rel-19, 'A'): Align H-PCF selection with H-SMF selection in 23.501 R19 Oracle, Verizon UK Ltd. Rel-19 5GS_Ph1 This was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2409212.
Revised in parallel session to S2-2409212.
6.11 S2-2409212 CR Approval 23.501 CR5433R1 (Rel-19, 'A'): Align H-PCF selection with H-SMF selection in 23.501 R19 Oracle, Verizon UK Ltd. Rel-19 5GS_Ph1 The WI Code should align with the Rel-18 CR. This was revised to S2-2409260.
Revision of S2-2407629. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409260.
6.11 S2-2409260 CR Approval 23.501 CR5433R2 (Rel-19, 'A'): Align H-PCF selection with H-SMF selection in 23.501 R19 Oracle, Verizon UK Ltd. Rel-19 5G_eSBA, 5GS_Ph1 A correction was needed and this was revised to S2-2409527.
Revision of S2-2409212. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409527.
6.11 S2-2409527 CR Approval 23.501 CR5433R3 (Rel-19, 'A'): Align H-PCF selection with H-SMF selection in 23.501 R19 Oracle, Verizon UK Ltd. Rel-19 5G_eSBA, 5GS_Ph1, TEI18 Revision of S2-2409260. This CR was agreed
6.11 S2-2407630 CR Approval 23.502 CR4856 (Rel-19, 'A'): Align H-PCF selection with H-SMF selection in 23.502 R19 Oracle, Verizon UK Ltd. Rel-19 5GS_Ph1 This was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2409213.
Revised in parallel session to S2-2409213.
6.11 S2-2409213 CR Approval 23.502 CR4856R1 (Rel-19, 'A'): Align H-PCF selection with H-SMF selection in 23.502 R19 Oracle, Verizon UK Ltd. Rel-19 5GS_Ph1 The WI Code should align with the Rel-18 CR. This was revised to S2-2409261.
Revision of S2-2407630. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409261.
6.11 S2-2409261 CR Approval 23.502 CR4856R2 (Rel-19, 'A'): Align H-PCF selection with H-SMF selection in 23.502 R19 Oracle, Verizon UK Ltd. Rel-19 5GS_Ph1, TEI18 This was agreed in parallel session.
Revision of S2-2409213. Agreed in parallel session
6.11 S2-2407772 CR Approval 23.502 CR4794R2 (Rel-18, 'F'): Correction of clause and 4.17.5 Ericsson, Deutsche Telekom Rel-18 5GS_Ph1, TEI18 ZTE commented that the discovery and selection is preconfigured in the AMF and should be covered in stage 3 specifications, rather than in stage 2. This could be achieved by references. Huawei asked for clarification on the information from the V-AMF to the H-AMF. Editorial corrections were needed and the CR title should be improved. This was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2409214.
Revision of (postponed) S2-2405258 from SA2#162. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409214.
6.11 S2-2409214 CR Approval 23.502 CR4794R3 (Rel-18, 'F'): Correction related to discovery and selection over roaming interface Ericsson, Deutsche Telekom Rel-18 5GS_Ph1, TEI18 The cover sheet and revision marks needed cleaning up. This was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2409262.
Revision of S2-2407772. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409262.
6.11 S2-2409262 CR Approval 23.502 CR4794R4 (Rel-18, 'F'): Correction related to discovery and selection over roaming interface Ericsson, Deutsche Telekom Rel-18 5GS_Ph1, TEI18 This was reviewed and agreed in parallel session.
Revision of S2-2409214. Agreed in parallel session
6.11 S2-2407879 CR Approval 23.502 CR4893 (Rel-19, 'A'): Correction of clause and 4.17.5 Ericsson, Deutsche Telekom Rel-19 5GS_Ph1, TEI18 This should be aligned with the Rel-18 CR. This was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2409215.
Revised in parallel session to S2-2409215.
6.11 S2-2409215 CR Approval 23.502 CR4893R1 (Rel-19, 'A'): Correction related to discovery and selection over roaming interface Ericsson, Deutsche Telekom Rel-19 5GS_Ph1, TEI18 This was reviewed and agreed in parallel session.
Revision of S2-2407879. Agreed in parallel session
7 - - - Rel-16 Maintenance for 5G (excluding 5GS_Ph1) - - Andy Docs:=0
7.1 - - - Architecture enhancements for 3GPP support of advanced V2X services (eV2XARC) - - Andy Docs:=0
7.2 - - - Wireless and Wireline Convergence for the 5G system architecture (5WWC) - - Andy Docs:=0
7.3 - - - Access Traffic Steering, Switch and Splitting support in the 5G system architecture (ATSSS) - - Andy Docs:=0
7.4 - - - Cellular IoT support and evolution for the 5G System (5G_CIoT) - - Andy Docs:=0
7.5 - - - Enablers for Network Automation for 5G (eNA) - - Andy Docs:=0
7.6 - - - Enhancement to the 5GC Location Services (5G_eLCS) - - Andy Docs:=5
7.6 S2-2408619 CR Approval 23.273 CR0560 (Rel-16, 'F'): The deferred 5GC-MT-LR procedure correction CATT Rel-16 5G_eLCS It was decided not to make this change in frozen Rel-16 and this CR was noted in parallel session.
Noted in parallel session
Is this FASMO?
7.6 S2-2408620 CR Approval 23.273 CR0561 (Rel-17, 'A'): The deferred 5GC-MT-LR procedure correction CATT Rel-17 5G_eLCS This was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2409217.
Revised in parallel session to S2-2409217.
7.6 S2-2409217 CR Approval 23.273 CR0561R1 (Rel-17, 'A'): The deferred 5GC-MT-LR procedure correction CATT Rel-17 5G_eLCS This should not be a Cat A CR. Nokia asked to discuss this until the next meeting. This CR was postponed in parallel session.
Revision of S2-2408620. Postponed
7.6 S2-2408621 CR Approval 23.273 CR0562 (Rel-18, 'A'): The deferred 5GC-MT-LR procedure correction CATT Rel-18 5G_eLCS This was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2409218 (withdrawn). This was postponed in parallel session.
Revised in parallel session to S2-2409218. Postponed
Seems there is no Rel-19 version of the TS yet?
7.6 S2-2409218 CR Approval 23.273 CR0562R1 (Rel-18, 'A'): The deferred 5GC-MT-LR procedure correction CATT Rel-18 5G_eLCS Revision of S2-2408621. WITHDRAWN
7.7 - - - 5GS Enhanced support of Vertical and LAN Services (Vertical_LAN) - - Andy Docs:=0
7.8 - - - Enhancements to the Service-Based 5G System Architecture (5G_eSBA) - - Andy Docs:=0
7.9 - - - Architecture enhancements for the support of Integrated access and backhaul (IABARC) - - Andy Docs:=0
7.10 - - - Enhancement of URLLC supporting in 5GC (5G_URLLC) - - Andy Docs:=0
7.11 - - - Enhancement of Network Slicing (eNS) - - Andy Docs:=0
7.12 - - - Optimisations on UE radio capability signalling (RACS) - - Andy Docs:=0
7.13 - - - Enhanced IMS to 5GC Integration (eIMS5G_SBA) - - Andy Docs:=0
7.14 - - - User Data Interworking and Coexistence (UDICoM) - - Andy Docs:=0
7.15 - - - Enhancing Topology of SMF and UPF in 5G Networks (ETSUN) - - Andy Docs:=0
7.16 - - - 5GS Transfer of Policies for Background Data Transfer (xBDT) - - Andy Docs:=0
7.17 - - - Single radio voice continuity from 5GS to 3G (5G_SRVCC) - - Andy Docs:=0
8 - - - Rel-17 Maintenance - - Wanqiang Docs:=0
8.1 - - - Enablers for Network Automation for 5G - Phase 2 (eNA_Ph2) - - Andy Docs:=6
8.1 S2-2407535 CR Approval 23.501 CR5413 (Rel-17, 'F'): Clarification on MFAF Serving area ZTE Rel-17 eNA_Ph2 There were some comments questioning the need for the second change. The first change was not considered FASMO and should be done in Rel-18 onwards. This was then noted in parallel session.
Noted in parallel session
8.1 S2-2407592 CR Approval 23.501 CR5425 (Rel-18, 'A'): Clarification on MFAF Serving area ZTE Rel-18 eNA_Ph2 This should be a Cat F CR. This was revised to keep only the first change to S2-2408964.
Revised in parallel session to S2-2408964.
8.1 S2-2408964 CR Approval 23.501 CR5425R1 (Rel-19, 'F'): Clarification on MFAF Serving area ZTE Rel-19 eNA_Ph2, TEI19 This was agreed in parallel session.
Revision of S2-2407592. Agreed in parallel session
8.1 S2-2407603 CR Approval 23.501 CR5426 (Rel-18, 'F'): Clarifications on NWDAF serving area ZTE Rel-18 eNA_Ph2, TEI18 Some clarifications were requested and this was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2408965.
Revised in parallel session to S2-2408965.
8.1 S2-2408965 CR Approval 23.501 CR5426R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Clarifications on NWDAF serving area ZTE Rel-18 eNA_Ph2, TEI18 Some deleted text was missing and needed to be shown with revision marks deleting it. This was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2409249.
Revision of S2-2407603. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409249.
8.1 S2-2409249 CR Approval 23.501 CR5426R2 (Rel-18, 'F'): Clarifications on NWDAF serving area ZTE Rel-18 eNA_Ph2, TEI18 This was reviewed and agreed in parallel session.
Revision of S2-2408965. Agreed in parallel session
8.2 - - - Enhanced support of Non-Public Networks (eNPN) - - Wanqiang Docs:=0
8.3 - - - Enhancement of support for Edge Computing in 5GC (eEDGE_5GC) - - Wanqiang Docs:=0
8.4 - - - Enhancement of Network Slicing Phase 2 (eNS_Ph2) - - Wanqiang Docs:=8
8.4 S2-2407652 DISCUSSION Information Mapping between NSAGs and S-NSSAIs Oracle Noted in parallel session
8.4 S2-2407653 CR Approval 23.502 CR4857 (Rel-17, 'F'): Mapping between NSAGs and S-NSSAIs 23.502 R17 Oracle Rel-17 eNS_Ph2 Confirm Spec version used - CR states 17.13.0! Revised in parallel session to S2-2408978.
8.4 S2-2408978 CR Approval 23.502 CR4857R1 (Rel-17, 'F'): Mapping between NSAGs and S-NSSAIs 23.502 R17 Oracle Rel-17 eNS_Ph2 Revision of S2-2407653. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409049.
8.4 S2-2409049 CR Approval 23.502 CR4857R2 (Rel-17, 'F'): Mapping between NSAGs and S-NSSAIs 23.502 R17 Oracle Rel-17 eNS_Ph2 Revision of S2-2408978. Agreed in parallel session
8.4 S2-2407654 CR Approval 23.502 CR4858 (Rel-18, 'A'): Mapping between NSAGs and S-NSSAIs 23.502 R18 Oracle Rel-18 eNS_Ph2 Revised in parallel session to S2-2409050.
8.4 S2-2409050 CR Approval 23.502 CR4858R1 (Rel-18, 'A'): Mapping between NSAGs and S-NSSAIs 23.502 R18 Oracle Rel-18 eNS_Ph2 Revision of S2-2407654. Agreed in parallel session
8.4 S2-2407655 CR Approval 23.502 CR4859 (Rel-19, 'A'): Mapping between NSAGs and S-NSSAIs 23.502 R19 Oracle Rel-19 eNS_Ph2 Revised in parallel session to S2-2409051.
8.4 S2-2409051 CR Approval 23.502 CR4859R1 (Rel-19, 'A'): Mapping between NSAGs and S-NSSAIs 23.502 R19 Oracle Rel-19 eNS_Ph2 Revision of S2-2407655. Agreed in parallel session
8.5 - - - Enhanced support of Industrial IoT - TSC/URLLC enhancements (IIoT) - - Wanqiang Docs:=0
8.6 - - - Access Traffic Steering, Switch and Splitting support in the 5G system architecture Phase 2 (ATSSS_Ph2) - - Wanqiang Docs:=0
8.7 - - - Support of Aerial Systems Connectivity, Identification, and Tracking (ID_UAS) - - Wanqiang Docs:=7
8.7 S2-2407408 LS In Action LS from SA WG3: Reply LS on Clarification related to reliable location SA WG3 (S3-242379) Rel-17 ID_UAS Revision of postponed S2-2406858 from S2#163. Response drafted in S2-2408623. Noted in parallel session
8.7 S2-2408623 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] Reply LS on Clarification related to reliable location CATT Rel-17 ID_UAS Response to S2-2407408. Noted in parallel session
8.7 S2-2408624 CR Approval 23.273 CR0564 (Rel-17, 'F'): Clarification on the usage of reliable indication CATT Rel-17 ID_UAS Revised in parallel session to S2-2408979.
8.7 S2-2408979 CR Approval 23.273 CR0564R1 (Rel-17, 'F'): Clarification on the usage of reliable indication CATT Rel-17 ID_UAS Revision of S2-2408624. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409021.
8.7 S2-2409021 CR Approval 23.273 CR0564R2 (Rel-17, 'F'): Clarification on the usage of reliable indication CATT Rel-17 ID_UAS Revision of S2-2408979. Agreed in parallel session
8.7 S2-2408625 CR Approval 23.273 CR0565 (Rel-18, 'A'): Clarification on the usage of reliable indication CATT Rel-18 ID_UAS Revised in parallel session to S2-2408980.
8.7 S2-2408980 CR Approval 23.273 CR0565R1 (Rel-18, 'A'): Clarification on the usage of reliable indication CATT Rel-18 ID_UAS Revision of S2-2408625. Agreed in parallel session
8.8 - - - System enhancement for Proximity based Services in 5GS (5G_ProSe) - - Wanqiang Docs:=0
8.9 - - - Architectural enhancements for 5G multicast-broadcast services (5MBS) - - Wanqiang Docs:=5
8.9 S2-2407744 CR Approval 23.247 CR0365R2 (Rel-17, 'F'): Handling when MBS service area across multiple MB-SMFs Ericsson Rel-17 5MBS Revision of (postponed) S2-2405174 from SA2#163. Revised in parallel session to S2-2408721.
8.9 S2-2408721 CR Approval 23.247 CR0365R3 (Rel-17, 'F'): Handling when MBS service area across multiple MB-SMFs Ericsson Rel-17 5MBS Revision of S2-2407744. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409043.
8.9 S2-2409043 CR Approval 23.247 CR0365R4 (Rel-17, 'F'): Handling when MBS service area across multiple MB-SMFs Ericsson Rel-17 5MBS Revision of S2-2408721. Agreed in parallel session
8.9 S2-2407745 CR Approval 23.247 CR0366R2 (Rel-18, 'A'): Handling when MBS service area across multiple MB-SMFs Ericsson Rel-18 5MBS Revision of (postponed) S2-2405175 from SA2#163. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409044.
8.9 S2-2409044 CR Approval 23.247 CR0366R3 (Rel-18, 'A'): Handling when MBS service area across multiple MB-SMFs Ericsson Rel-18 5MBS Revision of S2-2407745. Agreed in parallel session
8.10 - - - System enablers for multi-USIM devices (MUSIM) - - Wanqiang Docs:=0
8.11 - - - Architecture aspects for using satellite access in 5G (5GSAT_ARCH) - - Wanqiang Docs:=0
8.12 - - - Architecture enhancements for 3GPP support of advanced V2X services - Phase 2 (eV2XARC_Ph2) - - Wanqiang Docs:=0
8.13 - - - 5G System Enhancement for Advanced Interactive Services (5G_AIS) - - Wanqiang Docs:=0
8.14 - - - Enhancement to the 5GC LoCation Services-Phase 2 (5G_eLCS_Ph2) - - Wanqiang Docs:=0
8.15 - - - Multimedia Priority Service (MPS) Phase 2 (MPS2) - - Wanqiang Docs:=0
8.16 - - - Dynamic management of group-based event monitoring (TEI17_GEM) - - Wanqiang Docs:=0
8.17 - - - N7/N40 Interfaces Enhancements to Support GERAN and UTRAN (TEI17_NIESGU) - - Wanqiang Docs:=0
8.18 - - - System enhancement for Redundant PDU Session (TEI17_SE_RPS) - - Wanqiang Docs:=0
8.19 - - - IMS Optimization for HSS Group ID in an SBA environment (TEI17_IMSGID) - - Wanqiang Docs:=0
8.20 - - - Support for Signed Attestation for Priority and Emergency Sessions (TEI17_SAPES) - - Wanqiang Docs:=0
8.21 - - - Dynamically Changing AM Policies in the 5GC (TEI17_DCAMP) - - Wanqiang Docs:=0
8.22 - - - IP address pool information from UDM (TEI17_IPU) - - Wanqiang Docs:=0
8.23 - - - Same PCF selection for AMF and SMF (TEI17-SPSFAS) - - Wanqiang Docs:=0
8.24 - - - Support of different slices over different Non-3GPP access (TEI17_N3SLICE) - - Wanqiang Docs:=0
8.25 - - - Minimization of Service Interruption (MINT) - - Wanqiang Docs:=4
8.25 S2-2407550 CR Approval 23.501 CR5416 (Rel-18, 'F'): Support for SMS over in Disaster Roaming Qualcomm Incorporated Rel-18 MINT, TEI18 Revised in parallel session to S2-2408981.
8.25 S2-2408981 CR Approval 23.501 CR5416R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Support for SMS over in Disaster Roaming Qualcomm Incorporated Rel-18 MINT, TEI18 Revision of S2-2407550. Agreed in parallel session
8.25 S2-2407551 CR Approval 23.501 CR5417 (Rel-19, 'A'): Support for SMS over in Disaster Roaming Qualcomm Incorporated Rel-19 MINT, TEI18 Revised in parallel session to S2-2408982.
8.25 S2-2408982 CR Approval 23.501 CR5417R1 (Rel-19, 'A'): Support for SMS over in Disaster Roaming Qualcomm Incorporated Rel-19 MINT, TEI18 Revision of S2-2407551. Agreed in parallel session
8.26 - - - Architecture Enhancement for NR Reduced Capability Devices (ARCH_NR_REDCAP) - - Wanqiang Docs:=0
8.27 - - - Architecture support for NB-IoT/eMTC Non-Terrestrial Networks in EPS (IoT_SAT_ARCH_EPS) - - Andy Docs:=17
8.27 - - - UE Location Information for NB-IoT NTN - - - Docs:=10
8.27 S2-2407398 LS In Action LS from RAN WG2: Reply LS on UE Location Information for NB-IoT NTN RAN WG2 (R2-2403770) Rel-18 IoT_NTN_enh-Core Ericsson reported that the proposed responses were not considered ready to send, as feedback from RAN WG3 is awaited. The discussion paper in S2-2407970 was reviewed. This LS was then postponed in parallel session.
Revision of postponed S2-2405879 from S2#163. Responses drafted in S2-2407549, S2-2408240, S2-2408377. Postponed
Which reply LS?
8.27 S2-2407549 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] Reply LS on UE Location Information for NB-IoT NTN Qualcomm Rel-18 IoT_NTN_enh-Core Postponed in parallel session.
Response to S2-2407398. Postponed
SA2 approved the attached CR which optionally allows for MME if configured to send the coarse location information received from the UE to NB-IoT eNB. See S2-2407548
8.27 S2-2408240 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] Reply LS on UE Location Information for NB-IoT NTN vivo Rel-18 IoT_SAT_ARCH_EPS Postponed in parallel session.
Revision of (unhandled) S2-2406195 from SA2#163. Response to S2-2407398. Postponed
SA2 decides to update the existing Location Reporting Procedure to signal the coarse location information to eNB and request eNB return the updated ULI to MME as in the agreed CR 3782 attached. See S2-2408241
8.27 S2-2408377 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] LS reply on eNB obtaining UE Coarse Location Information for NB-IoT NTN Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-18 IoT_SAT_ARCH_EPS Postponed in parallel session.
Revision of (unhandled) S2-2406508 from SA2#163. Response to S2-2407398. Postponed
Says: This LS out is needed if Option#1 in TS 23.401 CR3784 (S2-2408375) is agreed. See S2-2408375
8.27 S2-2407548 CR Approval 23.401 CR3785R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Reporting coarse location information to NB-IoT eNB Qualcomm Incorporated Rel-18 IoT_SAT_ARCH_EPS Postponed in parallel session.
Revision of (unhandled) S2-2406532 from SA WG2#163. Postponed
8.27 S2-2407970 DISCUSSION Agreement On the handling of Coarse Location Information provided by the UE Ericsson IoT_SAT_ARCH_EPS This proposes not to add course location information in Rel 18. Extension of LI interfaces can be discussed by SA WG3-LI. If RAN WG3 add CLI to S1AP then SA WG2 can create alignment CRs for Rel 18. Qualcomm suggested trying to send another LS to RAN WG3 to try to get a resolution to this. Ericsson commented that if RAN WG3 were to provide additional CLIs then the handling by the MME would need to be added. Qualcomm replied that there are CRs proposed for this which were waiting for RAN WG3 feedback, but it needs to be decided which WG takes the lead on this. Interdigital preferred to wait for RAN WG3 feedback before trying to agree any alignment CRs on this. Ericsson clarified that the issue is not the use of the ULIs, but the extra functionality required for the UE to decide which ULIs to send. It was decided to postpone this issue. This was then postponed in parallel session.
8.27 S2-2408239 DISCUSSION Discussion Discussion on sending UE coarse location to eNB. Vivo Rel-18 IoT_SAT_ARCH_EPS Postponed in parallel session.
Revision of (unhandled) S2-2406193 from SA2#163. Postponed
8.27 S2-2408241 CR Approval 23.401 CR3782R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): UE coarse location handling Vivo Rel-18 IoT_SAT_ARCH_EPS Postponed in parallel session.
Revision of (unhandled) S2-2406395 from SA2#163. Postponed
8.27 S2-2408375 CR Approval 23.401 CR3784R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Support of MME obtaining mapped Cell ID Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-18 IoT_SAT_ARCH_EPS Postponed in parallel session.
Revision of (unhandled) S2-2406506 from SA2#163. Postponed
8.27 S2-2408376 CR Approval 23.271 CR0440R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Support of E-SMLC mapping UE Coarse Location Information to Cell ID. Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-18 IoT_SAT_ARCH_EPS Postponed in parallel session.
Revision of (unhandled) S2-2406507 from SA2#163. Postponed
8.27 - - - Access restrictions for satellite access - - - Docs:=7
8.27 S2-2407388 LS In Action LS from RAN WG3: Reply LS on the service requirement of restricting satellite access RAT type RAN WG3 (R3-241204) Rel-17 NR_NTN_solutions, LTE_NBIOT_eMTC_NTN Ericsson reported that it had been identified at previous meetings that some alignment of SA WG2 TSs will be needed. The related discussion paper in S2-2407967 and CRs were reviewed. This was then noted in parallel session.
Revision of postponed S2-2405846 from S2#163. Noted in parallel session
8.27 S2-2407967 DISCUSSION Agreement Access restrictions for satellite access Ericsson IoT_SAT_ARCH_EPS This was presented, discussed and noted in parallel session.
Noted in parallel session
Says note the LS from RAN3 and agree CR below
8.27 S2-2407968 CR Approval 23.501 CR5494 (Rel-18, 'F'): Access restrictions for satellite access in the context of 5GC-EPC interworking Ericsson Rel-18 IoT_SAT_ARCH_EPS, LTE_NBIOT_eMTC_NTN, NR_NTN_solutions The LTE-M bullets should be kept and the note modified to explain the values are available for use. This was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2409202.
Revised in parallel session to S2-2409202.
8.27 S2-2409202 CR Approval 23.501 CR5494R1 (Rel-18, 'A'): Access restrictions for satellite access in the context of 5GC-EPC interworking Ericsson Rel-18 IoT_SAT_ARCH_EPS, LTE_NBIOT_eMTC_NTN, NR_NTN_solutions The CR cover sheet should be updated for Rel-18 and the Reason for change and Summary of change should be updated. This was revised to S2-2409275.
Revision of S2-2407968. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409275.
8.27 S2-2409275 CR Approval 23.501 CR5494R2 (Rel-18, 'F'): Access restrictions for satellite access in the context of 5GC-EPC interworking Ericsson Rel-18 IoT_SAT_ARCH_EPS, LTE_NBIOT_eMTC_NTN, NR_NTN_solutions This was agreed in parallel session.
Revision of S2-2409202. Agreed in parallel session
8.27 S2-2407969 CR Approval 23.501 CR5495 (Rel-19, 'A'): Access restrictions for satellite access in the context of 5GC-EPC interworking Ericsson Rel-19 IoT_SAT_ARCH_EPS, LTE_NBIOT_eMTC_NTN, NR_NTN_solutions This was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2409203.
Revised in parallel session to S2-2409203.
8.27 S2-2409203 CR Approval 23.501 CR5495R1 (Rel-19, 'A'): Access restrictions for satellite access in the context of 5GC-EPC interworking Ericsson Rel-19 IoT_SAT_ARCH_EPS, LTE_NBIOT_eMTC_NTN, NR_NTN_solutions This was reviewed and agreed in parallel session.
Revision of S2-2407969. Agreed in parallel session
8.28 - - - Rel-17 CAT B/C alignment CR(s) due to the work led by other 3GPP Working Groups - - Wanqiang Docs:=0
9 - - - Rel-18 WIDs - - Andy Docs:=0
9.1.2 - - - 5G System with Satellite Backhaul (5GSATB) - - Dario Docs:=0
9.2.2 - - - Satellite access Phase 2 (5GSAT_Ph2) - - Dario Docs:=14
9.2.2 S2-2408378 CR Approval 23.501 CR5569 (Rel-18, 'F'): Clarification on PRU timer considering start of unavailability period Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-18 5GSAT_Ph2 Revised in parallel session to S2-2408853.
9.2.2 S2-2408853 CR Approval 23.501 CR5569R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Clarification on PRU timer considering start of unavailability period Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-18 5GSAT_Ph2 Revision of S2-2408378. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409116.
9.2.2 S2-2409116 CR Approval 23.501 CR5569R2 (Rel-18, 'F'): Clarification on PRU timer considering start of unavailability period Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-18 5GSAT_Ph2 Revision of S2-2408853. Agreed in parallel session
9.2.2 S2-2408379 CR Approval 23.501 CR5570 (Rel-19, 'A'): Clarification on PRU timer considering start of unavailability period Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 5GSAT_Ph2 Revised in parallel session to S2-2408854.
9.2.2 S2-2408854 CR Approval 23.501 CR5570R1 (Rel-19, 'A'): Clarification on PRU timer considering start of unavailability period Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 5GSAT_Ph2 Revision of S2-2408379. Agreed in parallel session
9.2.2 S2-2408645 CR Approval 23.501 CR5614 (Rel-18, 'F'): Applying UE determined unavailability values Samsung Rel-18 5GSAT_Ph2 Revised in parallel session to S2-2408855.
9.2.2 S2-2408855 CR Approval 23.501 CR5614R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Applying AMF determined unavailability values Samsung Rel-18 5GSAT_Ph2 Fix ME box
Revision of S2-2408645. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409117.
9.2.2 S2-2409117 CR Approval 23.501 CR5614R2 (Rel-18, 'F'): Applying AMF determined unavailability values Samsung Rel-18 5GSAT_Ph2 Revision of S2-2408855. Agreed in parallel session
9.2.2 S2-2408646 CR Approval 23.501 CR5615 (Rel-19, 'F'): Applying UE determined unavailability values Samsung Rel-19 5GSAT_Ph2 Revised in parallel session to S2-2408856.
9.2.2 S2-2408856 CR Approval 23.501 CR5615R1 (Rel-19, 'A'): Applying AMF determined unavailability values Samsung Rel-19 5GSAT_Ph2 Revision of S2-2408646. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409118.
9.2.2 S2-2409118 CR Approval 23.501 CR5615R2 (Rel-19, 'A'): Applying AMF determined unavailability values Samsung Rel-19 5GSAT_Ph2 Revision of S2-2408856. Agreed in parallel session
9.2.2 S2-2408650 CR Approval 23.401 CR3814 (Rel-18, 'F'): Applying UE determined unavailability values Samsung Rel-18 5GSAT_Ph2 Revised in parallel session to S2-2408857.
9.2.2 S2-2408857 CR Approval 23.401 CR3814R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Applying AMF determined unavailability values Samsung Rel-18 5GSAT_Ph2 Revision of S2-2408650. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409119.
9.2.2 S2-2409119 CR Approval 23.401 CR3814R2 (Rel-18, 'F'): Applying AMF determined unavailability values Samsung Rel-18 5GSAT_Ph2 Revision of S2-2408857. Agreed in parallel session
9.3.2 - - - Personal IoT Networks (5G_PIN) - - Andy Docs:=0
9.4.2 - - - Phase 2 for UAS, UAV and UAM (UAS_Ph2) - - Wanqiang Docs:=0
9.5.2 - - - Ranging based services and sidelink positioning (Ranging_SL) - - Andy Docs:=34
9.5.2 - - - LS In & Out and related CRs - - - Docs:=20
9.5.2 S2-2407419 LS In Information LS from CT WG1: LS on the UE role list in RSPP-Metadata CT WG1 (C1-243690) This LS was reviewed and noted in parallel session.
Noted in parallel session
9.5.2 S2-2407429 LS In Information LS from RAN WG2: LS on the maximum number of devices supported in SLPP RAN WG2 (R2-2405988) This LS was reviewed and noted in parallel session.
Noted in parallel session
9.5.2 S2-2407428 LS In Action LS from RAN WG2: LS on relative velocity RAN WG2 (R2-2405987) The proposed CRs and response LS were reviewed.
Response drafted in S2-2408680. Final response in S2-2409286
Replied to
9.5.2 S2-2408680 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] LS Reply on Clarifications of Relative Velocity Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell Rel-18 Ranging_SL This was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2408905.
Response to S2-2407428. Revised in parallel session to S2-2408905.
9.5.2 S2-2408905 LS OUT Approval Reply on Clarifications of Relative Velocity SA WG2 Rel-18 Ranging_SL An editorial correction was needed and the TD numbers should be added to the list of attached CRs and the CRs attached. This was revised to S2-2409386.
Revision of S2-2408680. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409386.
9.5.2 S2-2409386 LS OUT Approval Reply on Clarifications of Relative Velocity SA WG2 Rel-18 Ranging_SL This was agreed in parallel session.
Revision of S2-2408905. Agreed in parallel session
9.5.2 S2-2408682 CR Approval 23.586 CR0151 (Rel-18, 'F'): Terms Alignment to TS 23.032 Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell Rel-18 Ranging_SL This was reviewed and the first change should be revoked and the cover sheet updated. This was revised to S2-2408903.
Revised in parallel session to S2-2408903.
9.5.2 S2-2408903 CR Approval 23.586 CR0151R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Terms Alignment to TS 23.032 Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell Rel-18 Ranging_SL The CR cover sheet needed clean-up. This was revised to S2-2409385.
Revision of S2-2408682. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409385.
9.5.2 S2-2409385 CR Approval 23.586 CR0151R2 (Rel-18, 'F'): Terms Alignment to TS 23.032 Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell Rel-18 Ranging_SL This was agreed in parallel session.
Revision of S2-2408903. Agreed in parallel session
9.5.2 S2-2408683 CR Approval 23.032 CR0029 (Rel-18, 'F'): Relative Velocity Clarification Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell Rel-18 Ranging_SL Qualcomm commented that this proposal contradicts the definition that is provided in the LS from RAN WG2. Nokia replied that the LS is a copy of the current SA WG2 TS, rather than the RAN definition. The RAN definition should be checked off-line. This was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2408904.
Revised in parallel session to S2-2408904.
9.5.2 S2-2408904 CR Approval 23.032 CR0029R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Relative Velocity Clarification Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell Rel-18 Ranging_SL This was reviewed and agreed in parallel session.
Revision of S2-2408683. Agreed in parallel session
9.5.2 S2-2408575 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] LS on Ranging/Sidelink Positioning Charging Xiaomi EV Technology Rel-18 Ranging_SL This was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2408907.
Revised in parallel session to S2-2408907.
9.5.2 S2-2408907 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] LS on Ranging/Sidelink Positioning Charging Xiaomi EV Technology Rel-18 Ranging_SL It was requested to have more neutral wording for the text. Xiaomi replied that this could misrepresent the fact that there is no agreement in SA WG2. There were some comments and this was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2409387.
Revision of S2-2408575. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409387.
9.5.2 S2-2409387 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] LS on Ranging/Sidelink Positioning Charging Xiaomi EV Technology Rel-19 Ranging_SL A reference to the documentation for the ProSe charging mechanism to should be added (TS 32.277). 'Draft', revision marks and highlighting should be removed. This was revised to S2-2409538.
Revision of S2-2408907. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409538.
9.5.2 S2-2409538 LS OUT Approval LS on Ranging/Sidelink Positioning Charging SA WG2 Rel-19 Ranging_SL This was agreed in parallel session.
Revision of S2-2409387. Agreed in parallel session
9.5.2 S2-2408604 CR Approval 23.586 CR0148 (Rel-18, 'F'): Update for Charging Xiaomi Rel-18 Ranging_SL It was commented that this is a technical correction for Rel-18 as it was previously assumed would be handled differently. Xiaomi commented that if this is not changed in Rel-18 there will be no charging for Rel-18. Sony commented that charging needs to be specified by SA WG5 in Rel-18. It was noted that this change cannot be made in Rel-18 by referring to a Rel-19 charging function. This should be modified to indicate that Ranging_SL charging is not specified for Rel-18. This was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2408906.
Revised in parallel session, merging S2-2408518, S2-2407850, to S2-2408906.
See also China Telecom TEI19 proposal in 30.2
9.5.2 S2-2408906 CR Approval 23.586 CR0148R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Update for Charging Xiaomi Rel-18 Ranging_SL Qualcomm asked to expand the text to indicate that charging for Ranging-based services and Sidelink Positioning is not supported. This was revised to S2-2409388.
Revision of S2-2408604, merging S2-2408518, S2-2407850. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409388.
9.5.2 S2-2409388 CR Approval 23.586 CR0148R2 (Rel-18, 'F'): Update for Charging Xiaomi Rel-18 Ranging_SL This was agreed in parallel session.
Revision of S2-2408906. Agreed in parallel session
9.5.2 S2-2408642 CR Approval 23.586 CR0149 (Rel-19, 'B'): Update for Charging Xiaomi Rel-19 Ranging_SL This should await a Rel-19 WID before proposing the change. This was then noted in parallel session.
Noted in parallel session
See also China Telecom TEI19 proposal in 30.2
9.5.2 S2-2408518 CR Approval 23.586 CR0146 (Rel-18, 'F'): Ranging/SL Positioning Usage Information Reporting to DDNMF China Telecom Rel-18 Ranging_SL Merged into S2-2408906.
Merged into S2-2408906
9.5.2 - - - Other CRs - - - Docs:=13
9.5.2 S2-2407849 CR Approval 23.586 CR0142 (Rel-18, 'F'): Update on SL Positioning using Located UE Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-18 Ranging_SL Some issues were raised and this was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2408908.
Revised in parallel session to S2-2408908.
9.5.2 S2-2408908 CR Approval 23.586 CR0142R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Update on SL Positioning using Located UE Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-18 Ranging_SL This was reviewed and agreed in parallel session.
Revision of S2-2407849. Agreed in parallel session
9.5.2 S2-2407850 CR Approval 23.586 CR0143 (Rel-18, 'F'): Resolving ENs in TS 23.586 Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-18 Ranging_SL Merged into S2-2408906.
Merged into S2-2408906
9.5.2 S2-2407921 CR Approval 23.586 CR0144 (Rel-18, 'F'): Correction on the SL Positioning Server UE and LMF description ZTE Rel-18 Ranging_SL Some issues were raised and this was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2408909.
Revised in parallel session to S2-2408909.
9.5.2 S2-2408909 CR Approval 23.586 CR0144R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Correction on the SL Positioning Server UE and LMF description ZTE Rel-18 Ranging_SL A clarification to the text was requested and this was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2409389.
Revision of S2-2407921. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409389.
9.5.2 S2-2409389 CR Approval 23.586 CR0144R2 (Rel-18, 'F'): Correction on the SL Positioning Server UE and LMF description ZTE Rel-18 Ranging_SL This was reviewed and agreed in parallel session.
Revision of S2-2408909. Agreed in parallel session
9.5.2 S2-2407922 CR Approval 23.273 CR0545 (Rel-18, 'F'): Corrections to application ID in SL-MT-LR and LMF service operation ZTE Rel-18 Ranging_SL This was discussed and left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2408918 (withdrawn). S2-2407922 was reviewed and agreed in parallel session.
Revised in parallel session to S2-2408918 (withdrawn). Agreed in parallel session
9.5.2 S2-2408918 CR Approval 23.273 CR0545R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Corrections to application ID in SL-MT-LR and LMF service operation ZTE Rel-18 Ranging_SL Revision of S2-2407922. WITHDRAWN
9.5.2 S2-2408242 CR Approval 23.586 CR0145 (Rel-18, 'F'): Remove NAS available indication to SL positioning client UE Vivo Rel-18 Ranging_SL There was a request to remove the editor's note and review which changes should be kept. This was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2408916.
Revised in parallel session to S2-2408916.
9.5.2 S2-2408916 CR Approval 23.586 CR0145R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Remove NAS available indication to SL positioning client UE Vivo Rel-18 Ranging_SL This was reviewed and agreed in parallel session.
Revision of S2-2408242. Agreed in parallel session
9.5.2 S2-2408534 CR Approval 23.586 CR0147 (Rel-18, 'F'): Clarifications and fixes to UE-only procedures Philips International B.V. Rel-18 Ranging_SL This was discussed and left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2408917.
Revised in parallel session to S2-2408917.
9.5.2 S2-2408917 CR Approval 23.586 CR0147R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Clarifications and fixes to UE-only procedures Philips International B.V. Rel-18 Ranging_SL This was reviewed and agreed in parallel session.
Revision of S2-2408534. Agreed in parallel session
9.5.2 S2-2408648 CR Approval 23.273 CR0514R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Corrections to 5GC-MO-LR Procedure using SL positioning and 5GC-MT-LR Procedure using SL positioning Xiaomi Rel-18 Ranging_SL Some issues were raised and this was noted in parallel session.
Revision of (unhandled) S2-2402886. Noted in parallel session
9.5.2 - - - CRs to be unhandled due to exceeding quota - - - Docs:=1
9.5.2 S2-2408677 CR Approval 23.586 CR0150 (Rel-18, 'F'): Update on application layer ID Xiaomi Rel-18 Ranging_SL Not Handled
9.6.2 - - - 5GC LoCation Services Phase 3 (eLCS_Ph3) - - Andy Docs:=24
9.6.2 S2-2407423 LS In Action LS from CT WG1: Reply LS on LS reply on LCS user plane connection binding to the UE CT WG1 (C1-243934) The proposed response and CRs were reviewed.
Response drafted in S2-2408617. Final response in S2-2409544
Replied to
9.6.2 S2-2408617 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] Reply LS on LCS user plane connection binding to the UE CATT Rel-18 5G_eLCS_Ph3 The proposed CRs for this were reviewed. This was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2408911.
Response to S2-2407423. Revised in parallel session to S2-2408911.
9.6.2 S2-2408911 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] Reply LS on LCS user plane connection binding to the UE CATT Rel-18 5G_eLCS_Ph3 This was revised to remove 'draft' and add the attachment in S2-2409544.
Revision of S2-2408617. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409544.
9.6.2 S2-2409544 LS OUT Approval Reply LS on LCS user plane connection binding to the UE SA WG2 Rel-18 5G_eLCS_Ph3 This was agreed in parallel session.
Revision of S2-2408911. Agreed in parallel session
9.6.2 S2-2408394 CR Approval 23.273 CR0557 (Rel-18, 'F'): Update on the LCS-UP procedure OPPO Rel-18 5G_eLCS_Ph3 This was reviewed and was used as a basis for discussion and was left for off-line discussion and revised, merging S2-2407736, S2-2408618, S2-2407920, to S2-2408910.
Revised in parallel session, merging S2-2407736, S2-2408618, S2-2407920, to S2-2408910.
9.6.2 S2-2408910 CR Approval 23.273 CR0557R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Update on the LCS-UP procedure OPPO, Ericsson Rel-18 5G_eLCS_Ph3 The CR cover sheet should be cleaned-up. Nokia commented that this was intended as a terminology alignment to Stage 3 terminology but now makes changes beyond alignment changes. Ericsson clarified that the terminology has been changed and the procedures simplified by referring back to the first part. Nokia replied that such changes should be proposed in a separate CR to the alignment proposal. This was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2409390.
Revision of S2-2408394, merging S2-2407736, S2-2408618, S2-2407920. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409390.
9.6.2 S2-2409390 CR Approval 23.273 CR0557R2 (Rel-18, 'F'): Update on the LCS-UP procedure OPPO, Ericsson Rel-18 5G_eLCS_Ph3 Ericsson commented that the duplication of text is not ideal and should be avoided in future. This was reviewed and agreed in parallel session.
Revision of S2-2408910. Agreed in parallel session. Revised to S2-2409553.
9.6.2 S2-2409553 CR Approval 23.273 CR0557R3 (Rel-18, 'F'): Update on the LCS-UP procedure OPPO, Ericsson Rel-18 5G_eLCS_Ph3 Revision of S2-2409390. This CR was agreed
9.6.2 S2-2407736 CR Approval 23.273 CR0539 (Rel-18, 'F'): Update UP positioning procedure Ericsson Rel-18 5G_eLCS_Ph3 Merged into S2-2408910.
Merged into S2-2408910
9.6.2 S2-2408618 CR Approval 23.273 CR0559 (Rel-18, 'F'): Update the user plane positioning procedure CATT Rel-18 5G_eLCS_Ph3 Merged into S2-2408910.
Merged into S2-2408910
9.6.2 S2-2407920 CR Approval 23.273 CR0544 (Rel-18, 'F'): Clarification on the UP plane LCS connection establishment ZTE Rel-18 5G_eLCS_Ph3 Merged into S2-2408910.
Merged into S2-2408910
9.6.2 S2-2407636 CR Approval 23.273 CR0538 (Rel-18, 'F'): Add the LMF Change for User Plane between the UE and LMF during a deferred 5GC-MT-LR procedure China Telecom Rel-18 5G_eLCS_Ph3 This was discussed and left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2408912 (withdrawn). S2-2407636 was merged into S2-2408913.
Revised in parallel session to S2-2408912 (withdrawn). Merged into S2-2408913
9.6.2 S2-2408912 CR Approval 23.273 CR0538R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Add the LMF Change for User Plane between the UE and LMF during a deferred 5GC-MT-LR procedure China Telecom Rel-18 5G_eLCS_Ph3 Revision of S2-2407636. WITHDRAWN
9.6.2 S2-2408220 CR Approval 23.273 CR0552 (Rel-18, 'F'): Clarify AMF relocation for LCS-UP connection modification Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-18 5G_eLCS_Ph3 The first change should be revoked and some clarifications added. This was left for off-line discussion and revised, merging S2-2407636, to S2-2408913.
Revised in parallel session, merging S2-2407636, to S2-2408913.
9.6.2 S2-2408913 CR Approval 23.273 CR0552R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Clarify AMF relocation for LCS-UP connection modification Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-18 5G_eLCS_Ph3 Typographical errors for 'target' and 'cause' were needed. This was revised to S2-2409391.
Revision of S2-2408220, merging S2-2407636. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409391.
9.6.2 S2-2409391 CR Approval 23.273 CR0552R2 (Rel-18, 'F'): Clarify AMF relocation for LCS-UP connection modification Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-18 5G_eLCS_Ph3 Revision of S2-2408913. Agreed in parallel session
9.6.2 S2-2407737 CR Approval 23.273 CR0540 (Rel-18, 'F'): Update LCS Architecture with user plane positioning Ericsson Rel-18 5G_eLCS_Ph3 Some clarifications were requested and this was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2408914.
Revised in parallel session to S2-2408914.
9.6.2 S2-2408914 CR Approval 23.273 CR0540R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Update LCS Architecture with user plane positioning Ericsson Rel-18 5G_eLCS_Ph3 Nokia requested some corrections to clause 4.4.x. This was revised to S2-2409392.
Revision of S2-2407737. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409392.
9.6.2 S2-2409392 CR Approval 23.273 CR0540R2 (Rel-18, 'F'): Update LCS Architecture with user plane positioning Ericsson Rel-18 5G_eLCS_Ph3 This was agreed in parallel session.
Revision of S2-2408914. Agreed in parallel session
9.6.2 S2-2408622 CR Approval 23.273 CR0563 (Rel-18, 'F'): Location Service Continuity Update and Editorial Update CATT Rel-18 5G_eLCS_Ph3 Some clarifications were requested and the 8th change should be revoked. This was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2408915.
Revised in parallel session to S2-2408915.
9.6.2 S2-2408915 CR Approval 23.273 CR0563R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Location Service Continuity Update and Editorial Update CATT Rel-18 5G_eLCS_Ph3 Nokia commented that there seems to be a misunderstanding on the use of reference instead of defining a term here. This was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2409399.
Revision of S2-2408622. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409399.
9.6.2 S2-2409399 CR Approval 23.273 CR0563R2 (Rel-18, 'F'): Location Service Continuity Update and Editorial Update CATT Rel-18 5G_eLCS_Ph3 CATT reported that no reference was needed and the cover page was updated to clarify this. This was agreed in parallel session.
Revision of S2-2408915. Agreed in parallel session
9.6.2 S2-2408221 CR Approval 23.502 CR4941 (Rel-18, 'F'): Update UE context in AMF to include LCS-UP context for user plane positioning Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-18 5G_eLCS_Ph3 This was reviewed and agreed in parallel session.
Agreed in parallel session
9.6.2 S2-2408222 CR Approval 23.502 CR4942 (Rel-19, 'A'): Update UE context in AMF to include LCS-UP context for user plane positioning Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 5G_eLCS_Ph3 This was reviewed and agreed in parallel session.
Agreed in parallel session
9.7.2 - - - Proximity-based Services in 5GS Phase 2 (5G_ProSe_Ph2) - - Wanqiang Docs:=18
9.7.2 S2-2407763 CR Approval 23.304 CR0442R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Clarification for end-to-end PC5 link management for L2 U2U Relay Apple Rel-18 5G_ProSe_Ph2, NR_SL_relay_enh-Core Revision of (unhandled) S2-2406011 from SA2#163. Revised in parallel session to S2-2408762.
9.7.2 S2-2408762 CR Approval 23.304 CR0442R2 (Rel-18, 'F'): Clarification for end-to-end PC5 link management for L2 U2U Relay Apple Rel-18 5G_ProSe_Ph2, NR_SL_relay_enh-Core Revision of S2-2407763. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409060.
9.7.2 S2-2409060 CR Approval 23.304 CR0442R3 (Rel-18, 'F'): Clarification for end-to-end PC5 link management for L2 U2U Relay Apple Rel-18 5G_ProSe_Ph2, NR_SL_relay_enh-Core Revision of S2-2408762. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409305.
9.7.2 S2-2409305 CR Approval 23.304 CR0442R4 (Rel-18, 'F'): Clarification for end-to-end PC5 link management for L2 U2U Relay Apple Rel-18 5G_ProSe_Ph2, NR_SL_relay_enh-Core Revision of S2-2409060. Agreed in parallel session
9.7.2 S2-2408137 CR Approval 23.304 CR0461 (Rel-19, 'F'): Clarification on path switching OPPO Rel-19 5G_ProSe_Ph2, TEI19 No comment first round
Agreed in parallel session
9.7.2 S2-2408164 CR Approval 23.304 CR0465 (Rel-18, 'F'): Corrections to UE-to-UE Relay Discovery for Model B Samsung Rel-18 5G_ProSe_Ph2 Concern on the concept
Noted in parallel session
9.7.2 S2-2408165 CR Approval 23.304 CR0466 (Rel-19, 'A'): Corrections to UE-to-UE Relay Discovery for Model B Samsung Rel-19 5G_ProSe_Ph2 Noted in parallel session
9.7.2 S2-2408434 CR Approval 23.304 CR0472 (Rel-18, 'F'): Clarification on 5G ProSe U2U Communication with integrated Discovery Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-18 5G_ProSe_Ph2 Revised in parallel session to S2-2408764.
9.7.2 S2-2408764 CR Approval 23.304 CR0472R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Clarification on 5G ProSe U2U Communication with integrated Discovery Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-18 5G_ProSe_Ph2 Revision of S2-2408434. Agreed in parallel session
9.7.2 S2-2408435 CR Approval 23.304 CR0473 (Rel-19, 'A'): Clarification on 5G ProSe U2U Communication with integrated Discovery Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 5G_ProSe_Ph2 Revised in parallel session to S2-2408765.
9.7.2 S2-2408765 CR Approval 23.304 CR0473R1 (Rel-19, 'A'): Clarification on 5G ProSe U2U Communication with integrated Discovery Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 5G_ProSe_Ph2 Revision of S2-2408435. Agreed in parallel session
9.7.2 S2-2408436 CR Approval 23.304 CR0474 (Rel-18, 'F'): Update on Unicast link profile for UE-to-UE Relay Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-18 5G_ProSe_Ph2 Revised in parallel session to S2-2408766.
9.7.2 S2-2408766 CR Approval 23.304 CR0474R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Update on Unicast link profile for UE-to-UE Relay Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-18 5G_ProSe_Ph2 Revision of S2-2408436. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409023.
9.7.2 S2-2409023 CR Approval 23.304 CR0474R2 (Rel-18, 'F'): Update on Unicast link profile for UE-to-UE Relay Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-18 5G_ProSe_Ph2 Revision of S2-2408766. Agreed in parallel session
9.7.2 S2-2408437 CR Approval 23.304 CR0475 (Rel-19, 'A'): Update on Unicast link profile for UE-to-UE Relay Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 5G_ProSe_Ph2 Revised in parallel session to S2-2408767.
9.7.2 S2-2408767 CR Approval 23.304 CR0475R1 (Rel-19, 'A'): Update on Unicast link profile for UE-to-UE Relay Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 5G_ProSe_Ph2 Revision of S2-2408437. Agreed in parallel session
9.7.2 S2-2408488 CR Approval 23.304 CR0479 (Rel-19, 'A'): Clarification for end-to-end PC5 link management for L2 U2U Relay Apple Rel-19 5G_ProSe_Ph2, NR_SL_relay_enh-Core Revised in parallel session to S2-2408763.
9.7.2 S2-2408763 CR Approval 23.304 CR0479R1 (Rel-19, 'A'): Clarification for end-to-end PC5 link management for L2 U2U Relay Apple Rel-19 5G_ProSe_Ph2, NR_SL_relay_enh-Core Revision of S2-2408488. Agreed in parallel session
9.8.2 - - - Generic group management, exposure and communication enhancements (GMEC) - - Dario Docs:=1
9.8.2 S2-2407718 CR Approval 23.501 CR5449 (Rel-18, 'F'): Update to support the VN group communication without N6-based forwarding China Mobile Rel-18 GMEC Postponed in parallel session
9.9.2 - - - System Support for AI/ML-based Services (AIMLsys) - - Andy Docs:=6
9.9.2 S2-2408252 CR Approval 23.502 CR4943 (Rel-18, 'F'): R18 AIMLsys_ 23502_CR for clarification on PDTQ procedures Nokia Rel-18 AIMLsys Some issues were raised and this was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2408966.
Revised in parallel session to S2-2408966.
9.9.2 S2-2408966 CR Approval 23.502 CR4943R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): R18 AIMLsys_ 23502_CR for clarification on PDTQ procedures Nokia Rel-18 AIMLsys It was suggested to add '(see clause x.x)' to indicate the other information to be included. 'many' should be removed from NOTE 3. This was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2409250.
Revision of S2-2408252. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409250.
9.9.2 S2-2409250 CR Approval 23.502 CR4943R2 (Rel-18, 'F'): R18 AIMLsys_ 23502_CR for clarification on PDTQ procedures Nokia Rel-18 AIMLsys Revision of S2-2408966. Postponed
9.9.2 S2-2408254 CR Approval 23.502 CR4944 (Rel-19, 'A'): R19 AIMLsys_ 23502_CR for clarification on PDTQ procedures Nokia Rel-19 AIMLsys This was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2408967.
Revised in parallel session to S2-2408967.
9.9.2 S2-2408967 CR Approval 23.502 CR4944R1 (Rel-19, 'A'): R19 AIMLsys_ 23502_CR for clarification on PDTQ procedures Nokia Rel-19 AIMLsys This should be aligned with the Rel-18 changes and was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2409251.
Revision of S2-2408254. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409251.
9.9.2 S2-2409251 CR Approval 23.502 CR4944R2 (Rel-19, 'A'): R19 AIMLsys_ 23502_CR for clarification on PDTQ procedures Nokia Rel-19 AIMLsys Revision of S2-2408967. Postponed
9.10.2 - - - 5G multicast-broadcast services Phase 2 (5MBS_Ph2) - - Wanqiang Docs:=2
9.10.2 S2-2407761 CR Approval 23.247 CR0371 (Rel-18, 'F'): MBS Charging Support Nokia Rel-18 5MBS_CH, 5MBS_Ph2 Revised in parallel session to S2-2408774.
9.10.2 S2-2408774 CR Approval 23.247 CR0371R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): MBS Charging Support Nokia Rel-18 5MBS_CH, 5MBS_Ph2 Revision of S2-2407761. Agreed in parallel session
9.11.2 - - - Network Slicing Phase 3 (eNS_Ph3) - - Wanqiang Docs:=28
9.11.2 S2-2408115 CR Approval 23.501 CR5370R2 (Rel-18, 'F'): Handling of the slice deregistration inactivity timer in the inter AMF mobility Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-18 eNS_Ph3 Revision of (postponed) S2-2405184 from SA2#162. Revised in parallel session to S2-2408722.
9.11.2 S2-2408722 CR Approval 23.501 CR5370R3 (Rel-18, 'F'): Handling of the slice deregistration inactivity timer in the inter AMF mobility Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-18 eNS_Ph3 Revision of S2-2408115. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409052.
9.11.2 S2-2409052 CR Approval 23.501 CR5370R4 (Rel-18, 'F'): Handling of the slice deregistration inactivity timer in the inter AMF mobility Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-18 eNS_Ph3 Revision of S2-2408722. Agreed in parallel session
9.11.2 S2-2408116 CR Approval 23.501 CR5531 (Rel-19, 'A'): Handling of the slice deregistration inactivity timer in the inter AMF mobility Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 eNS_Ph3 Revised in parallel session to S2-2408723.
9.11.2 S2-2408723 CR Approval 23.501 CR5531R1 (Rel-19, 'A'): Handling of the slice deregistration inactivity timer in the inter AMF mobility Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 eNS_Ph3 Revision of S2-2408116. Agreed in parallel session
9.11.2 S2-2408117 CR Approval 23.502 CR4789R2 (Rel-18, 'F'): Handling of the slice deregistration inactivity timer in the inter AMF mobility Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-18 eNS_Ph3 Revision of (postponed) S2-2405185 from SA2#162. Revised in parallel session to S2-2408724.
9.11.2 S2-2408724 CR Approval 23.502 CR4789R3 (Rel-18, 'F'): Handling of the slice deregistration inactivity timer in the inter AMF mobility Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-18 eNS_Ph3 Revision of S2-2408117. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409053.
9.11.2 S2-2409053 CR Approval 23.502 CR4789R4 (Rel-18, 'F'): Handling of the slice deregistration inactivity timer in the inter AMF mobility Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-18 eNS_Ph3 Revision of S2-2408724. Agreed in parallel session
9.11.2 S2-2408118 CR Approval 23.502 CR4928 (Rel-19, 'A'): Handling of the slice deregistration inactivity timer in the inter AMF mobility Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 eNS_Ph3 Revised in parallel session to S2-2408725.
9.11.2 S2-2408725 CR Approval 23.502 CR4928R1 (Rel-19, 'A'): Handling of the slice deregistration inactivity timer in the inter AMF mobility Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 eNS_Ph3 Revision of S2-2408118. Agreed in parallel session
9.11.2 S2-2408455 CR Approval 23.502 CR4966 (Rel-18, 'F'): Correction the slice usage policy information in the SM subscription data Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-18 eNS_Ph3 Revised in parallel session to S2-2408726.
9.11.2 S2-2408726 CR Approval 23.502 CR4966R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Correction the slice usage policy information in the SM subscription data Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-18 eNS_Ph3 Revision of S2-2408455. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409054.
9.11.2 S2-2409054 CR Approval 23.502 CR4966R2 (Rel-18, 'F'): Correction the slice usage policy information in the SM subscription data Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-18 eNS_Ph3 Revision of S2-2408726. Agreed in parallel session
9.11.2 S2-2408456 CR Approval 23.502 CR4967 (Rel-19, 'A'): Correction the slice usage policy information in the SM subscription data Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 eNS_Ph3 Revised in parallel session to S2-2408727.
9.11.2 S2-2408727 CR Approval 23.502 CR4967R1 (Rel-19, 'A'): Correction the slice usage policy information in the SM subscription data Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 eNS_Ph3 Revision of S2-2408456. Agreed in parallel session
9.11.2 S2-2408466 CR Approval 23.501 CR5345R2 (Rel-18, 'F'): Handling for UE when present in overlapping of non-allowed area and slice location availability area Samsung Rel-18 eNS_Ph3 Revision of (unhandled) S2-2404813 from SA2#162. Revised in parallel session to S2-2408728.
9.11.2 S2-2408728 CR Approval 23.501 CR5345R3 (Rel-18, 'F'): Handling for UE when present in overlapping of non-allowed area and slice location availability area Samsung Rel-18 eNS_Ph3 Revision of S2-2408466. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409055.
9.11.2 S2-2409055 CR Approval 23.501 CR5345R4 (Rel-18, 'F'): Handling for UE when present in overlapping of non-allowed area and slice location availability area Samsung Rel-18 eNS_Ph3 Revision of S2-2408728. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409332.
9.11.2 S2-2409332 CR Approval 23.501 CR5345R5 (Rel-18, 'F'): Handling for UE when present in overlapping of non-allowed area and slice location availability area Samsung Rel-18 eNS_Ph3 Revision of S2-2409055. Agreed in parallel session
9.11.2 S2-2409335 CR Approval 23.501 CR5626 (Rel-19, 'A'): Handling for UE when present in overlapping of non-allowed area and slice location availability area Samsung Rel-19 eNS_Ph3 Created at meeting. Agreed in parallel session
9.11.2 S2-2408467 CR Approval 23.501 CR5585 (Rel-18, 'F'): PDU Session clarification when the slice is associated with slice restricted area Samsung Rel-18 eNS_Ph3 Revised in parallel session to S2-2408729.
9.11.2 S2-2408729 CR Approval 23.501 CR5585R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): PDU Session clarification when the slice is associated with slice restricted area Samsung Rel-18 eNS_Ph3 Revision of S2-2408467. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409056.
9.11.2 S2-2409056 CR Approval 23.501 CR5585R2 (Rel-18, 'F'): PDU Session clarification when the slice is associated with slice restricted area Samsung Rel-18 eNS_Ph3 Revision of S2-2408729. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409333.
9.11.2 S2-2409333 CR Approval 23.501 CR5585R3 (Rel-18, 'F'): PDU Session clarification when the slice is associated with slice restricted area Samsung Rel-18 eNS_Ph3 Revision of S2-2409056. Agreed in parallel session
9.11.2 S2-2408730 CR Approval 23.501 CR5624 (Rel-19, 'A'): PDU Session clarification when the slice is associated with slice restricted area Samsung Rel-19 eNS_Ph3 Created at meeting. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409334.
9.11.2 S2-2409334 CR Approval 23.501 CR5624R1 (Rel-19, 'A'): PDU Session clarification when the slice is associated with slice restricted area Samsung Rel-19 eNS_Ph3 Revision of S2-2408730. Agreed in parallel session
9.11.2 S2-2408468 CR Approval 23.502 CR4969 (Rel-18, 'F'): PDU Session clarification when the slice is associated with slice restricted area Samsung Rel-18 eNS_Ph3 Revised in parallel session to S2-2408731.
9.11.2 S2-2408731 CR Approval 23.502 CR4969R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): PDU Session clarification when the slice is associated with slice restricted area Samsung Rel-18 eNS_Ph3 Revision of S2-2408468. Withdrawn
9.12.2 - - - XR (Extended Reality) and media services (XRM) - - Dario Docs:=55
9.12.2 - - - KI#1 XR (Extended Reality) and media services (XRM) - - - Docs:=17
9.12.2 - - - KI#1&2 - - - Docs:=16
9.12.2 S2-2408371 CR Approval 23.501 CR5255R2 (Rel-18, 'F'): Clarifications for multi-modal services Huawei, HiSilicon, Nokia Rel-18 XRM Revision of (unhandled) S2-2402493 from SA2#161. Revised in parallel session to S2-2408827.
9.12.2 S2-2408827 CR Approval 23.501 CR5255R3 (Rel-18, 'F'): Clarifications for multi-modal services Huawei, HiSilicon, Nokia Rel-18 XRM Revision of S2-2408371. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409158.
9.12.2 S2-2409158 CR Approval 23.501 CR5255R4 (Rel-18, 'F'): Clarifications for multi-modal services Huawei, HiSilicon, Nokia Rel-18 XRM Revision of S2-2408827. Postponed
9.12.2 S2-2408372 CR Approval 23.501 CR5568 (Rel-19, 'A'): Clarifications for multi-modal services Huawei, HiSilicon, Nokia Rel-19 XRM Revised in parallel session to S2-2408828.
Mirror CR of the above
9.12.2 S2-2408828 CR Approval 23.501 CR5568R1 (Rel-19, 'A'): Clarifications for multi-modal services Huawei, HiSilicon, Nokia Rel-19 XRM Revision of S2-2408372. Postponed
9.12.2 S2-2408369 CR Approval 23.502 CR4702R2 (Rel-18, 'F'): Clarifications for multi-modal services Huawei, HiSilicon, Nokia Rel-18 XRM Revision of (unhandled) S2-2402492 from SA2#161. Revised in parallel session to S2-2408829.
9.12.2 S2-2408829 CR Approval 23.502 CR4702R3 (Rel-18, 'F'): Clarifications for multi-modal services Huawei, HiSilicon, Nokia Rel-18 XRM Revision of S2-2408369. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409159.
9.12.2 S2-2409159 CR Approval 23.502 CR4702R4 (Rel-18, 'F'): Clarifications for multi-modal services Huawei, HiSilicon, Nokia Rel-18 XRM Revision of S2-2408829. Postponed
9.12.2 S2-2408370 CR Approval 23.502 CR4956 (Rel-19, 'A'): Clarifications for multi-modal services Huawei, HiSilicon, Nokia Rel-19 XRM Revised in parallel session to S2-2408830.
Mirror CR of the above
9.12.2 S2-2408830 CR Approval 23.502 CR4956R1 (Rel-19, 'A'): Clarifications for multi-modal services Huawei, HiSilicon, Nokia Rel-19 XRM Revision of S2-2408370. Postponed
9.12.2 S2-2408367 CR Approval 23.503 CR1251R2 (Rel-18, 'F'): Clarifications for multi-modal services Huawei, HiSilicon, Nokia Rel-18 XRM Revision of (unhandled) S2-2402491 from SA2#161. Revised in parallel session to S2-2408831.
9.12.2 S2-2408831 CR Approval 23.503 CR1251R3 (Rel-18, 'F'): Clarifications for multi-modal services Huawei, HiSilicon, Nokia Rel-18 XRM Revision of S2-2408367. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409160.
9.12.2 S2-2409160 CR Approval 23.503 CR1251R4 (Rel-18, 'F'): Clarifications for multi-modal services Huawei, HiSilicon, Nokia Rel-18 XRM Revision of S2-2408831. Postponed
9.12.2 S2-2408368 CR Approval 23.503 CR1357 (Rel-19, 'A'): Clarifications for multi-modal services Huawei, HiSilicon, Nokia Rel-19 XRM Revised in parallel session to S2-2408832.
Mirror CR of the above
9.12.2 S2-2408832 CR Approval 23.503 CR1357R1 (Rel-19, 'A'): Clarifications for multi-modal services Huawei, HiSilicon, Nokia Rel-19 XRM Revision of S2-2408368. Postponed
9.12.2 S2-2407542 CR Approval 23.503 CR1312 (Rel-18, 'F'): Clarification on multi-modal service ZTE Rel-18 XRM Not handled
Not Handled
Merged into S2-1208367
9.12.2 - - - KI#3 - - - Docs:=17
9.12.2 S2-2408473 CR Approval 23.501 CR5587 (Rel-18, 'F'): Correction on MDBV Huawei, HiSilicon, Nokia Rel-18 XRM Revised in parallel session to S2-2408833.
9.12.2 S2-2408833 CR Approval 23.501 CR5587R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Correction on MDBV Huawei, HiSilicon, Nokia Rel-18 XRM Revision of S2-2408473. Noted in parallel session
9.12.2 S2-2408474 CR Approval 23.501 CR5588 (Rel-19, 'A'): Correction on MDBV Huawei, HiSilicon, Nokia Rel-19 XRM Revised in parallel session to S2-2408834.
Mirror CR of the above
9.12.2 S2-2408834 CR Approval 23.501 CR5588R1 (Rel-19, 'A'): Correction on MDBV Huawei, HiSilicon, Nokia Rel-19 XRM Revision of S2-2408474. Noted in parallel session
9.12.2 S2-2408525 CR Approval 23.501 CR5599 (Rel-18, 'F'): Clarification on Congestion Event Triggered Reporting Nokia Rel-18 XRM Revised in parallel session to S2-2408835.
9.12.2 S2-2408835 CR Approval 23.501 CR5599R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Clarification on Congestion Event Triggered Reporting Nokia Rel-18 XRM Remove RAN impacts
Revision of S2-2408525. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409161.
9.12.2 S2-2409161 CR Approval 23.501 CR5599R2 (Rel-18, 'F'): Clarification on Congestion Event Triggered Reporting Nokia Rel-18 XRM Revision of S2-2408835. Agreed in parallel session
9.12.2 S2-2408526 CR Approval 23.501 CR5600 (Rel-19, 'A'): Clarification on Congestion Event Triggered Reporting Nokia Rel-19 XRM Revised in parallel session to S2-2408836.
Mirror CR of the above
9.12.2 S2-2408836 CR Approval 23.501 CR5600R1 (Rel-19, 'A'): Clarification on Congestion Event Triggered Reporting Nokia Rel-19 XRM Remove RAN impacts
Revision of S2-2408526. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409162.
9.12.2 S2-2409162 CR Approval 23.501 CR5600R2 (Rel-19, 'A'): Clarification on Congestion Event Triggered Reporting Nokia Rel-19 XRM Revision of S2-2408836. Agreed in parallel session
9.12.2 S2-2407671 CR Approval 23.503 CR1321 (Rel-18, 'F'): Correction on the PDU Set QoS handling Vivo Rel-18 XRM Revised in parallel session to S2-2408837, merging S2-2408035
9.12.2 S2-2408837 CR Approval 23.503 CR1321R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Correction on the PDU Set QoS handling Vivo Rel-18 XRM Revision of S2-2407671, merging S2-2408035. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409163.
9.12.2 S2-2409163 CR Approval 23.503 CR1321R2 (Rel-18, 'F'): Correction on the PDU Set QoS handling Vivo Rel-18 XRM Revision of S2-2408837. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409435.
9.12.2 S2-2409435 CR Approval 23.503 CR1321R3 (Rel-18, 'F'): Correction on the PDU Set QoS handling Vivo Rel-18 XRM Revision of S2-2409163. Postponed
9.12.2 S2-2408838 CR Approval 23.503 CR1368 (Rel-19, 'A'): Correction on the PDU Set QoS handling Vivo Rel-19 XRM Revision of S2-2408837. Corrupt File! Revised in parallel session to S2-2409164.
Mirror CR of the above
9.12.2 S2-2409164 CR Approval 23.503 CR1368R1 (Rel-19, 'A'): Correction on the PDU Set QoS handling Vivo Rel-19 XRM Revision of S2-2408838. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409436.
9.12.2 S2-2409436 CR Approval 23.503 CR1368R2 (Rel-19, 'A'): Correction on the PDU Set QoS handling Vivo Rel-19 XRM Revision of S2-2409164. Postponed
9.12.2 - - - KI#4&5 - - - Docs:=3
9.12.2 S2-2407604 CR Approval 23.501 CR5427 (Rel-18, 'B'): PDU set information update ZTE Rel-18 XRM Postponed in parallel session
9.12.2 S2-2408035 CR Approval 23.503 CR1346 (Rel-18, 'F'): Clarification on PDU Set QoS parameters requested from AF Samsung Rel-18 XRM Merged into S2-2408837
9.12.2 S2-2408036 CR Approval 23.503 CR1347 (Rel-19, 'A'): Clarification on PDU Set QoS parameters requested from AF Samsung Rel-19 XRM Merged into S2-2408838
Mirror CR of the above
9.12.2 - - - KI#8 - - - Docs:=9
9.12.2 S2-2407672 CR Approval 23.503 CR1322 (Rel-18, 'F'): Correction on the traffic parameter measurement Vivo Rel-18 XRM Revised in parallel session to S2-2408839.
9.12.2 S2-2408839 CR Approval 23.503 CR1322R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Correction on the traffic parameter measurement Vivo Rel-18 XRM Revision of S2-2407672. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409430.
9.12.2 S2-2409430 CR Approval 23.503 CR1322R2 (Rel-18, 'F'): Correction on the traffic parameter measurement Vivo Rel-18 XRM Revision of S2-2408839. Agreed in parallel session
9.12.2 S2-2408840 CR Approval 23.503 CR1369 (Rel-19, 'A'): Correction on the traffic parameter measurement Vivo Rel-19 XRM Mirror CR of the above
Created at meeting. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409431.
9.12.2 S2-2409431 CR Approval 23.503 CR1369R1 (Rel-19, 'A'): Correction on the traffic parameter measurement Vivo Rel-19 XRM Revision of S2-2408840. Agreed in parallel session
9.12.2 S2-2408033 CR Approval 23.501 CR5511 (Rel-18, 'F'): Clarification on End of Data Burst Indication Samsung Rel-18 XRM (Check with XRM_Ph2 Rel-19 CR: potential clash)
Revised in parallel session to S2-2408841 (withdrawn). Agreed in parallel session
9.12.2 S2-2408841 CR Approval 23.501 CR5511R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Clarification on End of Data Burst Indication Samsung Rel-18 XRM Revision of S2-2408033. Withdrawn
9.12.2 S2-2408034 CR Approval 23.501 CR5512 (Rel-19, 'A'): Clarification on End of Data Burst Indication Samsung Rel-19 XRM Revised in parallel session to S2-2408842 (withdrawn). Agreed in parallel session
9.12.2 S2-2408842 CR Approval 23.501 CR5512R1 (Rel-19, 'A'): Clarification on End of Data Burst Indication Samsung Rel-19 XRM Revision of S2-2408034. Withdrawn
9.12.2 - - - Others - - - Docs:=10
9.12.2 S2-2407541 CR Approval 23.502 CR4840 (Rel-18, 'F'): Adding specification reference in description ZTE Rel-18 XRM (Check with XRM_Ph2 Rel-19 CR: potential clash)
Revised in parallel session to S2-2408843.
9.12.2 S2-2408843 CR Approval 23.502 CR4840R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Adding specification reference in description ZTE Rel-18 XRM Keep only last change adding reference to 501
Revision of S2-2407541. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409432.
9.12.2 S2-2409432 CR Approval 23.502 CR4840R2 (Rel-18, 'F'): Adding specification reference in description ZTE Rel-18 XRM Revision of S2-2408843. Agreed in parallel session
9.12.2 S2-2408844 CR Approval 23.502 CR4998 (Rel-19, 'A'): Adding specification reference in description ZTE Rel-19 XRM Mirror CR of the above
Created at meeting. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409433.
9.12.2 S2-2409433 CR Approval 23.502 CR4998R1 (Rel-19, 'A'): Adding specification reference in description ZTE Rel-19 XRM Revision of S2-2408844. Agreed in parallel session
9.12.2 S2-2407787 CR Approval 23.501 CR5456 (Rel-18, 'F'): Corrections of PDU Set Information and Identification related clauses China Telecom Rel-18 XRM Revised in parallel session to S2-2408845.
9.12.2 S2-2408845 CR Approval 23.501 CR5456R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Corrections of PDU Set Information and Identification related clauses China Telecom Rel-18 XRM Revision of S2-2407787. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409434.
9.12.2 S2-2409434 CR Approval 23.501 CR5456R2 (Rel-18, 'F'): Corrections of PDU Set Information and Identification related clauses China Telecom Rel-18 XRM Revision of S2-2408845. Agreed in parallel session
9.12.2 S2-2408846 CR Approval 23.501 CR5625 (Rel-19, 'F'): Corrections of PDU Set Information and Identification related clauses China Telecom Rel-19 XRM Mirror CR of the above
Revision of S2-2408845. Agreed in parallel session
9.12.2 S2-2407673 CR Approval 23.503 CR1323 (Rel-18, 'F'): Align ECN marking indication Vivo Rel-18 XRM Not handled
Not Handled
9.13.2 - - - RedCap Phase 2 (NR_RedCAP_Ph2) - - Dario Docs:=1
9.13.2 S2-2407416 LS In Action LS from CT WG1: Reply LS on Rel-18 RedCap enhancements to address remaining ENs in TS 23.502 CT WG1 (C1-243517) Noted in parallel session
9.14.2 - - - Evolution of IMS multimedia telephony service (NG_RTC) - - Wanqiang Docs:=29
9.14.2 S2-2407421 LS In Action LS from CT WG1: LS on local BDC setup on terminating side in case INVITE does not contain DC description CT WG1 (C1-243693) Postponed
Responses drafted in S2-2407469, S2-2407947, S2-2408094. Postponed in parallel session
9.14.2 S2-2407470 CR Approval 23.228 CR1407 (Rel-18, 'F'): Local BDC setup on terminating network Samsung Rel-18 NG_RTC Not Handled
9.14.2 S2-2407469 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] Reply LS on local BDC setup on terminating side in case INVITE does not contain DC description Samsung Rel-18 NG_RTC Postponed
Response to S2-2407421. Postponed in parallel session
9.14.2 S2-2407947 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] Reply LS on local BDC setup on terminating side in case INVITE does not contain DC description China Mobile Rel-19 Response to S2-2407421. Revised in parallel session to S2-2408775.
9.14.2 S2-2408775 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] Reply LS on local BDC setup on terminating side in case INVITE does not contain DC description China Mobile Rel-19 - Revision of S2-2407947. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409058 (withdrawn). Noted in parallel session
9.14.2 S2-2409058 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] Reply LS on local BDC setup on terminating side in case INVITE does not contain DC description China Mobile Rel-19 - Revision of S2-2408775. Withdrawn
9.14.2 S2-2408094 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] Reply LS on local BDC setup on terminating side in case INVITE does not contain DC description Qualcomm Incorporated Rel-18 NG_RTC Response to S2-2407421 Not Handled
9.14.2 S2-2407422 LS In Action LS from CT WG1: LS on removal of MRF CT WG1 (C1-243855) Responses drafted in S2-2407471, S2-2408195. Noted in parallel session
9.14.2 S2-2407472 CR Approval 23.228 CR1408 (Rel-18, 'F'): Removal of MRF Samsung Rel-18 NG_RTC Merged into S2-2408776
9.14.2 S2-2407471 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] Reply LS on removal of MRF Samsung Rel-18 NG_RTC Response to S2-2407422. Noted in parallel session
9.14.2 S2-2408195 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] Reply LS on Removal of MRF ZTE Rel-18 NG_RTC Response to S2-2407422. Noted in parallel session
9.14.2 S2-2407953 CR Approval 23.228 CR1393R2 (Rel-18, 'F'): Updates on IMS AS service Nimsas_SessionEventControl China Mobile Rel-18 NG_RTC Revision of (revised and withdrawn) S2-2404765 from SA2#162. Confirm CR Number - CR states 1393r2! Revised in parallel session to S2-2408777, merging S2-2408196
9.14.2 S2-2408777 CR Approval 23.228 CR1393R3 (Rel-18, 'F'): Updates on IMS AS service Nimsas_SessionEventControl China Mobile Rel-18 NG_RTC Revision of S2-2407953, merging S2-2408196. Agreed in parallel session
9.14.2 S2-2407954 CR Approval 23.228 CR1415 (Rel-19, 'A'): Updates on IMS AS service Nimsas_SessionEventControl China Mobile Rel-19 NG_RTC Noted in parallel session
9.14.2 S2-2407955 CR Approval 23.228 CR1416 (Rel-18, 'F'): Terminating local BDC establishment without BDC media component in SDP of incoming INVITE request China Mobile Rel-18 NG_RTC Confirm CR Number - CR states 1418! Revised in parallel session to S2-2409042.
9.14.2 S2-2409042 CR Approval 23.228 CR1416R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Terminating local BDC establishment without BDC media component in SDP of incoming INVITE request China Mobile Rel-18 NG_RTC Revision of S2-2407955. Postponed in parallel session
9.14.2 S2-2407956 CR Approval 23.228 CR1417 (Rel-19, 'A'): Terminating local BDC establishment without BDC media component in SDP of incoming INVITE request China Mobile Rel-19 NG_RTC Noted in parallel session
9.14.2 S2-2408196 CR Approval 23.228 CR1436 (Rel-18, 'F'): Fix Wrong Parameter in P2P Application DC Setup Procedure ZTE Rel-18 NG_RTC_Ph2 Merged into S2-2408777
9.14.2 S2-2408197 CR Approval 23.228 CR1437 (Rel-19, 'F'): Fix Wrong Parameter in P2P Application DC Setup Procedure ZTE Rel-19 NG_RTC_Ph2 Noted in parallel session
9.14.2 S2-2408304 CR Approval 23.228 CR1443 (Rel-18, 'F'): Editorial Change to Correct the Wording Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-18 NG_RTC Agreed in parallel session. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409057.
9.14.2 S2-2409057 CR Approval 23.228 CR1443R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Editorial Change to Correct the Wording Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-18 NG_RTC Revision of S2-2408304. Agreed in parallel session
9.14.2 S2-2408426 CR Approval 23.228 CR1448 (Rel-18, 'F'): Remove MRF from IMS data channel architecture Nokia Rel-18 NG_RTC Revised in parallel session to S2-2408776, merging S2-2407472
9.14.2 S2-2408776 CR Approval 23.228 CR1448R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Remove MRF from IMS data channel architecture Nokia, Samsung Rel-18 NG_RTC Warning: This CR must be implemented before any Rel-19 CR.
Revision of S2-2408426, merging S2-2407472. Agreed in parallel session
9.14.2 S2-2408362 CR Approval 23.228 CR1444 (Rel-18, 'F'): Multiplexing of IMS data channels NTT DOCOMO Rel-18 NG_RTC Revised in parallel session to S2-2408778.
9.14.2 S2-2408778 CR Approval 23.228 CR1444R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Multiplexing of IMS data channels NTT DOCOMO Rel-18 NG_RTC Revision of S2-2408362. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409325.
9.14.2 S2-2409325 CR Approval 23.228 CR1444R2 (Rel-18, 'F'): Multiplexing of IMS data channels NTT DOCOMO Rel-18 NG_RTC Revision of S2-2408778. Agreed in parallel session
9.14.2 S2-2408374 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] LS on multiplexing of IMS Data Channels NTT DOCOMO Rel-18 NG_RTC Revised in parallel session to S2-2408779.
9.14.2 S2-2408779 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] LS on multiplexing of IMS Data Channels NTT DOCOMO Rel-18 NG_RTC Revision of S2-2408374. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409326.
9.14.2 S2-2409326 LS OUT Approval LS on multiplexing of IMS Data Channels SA WG2 Rel-18 NG_RTC Revision of S2-2408779. Agreed in parallel session
9.15.2 - - - Access Traffic Steering, Switching and Splitting support in the 5GS; Phase 3 (ATSSS_Ph3) - - Wanqiang Docs:=18
9.15.2 S2-2407418 LS In Action LS from CT WG1: LS on support of provisioning ATSSS rules to the UE in EPC CT WG1 (C1-243688) Responses drafted in S2-2407474, S2-2407633. Final response in S2-2408755
Replied to
9.15.2 S2-2407474 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] Reply LS on support of provisioning ATSSS rules to the UE in EPC Samsung Rel-18 ATSSS_Ph3 Response to S2-2407418. Merged into S2-2408755
9.15.2 S2-2407633 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] LS Reply on support of provisioning ATSSS rules to the UE in EPC NEC Rel-18 ATSSS_Ph3 Response to S2-2407418. Revised in parallel session to S2-2408755, merging S2-2407474
9.15.2 S2-2408755 LS OUT Approval LS Reply on support of provisioning ATSSS rules to the UE in EPC SA WG2 Rel-18 ATSSS_Ph3 Revision of S2-2407633, merging S2-2407474. Agreed in parallel session
9.15.2 S2-2407441 LS In Information LS from TSG SA: LS on Security considerations for MPQUIC TSG SA (SP-241015) Noted in parallel session
9.15.2 S2-2407452 LS In Information LS from IETF QUIC Working Group (QUIC): Reply LS on Security Considerations for MPQUIC IETF QUIC Working Group (QUIC) (reply-ls-on-security-considerations-for-mpquic-v2) Noted in parallel session
9.15.2 S2-2407610 CR Approval 23.501 CR5428 (Rel-18, 'F'): Removal of Editor s note on the use of TLS with MPQUIC Intel, Nokia, Charter Communications, CableLabs, Ericsson, Lenovo Rel-18 ATSSS_Ph3, TEI18 Revised in parallel session to S2-2408756.
9.15.2 S2-2408756 CR Approval 23.501 CR5428R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Removal of Editor s note on the use of TLS with MPQUIC Intel, Nokia, Charter Communications, CableLabs, Ericsson, Lenovo Rel-18 ATSSS_Ph3 Revision of S2-2407610. Agreed in parallel session
9.15.2 S2-2407611 CR Approval 23.501 CR5429 (Rel-19, 'A'): Removal of Editor s note on the use of TLS with MPQUIC Intel, Nokia, Charter Communications, CableLabs, Ericsson, Lenovo Rel-19 ATSSS_Ph3, TEI18 Revised in parallel session to S2-2408757.
9.15.2 S2-2408757 CR Approval 23.501 CR5429R1 (Rel-19, 'A'): Removal of Editor s note on the use of TLS with MPQUIC Intel, Nokia, Charter Communications, CableLabs, Ericsson, Lenovo Rel-19 ATSSS_Ph3 Revision of S2-2407611. Agreed in parallel session
9.15.2 S2-2407631 CR Approval 23.501 CR5434 (Rel-18, 'F'): Support of a UE registered over both 3GPP and Non-3GPP access NEC Rel-18 ATSSS, TEI18 Revised in parallel session to S2-2408758.
9.15.2 S2-2408758 CR Approval 23.501 CR5434R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Support of a UE registered over both 3GPP and Non-3GPP access NEC Rel-18 5GS_Ph1, TEI18 Revision of S2-2407631. Agreed in parallel session
9.15.2 S2-2407632 CR Approval 23.501 CR5435 (Rel-19, 'A'): Support of a UE registered over both 3GPP and Non-3GPP access NEC Rel-19 ATSSS, TEI18 Revised in parallel session to S2-2408759.
9.15.2 S2-2408759 CR Approval 23.501 CR5435R1 (Rel-19, 'A'): Support of a UE registered over both 3GPP and Non-3GPP access NEC Rel-19 5GS_Ph1, TEI18 Revision of S2-2407632. Agreed in parallel session
9.15.2 S2-2408424 CR Approval 23.501 CR5576 (Rel-18, 'F'): Correction of MPQUIC Datagram mode 1 Nokia Rel-18 ATSSS_Ph3 Revised in parallel session to S2-2408760.
9.15.2 S2-2408760 CR Approval 23.501 CR5576R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Correction of MPQUIC Datagram mode 1 Nokia, Deutsche Telekom Rel-18 ATSSS_Ph3 Revision of S2-2408424. Agreed in parallel session
9.15.2 S2-2408425 CR Approval 23.501 CR5577 (Rel-19, 'A'): Correction of MPQUIC Datagram mode 1 Nokia Rel-19 ATSSS_Ph3 Revised in parallel session to S2-2408761.
9.15.2 S2-2408761 CR Approval 23.501 CR5577R1 (Rel-19, 'A'): Correction of MPQUIC Datagram mode 1 Nokia, Deutsche Telekom Rel-19 ATSSS_Ph3 Revision of S2-2408425. Agreed in parallel session
9.16.2 - - - UPF enhancement for Exposure And SBA (UPEAS) - - Wanqiang Docs:=30
9.16.2 - - - General - - - Docs:=21
9.16.2 S2-2407446 LS In Action LS from CT WG4: LS on Subscription of UPF event via I-SMF CT WG4 (C4-242333) Rel-18 UPEAS Responses drafted in S2-2407852, S2-2408058. Final response in S2-2409308
Replied to
9.16.2 S2-2407852 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] LS on Subscription of UPF event via I-SMF Nokia Rel-18 UPEAS Response to S2-2407446. Revised in parallel session to S2-2408696, merging S2-2408058
Baseline for LS reply
9.16.2 S2-2408696 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] LS on Subscription of UPF event via I-SMF Nokia Rel-18 UPEAS Revision of S2-2407852, merging S2-2408058. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409028.
9.16.2 S2-2409028 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] LS on Subscription of UPF event via I-SMF Nokia Rel-18 UPEAS Revision of S2-2408696. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409308.
9.16.2 S2-2409308 LS OUT Approval LS on Subscription of UPF event via I-SMF SA WG2 Rel-18 UPEAS Revision of S2-2409028. Agreed in parallel session
9.16.2 S2-2408058 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] LS out for UPF event subscription via I-SMF China Mobile Rel-18 UPEAS Response to S2-2407446. Merged into S2-2408696
Merge into S2-2408058
9.16.2 S2-2408056 CR Approval 23.501 CR5517 (Rel-18, 'F'): Subscription of UPF event via I-SMF China Mobile Rel-18 UPEAS Merged into S2-2408692
Baseline for 501
9.16.2 S2-2407853 CR Approval 23.501 CR5473 (Rel-18, 'F'): Subscription of UPF event via I-SMF Nokia Rel-18 UPEAS Revised in parallel session to S2-2408692, merging S2-2408056
Merge into S2-2407853
9.16.2 S2-2408692 CR Approval 23.501 CR5473R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Subscription of UPF event via I-SMF Nokia Rel-18 UPEAS Revision of S2-2407853, merging S2-2408056. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409025.
9.16.2 S2-2409025 CR Approval 23.501 CR5473R2 (Rel-18, 'F'): Subscription of UPF event via I-SMF Nokia Rel-18 UPEAS Revision of S2-2408692. Agreed in parallel session
9.16.2 S2-2407854 CR Approval 23.501 CR5474 (Rel-19, 'A'): Subscription of UPF event via I-SMF Nokia Rel-19 UPEAS Revised in parallel session to S2-2408693.
9.16.2 S2-2408693 CR Approval 23.501 CR5474R1 (Rel-19, 'A'): Subscription of UPF event via I-SMF Nokia Rel-19 UPEAS Revision of S2-2407854. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409026.
9.16.2 S2-2409026 CR Approval 23.501 CR5474R2 (Rel-19, 'A'): Subscription of UPF event via I-SMF Nokia Rel-19 UPEAS Revision of S2-2408693. Agreed in parallel session
9.16.2 S2-2407855 CR Approval 23.502 CR4786R4 (Rel-18, 'F'): Subscription of UPF event via I-SMF Nokia Rel-18 UPEAS Revision of (agreed) S2-2405685 from SA2#162 (noted at TSG SA#104). Merged into S2-2408694
Baseline for 502
9.16.2 S2-2407856 CR Approval 23.502 CR4890 (Rel-19, 'A'): Subscription of UPF event via I-SMF Nokia Rel-19 UPEAS Merged into S2-2408695
9.16.2 S2-2408057 CR Approval 23.502 CR4923 (Rel-18, 'F'): Subscription of UPF event via I-SMF China Mobile Rel-18 UPEAS Confirm CR Number - CR states 4932! Revised in parallel session to S2-2408694, merging S2-2407855
Merge into S2-2407855
9.16.2 S2-2408694 CR Approval 23.502 CR4923R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Subscription of UPF event via I-SMF China Mobile Rel-18 UPEAS Revision of S2-2408057, merging S2-2407855. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409027.
9.16.2 S2-2409027 CR Approval 23.502 CR4923R2 (Rel-18, 'F'): Subscription of UPF event via I-SMF China Mobile Rel-18 UPEAS Revision of S2-2408694. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409306.
9.16.2 S2-2409306 CR Approval 23.502 CR4923R3 (Rel-18, 'F'): Subscription of UPF event via I-SMF China Mobile Rel-18 UPEAS Revision of S2-2409027. Agreed in parallel session
9.16.2 S2-2408695 CR Approval 23.502 CR4997 (Rel-19, 'A'): Subscription of UPF event via I-SMF China Mobile Rel-19 UPEAS Created at meeting. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409307.
9.16.2 S2-2409307 CR Approval 23.502 CR4997R1 (Rel-19, 'A'): Subscription of UPF event via I-SMF China Mobile Rel-19 UPEAS Revision of S2-2408695. Agreed in parallel session
9.16.2 - - - KI#2 - - - Docs:=9
9.16.2 S2-2407943 CR Approval 23.502 CR4906 (Rel-18, 'F'): Correction to subscription to UPF event exposure Ericsson Rel-18 UPEAS Merged into S2-2408697
Baseline paper
9.16.2 S2-2408666 CR Approval 23.502 CR4993 (Rel-19, 'A'): Correction to subscription to UPF event exposure Ericsson Rel-19 UPEAS Revised to S2-2408667
9.16.2 S2-2408667 CR Approval 23.502 CR4993R1 (Rel-19, 'A'): Correction to subscription to UPF event exposure Ericsson Rel-19 UPEAS Revision of S2-2408666. Revised to S2-2408669
9.16.2 S2-2408669 CR Approval 23.502 CR4993R2 (Rel-19, 'A'): Correction to subscription to UPF event exposure Ericsson Rel-19 UPEAS Revision of S2-2408667. Merged into S2-2408698
9.16.2 S2-2407608 CR Approval 23.502 CR4851 (Rel-18, 'F'): Subscriptions to UPF event Exposure targeting an individual UE for non IP PDU Sessions Nokia Rel-18 UPEAS Revised in parallel session to S2-2408697, merging S2-2407943
Merge into S2-2407943
9.16.2 S2-2408697 CR Approval 23.502 CR4851R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Subscriptions to UPF event Exposure targeting an individual UE for non IP PDU Sessions Nokia Rel-18 UPEAS Revision of S2-2407608, merging S2-2407943. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409029.
9.16.2 S2-2409029 CR Approval 23.502 CR4851R2 (Rel-18, 'F'): Subscriptions to UPF event Exposure targeting an individual UE for non IP PDU Sessions Nokia Rel-18 UPEAS Revision of S2-2408697. Agreed in parallel session
9.16.2 S2-2407607 CR Approval 23.502 CR4850 (Rel-19, 'A'): Subscriptions to UPF event Exposure targeting an individual UE for non IP PDU Sessions Nokia Rel-19 UPEAS Revised in parallel session to S2-2408698, merging S2-2408669
9.16.2 S2-2408698 CR Approval 23.502 CR4850R1 (Rel-19, 'A'): Subscriptions to UPF event Exposure targeting an individual UE for non IP PDU Sessions Nokia Rel-19 UPEAS Revision of S2-2407607, merging S2-2408669. Agreed in parallel session
9.17.2 - - - Edge Computing Phase 2 (EDGE_Ph2) - - Wanqiang Docs:=16
9.17.2 S2-2407455 LS In Action LS from SA WG6: Reply LS on ECS Configuration Information SA WG6 (S6a240205) Rel-18 EDGE_Ph2, EDGEAPP_Ph2 Responses drafted in S2-2407692, S2-2408083. Final response in S2-2408700
Replied to
9.17.2 S2-2407692 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] Reply LS on ECS Configuration Information Samsung Rel-18 Response to S2-2407455. Revised in parallel session to S2-2408700, merging S2-2408083
9.17.2 S2-2408700 LS OUT Approval Reply LS on ECS Configuration Information SA WG2 Rel-18 EDGE_Ph2 Revision of S2-2407692, merging S2-2408083. Agreed in parallel session
9.17.2 S2-2408083 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] LS reply on ECS Configuration Information Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-18 EDGE_Ph2 Response to S2-2407455. Merged into S2-2408700
9.17.2 S2-2407716 CR Approval 23.548 CR0233 (Rel-18, 'F'): Removing PLMN ID from spatial validity conditions China Mobile, Samsung Rel-18 EDGE_Ph2 Revised in parallel session to S2-2408699, merging S2-2408084
9.17.2 S2-2408699 CR Approval 23.548 CR0233R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Removing PLMN ID from spatial validity conditions China Mobile, Samsung Rel-18 EDGE_Ph2 Revision of S2-2407716, merging S2-2408084. Agreed in parallel session
9.17.2 S2-2407717 CR Approval 23.501 CR5448 (Rel-18, 'F'): Alignment action of EAS IP replacement in SMF and UPF China Mobile Rel-18 EDGE_Ph2 Revised in parallel session to S2-2408701.
9.17.2 S2-2408701 CR Approval 23.501 CR5448R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Alignment action of EAS IP replacement in SMF and UPF China Mobile Rel-18 EDGE_Ph2 Revision of S2-2407717. Agreed in parallel session
9.17.2 S2-2408702 CR Approval 23.501 CR5623 (Rel-19, 'A'): Alignment action of EAS IP replacement in SMF and UPF China Mobile Rel-19 EDGE_Ph2 Created at meeting. Agreed in parallel session
9.17.2 S2-2408084 CR Approval 23.548 CR0246 (Rel-18, 'B'): ECS Configuration Information alignment to TS 23.558 Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-18 EDGE_Ph2 Check Affected Clauses! Merged into S2-2408699
9.17.2 S2-2408405 CR Approval 23.502 CR4959 (Rel-18, 'F'): EAS rediscovery indication alignment Sony Rel-18 EDGE_Ph2 Agreed in parallel session
9.17.2 S2-2408703 CR Approval 23.502 CR4995 (Rel-19, 'A'): EAS rediscovery indication alignment Sony Rel-19 EDGE_Ph2 Created at meeting. Agreed in parallel session
9.17.2 S2-2408573 CR Approval 23.502 CR4986 (Rel-18, 'F'): Corrections on AF request related to Edge Computing Nokia Rel-18 EDGE_Ph2 Revised in parallel session to S2-2408704.
9.17.2 S2-2408704 CR Approval 23.502 CR4986R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Corrections on AF request related to Edge Computing Nokia Rel-18 EDGE_Ph2 Revision of S2-2408573. Agreed in parallel session
9.17.2 S2-2408705 CR Approval 23.502 CR4996 (Rel-19, 'A'): Corrections on AF request related to Edge Computing Nokia Rel-19 EDGE_Ph2 Revision of S2-2408704. Agreed in parallel session
9.17.2 S2-2408574 CR Approval 23.548 CR0253 (Rel-18, 'F'): Clarifications to ECS Address Provisioning in Roaming Nokia Rel-18 EDGE_Ph2 Agreed in parallel session
9.18.2 - - - 5G Timing Resiliency and TSC & URLLC enhancements (TRS_URLLC) - - Dario Docs:=17
9.18.2 S2-2407514 CR Approval 23.501 CR5410 (Rel-18, 'F'): KI#5 correction to reference of IEEE Nokia Rel-18 TRS_URLLC Fix location on cover page (add 'NL')
Revised in parallel session to S2-2408814.
9.18.2 S2-2408814 CR Approval 23.501 CR5410R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): KI#5 correction to reference of IEEE Nokia Rel-18 TRS_URLLC Revision of S2-2407514. Agreed in parallel session
9.18.2 S2-2407515 CR Approval 23.501 CR5411 (Rel-19, 'A'): KI#5 correction to reference of IEEE Nokia Rel-19 TRS_URLLC Fix location on cover page (add 'NL')
Revised in parallel session to S2-2408815.
9.18.2 S2-2408815 CR Approval 23.501 CR5411R1 (Rel-19, 'A'): KI#5 correction to reference of IEEE Nokia Rel-19 TRS_URLLC Revision of S2-2407515. Agreed in parallel session
9.18.2 S2-2407890 CR Approval 23.501 CR5477 (Rel-18, 'F'): Correct to align with RAN for reactive RAN feedback for Burst Arrival Time adaptation Huawei, HiSilicon, Samsung Rel-18 TRS_URLLC Agreed in parallel session
9.18.2 S2-2407891 CR Approval 23.501 CR5478 (Rel-19, 'A'): Correct to align with RAN for reactive RAN feedback for Burst Arrival Time adaptation Huawei, HiSilicon, Samsung Rel-19 TRS_URLLC Agreed in parallel session
9.18.2 S2-2407892 CR Approval 23.501 CR5479 (Rel-18, 'F'): Correction on mapping of the parameters between 5GS and TSN UNI Huawei, HiSilicon, NTT DoCoMo, Nokia, ZTE, Samsung Rel-18 TRS_URLLC Agreed in parallel session
9.18.2 S2-2407893 CR Approval 23.501 CR5480 (Rel-19, 'A'): Correction on mapping of the parameters between 5GS and TSN UNI Huawei, HiSilicon, NTT DoCoMo, Nokia, ZTE, Samsung Rel-19 TRS_URLLC Agreed in parallel session
9.18.2 S2-2407923 CR Approval 23.502 CR4900 (Rel-18, 'F'): Clarification on subscription during the ASTI create and update ZTE Rel-18 TRS_URLLC Check if new correlation ID is needed.
Revised in parallel session to S2-2408858.
9.18.2 S2-2408858 CR Approval 23.502 CR4900R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Clarification on subscription during the ASTI create and update ZTE Rel-18 TRS_URLLC Revision of S2-2407923. Agreed in parallel session
9.18.2 S2-2407924 CR Approval 23.502 CR4901 (Rel-19, 'A'): Clarification on subscription during the ASTI create and update ZTE Rel-19 TRS_URLLC Revised in parallel session to S2-2408859.
9.18.2 S2-2408859 CR Approval 23.502 CR4901R1 (Rel-19, 'A'): Clarification on subscription during the ASTI create and update ZTE Rel-19 TRS_URLLC Fix font issue in procedural description.
Revision of S2-2407924. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409157.
9.18.2 S2-2409157 CR Approval 23.502 CR4901R2 (Rel-19, 'A'): Clarification on subscription during the ASTI create and update ZTE Rel-19 TRS_URLLC Revision of S2-2408859. Agreed in parallel session
9.18.2 S2-2408527 CR Approval 23.502 CR4977 (Rel-18, 'F'): Correction to timing syncronization status reporting from RAN to TSCTSF Nokia Rel-18 TRS_URLLC Revised in parallel session to S2-2408847.
9.18.2 S2-2408847 CR Approval 23.502 CR4977R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Correction to timing syncronization status reporting from RAN to TSCTSF Nokia Rel-18 TRS_URLLC Revision of S2-2408527. Agreed in parallel session
9.18.2 S2-2408528 CR Approval 23.502 CR4978 (Rel-19, 'A'): Correction to timing syncronization status reporting from RAN to TSCTSF Nokia Rel-19 TRS_URLLC Check Category - CR states {<A>}! Revised in parallel session to S2-2408848.
9.18.2 S2-2408848 CR Approval 23.502 CR4978R1 (Rel-19, 'A'): Correction to timing syncronization status reporting from RAN to TSCTSF Nokia Rel-19 TRS_URLLC Revision of S2-2408528. Agreed in parallel session
9.19.2 - - - Vehicle Mounted Relays (VMR) - - Wanqiang Docs:=8
9.19.2 S2-2407540 CR Approval 23.273 CR0534 (Rel-18, 'F'): Alignment of clauses 4.3.12 and 5.1 ZTE Rel-18 5G_eLCS_Ph3 Revised in parallel session to S2-2408752.
Moved to AI# 9.19.2 .
9.19.2 S2-2408752 CR Approval 23.273 CR0534R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Alignment of clauses 4.3.12 and 5.1 ZTE Rel-18 VMR Revision of S2-2407540. Agreed in parallel session
9.19.2 S2-2407925 CR Approval 23.501 CR5486 (Rel-18, 'F'): Correction of the reference clause and duplicate description ZTE Rel-18 VMR Revised in parallel session to S2-2408753.
9.19.2 S2-2408753 CR Approval 23.501 CR5486R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Correction of the reference clause and duplicate description ZTE Rel-18 VMR Revision of S2-2407925. Agreed in parallel session
9.19.2 S2-2407926 CR Approval 23.501 CR5487 (Rel-19, 'A'): Correction of the reference clause and duplicate description ZTE Rel-19 VMR Revised in parallel session to S2-2408754.
9.19.2 S2-2408754 CR Approval 23.501 CR5487R1 (Rel-19, 'A'): Correction of the reference clause and duplicate description ZTE Rel-19 VMR Revision of S2-2407926. Agreed in parallel session
9.19.2 S2-2408031 CR Approval 23.501 CR5509 (Rel-18, 'F'): Clarification on CAG related UE access restriction Samsung Rel-18 VMR Agreed in parallel session
9.19.2 S2-2408032 CR Approval 23.501 CR5510 (Rel-19, 'A'): Clarification on CAG related UE access restriction Samsung Rel-19 VMR Agreed in parallel session
9.20.2 - - - Support for 5WWC Phase 3 (5WWC_Ph2) - - Wanqiang Docs:=7
9.20.2 S2-2407605 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] LS on Completion of 5WWC_Ph2 (R18) work Nokia Rel-18 5WWC_Ph2 Revised in parallel session to S2-2408983.
9.20.2 S2-2408983 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] LS on Completion of 5WWC_Ph2 (R18) work Nokia Rel-18 5WWC_Ph2 Revision of S2-2407605. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409022.
9.20.2 S2-2409022 LS OUT Approval LS on Completion of 5WWC_Ph2 (R18) work SA WG2 Rel-18 5WWC_Ph2 Revision of S2-2408983. Agreed in parallel session
9.20.2 S2-2408151 CR Approval 23.501 CR5535 (Rel-18, 'F'): Correction on N3IWF selection Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-18 5WWC_Ph2 Agreed in parallel session
9.20.2 S2-2408152 CR Approval 23.501 CR5536 (Rel-19, 'A'): Correction on N3IWF selection Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 5WWC_Ph2 Agreed in parallel session
9.20.2 S2-2408433 CR Approval 23.316 CR2134 (Rel-18, 'F'): Corrections to AUN3 handling in AMF Ericsson Rel-18 5WWC_Ph2 Revised in parallel session to S2-2408984.
9.20.2 S2-2408984 CR Approval 23.316 CR2134R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Corrections to AUN3 handling in AMF Ericsson Rel-18 5WWC_Ph2 Revision of S2-2408433. Agreed in parallel session
9.21 - - - Stage 2 of MPS_WLAN (MPS_WLAN) - - Wanqiang Docs:=0
9.22.2 - - - 5G AM Policy (AMP) - - Wanqiang Docs:=0
9.23.2 - - - Enablers for Network Automation for 5G - Phase 3 (eNA_Ph3) - - Andy Docs:=42
9.23.2 - - - General - - - Docs:=2
9.23.2 S2-2407811 CR Approval 23.288 CR1140 (Rel-18, 'D'): Updating Abbreviations in TS 23.288 China Mobile Rel-18 eNA_Ph3 This was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2408970.
Revised in parallel session to S2-2408970.
9.23.2 S2-2408970 CR Approval 23.288 CR1140R1 (Rel-18, 'D'): Updating Abbreviations in TS 23.288 China Mobile Rel-18 eNA_Ph3 This was reviewed and agreed in parallel session.
Revision of S2-2407811. Agreed in parallel session
9.23.2 - - - Key Issue #4: How to Enhance Data collection and Storage - - - Docs:=12
9.23.2 S2-2407445 LS In Action LS from CT WG3: LS on services used for DCCF and MFAF relocation CT WG3 (C3-243483) Rel-18 eNA_Ph3 The proposed responses and related CRs were reviewed. This was postponed in parallel session.
Responses drafted in S2-2407645, S2-2408607. Postponed
Handle (is an LS)
9.23.2 S2-2407645 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] LS Reply to services used for DCCF and MFAF relocation Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-18 eNA_Ph3 The related CR proposals were reviewed. This was left for further off-line discussion and was revised to S2-2409253 (withdrawn). This was then noted in parallel session.
Response to S2-2407445. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409253 (withdrawn). Noted in parallel session
9.23.2 S2-2409253 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] LS Reply to services used for DCCF and MFAF relocation Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-18 eNA_Ph3 Revision of S2-2407645. WITHDRAWN
9.23.2 S2-2408607 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] Reply LS on services used for DCCF and MFAF relocation Nokia Rel-18 eNA_Ph3 The related CR proposals were reviewed. This was postponed in parallel session.
Response to S2-2407445. Postponed
9.23.2 S2-2407646 CR Approval 23.288 CR1127 (Rel-18, 'F'): Correction on MFAF relocation Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-18 eNA_Ph3 Merged into S2-2409252 (withdrawn). This was then postponed in parallel session.
Merged into S2-2409252 (withdrawn). Postponed
9.23.2 S2-2407609 CR Approval 23.288 CR1123 (Rel-18, 'F'): Alignment on ML Model update description ZTE, China Telecom Rel-18 eNA_Ph3 Ericsson suggested removing the Update to the service operation to avoid misunderstanding. This was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2408968.
Revised in parallel session to S2-2408968.
9.23.2 S2-2408968 CR Approval 23.288 CR1123R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Alignment on ML Model update description ZTE, China Telecom Rel-18 eNA_Ph3 Clarification of NOTE 3 was requested. This was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2409254.
Revision of S2-2407609. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409254.
9.23.2 S2-2409254 CR Approval 23.288 CR1123R2 (Rel-18, 'F'): Alignment on ML Model update description ZTE, China Telecom Rel-18 eNA_Ph3 Revision of S2-2408968. Revised off-line to S2-2409268.
9.23.2 S2-2409268 CR Approval 23.288 CR1123R3 (Rel-18, 'F'): Alignment on ML Model update description ZTE, China Telecom Rel-18 eNA_Ph3 This was reviewed and agreed in parallel session.
Revision of S2-2409254. Agreed in parallel session
9.23.2 S2-2408597 CR 23.288 CR1183 (Rel-18, 'F'): Add missing MFAF Services and Service operations Nokia Rel-18 eNA_Ph3 This was discussed and left for further off-line discussion and was revised, merging S2-2407646, to S2-2409252 (withdrawn). This was then postponed in parallel session.
Revised in parallel session, merging S2-2407646, to S2-2409252 (withdrawn). Postponed
9.23.2 S2-2409252 CR 23.288 CR1183R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Add missing MFAF Services and Service operations Nokia Rel-18 eNA_Ph3 Revision of S2-2408597, merging S2-2407646. WITHDRAWN
9.23.2 S2-2408602 CR Approval 23.501 CR5609 (Rel-18, 'F'): Add missing MFAF Services Nokia Rel-18 eNA_Ph3 This was left for further off-line discussion. This was postponed in parallel session.
9.23.2 - - - Key Issue #5: Enhance trained ML Model sharing - - - Docs:=12
9.23.2 S2-2407390 LS In Action LS from SA WG3: LS on Issues related Analytics context transfer between AnLF(s) SA WG3 (S3-240912) Rel-18 eNA_Ph3_SEC The proposed response LSs and CRs were reviewed.
Revision of postponed S2-2405849 from S2#163. Responses drafted in S2-2407489, S2-2407518, S2-2407546, S2-2408128. For e-mail approval. Final response in S2-2409441
Handle (is an LS)
Replied to
9.23.2 S2-2407489 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] Reply LS on Issues related to Analytics context transfer between AnLF(s) Ericsson Rel-18 eNA_Ph3 This was used as a basis for the reply LS and was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2408969.
Response to S2-2407390. Revised in parallel session to S2-2408969.
9.23.2 S2-2408969 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] Reply LS on Issues related to Analytics context transfer between AnLF(s) Ericsson Rel-18 eNA_Ph3 CATT raised a number of issues with this proposed LS and suggested noting it and the incoming LS and reviewing the proposed CRs. Ericsson replied that the incoming LS from SA WG3 should not be noted without asking for more clarification. This was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2409255.
Revision of S2-2407489. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409255.
9.23.2 S2-2409255 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] Reply LS on Issues related to Analytics context transfer between AnLF(s) Ericsson Rel-18 eNA_Ph3 There were some issues on the assumptions on the SA WG3 specifications content and This was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2409524.
Revision of S2-2408969. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409524.
9.23.2 S2-2409524 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] Reply LS on Issues related to Analytics context transfer between AnLF(s) Ericsson Rel-18 eNA_Ph3 Revision of S2-2409255. For e-mail approval. r01 agreed. Revised to S2-2409441.
9.23.2 S2-2409441 LS OUT Approval LS Reply to Issues related to Analytics context transfer between AnLF(s) SA WG2 Rel-18 eNA_Ph3 Revision of S2-2409524r01. This LS OUT was e-mail approved
9.23.2 S2-2407518 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] Reply LS on issues related to analytics context transfer between AnLF(s) CATT Rel-18 eNA_Ph3_SEC Response to S2-2407390 Not Handled
9.23.2 S2-2407546 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] Reply LS on Analytics subscription transfer between AnLF ZTE Rel-18 eNA_Ph3 Response to S2-2407390 Not Handled
9.23.2 S2-2408128 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] Reply LS on Issues related Analytics context transfer between AnLF(s) Samsung Electronics France SA Rel-18 eNA_Ph3_SEC, eNA_Ph3 Response to S2-2407390 Not Handled
9.23.2 S2-2407519 CR Approval 23.288 CR1081R9 (Rel-18, 'F'): Correction of ML Model sharing in the scenario of Analytics context transfer CATT, Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-18 eNA_Ph3 Ericsson commented that SA WG3 had requested removal of the File address and asked to include a question to SA WG3 on the security issue for this. This was left for off-line discussion. No resolution was possible at this meeting and this was postponed in parallel session.
Revision of (noted) SP-240880 from TSG SA#104 (revision of noted S2-2407013 from SA2#163). Postponed
9.23.2 S2-2408132 CR Approval 23.288 CR1088R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Removal of security issues on analytics context transfer Samsung Rel-18 eNA_Ph3 This was left for off-line discussion. No resolution was possible at this meeting and this was postponed in parallel session.
Revision of (unhandled) S2-2406356 from SA2#163. Postponed
9.23.2 S2-2408146 CR Approval 23.288 CR1089R1 (Rel-17, 'F'): Clarification of security issues on analytics context transfer Samsung Rel-17 eNA_Ph3 Revision of (unhandled) S2-2406357 from SA2#163 Not Handled
9.23.2 - - - Key Issue #1: How to improve correctness of NWDAF analytics - - - Docs:=11
9.23.2 S2-2407894 CR Approval 23.288 CR1143 (Rel-18, 'F'): Correction NWDAF discovery and selection. Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-18 eNA_Ph3 This was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2409071.
Revised in parallel session to S2-2409071.
9.23.2 S2-2409071 CR Approval 23.288 CR1143R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Correction NWDAF discovery and selection. Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-18 eNA_Ph3 Nokia proposed improvements to the text and this was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2409256.
Revision of S2-2407894. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409256.
9.23.2 S2-2409256 CR Approval 23.288 CR1143R2 (Rel-18, 'F'): Correction NWDAF discovery and selection. Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-18 eNA_Ph3 This was reviewed and agreed in parallel session.
Revision of S2-2409071. Agreed in parallel session
9.23.2 S2-2407895 CR Approval 23.501 CR5481 (Rel-18, 'F'): Correction NWDAF discovery and selection Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-18 eNA_Ph3 This was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2409072.
Revised in parallel session to S2-2409072.
9.23.2 S2-2409072 CR Approval 23.501 CR5481R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Correction NWDAF discovery and selection Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-18 eNA_Ph3 Ericsson asked to review the second change further. This was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2409257.
Revision of S2-2407895. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409257.
9.23.2 S2-2409257 CR Approval 23.501 CR5481R2 (Rel-18, 'F'): Correction NWDAF discovery and selection Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-18 eNA_Ph3 This was reviewed and agreed in parallel session.
Revision of S2-2409072. Agreed in parallel session. Revised to S2-2409557.
9.23.2 S2-2409557 CR Approval 23.501 CR5481R3 (Rel-18, 'F'): Correction NWDAF discovery and selection Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-18 eNA_Ph3 Revision of S2-2409257. This CR was agreed
9.23.2 S2-2407896 CR Approval 23.501 CR5482 (Rel-19, 'A'): Correction NWDAF discovery and selection Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 eNA_Ph3 This was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2409073.
Revised in parallel session to S2-2409073.
9.23.2 S2-2409073 CR Approval 23.501 CR5482R1 (Rel-19, 'A'): Correction NWDAF discovery and selection Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 eNA_Ph3 Alignment with the Rel-18 CR was needed and this was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2409258.
Revision of S2-2407896. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409258.
9.23.2 S2-2409258 CR Approval 23.501 CR5482R2 (Rel-19, 'A'): Correction NWDAF discovery and selection Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 eNA_Ph3 This was reviewed and agreed in parallel session.
Revision of S2-2409073. Agreed in parallel session. Revised to S2-2409558.
9.23.2 S2-2409558 CR Approval 23.501 CR5482R3 (Rel-19, 'A'): Correction NWDAF discovery and selection Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 eNA_Ph3 Revision of S2-2409258. This CR was agreed
9.23.2 - - - Key Issue #3: Data and analytics exchange in roaming case - - - Docs:=4
9.23.2 S2-2407494 CR Approval 23.288 CR1098 (Rel-18, 'F'): Corrections to roaming procedures Ericsson Rel-18 eNA_Ph3 OPPO did not think these changes were needed and were not correct. This was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2409074.
Revised in parallel session to S2-2409074.
9.23.2 S2-2409074 CR Approval 23.288 CR1098R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Corrections to roaming procedures Ericsson Rel-18 eNA_Ph3 OPPO did not think the Rejection case was needed. This was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2409264.
Revision of S2-2407494. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409264.
9.23.2 S2-2409264 CR Approval 23.288 CR1098R2 (Rel-18, 'F'): Corrections to roaming procedures Ericsson Rel-18 eNA_Ph3 OPPO asked for some further corrections. This was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2409525.
Revision of S2-2409074. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409525.
9.23.2 S2-2409525 CR Approval 23.288 CR1098R3 (Rel-18, 'F'): Corrections to roaming procedures Ericsson Rel-18 eNA_Ph3 Revision of S2-2409264. Postponed
9.23.2 - - - Key Issue #8: Supporting Federated Learning in 5GC - - - Docs:=1
9.23.2 S2-2407538 CR Approval 23.288 CR1105 (Rel-18, 'F'): Clarification on the consumer of ML model provisioning service operation ZTE Rel-18 eNA_Ph3 This was reviewed and agreed in parallel session.
Agreed in parallel session
9.24.2 - - - Enhanced support of Non-Public Networks - Phase 2 (eNPN_Ph2) - - Andy Docs:=0
9.25.2 - - - Enhancement of 5G UE Policy (eUEPO) - - Andy Docs:=58
9.25.2 - - - UPSI handling at the UE - - - Docs:=5
9.25.2 S2-2407444 LS In Action LS from CT WG3: Reply LS on UPSI handling at the UE CT WG3 (C3-243450) Rel-18 5GS_Ph1, UEP18 The proposed responses were reviewed. This needed further off-line discussion and was postponed in parallel session.
Responses drafted in S2-2407476, S2-2407785. Postponed in parallel session.
9.25.2 S2-2407785 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] Reply LS on UPSI handling at the UE CATT Rel-18 5GS_Ph1, eUEPO It was commented that this is an issue which needs to be resolved by CT WG1 and should not require SA WG2 specification changes. CATT commented that this is already resolved according to the CT WG1 specifications but the note indicating implementation options is not complete as there are other methods for achieving this. Samsung proposed adding a note in the SA WG2 specifications to reflect the CT WG1 solution. Ericsson did not think that any changes should be made to SA WG2 specifications. This needed further off-line discussion and was postponed in parallel session.
Response to S2-2407444. Postponed in parallel session.
9.25.2 S2-2407476 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] Reply LS on UPSI handling at the UE Samsung eUEPO This needed further off-line discussion and was postponed in parallel session.
Response to S2-2407444. Postponed in parallel session.
9.25.2 S2-2407478 CR Approval 23.502 CR4828 (Rel-18, 'F'): UPSI handling at the UE Samsung Rel-18 eUEPO This needed further off-line discussion and was postponed in parallel session.
Postponed in parallel session.
9.25.2 S2-2407479 CR Approval 23.503 CR1302 (Rel-18, 'F'): UPSI handling at the UE Samsung Rel-18 eUEPO This needed further off-line discussion and was postponed in parallel session.
Postponed in parallel session.
9.25.2 - - - Other CRs - - - Docs:=53
9.25.2 S2-2407501 CR Approval 23.548 CR0217R3 (Rel-18, 'F'): Alignment with eUEPO for provisioning URSP in EPS and provide AF guidance from a VPLMN Ericsson Rel-18 EDGE_Ph2, eUEPO This was reviewed and was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2408919.
Revision of (postponed) S2-2403467 from SA2#161. Revised in parallel session to S2-2408919.
9.25.2 S2-2408919 CR Approval 23.548 CR0217R4 (Rel-18, 'F'): Alignment with eUEPO for provisioning URSP in EPS and provide AF guidance from a VPLMN Ericsson, Nokia Rel-18 EDGE_Ph2, eUEPO In clause E.3, 'uses' should be changed to 'supports'. This was revised to S2-2409500.
Revision of S2-2407501. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409500.
9.25.2 S2-2409500 CR Approval 23.548 CR0217R5 (Rel-18, 'F'): Alignment with eUEPO for provisioning URSP in EPS and provide AF guidance from a VPLMN Ericsson, Nokia Rel-18 EDGE_Ph2, eUEPO This was agreed in parallel session.
Revision of S2-2408919. Agreed in parallel session
9.25.2 S2-2407512 CR Approval 23.502 CR4833 (Rel-18, 'F'): Incorrect PCF registration parameters Nokia Rel-18 eUEPO Some clarifications were requested and this was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2408920.
Revised in parallel session to S2-2408920.
9.25.2 S2-2408920 CR Approval 23.502 CR4833R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Incorrect PCF registration parameters Nokia Rel-18 eUEPO This was reviewed and agreed in parallel session.
Revision of S2-2407512. Agreed in parallel session
9.25.2 S2-2407513 CR Approval 23.502 CR4834 (Rel-19, 'A'): Incorrect PCF registration parameters Nokia Rel-19 eUEPO This was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2408921.
Revised in parallel session to S2-2408921.
9.25.2 S2-2408921 CR Approval 23.502 CR4834R1 (Rel-19, 'A'): Incorrect PCF registration parameters Nokia Rel-19 eUEPO This was reviewed and agreed in parallel session.
Revision of S2-2407513. Agreed in parallel session
9.25.2 S2-2407621 CR Approval 23.503 CR1314 (Rel-18, 'F'): Correction to Awareness of URSP Rule Enforcement 23.503 Oracle, Verizon UK Ltd Rel-18 eUEPO Huawei suggested changing the clause dealing with the PCRT rather than the proposed clause. This was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2408922.
Revised in parallel session to S2-2408922.
9.25.2 S2-2408922 CR Approval 23.503 CR1314R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Correction to Awareness of URSP Rule Enforcement 23.503 Oracle, Verizon UK Ltd Rel-18 eUEPO Ericsson commented that SMF is not always reports to PCF. Oracle replied that this was requested by Huawei. This was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2409501.
Revision of S2-2407621. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409501.
9.25.2 S2-2409501 CR Approval 23.503 CR1314R2 (Rel-18, 'F'): Correction to Awareness of URSP Rule Enforcement 23.503 Oracle, Verizon UK Ltd Rel-18 eUEPO Revision of S2-2408922. Postponed
9.25.2 S2-2407623 CR Approval 23.503 CR1315 (Rel-19, 'A'): Correction to Awareness of URSP Rule Enforcement 23.503 mirror CR of R18 Oracle, Verizon UK Ltd Rel-19 eUEPO This was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2408923.
Revised in parallel session to S2-2408923.
9.25.2 S2-2408923 CR Approval 23.503 CR1315R1 (Rel-19, 'A'): Correction to Awareness of URSP Rule Enforcement 23.503 mirror CR of R18 Oracle, Verizon UK Ltd Rel-19 eUEPO Revision of S2-2407623. Postponed
9.25.2 S2-2407622 CR Approval 23.502 CR4852 (Rel-18, 'F'): Correction to Awareness of URSP Rule Enforcement 23.502 Oracle, Verizon UK Ltd Rel-18 eUEPO This was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2408924.
Revised in parallel session to S2-2408924.
9.25.2 S2-2408924 CR Approval 23.502 CR4852R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Correction to Awareness of URSP Rule Enforcement 23.502 Oracle, Verizon UK Ltd Rel-18 eUEPO Ericsson asked if the outputs change in the last change should also apply to other service operations. This was agreed in parallel session.
Revision of S2-2407622. Agreed in parallel session
9.25.2 S2-2407624 CR Approval 23.502 CR4853 (Rel-19, 'A'): Correction to Awareness of URSP Rule Enforcement 23.502 mirror CR of R18 Oracle, Verizon UK Ltd Rel-19 eUEPO This was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2408925.
Revised in parallel session to S2-2408925.
9.25.2 S2-2408925 CR Approval 23.502 CR4853R1 (Rel-19, 'A'): Correction to Awareness of URSP Rule Enforcement 23.502 mirror CR of R18 Oracle, Verizon UK Ltd Rel-19 eUEPO This was reviewed and agreed in parallel session.
Revision of S2-2407624. Agreed in parallel session
9.25.2 S2-2407665 CR Approval 23.503 CR1317 (Rel-18, 'F'): Add missing VPLMN specific URSP support indication Intel Rel-18 eUEPO Huawei requested harmonization of the terminology used for URSP (rule). This was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2408926.
Revised in parallel session to S2-2408926.
9.25.2 S2-2408926 CR Approval 23.503 CR1317R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Add missing VPLMN specific URSP support indication Intel Rel-18 eUEPO This was reviewed and agreed in parallel session.
Revision of S2-2407665. Agreed in parallel session
9.25.2 S2-2407666 CR Approval 23.503 CR1318 (Rel-19, 'A'): Add missing VPLMN specific URSP support indication Intel Rel-19 eUEPO This was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2408927.
Revised in parallel session to S2-2408927.
9.25.2 S2-2408927 CR Approval 23.503 CR1318R1 (Rel-19, 'A'): Add missing VPLMN specific URSP support indication Intel Rel-19 eUEPO This was reviewed and agreed in parallel session.
Revision of S2-2407666. Agreed in parallel session
9.25.2 S2-2407915 CR Approval 23.503 CR1338 (Rel-18, 'F'): Correction on the misalignment on Policy control based on URSP awareness Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-18 eUEPO Some issues were raised and This was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2408928.
Revised in parallel session to S2-2408928.
9.25.2 S2-2408928 CR Approval 23.503 CR1338R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Correction on the misalignment on Policy control based on URSP awareness Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-18 eUEPO OPPO asked to correct the referenced clause to 6.20.2 in the second paragraph and remove the text in the parentheses in the third paragraph and to remove 'currently'. OPPO asked also to be added to the source list. Ericsson raised an issue and this was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2409502.
Revision of S2-2407915. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409502.
9.25.2 S2-2409502 CR Approval 23.503 CR1338R2 (Rel-18, 'F'): Correction on the misalignment on Policy control based on URSP awareness Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-18 eUEPO Revision of S2-2408928. Postponed
9.25.2 S2-2407916 CR Approval 23.503 CR1339 (Rel-19, 'A'): Correction on the misalignment on Policy control based on URSP awareness Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 eUEPO This was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2408929.
Revised in parallel session to S2-2408929.
9.25.2 S2-2408929 CR Approval 23.503 CR1339R1 (Rel-19, 'A'): Correction on the misalignment on Policy control based on URSP awareness Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 eUEPO This was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2409503.
Revision of S2-2407916. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409503.
9.25.2 S2-2409503 CR Approval 23.503 CR1339R2 (Rel-19, 'A'): Correction on the misalignment on Policy control based on URSP awareness Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 eUEPO Revision of S2-2408929. Postponed
9.25.2 S2-2407781 DISCUSSION Approval Discussion on URSP evaluation for a PDN connection. Samsung Rel-18 eUEPO Not Handled
9.25.2 S2-2407782 CR Approval 23.502 CR4878 (Rel-18, 'F'): URSP rule during EPS Connection estabilshment Samsung Rel-18 eUEPO Qualcomm commented that this was a functional change so should be Cat 'B' but is not a FASMO change. This was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2408930.
Revised in parallel session to S2-2408930.
9.25.2 S2-2408930 CR Approval 23.502 CR4878R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): URSP rule during EPS Connection estabilshment Samsung, Verizon, Orange, Deutsche Telekom?, China Mobile?, Apple? Rel-18 eUEPO The CR cover sheet should be cleaned up and sources confirmed. The Category (B or F) needs to be decided. Ericsson commented that for Option 1 this is addition of functionality. Huawei agreed that for Option 1 the changes are Cat B. There was little support for this CR and it was noted in parallel session.
Revision of S2-2407782. Noted in parallel session
9.25.2 S2-2407783 CR Approval 23.502 CR4879 (Rel-19, 'A'): URSP rule during EPS Connection estabilshment Samsung Rel-19 eUEPO This was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2408931.
Revised in parallel session to S2-2408931.
9.25.2 S2-2408931 CR Approval 23.502 CR4879R1 (Rel-19, 'A'): URSP rule during EPS Connection estabilshment Samsung Rel-19 eUEPO There was little support for this CR and it was noted in parallel session.
Revision of S2-2407783. Noted in parallel session
9.25.2 S2-2407495 CR Approval 23.503 CR1304 (Rel-18, 'F'): Restrictions to use VPLMN specific URSP Rules in EPS Ericsson Rel-18 eUEPO Some editorial corrections were needed and cover sheet clarifications were requested. This was revised to S2-2408932.
Revised in parallel session to S2-2408932.
9.25.2 S2-2408932 CR Approval 23.503 CR1304R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Restrictions to use VPLMN specific URSP Rules in EPS Ericsson Rel-18 eUEPO Agreed in parallel session
Revision of S2-2407495. Agreed in parallel session
9.25.2 S2-2407496 CR Approval 23.503 CR1305 (Rel-19, 'A'): Restrictions to use VPLMN specific URSP Rules in EPS Ericsson Rel-19 eUEPO Some editorial corrections were needed and cover sheet clarifications were requested. This was revised to S2-2408933.
Revised in parallel session to S2-2408933.
9.25.2 S2-2408933 CR Approval 23.503 CR1305R1 (Rel-19, 'A'): Restrictions to use VPLMN specific URSP Rules in EPS Ericsson Rel-19 eUEPO Agreed in parallel session
Revision of S2-2407496. Agreed in parallel session
9.25.2 S2-2407582 CR Approval 23.502 CR4846 (Rel-18, 'F'): Update on reported Connection Capabilities and awareness of URSP Rule Enforcement Nokia Rel-18 eUEPO Some issues were raised and this was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2408934.
Revised in parallel session to S2-2408934.
9.25.2 S2-2408934 CR Approval 23.502 CR4846R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Update on reported Connection Capabilities and awareness of URSP Rule Enforcement Nokia Rel-18 eUEPO This was reviewed and agreed in parallel session.
Revision of S2-2407582. Agreed in parallel session
9.25.2 S2-2407583 CR Approval 23.502 CR4847 (Rel-19, 'A'): Update on reported Connection Capabilities and awareness of URSP Rule Enforcement Nokia Rel-19 eUEPO This was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2408935.
Revised in parallel session to S2-2408935.
9.25.2 S2-2408935 CR Approval 23.502 CR4847R1 (Rel-19, 'A'): Update on reported Connection Capabilities and awareness of URSP Rule Enforcement Nokia Rel-19 eUEPO This was reviewed and agreed in parallel session.
Revision of S2-2407583. Agreed in parallel session
9.25.2 S2-2407667 CR Approval 23.503 CR1319 (Rel-18, 'F'): Clarification on URSP rule enforcement Intel Rel-18 eUEPO 'requested' should removed from the added text. This was revised to S2-2408936.
Revised in parallel session to S2-2408936.
9.25.2 S2-2408936 CR Approval 23.503 CR1319R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Clarification on URSP rule enforcement Intel Rel-18 eUEPO Agreed in parallel session
Revision of S2-2407667. Agreed in parallel session
9.25.2 S2-2407668 CR Approval 23.503 CR1320 (Rel-19, 'A'): Clarification on URSP rule enforcement Intel Rel-19 eUEPO 'requested' should removed from the added text. This was revised to S2-2408937.
Revised in parallel session to S2-2408937.
9.25.2 S2-2408937 CR Approval 23.503 CR1320R1 (Rel-19, 'A'): Clarification on URSP rule enforcement Intel Rel-19 eUEPO Agreed in parallel session
Revision of S2-2407668. Agreed in parallel session
9.25.2 S2-2407497 CR Approval 23.501 CR5408 (Rel-18, 'F'): URSP provisioning in EPS support indication at PDU Session Establishment Ericsson Rel-18 eUEPO Some clarifications were requested and this was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2408938.
Revised in parallel session to S2-2408938.
9.25.2 S2-2408938 CR Approval 23.501 CR5408R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): URSP provisioning in EPS support indication at PDU Session Establishment Ericsson Rel-18 eUEPO OPPO requested some corrections and this was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2409504.
Revision of S2-2407497. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409504.
9.25.2 S2-2409504 CR Approval 23.501 CR5408R2 (Rel-18, 'F'): URSP provisioning in EPS support indication at PDU Session Establishment Ericsson Rel-18 eUEPO Revision of S2-2408938. Postponed
9.25.2 S2-2407498 CR Approval 23.501 CR5409 (Rel-19, 'A'): URSP provisioning in EPS support indication at PDU Session Establishment Ericsson Rel-19 eUEPO This was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2408939.
Revised in parallel session to S2-2408939.
9.25.2 S2-2408939 CR Approval 23.501 CR5409R1 (Rel-19, 'F'): URSP provisioning in EPS support indication at PDU Session Establishment Ericsson Rel-19 eUEPO Further corrections were needed and this was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2409505.
Revision of S2-2407498. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409505.
9.25.2 S2-2409505 CR Approval 23.501 CR5409R2 (Rel-19, 'A'): URSP provisioning in EPS support indication at PDU Session Establishment Ericsson Rel-19 eUEPO Revision of S2-2408939. Postponed. Not provided. Withdrawn.
9.25.2 S2-2407499 CR Approval 23.502 CR4830 (Rel-18, 'F'): URSP provisioning in EPS support indication at PDU Session Establishment Ericsson Rel-18 eUEPO Some clarifications were requested and this was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2408940.
Revised in parallel session to S2-2408940.
9.25.2 S2-2408940 CR Approval 23.502 CR4830R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): URSP provisioning in EPS support indication at PDU Session Establishment Ericsson Rel-18 eUEPO Revision of S2-2407499. WITHDRAWN
9.25.2 S2-2407500 CR Approval 23.502 CR4831 (Rel-19, 'A'): URSP provisioning in EPS support indication at PDU Session Establishment Ericsson Rel-19 eUEPO This was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2408941.
Revised in parallel session to S2-2408941.
9.25.2 S2-2408941 CR Approval 23.502 CR4831R1 (Rel-19, 'A'): URSP provisioning in EPS support indication at PDU Session Establishment Ericsson Rel-19 eUEPO Revision of S2-2407500. WITHDRAWN
9.26.2 - - - System Enabler for Service Function Chaining (SFC) - - Wanqiang Docs:=0
9.27.2 - - - Extensions to the TSC Framework to support DetNet (DetNet) - - Dario Docs:=4
9.27.2 S2-2407481 CR Approval 23.502 CR4820R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Correcting the trigger for SM Policy Association Modification Intel Rel-18 DetNet, TEI18 Use both 'IIoT' and 'DetNet' in WIC. Add reference to step 7b in step 10.
Revision of (unhandled) S2-2406518 from SA2#163. Revised in parallel session to S2-2408812.
9.27.2 S2-2408812 CR Approval 23.502 CR4820R2 (Rel-18, 'F'): Correcting the trigger for SM Policy Association Modification Intel Rel-18 DetNet, IIoT, TEI18 Revision of S2-2407481. Agreed in parallel session
9.27.2 S2-2407482 CR Approval 23.502 CR4829 (Rel-19, 'A'): Correcting the trigger for SM Policy Association Modification Intel Rel-19 DetNet, TEI18 Replace 'DetNet' with 'IIoT' in WIC. Add reference to step 7b in step 10.
Revised in parallel session to S2-2408813.
9.27.2 S2-2408813 CR Approval 23.502 CR4829R1 (Rel-19, 'A'): Correcting the trigger for SM Policy Association Modification Intel Rel-19 DetNet, IIoT, TEI18 Revision of S2-2407482. Agreed in parallel session
9.28.2 - - - Seamless UE context recovery (SUECR) - - Wanqiang Docs:=0
9.29 - - - Multiple location report for MT-LR Immediate Location Request for regulatory services (TEI18_MLR) - - Wanqiang Docs:=0
9.30 - - - Secondary DN Authentication and authorization in EPC IWK cases (TEI18_SDNAEPC) - - Wanqiang Docs:=0
9.31 - - - MBS support for V2X services (TEI18_MBS4V2X) - - Wanqiang Docs:=0
9.32 - - - Spending Limits for AM and UE Policies in the 5GC (TEI18_SLAMUP) - - Wanqiang Docs:=2
9.32 S2-2408542 CR Approval 23.502 CR4981 (Rel-19, 'F'): Adjustments for clarity and consistency for spending limit policy in the AM Policy Association procedures Amdocs, AT&T Rel-19 TEI18, TEI18_SLAMUP Postponed in parallel session
9.32 S2-2408584 CR Approval 23.502 CR4988 (Rel-18, 'F'): Adjustments for clarity and consistency for spending limit policy in the AM Policy Association procedures Amdocs, AT&T Rel-18 TEI18, TEI18_SLAMUP Postponed in parallel session
9.33 - - - Enhancement of application detection event exposure (TEI18_ADEE) - - Wanqiang Docs:=0
9.34 - - - General Support of IPv6 Prefix Delegation (TEI18_IPv6PD) - - Wanqiang Docs:=0
9.35 - - - New WID on Dynamically Changing AM Policies in the 5GC Phase 2 (TEI18_DCAMP_Ph2) - - Wanqiang Docs:=0
9.36 - - - Enhancement of NSAC for maximum number of UEs with at least one PDU session/PDN connection (eNSAC) - - Wanqiang Docs:=9
9.36 S2-2407735 CR Approval 23.502 CR4873 (Rel-18, 'F'): Handling of Access Types for the EPC IWK case for maximum number of UE Ericsson Rel-18 eNSAC Merged into S2-2408732
9.36 S2-2408284 CR Approval 23.502 CR4949 (Rel-18, 'F'): Clarification on Access Type for UE counting ZTE, Samsung Rel-18 eNSAC Revised in parallel session to S2-2408732, merging S2-2407735
9.36 S2-2408732 CR Approval 23.502 CR4949R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Clarification on Access Type for UE counting ZTE, Samsung Rel-18 eNSAC Revision of S2-2408284, merging S2-2407735. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409045.
9.36 S2-2409045 CR Approval 23.502 CR4949R2 (Rel-18, 'F'): Clarification on Access Type for UE counting ZTE, Samsung Rel-18 eNSAC Revision of S2-2408732. Agreed in parallel session
9.36 S2-2408285 CR Approval 23.502 CR4950 (Rel-19, 'A'): Clarification on Access Type for UE counting ZTE, Samsung Rel-19 eNSAC Revised in parallel session to S2-2408733, merging S2-2408489
9.36 S2-2408733 CR Approval 23.502 CR4950R1 (Rel-19, 'A'): Clarification on Access Type for UE counting ZTE, Samsung Rel-19 eNSAC Revision of S2-2408285, merging S2-2408489. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409046.
9.36 S2-2409046 CR Approval 23.502 CR4950R2 (Rel-19, 'A'): Clarification on Access Type for UE counting ZTE, Samsung Rel-19 eNSAC Revision of S2-2408733. Agreed in parallel session
9.36 S2-2408481 CR Approval 23.501 CR5589 (Rel-18, 'F'): Clarifications on Option 2 NSAC for maximum number of UEs with at least one PDU SessionPDN Connection Samsung, Nokia Rel-18 eNSAC Noted in parallel session
9.36 S2-2408489 CR Approval 23.502 CR4972 (Rel-19, 'A'): Handling of Access Types for the EPC IWK case for maximum number of UE Ericsson Rel-19 eNSAC Merged into S2-2408733
9.37 - - - Generic Rel-18 LSs - - _Not_On_Agenda Docs:=0
9.38 - - - Rel-18 CAT B/C alignment CR(s) due to the work led by other 3GPP Working Groups - - Wanqiang Docs:=3
9.38 S2-2407861 CR Approval 23.287 CR0199 (Rel-18, 'F'): Clarification on V2X layer operation regarding sidelink carrier failure report from AS layer LG Electronics, MediaTek Inc. Rel-18 NR_SL_enh2 Revised in parallel session to S2-2408998.
9.38 S2-2408998 CR Approval 23.287 CR0199R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Clarification on V2X layer operation regarding sidelink carrier failure report from AS layer LG Electronics, MediaTek Inc. Rel-18 NR_SL_enh2 Revision of S2-2407861. Agreed in parallel session
9.38 S2-2408007 CR Approval 23.228 CR1398R1 (Rel-18, 'B'): Priority IMS Registration Peraton Labs, CISA ECD, AT&T, T-Mobile USA Rel-18 MPS2, TEI18 Revision of (postponed) S2-2406234 from SA2#163. Noted in parallel session
19 - - - Rel-19 SIDs and WIDs - - Andy Docs:=0
19.1.1 - - - Study on Integration of satellite components in the 5G architecture Phase 3 (FS_5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH) - - Dario Docs:=3
19.1.1 S2-2407395 LS In Action LS from SA WG3LI: LI considerations for UE-Satellite-UE communications SA WG3LI (S3i240295) Rel-19 LI19 Revision of postponed S2-2405870 from S2#163. Noted in parallel session
19.1.1 S2-2407410 LS In Action LS from RAN WG3: Reply LS on Support of Regenerative-based Satellite Access RAN WG3 (R3-243954) Rel-19 NR_NTN_Ph3-Core Revision of postponed S2-2406865 from S2#163. Noted in parallel session
19.1.1 S2-2407411 LS In Action LS from RAN WG3: Reply LS on security of IP transport over satellite transport links RAN WG3 (R3-243955) Rel-19 NR_NTN_Ph3-Core Revision of postponed S2-2406866 from S2#163. Noted in parallel session
19.1.2 - - - Integration of satellite components in the 5G architecture Phase 3 (5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH) - - Dario Docs:=76
19.1.2 - - - KI#2 Store and Forward - - - Docs:=0
19.1.2 - - - KI#2: LS related - - - Docs:=5
19.1.2 S2-2407400 LS In Action LS from SA WG3: LS to SA WG2 and RAN WG2 on selected satellite architecture for Store and Forward SA WG3 (S3-241567) Rel-19 FS_5GSAT_Sec Replied in S2-2407350 at SA2#163
Revision of postponed S2-2405886 from S2#163. Responses drafted in S2-2408237, S2-2408641. Replied in S2-2407350 at SA WG2#163
Replied to
19.1.2 S2-2408237 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] Reply LS on on selected satellite architecture for Store and Forward vivo Rel-19 5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH Response to S2-2407400 Not Handled
19.1.2 S2-2408641 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] Reply LS on selected satellite architecture for Store and Forward Samsung FS_5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH Response to S2-2407400 Not Handled
19.1.2 S2-2407396 LS In Action LS from SA WG3LI: LS on LI considerations for Store and Forward NT operation SA WG3LI (S3i240296) Rel-19 LI19 Replied in S2-2407350 at SA WG2#163
Revision of postponed S2-2405871 from S2#163. Response drafted in S2-2408643. Replied in S2-2407350 at SA WG2#163
Replied to
19.1.2 S2-2408643 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] Reply LS on LI considerations for Store and Forward NT operation Samsung 5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH Response to S2-2407396 Not Handled
19.1.2 - - - KI#2: General description for S&F - - - Docs:=13
19.1.2 S2-2408072 CR Approval 23.401 CR3801 (Rel-19, 'B'): Introduction of Store and Forward feature in EPC Nokia, Novamint, NEC, Tencent, Sateliot Rel-19 5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH (there are some comments via email)
Revised in parallel session to S2-2408799, merging S2-2408382, S2-2408063 and S2-2407705
19.1.2 S2-2408799 CR Approval 23.401 CR3801R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): Introduction of Store and Forward feature in EPC Nokia, Novamint, NEC, Tencent, Sateliot Rel-19 5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH Revision of S2-2408072, merging S2-2408382, S2-2408063 and S2-2407705. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409108.
19.1.2 S2-2409108 CR Approval 23.401 CR3801R2 (Rel-19, 'B'): Introduction of Store and Forward feature in EPC Nokia, Novamint, NEC, Tencent, Sateliot Rel-19 5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH Revision of S2-2408799. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409403.
19.1.2 S2-2409403 CR Approval 23.401 CR3801R3 (Rel-19, 'B'): Introduction of Store and Forward feature in EPC Nokia, Novamint, NEC, Tencent, Sateliot Rel-19 5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH Revision of S2-2409108. Postponed
19.1.2 S2-2408063 CR Approval 23.401 CR3799 (Rel-19, 'B'): Introduction to S&F feature Samsung, Novamint, Sateliot, NEC, Intel Rel-19 5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH Merged into S2-2408799
Handle (functional description part)
19.1.2 S2-2407799 CR Approval 23.401 CR3793 (Rel-19, 'B'): Introduction of Support for Store and Forward Satellite operation LG Electronics Rel-19 5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH Not Handled
19.1.2 S2-2408382 CR Approval 23.401 CR3807 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support for Store and Forward Satellite Operations Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH Merged into S2-2408799
19.1.2 S2-2408445 CR Approval 23.401 CR3810 (Rel-19, 'B'): General description of Store and Forward operation CATT Rel-19 5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH Not Handled
19.1.2 S2-2408236 CR Approval 23.401 CR3804 (Rel-19, 'B'): Architecture and functional description for S&F Vivo Rel-19 5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH Not Handled
19.1.2 S2-2408417 CR Approval 23.401 CR3808 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of S&F satellite operation OPPO Rel-19 5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH Not Handled
19.1.2 S2-2407703 CR Approval 23.401 CR3788 (Rel-19, 'B'): Definitions and Abbreviations for Store and Forward China Mobile Rel-19 5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH Not Handled
19.1.2 S2-2407796 CR Approval 23.401 CR3792 (Rel-19, 'F'): Adding new abbreviations IPLOOK Rel-19 5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH Not Handled
19.1.2 S2-2407810 CR Approval 23.401 CR3795 (Rel-19, 'F'): Adding new definitions IPLOOK Rel-19 5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH Not Handled
19.1.2 - - - KI#2: Procedure changes for S&F - - - Docs:=3
19.1.2 S2-2408077 CR Approval 23.401 CR3802 (Rel-19, 'B'): Procedural changes for S&F support in EPC Nokia Rel-19 5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH Check Affected Clauses! Not Handled
19.1.2 S2-2408238 CR Approval 23.401 CR3805 (Rel-19, 'B'): Procedures for S&F Vivo Rel-19 5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH Not Handled
19.1.2 S2-2408418 CR Approval 23.401 CR3809 (Rel-19, 'B'): Procedures update to support S&F satellite operation OPPO Rel-19 5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH Not Handled
19.1.2 - - - KI#2: Split MME - - - Docs:=8
19.1.2 S2-2408064 CR Approval 23.401 CR3800 (Rel-19, 'B'): Introduction to Split MME architecture Samsung, Novamint, Sateliot, NEC, Intel, CATT Rel-19 5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH Revised in parallel session to S2-2408800, merging S2-2407801
19.1.2 S2-2408800 CR Approval 23.401 CR3800R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): Introduction to Split MME architecture Samsung, Novamint, Sateliot, NEC, Intel, CATT Rel-19 5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH Revision of S2-2408064, merging S2-2407801. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409109.
19.1.2 S2-2409109 CR Approval 23.401 CR3800R2 (Rel-19, 'B'): Introduction to Split MME architecture Samsung, Novamint, Sateliot, NEC, Intel, CATT Rel-19 5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH Revision of S2-2408800. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409404.
19.1.2 S2-2409404 CR Approval 23.401 CR3800R3 (Rel-19, 'B'): Introduction to Split MME architecture Samsung, Novamint, Sateliot, NEC, Intel, CATT Rel-19 5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH Revision of S2-2409109. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409411.
19.1.2 S2-2409411 CR Approval 23.401 CR3800R4 (Rel-19, 'B'): Introduction to Split MME architecture Samsung, Novamint, Sateliot, NEC, Intel, CATT Rel-19 5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH Revision of S2-2409404. Endorsed in parallel session
19.1.2 S2-2408446 CR Approval 23.401 CR3811 (Rel-19, 'B'): Split MME architecture of Store and Forward operation CATT Rel-19 5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH Not Handled
19.1.2 S2-2407801 CR Approval 23.401 CR3794 (Rel-19, 'B'): MO/MT transmission for split MME architecture LG Electronics Rel-19 5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH Merged into S2-2408800
Open and merge
19.1.2 S2-2408184 CR Approval 23.401 CR3803 (Rel-19, 'B'): Enhancements on MO data transmission for LI to support S&F satellite operation with split MME architecture China Telecom Rel-19 5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH Noted in parallel session
19.1.2 - - - KI#2: whole EPC onboard - - - Docs:=7
19.1.2 S2-2408672 CR Approval 23.401 CR3815 (Rel-19, 'C'): Support of Store and Forward Satellite Operation Qualcomm Incorporated Rel-19 5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH Revised in parallel session to S2-2408801, merging S2-2408447
19.1.2 S2-2408801 CR Approval 23.401 CR3815R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of Store and Forward Satellite Operation Qualcomm Incorporated Rel-19 5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH Revision of S2-2408672, merging S2-2408447. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409110.
19.1.2 S2-2409110 CR Approval 23.401 CR3815R2 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of Store and Forward Satellite Operation Qualcomm Incorporated Rel-19 5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH Revision of S2-2408801. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409405.
19.1.2 S2-2409405 CR Approval 23.401 CR3815R3 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of Store and Forward Satellite Operation Qualcomm Incorporated Rel-19 5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH Revision of S2-2409110. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409412.
19.1.2 S2-2409412 CR Approval 23.401 CR3815R4 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of Store and Forward Satellite Operation Qualcomm Incorporated Rel-19 5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH Revision of S2-2409405. Postponed
19.1.2 S2-2407705 CR Approval 23.401 CR3790 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of Store and Forward Satellite operation for EPC on-board China Mobile Rel-19 5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH Merged into S2-2408799
Open and merge
19.1.2 S2-2408447 CR Approval 23.401 CR3812 (Rel-19, 'B'): Full EPC on-board architecture of Store and Forward operation CATT Rel-19 5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH Merged into S2-2408801
Open and merge
19.1.2 - - - KI#2: TS 23.682: monitoring events - - - Docs:=5
19.1.2 S2-2408383 CR Approval 23.682 CR0494 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support for S&F related event to SCS/AS Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH Merged into S2-2408802
19.1.2 S2-2408661 CR Approval 23.682 CR0495 (Rel-19, 'B'): Monitoring event for S&F Samsung Rel-19 5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH Revised in parallel session to S2-2408802, merging S2-2408383
Open and merge
19.1.2 S2-2408802 CR Approval 23.682 CR0495R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): Monitoring event for S&F Samsung Rel-19 5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH Revision of S2-2408661, merging S2-2408383. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409111.
19.1.2 S2-2409111 CR Approval 23.682 CR0495R2 (Rel-19, 'B'): Monitoring event for S&F Samsung Rel-19 5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH Revision of S2-2408802. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409406.
19.1.2 S2-2409406 CR Approval 23.682 CR0495R3 (Rel-19, 'B'): Monitoring event for S&F Samsung Rel-19 5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH Revision of S2-2409111. Endorsed in parallel session
19.1.2 - - - KI#3 UE-satellite-UE communication - - - Docs:=0
19.1.2 - - - KI#3: LS related - - - Docs:=6
19.1.2 S2-2407449 LS In Action LS from SA WG3-LI: Reply LS on FS_5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH conclusions SA WG3-LI (S3i240477) Rel-19 FS_5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH Response drafted in S2-2408075. For e-mail approval. Final response in S2-2409442
Replied to
19.1.2 S2-2408075 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] Reply LS on UE-Satellite-UE communications vivo Rel-19 5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH Response to S2-2407449. Revised in parallel session to S2-2408803.
19.1.2 S2-2408803 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] Reply LS on UE-Satellite-UE communications vivo Rel-19 5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH Revision of S2-2408075. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409115.
19.1.2 S2-2409115 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] Reply LS on UE-Satellite-UE communications vivo Rel-19 5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH Revision of S2-2408803. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409410.
19.1.2 S2-2409410 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] Reply LS on UE-Satellite-UE communications vivo Rel-19 5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH Revision of S2-2409115. For e-mail approval. r01 agreed. Revised to S2-2409442.
19.1.2 S2-2409442 LS OUT Approval Reply LS on KI#3 UE-Satellite-UE Communication Architectures SA WG2 Rel-19 5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH Revision of S2-2409410r01. This LS OUT was e-mail approved
19.1.2 - - - KI#3: Support of 5GS UE-satellite-UE communication - - - Docs:=12
19.1.2 S2-2408463 CR Approval 23.501 CR5583 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of UE-Satellite-UE communication CATT, vivo, NTT DOCOMO, CSCN, Thales, China Telecom, Nokia Rel-19 5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH Revised in parallel session to S2-2408849.
19.1.2 S2-2408849 CR Approval 23.501 CR5583R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of UE-Satellite-UE communication CATT, vivo, NTT DOCOMO, CSCN, Thales, China Telecom, Nokia Rel-19 5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH Revision of S2-2408463. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409112.
19.1.2 S2-2409112 CR Approval 23.501 CR5583R2 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of UE-Satellite-UE communication CATT, vivo, NTT DOCOMO, CSCN, Thales, China Telecom, Nokia Rel-19 5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH Remove in 5.4.x.2.1 this EN: Editor's Note: it is FFS how the AMF determines the satellite ID, and when to transmit the satellite identity from SMF to the PCP.
Revision of S2-2408849. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409407.
19.1.2 S2-2409407 CR Approval 23.501 CR5583R3 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of UE-Satellite-UE communication CATT, vivo, NTT DOCOMO, CSCN, Thales, China Telecom, Nokia Rel-19 5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH Revision of S2-2409112. Endorsed in parallel session
19.1.2 S2-2407957 CR Approval 23.501 CR5491 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support UE-SAT-UE communication China Mobile Rel-19 5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH Not Handled
Open and merge
19.1.2 S2-2408002 CR Approval 23.501 CR5501 (Rel-19, 'B'): Architecture for UE Satellite UE Communicatiions OPPO Rel-19 5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH Not Handled
Open and merge
19.1.2 S2-2408161 CR Approval 23.501 CR5539 (Rel-19, 'B'): Introduction of UE-Satellite-UE feature Nokia Rel-19 5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH Check Affected Clauses! Not Handled
Open and merge
19.1.2 S2-2408384 CR Approval 23.501 CR5572 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of UE-satellite-UE communication via UPF and IMS-AGW deployed on satellite Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH Not Handled
Open and merge
19.1.2 S2-2408003 CR Approval 23.501 CR5502 (Rel-19, 'B'): UE-Satellite-UE Communications Definition and Term OPPO Rel-19 5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH Not Handled
Open and merge
19.1.2 S2-2408074 CR Approval 23.501 CR5518 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of UE-satellite-UE communications when serving satellite changes Vivo, Thales, CATT, CSCN, Honor, Tencent, NTT DOCOMO Rel-19 5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH Revised in parallel session to S2-2408851.
19.1.2 S2-2408851 CR Approval 23.501 CR5518R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of UE-satellite-UE communications when serving satellite changes Vivo, Thales, CATT, CSCN, Honor, Tencent, NTT DOCOMO Rel-19 5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH Revision of S2-2408074. Postponed in parallel session
19.1.2 S2-2408182 CR Approval 23.501 CR5545 (Rel-19, 'B'): 23.501 enhancements to support UE-SAT-UE communication when the serving satellite changes China Telecom Rel-19 5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH Not Handled
Open and merge
19.1.2 - - - KI#3: Support of IMS UE-satellite-UE communication - - - Docs:=12
19.1.2 S2-2408073 CR Approval 23.228 CR1427 (Rel-19, 'B'): Architecture for UE-satellite-UE communicaitons Vivo, Thales, CATT, CSCN, Honor, Tencent Rel-19 5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH Revised in parallel session to S2-2408852.
19.1.2 S2-2408852 CR Approval 23.228 CR1427R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): Architecture for UE-satellite-UE communicaitons Vivo, Thales, CATT, CSCN, Honor, Tencent Rel-19 5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH Revision of S2-2408073. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409113.
19.1.2 S2-2409113 CR Approval 23.228 CR1427R2 (Rel-19, 'B'): Architecture for UE-satellite-UE communicaitons Vivo, Thales, CATT, CSCN, Honor, Tencent Rel-19 5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH Convert last sentence before figure in AX.2.1.1 into this note: NOTE: It is assumed that satellite(s) are always connected to the ground with IP transport networks. The first sentence in AX.2.1.1 reads 'the IMS-AGW is deployed' Remove IMS-AGW from ground in figure.
Revision of S2-2408852. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409408.
19.1.2 S2-2409408 CR Approval 23.228 CR1427R3 (Rel-19, 'B'): Architecture for UE-satellite-UE communicaitons Vivo, Thales, CATT, CSCN, Honor, Tencent Rel-19 5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH Revision of S2-2409113. Endorsed in parallel session
19.1.2 S2-2408578 CR Approval 23.228 CR1454 (Rel-19, 'B'): Mobility support of UE-satellite-UE communicaitons Vivo, Thales, CATT, CSCN, Honor, Tencent Rel-19 5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH Not Handled
19.1.2 S2-2408155 CR Approval 23.228 CR1428 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of UE-Satellite-UE communication in IMS NTT DOCOMO, CATT Rel-19 5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH Revised in parallel session to S2-2408850.
Handle, baseline?
19.1.2 S2-2408850 CR Approval 23.228 CR1428R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of UE-Satellite-UE communication in IMS NTT DOCOMO, CATT Rel-19 5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH Revision of S2-2408155. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409114.
19.1.2 S2-2409114 CR Approval 23.228 CR1428R2 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of UE-Satellite-UE communication in IMS NTT DOCOMO, CATT Rel-19 5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH Revision of S2-2408850. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409409.
19.1.2 S2-2409409 CR Approval 23.228 CR1428R3 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of UE-Satellite-UE communication in IMS NTT DOCOMO, CATT Rel-19 5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH Revision of S2-2409114. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409421.
19.1.2 S2-2409421 CR Approval 23.228 CR1428R4 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of UE-Satellite-UE communication in IMS NTT DOCOMO, CATT Rel-19 5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH Revision of S2-2409409. Postponed
19.1.2 S2-2408423 CR Approval 23.228 CR1447 (Rel-19, 'B'): KI#3: IMS-AGW relocation in UE-SAT-UE communication Samsung Rel-19 5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH Not Handled
Open and merge
19.1.2 S2-2408577 CR Approval 23.228 CR1453 (Rel-19, 'B'): Update on Activation of UE-Satellite-UE Communications VIVO,CSCN Rel-19 5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH LATE DOC: Not provided. WITHDRAWN
19.1.2 - - - KI#3: Policy control - - - Docs:=1
19.1.2 S2-2408183 CR Approval 23.503 CR1352 (Rel-19, 'B'): 23.503 enhancements to support UE-SAT-UE communication China Telecom Rel-19 5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH Not Handled
19.1.2 - - - KI#1 Support of Regenerative-based satellite access - - - Docs:=4
19.1.2 S2-2408380 CR Approval 23.501 CR5571 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of Regenerative-based satellite access Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH Not Handled
Open if time permits
19.1.2 S2-2408381 CR Approval 23.401 CR3806 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of Regenerative-based satellite access Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH Not Handled
Open if time permits
19.1.2 S2-2408675 CR Approval 23.501 CR5622 (Rel-19, 'F'): Support of Regenerative Payload with NG-RAN Node Onboard Satellite OPPO Rel-19 5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH Not Handled
Open if time permits
19.1.2 S2-2408676 CR Approval 23.502 CR4994 (Rel-19, 'F'): Support of Regenerative Payload with NG-RAN Node Onboard Satellite OPPO Rel-19 5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH Not Handled
Open if time permits
19.2.1 - - - Study on system architecture for next generation real time communication services - Phase 2 (FS_NG_RTC_Ph2) - - Dario Docs:=15
19.2.1 S2-2407389 LS In Action LS from SA WG1: Reply LS to clarify PS Data Off exemption for services over IMS DC SA WG1 (S1-240301) Rel-19 FS_NG_RTC_Ph2 Revision of postponed S2-2405848 from S2#163. Noted in parallel session
19.2.1 S2-2407397 LS In Action LS from SA WG6: LS on data channel application related capability exposure SA WG6 (S6-241644) Rel-19 FS_eMMTelAPP Revision of postponed S2-2405878 from S2#163. Responses drafted in S2-2407945, S2-2408090. Final response in S2-2409100
Replied to
19.2.1 S2-2407945 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] Reply LS on data channel application related capability exposure China Mobile Rel-19 Response to S2-2407397. Revised in parallel session to S2-2408792, merging S2-2408090
Handle as basis?
19.2.1 S2-2408792 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] Reply LS on data channel application related capability exposure China Mobile Rel-19 - Revision of S2-2407945, merging S2-2408090. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409100.
19.2.1 S2-2409100 LS OUT Approval Reply LS on data channel application related capability exposure SA WG2 Rel-19 FS_eMMTelAPP Revision of S2-2408792. Agreed in parallel session
19.2.1 S2-2408090 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] Reply LS on data channel application related capability exposure Qualcomm Incorporated Rel-19 FS_NG_RTC_Ph2 Response to S2-2407397. Merged into S2-2408792
Handle as basis?
19.2.1 S2-2407413 LS In Action LS from SA WG6: LS on SA WG6 new work item proposal for MMTel SA WG6 (S6-242737) Rel-19 FS_eMMTelAPP Revision of postponed S2-2406870 from S2#163. Responses drafted in S2-2407946, S2-2408091. Final response in S2-2409101
Replied to
19.2.1 S2-2407946 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] Reply LS on SA WG6 new work item proposal for MMTel China Mobile Rel-19 Response to S2-2407413. Merged into S2-2408793
Handle as basis?
19.2.1 S2-2408091 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] Reply LS on SA WG6 new work item proposal for MMTel Qualcomm Incorporated Rel-19 FS_NG_RTC_Ph2 Response to S2-2407413. Revised in parallel session to S2-2408793, merging S2-2407946
Handle as basis?
19.2.1 S2-2408793 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] Reply LS on SA WG6 new work item proposal for MMTel Qualcomm Incorporated Rel-19 FS_NG_RTC_Ph2 Revision of S2-2408091, merging S2-2407946. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409101.
19.2.1 S2-2409101 LS OUT Approval Reply LS on SA WG6 new work item proposal for MMTel SA WG2 Rel-19 FS_NG_RTC_Ph2 Revision of S2-2408793. Agreed in parallel session
19.2.1 S2-2408078 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] LS on IMS Avatar Communications Qualcomm Incorporated Rel-19 FS_NG_RTC_Ph2 Revised in parallel session to S2-2409102.
19.2.1 S2-2409102 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] LS on IMS Avatar Communications Qualcomm Incorporated Rel-19 FS_NG_RTC_Ph2 Revision of S2-2408078. Postponed in parallel session
19.2.1 S2-2407948 P-CR Approval 23.700-77: KI #1, Update of conclusion for KI#1 China Mobile Rel-19 FS_NG_RTC_Ph2 Not Handled
19.2.1 S2-2408427 P-CR Approval 23.700-77: Update of KI#1 Conclusion Nokia Rel-19 FS_NG_RTC_Ph2 Not Handled
19.2.2 - - - System architecture for next generation real time communication services - Phase 2 (NG_RTC_Ph2) - - Dario Docs:=73
19.2.2 - - - KI#1 - IMS events for DC communication - - - Docs:=25
19.2.2 S2-2407732 CR Approval 23.228 CR1409 (Rel-19, 'B'): KI#1: IMS Subscribe/Notify Framework Architecture Ericsson Rel-19 NG_RTC_Ph2 Revised to S2-2408671
19.2.2 S2-2408671 CR Approval 23.228 CR1409R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): KI#1: IMS Subscribe/Notify Framework Architecture Ericsson Rel-19 NG_RTC_Ph2 Revision of S2-2407732. Revised in parallel session to S2-2408794, merging S2-2408407
19.2.2 S2-2408794 CR Approval 23.228 CR1409R2 (Rel-19, 'B'): KI#1: IMS Subscribe/Notify Framework Architecture Ericsson Rel-19 NG_RTC_Ph2 Revision of S2-2408671, merging S2-2409099. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409103.
19.2.2 S2-2409103 CR Approval 23.228 CR1409R3 (Rel-19, 'B'): KI#1: IMS Subscribe/Notify Framework Architecture Ericsson Rel-19 NG_RTC_Ph2 Revision of S2-2408794, merging S2-2409099. Postponed in parallel session
19.2.2 S2-2407733 CR Approval 23.228 CR1410 (Rel-19, 'B'): KI#1: Enhancements to HSS, IMS AS services and inclusion of IMS NEF services Ericsson Rel-19 NG_RTC_Ph2 Revised in parallel session to S2-2408795.
Handle (new service vs. existing one)
19.2.2 S2-2408795 CR Approval 23.228 CR1410R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): KI#1: Enhancements to HSS, IMS AS services and inclusion of IMS NEF services Ericsson Rel-19 NG_RTC_Ph2 Revision of S2-2407733. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409104.
19.2.2 S2-2409104 CR Approval 23.228 CR1410R2 (Rel-19, 'B'): KI#1: Enhancements to HSS, IMS AS services and inclusion of IMS NEF services Ericsson Rel-19 NG_RTC_Ph2 Revision of S2-2408795. Postponed in parallel session
19.2.2 S2-2407734 CR Approval 23.502 CR4872 (Rel-19, 'B'): KI#1: Enhancements to NEF Services Ericsson Rel-19 NG_RTC Revised to S2-2408673
19.2.2 S2-2408673 CR Approval 23.502 CR4872R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): KI#1: Enhancements to NEF Services Ericsson Rel-19 NG_RTC_Ph2 Revision of S2-2407734. Revised in parallel session to S2-2408797.
19.2.2 S2-2408797 CR Approval 23.502 CR4872R2 (Rel-19, 'B'): KI#1: Enhancements to NEF Services Ericsson Rel-19 NG_RTC_Ph2 Revision of S2-2408673. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409106.
19.2.2 S2-2409106 CR Approval 23.502 CR4872R3 (Rel-19, 'B'): KI#1: Enhancements to NEF Services Ericsson Rel-19 NG_RTC_Ph2 Revision of S2-2408797. Postponed in parallel session
19.2.2 S2-2407949 CR Approval 23.228 CR1411 (Rel-19, 'B'): IMS DC architecture enhancements China Mobile Rel-19 NG_RTC_Ph2 Revised in parallel session to S2-2409099.
19.2.2 S2-2409099 CR Approval 23.228 CR1411R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): IMS DC architecture enhancements China Mobile Rel-19 NG_RTC_Ph2 Revision of S2-2407949. Merged into S2-2409103
19.2.2 S2-2408187 CR Approval 23.228 CR1429 (Rel-19, 'B'): IMS AS Service Enhancement to Support IMS Event Exposure ZTE Rel-19 NG_RTC_Ph2 Revised in parallel session to S2-2408796.
Handle (new service vs. existing one)
19.2.2 S2-2408796 CR Approval 23.228 CR1429R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): IMS AS Service Enhancement to Support IMS Event Exposure ZTE Rel-19 NG_RTC_Ph2 Revision of S2-2408187. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409105.
19.2.2 S2-2409105 CR Approval 23.228 CR1429R2 (Rel-19, 'B'): IMS AS Service Enhancement to Support IMS Event Exposure ZTE Rel-19 NG_RTC_Ph2 Revision of S2-2408796. Postponed in parallel session
19.2.2 S2-2408188 CR Approval 23.228 CR1430 (Rel-19, 'B'): HSS Service Enhancement to Support IMS Event Exposure ZTE Rel-19 NG_RTC_Ph2 Not Handled
19.2.2 S2-2408189 CR Approval 23.502 CR4936 (Rel-19, 'B'): NRF Service Enhancement to Support IMS AS Discovery ZTE Rel-19 NG_RTC_Ph2 Not Handled
19.2.2 S2-2408298 CR Approval 23.228 CR1438 (Rel-19, 'B'): Update to support the conclusion of KI#1 SA WG2 Rel-19 NG_RTC_Ph2 Confirm Spec version used - CR states V18.6.0! Not Handled
19.2.2 S2-2408407 CR Approval 23.228 CR1445 (Rel-19, 'B'): KI#1: Supporting IMS events in the context of DC communication NTT DOCOMO Rel-19 NG_RTC_Ph2 Merged into S2-2408794
19.2.2 S2-2408429 CR Approval 23.228 CR1450 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of IMS DC event exposure Nokia Rel-19 NG_RTC_Ph2 Not Handled
19.2.2 S2-2408430 CR Approval 23.501 CR5578 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of IMS DC event exposure Nokia Rel-19 NG_RTC_Ph2 Revised in parallel session to S2-2408798.
19.2.2 S2-2408798 CR Approval 23.501 CR5578R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of IMS DC event exposure Nokia Rel-19 NG_RTC_Ph2 Revision of S2-2408430. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409107.
19.2.2 S2-2409107 CR Approval 23.501 CR5578R2 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of IMS DC event exposure Nokia Rel-19 NG_RTC_Ph2 Revision of S2-2408798. Agreed in parallel session. This was postponed.
19.2.2 S2-2408431 CR Approval 23.502 CR4961 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of IMS DC event exposure Nokia Rel-19 NG_RTC_Ph2 Not Handled
19.2.2 - - - KI#2 - IMS capability exposure in the context of IMS data channel session - - - Docs:=15
19.2.2 S2-2408070 CR Approval 23.228 CR1425 (Rel-19, 'B'): Supporting of network initiated IMS Data Channel Qualcomm Incorporated Rel-19 NG_RTC_Ph2 Move service definition into S2-2409093. Clarify call flow (P2A only?)
Revised in parallel session to S2-2409092.
19.2.2 S2-2409092 CR Approval 23.228 CR1425R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): Supporting of network initiated IMS Data Channel Qualcomm Incorporated Rel-19 NG_RTC_Ph2 Revision of S2-2408070. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409176.
19.2.2 S2-2409176 CR Approval 23.228 CR1425R2 (Rel-19, 'B'): Supporting of network initiated IMS Data Channel Qualcomm Incorporated Rel-19 NG_RTC_Ph2 In AA.2.4.X.1: Service description: This service enables the consumer to request IMS AS to manage data channel media in an IMS session. Add EN in AA.2.4.X.2: Editor's Note: How to support MDC1 and MDC2 media information is FFS. EN: Editor's Note: Parameters are FFS.
Revision of S2-2409092. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409179.
19.2.2 S2-2409179 CR Approval 23.228 CR1425R3 (Rel-19, 'B'): Supporting of network initiated IMS Data Channel Qualcomm Incorporated Rel-19 NG_RTC_Ph2 Revision of S2-2409176. Agreed in parallel session
19.2.2 S2-2408190 CR Approval 23.228 CR1431 (Rel-19, 'B'): IMS Capability Exposure ZTE Rel-19 NG_RTC_Ph2 Not Handled
19.2.2 S2-2408299 CR Approval 23.228 CR1439 (Rel-19, 'B'): Update to support the conclusion of KI#2 SA WG2 Rel-19 NG_RTC_Ph2 Revised to S2-2408514
19.2.2 S2-2408514 CR Approval 23.228 CR1439R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): Update to support the conclusion of KI#2 SA WG2 Rel-19 NG_RTC_Ph2 Clarify call flow (which one?)
Revision of S2-2408299. Confirm CR Revision - CR states 0!. Confirm Spec version used - CR states V18.6.0! Revised in parallel session to S2-2409094.
19.2.2 S2-2409094 CR Approval 23.228 CR1439R2 (Rel-19, 'B'): Update to support the conclusion of KI#2 SA WG2 Rel-19 NG_RTC_Ph2 Revision of S2-2408514. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409174.
19.2.2 S2-2409174 CR Approval 23.228 CR1439R3 (Rel-19, 'B'): Update to support the conclusion of KI#2 SA WG2 Rel-19 NG_RTC_Ph2 Revision of S2-2409094. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409180.
19.2.2 S2-2409180 CR Approval 23.228 CR1439R4 (Rel-19, 'B'): Update to support the conclusion of KI#2 SA WG2 Rel-19 NG_RTC_Ph2 Revision of S2-2409174. Postponed
19.2.2 S2-2408346 CR Approval 23.502 CR4955 (Rel-19, 'B'): Update NEF services to support the conclusion of KI#1 and KI#2 SA WG2 Rel-19 NG_RTC_Ph2 Revised to S2-2408536
19.2.2 S2-2408536 CR Approval 23.502 CR4955R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): Update NEF services to support the conclusion of KI#1 and KI#2 SA WG2 Rel-19 NG_RTC_Ph2 Revision of S2-2408346. Confirm CR Revision - CR states 0!. Confirm Spec version used - CR states V19.0.0! Revised in parallel session to S2-2409093.
19.2.2 S2-2409093 CR Approval 23.502 CR4955R2 (Rel-19, 'B'): Update NEF services to support the conclusion of KI#1 and KI#2 SA WG2 Rel-19 NG_RTC_Ph2 Revision of S2-2408536. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409173.
19.2.2 S2-2409173 CR Approval 23.502 CR4955R3 (Rel-19, 'B'): Update NEF services to support the conclusion of KI#1 and KI#2 SA WG2 Rel-19 NG_RTC_Ph2 Revision of S2-2409093. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409181.
19.2.2 S2-2409181 CR Approval 23.502 CR4955R4 (Rel-19, 'B'): Update NEF services to support the conclusion of KI#1 and KI#2 SA WG2 Rel-19 NG_RTC_Ph2 Revision of S2-2409173. Postponed
19.2.2 - - - KI#6 - Standalone IMS Data Channel Sessions - - - Docs:=9
19.2.2 S2-2407459 CR Approval 23.228 CR1402 (Rel-19, 'F'): KI#6: Combination of standalone bootstrap DC and standalone application DC Samsung Rel-19 NG_RTC_Ph2 Not Handled
19.2.2 S2-2407951 CR Approval 23.228 CR1413 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of standalone DC China Mobile Rel-19 NG_RTC_Ph2 Merged into S2-2409096
19.2.2 S2-2408052 CR Approval 23.228 CR1422 (Rel-19, 'B'): KI#6: Support of Standalone IMS Data Channel feature Vivo Rel-19 NG_RTC_Ph2 Check Affected Clauses! Revised in parallel session to S2-2409096, merging S2-2408301 and S2-2407951
19.2.2 S2-2409096 CR Approval 23.228 CR1422R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): KI#6: Support of Standalone IMS Data Channel feature Vivo Rel-19 NG_RTC_Ph2 Revision of S2-2408052, merging S2-2408301 and S2-2407951. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409129.
19.2.2 S2-2409129 CR Approval 23.228 CR1422R2 (Rel-19, 'B'): KI#6: Support of Standalone IMS Data Channel feature Vivo Rel-19 NG_RTC_Ph2 EN reads: The procedures details are FFS. Title: AC.X.2.1 Originating Standalone Bootstrap DC Setup using PSI
Revision of S2-2409096. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409177.
19.2.2 S2-2409177 CR Approval 23.228 CR1422R3 (Rel-19, 'B'): KI#6: Support of Standalone IMS Data Channel feature Vivo Rel-19 NG_RTC_Ph2 Revision of S2-2409129. Agreed in parallel session
19.2.2 S2-2408193 CR Approval 23.228 CR1434 (Rel-19, 'B'): Procedure for Standalone Bootstrap Data Channel Establishment ZTE Rel-19 NG_RTC_Ph2 Not Handled
19.2.2 S2-2408301 CR Approval 23.228 CR1441 (Rel-19, 'B'): 23.228 Cat B Update to support the conclusion KI#6 Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 NG_RTC_Ph2 Capture last two procedures
Merged into S2-2409096
19.2.2 S2-2408649 CR Approval 23.228 CR1456 (Rel-19, 'B'): KI#6: Support of Standalone IMS DC Session China Telecom Rel-19 NG_RTC_Ph2 Not Handled
19.2.2 - - - KI#8 - Support of IMS Avatar Communication - - - Docs:=8
19.2.2 S2-2407461 CR Approval 23.228 CR1404 (Rel-19, 'F'): KI#8: Architecture for avatar communications Samsung Rel-19 NG_RTC_Ph2 Merged into S2-2409097
19.2.2 S2-2408053 CR Approval 23.228 CR1423 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of avatar communication in bootstrap data channel vivo Rel-19 NG_RTC_Ph2 Merged into S2-2409097
19.2.2 S2-2408071 CR Approval 23.228 CR1426 (Rel-19, 'B'): Supporting of IMS Avatar communication Qualcomm Incorporated Rel-19 NG_RTC_Ph2 Merged into S2-2409097
19.2.2 S2-2408194 CR Approval 23.228 CR1435 (Rel-19, 'B'): Procedure for Transition Between IMS Avatar and Audio/video Communication ZTE Rel-19 NG_RTC_Ph2 Not Handled
19.2.2 S2-2408302 CR Approval 23.228 CR1442 (Rel-19, 'B'): Supporting Avatar Communication Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 NG_RTC_Ph2 Focus on architecture
Revised in parallel session to S2-2409097, merging S2-2408071, S2-2408053 and S2-2407461
19.2.2 S2-2409097 CR Approval 23.228 CR1442R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): Supporting Avatar Communication Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 NG_RTC_Ph2 Revision of S2-2408302, merging S2-2408071, S2-2408053 and S2-2407461. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409175.
19.2.2 S2-2409175 CR Approval 23.228 CR1442R2 (Rel-19, 'B'): Supporting Avatar Communication Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 NG_RTC_Ph2 Revision of S2-2409097. Postponed in parallel session
19.2.2 S2-2408647 CR Approval 23.228 CR1455 (Rel-19, 'B'): KI#8: Support of UE based and network based rendering of Avatar communication China Telecom Rel-19 NG_RTC_Ph2 Not Handled
19.2.2 - - - KI#3 - Data channel interworking with MTSI UE - - - Docs:=7
19.2.2 S2-2407458 CR Approval 23.228 CR1401 (Rel-19, 'F'): KI#3: DC interworking with MTSI UE Samsung Rel-19 NG_RTC_Ph2 Not Handled
19.2.2 S2-2407988 CR Approval 23.228 CR1418 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of IMS data channel interworking between DCMTSI UE and MTSI UE China Mobile, Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 NG_RTC_Ph2 Source to WG incorrect! Revised in parallel session to S2-2409098, merging S2-2408191 and S2-2408050
19.2.2 S2-2409098 CR Approval 23.228 CR1418R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of IMS data channel interworking between DCMTSI UE and MTSI UE China Mobile, Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 NG_RTC_Ph2 Revision of S2-2407988, merging S2-2408191 and S2-2408050. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409140.
19.2.2 S2-2409140 CR Approval 23.228 CR1418R2 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of IMS data channel interworking between DCMTSI UE and MTSI UE China Mobile, Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 NG_RTC_Ph2 Revision of S2-2409098. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409178.
19.2.2 S2-2409178 CR Approval 23.228 CR1418R3 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of IMS data channel interworking between DCMTSI UE and MTSI UE China Mobile, Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 NG_RTC_Ph2 Revision of S2-2409140. Agreed in parallel session
19.2.2 S2-2408050 CR Approval 23.228 CR1420 (Rel-19, 'B'): KI#3: Support of interworking feature Vivo Rel-19 NG_RTC_Ph2 Merged into S2-2409098
19.2.2 S2-2408191 CR Approval 23.228 CR1432 (Rel-19, 'B'): Data Channel Interworking with MTSI UE ZTE Rel-19 NG_RTC_Ph2 Merged into S2-2409098
19.2.2 - - - KI#4 - Authorization and authentication of third-party identities in IMS sessions - - - Docs:=2
19.2.2 S2-2408428 CR Approval 23.228 CR1449 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of third party user identity information in IMS Nokia Rel-19 NG_RTC_Ph2 Not Handled
19.2.2 S2-2408461 CR Approval 23.228 CR1452 (Rel-19, 'B'): Authenitcation and Authorization of third party identities during IMS Session Samsung Rel-19 NG_RTC_Ph2 Not Handled
19.2.2 - - - KI#5 - Handling of PS data off exemption for services over IMS DC - - - Docs:=5
19.2.2 S2-2407950 CR Approval 23.228 CR1412 (Rel-19, 'B'): Events of PS data off status activation and deactivation China Mobile Rel-19 NG_RTC_Ph2 Not Handled
19.2.2 S2-2408051 CR Approval 23.228 CR1421 (Rel-19, 'B'): KI#5: Support of Data off feature for data channel Vivo Rel-19 NG_RTC_Ph2 Not Handled
19.2.2 S2-2408069 CR Approval 23.228 CR1424 (Rel-19, 'B'): PS Data Off Exemption configuration for IMS Data Channel Qualcomm Incorporated Rel-19 NG_RTC_Ph2 Not Handled
19.2.2 S2-2408192 CR Approval 23.228 CR1433 (Rel-19, 'B'): PS Data Off Exemption for Services over IMS DC ZTE Rel-19 NG_RTC_Ph2 Not Handled
19.2.2 S2-2408458 CR Approval 23.228 CR1451 (Rel-19, 'B'): PS data off exemption for services over IMS DC Samsung Rel-19 NG_RTC_Ph2 Not Handled
19.2.2 - - - KI#7 - Support multiplexing multiple DC applications over single SCTP connection - - - Docs:=2
19.2.2 S2-2407952 CR Approval 23.228 CR1414 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of multiplexing multiple DC applications over single SCTP connection China Mobile Rel-19 NG_RTC_Ph2 Check Affected Clauses! New text should be revision marked! Not Handled
19.2.2 S2-2408303 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] LS on IMS DC multiplexing Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 NG_RTC_Ph2 Not Handled
19.3.1 - - - Extended Reality and Media service (XRM) Phase 2 (FS_XRM_Ph2) - - Dario Docs:=73
19.3.1 - - - KI#2 - PDU Set information for E2E encrypted traffic - - - Docs:=17
19.3.1 S2-2408496 P-CR Approval 23.700-70: TR 23.700-70 KI#2: Evaluation & Conclusion for Supporting PDU Set Info. Identification for E2E Encrypted XRM Traffic. China Mobile, China Unicom, Huawei, HiSilicon, Ericsson, Interdigital, Xiaomi, vivo Rel-19 FS_XRM_Ph2 Revision of (noted) S2-2407196 from SA2#163. Revised in parallel session to S2-2408805.
19.3.1 S2-2408805 P-CR Approval 23.700-70: TR 23.700-70 KI#2: Evaluation & Conclusion for Supporting PDU Set Info. Identification for E2E Encrypted XRM Traffic. China Mobile, China Unicom, Huawei, HiSilicon, Ericsson, Interdigital, Xiaomi, vivo Rel-19 FS_XRM_Ph2 (only two options)
Revision of S2-2408496. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409126.
19.3.1 S2-2409126 P-CR Approval 23.700-70: TR 23.700-70 KI#2: Evaluation & Conclusion for Supporting PDU Set Info. Identification for E2E Encrypted XRM Traffic. China Mobile, China Unicom, Huawei, HiSilicon, Ericsson, Interdigital, Xiaomi, vivo Rel-19 FS_XRM_Ph2 (two options + additional one)
Revision of S2-2408805. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409127.
19.3.1 S2-2409127 P-CR Approval 23.700-70: TR 23.700-70 KI#2: Evaluation & Conclusion for Supporting PDU Set Info. Identification for E2E Encrypted XRM Traffic. China Mobile, China Unicom, Huawei, HiSilicon, Ericsson, Interdigital, Xiaomi, vivo Rel-19 FS_XRM_Ph2 Delete first bullet g) Add 'This implies UDP in UDP tunnelling.' In last bullet h. Nokia has concerns with the conclusion with three options.
Revision of S2-2409126. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409422.
19.3.1 S2-2409422 P-CR Approval 23.700-70: TR 23.700-70 KI#2: Evaluation & Conclusion for Supporting PDU Set Info. Identification for E2E Encrypted XRM Traffic. China Mobile, China Unicom, Huawei, HiSilicon, Ericsson, Interdigital, Xiaomi, vivo Rel-19 FS_XRM_Ph2 Revision of S2-2409127. Agreed in parallel session. This P-CR was approved
19.3.1 S2-2407858 P-CR Approval 23.700-70: TR 23.700-70 KI#2: Conclusion for Supporting PDU Set Info. Identification for E2E Encrypted XRM Traffic Nokia, Rel-19 FS_XRM_Ph2 Not Handled
19.3.1 S2-2407859 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] LS on XRM metadata exchange between 3GPP Core and an Application server Nokia Rel-19 FS_XRM_Ph2 Revised in parallel session to S2-2408806.
19.3.1 S2-2408806 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] LS on XRM metadata exchange between 3GPP Core and an Application server Nokia Rel-19 FS_XRM_Ph2 Revision of S2-2407859. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409128.
19.3.1 S2-2409128 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] LS on XRM metadata exchange between 3GPP Core and an Application server Nokia Rel-19 FS_XRM_Ph2 Revision of S2-2408806. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409423.
19.3.1 S2-2409423 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] LS on XRM metadata exchange between 3GPP Core and an Application server Nokia Rel-19 FS_XRM_Ph2 Revision of S2-2409128. Revised to S2-2409549.
19.3.1 S2-2409549 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] LS on XRM metadata exchange between 3GPP Core and an Application server Nokia Rel-19 FS_XRM_Ph2 Revision of S2-2409423. For e-mail approval. r05 agreed. Revised to S2-2409443.
19.3.1 S2-2409443 LS OUT Approval LS on XRM metadata exchange between 3GPP Core and an Application server SA WG2 Rel-19 FS_XRM_Ph2 Revision of S2-2409549r05. This LS OUT was e-mail approved
19.3.1 S2-2407581 P-CR Approval 23.700-70: KI#2 Conclusions . Lenovo Rel-19 FS_XRM_Ph2 Not Handled
19.3.1 S2-2407619 P-CR Approval 23.700-70: KI#2, Sol #26: Update to remove ENs Ericsson, Meta USA, InterDigital Rel-19 FS_XRM_Ph2 Revision of (unhandled) S2-2406226 from SA2-163. Revised in parallel session to S2-2408804.
19.3.1 S2-2408804 P-CR Approval 23.700-70: KI#2, Sol #26: Update to remove ENs Ericsson, Meta USA, InterDigital Rel-19 FS_XRM_Ph2 Revision of S2-2407619. Agreed in parallel session
19.3.1 S2-2407998 P-CR Approval 23.700-70: KI#2: Evaluation and Conclusion for Encrypted XRM Traffic. Google Rel-19 FS_XRM_Ph2 Not Handled
19.3.1 S2-2407857 DISCUSSION Discussion KI#2, UDP_Connect from UPF and Questions Nokia Rel-19 FS_XRM_Ph2 Not Handled
19.3.1 - - - KI#1 - PDU set based QoS handling enhancement - Application Layer FEC awareness - - - Docs:=11
19.3.1 S2-2407404 LS In Action LS from SA WG4: LS Reply to SA WG2 LS on Application-Layer FEC Awareness at RAN SA WG4 (S4-241368) Rel-19 FS_XRM_Ph2, FS_5G_RTP_Ph2 Revision of postponed S2-2406850 from S2#163. Response drafted in S2-2408345. Noted in parallel session
19.3.1 S2-2407405 LS In Action LS from SA WG4: LS Reply on FS_XRM Ph2 SA WG4 (S4-241370) Rel-19 FS_XRM_Ph2, FS_5G_RTP_Ph2 Revision of postponed S2-2406851 from S2#163. Noted in parallel session
19.3.1 S2-2407406 LS In Action LS from RAN WG2: Reply LS on Application-Layer FEC Awareness at RAN RAN WG2 (R2-2405781) Rel-19 NR_XR_Ph3-Core Revision of postponed S2-2406852 from S2#163. Postponed in parallel session
19.3.1 S2-2407412 LS In Action LS from RAN WG3: Response LS on FS_XRM Ph2 RAN WG3 (R3-243958) Rel-19 FS_XRM_Ph2 Revision of postponed S2-2406867 from S2#163. Noted in parallel session
19.3.1 S2-2407415 LS In Action LS from RAN WG2: Reply LS to SA WG2 on FS_XRM Ph2 RAN WG2 (R2-2405779) Rel-19 NR_XR_Ph3-Core Revision of postponed S2-2406873 from S2#163. Noted in parallel session
19.3.1 S2-2407864 P-CR Approval 23.700-70: Conclusion for KI#1: AL-FEC Awareness at RAN. Qualcomm Incorporated, Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell, OPPO, Apple, CATT, China Telecom, Xiaomi Rel-19 FS_XRM_Ph2 Revised in parallel session to S2-2408807.
19.3.1 S2-2408807 P-CR Approval 23.700-70: Conclusion for KI#1: AL-FEC Awareness at RAN. Qualcomm Incorporated, Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell, OPPO, Apple, CATT, China Telecom, Xiaomi Rel-19 FS_XRM_Ph2 Revision of S2-2407864. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409120.
19.3.1 S2-2409120 P-CR Approval 23.700-70: Conclusion for KI#1: AL-FEC Awareness at RAN. Qualcomm Incorporated, Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell, OPPO, Apple, CATT, China Telecom, Xiaomi Rel-19 FS_XRM_Ph2 Revision of S2-2408807. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409424.
19.3.1 S2-2409424 P-CR Approval 23.700-70: Conclusion for KI#1: AL-FEC Awareness at RAN. Qualcomm Incorporated, Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell, OPPO, Apple, CATT, China Telecom, Xiaomi Rel-19 FS_XRM_Ph2 Revision of S2-2409120. Agreed in parallel session
19.3.1 S2-2408037 P-CR Approval 23.700-70: Key Issue #1, Conclusions on AL-FEC Lenovo Rel-19 FS_XRM_Ph2 Revision of (unhandled) S2-2406035 from SA2#163 Not Handled
19.3.1 S2-2408046 P-CR Approval 23.700-70: Conclusion for Key Issue #1_ AL-FEC. Samsung Rel-19 FS_XRM_Ph2 Not Handled
19.3.1 - - - KI#1 - PDU set based QoS handling enhancement - AQP enhancements - - - Docs:=10
19.3.1 S2-2407681 P-CR Approval 23.700-70: KI#1, conclusion update to fix the EN Vivo, China Unicom, OPPO, China Mobile, Xiaomi, Meta USA, MediaTek?, ZTE Tencent?, Tencent Cloud?, China Telecom?, Lenovo? Samsung?, Huawei?, Hisilicon?, CATT? Rel-19 FS_XRM_Ph2 Revised in parallel session to S2-2408808.
19.3.1 S2-2408808 P-CR Approval 23.700-70: KI#1, conclusion update to fix the EN Vivo, China Unicom, OPPO, China Mobile, Xiaomi, Meta USA, MediaTek?, ZTE Tencent?, Tencent Cloud?, China Telecom?, Lenovo? Samsung?, Huawei?, Hisilicon?, CATT? Rel-19 FS_XRM_Ph2 Issue with 8.1.1.
Revision of S2-2407681. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409121.
19.3.1 S2-2409121 P-CR Approval 23.700-70: KI#1, conclusion update to fix the EN Vivo, China Unicom, OPPO, China Mobile, Xiaomi, Meta USA, MediaTek?, ZTE Tencent?, Tencent Cloud?, China Telecom?, Lenovo? Samsung?, Huawei?, Hisilicon?, CATT? Rel-19 FS_XRM_Ph2 Revision of S2-2408808. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409425.
19.3.1 S2-2409425 P-CR Approval 23.700-70: KI#1, conclusion update to fix the EN Vivo, China Unicom, OPPO, China Mobile, Xiaomi, Meta USA, MediaTek?, ZTE Tencent?, Tencent Cloud?, China Telecom?, Lenovo? Samsung?, Huawei?, Hisilicon?, CATT? Rel-19 FS_XRM_Ph2 Revision of S2-2409121. This P-CR was approved
19.3.1 S2-2407784 P-CR Approval 23.700-70: Key Issue #1 Conclusion update for AQP. Tencent, Tencent Cloud Rel-19 FS_XRM_Ph2 Not Handled
19.3.1 S2-2408106 P-CR Approval 23.700-70: Update the Conclusion for KI#1 . CATT Rel-19 FS_XRM_Ph2 Not Handled
19.3.1 S2-2408047 P-CR Approval 23.700-70: Conclusion for Key Issue #1_ PDU Set handing decoupling. Samsung Rel-19 FS_XRM_Ph2 Not Handled
19.3.1 S2-2408048 P-CR Approval 23.700-70: Conclusion for Key Issue #1_ QoS notification. Samsung Rel-19 FS_XRM_Ph2 Not Handled
19.3.1 S2-2408471 P-CR Approval 23.700-70: Update of conclusion on KI#1 QNC/AQP Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 FS_XRM_Ph2 Not Handled
19.3.1 S2-2408023 P-CR Approval 23.700-70: EN Resolution for KI#1 Nokia Rel-19 FS_XRM_Ph2 Not Handled
19.3.1 - - - KI#4 - Traffic detection and QoS flow mapping for multiplexed data flows - - - Docs:=14
19.3.1 S2-2407620 P-CR Approval 23.700-70: KI#4, Update to conclusions Ericsson Rel-19 FS_XRM_Ph2 Not Handled
19.3.1 S2-2407682 P-CR Approval 23.700-70: KI#4, conclusion update to fix the EN Vivo Rel-19 FS_XRM_Ph2 Not Handled
19.3.1 S2-2407683 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] LS for additional packet filter vivo Rel-19 XRM_Ph2 Not Handled
19.3.1 S2-2407773 P-CR Approval 23.700-70: Key Issue #4, Conclusions Lenovo Rel-19 FS_XRM_Ph2 Not Handled
19.3.1 S2-2408061 P-CR Approval 23.700-70: Conclusion for Key Issue #4_ QoS mapping for multiplexed media flows. Samsung Rel-19 FS_XRM_Ph2 Not Handled
19.3.1 S2-2408373 P-CR Approval 23.700-70: KI#4 - Conclusion update for mixed traffic handling Huawei, HiSilicon, Nokia Rel-19 FS_XRM_Ph2 Revised in parallel session to S2-2408809.
19.3.1 S2-2408809 P-CR Approval 23.700-70: KI#4 - Conclusion update for mixed traffic handling Huawei, HiSilicon, Nokia Rel-19 FS_XRM_Ph2 NOTE before step 4 is deleted.
Revision of S2-2408373. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409426.
19.3.1 S2-2409426 P-CR Approval 23.700-70: KI#4 - Conclusion update for mixed traffic handling Huawei, HiSilicon, Nokia Rel-19 FS_XRM_Ph2 Revision of S2-2408809. Agreed in parallel session
19.3.1 S2-2408312 P-CR Approval 23.700-70: Key Issue #4 Conclusion update. Tencent, Tencent Cloud Rel-19 FS_XRM_Ph2 Not Handled
19.3.1 S2-2408421 P-CR Approval 23.700-70: KI#4, conclusion update OPPO Rel-19 FS_XRM_Ph2 Not Handled
19.3.1 S2-2408412 P-CR Approval 23.700-70: Resolving the Editor's Note for KI#4 NTT DOCOMO Rel-19 FS_XRM_Ph2 Not Handled
19.3.1 S2-2408414 P-CR Approval 23.700-70: Conclusions update for KI#4 NTT DOCOMO Rel-19 FS_XRM_Ph2 Not Handled
19.3.1 S2-2408416 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] LS on UE not supporting additional packet filters NTT DOCOMO Rel-19 Not Handled
19.3.1 S2-2408105 P-CR Approval 23.700-70: Update the Conclusion for KI#4 . CATT Rel-19 FS_XRM_Ph2 Not Handled
19.3.1 - - - KI#5 - QoS Handling when Traffic Characteristics Change Dynamically - - - Docs:=11
19.3.1 S2-2407774 P-CR Approval 23.700-70: Key Issue #5 Conclusion Update for data boosting. Tencent, Tencent Cloud, Lenovo, Huawei, Hisilicon, Meta USA, Intel, InterDigital Inc., Xiaomi, Samsung, China Mobile Rel-19 FS_XRM_Ph2 Revision of (postponed) S2-2407178 from SA2#163. Revised in parallel session to S2-2408810.
19.3.1 S2-2408810 P-CR Approval 23.700-70: Key Issue #5 Conclusion Update for data boosting. Tencent, Tencent Cloud, Lenovo, Huawei, Hisilicon, Meta USA, Intel, InterDigital Inc., Xiaomi, Samsung, China Mobile Rel-19 FS_XRM_Ph2 Revision of S2-2407774. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409122.
19.3.1 S2-2409122 P-CR Approval 23.700-70: Key Issue #5 Conclusion Update for data boosting. Tencent, Tencent Cloud, Lenovo, Huawei, Hisilicon, Meta USA, Intel, InterDigital Inc., Xiaomi, Samsung, China Mobile Rel-19 FS_XRM_Ph2 Revision of S2-2408810. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409427.
19.3.1 S2-2409427 P-CR Approval 23.700-70: Key Issue #5 Conclusion Update for data boosting. Tencent, Tencent Cloud, Lenovo, Huawei, Hisilicon, Meta USA, Intel, InterDigital Inc., Xiaomi, Samsung, China Mobile Rel-19 FS_XRM_Ph2 Revision of S2-2409122. Agreed in parallel session
19.3.1 S2-2407791 P-CR Approval 23.700-70: KI#5: Conclusions on Data Burst Transmission Enhancement China Telecom Rel-19 FS_XRM_Ph2 Not Handled
19.3.1 S2-2408081 P-CR Approval 23.700-70: Solution #16 update and conclusion for Key Issue #5(data boosting). Samsung Rel-19 FS_XRM_Ph2 Not Handled
19.3.1 S2-2408507 P-CR Approval 23.700-70: Updated Conclusions for KI#5 to include TTNB Nokia Rel-19 FS_XRM_Ph2 Revised in parallel session to S2-2408811.
19.3.1 S2-2408811 P-CR Approval 23.700-70: Updated Conclusions for KI#5 to include TTNB Nokia Rel-19 FS_XRM_Ph2 Revision of S2-2408507. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409123.
19.3.1 S2-2409123 P-CR Approval 23.700-70: Updated Conclusions for KI#5 to include TTNB Nokia Rel-19 FS_XRM_Ph2 Revision of S2-2408811. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409428.
19.3.1 S2-2409428 P-CR Approval 23.700-70: Updated Conclusions for KI#5 to include TTNB Nokia Rel-19 FS_XRM_Ph2 Revision of S2-2409123. Revised to S2-2409548.
19.3.1 S2-2409548 P-CR Approval 23.700-70: Updated Conclusions for KI#5 to include TTNB Nokia Rel-19 FS_XRM_Ph2 Revision of S2-2409428. This P-CR was approved
19.3.1 - - - KI#9 - Enhancement for XR related network information exposure - - - Docs:=9
19.3.1 S2-2407884 P-CR Approval 23.700-70: KI#9, interim agreement, rate limitation exposure . Meta USA, Tencent, Vivo, CATT Rel-19 FS_XRM_Ph2 Revision of (revised and postponed) S2-2406961 from SA2#163. Revised in parallel session to S2-2408816.
19.3.1 S2-2408816 P-CR Approval 23.700-70: KI#9, interim agreement, rate limitation exposure . Meta USA, Tencent, Vivo, CATT Rel-19 FS_XRM_Ph2 Revision of S2-2407884. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409124.
19.3.1 S2-2409124 P-CR Approval 23.700-70: KI#9, interim agreement, rate limitation exposure . Meta USA, Tencent, Vivo, CATT Rel-19 FS_XRM_Ph2 Revision of S2-2408816. Agreed in parallel session
19.3.1 S2-2408086 P-CR Approval 23.700-70: Update of conclusion on KI#9 Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 FS_XRM_Ph2 Not Handled
19.3.1 S2-2408107 P-CR Approval 23.700-70: Update the Conclusion for KI#9 . CATT Rel-19 FS_XRM_Ph2 Revised in parallel session to S2-2408817.
19.3.1 S2-2408817 P-CR Approval 23.700-70: Update the Conclusion for KI#9 . CATT Rel-19 FS_XRM_Ph2 Revision of S2-2408107. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409125.
19.3.1 S2-2409125 P-CR Approval 23.700-70: Update the Conclusion for KI#9 . CATT Rel-19 FS_XRM_Ph2 Revision of S2-2408817. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409429.
19.3.1 S2-2409429 P-CR Approval 23.700-70: Update the Conclusion for KI#9 . CATT Rel-19 FS_XRM_Ph2 Revision of S2-2409125. Agreed in parallel session
19.3.1 S2-2408505 P-CR Approval 23.700-70: Available Data rate definition for KI#9 Conclusion Nokia Rel-19 FS_XRM_Ph2 Not Handled
19.3.1 - - - KI#6, KI#7 - L4S and PDU Set for N3GPP Access - - - Docs:=1
19.3.1 S2-2408506 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] LS on FS_XRM_Ph2: L4S and PDU Set support in non-3GPP access Nokia Rel-19 FS_XRM_Ph2 Postponed in parallel session
19.3.2 - - - Extended Reality and Media service (XRM) Phase 2 (XRM_Ph2) - - Dario Docs:=62
19.3.2 - - - Multimodality awareness at RAN - - - Docs:=16
19.3.2 S2-2407407 LS In Action LS from RAN WG2: LS on multi-modality awareness at RAN RAN WG2 (R2-2405782) Rel-19 NR_XR_Ph3-Core Revision of postponed S2-2406853 from S2#163. Responses drafted in S2-2407506, S2-2407613, S2-2407789, S2-2408065, S2-2408085, S2-2408095, S2-2408420. For e-mail approval. Final response in S2-2409444
Replied to
19.3.2 S2-2407506 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] Reply LS on multi-modality awareness at RAN Qualcomm Rel-19 FS_XRM_Ph2, NR_XR_Ph3-Core Response to S2-2407407 Not Handled
19.3.2 S2-2407613 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] Reply LS on multi-modality awareness at RAN Intel Rel-19 NR_XR_Ph3-Core, XRM_Ph2 Response to S2-2407407 Not Handled
19.3.2 S2-2407789 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] Reply LS on multi-modality awareness at RAN China Telecom Rel-19 FS_XRM_Ph2 Response to S2-2407407 Not Handled
19.3.2 S2-2408065 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] Reply LS on multi-modality awareness at RAN LG Electronics Rel-19 FS_XRM_Ph2 Response to S2-2407407 Not Handled
19.3.2 S2-2407507 DISCUSSION Agreement Analysis of RAN WG2 LS on Multi-Modality at RAN and Way Forward. Qualcomm Incorporated Rel-19 FS_XRM_Ph2, NR_XR_Ph3-Core Not Handled
19.3.2 S2-2408345 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] Reply LS on multi-modality awareness at RAN Tencent, Tencent Cloud Rel-19 Response to S2-2407404 Not Handled
19.3.2 S2-2407788 DISCUSSION Information A review of Rel-18 study on multi-modal services to help reply the LS China Telecom Rel-19 FS_XRM_Ph2 Not Handled
19.3.2 S2-2408085 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] LS reply on multi-modality awareness at RAN Huawei, Hisilicon, Meta USA, China Mobile, CATT, ZTE Rel-19 NR_XR_Ph3-Core, FS_XRM_Ph2 Response to S2-2407407. Revised in parallel session to S2-2408818.
19.3.2 S2-2408818 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] LS reply on multi-modality awareness at RAN Huawei, Hisilicon, Meta USA, China Mobile, CATT, ZTE Rel-19 NR_XR_Ph3-Core, FS_XRM_Ph2 Revision of S2-2408085. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409169.
19.3.2 S2-2409169 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] LS reply on multi-modality awareness at RAN Huawei, Hisilicon, Meta USA, China Mobile, CATT, ZTE Rel-19 NR_XR_Ph3-Core, FS_XRM_Ph2 Revision of S2-2408818. For e-mail approval. r06 agreed. Revised to S2-2409444.
19.3.2 S2-2409444 LS OUT Approval LS reply on multi-modality awareness at RAN SA WG2 Rel-19 NR_XR_Ph3-Core, FS_XRM_Ph2 Revision of S2-2409169r06. This LS OUT was e-mail approved
19.3.2 S2-2408092 DISCUSSION Discussion To support multi-modality awareness at RAN. Samsung Rel-19 FS_XRM_Ph2 Not Handled
19.3.2 S2-2408095 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] Reply LS on multi-modality awareness at RAN SAMSUNG Rel-19 FS_XRM_Ph2 Response to S2-2407407 Not Handled
19.3.2 S2-2408420 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] Reply LS on multi-modallity awareness at RAN OPPO Rel-19 FS_XRM_Ph2 S2-2407407 Not Handled
19.3.2 S2-2408419 DISCUSSION Information Discussion on the support of multi-modality awareness at RAN OPPO Rel-19 FS_XRM_Ph2 Not Handled
19.3.2 - - - KI#3 - Leveraging PDU Set QoS information for DSCP marking over N3/N9 in the transport network - - - Docs:=4
19.3.2 S2-2407483 CR Approval 23.501 CR5407 (Rel-19, 'B'): Leveraging PDU Set QoS information for DSCP marking over N3/N9 in the transport network Intel, InterDigital Inc, China Telecom, Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell, Tencent Rel-19 XRM_Ph2 Revised in parallel session to S2-2408819, merging S2-2408453
19.3.2 S2-2408819 CR Approval 23.501 CR5407R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): Leveraging PDU Set QoS information for DSCP marking over N3/N9 in the transport network Intel, InterDigital Inc, China Telecom, Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell, Tencent Rel-19 XRM_Ph2 Revision of S2-2407483, merging S2-2408453. Postponed
19.3.2 S2-2408453 CR Approval 23.501 CR5582 (Rel-19, 'B'): KI#3_PSI based DSCP marking Xiaomi Rel-19 XRM_Ph2 Merged into S2-2408819
19.3.2 S2-2408454 CR Approval 23.502 CR4965 (Rel-19, 'B'): KI#3_PSI based DSCP marking Xiaomi Rel-19 XRM_Ph2 Not Handled
19.3.2 - - - KI#5 - QoS Handling when Traffic Characteristics Change Dynamically - - - Docs:=19
19.3.2 S2-2407684 CR Approval 23.503 CR1324 (Rel-19, 'B'): KI#5, Support of burst size Vivo Rel-19 XRM_Ph2 Revised in parallel session to S2-2408822.
19.3.2 S2-2408822 CR Approval 23.503 CR1324R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): KI#5, Support of burst size Vivo Rel-19 XRM_Ph2 Revision of S2-2407684. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409170.
19.3.2 S2-2409170 CR Approval 23.503 CR1324R2 (Rel-19, 'B'): KI#5, Support of burst size Vivo Rel-19 XRM_Ph2 Revision of S2-2408822. Postponed
19.3.2 S2-2407685 CR Approval 23.501 CR5439 (Rel-19, 'B'): KI#5, Support of burst size Vivo Rel-19 XRM_Ph2 Not Handled
19.3.2 S2-2408449 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] LS on Burst Size Provision Xiaomi Rel-19 XRM_Ph2 Noted in parallel session
19.3.2 S2-2408450 CR Approval 23.501 CR5581 (Rel-19, 'B'): KI5_Provision of the DL traffic characteristics information changed dynamically Xiaomi Rel-19 XRM_Ph2 Not Handled
19.3.2 S2-2408451 CR Approval 23.503 CR1359 (Rel-19, 'B'): KI5_Provision of the DL traffic characteristics information changed dynamically Xiaomi Rel-19 XRM_Ph2 Not Handled
19.3.2 S2-2408452 CR Approval 23.502 CR4964 (Rel-19, 'B'): KI5_Provision of the DL traffic characteristics information changed dynamically Xiaomi Rel-19 XRM_Ph2 Revised in parallel session to S2-2408821.
19.3.2 S2-2408821 CR Approval 23.502 CR4964R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): KI5_Provision of the DL traffic characteristics information changed dynamically Xiaomi Rel-19 XRM_Ph2 Revision of S2-2408452. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409172.
19.3.2 S2-2409172 CR Approval 23.502 CR4964R2 (Rel-19, 'B'): KI5_Provision of the DL traffic characteristics information changed dynamically Xiaomi Rel-19 XRM_Ph2 Revision of S2-2408821. Postponed
19.3.2 S2-2408508 CR Approval 23.501 CR5595 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of Data Burst Size provisioning to NG-RAN Nokia Rel-19 XRM_Ph2 Revised in parallel session to S2-2408820.
19.3.2 S2-2408820 CR Approval 23.501 CR5595R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of Data Burst Size provisioning to NG-RAN Nokia Rel-19 XRM_Ph2 Revision of S2-2408508. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409171.
19.3.2 S2-2409171 CR Approval 23.501 CR5595R2 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of Data Burst Size provisioning to NG-RAN Nokia Rel-19 XRM_Ph2 Revision of S2-2408820. Postponed
19.3.2 S2-2408509 CR Approval 23.502 CR4975 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of Data Burst Size provisioning to NG-RAN Nokia Rel-19 XRM_Ph2 Not Handled
19.3.2 S2-2408510 CR Approval 23.503 CR1361 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of Data Burst Size provisioning to NG-RAN Nokia Rel-19 XRM_Ph2 Not Handled
19.3.2 S2-2408087 CR Approval 23.501 CR5519 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of Burst Size detection and marking Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 XRM_Ph2 Not Handled
19.3.2 S2-2408088 CR Approval 23.502 CR4926 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of Burst Size Detection and Marking Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 XRM_Ph2 Not Handled
19.3.2 S2-2408089 CR Approval 23.503 CR1349 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of Burst Size Detection and Marking Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 XRM_Ph2 Not Handled
19.3.2 S2-2407702 CR Approval 23.501 CR5444 (Rel-19, 'B'): Enhancements on provision of dynamic change in traffic characteristics China Mobile Rel-19 XRM Not Handled
19.3.2 - - - KI#6 - L4S for non-3GPP access - - - Docs:=10
19.3.2 S2-2407563 CR Approval 23.501 CR5422 (Rel-19, 'B'): XRM_Ph2 KI#6 L4S support in non-3GPP access Charter Communications, CableLabs, Tencent, Tencent Cloud, Nokia, Samsung Rel-19 XRM_Ph2 Revised in parallel session to S2-2408824.
19.3.2 S2-2408824 CR Approval 23.501 CR5422R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): XRM_Ph2 KI#6 L4S support in non-3GPP access Charter Communications, CableLabs, Tencent, Tencent Cloud, Nokia, Samsung Rel-19 XRM_Ph2 Revision of S2-2407563. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409165.
19.3.2 S2-2409165 CR Approval 23.501 CR5422R2 (Rel-19, 'B'): XRM_Ph2 KI#6 L4S support in non-3GPP access Charter Communications, CableLabs, Tencent, Tencent Cloud, Nokia, Samsung Rel-19 XRM_Ph2 Revision of S2-2408824. Postponed
19.3.2 S2-2407564 CR Approval 23.502 CR4843 (Rel-19, 'B'): XRM_Ph2 KI#6 L4S support in non-3GPP access Charter Communications, CableLabs, Tencent, Tencent Cloud, Nokia, Samsung Rel-19 XRM_Ph2 Not Handled
19.3.2 S2-2407565 CR Approval 23.316 CR2129 (Rel-19, 'B'): XRM_Ph2 KI#6 L4S support in wireline access Charter Communications, CableLabs, Tencent, Tencent Cloud, Nokia, Samsung Rel-19 XRM_Ph2 Revised in parallel session to S2-2408823.
19.3.2 S2-2408823 CR Approval 23.316 CR2129R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): XRM_Ph2 KI#6 L4S support in wireline access Charter Communications, CableLabs, Tencent, Tencent Cloud, Nokia, Samsung Rel-19 XRM_Ph2 Revision of S2-2407565. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409166.
19.3.2 S2-2409166 CR Approval 23.316 CR2129R2 (Rel-19, 'B'): XRM_Ph2 KI#6 L4S support in wireline access Charter Communications, CableLabs, Tencent, Tencent Cloud, Nokia, Samsung Rel-19 XRM_Ph2 Revision of S2-2408823. Postponed
19.3.2 S2-2408475 CR Approval 23.503 CR1360 (Rel-19, 'B'): XRM_Ph2 KI#6 L4S support in non-3GPP access Charter Communications, CableLabs Rel-19 XRM_Ph2 Not Handled
19.3.2 S2-2407686 CR Approval 23.501 CR5440 (Rel-19, 'B'): KI#6, Support of ECN marking for 5G RG Vivo Rel-19 XRM_Ph2 Not Handled
19.3.2 S2-2407687 CR Approval 23.316 CR2130 (Rel-19, 'B'): KI#6, Support of ECN marking for 5G RG Vivo Rel-19 XRM_Ph2 Confirm Spec version used - CR states 19.0.0! Not Handled
19.3.2 - - - KI#7 - PDU Set for non-3GPP access - - - Docs:=8
19.3.2 S2-2408586 CR Approval 23.316 CR2135 (Rel-19, 'B'): PDU Set handling in wireline access CableLabs, Charter Communications, Tencent, Tencent Cloud, InterDigital Inc., Lenovo, Nokia Rel-19 XRM_Ph2 Revised in parallel session to S2-2408825.
19.3.2 S2-2408825 CR Approval 23.316 CR2135R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): PDU Set handling in wireline access CableLabs, Charter Communications, Tencent, Tencent Cloud, InterDigital Inc., Lenovo, Nokia Rel-19 XRM_Ph2 Revision of S2-2408586. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409167.
19.3.2 S2-2409167 CR Approval 23.316 CR2135R2 (Rel-19, 'B'): PDU Set handling in wireline access CableLabs, Charter Communications, Tencent, Tencent Cloud, InterDigital Inc., Lenovo, Nokia Rel-19 XRM_Ph2 Revision of S2-2408825. Postponed
19.3.2 S2-2408587 CR Approval 23.501 CR5608 (Rel-19, 'B'): PDU Set handling in non-3GPP accesses CableLabs, Charter Communications, Tencent, Tencent Cloud, InterDigital Inc., Lenovo, Nokia Rel-19 XRM_Ph2 Revised in parallel session to S2-2408826.
19.3.2 S2-2408826 CR Approval 23.501 CR5608R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): PDU Set handling in non-3GPP accesses CableLabs, Charter Communications, Tencent, Tencent Cloud, InterDigital Inc., Lenovo, Nokia Rel-19 XRM_Ph2 Revision of S2-2408587. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409168.
19.3.2 S2-2409168 CR Approval 23.501 CR5608R2 (Rel-19, 'B'): PDU Set handling in non-3GPP accesses CableLabs, Charter Communications, Tencent, Tencent Cloud, InterDigital Inc., Lenovo, Nokia Rel-19 XRM_Ph2 Revision of S2-2408826. Postponed
19.3.2 S2-2408588 CR Approval 23.502 CR4989 (Rel-19, 'B'): PDU Set handling in non-3GPP accesses CableLabs, Charter Communications, Tencent, Tencent Cloud, InterDigital Inc., Lenovo, Nokia Rel-19 XRM_Ph2 Not Handled
19.3.2 S2-2408589 CR Approval 23.503 CR1364 (Rel-19, 'B'): PDU Set handling in non-3GPP accesses CableLabs, Charter Communications, Tencent, Tencent Cloud, Interdigital Inc., Lenovo, Nokia Rel-19 XRM_Ph2 Not Handled
19.3.2 - - - KI#4 - Traffic detection and QoS flow mapping for multiplexed data flows - - - Docs:=3
19.3.2 S2-2408104 CR Approval 23.502 CR4927 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support multiplexing media traffic with additional Packet Filter CATT Rel-19 XRM_Ph2 Not Handled
Baseline for 23.502
19.3.2 S2-2408640 CR Approval 23.501 CR5612 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support differentiated QoS handling for multiplexed media flows Nokia Rel-19 XRM_Ph2 Not Handled
Baseline for 23.501
19.3.2 S2-2408102 CR Approval 23.501 CR5523 (Rel-19, 'B'): Add additional Packet Filters for multiplexed media flows CATT Rel-19 XRM_Ph2 Not Handled
19.3.2 - - - KI#1 - PDU set based QoS handling enhancement - - - Docs:=1
19.3.2 S2-2408103 CR Approval 23.501 CR5524 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support Alternative QoS profile with PDU Set QoS and Notification Control CATT Rel-19 XRM_Ph2 Not Handled
19.3.2 - - - KI#9 - Enhancement for network information exposure - - - Docs:=1
19.3.2 S2-2408108 CR Approval 23.501 CR5525 (Rel-19, 'B'): The available UL and/or DL Data Rate exposure to AF CATT, Lenovo Rel-19 XRM_Ph2 Not Handled
19.4.1 - - - Feasibility Study on 5GS Enhancement for Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving (FS_EnergySys) - - Wanqiang Docs:=67
19.4.1 - - - Solution on collection and calculation of Energy information - - - Docs:=9
19.4.1 S2-2407758 DRAFTCR Information Energy Consumption calculation and exposure of per UE granularity China Mobile, SK Telecom, Rakuten, China Unicom, NEC, ETRI, Tencent, Interdigital Rel-19 FS_EnergySys Revised in parallel session to S2-2408768.
Baseline. Merge S2-2407937, S2-2408358, S2-8531
19.4.1 S2-2408768 DRAFTCR Information Energy Consumption calculation and exposure of per UE granularity China Mobile, SK Telecom, Rakuten, China Unicom, NEC, ETRI, Tencent, Interdigital Rel-19 FS_EnergySys Revision of S2-2407758. Revised in parallel session to S2-2408985.
19.4.1 S2-2408985 DRAFTCR Information Energy Consumption calculation and exposure of per UE granularity China Mobile, SK Telecom, Rakuten, China Unicom, NEC, ETRI, Tencent, Interdigital Rel-19 FS_EnergySys Revision of S2-2408768. Noted in parallel session
19.4.1 S2-2407937 P-CR Information 23.700-66: KI#1, 23.502 draft CR for EC collection and calculation procedure for a UE ZTE Rel-19 FS_EnergySys Not Handled
Merge to S2-2407758
19.4.1 S2-2408358 DRAFTCR Agreement Energy saving and efficency support Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 FS_EnergySys Not Handled
Merge to S2-2407758
19.4.1 S2-2408531 DRAFTCR Approval KI#1: Network energy related information exposure Samsung Rel-19 FS_EnergySys Not Handled
Merge to S2-2407758
19.4.1 S2-2408122 DISCUSSION Discussion Possible formulas for energy consumption estimation per UE, session, QoS flow . Nokia, Deutsche Telekom, Qualcomm. Rel-19 Not Handled
19.4.1 S2-2408291 P-CR Endorsement 23.700-66: Energy Consumption estimation per specific UE / QoS flow using input from OAM and CHF Lenovo Rel-19 FS_EnergySys Not Handled
19.4.1 S2-2408357 DRAFTCR Agreement Reference architecture for supporting energy savinf and efficiency Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 FS_EnergySys Not Handled
19.4.1 - - - Way forward - - - Docs:=7
19.4.1 S2-2408360 REPORT Information Report of NWM discussion on SA WG2/SA WG5 Work Split for R19 EnergySys Samsung Electronics France SA Rel-19 FS_EnergySys Not Handled
19.4.1 S2-2407757 DISCUSSION Approval Way forward for EnergySys Study Item in Rel-19 China Mobile, NEC, SK Telecom, Rakuten, vivo Rel-19 Not Handled
Use as baseline and revise to include the comparison of solutions
19.4.1 S2-2407615 DISCUSSION Approval Discussion on Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving CATT Rel-19 FS_EnergySys Not Handled
19.4.1 S2-2407887 DISCUSSION Discussion Analysis of SA WG2-SA WG5 work split for energy consumption QUALCOMM JAPAN LLC. Rel-19 FS_EnergySys Not Handled
19.4.1 S2-2407936 DISCUSSION Discussion Discussion on the EC collection and calculation between SA WG2 and SA WG5 ZTE Rel-19 FS_EnergySys Not Handled
19.4.1 S2-2408348 DISCUSSION Endorsement Way forward on EnergySys vivo Rel-19 FS_EnergySys Not Handled
19.4.1 S2-2408352 DISCUSSION Agreement Discussion on the distribution of responsibility between SA WG2 and SA WG5 Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 FS_EnergySys Not Handled
19.4.1 - - - Conclusion Updates - - - Docs:=28
19.4.1 S2-2407464 P-CR Approval 23.700-66: KI#1: Conclusion update. Samsung, SK Telecom Rel-19 FS_EnergySys Not Handled
Merge to S2-2407694
19.4.1 S2-2407616 P-CR Approval 23.700-66: Conclusions for KI#1 CATT Rel-19 FS_EnergySys Not Handled
Merge to S2-2407694
19.4.1 S2-2407694 P-CR Approval 23.700-66: TR 23.700-66 KI#1 Conclusion update based on the way forward proposal. China Mobile Rel-19 FS_EnergySys Revised in parallel session to S2-2408770.
To be handled as baseline
19.4.1 S2-2408770 P-CR Approval 23.700-66: TR 23.700-66 KI#1 Conclusion update based on the way forward proposal. China Mobile Rel-19 FS_EnergySys Revision of S2-2407694. Revised in parallel session to S2-2408988.
19.4.1 S2-2408988 P-CR Approval 23.700-66: TR 23.700-66 KI#1 Conclusion update based on the way forward proposal. China Mobile Rel-19 FS_EnergySys Revision of S2-2408770. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409296.
19.4.1 S2-2409296 P-CR Approval 23.700-66: TR 23.700-66 KI#1 Conclusion update based on the way forward proposal. China Mobile Rel-19 FS_EnergySys For plenary decision
Revision of S2-2408988. Approved subject to confirmation of the working agreement
19.4.1 S2-2407888 P-CR Approval 23.700-66: 23.700-66: Update the Conclusion for KI#1. Qualcomm Incorporated, Ericsson Rel-19 FS_EnergySys Merged into S2-2408771
Merge to S2-2407694
19.4.1 S2-2407938 P-CR Approval 23.700-66: KI#1, update the conclusion ZTE Rel-19 FS_EnergySys Not Handled
Merge to S2-2407694
19.4.1 S2-2408153 P-CR Approval 23.700-66: TR 23.700-66 revised conclusions. Nokia Rel-19 FS_EnergySys Revised in parallel session to S2-2408771, merging S2-2407888
Merge to S2-2407694
19.4.1 S2-2408771 P-CR Approval 23.700-66: TR 23.700-66 revised conclusions. Nokia Rel-19 FS_EnergySys Revision of S2-2408153, merging S2-2407888. Revised in parallel session to S2-2408987.
19.4.1 S2-2408987 P-CR Approval 23.700-66: TR 23.700-66 revised conclusions. Nokia Rel-19 FS_EnergySys Revision of S2-2408771. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409297.
19.4.1 S2-2409297 P-CR Approval 23.700-66: TR 23.700-66 revised conclusions. Nokia Rel-19 FS_EnergySys For plenary decision
Revision of S2-2408987. Noted
19.4.1 S2-2408347 P-CR Approval 23.700-66: Conclusions update for KI#1. Vivo Rel-19 FS_EnergySys Not Handled
Merge to S2-2407694
19.4.1 S2-2408353 P-CR Approval 23.700-66: KI#1: Conclusion update Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 FS_EnergySys Not Handled
Merge to S2-2407694
19.4.1 S2-2407465 P-CR Approval 23.700-66: KI#2: Conclusion update. Samsung Rel-19 FS_EnergySys Revised in parallel session to S2-2408772.
To be handled as baseline
19.4.1 S2-2408772 P-CR Approval 23.700-66: KI#2: Conclusion update. Samsung Rel-19 FS_EnergySys Revision of S2-2407465. Noted in parallel session
19.4.1 S2-2407617 P-CR Approval 23.700-66: Conclusions for KI#2 CATT Rel-19 FS_EnergySys Not Handled
Merge to S2-2407465
19.4.1 S2-2407939 P-CR Approval 23.700-66: KI#2, update the conclusion ZTE Rel-19 FS_EnergySys Not Handled
Merge to S2-2407465
19.4.1 S2-2408349 P-CR Approval 23.700-66: Conclusions update for KI#2. Vivo Rel-19 FS_EnergySys Not Handled
Merge to S2-2407465
19.4.1 S2-2408354 P-CR Approval 23.700-66: KI#2: Conclusion update Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 FS_EnergySys Not Handled
Merge to S2-2407465
19.4.1 S2-2407466 P-CR Approval 23.700-66: KI#3: Conclusion update. Samsung, SK Telecom Rel-19 FS_EnergySys Not Handled
Merge to S2-2408355
19.4.1 S2-2407618 P-CR Approval 23.700-66: Conclusions for KI#3 CATT Rel-19 FS_EnergySys Not Handled
Merge to S2-2408355
19.4.1 S2-2407940 P-CR Approval 23.700-66: KI#3, update the conclusion ZTE Rel-19 FS_EnergySys Not Handled
Merge to S2-2408355
19.4.1 S2-2408121 P-CR Approval 23.700-66: KI#3, Conclusion for NWDAF-Based Energy Analytics. KDDI, TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION Rel-19 FS_EnergySys Revision of (unhandled) S2-2406087 from SA2#163 Not Handled
Merge to S2-2408355
19.4.1 S2-2408322 P-CR Approval 23.700-66: Update to the conclusion of 8.3 MediaTek Inc. Rel-19 FS_EnergySys Not Handled
Merge to S2-2408355
19.4.1 S2-2408355 P-CR Approval 23.700-66: KI#3: Conclusion update Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 FS_EnergySys Revised in parallel session to S2-2408773.
To be handled as baseline
19.4.1 S2-2408773 P-CR Approval 23.700-66: KI#3: Conclusion update Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 FS_EnergySys Revision of S2-2408355. Revised in parallel session to S2-2408989.
19.4.1 S2-2408989 P-CR Approval 23.700-66: KI#3: Conclusion update Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 FS_EnergySys Revision of S2-2408773. Noted in parallel session
19.4.1 - - - Solutions on other aspects - - - Docs:=16
19.4.1 S2-2408156 DRAFTCR Information Introduction of the Energy information exposure from NEF Nokia Rel-19 DUMMY Revised in parallel session to S2-2408769.
EC exposure/23.502
19.4.1 S2-2408769 DRAFTCR Information Introduction of the Energy information exposure from NEF Nokia Rel-19 DUMMY Revision of S2-2408156. Revised in parallel session to S2-2408986.
19.4.1 S2-2408986 DRAFTCR Information Introduction of the Energy information exposure from NEF Nokia Rel-19 DUMMY Revision of S2-2408769. Noted in parallel session
19.4.1 S2-2407775 DRAFTCR Approval KI#2&3: Subscription and policy control to support network energy saving Samsung Rel-19 FS_EnergySys Not Handled
Subscription and policy/ 23.501
19.4.1 S2-2408162 DRAFTCR Information Introduction of the Energy Behaviour Assistance Information Nokia Rel-19 DUMMY Not Handled
Subscription and policy/ 23.502
19.4.1 S2-2408321 DRAFTCR Agreement The input data for policy decision in PCF based on the energy related information MediaTek Inc. Rel-19 FS_EnergySys Not Handled
Subscription and policy/23.503
19.4.1 S2-2407777 DRAFTCR Approval KI#3: Energy related information based NF selection and discovery Samsung, SK Telecom Rel-19 FS_EnergySys Not Handled
NF selection/23.501
19.4.1 S2-2408159 DRAFTCR Information Introduction of Energy-related features clause. Nokia Rel-19 DUMMY Not Handled
NF selection, etc./23.501
19.4.1 S2-2408160 DRAFTCR Information Enhancements to introduce Energy-related criteria for NF selection. Nokia Rel-19 DUMMY Not Handled
NF selection/23.502
19.4.1 S2-2408243 DRAFTCR Approval Extend NF profile with energy info Vivo Rel-19 FS_EnergySys Not Handled
NF selection/23.501
19.4.1 S2-2407779 DRAFTCR Approval KI#3: Support of Network Slice considering with network energy saving Samsung Rel-19 FS_EnergySys Not Handled
NS control/23.501
19.4.1 S2-2408359 DRAFTCR Agreement Energy Consumption aware slice admission control Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 FS_EnergySys Not Handled
NS control/23.501
19.4.1 S2-2408439 DRAFTCR Agreement KI#3: Enhancement for AF influence on traffic routing with Energy related analytics KDDI, TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION Rel-19 FS_EnergySys Not Handled
AF influence, Analytics/23.501
19.4.1 S2-2408592 DRAFTCR Approval Session management based on energy consumption information Samsung Rel-19 FS_EnergySys Not Handled
Session control/23.501
19.4.1 S2-2408595 DRAFTCR Approval Session management based on energy consumption information Samsung Rel-19 FS_EnergySys Not Handled
Session control/23.502
19.4.1 S2-2408491 P-CR Approval 23.700-66: KI#3: Updates to Solution #14 UE energy usage control. NEC Rel-19 FS_EnergySys Revision of (unhandled) S2-2406290 from SA2#163 Not Handled
TR solution update. Energy usage control
19.4.1 - - - LS In/Out - - - Docs:=6
19.4.1 S2-2408579 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] LS reply on RP-240825 per UE energy consumption in RAN China Mobile Rel-19 Response to S2-2405847 (LS from TSGRAN, noted at SA2#163). Revised in parallel session to S2-2408990.
Handle (related to conclusion of KI#1)
19.4.1 S2-2408990 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] LS reply on RP-240825 per UE energy consumption in RAN China Mobile Rel-19 - Revision of S2-2408579. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409298.
19.4.1 S2-2409298 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] LS reply on RP-240825 per UE energy consumption in RAN China Mobile Rel-19 - Revision of S2-2408990. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409337.
19.4.1 S2-2409337 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] LS reply on RP-240825 per UE energy consumption in RAN China Mobile Rel-19 - Revision of S2-2409298. For e-mail approval. Noted
19.4.1 S2-2407434 LS In Action LS from SA WG5: LS on Updated terminology for energy savings states SA WG5 (S5-243431) Response drafted in S2-2407786. Postponed in parallel session
19.4.1 S2-2407786 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] Reply LS on Updated terminology for energy savings states CATT Rel-19 FS_EnergySys Response to S2-2407434. Postponed in parallel session
19.4.1 - - - Others - - - Docs:=1
19.4.1 S2-2408356 P-CR Approval 23.700-66: EC aware slice admission control Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 FS_EnergySys LATE DOC: Not received. WITHDRAWN
19.5.1 - - - Study on MPS for IMS Messaging and SMS services (FS_MPS4msg) - - Wanqiang Docs:=0
19.5.2 - - - MPS for IMS Messaging and SMS services (MPS4msg) - - Wanqiang Docs:=40
19.5.2 S2-2407982 CR Approval 23.501 CR5499 (Rel-19, 'B'): MPS support for Messaging Ericsson Rel-19 MPS4msg Revised in parallel session to S2-2408780, merging S2-2407994
Handle - use as baseline
19.5.2 S2-2408780 CR Approval 23.501 CR5499R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): MPS support for Messaging Ericsson Rel-19 MPS4msg Revision of S2-2407982, merging S2-2407994. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409061.
19.5.2 S2-2409061 CR Approval 23.501 CR5499R2 (Rel-19, 'B'): MPS support for Messaging Ericsson Rel-19 MPS4msg Revision of S2-2408780. Agreed in parallel session
19.5.2 S2-2407983 CR Approval 23.502 CR4912 (Rel-19, 'B'): AF triggered MPS for Messaging parameter provisioning Ericsson Rel-19 MPS4msg Revised in parallel session to S2-2408788.
19.5.2 S2-2408788 CR Approval 23.502 CR4912R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): AF triggered MPS for Messaging parameter provisioning Ericsson Rel-19 MPS4msg Revision of S2-2407983. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409062.
19.5.2 S2-2409062 CR Approval 23.502 CR4912R2 (Rel-19, 'B'): AF triggered MPS for Messaging parameter provisioning Ericsson Rel-19 MPS4msg Revision of S2-2408788. Agreed in parallel session
19.5.2 S2-2407984 CR Approval 23.502 CR4913 (Rel-19, 'B'): MPS support for MO and MT SMS over NAS procedures Ericsson Rel-19 MPS4msg Revised in parallel session to S2-2408781, merging S2-2407995
Handle - use as baseline
19.5.2 S2-2408781 CR Approval 23.502 CR4913R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): MPS support for MO and MT SMS over NAS procedures Ericsson Rel-19 MPS4msg Revision of S2-2407984, merging S2-2407995. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409063.
19.5.2 S2-2409063 CR Approval 23.502 CR4913R2 (Rel-19, 'B'): MPS support for MO and MT SMS over NAS procedures Ericsson Rel-19 MPS4msg Revision of S2-2408781. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409320.
19.5.2 S2-2409320 CR Approval 23.502 CR4913R3 (Rel-19, 'B'): MPS support for MO and MT SMS over NAS procedures Ericsson Rel-19 MPS4msg Revision of S2-2409063. Agreed in parallel session
19.5.2 S2-2407985 CR Approval 23.401 CR3797 (Rel-19, 'B'): MPS support for Messaging Ericsson Rel-19 MPS4msg Revised in parallel session to S2-2408782, merging S2-2407989
Handle - use as baseline
19.5.2 S2-2408782 CR Approval 23.401 CR3797R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): MPS support for Messaging Ericsson Rel-19 MPS4msg Revision of S2-2407985, merging S2-2407989. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409064.
19.5.2 S2-2409064 CR Approval 23.401 CR3797R2 (Rel-19, 'B'): MPS support for Messaging Ericsson Rel-19 MPS4msg Revision of S2-2408782. Agreed in parallel session
19.5.2 S2-2407986 CR Approval 23.682 CR0492 (Rel-19, 'B'): AS triggered MPS for Messaging parameter provisioning Ericsson Rel-19 MPS4msg Revised in parallel session to S2-2408789.
19.5.2 S2-2408789 CR Approval 23.682 CR0492R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): AS triggered MPS for Messaging parameter provisioning Ericsson Rel-19 MPS4msg Revision of S2-2407986. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409065.
19.5.2 S2-2409065 CR Approval 23.682 CR0492R2 (Rel-19, 'B'): AS triggered MPS for Messaging parameter provisioning Ericsson Rel-19 MPS4msg Revision of S2-2408789. Agreed in parallel session
19.5.2 S2-2407987 CR Approval 23.272 CR0975 (Rel-19, 'B'): MPS support for MO and MT SMS over NAS procedure Ericsson Rel-19 MPS4msg Revised in parallel session to S2-2408783.
Handle - use as baseline
19.5.2 S2-2408783 CR Approval 23.272 CR0975R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): MPS support for MO and MT SMS over NAS procedure Ericsson Rel-19 MPS4msg Revision of S2-2407987. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409067.
19.5.2 S2-2409067 CR Approval 23.272 CR0975R2 (Rel-19, 'B'): MPS support for MO and MT SMS over NAS procedure Ericsson Rel-19 MPS4msg Revision of S2-2408783. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409321.
19.5.2 S2-2409321 CR Approval 23.272 CR0975R3 (Rel-19, 'B'): MPS support for MO and MT SMS over NAS procedure Ericsson Rel-19 MPS4msg Revision of S2-2409067. Agreed in parallel session
19.5.2 S2-2407989 CR Approval 23.401 CR3798 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of MPS priority for Messaging Peraton Labs, CISA ECD, AT&T, T-Mobile USA Rel-19 MPS4msg Merged into S2-2408782
Merge with S2-2407985 and S2-2407987
19.5.2 S2-2407990 CR Approval 23.203 CR1139 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of MPS priority for Messaging Peraton Labs, CISA ECD, AT&T, T-Mobile USA Rel-19 MPS4msg Revised in parallel session to S2-2408784.
Handle - use as baseline
19.5.2 S2-2408784 CR Approval 23.203 CR1139R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of MPS priority for Messaging Peraton Labs, CISA ECD, AT&T, T-Mobile USA Rel-19 MPS4msg Revision of S2-2407990. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409066.
19.5.2 S2-2409066 CR Approval 23.203 CR1139R2 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of MPS priority for Messaging Peraton Labs, CISA ECD, AT&T, T-Mobile USA Rel-19 MPS4msg Revision of S2-2408784. Agreed in parallel session
19.5.2 S2-2407991 CR Approval 23.204 CR0120 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of MPS priority for SMS over IP Peraton Labs, CISA ECD, AT&T, T-Mobile USA Rel-19 MPS4msg Revised in parallel session to S2-2408785.
Handle - use as baseline
19.5.2 S2-2408785 CR Approval 23.204 CR0120R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of MPS priority for SMS over IP Peraton Labs, CISA ECD, AT&T, T-Mobile USA Rel-19 MPS4msg Revision of S2-2407991. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409068.
19.5.2 S2-2409068 CR Approval 23.204 CR0120R2 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of MPS priority for SMS over IP Peraton Labs, CISA ECD, AT&T, T-Mobile USA Rel-19 MPS4msg Revision of S2-2408785. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409322.
19.5.2 S2-2409322 CR Approval 23.204 CR0120R3 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of MPS priority for SMS over IP Peraton Labs, CISA ECD, AT&T, T-Mobile USA Rel-19 MPS4msg Revision of S2-2409068. Agreed in parallel session
19.5.2 S2-2407992 CR Approval 23.682 CR0493 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of MPS for Messaging enabling via SCEF Peraton Labs, CISA ECD, AT&T, T-Mobile USA Rel-19 MPS4msg Noted in parallel session
19.5.2 S2-2407993 CR Approval 23.228 CR1419 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of MPS priority for IMS Immediate Messaging and IMS Session-based Messaging Peraton Labs, CISA ECD, AT&T, T-Mobile USA Rel-19 MPS4msg Revised in parallel session to S2-2408786.
Handle - use as baseline
19.5.2 S2-2408786 CR Approval 23.228 CR1419R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of MPS priority for IMS Immediate Messaging and IMS Session-based Messaging Peraton Labs, CISA ECD, AT&T, T-Mobile USA Rel-19 MPS4msg Revision of S2-2407993. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409069.
19.5.2 S2-2409069 CR Approval 23.228 CR1419R2 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of MPS priority for IMS Immediate Messaging and IMS Session-based Messaging Peraton Labs, CISA ECD, AT&T, T-Mobile USA Rel-19 MPS4msg Revision of S2-2408786. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409323.
19.5.2 S2-2409323 CR Approval 23.228 CR1419R3 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of MPS priority for IMS Immediate Messaging and IMS Session-based Messaging Peraton Labs, CISA ECD, AT&T, T-Mobile USA Rel-19 MPS4msg Revision of S2-2409069. Agreed in parallel session
19.5.2 S2-2407994 CR Approval 23.501 CR5500 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of MPS priority for Messaging Peraton Labs, CISA ECD, AT&T, T-Mobile USA Rel-19 MPS4msg Merged into S2-2408780
Merge with S2-2407982
19.5.2 S2-2407995 CR Approval 23.502 CR4914 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of MPS priority for Messaging Peraton Labs, CISA ECD, AT&T, T-Mobile USA Rel-19 MPS4msg Merged into S2-2408781
Merge with S2-2407984
19.5.2 S2-2407996 CR Approval 23.502 CR4915 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of MPS priority for Messaging Overall activation/deactivation 5GS Peraton Labs, CISA ECD, AT&T, T-Mobile USA Rel-19 MPS4msg Noted in parallel session
19.5.2 S2-2407997 CR Approval 23.503 CR1343 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of MPS priority for Messaging Peraton Labs, CISA ECD, AT&T, T-Mobile USA Rel-19 MPS4msg Revised in parallel session to S2-2408787.
Handle - use as baseline
19.5.2 S2-2408787 CR Approval 23.503 CR1343R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of MPS priority for Messaging Peraton Labs, CISA ECD, AT&T, T-Mobile USA Rel-19 MPS4msg Revision of S2-2407997. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409070.
19.5.2 S2-2409070 CR Approval 23.503 CR1343R2 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of MPS priority for Messaging Peraton Labs, CISA ECD, AT&T, T-Mobile USA Rel-19 MPS4msg Revision of S2-2408787. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409324.
19.5.2 S2-2409324 CR Approval 23.503 CR1343R3 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of MPS priority for Messaging Peraton Labs, CISA ECD, AT&T, T-Mobile USA Rel-19 MPS4msg Revision of S2-2409070. Agreed in parallel session
19.6.1 - - - Study on Architecture Enhancements for Vehicle Mounted Relays Phase 2 (FS_VMR_Ph2) - - Andy Docs:=0
19.6.2 - - - Architecture Enhancements for Vehicle Mounted Relays Phase 2 (VMR_Ph2) - - Andy Docs:=62
19.6.2 - - - Misc: MOCN impacts - - - Docs:=1
19.6.2 S2-2408030 DISCUSSION Discussion Discussion on MOCN support by MWAB LG Electronics Rel-19 VMR_Ph2 It was agreed to take this proposal into account during discussions at this meeting and to return if necessary for further discussion of the topic at the next meeting. This was then noted in parallel session.
Noted in parallel session
19.6.2 - - - 23.501 terminology & definitions - - - Docs:=3
19.6.2 S2-2408100 CR Approval 23.501 CR5521 (Rel-19, 'B'): MWAB definitions and abbreviations Nokia Rel-19 VMR_Ph2 This was discussed and left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2408892.
Revised in parallel session, merging S2-2407979, S2-2408260, S2-2408651, to S2-2408892.
19.6.2 S2-2408892 CR Approval 23.501 CR5521R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): MWAB definitions and abbreviations Nokia Rel-19 VMR_Ph2 Nokia raised some further issues and this was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2409239.
Revision of S2-2408100, merging S2-2407979, S2-2408260, S2-2408651. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409239.
19.6.2 S2-2409239 CR Approval 23.501 CR5521R2 (Rel-19, 'B'): MWAB definitions and abbreviations Nokia, Samsung, Qualcomm Incorporated, LG Electronics Rel-19 VMR_Ph2 This was reviewed and agreed in parallel session.
Revision of S2-2408892. Agreed in parallel session
19.6.2 - - - 23.501 general description - - - Docs:=12
19.6.2 S2-2408513 CR Approval 23.501 CR5596 (Rel-19, 'B'): Adding support of Mobile Wireless Access Backhaul in 5GS Qualcomm Incorporated, Nokia, LG Electronics, IIT Bombay, OPPO Rel-19 VMR_Ph2 This was discussed and left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2408893.
Revised in parallel session, merging S2-2407979, S2-2408260, S2-2408651, S2-2408631, to S2-2408893.
19.6.2 S2-2408893 CR Approval 23.501 CR5596R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): Adding support of Mobile Wireless Access Backhaul in 5GS Qualcomm Incorporated, Nokia, LG Electronics, IIT Bombay, OPPO Rel-19 VMR_Ph2 Some further clarifications were requested and this was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2409240.
Revision of S2-2408513, merging S2-2407979, S2-2408260, S2-2408651, S2-2408631. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409240.
19.6.2 S2-2409240 CR Approval 23.501 CR5596R2 (Rel-19, 'B'): Adding support of Mobile Wireless Access Backhaul in 5GS Qualcomm Incorporated, Nokia, LG Electronics, IIT Bombay, OPPO, Ericsson, ZTE Rel-19 VMR_Ph2 It was suggested to leave the descriptions in 5.x.1.2 and 5.x.1.3 until this has been fully discussed and find the appropriate place to document it. Qualcomm replied that they preferred to keep it as there is an Editor's note indicating that there is further work and placement discussions needed. It was decided to remove these clauses from the CR. This was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2409521.
Revision of S2-2408893. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409521.
19.6.2 S2-2409521 CR Approval 23.501 CR5596R3 (Rel-19, 'B'): Adding support of Mobile Wireless Access Backhaul in 5GS Qualcomm Incorporated, Nokia, LG Electronics, IIT Bombay, OPPO, Ericsson, ZTE Rel-19 VMR_Ph2 This was agreed in parallel session.
Revision of S2-2409240. Agreed in parallel session
19.6.2 S2-2407840 CR Approval 23.501 CR5466 (Rel-19, 'B'): MWAB architecture and functional entities Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 VMR_Ph2 Merged into S2-2408892 and S2-2408893.
Merged into S2-2408892 and S2-2408893
19.6.2 S2-2407979 CR Approval 23.501 CR5498 (Rel-19, 'B'): MWAB support Ericsson Rel-19 VMR_Ph2 Merged into S2-2408892 and S2-2408893.
Merged into S2-2408892 and S2-2408893
19.6.2 S2-2408260 CR Approval 23.501 CR5550 (Rel-19, 'B'): Adding MWAB architecture and general Abbrevation ZTE Rel-19 VMR_Ph2 Merged into S2-2408892 and S2-2408893.
Merged into S2-2408892 and S2-2408893
19.6.2 S2-2408651 CR Approval 23.501 CR5616 (Rel-19, 'B'): General description of MWAB Samsung Rel-19 VMR_Ph2 Merged into S2-2408893.
Merged into S2-2408893
19.6.2 S2-2408631 CR Approval 23.501 CR5611 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of BH PDU Session CATT Rel-19 VMR_Ph2 Merged into S2-2408893.
Merged into S2-2408893
19.6.2 S2-2408289 CR Approval 23.501 CR5561 (Rel-19, 'B'): Control Plane and User Plane Protocol stacks involving the MWAB node Lenovo, Huawei, Nokia Rel-19 VMR_Ph2 This was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2408894.
Revised in parallel session to S2-2408894.
19.6.2 S2-2408894 CR Approval 23.501 CR5561R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): Control Plane and User Plane Protocol stacks involving the MWAB node Lenovo, Huawei, Nokia Rel-19 VMR_Ph2 The cover sheet needed clean-up and this was revised to S2-2409241.
Revision of S2-2408289. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409241.
19.6.2 S2-2409241 CR Approval 23.501 CR5561R2 (Rel-19, 'B'): Control Plane and User Plane Protocol stacks involving the MWAB node Lenovo, Huawei, Nokia Rel-19 VMR_Ph2 This was agreed in parallel session.
Revision of S2-2408894. Agreed in parallel session
19.6.2 - - - 23.501 MWAB configuration - - - Docs:=7
19.6.2 S2-2407841 CR Approval 23.501 CR5467 (Rel-19, 'B'): MWAB configuration Huawei, HiSilicon, Lenovo Rel-19 VMR_Ph2 This was left for off-line discussion and revised, merging S2-2408261, S2-2408529, S2-2408653, to S2-2408895.
Revised in parallel session, merging S2-2408261, S2-2408529, S2-2408653, to S2-2408895.
19.6.2 S2-2408895 CR Approval 23.501 CR5467R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): MWAB configuration Huawei, HiSilicon, Lenovo Rel-19 VMR_Ph2 Qualcomm commented that the terminology needs to be aligned with the terminology definitions CR. Nokia commented that terminology should be agreed upon and used consistently throughout the specifications. This was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2409242.
Revision of S2-2407841, merging S2-2408261, S2-2408529, S2-2408653. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409242.
19.6.2 S2-2409242 CR Approval 23.501 CR5467R2 (Rel-19, 'B'): MWAB configuration Huawei, HiSilicon, Lenovo, Samsung, Ericsson, Nokia, ZTE, LG Electronics Rel-19 VMR_Ph2 The related CR should be moved from Other specs affected to the Other comments field. This was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2409522.
Revision of S2-2408895. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409522.
19.6.2 S2-2409522 CR Approval 23.501 CR5467R3 (Rel-19, 'B'): MWAB configuration Huawei, HiSilicon, Lenovo, Samsung, Ericsson, Nokia, ZTE, LG Electronics Rel-19 VMR_Ph2 This was agreed in parallel session.
Revision of S2-2409242. Agreed in parallel session
19.6.2 S2-2408261 CR Approval 23.501 CR5551 (Rel-19, 'B'): MWAB Configuration ZTE Rel-19 VMR_Ph2 Merged into S2-2408895.
19.6.2 S2-2408529 CR Approval 23.501 CR5601 (Rel-19, 'B'): Configuration of Mobile Wireless Access Backhaul in 5GS Qualcomm Incorporated Rel-19 VMR_Ph2 Merged into S2-2408895.
19.6.2 S2-2408653 CR Approval 23.501 CR5618 (Rel-19, 'B'): MWAB: configuration Samsung Rel-19 VMR_Ph2 Merged into S2-2408895.
19.6.2 - - - 23.501 MWAB authorization - - - Docs:=8
19.6.2 S2-2408098 CR Approval 23.501 CR5520 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of UE served by a MWAB: authorization aspects Nokia Rel-19 VMR_Ph2 This was discussed and left for off-line discussion and revised, merging S2-2407844, S2-2408029, S2-2408262, S2-2408652, to S2-2408896.
Revised in parallel session, merging S2-2407844, S2-2408029, S2-2408262, S2-2408652, to S2-2408896.
19.6.2 S2-2408896 CR Approval 23.501 CR5520R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of UE served by a MWAB: authorization aspects Nokia, LG electronics, Huawei Rel-19 VMR_Ph2 The CR needed clean-up and some terminology capitalization corrections. The CR introducing clause 5.x should be referenced in the cover sheet. Some clarifications were needed and this was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2409243.
Revision of S2-2408098, merging S2-2407844, S2-2408029, S2-2408262, S2-2408652. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409243.
19.6.2 S2-2409243 CR Approval 23.501 CR5520R2 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of UE served by a MWAB: authorization aspects Nokia, LG Electronics, Huawei, ZTE Rel-19 VMR_Ph2 Samsung had an issue with documenting the authorization aspects in the normative text and would object to this CR. Some time was given to try to see how this could be documented as informative text and this was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2409523.
Revision of S2-2408896. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409523.
19.6.2 S2-2409523 CR Approval 23.501 CR5520R3 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of UE served by a MWAB: authorization aspects Nokia, LG Electronics, Huawei, ZTE Rel-19 VMR_Ph2 Revision of S2-2409243. Noted
19.6.2 S2-2407844 CR Approval 23.501 CR5470 (Rel-19, 'B'): MWAB authorization Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 VMR_Ph2 Merged into S2-2408896.
Merged into S2-2408896.
19.6.2 S2-2408029 CR Approval 23.501 CR5508 (Rel-19, 'B'): Authorization of MWAB LG Electronics Rel-19 VMR_Ph2 Merged into S2-2408896.
Merged into S2-2408896.
19.6.2 S2-2408262 CR Approval 23.501 CR5552 (Rel-19, 'B'): MWAB Authorization ZTE Rel-19 VMR_Ph2 Merged into S2-2408896.
WI Code incorrect! Merged into S2-2408896.
19.6.2 S2-2408652 CR Approval 23.501 CR5617 (Rel-19, 'B'): MWAB: authorization aspects Samsung Rel-19 VMR_Ph2 Merged into S2-2408896.
Merged into S2-2408896.
19.6.2 - - - 23.501 UE Access control - - - Docs:=5
19.6.2 S2-2407842 CR Approval 23.501 CR5468 (Rel-19, 'B'): Control of UE access to MWAB Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 VMR_Ph2 This was discussed and left for off-line discussion and revised, merging S2-2408264, S2-2408655, to S2-2408897.
Revised in parallel session, merging S2-2408264, S2-2408655 to S2-2408897.
19.6.2 S2-2408897 CR Approval 23.501 CR5468R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): Control of UE access to MWAB Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 VMR_Ph2 The CR introducing clause 5.x should be added in other comments on the cover sheet. The reference to the informative Annex was questioned. This was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2409244.
Revision of S2-2407842, merging S2-2408264, S2-2408655. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409244.
19.6.2 S2-2409244 CR Approval 23.501 CR5468R2 (Rel-19, 'B'): Control of UE access to MWAB Huawei, HiSilicon, Nokia, ZTE, Ericsson Rel-19 VMR_Ph2 The related CR in Other affected specs should be moved to the Other comments field. Samsung commented that this text is not required as it was concluded to use existing mechanisms. Qualcomm commented that this does not add new functionality. Huawei clarified that the existing mechanisms being used need to be described to show how the functionality is achieved. Samsung commented that they objected to this CR. This CR was then noted in parallel session.
Samsung provided the following statement:
For access control and authorization aspects of MWAB-UE:
a) Conclusions of the study is to reuse existing procedures.
b) The MWAB-UE is a normal UE.
c) There is no difference in behaviour/configuration available between MWAB-UE and normal UE.
Thus, we have concerns in duplicating the normative text(as proposed in S2-2409523 and S2-2409244) already available for CAG, SNPN and Slicing feature in MWAB clause again.
In our view, without these CRs this features are fully supported. If proponents of the CRs believe any guidance is necessary for implementers on how to configure MWAB using existing procedures then such guidance should be documented as informative annex.
Revision of S2-2408897. Samsung objected to this CR. Noted in parallel session
19.6.2 S2-2408264 CR Approval 23.501 CR5554 (Rel-19, 'B'): Access control of the UE served by MWAB ZTE Rel-19 VMR_Ph2 Merged into S2-2408897.
WI Code incorrect! Merged into S2-2408897.
19.6.2 S2-2408655 CR Approval 23.501 CR5619 (Rel-19, 'B'): MWAB: access control Samsung Rel-19 VMR_Ph2 Merged into S2-2408897.
Merged into S2-2408897.
19.6.2 - - - 23.501 Mobility support - - - Docs:=5
19.6.2 S2-2407843 CR Approval 23.501 CR5469 (Rel-19, 'B'): Mobility of UEs served by MWAB Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 VMR_Ph2 This was discussed and was left for off-line discussion and revised, merging S2-2408101, S2-2408263, to S2-2408898.
Revised in parallel session, merging S2-2408101, S2-2408263, to S2-2408898.
19.6.2 S2-2408898 CR Approval 23.501 CR5469R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): Mobility of UEs served by MWAB Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 VMR_Ph2 The referenced CR for clause5.x should be added under Other comments. Some editorial changes and terminology alignment were needed. This was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2409245.
Revision of S2-2407843, merging S2-2408101, S2-2408263. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409245.
19.6.2 S2-2409245 CR Approval 23.501 CR5469R2 (Rel-19, 'B'): Mobility of UEs served by MWAB Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 VMR_Ph2 Revision of S2-2408898. This CR was agreed
19.6.2 S2-2408101 CR Approval 23.501 CR5522 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of UE served by a MWAB: mobility aspects Nokia Rel-19 VMR_Ph2 Merged into S2-2408898.
Merged into S2-2408898.
19.6.2 S2-2408263 CR Approval 23.501 CR5553 (Rel-19, 'B'): Mobility support by MWAB ZTE Rel-19 VMR_Ph2 Merged into S2-2408898.
WI Code incorrect! Merged into S2-2408898.
19.6.2 - - - 23.501 Location Service Support - - - Docs:=3
19.6.2 S2-2408180 CR Approval 23.501 CR5544 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support for Location Service Support of UEs served by MWAB Sony Rel-19 VMR_Ph2 This was discussed and was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2408899.
Revised in parallel session to S2-2408899.
19.6.2 S2-2408899 CR Approval 23.501 CR5544R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support for Location Service Support of UEs served by MWAB Sony Rel-19 VMR_Ph2 The referenced CR for clause5.x should be added under Other comments. This was revised to S2-2409246.
Revision of S2-2408180. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409246.
19.6.2 S2-2409246 CR Approval 23.501 CR5544R2 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support for Location Service Support of UEs served by MWAB Sony Rel-19 VMR_Ph2 This was agreed in parallel session.
Revision of S2-2408899. Agreed in parallel session
19.6.2 - - - 23.273 changes - - - Docs:=12
19.6.2 S2-2408181 CR Approval 23.273 CR0547 (Rel-19, 'B'): General Support for MWAB involved positioning Sony Rel-19 VMR_Ph2 This was discussed and was left for off-line discussion and revised, merging parts of S2-2407981, to S2-2408900.
Revised in parallel session, merging parts of S2-2407981, to S2-2408900.
19.6.2 S2-2408900 CR Approval 23.273 CR0547R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): General Support for MWAB involved positioning Sony Rel-19 VMR_Ph2 It was requested to better explain the procedures. This was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2409247.
Revision of S2-2408181, merging parts of S2-2407981. Revised in parallel session, merging S2-2408901, to S2-2409247.
19.6.2 S2-2409247 CR Approval 23.273 CR0547R2 (Rel-19, 'B'): General Support for MWAB involved positioning Sony, Ericsson, CATT, ETRI Rel-19 VMR_Ph2 Revision of S2-2408900, merging S2-2408901. Revised off-line to S2-2409528.
19.6.2 S2-2409528 CR Approval 23.273 CR0547R3 (Rel-19, 'B'): General Support for MWAB involved positioning Sony, Ericsson, CATT, ETRI Rel-19 VMR_Ph2 Revision of S2-2409247. This CR was agreed
19.6.2 S2-2408629 CR Approval 23.273 CR0566 (Rel-19, 'B'): Add Architecture for MWAB involved Location Services CATT Rel-19 VMR_Ph2 Nokia commented that this appeared to be possible using existing architecture and could be simplified. This was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2408901.
Revised in parallel session to S2-2408901.
19.6.2 S2-2408901 CR Approval 23.273 CR0566R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): Add Architecture for MWAB involved Location Services CATT Rel-19 VMR_Ph2 This was merged into S2-2409247.
Revision of S2-2408629. Merged into S2-2409247
19.6.2 S2-2407981 CR Approval 23.273 CR0546 (Rel-19, 'B'): LCS with MWAB support Ericsson Rel-19 VMR_Ph2 This was left for off-line discussion and revised, merging S2-2408186, S2-2408630, to S2-2408902.
Revised in parallel session, merging S2-2408186, S2-2408630, to S2-2408902.
19.6.2 S2-2408902 CR Approval 23.273 CR0546R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): LCS with MWAB support Ericsson Rel-19 VMR_Ph2 Some corrections were made to step 4. Nokia asked for clarification of the added MWAB parameter. This was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2409248.
Revision of S2-2407981, merging S2-2408186, S2-2408630. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409248.
19.6.2 S2-2409248 CR Approval 23.273 CR0546R2 (Rel-19, 'B'): LCS with MWAB support Ericsson Rel-19 VMR_Ph2 Revision of S2-2408902. Revised to S2-2409547.
19.6.2 S2-2409547 CR Approval 23.273 CR0546R3 (Rel-19, 'B'): LCS with MWAB support Ericsson Rel-19 VMR_Ph2 Revision of S2-2409248. This CR was agreed
19.6.2 S2-2408186 CR Approval 23.273 CR0548 (Rel-19, 'B'): Procedures to support MWAB involved positioning Sony Rel-19 VMR_Ph2 Merged into S2-2408902.
Merged into S2-2408902.
19.6.2 S2-2408630 CR Approval 23.273 CR0567 (Rel-19, 'B'): Add 5GC-MT-LR procedure involving MWAB with MWAB-UE roaming CATT Rel-19 VMR_Ph2 Merged into S2-2408902.
Merged into S2-2408902.
19.6.2 - - - 23.501 Emergency Service support - - - Docs:=3
19.6.2 S2-2407846 CR Approval 23.501 CR5471 (Rel-19, 'B'): Emergency services for UEs via a MWAB Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 VMR_Ph2 Not Handled
19.6.2 S2-2408532 CR Approval 23.501 CR5602 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of emergency service over Mobile Wireless Access Backhaul Qualcomm Incorporated Rel-19 VMR_Ph2 Not Handled
19.6.2 S2-2408656 CR Approval 23.501 CR5620 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of emergency services Samsung Rel-19 VMR_Ph2 Not Handled
19.6.2 - - - 23.502 changes - - - Docs:=3
19.6.2 S2-2407980 CR Approval 23.502 CR4911 (Rel-19, 'B'): MWAB support Ericsson Rel-19 VMR_Ph2 Not Handled
19.6.2 S2-2407845 CR Approval 23.502 CR4889 (Rel-19, 'B'): MWAB authorization and other aspects Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 VMR_Ph2 Not Handled
19.6.2 S2-2408470 CR Approval 23.502 CR4970 (Rel-19, 'B'): QoS flow mapping for OAM/N2 message Lenovo Rel-19 VMR_Ph2 Not Handled
19.7.1 - - - Study on System Enhancement for Proximity-based Services in 5GS - Phase 3 (FS_5G_ProSe_Ph3) - - Andy Docs:=4
19.7.1 S2-2407612 DISCUSSION Agreement Update to KI#2 conclusions related to Layer-3 U2U Relay. Intel Rel-19 FS_5G_ProSe_Ph3 Revised in parallel session to S2-2409076.
19.7.1 S2-2409076 P-CR Approval 23.700-03: Update to KI#2 conclusions related to Layer-3 U2U Relay. Intel Rel-19 FS_5G_ProSe_Ph3 This was reviewed and agreed in parallel session.
Revision of S2-2407612. Agreed in parallel session
19.7.1 S2-2407648 P-CR Approval 23.700-03: Update Conclusion of KI#2 on MANET hop-limit Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 FS_5G_ProSe_Ph3 Intel commented that the discovery process uses the DNS request from the end UE so the second sentence is not needed. This was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2409077.
Revised in parallel session to S2-2409077.
19.7.1 S2-2409077 P-CR Approval 23.700-03: Update Conclusion of KI#2 on MANET hop-limit Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 FS_5G_ProSe_Ph3 This was reviewed and agreed in parallel session.
Revision of S2-2407648. Agreed in parallel session
19.7.2 - - - System Enhancement for Proximity-based Services in 5GS - Phase 3 (5G_ProSe_Ph3) - - Andy Docs:=49
19.7.2 S2-2408290 CR Approval 23.304 CR0468 (Rel-19, 'B'): Scope, terms, reference architecture, and functional entities for 5G ProSe Multi-hop KPN N.V. Rel-19 5G_ProSe_Ph3 S2-2408290_23304_Terms_Architecture_Functional_Entities_r02 was provided in the drafts folder after off-line discussion and was reviewed. Nokia asked for some corrections and to be added as a source company. Ericsson commented that there may be a need for terminology alignment, which can be done at the next meeting when all P-CRs have been incorporated. Qualcomm asked for some corrections on the number of Relays and suggested a reference to the stage 3 specification may be needed. This was left for off-line discussion and revised, merging S2-2407863, S2-2407868, S2-2407869, S2-2407870, S2-2407649, to S2-2409078.
Revised in parallel session, merging S2-2407863, S2-2407868, S2-2407869, S2-2407870, S2-2407649, to S2-2409078.
Handle -Baseline for general updates
19.7.2 S2-2409078 CR Approval 23.304 CR0468R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): Scope, terms, reference architecture, and functional entities for 5G ProSe Multi-hop KPN N.V., LG Electronics, AT&T, Ericsson, FirstNet, Intel, Huawei, HiSilicon, NIST, Nokia, SHARP, China Telecom Rel-19 5G_ProSe_Ph3 The CR revision should be updated. The CN impacts should be shown. A reference to the CR where 6.3.2.x is introduced should be added to Other comments. This was revised to S2-2409393.
Revision of S2-2408290, merging S2-2407863, S2-2407868, S2-2407869, S2-2407870, S2-2407649. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409393.
19.7.2 S2-2409393 CR Approval 23.304 CR0468R2 (Rel-19, 'B'): Scope, terms, reference architecture, and functional entities for 5G ProSe Multi-hop KPN N.V., LG Electronics, AT&T, Ericsson, FirstNet, Intel, Huawei, HiSilicon, NIST, Nokia, SHARP, China Telecom Rel-19 5G_ProSe_Ph3 This was agreed in parallel session.
Revision of S2-2409078. Agreed in parallel session
19.7.2 S2-2407863 CR Approval 23.304 CR0452 (Rel-19, 'B'): Terms for Multi-hop U2N relaying and Multi-hop U2U relaying LG Electronics, Qualcomm Incorporated, AT&T, Ericsson, FirstNet Rel-19 5G_ProSe_Ph3 Merged into S2-2409078.
Merged into S2-2409078
Merge with S2-2408290?
19.7.2 S2-2407868 CR Approval 23.304 CR0455 (Rel-19, 'B'): Scope Ericsson, LG Electronics Rel-19 5G_ProSe_Ph3 Merged into S2-2409078.
Merged into S2-2409078
Merge with S2-2408290?
19.7.2 S2-2407869 CR Approval 23.304 CR0456 (Rel-19, 'B'): 5G ProSe multi-hop Layer-3 UE-to-Network Relay reference architecture Ericsson Rel-19 5G_ProSe_Ph3 Merged into S2-2409078.
Merged into S2-2409078
Merge with S2-2408290?
19.7.2 S2-2407870 CR Approval 23.304 CR0457 (Rel-19, 'B'): 5G ProSe multi-hop UE-to-UE Relay reference architecture Ericsson, AT&T Rel-19 5G_ProSe_Ph3 Merged into S2-2409078.
Merged into S2-2409078
Merge with S2-2408290?
19.7.2 S2-2407649 CR Approval 23.304 CR0449 (Rel-19, 'B'): Update on references, terms and architecture for multi-hop Relay Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 5G_ProSe_Ph3 Merged into S2-2409078.
Merged into S2-2409078
Merge with S2-2408290?
19.7.2 S2-2408004 CR Approval 23.304 CR0458 (Rel-19, 'B'): 5G ProSe multi-hop UE-to-Network Relay Discovery Model A Qualcomm Incorporated, AT&T, LG Electronics Rel-19 5G_ProSe_Ph3 Nokia asked for clarification on how this will interact with the announcement procedure. Huawei asked for some clarifications on a number of aspects. Ericsson proposed that the meaning of 'multi-hop' needs to be defined and used consistently in the documentation and asked to clarify that the maximum allowed hops should be specified but the UE can decide to use less hops. This was left for off-line discussion and revised, merging S2-2408163, to S2-2409079.
Revised in parallel session, merging S2-2408163, to S2-2409079.
Handle -Baseline for U2N Model A
19.7.2 S2-2409079 CR Approval 23.304 CR0458R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): 5G ProSe multi-hop UE-to-Network Relay Discovery Model A Qualcomm Incorporated, AT&T, LG Electronics, FirstNet Rel-19 5G_ProSe_Ph3 Changes on changes should be removed. The Other specs affected boxes should be marked. Some editorial errors should be fixed. This was revised to S2-2409394.
Revision of S2-2408004, merging S2-2408163. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409394.
19.7.2 S2-2409394 CR Approval 23.304 CR0458R2 (Rel-19, 'B'): 5G ProSe multi-hop UE-to-Network Relay Discovery Model A Qualcomm Incorporated, AT&T, LG Electronics, FirstNet Rel-19 5G_ProSe_Ph3 This was agreed in parallel session.
Revision of S2-2409079. Agreed in parallel session
19.7.2 S2-2408163 CR Approval 23.304 CR0464 (Rel-19, 'B'): Supporting UE-to-Network Relay Discovery for Multi-hop scenarios using Model A Samsung Rel-19 5G_ProSe_Ph3 Merged into S2-2409079.
Merged into S2-2409079
Merge with S2-2408004
19.7.2 S2-2407651 CR Approval 23.304 CR0451 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support ProSe U2N Multihop Relay Huawei, HiSilicon, Samsung Rel-19 5G_ProSe_Ph3 S2-2407651_CR0451_23304_Update on ProSe U2N Multihop Relay_r1 was provided in the drafts folder after off-line discussion. Some issues were raised and This was left for off-line discussion and revised, merging S2-2407600, S2-2408292, S2-2408293, S2-2408294, S2-2408684, S2-2408480, S2-2408498, to S2-2409080.
Revised in parallel session, merging S2-2407600, S2-2408292, S2-2408293, S2-2408294, S2-2408684, S2-2408480, S2-2408498, to S2-2409080.
Handle -Baseline for U2N Model B
19.7.2 S2-2409080 CR Approval 23.304 CR0451R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support ProSe U2N Multihop Relay Huawei, HiSilicon, Samsung, Interdigital, CATT, KPN N.V. Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell, China Telecom, Rel-19 5G_ProSe_Ph3 Ericsson asked whether it was intended to replace the architecture figures. Nokia suggested to minimise the changes by indicating the optional entities with dashed lines. This was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2409395.
Revision of S2-2407651, merging S2-2407600, S2-2408292, S2-2408293, S2-2408294, S2-2408684, S2-2408480, S2-2408498. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409395.
19.7.2 S2-2409395 CR Approval 23.304 CR0451R2 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support ProSe U2N Multihop Relay Huawei, HiSilicon, Samsung, Interdigital, CATT, KPN N.V. Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell, China Telecom, OPPO Rel-19 5G_ProSe_Ph3 Qualcomm asked to split the PC5 box into two in the figure. The Path information should indicate '(Optional)' where appropriate. This was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2409537.
Revision of S2-2409080. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409537.
19.7.2 S2-2409537 CR Approval 23.304 CR0451R3 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support ProSe U2N Multihop Relay Huawei, HiSilicon, Samsung, Interdigital, CATT, KPN N.V. Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell, China Telecom, OPPO Rel-19 5G_ProSe_Ph3 Revision of S2-2409395. This CR was agreed
19.7.2 S2-2407600 CR Approval 23.304 CR0446 (Rel-19, 'B'): Procedure for 5G ProSe multi-hop UE-to-Network Relay Discovery with Model B CATT Rel-19 5G_ProSe_Ph3 Merged into S2-2409080.
Merged into S2-2409080
Merge with S2-2407651?
19.7.2 S2-2408292 CR Approval 23.304 CR0469 (Rel-19, 'B'): High level functionality and features and protocol stacks for 5G ProSe Multi-hop UE-to-Network Relay KPN N.V. Rel-19 5G_ProSe_Ph3 Merged into S2-2409080.
Merged into S2-2409080
Merge with S2-2407651?
19.7.2 S2-2408293 CR Approval 23.304 CR0470 (Rel-19, 'B'): 5G ProSe Multi-hop UE-to-Network Relay Discovery with Model B KPN N.V. Rel-19 5G_ProSe_Ph3 Merged into S2-2409080.
Merged into S2-2409080
Merge with S2-2407651?
19.7.2 S2-2408294 CR Approval 23.304 CR0471 (Rel-19, 'B'): 5G ProSe Communication via 5G ProSe Multi-hop Layer-3 UE-to-Network Relay KPN N.V. Rel-19 5G_ProSe_Ph3 Merged into S2-2409080.
Merged into S2-2409080
Merge with S2-2407651?
19.7.2 S2-2408005 CR Approval 23.304 CR0459 (Rel-19, 'B'): 5G ProSe multi-hop UE-to-Network Relay connection management Qualcomm Incorporated, AT&T, LG Electronics Rel-19 5G_ProSe_Ph3 Some clarifications were requested and this was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2409081.
Revised in parallel session to S2-2409081.
19.7.2 S2-2409081 CR Approval 23.304 CR0459R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): 5G ProSe multi-hop UE-to-Network Relay connection management Qualcomm Incorporated, AT&T, LG Electronics, FirstNet Rel-19 5G_ProSe_Ph3 Changes on changes should be removed and the Other specs affected boxes should be marked. This was revised to S2-2409396.
Revision of S2-2408005. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409396.
19.7.2 S2-2409396 CR Approval 23.304 CR0459R2 (Rel-19, 'B'): 5G ProSe multi-hop UE-to-Network Relay connection management Qualcomm Incorporated, AT&T, LG Electronics, FirstNet Rel-19 5G_ProSe_Ph3 This was agreed in parallel session.
Revision of S2-2409081. Agreed in parallel session
19.7.2 S2-2408006 CR Approval 23.304 CR0460 (Rel-19, 'B'): 5G ProSe Multi-hop UE-to-UE Relay for IP PDU type Qualcomm Incorporated, AT&T, Ericsson Rel-19 5G_ProSe_Ph3 Some clarifications were requested and this was left for off-line discussion and revised, merging S2-2408486, to S2-2409082.
Revised in parallel session, merging S2-2408486, to S2-2409082.
Handle -Baseline for U2U IP PDU type
19.7.2 S2-2409082 CR Approval 23.304 CR0460R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): 5G ProSe Multi-hop UE-to-UE Relay for IP PDU type Qualcomm Incorporated, AT&T, Ericsson, FirstNet Rel-19 5G_ProSe_Ph3 The first change should be removed and the Other affected specs indicated. This was revised to S2-2409397.
Revision of S2-2408006, merging S2-2408486. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409397.
19.7.2 S2-2409397 CR Approval 23.304 CR0460R2 (Rel-19, 'B'): 5G ProSe Multi-hop UE-to-UE Relay for IP PDU type Qualcomm Incorporated, AT&T, Ericsson, FirstNet Rel-19 5G_ProSe_Ph3 This was agreed in parallel session.
Revision of S2-2409082. Agreed in parallel session. Revised to S2-2409556.
19.7.2 S2-2409556 CR Approval 23.304 CR0460R3 (Rel-19, 'B'): 5G ProSe Multi-hop UE-to-UE Relay for IP PDU type Qualcomm Incorporated, AT&T, Ericsson, FirstNet, Intel Rel-19 5G_ProSe_Ph3 Revision of S2-2409397. This CR was agreed
19.7.2 S2-2408486 CR Approval 23.304 CR0478 (Rel-19, 'B'): 5G ProSe Layer-3 Multi-hop UE-to-UE Relay Intel Rel-19 5G_ProSe_Ph3 Merged into S2-2409082.
Merged into S2-2409082
Merge with S2-2408006
19.7.2 S2-2407650 CR Approval 23.304 CR0450 (Rel-19, 'B'): Update on ProSe U2U Multihop Relay for non-IP PDU Huawei, HiSilicon, China Telecom, Samsung Rel-19 5G_ProSe_Ph3 Some clarifications were requested and this was left for off-line discussion and revised, merging S2-2407601, to S2-2409083.
Revised in parallel session, merging S2-2407601, S2-2408494, to S2-2409083.
Handle -Baseline for U2U non- IP PDU type
19.7.2 S2-2409083 CR Approval 23.304 CR0450R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): Update on ProSe U2U Multihop Relay for non-IP PDU Huawei, HiSilicon, China Telecom, Samsung, Interdigital, CATT, KPN N.V Rel-19 5G_ProSe_Ph3 The affected clauses should be corrected. The correct styles and Tab indents should be used. This was revised to S2-2409398.
Revision of S2-2407650, merging S2-2407601, S2-2408494. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409398.
19.7.2 S2-2409398 CR Approval 23.304 CR0450R2 (Rel-19, 'B'): Update on ProSe U2U Multihop Relay for non-IP PDU Huawei, HiSilicon, China Telecom, Samsung, Interdigital, CATT, KPN N.V Rel-19 5G_ProSe_Ph3 This was agreed in parallel session.
Revision of S2-2409083. Agreed in parallel session
19.7.2 S2-2407601 CR Approval 23.304 CR0447 (Rel-19, 'B'): Procedure for 5G ProSe Layer-3 multi-hop UE-to-UE Relay Discovery with PDU type Ethernet and Unstructured CATT Rel-19 5G_ProSe_Ph3 Merged into S2-2409083.
Merged into S2-2409083
Merge with S2-2407650
19.7.2 S2-2407866 CR Approval 23.304 CR0453 (Rel-19, 'B'): Subscription Data for multi hop U2N and U2U Ericsson Rel-19 5G_ProSe_Ph3 Some clarifications were requested and this was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2409084.
Revised in parallel session to S2-2409084.
19.7.2 S2-2409084 CR Approval 23.304 CR0453R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): Subscription Data for multi hop U2N and U2U Ericsson Rel-19 5G_ProSe_Ph3 This was reviewed and agreed in parallel session.
Revision of S2-2407866. Agreed in parallel session
19.7.2 S2-2407598 CR Approval 23.304 CR0444 (Rel-19, 'B'): Authorization and Provisioning for 5G ProSe multi-hop Relays CATT Rel-19 5G_ProSe_Ph3 Some clarifications were requested and this was left for off-line discussion and revised, merging S2-2408138, S2-2408139, S2-2408185, to S2-2409085.
Revised in parallel session, merging S2-2408138, S2-2408139, S2-2408185, to S2-2409085.
19.7.2 S2-2409085 CR Approval 23.304 CR0444R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): Authorization and Provisioning for 5G ProSe multi-hop Relays CATT, China Telecom, OPPO Rel-19 5G_ProSe_Ph3 This was reviewed and agreed in parallel session.
Revision of S2-2407598, merging S2-2408138, S2-2408139, S2-2408185. Agreed in parallel session
19.7.2 S2-2408138 CR Approval 23.304 CR0462 (Rel-19, 'B'): Policy/Parameter provisioning for multi-hop 5G ProSe UE-to-Network Relay OPPO Rel-19 5G_ProSe_Ph3 Merged into S2-2409085.
Merged into S2-2409085
Merge with S2-2407598
19.7.2 S2-2408139 CR Approval 23.304 CR0463 (Rel-19, 'B'): Policy/Parameter provisioning for non-IP multi-hop 5G ProSe UE-to-UE Relay OPPO Rel-19 5G_ProSe_Ph3 Merged into S2-2409085.
Merged into S2-2409085
Merge with S2-2407598
19.7.2 S2-2408185 CR Approval 23.304 CR0467 (Rel-19, 'B'): ProSe Multihop Capability Authenticaiton and Authorization China Telecom Rel-19 5G_ProSe_Ph3 Merged into S2-2409085.
Merged into S2-2409085
Merge with S2-2407598
19.7.2 S2-2407599 CR Approval 23.304 CR0445 (Rel-19, 'B'): Enhancement of 5G ProSe Capability for multi-hop Relays CATT Rel-19 5G_ProSe_Ph3 Some clarifications were requested and this was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2409086.
Revised in parallel session to S2-2409086.
19.7.2 S2-2409086 CR Approval 23.304 CR0445R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): Enhancement of 5G ProSe Capability for multi-hop Relays CATT, SHARP, China Telecom Rel-19 5G_ProSe_Ph3 This was reviewed and agreed in parallel session.
Revision of S2-2407599. Agreed in parallel session
19.7.2 S2-2407602 CR Approval 23.304 CR0448 (Rel-19, 'B'): Functional Entities enhancements for 5G ProSe multi-hop Relays CATT Rel-19 5G_ProSe_Ph3 Some clarifications were requested and this was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2409087.
Revised in parallel session to S2-2409087.
19.7.2 S2-2409087 CR Approval 23.304 CR0448R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): Functional Entities enhancements for 5G ProSe multi-hop Relays CATT Rel-19 5G_ProSe_Ph3 This was reviewed and agreed in parallel session.
Revision of S2-2407602. Agreed in parallel session
19.7.2 S2-2407867 CR Approval 23.304 CR0454 (Rel-19, 'B'): QoS Handling for multi hop U2N without N3IWF Ericsson Rel-19 5G_ProSe_Ph3 This was postponed in parallel session.
Postponed in parallel session
19.7.2 S2-2408684 CR Approval 23.304 CR0483 (Rel-19, 'B'): ProSe U2N N3IWF with Multihop Relay Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell Rel-19 5G_ProSe_Ph3 Merged into S2-2409080.
Merged into S2-2409080
19.7.2 S2-2408480 CR Approval 23.304 CR0476 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support 5G ProSe multihop U2N Relay Communication with Model B discovery Interdigital Rel-19 5G_ProSe_Ph3 Merged into S2-2409080.
Merged into S2-2409080
Merge with S2-2407651
19.7.2 S2-2408498 CR Approval 23.304 CR0481 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support ProSe U2N Multihop Relay Discovery Interdigital Rel-19 5G_ProSe_Ph3 Merged into S2-2409080.
Merged into S2-2409080
Merge with S2-2407651
19.7.2 S2-2408482 CR Approval 23.304 CR0477 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support ProSe multihop U2N Relay QoS Interdigital Rel-19 5G_ProSe_Ph3 This was postponed in parallel session.
Postponed in parallel session
Merge with S2-2407867
19.7.2 S2-2408494 CR Approval 23.304 CR0480 (Rel-19, 'B'): Multi-hop Layer-3 UE-to-UE Relay for Ethernet PDU Interdigital Rel-19 5G_ProSe_Ph3 Merged into S2-2409083.
Merged into S2-2409083
Merge with S2-2407650
19.8.1 - - - Study on User Identities and Authentication Architecture (FS_UIA_ARC) - - Wanqiang Docs:=22
19.8.1 S2-2409499 OTHER Discussion Key Issue #1 SoH Rapporteur (InterDigital) - FS_UIA_ARC The NAS-MM Solution (S2-2409276) was taken as a basis for further study at the next SA WG2 meeting for KI#1. No new solutions should be added. Noted
19.8.1 - - - Incoming LSs - - - Docs:=2
19.8.1 S2-2407448 LS In Action LS from SA WG3-LI: Reply LS on User Identities and Authentication Architecture SA WG3-LI (S3i240476) Rel-19 FS_UIA_ARC Postponed
19.8.1 S2-2409238 LS In Action LS from SA WG3: LS Replay on User Identities and Authentication Architecture SA WG3 (S3-243558) FS_UIA_ARC Noted in parallel session
19.8.1 - - - Key Issue #1 Conclusions - - - Docs:=9
19.8.1 S2-2408066 P-CR Approval 23.700-32: Conclusions on KI#1 Qualcomm Incorporated, Ericsson Rel-19 FS_UIA_ARC Revised in parallel session to S2-2408976.
19.8.1 S2-2408976 P-CR Approval 23.700-32: Conclusions on KI#1 Qualcomm Incorporated, Ericsson Rel-19 FS_UIA_ARC For plenary decision
Revision of S2-2408066. Postponed
19.8.1 S2-2408413 P-CR Approval 23.700-32: Proposed updated conclusion for Key issue 1 NTT DOCOMO, Ericsson Rel-19 FS_UIA_ARC For plenary decision
For plenary decision. Postponed
19.8.1 S2-2408605 P-CR Approval 23.700-32: Key Issue #1, Conclusion Update Based on NAS-MM InterDigital Inc., NEC, Huawei, ZTE, Philips, China Mobile Rel-19 FS_UIA_ARC Revised in parallel session to S2-2408977.
Handle - use as baseline
19.8.1 S2-2408977 P-CR Approval 23.700-32: Key Issue #1, Conclusion Update Based on NAS-MM InterDigital Inc., NEC, Huawei, ZTE, Philips, China Mobile Rel-19 FS_UIA_ARC Revision of S2-2408605. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409276.
19.8.1 S2-2409276 P-CR Approval 23.700-32: Key Issue #1, Conclusion Update Based on NAS-MM InterDigital Inc., NEC, Huawei, ZTE, Philips, China Mobile Rel-19 FS_UIA_ARC For plenary decision
Revision of S2-2408977. Postponed
19.8.1 S2-2408166 P-CR Approval 23.700-32: Update Conclusions for KI#1 for UIA_ARC. Samsung Rel-19 FS_UIA_ARC Not Handled
Merge into S2-2408605?
19.8.1 S2-2408606 P-CR Approval 23.700-32: Key Issue #1, Conclusion Update Based on NAS-SM InterDigital Inc., Deutsche Telekom Rel-19 FS_UIA_ARC Revised in parallel session to S2-2408975.
Mandle into S2-2408605?
19.8.1 S2-2408975 P-CR Approval 23.700-32: Key Issue #1, Conclusion Update Based on NAS-SM InterDigital Inc., Deutsche Telekom Rel-19 FS_UIA_ARC Revision of S2-2408606. Noted in parallel session
19.8.1 - - - Key Issue #1 Evaluation Text - - - Docs:=1
19.8.1 S2-2408013 P-CR Approval 23.700-32: FS_UIA_ARC KI#1-3 Solution Evaluation Ericsson Rel-19 FS_UIA_ARC Not Handled
19.8.1 - - - Key Issue #1 Solution Update - - - Docs:=1
19.8.1 S2-2408492 P-CR Approval 23.700-32: KI#1: Updates to Solution 4 Registration for a UE and a user. NEC Rel-19 FS_UIA_ARC Revision of (unhandled) S2-2406292 from SA2#163 Not Handled
19.8.1 - - - Key Issue #2 Conclusions - - - Docs:=4
19.8.1 S2-2408097 P-CR Approval 23.700-32: Conclusion on KI#2 of UIA. Huawei, HiSilicon, InterDigital Inc. Rel-19 FS_UIA_ARC Revision of (noted) S2-2407238 from SA2#163. Revised in parallel session to S2-2408991.
Handle - use as baseline
19.8.1 S2-2408991 P-CR Approval 23.700-32: Conclusion on KI#2 of UIA. Huawei, HiSilicon, InterDigital Inc. Rel-19 FS_UIA_ARC Revision of S2-2408097. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409277.
19.8.1 S2-2409277 P-CR Approval 23.700-32: Conclusion on KI#2 of UIA. Huawei, HiSilicon, InterDigital Inc. Rel-19 FS_UIA_ARC Revision of S2-2408991. Postponed
19.8.1 S2-2408067 P-CR Approval 23.700-32: Conclusions on KI#2 Qualcomm Incorporated, Ericsson Rel-19 FS_UIA_ARC Not Handled
19.8.1 - - - Key Issue #3 Conclusions - - - Docs:=3
19.8.1 S2-2407930 P-CR Approval 23.700-32: KI#3, conclusion update ZTE, InterDigital, Samsung Rel-19 FS_UIA_ARC Revised in parallel session to S2-2408992.
Handle - use as baseline
19.8.1 S2-2408992 P-CR Approval 23.700-32: KI#3, conclusion update ZTE, InterDigital, Samsung Rel-19 FS_UIA_ARC Revision of S2-2407930. Postponed
19.8.1 S2-2408068 P-CR Approval 23.700-32: Conclusions on KI#3 Qualcomm Incorporated, Ericsson Rel-19 FS_UIA_ARC Not Handled
19.8.1 - - - NWM Summary for Information - - - Docs:=1
19.8.1 S2-2408612 REPORT Information Pre-SA2 #164 NWM Discussion for FS_UIA_ARC Rel-19 Conclusions InterDigital Inc. Rel-19 FS_UIA_ARC Not Handled
19.8.2 - - - Identifying non-3GPP Devices Connecting behind a UE or 5G-RG (UIA_ARC) - - Wanqiang Docs:=70
19.8.2 S2-2409216 LS In Action LS from SA WG1: Reply LS on Clarifications related to User Identities SA WG1 (S1-242347) Rel-19 UIA Noted in parallel session
19.8.2 - - - TS 23.501 CRs - - - Docs:=12
19.8.2 S2-2408306 CR Approval 23.501 CR5562 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support N3GPP device behind UE/5G-RG Huawei, HiSilicon, InterDigital Inc. Rel-19 UIA Revised in parallel session to S2-2408790, merging S2-2408993
Handle - Baseline
19.8.2 S2-2408790 CR Approval 23.501 CR5562R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support N3GPP device behind UE/5G-RG Huawei, HiSilicon, InterDigital Inc. Rel-19 UIA Revision of S2-2408306. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409278, merging S2-2408993.
19.8.2 S2-2409278 CR Approval 23.501 CR5562R2 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support N3GPP device behind UE/5G-RG Huawei, HiSilicon, InterDigital Inc. Rel-19 UIA Revision of S2-2408790. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409330.
19.8.2 S2-2409330 CR Approval 23.501 CR5562R3 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support N3GPP device behind UE/5G-RG Huawei, HiSilicon, InterDigital Inc. Rel-19 UIA Revision of S2-2409278. Postponed in parallel session
19.8.2 S2-2407520 CR Approval 23.501 CR5412 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of identifying non-3GPP Devices Connecting behind a UE or 5G-RG CATT Rel-19 UIA_ARC Not Handled
Merge into S2-2408306?
19.8.2 S2-2407577 CR Approval 23.501 CR5423 (Rel-19, 'B'): Suppport of identification of non-3GPP devices traffic when connecting to 5GC via a Gateway UE/5G-RG Lenovo Rel-19 UIA_ARC Not Handled
Merge into S2-2408306?
19.8.2 S2-2407584 CR Approval 23.501 CR5424 (Rel-19, 'B'): Defining Device Identifiers Nokia, CableLabs Rel-19 UIA_ARC Not Handled
Merge into S2-2408306?
19.8.2 S2-2407835 CR Approval 23.501 CR5464 (Rel-19, 'B'): User identifiers and subscription aspects in TS23.501 China Mobile Rel-19 UIA_ARC Not Handled
Merge into S2-2408306?
19.8.2 S2-2407931 CR Approval 23.501 CR5489 (Rel-19, 'B'): General description on Identifying non-3gpp device connecting behind of UE or 5G RG ZTE Rel-19 UIA_ARC Not Handled
Merge into S2-2408306?
19.8.2 S2-2408009 CR Approval 23.501 CR5503 (Rel-19, 'B'): Identifying devices behind UE/5G-RG Ericsson Rel-19 UIA_ARC Not Handled
Merge into S2-2408306?
19.8.2 S2-2408213 CR Approval 23.501 CR5546 (Rel-19, 'B'): Identifying non-3GPP devices connecting behind a UE/5G-RG Xiaomi Rel-19 UIA_ARC Not Handled
Merge into S2-2408306?
19.8.2 S2-2408219 CR Approval 23.501 CR5548 (Rel-19, 'B'): Device Identifier of non-3GPP Devices connecting behind a UE/5G-RG Xiaomi Rel-19 UIA_ARC Not Handled
Merge into S2-2408306?
19.8.2 - - - TS 23.501 CRs - UDR - - - Docs:=5
19.8.2 S2-2408215 CR Approval 23.501 CR5547 (Rel-19, 'B'): UDR enhancement supporting Device Identifier of non-3GPP Devices connecting behind a UE/5G-RG Xiaomi Rel-19 UIA_ARC Revised in parallel session to S2-2408791.
Handle - Baseline for Updating the UDR Section
19.8.2 S2-2408791 CR Approval 23.501 CR5547R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): UDR enhancement supporting Device Identifier of non-3GPP Devices connecting behind a UE/5G-RG Xiaomi Rel-19 UIA_ARC Revision of S2-2408215. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409280.
19.8.2 S2-2409280 CR Approval 23.501 CR5547R2 (Rel-19, 'B'): UDR enhancement supporting Device Identifier of non-3GPP Devices connecting behind a UE/5G-RG Xiaomi Rel-19 UIA_ARC Revision of S2-2408791. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409329.
19.8.2 S2-2409329 CR Approval 23.501 CR5547R3 (Rel-19, 'B'): UDR enhancement supporting Device Identifier of non-3GPP Devices connecting behind a UE/5G-RG Xiaomi Rel-19 UIA_ARC Endorsed for future work
Revision of S2-2409280. Endorsed for future work in parallel session
19.8.2 S2-2407933 CR Approval 23.501 CR5490 (Rel-19, 'B'): Provisioning for device behind of UE or 5G-RG ZTE Rel-19 UIA_ARC Not Handled
Merge into S2-2408215?
19.8.2 - - - TS 23.316 CRs - - - Docs:=6
19.8.2 S2-2408591 CR Approval 23.316 CR2136 (Rel-19, 'B'): Identifying non-3GPP devices behind 5G-RG CableLabs, Nokia Rel-19 UIA_ARC Revised in parallel session to S2-2408971.
Handle - Baseline
19.8.2 S2-2408971 CR Approval 23.316 CR2136R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): Identifying non-3GPP devices behind 5G-RG CableLabs, Nokia Rel-19 UIA_ARC Revision of S2-2408591. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409281.
19.8.2 S2-2409281 CR Approval 23.316 CR2136R2 (Rel-19, 'B'): Identifying non-3GPP devices behind 5G-RG CableLabs, Nokia Rel-19 UIA_ARC Revision of S2-2408971. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409331.
19.8.2 S2-2409331 CR Approval 23.316 CR2136R3 (Rel-19, 'B'): Identifying non-3GPP devices behind 5G-RG CableLabs, Nokia Rel-19 UIA_ARC Endorsed for future work
Revision of S2-2409281. Endorsed for future work in parallel session
19.8.2 S2-2408178 CR Approval 23.316 CR2133 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of N3GPP device behind a 5G-RG Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 UIA_ARC Not Handled
Merge into S2-2408591?
19.8.2 S2-2408596 CR Approval 23.316 CR2137 (Rel-19, 'B'): New Section for the QoS Model InterDigital Inc. Rel-19 UIA_ARC Not Handled
Merge into S2-2408591?
19.8.2 - - - TS 23.316 CRs - DHCPv6 Based Solution - - - Docs:=3
19.8.2 S2-2408008 CR Approval 23.316 CR2131 (Rel-19, 'B'): Identifying devices behind RG Ericsson Rel-19 UIA_ARC Revised in parallel session to S2-2408972.
Handle - Baseline for DHCPv6 Solution
19.8.2 S2-2408972 CR Approval 23.316 CR2131R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): Identifying devices behind RG Ericsson Rel-19 UIA_ARC Revision of S2-2408008. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409282.
19.8.2 S2-2409282 CR Approval 23.316 CR2131R2 (Rel-19, 'B'): Identifying devices behind RG Ericsson Rel-19 UIA_ARC Revision of S2-2408972. Postponed in parallel session
19.8.2 - - - TS 23.316 and TS 23.503 CRs - Restricting the Maximum Number of non-3GPP Devices - - - Docs:=5
19.8.2 S2-2408214 DISCUSSION Agreement Discussion for max number restriction of non-3GPP devices behind UE. Xiaomi Rel-19 UIA_ARC Not Handled
19.8.2 S2-2408060 CR Approval 23.316 CR2132 (Rel-19, 'B'): Enforcement of max no of simultaneous device identifier behind an UE or 5G-RG Samsung, Huawei, NEC Rel-19 UIA_ARC Revised in parallel session to S2-2408973.
Handle - Baseline for Restricting the Max Number
19.8.2 S2-2408973 CR Approval 23.316 CR2132R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): Enforcement of max no of simultaneous device identifier behind an UE or 5G-RG Samsung, Huawei, NEC Rel-19 UIA_ARC Revision of S2-2408060. Withdrawn
19.8.2 S2-2408012 CR Approval 23.503 CR1344 (Rel-19, 'B'): Policy decisions for Non-3GPP devices behind UE/5G-RG Ericsson Rel-19 UIA_ARC Revised in parallel session to S2-2408974.
Handle - Baseline for Restricting the Max Number in the PCF. Merge other parts into S2-2407524 and S2-2408664?
19.8.2 S2-2408974 CR Approval 23.503 CR1344R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): Policy decisions for Non-3GPP devices behind UE/5G-RG Ericsson Rel-19 UIA_ARC Revision of S2-2408012. Postponed in parallel session
19.8.2 - - - TS 23.501 CRs - Restricting the Maximum Number of non-3GPP Devices - - - Docs:=2
19.8.2 S2-2407749 CR Approval 23.501 CR5451 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of non-3GPP Device Identifeir OPPO Rel-19 UIA_ARC Revised in parallel session to S2-2408993.
Handle - Baseline for Restricting Max Number (adding the support indication)
19.8.2 S2-2408993 CR Approval 23.501 CR5451R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of non-3GPP Device Identifeir OPPO Rel-19 UIA_ARC Revision of S2-2407749. Merged into S2-2408790
19.8.2 - - - TS 23.502 CRs - - - Docs:=16
19.8.2 S2-2407578 CR Approval 23.502 CR4844 (Rel-19, 'B'): Adding Device Identifier in PDU session related signalling Lenovo Rel-19 UIA_ARC Revised in parallel session to S2-2408994.
Handle - Baseline for procedures ( &
19.8.2 S2-2408994 CR Approval 23.502 CR4844R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): Adding Device Identifier in PDU session related signalling Lenovo Rel-19 UIA_ARC Revision of S2-2407578. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409283.
19.8.2 S2-2409283 CR Approval 23.502 CR4844R2 (Rel-19, 'B'): Adding Device Identifier in PDU session related signalling Lenovo Rel-19 UIA_ARC Revision of S2-2408994. Postponed in parallel session
19.8.2 S2-2407585 CR Approval 23.502 CR4848 (Rel-19, 'B'): Update of services pertaining to defining Device Identifiers Nokia, CableLabs Rel-19 UIA_ARC Revised in parallel session to S2-2408995.
Handle - Baseline
19.8.2 S2-2408995 CR Approval 23.502 CR4848R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): Update of services pertaining to defining Device Identifiers Nokia, CableLabs Rel-19 UIA_ARC Revision of S2-2407585. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409279.
19.8.2 S2-2409279 CR Approval 23.502 CR4848R2 (Rel-19, 'B'): Update of services pertaining to defining Device Identifiers Nokia, CableLabs Rel-19 UIA_ARC Revision of S2-2408995. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409328.
19.8.2 S2-2409328 CR Approval 23.502 CR4848R3 (Rel-19, 'B'): Update of services pertaining to defining Device Identifiers Nokia, CableLabs Rel-19 UIA_ARC Endorsed for future work
Revision of S2-2409279. Endorsed for future work in parallel session
19.8.2 S2-2407521 CR Approval 23.502 CR4836 (Rel-19, 'B'): PDU session establishment for identified non-3GPP Device CATT Rel-19 UIA_ARC Not Handled
Merge into S2-2407578?
19.8.2 S2-2407522 CR Approval 23.502 CR4837 (Rel-19, 'B'): PDU session modification for identified non-3GPP Device CATT Rel-19 UIA_ARC Not Handled
Merge into S2-2407578?
19.8.2 S2-2407523 CR Approval 23.502 CR4838 (Rel-19, 'B'): NF service enhancements for support of identified non-3GPP devices CATT Rel-19 UIA_ARC Not Handled
Merge into S2-2407585?
19.8.2 S2-2407748 CR Approval 23.502 CR4875 (Rel-19, 'B'): PDU Session procedures for Device Identifeir for non-3GPP devices behind UE/5G-RG OPPO Rel-19 UIA_ARC Not Handled
Merge into S2-2407578 and S2-2407585?
19.8.2 S2-2407932 CR Approval 23.502 CR4903 (Rel-19, 'B'): PDU session procedure for identifying the device behind of UE ZTE Rel-19 UIA_ARC Not Handled
Merge into S2-2407578 and S2-2407585?
19.8.2 S2-2408011 CR Approval 23.502 CR4917 (Rel-19, 'B'): Session management for identifying devices behind UE/5G-RG Ericsson Rel-19 UIA_ARC Not Handled
Merge into S2-2407578 and S2-2407585?
19.8.2 S2-2408216 CR Approval 23.502 CR4939 (Rel-19, 'B'): Device Identifier included in PDU session establishment message Xiaomi Rel-19 UIA_ARC Not Handled
Merge into S2-2407578?
19.8.2 S2-2408307 CR Approval 23.502 CR4951 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support N3GPP device behind a UE Huawei, HiSilicon, InterDigital Inc. Rel-19 UIA_ARC Not Handled
Merge into S2-2407578 and S2-2407585?
19.8.2 S2-2408593 CR Approval 23.502 CR4990 (Rel-19, 'B'): Identifying non-3GPP devices behind UE/5G-RG CableLabs, Nokia Rel-19 UIA_ARC Not Handled
Merge into S2-2407578 and S2-2407585?
19.8.2 - - - TS 23.502 CRs - UDR and Provisioning of the Profile - - - Docs:=5
19.8.2 S2-2407934 CR Approval 23.502 CR4904 (Rel-19, 'B'): Provisioning for non-3GPP device behind of UE or 5G-RG ZTE Rel-19 UIA_ARC Revised in parallel session to S2-2408996.
Handle - Baseline for UDR and Provisioning of the Profile
19.8.2 S2-2408996 CR Approval 23.502 CR4904R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): Provisioning for non-3GPP device behind of UE or 5G-RG ZTE Rel-19 UIA_ARC Revision of S2-2407934. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409284.
19.8.2 S2-2409284 CR Approval 23.502 CR4904R2 (Rel-19, 'B'): Provisioning for non-3GPP device behind of UE or 5G-RG ZTE Rel-19 UIA_ARC Revision of S2-2408996. Postponed in parallel session
19.8.2 S2-2407579 CR Approval 23.502 CR4845 (Rel-19, 'B'): Device Identifier in UDR and Device Identifier provisioning by AF Lenovo Rel-19 UIA_ARC Not Handled
Merge into S2-2407934?
19.8.2 S2-2408217 CR Approval 23.502 CR4940 (Rel-19, 'B'): Enhancement of UDR service to support Device Identifier as Data Key Xiaomi Rel-19 UIA_ARC Confirm Specification Number - CR states 23.501! If TS is 23.501 then a new CR number will be needed for any revision! Not Handled
Merge into S2-2407934?
19.8.2 - - - TS 23.502 CRs - URSP - - - Docs:=2
19.8.2 S2-2408010 CR Approval 23.502 CR4916 (Rel-19, 'B'): Parameters and Policies for devices behind UE/5G-RG Ericsson Rel-19 UIA_ARC Revised in parallel session to S2-2408997 (withdrawn). Noted in parallel session
Handle - Baseline
19.8.2 S2-2408997 CR Approval 23.502 CR4916R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): Parameters and Policies for devices behind UE/5G-RG Ericsson Rel-19 UIA_ARC Revision of S2-2408010. Withdrawn
19.8.2 - - - TS 23.502 CRs - Restricting the Maximum Number of non-3GPP Devices - - - Docs:=3
19.8.2 S2-2408062 CR Approval 23.502 CR4924 (Rel-19, 'B'): Enforcement of max no of simultaneous device identifier behind an UE or 5G-RG Samsung, Huawei, NEC Rel-19 UIA_ARC Not Handled
Handle - Baseline for Restricting the Max Number
19.8.2 S2-2407747 CR Approval 23.502 CR4874 (Rel-19, 'B'): UIA Registration Procedures with non-3GPP Device ID Support OPPO Rel-19 UIA_ARC Not Handled
Merge into S2-2408062?
19.8.2 S2-2407834 CR Approval 23.502 CR4886 (Rel-19, 'B'): Restrict max number of simultaneously active Device Identifiers per UE or 5G-RG in TS23.502 China Mobile Rel-19 UIA_ARC Not Handled
Merge into S2-2408062?
19.8.2 - - - TS 23.502 CRs - UDM - - - Docs:=1
19.8.2 S2-2407836 CR Approval 23.502 CR4887 (Rel-19, 'B'): KI#1 subscription aspects about user identifiers in TS23.502 China Mobile Rel-19 UIA_ARC Not Handled
Handle - Baseline for UDM
19.8.2 - - - TS 23.503 CRs - - - Docs:=9
19.8.2 S2-2407524 CR Approval 23.503 CR1310 (Rel-19, 'B'): PCC enhancements for support of identified non-3GPP devices CATT Rel-19 UIA_ARC Revised in parallel session to S2-2408999.
Handle - Baseline for new section
19.8.2 S2-2408999 CR Approval 23.503 CR1310R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): PCC enhancements for support of identified non-3GPP devices CATT Rel-19 UIA_ARC Revision of S2-2407524. Postponed in parallel session
19.8.2 S2-2408664 CR Approval 23.503 CR1367 (Rel-19, 'B'): UIA_ARC Support of non-3GPP Device identifiers in Policy Control OPPO Rel-19 UIA_ARC Not Handled
Handle - Baseline
19.8.2 S2-2407586 CR Approval 23.503 CR1313 (Rel-19, 'B'): Policy updates for Device Identifiers Nokia, CableLabs Rel-19 UIA_ARC Not Handled
Merge into S2-2408664?
19.8.2 S2-2407935 CR Approval 23.503 CR1341 (Rel-19, 'B'): PCC enhancement for UIA_ARC ZTE Rel-19 UIA_ARC Not Handled
Merge into S2-2407524 and S2-2408664?
19.8.2 S2-2408218 CR Approval 23.503 CR1353 (Rel-19, 'B'): Enhancement for input for PCC decision Xiaomi Rel-19 UIA_ARC Not Handled
Merge into S2-2408664?
19.8.2 S2-2408308 CR Approval 23.503 CR1354 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support Non-3GPP device behind a UE/5G-RG Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 UIA_ARC Not Handled
Merge into S2-2408664?
19.8.2 S2-2408594 CR Approval 23.503 CR1365 (Rel-19, 'B'): Identifying non-3GPP devices behind UE/5G-RG CableLabs, Nokia Rel-19 UIA_ARC Not Handled
Merge into S2-2408664?
19.8.2 S2-2408598 CR Approval 23.503 CR1366 (Rel-19, 'B'): Considering the non-3GPP device identifier in PCC decisions InterDigital Inc. Rel-19 UIA_ARC Not Handled
Merge into S2-2408664?
19.9.1 - - - Study on Enhancement of support for Edge Computing in 5G Core network - Phase 3 (FS_eEDGE_5GC_Ph3) - - Dario Docs:=9
19.9.1 - - - Solution update - - - Docs:=1
19.9.1 S2-2408557 P-CR Approval 23.700-49: KI#3: Update on QoS handling in Solution #21 Nokia Rel-19 FS_eEDGE_5GC_Ph3 Not Handled
19.9.1 - - - KI#3 Evaluation and Conclusion - - - Docs:=8
19.9.1 S2-2407897 P-CR Approval 23.700-49: KI#3 Evaluation and conclusion Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 FS_eEDGE_5GC_Ph3 Revised in parallel session to S2-2408864.
19.9.1 S2-2408864 P-CR Approval 23.700-49: KI#3 Evaluation and conclusion Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 FS_eEDGE_5GC_Ph3 Revision of S2-2407897. Agreed in parallel session
19.9.1 S2-2407658 P-CR Approval 23.700-49: KI#3: Conclusion update Intel Rel-19 FS_eEDGE_5GC_Ph3 Revised in parallel session to S2-2408860.
19.9.1 S2-2408860 P-CR Approval 23.700-49: KI#3: Conclusion update Intel Rel-19 FS_eEDGE_5GC_Ph3 Revision of S2-2407658. Agreed in parallel session
19.9.1 S2-2408279 P-CR Approval 23.700-49: KI#3: Conclusion update. ZTE Rel-19 FS_eEDGE_5GC_Ph3 Not Handled
19.9.1 S2-2408415 DISCUSSION Discussion IP addresses for CAT-A and CAT-B solutions Ericsson Inc. Rel-19 FS_eEDGE_5GC_Ph3 Not Handled
19.9.1 S2-2408464 P-CR Approval 23.700-49: KI#3 Conclusions Ericsson, Nokia Rel-19 FS_eEDGE_5GC_Ph3 Not Handled
19.9.1 S2-2408558 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] LS on Charging of Edge Computing traffic between local part of DN and central part of DN Nokia Rel-19 FS_eEDGE_5GC_Ph3 Not Handled
19.9.2 - - - Enhancement of support for Edge Computing in 5G Core network - Phase 3 (eEDGE_5GC_Ph3) - - Dario Docs:=120
19.9.2 - - - KI#3 Draft CRs - - - Docs:=2
19.9.2 S2-2408559 DRAFTCR Information [Draft CR] Connecting local DN with central DN Nokia, Ericsson Rel-19 eEDGE_5GC_Ph3 Not Handled
19.9.2 S2-2408400 CR Information 23.501 CR5574 (Rel-19, 'B'): Connecting local DN with central DN Ericsson Rel-19 eEDGE_5GC_Ph3 Should be a Draft CR for information. Check Affected Clauses! Not Handled
19.9.2 - - - KI#1 CRs - - - Docs:=0
19.9.2 - - - Supporting EAS Discovery with local I-SMF - - - Docs:=25
19.9.2 S2-2407903 CR Approval 23.548 CR0241 (Rel-19, 'B'): KI#1 EAS discovery for Local-SBO PDU session Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 eEDGE_5GC_Ph3 Revised in parallel session to S2-2408861.
Handle - Baseline for 23.548 CR
19.9.2 S2-2408861 CR Approval 23.548 CR0241R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): KI#1 EAS discovery for Local-SBO PDU session Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 eEDGE_5GC_Ph3 Revision of S2-2407903. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409147.
19.9.2 S2-2409147 CR Approval 23.548 CR0241R2 (Rel-19, 'B'): KI#1 EAS discovery for Local-SBO PDU session Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 eEDGE_5GC_Ph3 Fix cover page
Revision of S2-2408861. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409182.
19.9.2 S2-2409182 CR Approval 23.548 CR0241R3 (Rel-19, 'B'): KI#1 EAS discovery for Local-SBO PDU session Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 eEDGE_5GC_Ph3 Revision of S2-2409147. Postponed
19.9.2 S2-2407699 CR Approval 23.548 CR0232 (Rel-19, 'B'): I-SMF insertion in EAS discovery for local service China Mobile Rel-19 eEDGE_5GC_Ph3 Not Handled
19.9.2 S2-2407720 CR Approval 23.548 CR0234 (Rel-19, 'B'): KI#1 Architecture and Local offloading management authorization Samsung Rel-19 eEDGE_5GC_Ph3 Not Handled
19.9.2 S2-2407827 CR Approval 23.548 CR0238 (Rel-19, 'B'): I-SMF based Local Offloading Management CATT Rel-19 eEDGE_5GC_Ph3 Not Handled
19.9.2 S2-2408076 CR Approval 23.548 CR0245 (Rel-19, 'B'): Local Handling of Edge Computing support with I-SMF LG Electronics Rel-19 eEDGE_5GC_Ph3 Not Handled
19.9.2 S2-2408566 CR Approval 23.548 CR0249 (Rel-19, 'B'): I-SMF selection/insertion based on local offloading allowed indication Nokia Rel-19 eEDGE_5GC_Ph3 Not Handled
19.9.2 S2-2408055 CR Approval 23.501 CR5516 (Rel-19, 'B'): I-SMF insertion in EAS discovery for local service China Mobile Rel-19 eEDGE_5GC_Ph3 Not Handled
19.9.2 S2-2408560 CR Approval 23.501 CR5604 (Rel-19, 'B'): I-SMF selection/insertion based on local offloading allowed indication Nokia Rel-19 eEDGE_5GC_Ph3 Revised in parallel session to S2-2408867.
Handle - baseline for 23.501 CR
19.9.2 S2-2408867 CR Approval 23.501 CR5604R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): I-SMF selection/insertion based on local offloading allowed indication Nokia Rel-19 eEDGE_5GC_Ph3 Revision of S2-2408560. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409148.
19.9.2 S2-2409148 CR Approval 23.501 CR5604R2 (Rel-19, 'B'): I-SMF selection/insertion based on local offloading allowed indication Nokia Rel-19 eEDGE_5GC_Ph3 Revision of S2-2408867. Postponed
19.9.2 S2-2407721 CR Approval 23.501 CR5450 (Rel-19, 'B'): KI#1 Local I-SMF selection for local offloading management Samsung Rel-19 eEDGE_5GC_Ph3 Not Handled
19.9.2 S2-2407828 CR Approval 23.501 CR5462 (Rel-19, 'B'): I-SMF based Local Offloading Mangement CATT Rel-19 eEDGE_5GC_Ph3 Not Handled
19.9.2 S2-2407902 CR Approval 23.501 CR5483 (Rel-19, 'B'): KI#1 EAS discovery for Local-SBO PDU session Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 eEDGE_5GC_Ph3 Not Handled
19.9.2 S2-2407722 CR Approval 23.502 CR4869 (Rel-19, 'B'): KI#1 Local I-SMF selection for Local Offloading Management Samsung Rel-19 eEDGE_5GC_Ph3 Revised in parallel session to S2-2408868.
Handle - Baseline for 23.502 CR
19.9.2 S2-2408868 CR Approval 23.502 CR4869R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): KI#1 Local I-SMF selection for Local Offloading Management Samsung Rel-19 eEDGE_5GC_Ph3 Revision of S2-2407722. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409149.
19.9.2 S2-2409149 CR Approval 23.502 CR4869R2 (Rel-19, 'B'): KI#1 Local I-SMF selection for Local Offloading Management Samsung Rel-19 eEDGE_5GC_Ph3 Undo changes in and Remove addition of '- Only the S-NSSAI with the value defined by the serving PLMN is sent to the SMF.'
Revision of S2-2408868. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409183.
19.9.2 S2-2409183 CR Approval 23.502 CR4869R3 (Rel-19, 'B'): KI#1 Local I-SMF selection for Local Offloading Management Samsung Rel-19 eEDGE_5GC_Ph3 Revision of S2-2409149. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409184.
19.9.2 S2-2409184 CR Approval 23.502 CR4869R4 (Rel-19, 'B'): KI#1 Local I-SMF selection for Local Offloading Management Samsung Rel-19 eEDGE_5GC_Ph3 Revision of S2-2409183. Postponed
19.9.2 S2-2407829 CR Approval 23.502 CR4884 (Rel-19, 'B'): I-SMF based Local Offloading Mangement CATT Rel-19 eEDGE_5GC_Ph3 Not Handled
19.9.2 S2-2407901 CR Approval 23.502 CR4895 (Rel-19, 'B'): KI#1 EAS discovery for Local-SBO PDU session Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 eEDGE_5GC_Ph3 Not Handled
19.9.2 S2-2408079 CR Approval 23.502 CR4925 (Rel-19, 'B'): Service update for Local Handling of Edge Computing support with I-SMF LG Electronics Rel-19 eEDGE_5GC_Ph3 Not Handled
19.9.2 S2-2408562 CR Approval 23.502 CR4982 (Rel-19, 'B'): I-SMF selection/insertion based on local offloading allowed indication Nokia Rel-19 eEDGE_5GC_Ph3 Not Handled
19.9.2 - - - Supporting EAS Re-discovery with local I-SMF - - - Docs:=5
19.9.2 S2-2407904 CR Approval 23.548 CR0242 (Rel-19, 'B'): KI#1 EAS rediscovery for PDU session with local SMF Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 eEDGE_5GC_Ph3 Revised in parallel session to S2-2408862.
19.9.2 S2-2408862 CR Approval 23.548 CR0242R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): KI#1 EAS rediscovery for PDU session with local SMF Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 eEDGE_5GC_Ph3 Revision of S2-2407904. Revised in parallel session to S2-2408865.
19.9.2 S2-2408865 CR Approval 23.548 CR0242R2 (Rel-19, 'B'): KI#1 EAS rediscovery for PDU session with local SMF Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 eEDGE_5GC_Ph3 Revision of S2-2408862. Agreed in parallel session
19.9.2 S2-2407905 CR Approval 23.502 CR4896 (Rel-19, 'B'): KI#1 EAS rediscovery for PDU session with local SMF Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 eEDGE_5GC_Ph3 Revised in parallel session to S2-2408869.
19.9.2 S2-2408869 CR Approval 23.502 CR4896R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): KI#1 EAS rediscovery for PDU session with local SMF Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 eEDGE_5GC_Ph3 Revision of S2-2407905. Postponed in parallel session
19.9.2 - - - EDI provisioning with local I-SMF - - - Docs:=11
19.9.2 S2-2408567 CR Approval 23.548 CR0250 (Rel-19, 'B'): I-SMF based approach to locally manage EDI Nokia Rel-19 eEDGE_5GC_Ph3 Revised in parallel session to S2-2408863.
Handle - Baseline for 23.548 CR
19.9.2 S2-2408863 CR Approval 23.548 CR0250R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): I-SMF based approach to locally manage EDI Nokia Rel-19 eEDGE_5GC_Ph3 Revision of S2-2408567. Revised in parallel session to S2-2408866.
19.9.2 S2-2408866 CR Approval 23.548 CR0250R2 (Rel-19, 'B'): I-SMF based approach to locally manage EDI Nokia Rel-19 eEDGE_5GC_Ph3 Remove changes on changes. Remove 'via local PSA controlled by the I-SMF for local offloading management' from the very last sentence.
Revision of S2-2408863. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409141.
19.9.2 S2-2409141 CR Approval 23.548 CR0250R3 (Rel-19, 'B'): I-SMF based approach to locally manage EDI Nokia Rel-19 eEDGE_5GC_Ph3 Revision of S2-2408866. Agreed in parallel session
19.9.2 S2-2407906 CR Approval 23.548 CR0243 (Rel-19, 'B'): KI#1: EDI retrieval of the local SMF Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 eEDGE_5GC_Ph3 Not Handled
19.9.2 S2-2407723 CR Approval 23.548 CR0235 (Rel-19, 'B'): KI#1 EDI provisioning Samsung Rel-19 eEDGE_5GC_Ph3 Not Handled
19.9.2 S2-2407724 CR Approval 23.502 CR4870 (Rel-19, 'B'): KI#1 EDI provisioning Samsung Rel-19 eEDGE_5GC_Ph3 Revised in parallel session to S2-2408870.
Handle - Baseline for 23.502 CR
19.9.2 S2-2408870 CR Approval 23.502 CR4870R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): KI#1 EDI provisioning Samsung Rel-19 eEDGE_5GC_Ph3 Revision of S2-2407724. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409142.
19.9.2 S2-2409142 CR Approval 23.502 CR4870R2 (Rel-19, 'B'): KI#1 EDI provisioning Samsung Rel-19 eEDGE_5GC_Ph3 Revision of S2-2408870. Agreed in parallel session
19.9.2 S2-2407907 CR Approval 23.502 CR4897 (Rel-19, 'B'): KI#1 EDI retrieval of the local SMF Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 eEDGE_5GC_Ph3 Not Handled
19.9.2 S2-2408563 CR Approval 23.502 CR4983 (Rel-19, 'B'): I-SMF based approach to locally manage EDI Nokia Rel-19 eEDGE_5GC_Ph3 Not Handled
19.9.2 - - - Local Offloading Policy - - - Docs:=26
19.9.2 S2-2407898 CR Approval 23.548 CR0240 (Rel-19, 'B'): KI#1 Policy provisioning for PDU session with local SMF Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 eEDGE_5GC_Ph3 Revised in parallel session to S2-2408871.
Handle - Baseline for 23.548 CR
19.9.2 S2-2408871 CR Approval 23.548 CR0240R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): KI#1 Policy provisioning for PDU session with local SMF Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 eEDGE_5GC_Ph3 Revision of S2-2407898. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409143.
19.9.2 S2-2409143 CR Approval 23.548 CR0240R2 (Rel-19, 'B'): KI#1 Policy provisioning for PDU session with local SMF Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 eEDGE_5GC_Ph3 Revision of S2-2408871. Postponed
19.9.2 S2-2407727 CR Approval 23.548 CR0236 (Rel-19, 'B'): KI#1 Local offloading management policy Samsung Rel-19 eEDGE_5GC_Ph3 Not Handled
19.9.2 S2-2407830 CR Approval 23.548 CR0239 (Rel-19, 'B'): Local Offloading Policy provisioning CATT Rel-19 eEDGE_5GC_Ph3 Not Handled
19.9.2 S2-2407831 CR Approval 23.501 CR5463 (Rel-19, 'B'): Local Offloading Policy provisioning CATT Rel-19 eEDGE_5GC_Ph3 Revised in parallel session to S2-2408872.
Handle - Baseline for 23.501 CR
19.9.2 S2-2408872 CR Approval 23.501 CR5463R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): Local Offloading Policy provisioning CATT Rel-19 eEDGE_5GC_Ph3 Revision of S2-2407831. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409144.
19.9.2 S2-2409144 CR Approval 23.501 CR5463R2 (Rel-19, 'B'): Local Offloading Policy provisioning CATT Rel-19 eEDGE_5GC_Ph3 EN in reads as Editor's Note: It is FFS whether the local offloading policy received from PCF is sent to the I-SMF via SMF transparently or not. Fix cover page
Revision of S2-2408872. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409185.
19.9.2 S2-2409185 CR Approval 23.501 CR5463R3 (Rel-19, 'B'): Local Offloading Policy provisioning CATT Rel-19 eEDGE_5GC_Ph3 Revision of S2-2409144. Agreed in parallel session. Revised to S2-2409554.
19.9.2 S2-2409554 CR Approval 23.501 CR5463R4 (Rel-19, 'B'): Local Offloading Policy provisioning CATT, Nokia Rel-19 eEDGE_5GC_Ph3 Revision of S2-2409185. This CR was agreed
19.9.2 S2-2408561 CR Approval 23.501 CR5605 (Rel-19, 'B'): Local offloading policy provisioning to I-SMF Nokia Rel-19 eEDGE_5GC_Ph3 Not Handled
19.9.2 S2-2408564 CR Approval 23.502 CR4984 (Rel-19, 'B'): Local offloading policy provisioning to I-SMF Nokia Rel-19 eEDGE_5GC_Ph3 Revised in parallel session to S2-2408873.
Handle - Baseline for 23.502 CR
19.9.2 S2-2408873 CR Approval 23.502 CR4984R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): Local offloading policy provisioning to I-SMF Nokia Rel-19 eEDGE_5GC_Ph3 Revision of S2-2408564. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409145.
19.9.2 S2-2409145 CR Approval 23.502 CR4984R2 (Rel-19, 'B'): Local offloading policy provisioning to I-SMF Nokia Rel-19 eEDGE_5GC_Ph3 Undo changes in and in
Revision of S2-2408873. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409186.
19.9.2 S2-2409186 CR Approval 23.502 CR4984R3 (Rel-19, 'B'): Local offloading policy provisioning to I-SMF Nokia Rel-19 eEDGE_5GC_Ph3 Revision of S2-2409145. Agreed in parallel session
19.9.2 S2-2407832 CR Approval 23.502 CR4885 (Rel-19, 'B'): Local Offloading Policy provisioning CATT Rel-19 eEDGE_5GC_Ph3 Not Handled
19.9.2 S2-2407899 CR Approval 23.502 CR4894 (Rel-19, 'B'): KI#1 Policy provisioning for PDU session with local SMF Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 eEDGE_5GC_Ph3 Not Handled
19.9.2 S2-2407725 CR Approval 23.502 CR4871 (Rel-19, 'B'): KI#1 Local offloading management policy Samsung Rel-19 eEDGE_5GC_Ph3 Not Handled
19.9.2 S2-2408082 CR Approval 23.503 CR1348 (Rel-19, 'B'): Local Offloading Policy to support Local Handling of Edge Computing with I-SMF LG Electronics Rel-19 eEDGE_5GC_Ph3 Revised in parallel session to S2-2408874.
Handle - Baseline for 23.503 CR
19.9.2 S2-2408874 CR Approval 23.503 CR1348R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): Local Offloading Policy to support Local Handling of Edge Computing with I-SMF LG Electronics Rel-19 eEDGE_5GC_Ph3 Revision of S2-2408082. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409146.
19.9.2 S2-2409146 CR Approval 23.503 CR1348R2 (Rel-19, 'B'): Local Offloading Policy to support Local Handling of Edge Computing with I-SMF LG Electronics Rel-19 eEDGE_5GC_Ph3 Remove offload identifier from table. Add EN on offload identifier and fix NOTE in table.
Revision of S2-2408874. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409187.
19.9.2 S2-2409187 CR Approval 23.503 CR1348R3 (Rel-19, 'B'): Local Offloading Policy to support Local Handling of Edge Computing with I-SMF LG Electronics Rel-19 eEDGE_5GC_Ph3 Revision of S2-2409146. Agreed in parallel session
19.9.2 S2-2407726 CR Approval 23.503 CR1326 (Rel-19, 'B'): KI#1 Local offloading management policy Samsung Rel-19 eEDGE_5GC_Ph3 Not Handled
19.9.2 S2-2407833 CR Approval 23.503 CR1333 (Rel-19, 'B'): Local Offloading Policy provisioning CATT Rel-19 eEDGE_5GC_Ph3 Not Handled
19.9.2 S2-2407900 CR Approval 23.503 CR1335 (Rel-19, 'B'): KI#1 Policy provisioning for PDU session with local SMF Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 eEDGE_5GC_Ph3 Not Handled
19.9.2 S2-2408565 CR Approval 23.503 CR1363 (Rel-19, 'B'): Local offloading policy provisioning to I-SMF Nokia Rel-19 eEDGE_5GC_Ph3 Not Handled
19.9.2 - - - KI#2 CRs - - - Docs:=0
19.9.2 - - - L-PSA UPF selection considering N6 delay measurement - - - Docs:=28
19.9.2 S2-2408401 CR Approval 23.548 CR0248 (Rel-19, 'B'): Addition of N6 delay measurement based EAS (re-)discovery enhancement Ericsson Rel-19 eEDGE_5GC_Ph3 Revised in parallel session to S2-2408875.
Handle - Baseline for EAS Discovery procedure with EASDF clause in 23.548
19.9.2 S2-2408875 CR Approval 23.548 CR0248R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): Addition of N6 delay measurement based EAS (re-)discovery enhancement Ericsson Rel-19 eEDGE_5GC_Ph3 Revision of S2-2408401. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409150.
19.9.2 S2-2409150 CR Approval 23.548 CR0248R2 (Rel-19, 'B'): Addition of N6 delay measurement based EAS (re-)discovery enhancement Ericsson Rel-19 eEDGE_5GC_Ph3 Remove 'the fulfilment of end-to-end service delay requirements, the SMF may initiate' in 6.x.
Revision of S2-2408875. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409400, merging S2-2407580
19.9.2 S2-2409400 CR Approval 23.548 CR0248R3 (Rel-19, 'B'): Addition of N6 delay measurement based EAS (re-)discovery enhancement Ericsson Rel-19 eEDGE_5GC_Ph3 Revision of S2-2409150, merging S2-2407580. Agreed in parallel session
19.9.2 S2-2407908 CR Approval 23.548 CR0244 (Rel-19, 'B'): KI#2 Support of N6 delay measurement and UPF selection Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 eEDGE_5GC_Ph3 Not Handled
19.9.2 S2-2407695 CR Approval 23.548 CR0231 (Rel-19, 'B'): EAS and local UPF selection enhancement considering N6 delay China Mobile Rel-19 eEDGE_5GC_Ph3 Not Handled
19.9.2 S2-2407821 CR Approval 23.548 CR0237 (Rel-19, 'B'): EAS and L-UPF (re)selection considering N6 delay CATT Rel-19 eEDGE_5GC_Ph3 Not Handled
19.9.2 S2-2408386 CR Approval 23.548 CR0247 (Rel-19, 'B'): KI#2 Local PSA selection considering N6 delay Samsung Rel-19 eEDGE_5GC_Ph3 Not Handled
19.9.2 S2-2408570 CR Approval 23.548 CR0251 (Rel-19, 'B'): SMF to select local PSA UPF considering N6 delay Nokia Rel-19 eEDGE_5GC_Ph3 Not Handled
19.9.2 S2-2407580 CR Approval 23.548 CR0229 (Rel-19, 'B'): EAS selection during DNS exchange based on N6 delay Lenovo Rel-19 eEDGE_5GC_Ph3 Merged into S2-2409400
19.9.2 S2-2407696 CR Approval 23.501 CR5443 (Rel-19, 'B'): AF request and functionalities enhancement to support N6 delay measurement China Mobile Rel-19 eEDGE_5GC_Ph3 Revised in parallel session to S2-2408876.
Handle - Baseline for 23.501 CR
19.9.2 S2-2408876 CR Approval 23.501 CR5443R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): AF request and functionalities enhancement to support N6 delay measurement China Mobile Rel-19 eEDGE_5GC_Ph3 Revision of S2-2407696. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409151.
19.9.2 S2-2409151 CR Approval 23.501 CR5443R2 (Rel-19, 'B'): AF request and functionalities enhancement to support N6 delay measurement China Mobile Rel-19 eEDGE_5GC_Ph3 Revision of S2-2408876. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409401.
19.9.2 S2-2409401 CR Approval 23.501 CR5443R3 (Rel-19, 'B'): AF request and functionalities enhancement to support N6 delay measurement China Mobile Rel-19 eEDGE_5GC_Ph3 Revision of S2-2409151. Postponed
19.9.2 S2-2407659 CR Approval 23.501 CR5436 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of L-PSA UPF Selection Considering N6 Delay Intel Rel-19 eEDGE_5GC_Ph3 Not Handled
19.9.2 S2-2407909 CR Approval 23.501 CR5484 (Rel-19, 'B'): KI#2 Support of N6 delay measurement and UPF selection Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 eEDGE_5GC_Ph3 Not Handled
19.9.2 S2-2407822 CR Approval 23.501 CR5460 (Rel-19, 'B'): EAS and L-UPF (re)selection considering N6 delay CATT Rel-19 eEDGE_5GC_Ph3 Not Handled
19.9.2 S2-2408387 CR Approval 23.501 CR5573 (Rel-19, 'B'): KI#2 Local PSA selection considering N6 delay Samsung Rel-19 eEDGE_5GC_Ph3 Not Handled
19.9.2 S2-2408568 CR Approval 23.501 CR5606 (Rel-19, 'B'): UPF support for N6 delay measurements Nokia Rel-19 eEDGE_5GC_Ph3 Not Handled
19.9.2 S2-2407910 CR Approval 23.502 CR4898 (Rel-19, 'B'): KI#2 Support of N6 delay measurement and UPF selection Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 eEDGE_5GC_Ph3 Competing CR with S2-2408878
Revised in parallel session to S2-2408877.
Handle - Baseline for 23.502 CR.
19.9.2 S2-2408877 CR Approval 23.502 CR4898R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): KI#2 Support of N6 delay measurement and UPF selection Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 eEDGE_5GC_Ph3 Revision of S2-2407910. Postponed in parallel session
19.9.2 S2-2407660 CR Approval 23.502 CR4860 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of L-PSA UPF selection considering N6 delay Intel Rel-19 eEDGE_5GC_Ph3 Not Handled
19.9.2 S2-2407697 CR Approval 23.502 CR4864 (Rel-19, 'B'): Procedure and service enhancement to support N6 delay measurement China Mobile Rel-19 eEDGE_5GC_Ph3 Not Handled
19.9.2 S2-2407823 CR Approval 23.502 CR4882 (Rel-19, 'B'): EAS and L-UPF (re)selection considering N6 delay CATT Rel-19 eEDGE_5GC_Ph3 Not Handled
19.9.2 S2-2408388 CR Approval 23.502 CR4957 (Rel-19, 'B'): KI#2 Local PSA selection considering N6 delay Samsung Rel-19 eEDGE_5GC_Ph3 Not Handled
19.9.2 S2-2408569 CR Approval 23.502 CR4985 (Rel-19, 'B'): SMF triggering N6 delay monitoring at candidate UPF(s) Nokia Rel-19 eEDGE_5GC_Ph3 Competing CR with S2-2408877
Revised in parallel session to S2-2408878.
Handle - need to discuss whether to define new UPF services
19.9.2 S2-2408878 CR Approval 23.502 CR4985R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): SMF triggering N6 delay monitoring at candidate UPF(s) Nokia Rel-19 eEDGE_5GC_Ph3 Discussion on SBI vs. PFCP is for next meeting.
Revision of S2-2408569. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409152.
19.9.2 S2-2409152 CR Approval 23.502 CR4985R2 (Rel-19, 'B'): SMF triggering N6 delay monitoring at candidate UPF(s) Nokia Rel-19 eEDGE_5GC_Ph3 Revision of S2-2408878. Postponed in parallel session. Not provided. Withdrawn.
19.9.2 - - - N6 delay monitoring information via AF influence - - - Docs:=18
19.9.2 S2-2407662 CR Approval 23.501 CR5437 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of L-PSA UPF Selection Considering N6 Delay Intel Rel-19 eEDGE_5GC_Ph3 Revised in parallel session to S2-2408879.
Handle - Baseline for 23.501 CR
19.9.2 S2-2408879 CR Approval 23.501 CR5437R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of L-PSA UPF Selection Considering N6 Delay Intel Rel-19 eEDGE_5GC_Ph3 Revision of S2-2407662. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409153.
19.9.2 S2-2409153 CR Approval 23.501 CR5437R2 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of L-PSA UPF Selection Considering N6 Delay Intel Rel-19 eEDGE_5GC_Ph3 Revision of S2-2408879. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409402.
19.9.2 S2-2409402 CR Approval 23.501 CR5437R3 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of L-PSA UPF Selection Considering N6 Delay Intel Rel-19 eEDGE_5GC_Ph3 Revision of S2-2409153. Postponed
19.9.2 S2-2407824 CR Approval 23.501 CR5461 (Rel-19, 'B'): AF influence on N6 delay measurement CATT Rel-19 eEDGE_5GC_Ph3 Not Handled
19.9.2 S2-2407912 CR Approval 23.501 CR5485 (Rel-19, 'B'): KI#2 Support of N6 delay measurement assistance information provisioning Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 eEDGE_5GC_Ph3 Not Handled
19.9.2 S2-2407825 CR Approval 23.502 CR4883 (Rel-19, 'B'): AF influence on N6 delay measurement CATT Rel-19 eEDGE_5GC_Ph3 Revised in parallel session to S2-2408880.
Handle - Baseline for 23.502 CR
19.9.2 S2-2408880 CR Approval 23.502 CR4883R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): AF influence on N6 delay measurement CATT Rel-19 eEDGE_5GC_Ph3 Revision of S2-2407825. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409154.
19.9.2 S2-2409154 CR Approval 23.502 CR4883R2 (Rel-19, 'B'): AF influence on N6 delay measurement CATT Rel-19 eEDGE_5GC_Ph3 Revision of S2-2408880. Postponed
19.9.2 S2-2407663 CR Approval 23.502 CR4861 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of L-PSA UPF Selection Considering N6 Delay Intel Rel-19 eEDGE_5GC_Ph3 Not Handled
19.9.2 S2-2407913 CR Approval 23.502 CR4899 (Rel-19, 'B'): KI#2 Support of N6 delay measurement assistance information provisioning Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 eEDGE_5GC_Ph3 Not Handled
19.9.2 S2-2407698 CR Approval 23.503 CR1325 (Rel-19, 'B'): Enhancement to support N6 delay measurement China Mobile Rel-19 eEDGE_5GC_Ph3 Dependency on SBI vs. AFTI in S2-2408877 vs. S2-2408878
Confirm Spec version used - CR states 18.5.0! Revised in parallel session to S2-2408881.
Handle - Baseline for 23.503 CR
19.9.2 S2-2408881 CR Approval 23.503 CR1325R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): Enhancement to support N6 delay measurement China Mobile Rel-19 eEDGE_5GC_Ph3 Revision of S2-2407698. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409155.
19.9.2 S2-2409155 CR Approval 23.503 CR1325R2 (Rel-19, 'B'): Enhancement to support N6 delay measurement China Mobile Rel-19 eEDGE_5GC_Ph3 Revision of S2-2408881. Postponed
19.9.2 S2-2407664 CR Approval 23.503 CR1316 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of L-PSA UPF Selection Considering N6 Delay Intel Rel-19 eEDGE_5GC_Ph3 Not Handled
19.9.2 S2-2407911 CR Approval 23.503 CR1336 (Rel-19, 'B'): KI#2 Support of N6 delay measurement assistance information provisioning Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 eEDGE_5GC_Ph3 Not Handled
19.9.2 S2-2407826 CR Approval 23.503 CR1332 (Rel-19, 'B'): AF influence on N6 delay measurement CATT Rel-19 eEDGE_5GC_Ph3 Not Handled
19.9.2 S2-2408390 CR Approval 23.503 CR1358 (Rel-19, 'B'): KI#2 Local PSA selection considering N6 delay Samsung Rel-19 eEDGE_5GC_Ph3 Not Handled
19.9.2 - - - N6 delay monitoring information via EDI - - - Docs:=4
19.9.2 S2-2408571 CR Approval 23.548 CR0252 (Rel-19, 'B'): AF provisioning N6 delay measurement information via EDI Nokia Rel-19 eEDGE_5GC_Ph3 Revised in parallel session to S2-2408882.
Handle - Baseline
19.9.2 S2-2408882 CR Approval 23.548 CR0252R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): AF provisioning N6 delay measurement information via EDI Nokia Rel-19 eEDGE_5GC_Ph3 Revision of S2-2408571. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409156.
19.9.2 S2-2409156 CR Approval 23.548 CR0252R2 (Rel-19, 'B'): AF provisioning N6 delay measurement information via EDI Nokia Rel-19 eEDGE_5GC_Ph3 Revision of S2-2408882. Postponed
19.9.2 S2-2407661 CR Approval 23.548 CR0230 (Rel-19, 'B'): N6 delay monitoring information in EDI Intel Rel-19 eEDGE_5GC_Ph3 Not Handled
19.9.2 - - - LS OUT for KI#2 - - - Docs:=1
19.9.2 S2-2408572 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] LS on Measurement protocols to be used to measure N6 delay Nokia Rel-19 eEDGE_5GC_Ph3 Not Handled
19.10.1 - - - Study on Phase 3 for UAS, UAV and UAM (FS_UAS_Ph3) - - Andy Docs:=19
19.10.1 - - - KI#3: Incoming LS and Conclusion update - - - Docs:=12
19.10.1 S2-2407430 LS In Information LS from TSG RAN: Reply LS RP-240891 on NTZ solution impacts to RAN TSG RAN (RP-241668) This LS was noted in parallel session.
Noted in parallel session
19.10.1 S2-2407839 P-CR Approval 23.700-59: KI#3: Conclusion update LG Electronics Rel-19 FS_UAS_Ph3 Some comments had been received off-line and should be considered for an update to this. This was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2408942.
Revised in parallel session to S2-2408942.
19.10.1 S2-2408942 P-CR Approval 23.700-59: KI#3: Conclusion update LG Electronics, Ericsson, Futurewei, Nokia (?) Rel-19 FS_UAS_Ph3 Qualcomm commented that they do not object to the way forward in S2-2408942 to enable progress on the completion of the TR, but Qualcomm does not endorse the decision to not do any normative work in support of NTZ regulations. The sources should be confirmed. Further supporting companies asked to be added. This was revised to S2-2409507.
Revision of S2-2407839. Qualcomm does not endorse the decision to not do any normative work in support of NTZ regulations. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409507.
19.10.1 S2-2409507 P-CR Approval 23.700-59: KI#3: Conclusion update LG Electronics, Ericsson, Futurewei, Nokia (?) Rel-19 FS_UAS_Ph3 A note was added and this was revised to S2-2409542.
Revision of S2-2408942. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409542.
19.10.1 S2-2409542 P-CR Approval 23.700-59: KI#3: Conclusion update LG Electronics, Ericsson, Futurewei, Nokia (?) Rel-19 FS_UAS_Ph3 This agreed in parallel session.
Revision of S2-2409507. Agreed in parallel session
19.10.1 S2-2407751 P-CR Approval 23.700-59: KI#3: EN resolution about UAV not supporting Rel-19 NTZ mechanism LG Electronics Rel-19 FS_UAS_Ph3 Not Handled
19.10.1 S2-2408271 P-CR Approval 23.700-59: KI#3 - Final Conclusion Samsung Rel-19 FS_UAS_Ph3 Not Handled
19.10.1 S2-2408530 P-CR Approval 23.700-59: Conclusions for KI #3. Qualcomm Rel-19 FS_UAS_Ph3 Not Handled
19.10.1 S2-2408548 P-CR Approval 23.700-59: Proposal on open issues of NTZ provisioning to UAV Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 FS_UAS_Ph3 Not Handled
19.10.1 S2-2408626 P-CR Approval 23.700-59: 23.700-59: Update the conclusion for key issue#3 CATT Rel-19 FS_UAS_Ph3 Not Handled
19.10.1 S2-2408627 P-CR Approval 23.700-59: 23.700-59: Update the principles to support NTZ CATT Rel-19 FS_UAS_Ph3 Not Handled
19.10.1 S2-2408681 P-CR Approval 23.700-59: Update with RAN LS reply Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell Rel-19 FS_UAS_Ph3 Not Handled
19.10.1 - - - KI#3: Outgoing LS proposal - - - Docs:=1
19.10.1 S2-2408305 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] LS on Rx aspect related to NTZ LG Electronics Rel-19 FS_UAS_Ph3 Not Handled
19.10.1 - - - KI#3: Report of NWM discussion - - - Docs:=1
19.10.1 S2-2407847 REPORT Information [FS_UAS_Ph3] Report of Pre-SA2#164 NWM Discussion for KI#3 LG Electronics, Ericsson (Rapporteurs) Rel-19 FS_UAS_Ph3 Not Handled
19.10.1 - - - KI#2: Conclusion update - - - Docs:=4
19.10.1 S2-2407876 P-CR Approval 23.700-59: KI#2-NW-Assisted/Ground-based DAA: Update Conclusions Ericsson, Huawei Rel-19 FS_UAS_Ph3 Some clarifications were requested and this was left for off-line discussion and revised, merging S2-2408679, to S2-2408943.
Revised in parallel session, merging S2-2408679, to S2-2408943.
19.10.1 S2-2408943 P-CR Approval 23.700-59: KI#2-NW-Assisted/Ground-based DAA: Update Conclusions Ericsson, Huawei, Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell Rel-19 FS_UAS_Ph3 Further issues were raised and this was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2409506.
Revision of S2-2407876, merging S2-2408679. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409506.
19.10.1 S2-2409506 P-CR Approval 23.700-59: KI#2-NW-Assisted/Ground-based DAA: Update Conclusions Ericsson, Huawei, Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell Rel-19 FS_UAS_Ph3 This was reviewed and agreed in parallel session.
Revision of S2-2408943. Agreed in parallel session
19.10.1 S2-2408679 P-CR Approval 23.700-59: Ranging Support for UAS KI#2 Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell Rel-19 FS_UAS_Ph3 Merged into S2-2408943.
Merged into S2-2408943
19.10.1 - - - KI#1: Conclusion update (Lowest priority - propose NOT to handle) - - - Docs:=1
19.10.1 S2-2408511 P-CR Approval 23.700-59: Updated Conclusion for KI#1.2: Support for multiple USS serving different geographical areas. Interdigital Rel-19 FS_UAS_Ph3 Not Handled
19.10.2 - - - Phase 3 for UAS, UAV and UAM (UAS_Ph3) - - Andy Docs:=40
19.10.2 - - - Incoming LS - - - Docs:=1
19.10.2 S2-2407424 LS In Information LS from IETF Drone Remote ID Protocol (DRIP): LS on RFC 9374, 'DRIP Entity Tag (DET) for Unmanned Aircraft System Remote ID (UAS RID)' IETF DRIP (liaison-2023-12-18-drip) This was noted in parallel session.
Noted in parallel session
19.10.2 - - - General - - - Docs:=6
19.10.2 S2-2407752 CR Approval 23.256 CR0122 (Rel-19, 'B'): Addition of functionalities for UAS_Ph3 to General concept LG Electronics Rel-19 UAS_Ph3 ME impact should be indicated on the cover sheet. It was agreed to remove 'scenario od' from the second added bullet. This was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2408944.
Revised in parallel session to S2-2408944.
19.10.2 S2-2408944 CR Approval 23.256 CR0122R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): Addition of functionalities for UAS_Ph3 to General concept LG Electronics Rel-19 UAS_Ph3 The terminology should be aligned with the conclusions. This was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2409508.
Revision of S2-2407752. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409508.
19.10.2 S2-2409508 CR Approval 23.256 CR0122R2 (Rel-19, 'B'): Addition of functionalities for UAS_Ph3 to General concept LG Electronics, Ericsson, Qualcomm Incorporated, Interdigital, Futurewei, Deutsche Telekom, Samsung Rel-19 UAS_Ph3 This was reviewed and agreed in parallel session.
Revision of S2-2408944. Agreed in parallel session
19.10.2 S2-2407820 CR Approval 23.256 CR0125 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support new functionalities of UAV NF CATT Rel-19 UAS_Ph3 Nokia asked whether it needs to be clarified that the geographical areas need to be consecutive or continuous. CATT replied that this is not necessarily the case and need not be specified. Qualcomm considered the provision of information to all USS operators in the flight path is unrealistic and it may not be appropriate to make the information public. This was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2408945.
Revised in parallel session to S2-2408945.
19.10.2 S2-2408945 CR Approval 23.256 CR0125R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support new functionalities of UAV NF CATT Rel-19 UAS_Ph3 The terminology should be corrected removing 'mission' in a number of places. This was revised to S2-2409509.
Revision of S2-2407820. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409509.
19.10.2 S2-2409509 CR Approval 23.256 CR0125R2 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support new functionalities of UAV NF CATT Rel-19 UAS_Ph3 This was agreed in parallel session.
Revision of S2-2408945. Agreed in parallel session
19.10.2 - - - KI#1 - Pre-mission flight planning and in-mission flight monitoring - - - Docs:=9
19.10.2 S2-2407818 CR Approval 23.256 CR0123 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support assistance of pre-mission flight planning and in-mission flight monitoring for UAV CATT Rel-19 UAS_Ph3 Merged into S2-2408946.
Merged into S2-2408946
19.10.2 S2-2407871 CR Approval 23.256 CR0126 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support for Pre-Mission Planning and In-Mission Monitoring Flight Ericsson Rel-19 UAS_Ph3 Merged into S2-2408946.
Merged into S2-2408946
19.10.2 S2-2408544 CR Approval 23.256 CR0131 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of UAV flight planning and monitoring Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 UAS_Ph3 A number of clarifications were requested and this was left for off-line discussion and revised, merging S2-2407818, S2-2407871, to S2-2408946.
Revised in parallel session, merging S2-2407818, S2-2407871, to S2-2408946.
19.10.2 S2-2408946 CR Approval 23.256 CR0131R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of UAV flight planning and monitoring Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 UAS_Ph3 The CR cover sheet should be cleaned up and changes on changes removed. Terminology should be updated to remove 'mission'. This was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2409510.
Revision of S2-2408544, merging S2-2407818, S2-2407871. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409510.
19.10.2 S2-2409510 CR Approval 23.256 CR0131R2 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of UAV flight planning and monitoring Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 UAS_Ph3 Changes on changes should be removed. This was revised to S2-2409540.
Revision of S2-2408946. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409540.
19.10.2 S2-2409540 CR Approval 23.256 CR0131R3 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of UAV flight planning and monitoring Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 UAS_Ph3 This agreed in parallel session.
Revision of S2-2409510. Agreed in parallel session
19.10.2 S2-2408545 CR Approval 23.288 CR1180 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of QoS Substainability Analytics for UAS Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 UAS_Ph3 Qualcomm commented that this would not be usable as it is written. This was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2408947.
Revised in parallel session to S2-2408947.
19.10.2 S2-2408947 CR Approval 23.288 CR1180R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of QoS Substainability Analytics for UAS Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 UAS_Ph3 The CR cover sheet should be cleaned up and changes on changes should be removed. This was revised to S2-2409511.
Revision of S2-2408545. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409511.
19.10.2 S2-2409511 CR Approval 23.288 CR1180R2 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of QoS Substainability Analytics for UAS Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 UAS_Ph3 This was agreed in parallel session.
Revision of S2-2408947. Agreed in parallel session
19.10.2 - - - KI#1 - Multiple USS - - - Docs:=15
19.10.2 S2-2407819 CR Approval 23.256 CR0124 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support multiple USS serving different geographical areas corresponding to the UAV flight path CATT Rel-19 UAS_Ph3 Merged into S2-2408948.
Merged into S2-2408948
19.10.2 S2-2407872 CR Approval 23.256 CR0127 (Rel-19, 'B'): KI#1.2: Support for multiple USS serving different geographical areas Ericsson Rel-19 UAS_Ph3 CATT proposed to simplify the description as the current text is largely covered by other features. Other issues were raised and this was left for off-line discussion and revised, merging S2-2407819, to S2-2408948.
Revised in parallel session, merging S2-2407819, to S2-2408948.
19.10.2 S2-2408948 CR Approval 23.256 CR0127R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): KI#1.2: Support for multiple USS serving different geographical areas Ericsson Rel-19 UAS_Ph3 Changes on changes should be removed. Some issues were raised and this was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2409512.
Revision of S2-2407872, merging S2-2407819. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409512.
19.10.2 S2-2409512 CR Approval 23.256 CR0127R2 (Rel-19, 'B'): KI#1.2: Support for multiple USS serving different geographical areas Ericsson Rel-19 UAS_Ph3 Changes on changes should be removed. The terminology should be aligned with 23.288. This was revised to S2-2409541.
Revision of S2-2408948. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409541.
19.10.2 S2-2409541 CR Approval 23.256 CR0127R3 (Rel-19, 'B'): KI#1.2: Support for multiple USS serving different geographical areas Ericsson Rel-19 UAS_Ph3 This agreed in parallel session.
Revision of S2-2409512. Agreed in parallel session
19.10.2 S2-2407873 CR Approval 23.256 CR0128 (Rel-19, 'B'): KI#1.2: Adding a new NEF service operations for USS Ericsson Rel-19 UAS_Ph3 Some issues were raised and this was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2408949.
Revised in parallel session to S2-2408949.
19.10.2 S2-2408949 CR Approval 23.256 CR0128R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): KI#1.2: Adding a new NEF service operations for USS Ericsson Rel-19 UAS_Ph3 Revision marks should be removed from the cover page. Some issues were raised and this was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2409513.
Revision of S2-2407873. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409513.
19.10.2 S2-2409513 CR Approval 23.256 CR0128R2 (Rel-19, 'B'): KI#1.2: Adding a new NEF service operations for USS Ericsson Rel-19 UAS_Ph3 This was reviewed and agreed in parallel session.
Revision of S2-2408949. Agreed in parallel session
19.10.2 S2-2407874 CR Approval 23.502 CR4892 (Rel-19, 'B'): KI#1.2: Adding a new AMF event filter for UE/UAV deviation from the expected trajectory Ericsson Rel-19 UAS_Ph3 'TAI' should be 'TA1' in the added table row. Some other issues were raised and this was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2408950.
Revised in parallel session to S2-2408950.
19.10.2 S2-2408950 CR Approval 23.502 CR4892R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): KI#1.2: Adding a new AMF event filter for UE/UAV deviation from the expected trajectory Ericsson Rel-19 UAS_Ph3 Some other issues were raised and this was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2409514.
Revision of S2-2407874. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409514.
19.10.2 S2-2409514 CR Approval 23.502 CR4892R2 (Rel-19, 'B'): KI#1.2: Adding a new AMF event filter for UE/UAV deviation from the expected trajectory Ericsson Rel-19 UAS_Ph3 This was reviewed and agreed in parallel session.
Revision of S2-2408950. Agreed in parallel session
19.10.2 S2-2408059 CR Approval 23.256 CR0130 (Rel-19, 'B'): USS discovery in multiple USS deployment Samsung, InterDigital Rel-19 UAS_Ph3 Some clarifications were requested and this was left for off-line discussion and revised, merging S2-2408547, to S2-2408951.
Revised in parallel session, merging S2-2408547, to S2-2408951.
19.10.2 S2-2408951 CR Approval 23.256 CR0130R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): USS discovery in multiple USS deployment Samsung, InterDigital Rel-19 UAS_Ph3 The CR cover sheet should be cleaned up and changes on changes removed. Huawei asked to be added to the source list. Ericsson asked for time to review this further. This was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2409515.
Revision of S2-2408059, merging S2-2408547. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409515.
19.10.2 S2-2409515 CR Approval 23.256 CR0130R2 (Rel-19, 'B'): USS discovery in multiple USS deployment Samsung, InterDigital, Huawei Rel-19 UAS_Ph3 This was reviewed and agreed in parallel session.
Revision of S2-2408951. Agreed in parallel session
19.10.2 S2-2408547 CR Approval 23.256 CR0133 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of USS relocation during the UAV flight path Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 UAS_Ph3 Merged into S2-2408951.
Incorrect Specification Number - remove the space character! Merged into S2-2408951
19.10.2 - - - KI#1 - C2 communication reliability - - - Docs:=3
19.10.2 S2-2408546 CR Approval 23.256 CR0132 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of C2 communication reliability Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 UAS_Ph3 It was clarified that as this adds an informative annex, there are no impacts on the CN. This was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2408952.
Revised in parallel session to S2-2408952.
19.10.2 S2-2408952 CR Approval 23.256 CR0132R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of C2 communication reliability Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 UAS_Ph3 The cover sheet should be cleaned up. This was revised to S2-2409516.
Revision of S2-2408546. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409516.
19.10.2 S2-2409516 CR Approval 23.256 CR0132R2 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of C2 communication reliability Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 UAS_Ph3 This was agreed in parallel session.
Revision of S2-2408952. Agreed in parallel session
19.10.2 - - - KI#2 - - - Docs:=5
19.10.2 S2-2407875 CR Approval 23.256 CR0129 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support for Network-assisted DAA Ericsson Rel-19 UAS_Ph3 Parallel discussion: Nokia raised some issues with the changes and the consistency of the new clause with existing text. LG Electronics suggested using the structure as in the CATT proposed CR. This was merged into S2-2408953.
Merged into S2-2408953
19.10.2 S2-2408549 CR Approval 23.256 CR0134 (Rel-19, 'B'): Introducing new R19 feature: Network assisted Detect and Avoid (DAA) Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 UAS_Ph3 Merged into S2-2408953.
Merged into S2-2408953
19.10.2 S2-2408628 CR Approval 23.256 CR0135 (Rel-19, 'B'): Adding support of network-assisted/ground-based mechanism for Detect And Avoid with 5GS information CATT Rel-19 UAS_Ph3 Nokia requested to align the procedures between the TSs. Ericsson suggested making the changes in a single CR and this needed further procedures to be added. This was used as a basis for the changes This was left for off-line discussion and revised, merging S2-2407875, S2-2408549, to S2-2408953.
Revised in parallel session, merging S2-2407875, S2-2408549, to S2-2408953.
19.10.2 S2-2408953 CR Approval 23.256 CR0135R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): Adding support of network-assisted/ground-based mechanism for Detect And Avoid with 5GS information CATT, Ericsson, Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 UAS_Ph3 Some corrections were requested and Nokia asked to be added to the sources. This was revised to S2-2409543.
Revision of S2-2408628, merging S2-2407875, S2-2408549. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409543.
19.10.2 S2-2409543 CR Approval 23.256 CR0135R2 (Rel-19, 'B'): Adding support of network-assisted/ground-based mechanism for Detect And Avoid with 5GS information CATT, Ericsson, Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 UAS_Ph3 This was agreed in parallel session.
Revision of S2-2408953. Agreed in parallel session
19.10.2 - - - KI#1 & KI#2: Report of NWM discussion - - - Docs:=1
19.10.2 S2-2407848 REPORT Information [UAS_Ph3] Report of Pre-SA2#164 NWM Discussion for KI#1 & KI#2 LG Electronics, Ericsson (Rapporteurs) Rel-19 UAS_Ph3 Noted in parallel session.
Noted in parallel session
19.11.1 - - - Study on UPF enhancement for Exposure And SBA Phase 2 (FS_UPEAS_Ph2) - - Wanqiang Docs:=0
19.11.2 - - - UPF enhancement for Exposure And SBA Phase 2 (UPEAS_Ph2) - - Wanqiang Docs:=78
19.11.2 - - - KI#1 - - - Docs:=19
19.11.2 S2-2407554 CR Approval 23.501 CR5420 (Rel-19, 'B'): Adding the NAT information exposure and Packet Inspection functionality in the UPF NF profile Rakuten Mobile Rel-19 UPEAS_Ph2 Revised in parallel session to S2-2408706, merging S2-2408501
Focus on NAT/DPI
19.11.2 S2-2408706 CR Approval 23.501 CR5420R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): Adding the NAT information exposure and Packet Inspection functionality in the UPF NF profile Rakuten Mobile Rel-19 UPEAS_Ph2 Revision of S2-2407554, merging S2-2408501. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409024.
19.11.2 S2-2409024 CR Approval 23.501 CR5420R2 (Rel-19, 'B'): Adding the NAT information exposure and Packet Inspection functionality in the UPF NF profile Rakuten Mobile Rel-19 UPEAS_Ph2 Revision of S2-2408706. Agreed in parallel session
19.11.2 S2-2407555 CR Approval 23.502 CR4841 (Rel-19, 'B'): Adding the NAT and packet inspection functionaility in the UPF NF profile Rakuten Mobile Rel-19 UPEAS_Ph2 Revised in parallel session to S2-2408707.
Focus on NAT/DPI
19.11.2 S2-2408707 CR Approval 23.502 CR4841R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): Adding the NAT and packet inspection functionaility in the UPF NF profile Rakuten Mobile Rel-19 UPEAS_Ph2 Revision of S2-2407555. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409030.
19.11.2 S2-2409030 CR Approval 23.502 CR4841R2 (Rel-19, 'B'): Adding the NAT and packet inspection functionaility in the UPF NF profile Rakuten Mobile Rel-19 UPEAS_Ph2 Revision of S2-2408707. Agreed in parallel session
19.11.2 S2-2408501 CR Approval 23.501 CR5593 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of optional extended UPF functionalities Nokia Rel-19 UPEAS_Ph2 Merged into S2-2408706
Focus on operator defined parameter
19.11.2 S2-2408502 CR Approval 23.502 CR4973 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of optional extended UPF functionalities Nokia Rel-19 UPEAS_Ph2 Revised in parallel session to S2-2408708.
Focus on operator defined parameter
19.11.2 S2-2408708 CR Approval 23.502 CR4973R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of optional extended UPF functionalities Nokia Rel-19 UPEAS_Ph2 Revision of S2-2408502. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409031.
19.11.2 S2-2409031 CR Approval 23.502 CR4973R2 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of optional extended UPF functionalities Nokia Rel-19 UPEAS_Ph2 Revision of S2-2408708. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409310.
19.11.2 S2-2409310 CR Approval 23.502 CR4973R3 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of optional extended UPF functionalities Nokia Rel-19 UPEAS_Ph2 Revision of S2-2409031. Agreed in parallel session
19.11.2 S2-2407688 CR Approval 23.501 CR5441 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of UPF selection according to the conclusion in FS_UPEAS_Ph2 SK Telecom Rel-19 UPEAS_Ph2 Revised in parallel session to S2-2408709.
Focus on operator defined parameter
19.11.2 S2-2408709 CR Approval 23.501 CR5441R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of UPF selection according to the conclusion in FS_UPEAS_Ph2 SK Telecom Rel-19 UPEAS_Ph2 Revision of S2-2407688. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409032.
19.11.2 S2-2409032 CR Approval 23.501 CR5441R2 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of UPF selection according to the conclusion in FS_UPEAS_Ph2 SK Telecom Rel-19 UPEAS_Ph2 Revision of S2-2408709. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409309.
19.11.2 S2-2409309 CR Approval 23.501 CR5441R3 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of UPF selection according to the conclusion in FS_UPEAS_Ph2 SK Telecom Rel-19 UPEAS_Ph2 Revision of S2-2409032. Agreed in parallel session
19.11.2 S2-2407689 CR Approval 23.502 CR4863 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of UPF selection according to the conclusion in FS_UPEAS_Ph2 SK Telecom Rel-19 UPEAS_Ph2 Revised in parallel session to S2-2408710.
HFocus on operator defined parameter
19.11.2 S2-2408710 CR Approval 23.502 CR4863R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of UPF selection according to the conclusion in FS_UPEAS_Ph2 SK Telecom Rel-19 UPEAS_Ph2 Revision of S2-2407689. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409033.
19.11.2 S2-2409033 CR Approval 23.502 CR4863R2 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of UPF selection according to the conclusion in FS_UPEAS_Ph2 SK Telecom Rel-19 UPEAS_Ph2 Revision of S2-2408710. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409340.
19.11.2 S2-2409340 CR Approval 23.502 CR4863R3 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of UPF selection according to the conclusion in FS_UPEAS_Ph2 SK Telecom Rel-19 UPEAS_Ph2 Revision of S2-2409033. Agreed in parallel session
19.11.2 - - - KI#2 - - - Docs:=28
19.11.2 S2-2408167 CR Approval 23.501 CR5540 (Rel-19, 'B'): Supporting direct subscription of UPF event exposure using UE s IP address Samsung Rel-19 UPEAS_Ph2 Revised in parallel session to S2-2408712.
Focus on direct subscription
19.11.2 S2-2408712 CR Approval 23.501 CR5540R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): Supporting direct subscription of UPF event exposure using UE s IP address Samsung Rel-19 UPEAS_Ph2 Revision of S2-2408167. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409034.
19.11.2 S2-2409034 CR Approval 23.501 CR5540R2 (Rel-19, 'B'): Supporting direct subscription of UPF event exposure using UE s IP address Samsung Rel-19 UPEAS_Ph2 Revision of S2-2408712. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409311.
19.11.2 S2-2409311 CR Approval 23.501 CR5540R3 (Rel-19, 'B'): Supporting direct subscription of UPF event exposure using UE s IP address Samsung Rel-19 UPEAS_Ph2 Revision of S2-2409034. Agreed in parallel session
19.11.2 S2-2408168 CR Approval 23.502 CR4931 (Rel-19, 'B'): Supporting UPF event exposure subscription directly using UE s IP address Samsung Rel-19 UPEAS_Ph2 Confirm CR Number - CR states 4932! Revised in parallel session to S2-2408711.
Focus on direct subscription
19.11.2 S2-2408711 CR Approval 23.502 CR4931R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): Supporting UPF event exposure subscription directly using UE s IP address Samsung Rel-19 UPEAS_Ph2 Revision of S2-2408168. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409035.
19.11.2 S2-2409035 CR Approval 23.502 CR4931R2 (Rel-19, 'B'): Supporting UPF event exposure subscription directly using UE s IP address Samsung Rel-19 UPEAS_Ph2 Revision of S2-2408711. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409312.
19.11.2 S2-2409312 CR Approval 23.502 CR4931R3 (Rel-19, 'B'): Supporting UPF event exposure subscription directly using UE s IP address Samsung Rel-19 UPEAS_Ph2 Revision of S2-2409035. Agreed in parallel session
19.11.2 S2-2407706 CR Approval 23.501 CR5445 (Rel-19, 'B'): Enhancement of getting public UE IP address and port number China Mobile Rel-19 UPEAS_Ph2 Revised in parallel session to S2-2408713.
Focus on NAT
19.11.2 S2-2408713 CR Approval 23.501 CR5445R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): Enhancement of getting public UE IP address and port number China Mobile Rel-19 UPEAS_Ph2 Revision of S2-2407706. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409036.
19.11.2 S2-2409036 CR Approval 23.501 CR5445R2 (Rel-19, 'B'): Enhancement of getting public UE IP address and port number China Mobile Rel-19 UPEAS_Ph2 Revision of S2-2408713. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409313.
19.11.2 S2-2409313 CR Approval 23.501 CR5445R3 (Rel-19, 'B'): Enhancement of getting public UE IP address and port number China Mobile Rel-19 UPEAS_Ph2 Revision of S2-2409036. Agreed in parallel session
19.11.2 S2-2407707 CR Approval 23.502 CR4865 (Rel-19, 'B'): Enhancement of getting public UE IP address and port number China Mobile, Ericsson Rel-19 UPEAS_Ph2 Revised in parallel session to S2-2408714.
Focus on NAT
19.11.2 S2-2408714 CR Approval 23.502 CR4865R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): Enhancement of getting public UE IP address and port number China Mobile, Ericsson Rel-19 UPEAS_Ph2 Revision of S2-2407707. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409037.
19.11.2 S2-2409037 CR Approval 23.502 CR4865R2 (Rel-19, 'B'): Enhancement of getting public UE IP address and port number China Mobile, Ericsson Rel-19 UPEAS_Ph2 Revision of S2-2408714. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409314.
19.11.2 S2-2409314 CR Approval 23.502 CR4865R3 (Rel-19, 'B'): Enhancement of getting public UE IP address and port number China Mobile, Ericsson Rel-19 UPEAS_Ph2 Revision of S2-2409037. Agreed in parallel session
19.11.2 S2-2407708 CR Approval 23.288 CR1130 (Rel-19, 'B'): Enhancement of UE data collection China Mobile, Ericsson Rel-19 UPEAS_Ph2 Not Handled
Focus on NAT
19.11.2 S2-2408278 CR Approval 23.288 CR1165 (Rel-19, 'B'): Introduce of Nupf_GetPublicIPaddressAndPort service ZTE Rel-19 UPEAS_Ph2 Confirm Spec version used - CR states 19.0.0! Revised in parallel session to S2-2408715.
Focus on NAT
19.11.2 S2-2408715 CR Approval 23.288 CR1165R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): Introduce of Nupf_GetPublicIPaddressAndPort service ZTE Rel-19 UPEAS_Ph2 Revision of S2-2408278. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409038.
19.11.2 S2-2409038 CR Approval 23.288 CR1165R2 (Rel-19, 'B'): Introduce of Nupf_GetPublicIPaddressAndPort service ZTE Rel-19 UPEAS_Ph2 Revision of S2-2408715. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409315.
19.11.2 S2-2409315 CR Approval 23.288 CR1165R3 (Rel-19, 'B'): Introduce of Nupf_GetPublicIPaddressAndPort service ZTE Rel-19 UPEAS_Ph2 Revision of S2-2409038. Agreed in parallel session
19.11.2 S2-2408336 CR Approval 23.501 CR5565 (Rel-19, 'B'): UPF event exposure during UPF relocation Huawei, HiSilicon, SK Telecom Rel-19 UPEAS_Ph2 Revised in parallel session to S2-2408716.
Focus on UPF relocation
19.11.2 S2-2408716 CR Approval 23.501 CR5565R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): UPF event exposure during UPF relocation Huawei, HiSilicon, SK Telecom Rel-19 UPEAS_Ph2 Revision of S2-2408336. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409039.
19.11.2 S2-2409039 CR Approval 23.501 CR5565R2 (Rel-19, 'B'): UPF event exposure during UPF relocation Huawei, HiSilicon, SK Telecom Rel-19 UPEAS_Ph2 Revision of S2-2408716. Agreed in parallel session
19.11.2 S2-2408337 CR Approval 23.502 CR4954 (Rel-19, 'B'): UPF event exposure during UPF relocation Huawei, HiSilicon, SK Telecom Rel-19 UPEAS_Ph2 Revised in parallel session to S2-2408717.
Focus on UPF relocation
19.11.2 S2-2408717 CR Approval 23.502 CR4954R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): UPF event exposure during UPF relocation Huawei, HiSilicon, SK Telecom Rel-19 UPEAS_Ph2 Revision of S2-2408337. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409040.
19.11.2 S2-2409040 CR Approval 23.502 CR4954R2 (Rel-19, 'B'): UPF event exposure during UPF relocation Huawei, HiSilicon, SK Telecom Rel-19 UPEAS_Ph2 Revision of S2-2408717. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409316.
19.11.2 S2-2409316 CR Approval 23.502 CR4954R3 (Rel-19, 'B'): UPF event exposure during UPF relocation Huawei, HiSilicon, SK Telecom Rel-19 UPEAS_Ph2 Revision of S2-2409040. Agreed in parallel session
19.11.2 - - - KI#3 - - - Docs:=11
19.11.2 S2-2407768 CR Approval 23.501 CR5454 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of Handling of Headers Ericsson, Nokia, Vodafone, ETRI Rel-19 UPEAS_Ph2 Revised in parallel session to S2-2408718.
19.11.2 S2-2408718 CR Approval 23.501 CR5454R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of Handling of Headers Ericsson, Nokia, Vodafone, ETRI Rel-19 UPEAS_Ph2 Revision of S2-2407768. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409041.
19.11.2 S2-2409041 CR Approval 23.501 CR5454R2 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of Handling of Headers Ericsson, Nokia, Vodafone, ETRI Rel-19 UPEAS_Ph2 Revision of S2-2408718. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409317.
19.11.2 S2-2409317 CR Approval 23.501 CR5454R3 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of Handling of Headers Ericsson, Nokia, Vodafone, ETRI Rel-19 UPEAS_Ph2 Revision of S2-2409041. Agreed in parallel session. Revised to S2-2409555.
19.11.2 S2-2409555 CR Approval 23.501 CR5454R4 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of Handling of Headers Ericsson, Nokia, Vodafone, ETRI Rel-19 UPEAS_Ph2 Revision of S2-2409317. Postponed
19.11.2 S2-2407769 CR Approval 23.502 CR4877 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of Handling of Headers Ericsson, Nokia, Vodafone, ETRI Rel-19 UPEAS_Ph2 Revised in parallel session to S2-2408719.
19.11.2 S2-2408719 CR Approval 23.502 CR4877R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of Handling of Headers Ericsson, Nokia, Vodafone, ETRI Rel-19 UPEAS_Ph2 Revision of S2-2407769. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409318.
19.11.2 S2-2409318 CR Approval 23.502 CR4877R2 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of Handling of Headers Ericsson, Nokia, Vodafone, ETRI Rel-19 UPEAS_Ph2 Revision of S2-2408719. Postponed
19.11.2 S2-2407770 CR Approval 23.503 CR1329 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of Enhanced Header Handling Ericsson, Nokia, Vodafone, ETRI Rel-19 UPEAS_Ph2 Revised in parallel session to S2-2408720.
19.11.2 S2-2408720 CR Approval 23.503 CR1329R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of Enhanced Header Handling Ericsson, Nokia, Vodafone, ETRI Rel-19 UPEAS_Ph2 Revision of S2-2407770. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409319.
19.11.2 S2-2409319 CR Approval 23.503 CR1329R2 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of Enhanced Header Handling Ericsson, Nokia, Vodafone, ETRI Rel-19 UPEAS_Ph2 Revision of S2-2408720. Postponed
19.11.2 - - - Unhandled - - - Docs:=20
19.11.2 S2-2407709 CR Approval 23.501 CR5446 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of UPF selection by providing a selected user plane functionality in 23.501 according to the conclusion in FS_UPEAS_Ph2 China Mobile Rel-19 UPEAS_Ph2 Not Handled
19.11.2 S2-2408273 CR Approval 23.501 CR5555 (Rel-19, 'B'): Adding new parameter in UPF profile and N4 capability for UPEAS_Ph2 ZTE Rel-19 UPEAS_Ph2 Not Handled
19.11.2 S2-2408334 CR Approval 23.501 CR5564 (Rel-19, 'B'): UPF selection enhancement Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 UPEAS_Ph2 Not Handled
19.11.2 S2-2407767 CR Approval 23.501 CR5453 (Rel-19, 'B'): UPF selection enhancement Ericsson Rel-19 UPEAS_Ph2 Not Handled
19.11.2 S2-2408169 CR Approval 23.501 CR5541 (Rel-19, 'B'): Supporting selection of UPF for required/preferred functionalities based on subscription data Samsung Rel-19 UPEAS_Ph2 Not Handled
19.11.2 S2-2407790 CR Approval 23.501 CR5457 (Rel-19, 'B'): Adding the operator configurable parameter for UPF selection Rakuten Mobile Rel-19 UPEAS_Ph2 Not Handled
19.11.2 S2-2407710 CR Approval 23.502 CR4866 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of UPF selection by providing a selected user plane functionality in 23.502 according to the conclusion in FS_UPEAS_Ph2 China Mobile Rel-19 UPEAS_Ph2 Not Handled
19.11.2 S2-2408170 CR Approval 23.502 CR4932 (Rel-19, 'B'): Supporting selection of UPF for mandatory/preferred functionalities based on subscription data Samsung Rel-19 UPEAS_Ph2 Not Handled
19.11.2 S2-2408274 CR Approval 23.502 CR4946 (Rel-19, 'B'): Adding new parameter in UPF profile and N4 capability for UPEAS_Ph2 ZTE Rel-19 UPEAS_Ph2 Not Handled
19.11.2 S2-2408275 CR Approval 23.502 CR4947 (Rel-19, 'B'): Adding UPF functionality requirement for UPEAS_Ph2 ZTE Rel-19 UPEAS_Ph2 Not Handled
19.11.2 S2-2408335 CR Approval 23.502 CR4953 (Rel-19, 'B'): UPF selection enhancement Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 UPEAS_Ph2 Not Handled
19.11.2 S2-2408503 CR Approval 23.501 CR5594 (Rel-19, 'B'): NEF/NWDAF can use UE IP address to discover the PSA UPF and subscribe directly for data collection. Nokia Rel-19 UPEAS_Ph2 Not Handled
19.11.2 S2-2407711 CR Approval 23.501 CR5447 (Rel-19, 'B'): PSA UPF direct subscription for data collection with UE IP address on conclusions in TR 23.700-63 China Mobile Rel-19 UPEAS_Ph2 Not Handled
19.11.2 S2-2407765 CR Approval 23.501 CR5452 (Rel-19, 'B'): Updates to UPF data exposure for KI#2 direct subscription Ericsson Rel-19 UPEAS_Ph2 Not Handled
19.11.2 S2-2408276 CR Approval 23.501 CR5556 (Rel-19, 'B'): Introduction of Nupf_GetPublicIPaddressAndPort service ZTE Rel-19 UPEAS_Ph2 Not Handled
19.11.2 S2-2407712 CR Approval 23.502 CR4867 (Rel-19, 'B'): Procedure of PSA UPF discovery and direct subscription for data collection with UE IP address China Mobile Rel-19 UPEAS_Ph2 Not Handled
19.11.2 S2-2407766 CR Approval 23.502 CR4876 (Rel-19, 'B'): Updates to UPF data exposure for KI#2 direct subscription Ericsson Rel-19 UPEAS_Ph2 Not Handled
19.11.2 S2-2408171 CR Approval 23.502 CR4933 (Rel-19, 'B'): Supporting UPF Event Exposure service for NATed IP address Samsung Rel-19 UPEAS_Ph2 Confirm CR Number - CR states 5139! Not Handled
19.11.2 S2-2408277 CR Approval 23.502 CR4948 (Rel-19, 'B'): Introduce of Nupf_GetPublicIPaddressAndPort service ZTE Rel-19 UPEAS_Ph2 Not Handled
19.11.2 S2-2408504 CR Approval 23.502 CR4974 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support UPF notifying UE s public IP address and port towards a remote end IP address Nokia Rel-19 UPEAS_Ph2 Not Handled
19.12.1 - - - Study on System aspects of 5G NR Femto (FS_5G_Femto) - - Andy Docs:=13
19.12.1 S2-2407401 LS In Action LS from SA WG3: LS to request clarification on the potential baseline system architecture of 5G NR Femto SA WG3 (S3-241588) Rel-19 FS_5G_Femto_Sec It was suggested to provide the security aspects status of the TR as a reply LS, but further information needs to be provided by RAN WG3.
Revision of postponed S2-2405887 from S2#163. This was postponed.
19.12.1 S2-2407427 LS In Action LS from RAN WG2: Reply LS on Support of UE move between CAG cell of 5G Femto and CSG cell RAN WG2 (R2-2405942) This was reviewed and noted in parallel session.
Noted in parallel session
19.12.1 S2-2407927 P-CR Approval 23.700-45: KI#1, conclusion Proposal ZTE Rel-19 FS_5G_Femto Not Handled
Merge into S2-2408148
19.12.1 S2-2407976 P-CR Approval 23.700-45: KI#1, Evaluation and conclusion Ericsson Rel-19 FS_5G_Femto Not Handled
Evaluation baseline (remove conclusion part)
19.12.1 S2-2408147 P-CR Approval 23.700-45: Evaluation on KI#1 of Femto Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 FS_5G_Femto Not Handled
Merge into S2-2408148
19.12.1 S2-2409383 Other Presentation 5G_Femto: KI#1 (in TR 23.700-45): SOH question DOCOMO Rel-19 5G_Femto Show of Hands for KI#1
5G_Femto_KI#1_SoH_questions_r4.pptx was provided in the drafts folder.
KI#1 principles
P#1: In this release 19, it is only supported for 5G to 4G interworking (i.e. 4G to 5G interworking is not supported).
(This questions was not asked)

KI#1 principles - only focused on 5G to 4G IWK
P#2: Based on the local configuration, the AMF checks the correlation information between the target Home eNB ID and the corresponding CSG ID and derives the CSG ID.
Yes: 8
No: 3
Objections to Yes as the way forward: 2 (Nokia, NEC)

P#3: Based on the local configuration, the RAN checks the correlation information between the target Home eNB ID and the corresponding CSG ID and derives the CSG ID.
Yes: 4
No: 7
Objections to Yes as the way forward: 5 (MediaTek, Ericsson, LGE, Huawei, Qualcomm)

KI#1 way forward:
If we cannot agree on any principles (in slides 1 and 2), the following question will be put to SoH:
Q#1: Is the IWK between 4G and 5G (or vice versa) supported in this release 19?
Yes: 0
No: 7 (ZTE, Huawei, MediaTek, Ericsson, Qualcomm, NEC, Deutsche Telekom)

It was concluded that there was no support for IWK between 4G and 5G (or vice versa) for Release 19.
The related P-CR for conclusion on KI#1 was updated and this was then noted in parallel session.
Show of hands held in parallel session. Noted in parallel session
19.12.1 S2-2408148 P-CR Approval 23.700-45: Conclusion on KI#1 of Femto Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 FS_5G_Femto This was left for off-line discussion in order to try to come up with a way forward for conclusions for KI#1 and was revised to S2-2409224.
Revised in parallel session to S2-2409224.
Conclusion baseline. (The wording of the conclusion will be determined during the meeting)
19.12.1 S2-2409224 P-CR Approval 23.700-45: Conclusion on KI#1 of Femto Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 FS_5G_Femto Revision of S2-2408148. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409384.
19.12.1 S2-2409384 P-CR Approval 23.700-45: Conclusion on KI#1 of Femto Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 FS_5G_Femto The conclusion should be changed to 'It was concluded that no normative work will be done in Rel-19'. This was revised to S2-2409517.
Revision of S2-2409224. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409517.
19.12.1 S2-2409517 P-CR Approval 23.700-45: Conclusion on KI#1 of Femto Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 FS_5G_Femto This was agreed in parallel session.
Revision of S2-2409384. Agreed in parallel session
19.12.1 S2-2408535 P-CR Approval 23.700-45: Conclusion on KI#1 of FS_5G_Femto Qualcomm Incorporated Rel-19 FS_5G_Femto Not Handled
Merge into S2-2408148
19.12.1 S2-2408580 P-CR Approval 23.700-45: KI#1 Evaluations Nokia, NEC, Samsung Rel-19 FS_5G_Femto Not Handled
Merge into S2-2407976
19.12.1 S2-2408581 P-CR Approval 23.700-45: KI#1 Conclusions Nokia, NEC, Samsung Rel-19 FS_5G_Femto Not Handled
Merge into S2-2408148
19.12.2 - - - System aspects of 5G NR Femto (5G_Femto) - - Andy Docs:=20
19.12.2 S2-2407928 CR Approval 23.501 CR5488 (Rel-19, 'B'): Adding 5G Femto support description ZTE Rel-19 5G_Femto Qualcomm commented that the added clauses should not have RAN impact. The clause numbering will need alignment with other CRs. This was left for off-line discussion and revised, merging S2-2407977, S2-2408043, S2-2408124, S2-2408158, S2-2408582, to S2-2409225.
Revised in parallel session, merging S2-2407977, S2-2408043, S2-2408124, S2-2408158, S2-2408582, to S2-2409225.
Focus on clause 5.X
19.12.2 S2-2409225 CR Approval 23.501 CR5488R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): Adding 5G Femto support description ZTE, Nokia, NTT DOCOMO?, Ericsson?, Samsung, Huawei?, HiSilicon?, LG Electronics? Rel-19 5G_Femto The Sources needed confirming. It was proposed to consider replacing the detail in 5.x.3 with a high level description and removing 5.x.4. This was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2409518.
Revision of S2-2407928, merging S2-2407977, S2-2408043, S2-2408124, S2-2408158, S2-2408582. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409518.
19.12.2 S2-2409518 CR Approval 23.501 CR5488R2 (Rel-19, 'B'): Adding 5G Femto support description ZTE, Nokia, NTT DOCOMO?, Ericsson?, Samsung, Huawei?, HiSilicon?, LG Electronics? Rel-19 5G_Femto This was reviewed and agreed in parallel session.
Revision of S2-2409225. Agreed in parallel session
19.12.2 S2-2407977 CR Approval 23.501 CR5497 (Rel-19, 'B'): AF based CAG data provision in subscription for 5G NR Femto Ericsson Rel-19 5G_Femto Merged into S2-2409225.
Merged into S2-2409225
Focus on changes
19.12.2 S2-2408043 CR Approval 23.501 CR5514 (Rel-19, 'B'): CAG information provisioning from AF Samsung Rel-19 5G_Femto Merged into S2-2409225.
Merged into S2-2409225
Merge into S2-2407977 and S2-2407928
19.12.2 S2-2408124 CR Approval 23.501 CR5532 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of 5G NR Femto NTT DOCOMO Rel-19 5G_Femto Merged into S2-2409225.
Merged into S2-2409225
Merge into S2-2407928
19.12.2 S2-2408158 CR Approval 23.501 CR5538 (Rel-19, 'B'): Introduction of 5G Femto support LG Electronics Rel-19 5G_Femto Merged into S2-2409225.
Merged into S2-2409225
Merge into S2-2407928
19.12.2 S2-2408582 CR Approval 23.501 CR5607 (Rel-19, 'B'): 5G Femto CAG provisioning via NEF Nokia Rel-19 5G_Femto Merged into S2-2409225.
Merged into S2-2409225
Merge into S2-2407928
19.12.2 S2-2408045 CR Approval 23.502 CR4921 (Rel-19, 'B'): CAG information provisioning from AF Samsung Rel-19 5G_Femto It was decided to use this to capture service operation aspects. This was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2409226.
Revised in parallel session to S2-2409226.
Focus on all changes
19.12.2 S2-2409226 CR Approval 23.502 CR4921R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): CAG information provisioning from AF Samsung, Ericsson, Huawei(?), LGE(?), Nokia(?), NTT Docomo(?), ZTE(?) Rel-19 5G_Femto The CR cover sheet should be cleaned up and sources confirmed. Interdigital asked to change the 5G service description to 5G Femto service. Qualcomm questioned whether the new terminology '5G Femto CAG provisioning information' was correct. Huawei suggested changing to '5G Femto information'. This was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2409519.
Revision of S2-2408045. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409519.
19.12.2 S2-2409519 CR Approval 23.502 CR4921R2 (Rel-19, 'B'): CAG information provisioning from AF Samsung, Ericsson, Huawei(?), LGE(?), Nokia(?), NTT Docomo(?), ZTE(?) Rel-19 5G_Femto This was agreed in parallel session.
Revision of S2-2409226. Agreed in parallel session
19.12.2 S2-2408583 CR Approval 23.502 CR4987 (Rel-19, 'B'): 5G Femto CAG provisioning via NEF Nokia Rel-19 5G_Femto This was left for off-line discussion and revised, merging S2-2408203, S2-2408149, S2-2407929, S2-2407978, S2-2408125, to S2-2409227.
Revised in parallel session, merging S2-2408203, S2-2408149, S2-2407929, S2-2407978, S2-2408125, to S2-2409227.
Focus on all 4.15.6.x changes
19.12.2 S2-2409227 CR Approval 23.502 CR4987R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): 5G Femto CAG provisioning via NEF Nokia Rel-19 5G_Femto Changes on changes should be removed and the unchanged clauses should be removed completely from the CR. 'for MSISDN' should be removed in the table. The sources should be updated. This was revised to S2-2409520.
Revision of S2-2408583, merging S2-2408203, S2-2408149, S2-2407929, S2-2407978, S2-2408125. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409520.
19.12.2 S2-2409520 CR Approval 23.502 CR4987R2 (Rel-19, 'B'): 5G Femto CAG provisioning via NEF Nokia Rel-19 5G_Femto This was agreed in parallel session.
Revision of S2-2409227. Agreed in parallel session
19.12.2 S2-2408203 CR Approval 23.502 CR4937 (Rel-19, 'B'): CAG provisioing by using NEF Parameter Provisioning procedure LG Electronics Rel-19 5G_Femto Merged into S2-2409227.
Merged into S2-2409227
Focus on all changes
19.12.2 S2-2408149 CR Approval 23.502 CR4930 (Rel-19, 'B'): Enhancement of external parameter provisioning procedure Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 5G_Femto Merged into S2-2409227.
Merged into S2-2409227
Merge into S2-2408583/S2-2408045
19.12.2 S2-2407929 CR Approval 23.502 CR4902 (Rel-19, 'B'): Adding CAG provisioning procedure ZTE Rel-19 5G_Femto Merged into S2-2409227.
Merged into S2-2409227
Merge into S2-2408583/S2-2408203
19.12.2 S2-2407978 CR Approval 23.502 CR4910 (Rel-19, 'B'): AF based CAG data provision in subscription for 5G NR Femto Ericsson Rel-19 5G_Femto Merged into S2-2409227.
Merged into S2-2409227
Merge into S2-240858/S2-2408203
19.12.2 S2-2408125 CR Approval 23.502 CR4929 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of 5G NR Femto regarding provisioning of CAG information NTT DOCOMO Rel-19 5G_Femto Merged into S2-2409227.
Merged into S2-2409227
Merge into S2-2408583/S2-2408203
19.12.2 S2-2408150 CR Approval 23.501 CR5534 (Rel-19, 'B'): Enhancement of CAG ID used for 5G Femto Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 5G_Femto This was postponed in parallel session.
Postponed in parallel session
Focus on Annex changes
19.13.1 - - - Study on Multi-Access (DualSteer and ATSSS_Ph4) (FS_MASSS) - - Andy Docs:=73
19.13.1 - - - NWM feedback - - - Docs:=1
19.13.1 S2-2408126 REPORT Information Summary of NWM feedback on FS_MASSS DualSteer conclusions Apple (Rapporteur) Rel-19 FS_MASSS Not Handled
19.13.1 - - - Terms - - - Docs:=3
19.13.1 S2-2408119 P-CR Approval 23.700-54: FS_MASSS Architectural Terms . Apple, ETRI, Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell, China Telecom, LG Electronics, OPPO, NEC, KDDI, SHARP Rel-19 FS_MASSS Revision of (unhandled) S2-2406789 from SA2#163 Not Handled
Handle - use as baseline
19.13.1 S2-2408462 P-CR Approval 23.700-54: KI#1 Term definition of primary and secondary SUPI. NEC Rel-19 FS_MASSS Revision of (unhandled) S2-2406548 from SA2#163 Not Handled
19.13.1 S2-2408343 P-CR Approval 23.700-54: Terms for DualSteer Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 FS_MASSS Revision of (unhandled) S2-2406165 from SA2#163 Not Handled
19.13.1 - - - Architectural assumptions and requirements - - - Docs:=2
19.13.1 S2-2408120 P-CR Approval 23.700-54: FS_MASSS Architectural Assumptions and Requirements for DualSteer. Apple, ETRI, China Telecom, Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell, LG Electronics, OPPO, NEC, KDDI Rel-19 FS_MASSS Revision of (unhandled) S2-2406790 from SA2#163 Not Handled
Handle - use as baseline
19.13.1 S2-2408344 P-CR Approval 23.700-54: Architectural Assumptions and Requirements for DualSteer Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 FS_MASSS Revision of (unhandled) S2-2406166 from SA2#163 Not Handled
Merge into S2-2308120
19.13.1 - - - KI#1.1 Conclusion - - - Docs:=9
19.13.1 S2-2408127 P-CR Approval 23.700-54: Conclusion for KI#1.1 Apple Rel-19 FS_MASSS Revision of (unhandled) S2-2406823 from SA2#163. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409193.
Handle - use as baseline
19.13.1 S2-2409193 P-CR Approval 23.700-54: Conclusion for KI#1.1 Apple, ETRI Rel-19 FS_MASSS Some clarifications were requested and issues raised. The status of the conclusions should be indicated. This was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2409381.
Revision of S2-2408127. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409381.
19.13.1 S2-2409381 P-CR Approval 23.700-54: Conclusion for KI#1.1 Apple, ETRI Rel-19 FS_MASSS Revision of S2-2409193. Noted
19.13.1 S2-2408338 P-CR Approval 23.700-54: KI#1.1, Conclusion on Subscription Aspect to Support DualSteer Huawei, HiSilicon, NEC Rel-19 FS_MASSS Revision of (unhandled) S2-2406161 from SA2#163 Not Handled
19.13.1 S2-2408326 P-CR Approval 23.700-54: Initial conclusions for DualSteer KI#1.1. CATT Rel-19 FS_MASSS Not Handled
19.13.1 S2-2408410 P-CR Approval 23.700-54: Conclusion for KI# 1.1. China Telecom, vivo, OPPO, CATT, Xiaomi Rel-19 FS_MASSS Not Handled
19.13.1 S2-2407484 P-CR Approval 23.700-54: KI 1.1: Conclusion. Qualcomm Incorporated Rel-19 FS_MASSS Revision of (unhandled) S2-2406278 from SA WG2#163 Not Handled
19.13.1 S2-2408226 P-CR Approval 23.700-54: Conclusions for KI#1.1 for DualSteer Samsung Rel-19 FS_MASSS Not Handled
Merge into S2-2308127
19.13.1 S2-2407641 P-CR Approval 23.700-54: Conclusion for KI #1.1. ETRI Rel-19 FS_MASSS Revision of (unhandled) S2-2406043 from SA WG2-163 Not Handled
Merge into S2-2308127
19.13.1 - - - KI#1.2 Conclusion - - - Docs:=11
19.13.1 S2-2408131 P-CR Approval 23.700-54: Conclusion for KI#1.2 Apple Rel-19 FS_MASSS S2_240xxxx-was-S2-2408131-was-S2-2406824_Concl_KI#1.2 v3 was provided in the drafts folder after off-line discussions and was reviewed.
Further issues were raised and clarifications requested. This was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2409194.
Revision of (unhandled) S2-2406824 from SA2#163. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409194.
Handle - use as baseline
19.13.1 S2-2409194 P-CR Approval 23.700-54: Conclusion for KI#1.2 Apple, ETRI Rel-19 FS_MASSS A number of issues were raised and this was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2409382.
Revision of S2-2408131. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409382.
19.13.1 S2-2409382 P-CR Approval 23.700-54: Conclusion for KI#1.2 Apple, ETRI Rel-19 FS_MASSS Revision of S2-2409194. Noted
19.13.1 S2-2407485 P-CR Approval 23.700-54: KI 1.2: Conclusion. Qualcomm Incorporated Rel-19 FS_MASSS Revision of (unhandled) S2-2406279 from SA WG2#163 Not Handled
19.13.1 S2-2408396 DISCUSSION Discussion Discussion on how UDM identify two SUPIs in same device vivo Rel-19 FS_MASSS Not Handled
19.13.1 S2-2408399 P-CR Approval 23.700-54: Conclusions on KI#1.2 for how UDM identifying two SUPIs in same device. Vivo Rel-19 FS_MASSS Not Handled
19.13.1 S2-2408350 P-CR Approval 23.700-54: Initial conclusions for DualSteer KI#1.2. CATT, Vivo, China Telecom, OPPO Xiaomi Rel-19 FS_MASSS Not Handled
Merge into S2-2308131
19.13.1 S2-2408637 P-CR Approval 23.700-54: Key Issue #1.2 Conclusion InterDigital, Inc. Rel-19 FS_MASSS Not Handled
Merge into S2-2308131
19.13.1 S2-2408339 P-CR Approval 23.700-54: KI#1.2, Conclusion on registration and mobility management for DualSteer Huawei, HiSilicon, NEC Rel-19 FS_MASSS Revision of (unhandled) S2-2406162 from SA2#163 Not Handled
Merge into S2-2308131
19.13.1 S2-2407642 P-CR Approval 23.700-54: Conclusion for KI #1.2. ETRI Rel-19 FS_MASSS Revision of (unhandled) S2-2406044 from SA WG2-163 Not Handled
Merge into S2-2308131
19.13.1 S2-2408232 P-CR Approval 23.700-54: Conclusions for KI#1.2 for DualSteer Samsung Rel-19 FS_MASSS Not Handled
Merge into S2-2308131
19.13.1 - - - KI#1.3 Conclusion - - - Docs:=12
19.13.1 S2-2407746 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] LS on applicability of MUSIM UE capability restriction mechanism for DualSteer device Intel Rel-19 Not Handled
19.13.1 S2-2408133 P-CR Approval 23.700-54: Conclusion for KI#1.3 Apple Rel-19 FS_MASSS S2-240xxxx-was-S2-2408133-was-S2-2407087_Concl_KI#1.3_v3 was provided in the drafts folder after off-line discussions and was reviewed.
Further issues were raised and clarifications requested. Huawei commented that a lot more discussion on the session management aspects is needed. Deutsche Telekom commented that we should not leave any Editor’s notes in the conclusions. This was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2409195.
Revision of (noted) S2-2407087 from SA2#163. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409195.
Handle - use as baseline
19.13.1 S2-2409195 P-CR Approval 23.700-54: Conclusion for KI#1.3 Apple, ETRI Rel-19 FS_MASSS Some issues were raised and this was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2409529 (withdrawn).
Revision of S2-2408133. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409529 (withdrawn). Noted
19.13.1 S2-2409529 P-CR Approval 23.700-54: Conclusion for KI#1.3 Apple, ETRI Rel-19 FS_MASSS Revision of S2-2409195. WITHDRAWN
19.13.1 S2-2408340 P-CR Approval 23.700-54: KI#1.3, Conclusion on Session management for DualSteer Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 FS_MASSS Revision of (unhandled) S2-2406163 from SA2#163 Not Handled
19.13.1 S2-2408398 P-CR Approval 23.700-54: Interim conclusions for DualSteer KI#1.3. Vivo, China Telecom, OPPO, CATT, Xiaomi Rel-19 FS_MASSS Not Handled
Handle - use as baseline
19.13.1 S2-2407508 P-CR Approval 23.700-54: KI 1.3: Conclusion for IMS MMTel sessions and SMS delivery. Qualcomm Incorporated Rel-19 FS_MASSS Not Handled
19.13.1 S2-2408397 P-CR Approval 23.700-54: Evaluation for DualSteer KI#1.3. Vivo Rel-19 FS_MASSS Not Handled
If time allows, handle
19.13.1 S2-2408638 P-CR Approval 23.700-54: Key Issue #1.3 Conclusion InterDigital, Inc. Rel-19 FS_MASSS Not Handled
Merge into S2-2308133
19.13.1 S2-2407486 P-CR Approval 23.700-54: KI 1.3: Conclusion. Qualcomm Incorporated Rel-19 FS_MASSS Revision of (unhandled) S2-2406280 from SA WG2#163 Not Handled
Merge into S2-2308133
19.13.1 S2-2407643 P-CR Approval 23.700-54: Conclusion for KI #1.3. ETRI Rel-19 FS_MASSS Revision of (unhandled) S2-2406045 from SA WG2-163 Not Handled
Merge into S2-2308133
19.13.1 S2-2408233 P-CR Approval 23.700-54: Conclusions for KI#1.3 for DualSteer Samsung Rel-19 FS_MASSS Not Handled
Merge into S2-2308133
19.13.1 - - - KI#1.4 Conclusion - - - Docs:=11
19.13.1 S2-2408134 P-CR Approval 23.700-54: Conclusion for KI#1.4 Apple Rel-19 FS_MASSS S2-240xxxx-was-S2-2408134-was-S2-2406827_Concl_KI#1.4 v2 was provided in the drafts folder after off-line discussions and was reviewed.
Deutsche Telekom asked for Services support aspects to be included in the conclusions. Further issues were raised and clarifications requested. This was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2409196.
Revision of (unhandled) S2-2406827 from SA2#163. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409196.
Handle - use as baseline
19.13.1 S2-2409196 P-CR Approval 23.700-54: Conclusion for KI#1.4 Apple, ETRI Rel-19 FS_MASSS There was a lot of discussion over the conclusions and further time was needed to try to come to consensus on the issues. This was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2409530 (withdrawn).
Revision of S2-2408134. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409530 (withdrawn). Noted
19.13.1 S2-2409530 P-CR Approval 23.700-54: Conclusion for KI#1.4 Apple, ETRI Rel-19 FS_MASSS Revision of S2-2409196. WITHDRAWN
19.13.1 S2-2408341 P-CR Approval 23.700-54: KI#1.4, Conclusion on Policy Aspect to Support DualSteer Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 FS_MASSS Revision of (unhandled) S2-2406164 from SA2#163 Not Handled
Handle - use as baseline
19.13.1 S2-2408391 DISCUSSION Agreement Discussion on service priority level for non-simultanous transmission OPPO Rel-19 FS_MASSS Not Handled
19.13.1 S2-2408393 P-CR Approval 23.700-54: Interim conclusion for KI #1.4 on policy enhancement for DualSteer OPPO, vivo, China Telecom, Xiaomi, CATT Rel-19 FS_MASSS Not Handled
Handle - use as baseline
19.13.1 S2-2408639 P-CR Approval 23.700-54: Key Issue #1.4 Conclusion InterDigital, Inc. Rel-19 FS_MASSS Not Handled
Merge into S2-2308134
19.13.1 S2-2408327 P-CR Approval 23.700-54: Initial conclusions for DualSteer KI#1.4. CATT Rel-19 FS_MASSS Not Handled
Merge into S2-2308134
19.13.1 S2-2407487 P-CR Approval 23.700-54: KI 1.4: Conclusion. Qualcomm Incorporated Rel-19 FS_MASSS Revision of (unhandled) S2-2406281 from SA WG2#163 Not Handled
Merge into S2-2308134
19.13.1 S2-2408234 P-CR Approval 23.700-54: Conclusions for KI#1.4 for DualSteer Samsung Rel-19 FS_MASSS Not Handled
Merge into S2-2308134
19.13.1 S2-2407644 P-CR Approval 23.700-54: Conclusion for KI #1.4. ETRI Rel-19 FS_MASSS Revision of (unhandled) S2-2406046 from SA WG2-163 Not Handled
Merge into S2-2308134
19.13.1 - - - KI#1.X Conclusion - - - Docs:=6
19.13.1 S2-2408395 DISCUSSION Discussion Discussion on way forward for DualSteer vivo Rel-19 FS_MASSS Not Handled
19.13.1 S2-2408286 P-CR Approval 23.700-54: KI#1: Conclusion for DualSteer. ZTE Rel-19 FS_MASSS Not Handled
19.13.1 S2-2408136 P-CR Approval 23.700-54: Conclusions for DualSteer Nokia, MediaTek Inc., Deutsche Telekom Rel-19 FS_MASSS Not Handled
KI#1.1 conclusions - Handle. KI#1.2 conclusions - Merge into S2-2308131. KI#1.3 conclusions - Handle. KI#1.4 conclusions - Handle (or merge into S2-2308341?)
19.13.1 S2-2407964 P-CR Approval 23.700-54: KI#1.X: Conclusions on DualSteer Ericsson Rel-19 FS_MASSS Not Handled
KI#1.1 conclusions - Merge into S2-2308127. KI#1.2 conclusions - Merge into S2-2308131. KI#1.3 conclusions - Merge into S2-2308133. KI#1.4 conclusions - Merge into S2-2308134.
19.13.1 S2-2408459 P-CR Approval 23.700-54: KI#1 Conclusions. NEC Rel-19 FS_MASSS Revision of (unhandled) S2-2406560 from SA2#163 Not Handled
KI#1.1 conclusions - Merge into S2-2308127. KI#1.2 conclusions - Merge into S2-2308131. KI#1.3 conclusions - Merge into S2-2308133. KI#1.4 conclusions - Merge into S2-2308134
19.13.1 S2-2407713 P-CR Approval 23.700-54: Conclusion and way forward for dual steer. China Mobile Rel-19 FS_MASSS Not Handled
Terms - Merge into S2-2308119. Architectural Assumptions - - Handle. KI#1.1 conclusions - Handle. KI#1.2 conclusions - Merge into S2-2308131. KI#1.3 conclusions - Merge into S2-2308398. KI#1.4 conclusions - Merge into S2-2308393.
19.13.1 - - - KI#2.1 Conclusion - - - Docs:=1
19.13.1 S2-2408109 P-CR Approval 23.700-54: Update the Conclusion for ATSSS_Ph4 KI#1.2 . CATT Rel-19 FS_MASSS The TD number in the document header was incorrect. CATT commented that as there are no conclusions for KI#2.2, this is not updated in this proposal. Ericsson commented that we should not add more options without a clear agreed benefit. Huawei commented that they considered there were problems with this proposal and any issues can be handled in the normative work. Qualcomm did not agree to changing the 'shall not' to 'may' in the currently agreed conclusion. There was no agreement for this change and this was noted in parallel session.
Noted in parallel session
19.13.1 - - - KI#2.2 Conclusion - - - Docs:=5
19.13.1 S2-2407391 LS In Information LS from CableLabs: Requirements for potential ATSSS Phase 4 solutions CableLabs (CableLabs LS on Rel-19 ATSSS_Ph4.pdf) FS_MASSS This LS was noted in parallel session.
Revision of postponed S2-2405851 from S2#163. Noted in parallel session
19.13.1 S2-2407965 DISCUSSION Approval KI 2.2: Evaluation and analysis Ericsson FS_MASSS Noted in parallel session
19.13.1 S2-2407760 P-CR Approval 23.700-54: Final Conclusion for KI#2.2 CableLabs, Deutsche Telekom, Nokia, Charter Communications, ZTE, Cisco, Vodafone, Google Rel-19 FS_MASSS CableLabs commented that there was no consensus to proceed to normative work for KI#2.2, so following the agreement at SA2#163, propose to make these the final conclusions for this Study. It was argued that in order to allow useful solutions to be developed in the normative work, some editor’s notes can be added. Ericsson commented that this Study intended to consider optimisations of existing functions. Intel commented that if no solution is added, then the 4G core will need to be used for wireless access for 5G systems. An informal show of hands was held in the parallel session.
Support for this P-CR: 8 companies
Do not support this P-CR: 11 companies
Objections: 7 companies.
This was then noted in parallel session.
Noted in parallel session
19.13.1 S2-2407966 P-CR Approval 23.700-54: KI 2.2: Conclusion update BT, China Mobile, China Telecom, China Unicom, Ericsson, Apple, Qualcomm, Huawei, HiSilicon, Interdigital, Intel, Samsung, LGE Rel-19 FS_MASSS CableLabs objected to this proposal. Charter objected to this proposal noting that this adds 3 options for a so-called simplified architecture. Deutsche Telekom objected to this proposal. An informal show of hands was held.
Support for this P-CR: 11 companies
Do not support this P-CR: 8 companies
Objections: 5 companies.
Nokia suggested stating that there is no conclusion/ normative work for this release in each conclusion and completing the TR in this way. ‘SA WG2 do not plan to work further on the KI#1 conclusions in this Release, so no normative work will result’. This also applies for KI#1.
This was then noted in parallel session.
Noted in parallel session
19.13.1 S2-2407509 P-CR Approval 23.700-54: KI 2.2: Update of evaluation. Qualcomm Incorporated Rel-19 FS_MASSS CableLabs did not agree with the evaluation and did not see any resource savings with this. CableLabs clarified that this ignores the fact that the 5G architecture is different as indicated by the proposed additional drawbacks. Deutsche Telekom commented that this is an evaluation. This was then noted in parallel session.
Noted in parallel session
19.13.1 - - - New solutions - - - Docs:=4
19.13.1 S2-2408342 P-CR Approval 23.700-54: End to end solution for DualSteer (KI#1.1/2/3/4) Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 FS_MASSS Not Handled
If time allows, handle, round#1
19.13.1 S2-2407510 P-CR Approval 23.700-54: KIs 1.1, 1.2: New Solution for DualSteer UE Registration. Qualcomm Incorporated Rel-19 FS_MASSS Revision of (unhandled) S2-2406679 from SA WG2#163 Not Handled
If time allows, handle, round#1
19.13.1 S2-2407511 P-CR Approval 23.700-54: KI 1.4: New Solution for DualSteer Activation. Qualcomm Incorporated Rel-19 FS_MASSS Revision of (unhandled) S2-2406680 from SA WG2#163 Not Handled
If time allows, handle, round#2
19.13.1 S2-2408123 P-CR Approval 23.700-54: New Sol to KI#1.3: Session management aspects for DualSteer. Apple Rel-19 FS_MASSS Revision of (unhandled) S2-2406794 from SA2#163 Not Handled
If time allows, handle, round#1
19.13.1 - - - Solution updates - - - Docs:=8
19.13.1 S2-2408096 P-CR Approval 23.700-54: Solution #1.2 update for KI#1.3: PDU Session switching across two 3GPP networks for DualSteer UE. Samsung Rel-19 FS_MASSS Not Handled
If time allows, handle, round#1
19.13.1 S2-2408540 P-CR Approval 23.700-54: KI#1.3, KI#1.4 - Update to DualSteer Solution #1.5 on usage of Linked SUPI and DualSteer ID. Charter Communications Rel-19 FS_MASSS Revision of (unhandled) S2-2406821 from SA2#163 Not Handled
If time allows, handle, round#1
19.13.1 S2-2408328 P-CR Approval 23.700-54: Update solution#1.7 for subscription update for DualSteer Service. CATT Rel-19 FS_MASSS Not Handled
If time allows, handle, round#1
19.13.1 S2-2408392 P-CR Approval 23.700-54: Update to solution #1.16 for to resolve the Editor's Note OPPO Rel-19 FS_MASSS Revision of (unhandled) S2-2406595 from SA2#163 Not Handled
If time allows, handle, round#1
19.13.1 S2-2408404 P-CR Approval 23.700-54: Update of Solution #1.13: DualSteer solution based on ATSSS. Lenovo Rel-19 FS_MASSS Revision of (approved!) S2-2405809 from SA2#162 Not Handled
If time allows, handle, round#1
19.13.1 S2-2408235 P-CR Approval 23.700-54: Solution #1.19 Update for MA PDU Session for DualSteer Samsung Rel-19 FS_MASSS Not Handled
If time allows, handle, round#2
19.13.1 S2-2408244 P-CR Approval 23.700-54: Solution #1.19 Update for Registration Procedure Samsung Rel-19 FS_MASSS Not Handled
If time allows, handle, round#3
19.13.1 S2-2408253 P-CR Approval 23.700-54: Solution #1.19 Update for resolving ENs Samsung Rel-19 FS_MASSS Not Handled
If time allows, handle, round#4
19.13.2 - - - Multi-Access (ATSSS_Ph4) (MASSS) - - Andy Docs:=34
19.13.2 - - - 23.501 CRs - - - Docs:=16
19.13.2 S2-2407960 DISCUSSION Discussion Handling of MPQUIC-E over 3GPP access Ericsson MASSS Noted in parallel session.
Noted in parallel session
19.13.2 S2-2407961 CR Approval 23.501 CR5493 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support for MPQUIC-IP and MPQUIC-E steering functionalities Ericsson, Apple, CableLabs Rel-19 MASSS There were some proposals to change the structure of this CR. Some issues were raised and related proposals were reviewed. This was left for off-line discussion and revised, merging S2-2408110, S2-2408644, S2-2408179, S2-2408175, S2-2408537, S2-2408039, S2-2408112, to S2-2409075.
Revised in parallel session, merging S2-2408110, S2-2408644, S2-2408179, S2-2408175, S2-2408537, S2-2408039, S2-2408112, to S2-2409075.
Handle - use as baseline
19.13.2 S2-2409075 CR Approval 23.501 CR5493R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support for MPQUIC-IP and MPQUIC-E steering functionalities Ericsson, Apple, CableLabs Rel-19 MASSS Ericsson commented that there was too much restructuring needed to cater for all merged documents and there was divergence on the meaning of high and low layer steering options, so this has not been included. The result is a lower impact on the TS reusing the existing provisions where possible. Ericsson clarified that the TR conclusions was to use different steering functionalities for the three options and this is in line with this. A number of issues were raised and this was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2409376.
Revision of S2-2407961, merging S2-2408110, S2-2408644, S2-2408179, S2-2408175, S2-2408537, S2-2408039, S2-2408112. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409376.
19.13.2 S2-2409376 CR Approval 23.501 CR5493R2 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support for MPQUIC-IP and MPQUIC-E steering functionalities Ericsson, Apple, CableLabs, Lenovo, Interdigital Rel-19 MASSS The cover sheet needed clean up. Some discussion on the alignment with TR conclusions was needed. This was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2409531.
Revision of S2-2409075. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409531.
19.13.2 S2-2409531 CR Approval 23.501 CR5493R3 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support for MPQUIC-IP and MPQUIC-E steering functionalities Ericsson, Apple, CableLabs, Lenovo, Interdigital Rel-19 MASSS Revision of S2-2409376. Postponed
19.13.2 S2-2408014 CR Approval 23.501 CR5504 (Rel-19, 'B'): ATSSS_Ph4 KI#2.1: 23.501 Add the support of MPQUIC-IP and MPQUIC-Ethernet steering functionalities China Mobile Rel-19 MASSS This was reviewed and it was decided to use the proposal in S2-2407961 as a basis for this update. This was left for off-line discussion. It was commented that this would be in competition to the Ericsson baseline CR in S2-2409376 and it was suggested to try to include this in this CR. China Mobile asked to be able to make updates to this CR to take off-line discussions into account and this was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2409377.
WI Code incorrect! Revised in parallel session to S2-2409377.
Merge into S2-2307961
19.13.2 S2-2409377 CR Approval 23.501 CR5504R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): ATSSS_Ph4 KI#2.1: 23.501 Add the support of MPQUIC-IP and MPQUIC-Ethernet steering functionalities China Mobile, CATT, NEC, China Telecom Rel-19 MASSS The CR rev number should be updated and the CR cover sheet cleaned up. The wrong WI code was used (should be MASSS). This was then noted in parallel session.
Revision of S2-2408014. Noted in parallel session
19.13.2 S2-2408111 CR Approval 23.501 CR5527 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support QoS of proxying IP and Ethernet in HTTP over MPQUIC CATT Rel-19 MASSS It was asked to clarify the meaning of UE MAC address in the first change. This was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2409188.
Revised in parallel session to S2-2409188.
19.13.2 S2-2409188 CR Approval 23.501 CR5527R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support QoS of proxying IP and Ethernet in HTTP over MPQUIC CATT Rel-19 MASSS Revision of S2-2408111. This was postponed
19.13.2 S2-2408110 CR Approval 23.501 CR5526 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support the MPQUIC connect-ip over Ethernet MA PDU Session type CATT Rel-19 MASSS Merged into S2-2409075.
Merged into S2-2409075
19.13.2 S2-2408644 CR Approval 23.501 CR5613 (Rel-19, 'B'): Additional support of MPQUIC-IP and MPQUIC-Ethernet steering functionalities Lenovo Rel-19 MASSS Merged into S2-2409075.
Check Affected Clauses!. Confirm CR Number - CR states X!. WI Code incorrect! Merged into S2-2409075
Merge into S2-2307961
19.13.2 S2-2408179 CR Approval 23.501 CR5543 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of MPQUIC-IP steering functionality for MA PDU Session Samsung Rel-19 MASSS Merged into S2-2409075
Merge into S2-2307961
19.13.2 S2-2408175 CR Approval 23.501 CR5542 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of MPQUIC-ETHERNET steering functionality for MA PDU Session Samsung Rel-19 MASSS Merged into S2-2409075.
Merged into S2-2409075
Merge into S2-2307961
19.13.2 S2-2408537 CR Approval 23.501 CR5603 (Rel-19, 'B'): Update architectures and descriptions of new defined MPQUIC-IP and MPQUIC-E functionalities Huawei, Hisilicon Rel-19 MASSS Merged into S2-2409075.
Merged into S2-2409075
Merge into S2-2307961
19.13.2 S2-2408039 CR Approval 23.501 CR5513 (Rel-19, 'B'): Adding support for the new steering functionalities MPQUIC-IP and MPQUIC-E InterDigital Inc Rel-19 MASSS Merged into S2-2409075.
WI Code incorrect! Merged into S2-2409075
Merge into S2-2307961
19.13.2 S2-2408112 CR Approval 23.501 CR5528 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of proxying IP and Ethernet in HTTP over MPQUIC CATT Rel-19 MASSS Merged into S2-2409075.
Merged into S2-2409075
Merge into S2-2307961
19.13.2 - - - 23.502 CRs - - - Docs:=10
19.13.2 S2-2408538 CR Approval 23.502 CR4980 (Rel-19, 'B'): MA PDU Session and PDN connections updates due to MPQUIC-IP/MPQUIC-UDP/MPQUIC-E Huawei Rel-19 MASSS The related CR in S2-2408176 was reviewed. Some issues were raised and this was left for off-line discussion and revised, merging S2-2407962, S2-2408017, S2-2408173, to S2-2409190.
Revised in parallel session, merging S2-2407962, S2-2408017, S2-2408173, to S2-2409190.
Handle - use as baseline
19.13.2 S2-2409190 CR Approval 23.502 CR4980R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): MA PDU Session and PDN connections updates due to MPQUIC-IP/MPQUIC-UDP/MPQUIC-E Huawei, CableLabs Rel-19 MASSS The cover sheet needed cleaning and the CR rev number should be updated. Some terminology corrections were needed. Apple asked to remove the Editor's note. This was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2409378.
Revision of S2-2408538, merging S2-2407962, S2-2408017, S2-2408173. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409378.
19.13.2 S2-2409378 CR Approval 23.502 CR4980R2 (Rel-19, 'B'): MA PDU Session and PDN connections updates due to MPQUIC-IP/MPQUIC-UDP/MPQUIC-E Huawei, CableLabs, Samsung Rel-19 MASSS Revision of S2-2409190. This was postponed
19.13.2 S2-2407962 CR Approval 23.502 CR4908 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support for MPQUIC-IP and MPQUIC-E steering functionalities Ericsson, Apple, CableLabs Rel-19 MASSS Merged into S2-2409190.
Merged into S2-2409190
Merge into S2-2308538
19.13.2 S2-2408017 CR Approval 23.502 CR4918 (Rel-19, 'B'): ATSSS_Ph4 KI#2.1: 23.502 Add the support of MPQUIC-IP and MPQUIC-Ethernet steering functionalities China Mobile Rel-19 MASSS Merged into S2-2409190.
WI Code incorrect! Merged into S2-2409190
Merge into S2-2308538
19.13.2 S2-2408173 CR Approval 23.502 CR4934 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of MPQUIC-IP steering functionality for MA PDU Session Samsung Rel-19 MASSS Merged into S2-2409190.
Merged into S2-2409190
Merge into S2-2308538
19.13.2 S2-2408176 CR Approval 23.502 CR4935 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of MPQUIC-ETHERNET for MA PDU Session Samsung Rel-19 MASSS Some issues were raised and this was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2409189.
Revised in parallel session to S2-2409189.
Merge into S2-2308538
19.13.2 S2-2409189 CR Approval 23.502 CR4935R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of MPQUIC-E for MA PDU Session and enabling correct header compression to be performed by NG-RAN Samsung Rel-19 MASSS The cover sheet needed cleaning. Some further discussion was needed and this was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2409379.
Revision of S2-2408176. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409379.
19.13.2 S2-2409379 CR Approval 23.502 CR4935R2 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of MPQUIC-E for MA PDU Session and enabling correct header compression to be performed by NG-RAN Samsung Rel-19 MASSS The incorrect CR Rev number was used. It was suggested to remove the second added bullet. The note can then also be removed. It was requested to clean up the cover sheet and align it with the content of the CR. This was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2409532.
Revision of S2-2409189. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409532.
19.13.2 S2-2409532 CR Approval 23.502 CR4935R3 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of MPQUIC-E for MA PDU Session and enabling correct header compression to be performed by NG-RAN Samsung Rel-19 MASSS Revision of S2-2409379. Postponed
19.13.2 - - - 23.503 CRs - - - Docs:=8
19.13.2 S2-2408539 CR Approval 23.503 CR1362 (Rel-19, 'B'): Updates of the PCC rules,ATSSS rules and N4 rules of the MPQUIC-IP/MPQUIC-UDP/MPQUIC-E functionalities Huawei Rel-19 MASSS Some clarifications were requested and THIS was left for off-line discussion and revised, merging S2-2407963, S2-2408018, S2-2408174, to S2-2409191.
Confirm CR Number - CR states <empty>! Revised in parallel session, merging S2-2407963, S2-2408018, S2-2408174, to S2-2409191.
Handle - use as baseline
19.13.2 S2-2409191 CR Approval 23.503 CR1362R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): Updates of the PCC rules,ATSSS rules and N4 rules of the MPQUIC-IP/MPQUIC-UDP/MPQUIC-E functionalities Huawei, CableLabs Rel-19 MASSS The CR cover sheet needed clean-up and the CR rev number should be added. Further clarifications were needed and this was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2409380.
Revision of S2-2408539, merging S2-2407963, S2-2408018, S2-2408174. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409380.
19.13.2 S2-2409380 CR Approval 23.503 CR1362R2 (Rel-19, 'B'): Updates of the PCC rules,ATSSS rules and N4 rules of the MPQUIC-IP/MPQUIC-UDP/MPQUIC-E functionalities Huawei, CableLabs Rel-19 MASSS Ericsson commented that as the 23.501 CRs are not agreed, this should be agreed only afterwards.
Revision of S2-2409191. This was postponed
19.13.2 S2-2407963 CR Approval 23.503 CR1342 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support for MPQUIC-IP and MPQUIC-E steering functionalities Ericsson, Apple, CableLabs Rel-19 MASSS Merged into S2-2409191.
Merged into S2-2409191
Merge into S2-2308539
19.13.2 S2-2408018 CR Approval 23.503 CR1345 (Rel-19, 'B'): ATSSS_Ph4 KI#2.1: 23.503 Add the support of MPQUIC-IP and MPQUIC-Ethernet steering functionalities China Mobile Rel-19 MASSS Merged into S2-2409191.
WI Code incorrect! Merged into S2-2409191
Merge into S2-2308539
19.13.2 S2-2408174 CR Approval 23.503 CR1350 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of MPQUIC-IP functionality for MA PDU Session Samsung Rel-19 MASSS Merged into S2-2409191.
Merged into S2-2409191
Merge into S2-2308539
19.13.2 S2-2408177 CR Approval 23.503 CR1351 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of MPQUIC-ETHERNET for MA PDU Sessions Samsung Rel-19 MASSS Some issues were raised and this was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2409192.
Revised in parallel session to S2-2409192.
Merge into S2-2308539
19.13.2 S2-2409192 CR Approval 23.503 CR1351R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of MPQUIC-E for MA PDU Session and enabling correct header compression to be performed by NG-RAN Samsung Rel-19 MASSS The 'deleted' clause 6.3 should be removed from the CR completely and changes on changes should be removed. CATT commented that this needs more time for evaluation. This was then postponed in parallel session.
Revision of S2-2408177. Postponed in parallel session.
19.14.1 - - - Study on Architecture support of Ambient power-enabled Internet of Things (FS_AmbientIoT) - - Wanqiang Docs:=133
19.14.1 - - - LS handling - - - Docs:=5
19.14.1 S2-2407442 LS In Information LS from TSG SA: LS on Support for Ambient IoT Security TSG SA (SP-241016) Noted in parallel session
19.14.1 S2-2407447 LS In Action LS from RAN WG2: LS on RAN2 agreements and assumptions for Ambient IoT RAN WG2 (R2-2406150) Rel-19 FS_Ambient_IoT_solutions Responses drafted in S2-2407594, S2-2407729. Postponed in parallel session
19.14.1 S2-2407594 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] Reply LS on RAN WG2 agreements and assumptions for Ambient IoT CATT Rel-19 FS_AmbientIoT Response to S2-2407447. Postponed in parallel session
19.14.1 S2-2407729 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] Reply LS on RAN WG2 agreements and assumptions for Ambient IoT NEC Rel-19 Response to S2-2407447. Postponed in parallel session
19.14.1 S2-2407680 P-CR Approval 23.700-13: Consolidated thought on the topology 2 specific Vivo Rel-19 FS_AmbientIoT Not a P-CR! [DRAFT] LS reply on LS on RAN WG2 agreements and assumptions for Ambient IoT. Postponed in parallel session
19.14.1 - - - Architecture assumption - - - Docs:=3
19.14.1 S2-2407812 P-CR Approval 23.700-13: Update architectural assumptions standalone Ambient IoT core network. China Mobile, NEC, ZTE Rel-19 FS_AmbientIoT Revised in parallel session to S2-2408739.
Discussed in conference call
19.14.1 S2-2408739 P-CR Approval 23.700-13: Update architectural assumptions standalone Ambient IoT core network. China Mobile, NEC, ZTE Rel-19 FS_AmbientIoT Revision of S2-2407812. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409286.
19.14.1 S2-2409286 P-CR Approval 23.700-13: Update architectural assumptions standalone Ambient IoT core network. China Mobile, NEC, ZTE Rel-19 FS_AmbientIoT Revision of S2-2408739. Agreed in parallel session
19.14.1 - - - First round of solution tdocs - - - Docs:=51
19.14.1 S2-2407593 P-CR Approval 23.700-13: Sol#21 Update to Remove Ens CATT Rel-19 FS_AmbientIoT Revised in parallel session to S2-2408740.
19.14.1 S2-2408740 P-CR Approval 23.700-13: Sol#21 Update to Remove Ens CATT Rel-19 FS_AmbientIoT Revision of S2-2407593. Agreed in parallel session
19.14.1 S2-2407677 P-CR Approval 23.700-13: Sol for KI#1#3: UE reader specific management Vivo Rel-19 FS_AmbientIoT Revision of (unhandled) S2-2405964 from SA WG2-163. Revised in parallel session to S2-2408741.
19.14.1 S2-2408741 P-CR Approval 23.700-13: Sol for KI#1#3: UE reader specific management Vivo Rel-19 FS_AmbientIoT Revision of S2-2407677. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409287.
19.14.1 S2-2409287 P-CR Approval 23.700-13: Sol for KI#1#3: UE reader specific management Vivo Rel-19 FS_AmbientIoT Revision of S2-2408741. Postponed
19.14.1 S2-2407738 P-CR Approval 23.700-13: KI#1, #2, #3, New Solution: Harmonized RAN-CN solution using AIOTF for Topology 2 Ericsson Rel-19 FS_AmbientIoT Revised in parallel session to S2-2408742.
Focus on AIOTF – RAN interaction for T2
19.14.1 S2-2408742 P-CR Approval 23.700-13: KI#1, #2, #3, New Solution: Harmonized RAN-CN solution using AIOTF for Topology 2 Ericsson Rel-19 FS_AmbientIoT Revision of S2-2407738. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409285.
19.14.1 S2-2409285 P-CR Approval 23.700-13: KI#1, #2, #3, New Solution: Harmonized RAN-CN solution using AIOTF for Topology 2 Ericsson Rel-19 FS_AmbientIoT Revision of S2-2408742. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409288.
19.14.1 S2-2409288 P-CR Approval 23.700-13: KI#1, #2, #3, New Solution: Harmonized RAN-CN solution using AIOTF for Topology 2 Ericsson Rel-19 FS_AmbientIoT Revision of S2-2409285. Postponed
19.14.1 S2-2407764 P-CR Approval 23.700-13: Update to Solution for different Ambient IoT Device Types Apple Rel-19 FS_AmbientIoT Revised in parallel session to S2-2408743.
19.14.1 S2-2408743 P-CR Approval 23.700-13: Update to Solution for different Ambient IoT Device Types Apple Rel-19 FS_AmbientIoT Revision of S2-2407764. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409289.
19.14.1 S2-2409289 P-CR Approval 23.700-13: Update to Solution for different Ambient IoT Device Types Apple Rel-19 FS_AmbientIoT Revision of S2-2408743. Postponed
19.14.1 S2-2407809 P-CR Approval 23.700-13: Solution 10 updating AF triggered registration procedures with read-only operations. China Mobile Rel-19 FS_AmbientIoT Revised in parallel session to S2-2408744, merging S2-2408361 and S2-2407817
Focus on ‘network allocated device ID’
19.14.1 S2-2408744 P-CR Approval 23.700-13: Solution 10 updating AF triggered registration procedures with read-only operations. China Mobile Rel-19 FS_AmbientIoT Revision of S2-2407809, merging S2-2408361 and S2-2407817. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409290.
19.14.1 S2-2409290 P-CR Approval 23.700-13: Solution 10 updating AF triggered registration procedures with read-only operations. China Mobile Rel-19 FS_AmbientIoT Revision of S2-2408744. Postponed
19.14.1 S2-2408361 P-CR Approval 23.700-13: Enhancement of AIoT service in Topology 1 HONOR Rel-19 FS_AmbientIoT Merged into S2-2408744
Merge into S2-2407809? (Same principle)
19.14.1 S2-2407865 P-CR Approval 23.700-13: Updating Solution 3. Qualcomm Incorporated Rel-19 FS_AmbientIoT Revised in parallel session to S2-2408745.
19.14.1 S2-2408745 P-CR Approval 23.700-13: Updating Solution 3. Qualcomm Incorporated Rel-19 FS_AmbientIoT Revision of S2-2407865. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409291.
19.14.1 S2-2409291 P-CR Approval 23.700-13: Updating Solution 3. Qualcomm Incorporated Rel-19 FS_AmbientIoT Revision of S2-2408745. Agreed in parallel session
19.14.1 S2-2408141 P-CR Approval 23.700-13: KI#1,2,3, solution#9 update: Editor's note Resolution OPPO Rel-19 FS_AmbientIoT Revised in parallel session to S2-2408746.
Focus on ‘the difference from existing AMF paging and RAN paging’ (not indicated in the impact clause, reusing existing feature?)
19.14.1 S2-2408746 P-CR Approval 23.700-13: KI#1,2,3, solution#9 update: Editor's note Resolution OPPO Rel-19 FS_AmbientIoT Revision of S2-2408141. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409292.
19.14.1 S2-2409292 P-CR Approval 23.700-13: KI#1,2,3, solution#9 update: Editor's note Resolution OPPO Rel-19 FS_AmbientIoT Revision of S2-2408746. Postponed
19.14.1 S2-2408198 P-CR Approval 23.700-13: KI#1, 3, New Sol, Service Operation Aggregation for Topology 1 and Topology 2 ZTE Rel-19 FS_AmbientIoT Revised in parallel session to S2-2408747.
Focus on ‘operation aggregation’
19.14.1 S2-2408747 P-CR Approval 23.700-13: KI#1, 3, New Sol, Service Operation Aggregation for Topology 1 and Topology 2 ZTE Rel-19 FS_AmbientIoT Revision of S2-2408198. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409293.
19.14.1 S2-2409293 P-CR Approval 23.700-13: KI#1, 3, New Sol, Service Operation Aggregation for Topology 1 and Topology 2 ZTE Rel-19 FS_AmbientIoT Revision of S2-2408747. Postponed
19.14.1 S2-2408207 P-CR Approval 23.700-13: Solution for KI#3, Muiti-hop Data Transfer Samsung Rel-19 FS_AmbientIoT Revised in parallel session to S2-2408748.
Focus on the ‘multi-hop device-to-device data transfer scenario’
19.14.1 S2-2408748 P-CR Approval 23.700-13: Solution for KI#3, Muiti-hop Data Transfer Samsung Rel-19 FS_AmbientIoT Revision of S2-2408207. Noted in parallel session
19.14.1 S2-2408245 P-CR Approval 23.700-13: A new solution: AIoT data forwarding over UE reader in topology 2. Nokia Rel-19 FS_AmbientIoT Revised in parallel session to S2-2408749.
Focus on ‘AIoTF selecting the AIoT data forwarding methods’
19.14.1 S2-2408749 P-CR Approval 23.700-13: A new solution: AIoT data forwarding over UE reader in topology 2. Nokia Rel-19 FS_AmbientIoT Revision of S2-2408245. Agreed in parallel session
19.14.1 S2-2408323 P-CR Approval 23.700-13: KI#2, Sol#13 Update: Multi-level Device ID management MediaTek Inc. Rel-19 FS_AmbientIoT Agreed in parallel session
19.14.1 S2-2408329 P-CR Approval 23.700-13: New Solution: Management of UE reader capabilities NTT DOCOMO Rel-19 FS_AmbientIoT Revised in parallel session to S2-2408750.
Focus on ‘UE reader authorisation revocation’
19.14.1 S2-2408750 P-CR Approval 23.700-13: New Solution: Management of UE reader capabilities NTT DOCOMO Rel-19 FS_AmbientIoT Revision of S2-2408329. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409294.
19.14.1 S2-2409294 P-CR Approval 23.700-13: New Solution: Management of UE reader capabilities NTT DOCOMO Rel-19 FS_AmbientIoT Revision of S2-2408750. Postponed
19.14.1 S2-2408551 P-CR Approval 23.700-13: KI#2, Sol#2 Update: Enabling Operator and 3rd Party Assignment of IDs Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 FS_AmbientIoT Revised in parallel session to S2-2408751.
Focus on ‘device ID component’
19.14.1 S2-2408751 P-CR Approval 23.700-13: KI#2, Sol#2 Update: Enabling Operator and 3rd Party Assignment of IDs Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 FS_AmbientIoT Revision of S2-2408551. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409295.
19.14.1 S2-2409295 P-CR Approval 23.700-13: KI#2, Sol#2 Update: Enabling Operator and 3rd Party Assignment of IDs Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 FS_AmbientIoT Revision of S2-2408751. Postponed
19.14.1 S2-2408634 P-CR Approval 23.700-13: KI#3, New Solution: AIoT device tracking for inventory InterDigital, Inc. Rel-19 FS_AmbientIoT Revised in parallel session to S2-2409006.
Focus on ‘companion UE indication to NW’
19.14.1 S2-2409006 P-CR Approval 23.700-13: KI#3, New Solution: AIoT device tracking for inventory InterDigital, Inc. Rel-19 FS_AmbientIoT Revision of S2-2408634. Agreed in parallel session
19.14.1 S2-2408288 P-CR Approval 23.700-13: KI#2: New Solution on Multiple Temporary Identifiers for AIoT Devices KPN N.V., Samsung Rel-19 FS_AmbientIoT Revision of (unhandled) S2-2406064 from SA2#163. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409007.
Discussed in the conference call. Focus on ‘provisioning multiple temp ID’
19.14.1 S2-2409007 P-CR Approval 23.700-13: KI#2: New Solution on Multiple Temporary Identifiers for AIoT Devices KPN N.V., Samsung Rel-19 FS_AmbientIoT Revision of S2-2408288. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409299.
19.14.1 S2-2409299 P-CR Approval 23.700-13: KI#2: New Solution on Multiple Temporary Identifiers for AIoT Devices KPN N.V., Samsung Rel-19 FS_AmbientIoT Revision of S2-2409007. Agreed in parallel session
19.14.1 S2-2407730 P-CR Approval 23.700-13: New solution: Simple AIoT device and AIoT operation in the certain deployment NEC Rel-19 FS_AmbientIoT Revised in parallel session to S2-2409008.
Focus on ‘AF provided security indication’
19.14.1 S2-2409008 P-CR Approval 23.700-13: New solution: Simple AIoT device and AIoT operation in the certain deployment NEC Rel-19 FS_AmbientIoT Revision of S2-2407730. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409300.
19.14.1 S2-2409300 P-CR Approval 23.700-13: New solution: Simple AIoT device and AIoT operation in the certain deployment NEC Rel-19 FS_AmbientIoT Revision of S2-2409008. Agreed in parallel session
19.14.1 S2-2408172 P-CR Approval 23.700-13: KI#2, Sol#16: Update to address Editor's notes Sony Rel-19 FS_AmbientIoT Revised in parallel session to S2-2409009.
19.14.1 S2-2409009 P-CR Approval 23.700-13: KI#2, Sol#16: Update to address Editor's notes Sony Rel-19 FS_AmbientIoT Revision of S2-2408172. Agreed in parallel session
19.14.1 S2-2408287 P-CR Approval 23.700-13: Solution 19 update: resolving an EN and adding additional aspects Lenovo Rel-19 FS_AmbientIoT Revised in parallel session to S2-2409010.
Focus on ‘Anchor AIoTF’
19.14.1 S2-2409010 P-CR Approval 23.700-13: Solution 19 update: resolving an EN and adding additional aspects Lenovo Rel-19 FS_AmbientIoT Revision of S2-2408287. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409301.
19.14.1 S2-2409301 P-CR Approval 23.700-13: Solution 19 update: resolving an EN and adding additional aspects Lenovo Rel-19 FS_AmbientIoT Revision of S2-2409010. Postponed
19.14.1 S2-2408441 P-CR Approval 23.700-13: KI#3, Sol #23 Update to Remove ENs Spreadtrum Rel-19 FS_AmbientIoT Revised in parallel session to S2-2409011.
Focus on ‘how NEF selects AIoTF’ (Same principles as TR solutions)
19.14.1 S2-2409011 P-CR Approval 23.700-13: KI#3, Sol #23 Update to Remove ENs Spreadtrum Rel-19 FS_AmbientIoT Revision of S2-2408441. Agreed in parallel session
19.14.1 - - - Second round of solution tdocs - - - Docs:=22
19.14.1 S2-2407675 P-CR Approval 23.700-13: Sol for KI#2: AIoT device ID compatible to EPC and 3GPP defined device ID Vivo Rel-19 FS_AmbientIoT Revision of (unhandled) S2-2405961 from SA WG2-163. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409012.
19.14.1 S2-2409012 P-CR Approval 23.700-13: Sol for KI#2: AIoT device ID compatible to EPC and 3GPP defined device ID Vivo Rel-19 FS_AmbientIoT Revision of S2-2407675. Agreed in parallel session
19.14.1 S2-2407740 P-CR Approval 23.700-13: KI #2, New Solution: Device ID(s) for AIoT Devices Ericsson Rel-19 FS_AmbientIoT Revision of (unhandled) S2-2406132 from SA2#163. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409013.
19.14.1 S2-2409013 P-CR Approval 23.700-13: KI #2, New Solution: Device ID(s) for AIoT Devices Ericsson Rel-19 FS_AmbientIoT Revision of S2-2407740. Agreed in parallel session
19.14.1 S2-2408140 P-CR Approval 23.700-13: KI#3, solution#11: Update on solution#11 OPPO Rel-19 FS_AmbientIoT Merged into S2-2409016
19.14.1 S2-2408199 P-CR Approval 23.700-13: KI#3, Sol#28, EN Resolving ZTE Rel-19 FS_AmbientIoT Revised in parallel session to S2-2409014.
19.14.1 S2-2409014 P-CR Approval 23.700-13: KI#3, Sol#28, EN Resolving ZTE Rel-19 FS_AmbientIoT Revision of S2-2408199. Agreed in parallel session
19.14.1 S2-2408223 P-CR Approval 23.700-13: Solution for KI#3, Shared PDU Session to support Ambient IoT Samsung Rel-19 FS_AmbientIoT Revised in parallel session to S2-2409015.
19.14.1 S2-2409015 P-CR Approval 23.700-13: Solution for KI#3, Shared PDU Session to support Ambient IoT Samsung Rel-19 FS_AmbientIoT Revision of S2-2408223. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409338.
19.14.1 S2-2409338 P-CR Approval 23.700-13: Solution for KI#3, Shared PDU Session to support Ambient IoT Samsung Rel-19 FS_AmbientIoT Revision of S2-2409015. Postponed
19.14.1 S2-2408246 P-CR Approval 23.700-13: Resolving open issues in solution#11. Nokia Rel-19 FS_AmbientIoT Revised in parallel session to S2-2409016, merging S2-2408140
19.14.1 S2-2409016 P-CR Approval 23.700-13: Resolving open issues in solution#11. Nokia Rel-19 FS_AmbientIoT Revision of S2-2408246, merging S2-2408140. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409339.
19.14.1 S2-2409339 P-CR Approval 23.700-13: Resolving open issues in solution#11. Nokia Rel-19 FS_AmbientIoT Revision of S2-2409016. Agreed in parallel session
19.14.1 S2-2408310 P-CR Approval 23.700-13: New Solution: Configuration of Ambient IoT device frequency NTT DOCOMO Rel-19 FS_AmbientIoT Revised in parallel session to S2-2409017.
19.14.1 S2-2409017 P-CR Approval 23.700-13: New Solution: Configuration of Ambient IoT device frequency NTT DOCOMO Rel-19 FS_AmbientIoT Revision of S2-2408310. Agreed in parallel session
19.14.1 S2-2408550 P-CR Approval 23.700-13: Sol17 Update to address the Ens Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 FS_AmbientIoT Revised in parallel session to S2-2409018.
19.14.1 S2-2409018 P-CR Approval 23.700-13: Sol17 Update to address the Ens Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 FS_AmbientIoT Revision of S2-2408550. Agreed in parallel session
19.14.1 S2-2408636 P-CR Approval 23.700-13: Key Issue #3, New Solution, Reader dependent Inventory Response InterDigital Inc. Rel-19 FS_AmbientIoT Revised in parallel session to S2-2409019.
19.14.1 S2-2409019 P-CR Approval 23.700-13: Key Issue #3, New Solution, Reader dependent Inventory Response InterDigital Inc. Rel-19 FS_AmbientIoT Revision of S2-2408636. Agreed in parallel session
19.14.1 S2-2407731 P-CR Approval 23.700-13: New solution: Architecture enhancements for Intermediate node authorization in Topology 2 NEC Rel-19 FS_AmbientIoT Revised in parallel session to S2-2409020.
19.14.1 S2-2409020 P-CR Approval 23.700-13: New solution: Architecture enhancements for Intermediate node authorization in Topology 2 NEC Rel-19 FS_AmbientIoT Revision of S2-2407731. Postponed
19.14.1 S2-2407817 P-CR Approval 23.700-13: New solution on support of Ambient IoT services for supply chain for KI#1 and KI#2. China Mobile Rel-19 FS_AmbientIoT Revision of (unhandled) S2-2406313 from SA WG2#163. Merged into S2-2408744
Merge into S2-2407809? (Same principle)
19.14.1 - - - Conclusion proposals: Consolidated papers will be used for discussion - - - Docs:=30
19.14.1 S2-2407595 P-CR Approval 23.700-13: Discussion and conclusion proposals for Topology 1 architecture CATT Rel-19 FS_AmbientIoT Not Handled
19.14.1 S2-2407596 P-CR Approval 23.700-13: Discussion and conclusion proposals for AIoT Device ID component and usage CATT Rel-19 FS_AmbientIoT Not Handled
19.14.1 S2-2407597 P-CR Approval 23.700-13: Discussion and conclusion proposals for Topology 1 procedures CATT Rel-19 FS_AmbientIoT Revised in parallel session to S2-2409000.
19.14.1 S2-2409000 P-CR Approval 23.700-13: Discussion and conclusion proposals for Topology 1 procedures CATT Rel-19 FS_AmbientIoT Revision of S2-2407597. Postponed
19.14.1 S2-2407678 P-CR Approval 23.700-13: Consolidated thought on the topology agnostic part Vivo Rel-19 FS_AmbientIoT Revised in parallel session to S2-2409001.
19.14.1 S2-2409001 P-CR Approval 23.700-13: Consolidated thought on the topology agnostic part Vivo Rel-19 FS_AmbientIoT Revision of S2-2407678. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409302.
19.14.1 S2-2409302 P-CR Approval 23.700-13: Consolidated thought on the topology agnostic part Vivo Rel-19 FS_AmbientIoT Revision of S2-2409001. Postponed
19.14.1 S2-2407679 P-CR Approval 23.700-13: Consolidated thought on the topology 1 specific Vivo Rel-19 FS_AmbientIoT Not Handled
19.14.1 S2-2407762 P-CR Approval 23.700-13: Interim Conclusions for Simple AIoT Devices T-Mobile USA Rel-19 FS_AmbientIoT Revised in parallel session to S2-2409002.
19.14.1 S2-2409002 P-CR Approval 23.700-13: Interim Conclusions for Simple AIoT Devices T-Mobile USA Rel-19 FS_AmbientIoT Revision of S2-2407762. Noted in parallel session
19.14.1 S2-2407816 P-CR Approval 23.700-13: KI#2 Evaluation and Conclusion proposal on Identification Management. China Mobile Rel-19 FS_AmbientIoT Revised in parallel session to S2-2409003.
19.14.1 S2-2409003 P-CR Approval 23.700-13: KI#2 Evaluation and Conclusion proposal on Identification Management. China Mobile Rel-19 FS_AmbientIoT Revision of S2-2407816. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409303.
19.14.1 S2-2409303 P-CR Approval 23.700-13: KI#2 Evaluation and Conclusion proposal on Identification Management. China Mobile Rel-19 FS_AmbientIoT Revision of S2-2409003. Agreed in parallel session
19.14.1 S2-2408042 P-CR Approval 23.700-13: Evaluation of solutions for KI#1 architecture aspect and Conclusion proposal InterDigital, Inc. Rel-19 FS_AmbientIoT Not Handled
19.14.1 S2-2408044 P-CR Approval 23.700-13: The use of AIoT device ID in RAN procedures InterDigital, Inc. Rel-19 FS_AmbientIoT Not Handled
19.14.1 S2-2408143 P-CR Approval 23.700-13: Categorize topology 2 solutions OPPO Rel-19 FS_AmbientIoT Revised in parallel session to S2-2409004.
19.14.1 S2-2409004 P-CR Approval 23.700-13: Categorize topology 2 solutions OPPO Rel-19 FS_AmbientIoT Revision of S2-2408143. Noted in parallel session
19.14.1 S2-2408202 P-CR Approval 23.700-13: Evaluation and Conclusion for Topology 2 AIoT Architecture ZTE Rel-19 FS_AmbientIoT Not Handled
19.14.1 S2-2408247 DISCUSSION Discussion DP for R19 AIoT_topology2 Nokia Rel-19 FS_AmbientIoT Not Handled
19.14.1 S2-2408248 P-CR Approval 23.700-13: Conclusions for KI#1. Nokia Rel-19 FS_AmbientIoT Not Handled
19.14.1 S2-2408249 P-CR Approval 23.700-13: Conclusions for KI#2. Nokia Rel-19 FS_AmbientIoT Not Handled
19.14.1 S2-2408250 P-CR Approval 23.700-13: Conclusions for KI#3. Nokia Rel-19 FS_AmbientIoT Not Handled
19.14.1 S2-2408251 P-CR Approval 23.700-13: Conclusions for Key Issue #1. Apple Rel-19 FS_AmbientIoT Not Handled
19.14.1 S2-2408296 P-CR Approval 23.700-13: Proposed Conclusions for Ambient IoTs Samsung Rel-19 FS_AmbientIoT Not Handled
19.14.1 S2-2408443 P-CR Approval 23.700-13: High level conclusions for Ambient IoT NTT DOCOMO Rel-19 FS_AmbientIoT Not Handled
19.14.1 S2-2408553 P-CR Approval 23.700-13: Conclusion on Ambient IoT Device Identification Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 FS_AmbientIoT Not Handled
19.14.1 S2-2408554 P-CR Approval 23.700-13: Conclusion on key issue 1 for topology 1 architecture Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 FS_AmbientIoT Revised in parallel session to S2-2409005.
19.14.1 S2-2409005 P-CR Approval 23.700-13: Conclusion on key issue 1 for topology 1 architecture Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 FS_AmbientIoT Revision of S2-2408554. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409304.
19.14.1 S2-2409304 P-CR Approval 23.700-13: Conclusion on key issue 1 for topology 1 architecture Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 FS_AmbientIoT Revision of S2-2409005. Agreed in parallel session
19.14.1 S2-2408555 P-CR Approval 23.700-13: Conclusion on key issue 1 for topology 2 architecture Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 FS_AmbientIoT Not Handled
19.14.1 - - - Unhandled papers - - - Docs:=22
19.14.1 S2-2407674 P-CR Approval 23.700-13: Update sol#4 vivo Rel-19 FS_AmbientIoT Encrypted file replaced Not Handled
19.14.1 S2-2407676 P-CR Approval 23.700-13: Sol for KI#1#3: RAN reader specific management Vivo Rel-19 FS_AmbientIoT Revision of (unhandled) S2-2406765 from SA WG2-163 Not Handled
19.14.1 S2-2407739 P-CR Approval 23.700-13: KI #1, #2, #3, New Solution: UP Solution using AIOTF for Topology 1 Ericsson Rel-19 FS_AmbientIoT Revision of (unhandled) S2-2406133 from SA2#163 Not Handled
19.14.1 S2-2407741 P-CR Approval 23.700-13: KI #1, #2, #3, Sol#8: Update to add Command Procedure and resolve ENs Ericsson Rel-19 FS_AmbientIoT Revision of (unhandled) S2-2406131 from SA2#163 Not Handled
19.14.1 S2-2407742 P-CR Approval 23.700-13: KI #1, #2, #3, Sol#22: Update to resolve ENs Ericsson Rel-19 FS_AmbientIoT Not Handled
19.14.1 S2-2407743 P-CR Approval 23.700-13: KI #1, #2, #3, Sol#30: Update to resolve ENs Ericsson Rel-19 FS_AmbientIoT Not Handled
19.14.1 S2-2407814 P-CR Approval 23.700-13: Addressing Open Issues for Solution 18 supporting Topology 2. China Mobile Rel-19 FS_AmbientIoT Not Handled
19.14.1 S2-2408142 P-CR Approval 23.700-13: KI#2, solution#14: Update on solution#14 OPPO Rel-19 FS_AmbientIoT Not Handled
19.14.1 S2-2408200 P-CR Approval 23.700-13: KI#3, Sol#18, Add Service Procedure for Topology 2 ZTE Rel-19 FS_AmbientIoT Revision of (unhandled) S2-2406604 from SA2#163 Not Handled
19.14.1 S2-2408201 P-CR Approval 23.700-13: KI#1, 2, 3, Sol#22, Clarification on AF Based Solution over Control Plane ZTE Rel-19 FS_AmbientIoT Not Handled
19.14.1 S2-2408204 P-CR Approval 23.700-13: Solution #7 update for Device Authentication to support Ambient IoT Samsung Rel-19 FS_AmbientIoT Not Handled
19.14.1 S2-2408205 P-CR Approval 23.700-13: Solution #25 Update for KI#2, Subscription Management for Ambient IoTs Samsung Rel-19 FS_AmbientIoT Not Handled
19.14.1 S2-2408206 P-CR Approval 23.700-13: Solution for KI#1,2, Device Identification for AmbientIoT Samsung Rel-19 FS_AmbientIoT Not Handled
19.14.1 S2-2408552 DISCUSSION Discussion Ambient IoT: The importance of NAS in AIoT Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 FS_AmbientIoT Not Handled
19.14.1 S2-2408556 P-CR Approval 23.700-13: Discussion and analysis on Temporary ID Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 FS_AmbientIoT Not Handled
19.14.1 S2-2408632 P-CR Approval 23.700-13: KI#3, New Solution, AIoT Data Transmission InterDigital Inc. Rel-19 FS_AmbientIoT Not Handled
19.14.1 S2-2408633 P-CR Approval 23.700-13: Key Issue #3, New Solution: Ambient Device and Intermediate Node Location Association InterDigital Inc. Rel-19 FS_AmbientIoT Not Handled
19.14.1 S2-2408654 P-CR Approval 23.700-13: Solution #34 Update: Resolution of Editor's Notes InterDigital, Inc. Rel-19 FS_AmbientIoT Not Handled
19.14.1 S2-2408208 P-CR Approval 23.700-13: Solution for KI#3, new exposure services for management of Ambient IoTs Samsung Rel-19 FS_AmbientIoT Not Handled
19.14.1 S2-2408224 P-CR Approval 23.700-13: Solution for KI#3, UE-assisted Data Transfer Samsung Rel-19 FS_AmbientIoT Not Handled
19.14.1 S2-2408297 P-CR Approval 23.700-13: New Solution: Ambient IoT deployment isolation NTT DOCOMO Rel-19 FS_AmbientIoT Not Handled
19.14.1 S2-2408635 P-CR Approval 23.700-13: New Solution: Temporary Identifier Handling at Reader InterDigital, Inc. Rel-19 FS_AmbientIoT Not Handled
19.15.1 - - - Core Network Enhanced Support for Artificial Intelligence (AI)/Machine Learning (ML) (FS_AIML_CN) - - Dario Docs:=2
19.15.1 S2-2407547 P-CR Approval 23.700-84: Editorial correction in conclusion of KI#4. SK Telecom, Verizon Rel-19 FS_AIML_CN Not Handled
19.15.1 S2-2407571 P-CR Approval 23.700-84: KI 1 - Evaluation and proposed conclusions for data collection for training LMF-side models Lenovo Rel-19 FS_AIML_CN Revision of (unhandled) S2-2406469 from SA WG2#163 Not Handled
19.15.2 - - - Core Network Enhanced Support for Artificial Intelligence (AI)/Machine Learning (ML) (AIML_CN) - - Dario Docs:=175
19.15.2 - - - 1st Round - - - Docs:=0
19.15.2 - - - KI#1 - LCS support for Direct AI/ML based Positioning - - - Docs:=18
19.15.2 S2-2407572 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] LS on Data collection for training LMF-side models Lenovo Rel-19 Revised in parallel session to S2-2408883 (withdrawn). Noted in parallel session
Handle, Baseline for LS on Data collection. SA2 inform RAN of the defined procedure and ask for RAN’s opinion
19.15.2 S2-2408883 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] LS on Data collection for training LMF-side models Lenovo Rel-19 - Revision of S2-2407572. Withdrawn
19.15.2 S2-2407527 CR Approval 23.288 CR1100 (Rel-19, 'B'): Model training and provisioning for AI/ML based positioning CATT, China Unicom, China Mobile, ZTE Rel-19 AIML_CN Need to decide how to combine with S2-2408885.
Revised in parallel session to S2-2408884.
19.15.2 S2-2408884 CR Approval 23.288 CR1100R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): Model training and provisioning for AI/ML based positioning CATT, China Unicom, China Mobile, ZTE Rel-19 AIML_CN Revision of S2-2407527. Merged into S2-2409130
19.15.2 S2-2408270 CR Approval 23.288 CR1164 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support for LMF to retrieve ML Model of AI/ML based positioning Vivo Rel-19 AIML_CN Need to decide how to combine with S2-2408884.
Revised in parallel session to S2-2408885.
19.15.2 S2-2408885 CR Approval 23.288 CR1164R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support for LMF to retrieve ML Model of AI/ML based positioning Vivo Rel-19 AIML_CN Revision of S2-2408270. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409130, merging S2-2408884
19.15.2 S2-2409130 CR Approval 23.288 CR1164R2 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support for LMF to retrieve ML Model of AI/ML based positioning Vivo Rel-19 AIML_CN Revision of S2-2408885, merging S2-2408884. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409413.
19.15.2 S2-2409413 CR Approval 23.288 CR1164R3 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support for LMF to retrieve ML Model of AI/ML based positioning Vivo Rel-19 AIML_CN Revision of S2-2409130. Agreed in parallel session
19.15.2 S2-2407543 CR Approval 23.273 CR0535 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of LMF selection based on AI/ML based positioning capability ZTE, China Telecom, Vivo, OPPO, ETRI, InterDigital, CATT, Xiaomi, Sony Rel-19 AIML_CN Postponed in parallel session
19.15.2 S2-2407881 CR Approval 23.273 CR0543 (Rel-19, 'B'): Introduction of LMF enhancement for Direct AI/ML based Positioning Qualcomm Incorporated Rel-19 AIML_CN Revised in parallel session to S2-2408890.
Handle. Focusing on SA2 level Data collection procedure and RAN’s related content is up to RAN decision and seek for RAN’s opinion by sending LS out
19.15.2 S2-2408890 CR Approval 23.273 CR0543R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): Introduction of LMF enhancement for Direct AI/ML based Positioning Qualcomm Incorporated Rel-19 AIML_CN Revision of S2-2407881. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409131.
19.15.2 S2-2409131 CR Approval 23.273 CR0543R2 (Rel-19, 'B'): Introduction of LMF enhancement for Direct AI/ML based Positioning Qualcomm Incorporated Rel-19 AIML_CN Revision of S2-2408890. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409414.
19.15.2 S2-2409414 CR Approval 23.273 CR0543R3 (Rel-19, 'B'): Introduction of LMF enhancement for Direct AI/ML based Positioning Qualcomm Incorporated Rel-19 AIML_CN Revision of S2-2409131. Agreed in parallel session
19.15.2 S2-2407488 CR Approval 23.273 CR0532 (Rel-19, 'B'): KI#1 - LMF enhancements for UE positioning using a ML model Ericsson Rel-19 AIML_CN Revised in parallel session to S2-2408891.
Handle. Focusing on Data collection
19.15.2 S2-2408891 CR Approval 23.273 CR0532R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): KI#1 - LMF enhancements for UE positioning using a ML model Ericsson Rel-19 AIML_CN Revision of S2-2407488. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409132.
19.15.2 S2-2409132 CR Approval 23.273 CR0532R2 (Rel-19, 'B'): KI#1 - LMF enhancements for UE positioning using a ML model Ericsson Rel-19 AIML_CN Revision of S2-2408891. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409415.
19.15.2 S2-2409415 CR Approval 23.273 CR0532R3 (Rel-19, 'B'): KI#1 - LMF enhancements for UE positioning using a ML model Ericsson Rel-19 AIML_CN Revision of S2-2409132. Agreed in parallel session
19.15.2 S2-2408211 CR Approval 23.273 CR0551 (Rel-19, 'B'): Extend UE LCS privacy profile to support Authorization for data collection for AI/ML model training Xiaomi Rel-19 AIML_CN Postponed in parallel session
19.15.2 - - - KI#2 - 5GC Support for Vertical Federated Learning - - - Docs:=16
19.15.2 S2-2407800 CR Approval 23.288 CR1134 (Rel-19, 'B'): General training procedure for NWDAF initiated Vertical Federated Learning between NWDAF(s) and AF(s) China Mobile, CATT, ZTE, OPPO Rel-19 AIML_CN Revised in parallel session to S2-2408886.
Handle. Baseline for general VFL Training, including both NWDAF and AF as server. This meeting focus on NWDAF as server and postpone AF as server to next meeting
19.15.2 S2-2408886 CR Approval 23.288 CR1134R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): General training procedure for NWDAF initiated Vertical Federated Learning between NWDAF(s) and AF(s) China Mobile, CATT, ZTE, OPPO Rel-19 AIML_CN Revision of S2-2407800. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409134.
19.15.2 S2-2409134 CR Approval 23.288 CR1134R2 (Rel-19, 'B'): General training procedure for NWDAF initiated Vertical Federated Learning between NWDAF(s) and AF(s) China Mobile, CATT, ZTE, OPPO Rel-19 AIML_CN Revision of S2-2408886. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409416.
19.15.2 S2-2409416 CR Approval 23.288 CR1134R3 (Rel-19, 'B'): General training procedure for NWDAF initiated Vertical Federated Learning between NWDAF(s) and AF(s) China Mobile, CATT, ZTE, OPPO Rel-19 AIML_CN Revision of S2-2409134. Noted in parallel session
19.15.2 S2-2407639 CR Approval 23.288 CR1126 (Rel-19, 'B'): General inference procedure for vertical federated learning between AF and NWDAFs with AF as the VFL server OPPO, ETRI, China Telecom, Tencent, ICS Rel-19 AIML_CN Revised in parallel session to S2-2408887.
Handle. Baseline for general Inference, including both NWDAF and AF as server This meeting focus on NWDAF as server and postpone AF as server to next meeting
19.15.2 S2-2408887 CR Approval 23.288 CR1126R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): General inference procedure for vertical federated learning between AF and NWDAFs with AF as the VFL server OPPO, ETRI, China Telecom, Tencent, ICS Rel-19 AIML_CN Revision of S2-2407639. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409133.
19.15.2 S2-2409133 CR Approval 23.288 CR1126R2 (Rel-19, 'B'): General inference procedure for vertical federated learning between AF and NWDAFs with AF as the VFL server OPPO, ETRI, China Telecom, Tencent, ICS Rel-19 AIML_CN Clean up changes. In step 0 add at the beginning of the sentence: 'For an NWDAF as a VFL server, the'
Revision of S2-2408887. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409417.
19.15.2 S2-2409417 CR Approval 23.288 CR1126R3 (Rel-19, 'B'): General inference procedure for vertical federated learning between AF and NWDAFs with AF as the VFL server OPPO, ETRI, China Telecom, Tencent, ICS Rel-19 AIML_CN Revision of S2-2409133. Agreed in parallel session
19.15.2 S2-2408659 CR Approval 23.288 CR1185 (Rel-19, 'B'): High level feature description for VFL Interdigital Rel-19 AIML_CN Revised in parallel session to S2-2408888.
Handle. Baseline for high level description
19.15.2 S2-2408888 CR Approval 23.288 CR1185R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): High level feature description for VFL Interdigital Rel-19 AIML_CN Revision of S2-2408659. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409135.
19.15.2 S2-2409135 CR Approval 23.288 CR1185R2 (Rel-19, 'B'): High level feature description for VFL Interdigital Rel-19 AIML_CN Revision of S2-2408888. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409418.
19.15.2 S2-2409418 CR Approval 23.288 CR1185R3 (Rel-19, 'B'): High level feature description for VFL Interdigital Rel-19 AIML_CN Revision of S2-2409135. Agreed in parallel session
19.15.2 S2-2408406 CR Approval 23.288 CR1171 (Rel-19, 'B'): Registration and Discovery procedure for Vertical Federated Learning among NWDAF(s) and/or AF(s) with NWDAF as the VFL server ICS, OPPO, InterDigital Rel-19 AIML_CN Revised in parallel session to S2-2409088.
Handle. Registration + discovery
19.15.2 S2-2409088 CR Approval 23.288 CR1171R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): Registration and Discovery procedure for Vertical Federated Learning among NWDAF(s) and/or AF(s) with NWDAF as the VFL server ICS, OPPO, InterDigital Rel-19 AIML_CN Revision of S2-2408406. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409136.
19.15.2 S2-2409136 CR Approval 23.288 CR1171R2 (Rel-19, 'B'): Registration and Discovery procedure for Vertical Federated Learning among NWDAF(s) and/or AF(s) with NWDAF as the VFL server ICS, OPPO, InterDigital Rel-19 AIML_CN Remove 'DNAI' from step 4-6
Revision of S2-2409088. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409419.
19.15.2 S2-2409419 CR Approval 23.288 CR1171R3 (Rel-19, 'B'): Registration and Discovery procedure for Vertical Federated Learning among NWDAF(s) and/or AF(s) with NWDAF as the VFL server ICS, OPPO, InterDigital Rel-19 AIML_CN Revision of S2-2409136. Agreed in parallel session
19.15.2 - - - KI#3 - NWDAF-assisted policy control and QoS enhancement - - - Docs:=9
19.15.2 S2-2407589 CR Approval 23.288 CR1121 (Rel-19, 'B'): QoS Flows Analytics NTT DOCOMO Rel-19 AIML_CN Revised in parallel session to S2-2409091.
19.15.2 S2-2409091 CR Approval 23.288 CR1121R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): QoS Flows Analytics NTT DOCOMO Rel-19 AIML_CN Revision of S2-2407589. Merged into S2-2409138
19.15.2 S2-2409137 CR Approval 23.288 CR1121R2 (Rel-19, 'B'): QoS Flows Analytics NTT DOCOMO Rel-19 AIML_CN Revision of S2-2409091. Withdrawn
19.15.2 S2-2407647 CR Approval 23.288 CR1128 (Rel-19, 'B'): QoS and policy assistance service by NWDAF Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 AIML_CN Postponed in parallel session
19.15.2 S2-2407754 CR Approval 23.288 CR1132 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of QoS and policy assistance analytics Samsung, vivo, OPPO, SK Telecom, China Mobile, Tencent, Tencent Cloud, InterDigital Inc Rel-19 AIML_CN Proposes to have new analytics ID
Revised in parallel session to S2-2409089.
19.15.2 S2-2409089 CR Approval 23.288 CR1132R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of QoS and policy assistance analytics Samsung, vivo, OPPO, SK Telecom, China Mobile, Tencent, Tencent Cloud, InterDigital Inc Rel-19 AIML_CN Revision of S2-2407754. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409138, merging S2-2409090
19.15.2 S2-2409138 CR Approval 23.288 CR1132R2 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of QoS and policy assistance analytics Samsung, vivo, OPPO, SK Telecom, China Mobile, Tencent, Tencent Cloud, InterDigital Inc Rel-19 AIML_CN Discussion moved to next meeting.
Revision of S2-2409089, merging S2-2409090 and S2-2409091. Postponed in parallel session
19.15.2 S2-2408543 CR Approval 23.288 CR1179 (Rel-19, 'B'): KI#3: QoS Parameters Assistance Analytics and Extensions to Observed service experience, QoS sustainability, Network Performance analytics Nokia Rel-19 AIML_CN Proposes to re-use existing analytics ID
Revised in parallel session to S2-2409090.
19.15.2 S2-2409090 CR Approval 23.288 CR1179R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): KI#3: QoS Parameters Assistance Analytics and Extensions to Observed service experience, QoS sustainability, Network Performance analytics Nokia Rel-19 AIML_CN Revision of S2-2408543. Merged into S2-2409138
19.15.2 - - - KI#4 - NWDAF support for network abnormal behaviours (signalling storm) mitigation/prevention - - - Docs:=6
19.15.2 S2-2407534 CR Approval 23.288 CR1104 (Rel-19, 'B'): New analytics ID to support Signalling storm Mitigation and Prevention caused by NFs SK Telecom, AT&T, China Mobile, ETRI, KDDI, KPN N.V., LG Uplus, OPPO, Rakuten Mobile, Samsung, vivo, ZTE Rel-19 AIML_CN Revised to S2-2408408
19.15.2 S2-2408408 CR Approval 23.288 CR1104R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): New analytics ID to support Signalling storm Mitigation and Prevention caused by NFs SK Telecom, AT&T, China Mobile, ETRI, KDDI, KPN N.V., LG Uplus, OPPO, Rakuten Mobile, Samsung, vivo, ZTE Rel-19 AIML_CN Revision of S2-2407534. Revised in parallel session to S2-2408889.
Handle, One new analytics ID for network and UE signalling
19.15.2 S2-2408889 CR Approval 23.288 CR1104R2 (Rel-19, 'B'): New analytics ID to support Signalling storm Mitigation and Prevention caused by NFs SK Telecom, AT&T, China Mobile, ETRI, KDDI, KPN N.V., LG Uplus, OPPO, Rakuten Mobile, Samsung, vivo, ZTE Rel-19 AIML_CN Revision of S2-2408408. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409139, merging S2-2408515
19.15.2 S2-2409139 CR Approval 23.288 CR1104R3 (Rel-19, 'B'): New analytics ID to support Signalling storm Mitigation and Prevention caused by NFs SK Telecom, AT&T, China Mobile, ETRI, KDDI, KPN N.V., LG Uplus, OPPO, Rakuten Mobile, Samsung, vivo, ZTE Rel-19 AIML_CN Revision of S2-2408889, merging S2-2408515. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409420.
19.15.2 S2-2409420 CR Approval 23.288 CR1104R4 (Rel-19, 'B'): New analytics ID to support Signalling storm Mitigation and Prevention caused by NFs SK Telecom, AT&T, China Mobile, ETRI, KDDI, KPN N.V., LG Uplus, OPPO, Rakuten Mobile, Samsung, vivo, ZTE Rel-19 AIML_CN Revision of S2-2409139. Postponed
19.15.2 S2-2408515 CR Approval 23.288 CR1178 (Rel-19, 'B'): New analytics ID UE signalling to support Network Abnormal Behaviour Mitigation and Prevention China Telecom Rel-19 AIML_CN Merged into S2-2409139
19.15.2 - - - 2nd Round - - - Docs:=0
19.15.2 - - - KI#1 - LCS support for Direct AI/ML based Positioning - - - Docs:=5
19.15.2 S2-2407807 CR Approval 23.288 CR1139 (Rel-19, 'B'): Performance monitoring for AI/ML based positioning in TS23.273 China Mobile, CATT, ZTE, OPPO Rel-19 AIML_CN Confirm Specification Number - CR states 23.273! If TS 23.273 then a new CR number will be needed for any revision! Postponed in parallel session
19.15.2 S2-2408267 CR Approval 23.273 CR0554 (Rel-19, 'B'): Data collection for AI/ML based positioning Vivo, OPPO,ZTE Rel-19 AIML_CN Not Handled
19.15.2 S2-2408333 CR Approval 23.273 CR0556 (Rel-19, 'B'): LMF enhancements for Direct AI/ML based positioning Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 AIML_CN Not Handled
19.15.2 S2-2408668 CR Approval 23.273 CR0569 (Rel-19, 'B'): Data collection for AI/ML positioning model training InterDigital, Inc. Rel-19 AIML_CN Not Handled
19.15.2 S2-2408210 CR Approval 23.273 CR0550 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support AI/ML model performance monitoring Xiaomi Rel-19 AIML_CN Not Handled
19.15.2 - - - KI#2 - 5GC Support for Vertical Federated Learning - - - Docs:=5
19.15.2 S2-2408258 CR Approval 23.288 CR1162 (Rel-19, 'B'): Vertical Federated Learning if NWDAF is VFL Server in TS 23.288 KDDI Rel-19 AIML_CN Not Handled
19.15.2 S2-2407545 CR Approval 23.288 CR1108 (Rel-19, 'B'): VFL terminologies and abbreviations ZTE Rel-19 AIML_CN Not Handled
19.15.2 S2-2407804 CR Approval 23.288 CR1137 (Rel-19, 'B'): NWDAF capability to support Vertical Federated Learning in TS 23.288 LG Electronics Rel-19 AIML_CN Not Handled
19.15.2 S2-2407755 CR Approval 23.288 CR1133 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of VFL model training with successive VFL client information sharing Samsung Rel-19 AIML_CN Not Handled
19.15.2 S2-2408657 CR Approval 23.501 CR5621 (Rel-19, 'B'): VFL support during the discovery of NWDAF, NEF, and AF instances ICS, Futurewei, InterDigital Rel-19 AIML_CN Not Handled
19.15.2 - - - KI#3 - NWDAF-assisted policy control and QoS enhancement - - - Docs:=5
19.15.2 S2-2407492 CR Approval 23.288 CR1097 (Rel-19, 'B'): QoS and policy assistance information analytic Ericsson Rel-19 AIML_CN Not Handled
19.15.2 S2-2407529 CR Approval 23.288 CR1101 (Rel-19, 'B'): NWDAF assisted QoS policy generation CATT, China Mobile, China Telecom Rel-19 AIML_CN Not Handled
19.15.2 S2-2407885 CR Approval 23.288 CR1142 (Rel-19, 'B'): Enhancement to support NWDAF-assisted policy control and QoS enhancement Qualcomm Incorporated Rel-19 AIML_CN Check Affected Clauses! Not Handled
19.15.2 S2-2407573 CR Approval 23.288 CR1118 (Rel-19, 'B'): KI3: NWDAF-assisted policy control Lenovo Rel-19 AIML_CN Not Handled
19.15.2 S2-2407691 CR Approval 23.288 CR1129 (Rel-19, 'B'): 23.288 : QoS/Policy Assistance Information Analytics ETRI Rel-19 AIML_CN Not Handled
19.15.2 - - - KI#4 - NWDAF support for network abnormal behaviours (signalling storm) mitigation/prevention - - - Docs:=3
19.15.2 S2-2408517 CR Approval 23.502 CR4976 (Rel-19, 'B'): AF service enhancement to support timer information collection China Telecom Rel-19 AIML_CN Not Handled
19.15.2 S2-2408576 CR Approval 23.288 CR1181 (Rel-19, 'B'): KI#4: Extending Abnormal behaviour related network data analytics for signalling storm caused by massive UE signalling Nokia Rel-19 AIML_CN Not Handled
Reusing existing Abnormal behaviour related network data analytics for UE signalling
19.15.2 S2-2407591 CR Approval 23.288 CR1122 (Rel-19, 'B'): NF Signalling Storm Analytics NTT DOCOMO Rel-19 AIML_CN Not Handled
19.15.2 - - - Unhandled/postponed - - - Docs:=0
19.15.2 - - - KI#1 - LCS support for Direct AI/ML based Positioning - - - Docs:=32
19.15.2 S2-2407999 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] LS on Allignment regarding data collection procedures for training LMF side LCS models Nokia Rel-19 AIML_CN Not Handled
Merge into S2-2407572? Strong dependency with RAN and big impact on SA2 normative work. Related to RAN data collection for AI positioning
19.15.2 S2-2408266 DISCUSSION Information KI#1 - Discusson paper on the data collection for AI positioning vivo Rel-19 AIML_CN Not Handled
Unhandled and just FYI. Discuss data collection for AI positioning. Propose to open it in Conf call and go offline to find way forward for future meeting
19.15.2 S2-2408610 DISCUSSION Discussion KI#1: Use Pseudo Analytics ID for model storage and retrieval Nokia Rel-19 AIML_CN Not Handled
Unhandled and just FYI. Discuss data collection for AI positioning. Propose to open it in Conf call and go offline to find way forward for future meeting
19.15.2 S2-2407528 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] LS on model provisioning by OAM for AI/ML based positioning in 5GC CATT Rel-19 AIML_CN Not Handled
Related to OAM training/providing AIML Model for positioning. Postpone
19.15.2 S2-2407576 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] LS out on ML Model obtaining from OAM for AI Positioning ZTE Rel-19 AIML_CN Not Handled
Related to OAM training/providing AIML Model for positioning. Postpone
19.15.2 S2-2407587 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] LS on ML Model provisioning by OAM to LMF for UE positioning NTT DOCOMO Rel-19 AIML_CN Not Handled
Related to OAM training/providing AIML Model for positioning. Postpone
19.15.2 S2-2408000 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] LS on Allignment regarding possible training LMF side LCS models via OAM Nokia Rel-19 AIML_CN Not Handled
Related to OAM training/providing AIML Model for positioning. Postpone
19.15.2 S2-2407414 LS In Action LS from RAN WG1: Reply LS on data collection to enable ML model training and inference in 5GC for Direct AI/ML based positioning RAN WG1 (R1-2405578) Rel-19 FS_AIML_CN Revision of postponed S2-2406872 from S2#163. Postponed
19.15.2 S2-2407525 CR Approval 23.273 CR0533 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of AI/ML based positioning CATT Rel-19 AIML_CN Not Handled
19.15.2 S2-2407526 CR Approval 23.288 CR1099 (Rel-19, 'B'): AI/ML based positioning functional description CATT Rel-19 AIML_CN Not Handled
19.15.2 S2-2407556 CR Approval 23.273 CR0536 (Rel-19, 'B'): LMF event exposure to support data collection for AI/ML based positioning CATT Rel-19 AIML_CN Not Handled
19.15.2 S2-2407559 CR Approval 23.288 CR1111 (Rel-19, 'B'): NWDAF service enhancements for AI/ML based positioning CATT Rel-19 AIML_CN Confirm Spec version used - CR states 19.0.0! Not Handled
19.15.2 S2-2407560 CR Approval 23.288 CR1112 (Rel-19, 'B'): Horizontal Federated Learning to train ML model for AI/ML based positioning CATT Rel-19 AIML_CN Confirm Spec version used - CR states 19.0.0! Not Handled
19.15.2 S2-2407561 CR Approval 23.501 CR5421 (Rel-19, 'B'): NWDAF discovery and selection for AI/ML based positioning CATT Rel-19 AIML_CN Not Handled
19.15.2 S2-2407562 CR Approval 23.502 CR4842 (Rel-19, 'B'): NWDAF discovery for AI/ML based positioning via NRF CATT Rel-19 AIML_CN Not Handled
19.15.2 S2-2407566 CR Approval 23.288 CR1113 (Rel-19, 'B'): KI1: Support of training LMF-side models at MTLF Lenovo Rel-19 AIML_CN Not Handled
19.15.2 S2-2407588 CR Approval 23.273 CR0537 (Rel-19, 'B'): ML Model based UE positioning support NTT DOCOMO Rel-19 AIML_CN Not Handled
19.15.2 S2-2407808 CR Approval 23.273 CR0542 (Rel-19, 'B'): Procedure for LMF to retrieve ML models in TS23.273 China Mobile Rel-19 AIML_CN Not Handled
19.15.2 S2-2407880 CR Approval 23.288 CR1141 (Rel-19, 'B'): Enhancement for AIML based Positioning Qualcomm Incorporated Rel-19 AIML_CN Not Handled
19.15.2 S2-2407882 CR Approval 23.501 CR5476 (Rel-19, 'F'): The consumer of ML model provision Qualcomm Incorporated Rel-19 AIML_CN Not Handled
19.15.2 S2-2408016 CR Approval 23.288 CR1146 (Rel-19, 'B'): KI#1: model storage and retrieval Nokia Rel-19 AIML_CN Not Handled
19.15.2 S2-2408026 CR Approval 23.501 CR5507 (Rel-19, 'B'): KI#1: Extending NWDAF description to cover model provisioning to LMF Nokia Rel-19 AIML_CN Not Handled
19.15.2 S2-2408209 CR Approval 23.273 CR0549 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support Direct AI/ML based positioning Xiaomi Rel-19 AIML_CN Not Handled
19.15.2 S2-2408212 CR Approval 23.502 CR4938 (Rel-19, 'B'): Supporting authorization for data collection of AI model training in UDM Xiaomi Rel-19 AIML_CN Not Handled
19.15.2 S2-2408265 CR Approval 23.273 CR0553 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of AI/ML based positioning feature Vivo, OPPO, MediaTek Inc., Samsung Rel-19 AIML_CN Not Handled
19.15.2 S2-2408268 CR Approval 23.288 CR1163 (Rel-19, 'B'): NWDAF collects data from LMF in order to train ML model for AI positioning Vivo Rel-19 AIML_CN Not Handled
19.15.2 S2-2408269 CR Approval 23.273 CR0555 (Rel-19, 'B'): New procedure for LMF to retrieve ML Model from MTLF Vivo, OPPO, China Telecom, ZTE, Samsung Rel-19 AIML_CN Not Handled
19.15.2 S2-2408330 CR Approval 23.288 CR1170 (Rel-19, 'B'): NWDAF enhancements for Direct AI/ML positioning Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 AIML_CN Not Handled
19.15.2 S2-2408331 CR Approval 23.501 CR5563 (Rel-19, 'B'): NWDAF enhancements for Direct AI/ML positioning Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 AIML_CN Not Handled
19.15.2 S2-2408332 CR Approval 23.502 CR4952 (Rel-19, 'B'): NWDAF enhancements for Direct AI/ML positioning Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 AIML_CN Not Handled
19.15.2 S2-2408665 CR Approval 23.273 CR0568 (Rel-19, 'B'): LMF selection for AI/ML based positioning InterDigital, Inc. Rel-19 AIML_CN Not Handled
19.15.2 S2-2408670 CR Approval 23.273 CR0570 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of AI/ML based positioning methods InterDigital, Inc. Rel-19 AIML_CN Not Handled
19.15.2 - - - KI#2 - 5GC Support for Vertical Federated Learning - - - Docs:=50
19.15.2 S2-2407569 CR Approval 23.288 CR1116 (Rel-19, 'B'): KI2: Vertical Federated Learning Procedure where FL Server is NWDAF Lenovo Rel-19 AIML_CN Not Handled
VFL Training. NWDAF as server. Merge into 7S2-240800?
19.15.2 S2-2407638 CR Approval 23.288 CR1125 (Rel-19, 'B'): General training procedure for vertical federated learning between AF and NWDAFs with AF as the VFL server OPPO, ZTE, ETRI, China Telecom, CMCC, Tencent, Samsung, ICS,vivo Rel-19 AIML_CN Not Handled
VFL Training. AF as server. Merge into S2-2407800
19.15.2 S2-2408256 CR Approval 23.288 CR1160 (Rel-19, 'B'): Vertical Federated Learning if AF is VFL Server in TS 23.288 KDDI Rel-19 AIML_CN Not Handled
Training + inference. AF as Sever. Merge into S2-2407800?
19.15.2 S2-2408320 DISCUSSION Information Discussion on the multiple NWDAF case if AF is VFL server KDDI Corporation Rel-19 Not Handled
Unhandled and just FYI. Discuss how to integrates data from multiple NWDAFs when AF is VFL Server. Propose to open it in Conf call and go offline to find way forward for future meeting
19.15.2 S2-2407802 CR Approval 23.288 CR1135 (Rel-19, 'B'): General Description of Vertical Federated Learning LG Electronics Rel-19 AIML_CN Not Handled
High level description. Merge into S2-2408659?
19.15.2 S2-2407640 DISCUSSION Information Discussion on the VFL sample and feature alignment OPPO Rel-19 AIML_CN Not Handled
Unhandled and just FYI. Discuss whether one analytic ID or two separate analytic IDs. Propose to open it in Conf call and go offline to find way forward for future meeting
19.15.2 S2-2408001 CR Approval 23.288 CR1145 (Rel-19, 'B'): Sample and feature alignment procedure for VFL Futurewei, OPPO Rel-19 AIML_CN Not Handled
Postpone to October SA2 meeting with higher priority? Sample alignment
19.15.2 S2-2408040 CR Approval 23.288 CR1149 (Rel-19, 'B'): KI#2: Preparation procedure including sample alignment for AF-initiated VFL ETRI Rel-19 AIML_CN Not Handled
Postpone to October SA2 meeting with higher priority? Sample alignment
19.15.2 S2-2408472 DISCUSSION Discussion KI#2: NWDAF with internal structure of MTLF, AnLF and ADRF Nokia Rel-19 AIML_CN Not Handled
Unhandled and just FYI. Discuss how to design VFL process when NWDAF is split as MTLF and AnLF. Propose to open it in Conf call and go offline to find way forward for future meeting
19.15.2 S2-2407392 LS In Information LS from ITU-T SG13: LS on consent of draft new Recommendation ITU-T Y.3186 (ex Y.IMT2020-DJLML) 'Requirements and framework for distributed joint learning to enable machine learning in future networks including IMT-2020' ITU-T SG13 (SG13-LS170) Revision of postponed S2-2405854 from S2#163. Postponed
19.15.2 S2-2407491 CR Approval 23.288 CR1096 (Rel-19, 'B'): KI#2 VFL training and inference Ericsson Rel-19 AIML_CN Not Handled
19.15.2 S2-2407544 CR Approval 23.288 CR1107 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of VFL related-features ZTE Rel-19 AIML_CN Not Handled
19.15.2 S2-2407567 CR Approval 23.288 CR1114 (Rel-19, 'B'): KI2: Vertical Federated Learning Registration, Discovery and Sample Alignment where FL Server is NWDAF Lenovo Rel-19 AIML_CN Not Handled
19.15.2 S2-2407568 CR Approval 23.288 CR1115 (Rel-19, 'B'): KI2: Vertical Federated Learning Registration, Discovery and Sample Alignmnet where FL Server is AF Lenovo Rel-19 AIML_CN Not Handled
19.15.2 S2-2407570 CR Approval 23.288 CR1117 (Rel-19, 'B'): KI2: Vertical Federated Learning Procedure where FL Server is AF Lenovo Rel-19 AIML_CN Not Handled
19.15.2 S2-2407574 CR Approval 23.288 CR1119 (Rel-19, 'B'): KI2: Support of distributed inference for a model trained using VFL Lenovo Rel-19 AIML_CN Not Handled
19.15.2 S2-2407637 CR Approval 23.288 CR1124 (Rel-19, 'B'): Sample and Feature alignment procedure for Vertical Federated Learning with AF as the VFL server OPPO, Futurewei, LG Electronics, Tencent, Sony, ICS Rel-19 AIML_CN Not Handled
Merge into S2-2408001?
19.15.2 S2-2407803 CR Approval 23.288 CR1136 (Rel-19, 'B'): General inference procedure for NWDAF initiated Vertical Federated Learning between NWDAF(s) and AF(s) China Mobile, CATT, ZTE Rel-19 AIML_CN Not Handled
19.15.2 S2-2407805 CR Approval 23.502 CR4881 (Rel-19, 'B'): NWDAF capability to support Vertical Federated Learning in TS 23.502 LG Electronics Rel-19 AIML_CN Not Handled
19.15.2 S2-2407806 CR Approval 23.288 CR1138 (Rel-19, 'A'): Vertical Federated Learning (VFL) between NWDAF(s) and AF(s) China Mobile, CATT, ZTE, OPPO Rel-19 AIML_CN Not Handled
19.15.2 S2-2407918 CR Approval 23.288 CR1144 (Rel-19, 'B'): Vertical Federated Learning General Description Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 AIML_CN Not Handled
19.15.2 S2-2408038 CR Approval 23.288 CR1148 (Rel-19, 'B'): KI#2: Registration and discovery procedures of VFL entities ETRI Rel-19 AIML_CN Not Handled
19.15.2 S2-2408041 CR Approval 23.288 CR1150 (Rel-19, 'B'): KI#2: Training and inference procedures for VFL among multiple NWDAFs ETRI Rel-19 AIML_CN Not Handled
19.15.2 S2-2408049 CR Approval 23.501 CR5515 (Rel-19, 'B'): KI#2: Enhancement of NWDAF and NEF to support Vertical Federated Learning ETRI Rel-19 AIML_CN Not Handled
19.15.2 S2-2408054 CR Approval 23.502 CR4922 (Rel-19, 'B'): KI#2: Enhancement of NRF service for NWDAF and NEF to support Vertical Federated Learning ETRI Rel-19 AIML_CN Not Handled
19.15.2 S2-2408099 CR Approval 23.288 CR1152 (Rel-19, 'B'): Adding functionality to FL server NWDAF for sample alignment NTT DOCOMO Rel-19 AIML_CN Not Handled
19.15.2 S2-2408130 CR Approval 23.501 CR5533 (Rel-19, 'B'): Vertical Federated Learning in TS 23.501 KDDI Rel-19 AIML_CN Not Handled
19.15.2 S2-2408227 CR Approval 23.288 CR1154 (Rel-19, 'B'): 5GC Supports for Vertical Federated Learning Vivo Rel-19 AIML_CN Not Handled
19.15.2 S2-2408228 CR Approval 23.288 CR1155 (Rel-19, 'B'): Registration and discovery of VFL entities Vivo Rel-19 AIML_CN Not Handled
19.15.2 S2-2408229 CR Approval 23.288 CR1156 (Rel-19, 'B'): New procedure of sample alignment when NWDAF as VFL Server Vivo Rel-19 AIML_CN Not Handled
19.15.2 S2-2408230 CR Approval 23.288 CR1157 (Rel-19, 'B'): New procedures for VFL training Vivo Rel-19 AIML_CN Not Handled
19.15.2 S2-2408231 CR Approval 23.288 CR1158 (Rel-19, 'B'): New procedure of VFL Inference when NWDAF as VFL Server Vivo Rel-19 AIML_CN Not Handled
19.15.2 S2-2408255 CR Approval 23.288 CR1159 (Rel-19, 'B'): Vertical Federated Learning Support if AF is VFL Server with multiple NWDAFs in TS 23.288. KDDI Rel-19 AIML_CN Not Handled
19.15.2 S2-2408257 CR Approval 23.288 CR1161 (Rel-19, 'B'): General Support for Vertical Federated Learning in TS 23.288. KDDI Rel-19 AIML_CN Not Handled
19.15.2 S2-2408259 CR Approval 23.502 CR4945 (Rel-19, 'B'): Vertical Federated Learning in TS 23.502 KDDI Rel-19 AIML_CN Not Handled
19.15.2 S2-2408316 CR Approval 23.288 CR1167 (Rel-19, 'B'): NWDAF Discovery for VFL. Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 eNA_Ph3 Not Handled
19.15.2 S2-2408318 CR Approval 23.288 CR1169 (Rel-19, 'B'): VFL Inference Procedures Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 AIML_CN Not Handled
19.15.2 S2-2408479 CR Approval 23.288 CR1172 (Rel-19, 'B'): KI#2: VFL procedures with NWDAF as server Nokia Rel-19 AIML_CN Not Handled
19.15.2 S2-2408483 CR Approval 23.288 CR1173 (Rel-19, 'B'): KI#2: VFL definitions Nokia Rel-19 AIML_CN Not Handled
19.15.2 S2-2408484 CR Approval 23.288 CR1174 (Rel-19, 'B'): KI#2: NWDAF discovery for VFL Nokia Rel-19 AIML_CN Not Handled
19.15.2 S2-2408485 CR Approval 23.501 CR5590 (Rel-19, 'B'): KI#2 NRF extensions for VFL Nokia Rel-19 AIML_CN Not Handled
19.15.2 S2-2408487 CR Approval 23.502 CR4971 (Rel-19, 'B'): KI#2: NRF extensions for VFL Nokia Rel-19 AIML_CN Not Handled
19.15.2 S2-2408490 CR Approval 23.288 CR1175 (Rel-19, 'B'): KI#2: Updating FL to HFL Nokia Rel-19 AIML_CN Check Affected Clauses! Not Handled
19.15.2 S2-2408493 CR Approval 23.501 CR5591 (Rel-19, 'B'): KI#2: NWDAF extensions for VFL Nokia Rel-19 AIML_CN Not Handled
19.15.2 S2-2408495 CR Approval 23.288 CR1176 (Rel-19, 'B'): KI#2: VFL procedures Nokia Rel-19 AIML_CN Not Handled
19.15.2 S2-2408524 CR Approval 23.501 CR5598 (Rel-19, 'B'): KI#2 NEF extensions for VFL Nokia Rel-19 AIML_CN Not Handled
19.15.2 S2-2408658 CR Approval 23.502 CR4992 (Rel-19, 'B'): Enhancement to NRF s discovery and registration procedures to support VFL ICS, Futurewei, InterDigital Rel-19 AIML_CN Not Handled
19.15.2 S2-2408660 CR Approval 23.288 CR1186 (Rel-19, 'B'): VFL Procedures for client discovery and sample/feature alignment Interdigital Rel-19 AIML_CN Not Handled
19.15.2 S2-2408662 CR Approval 23.288 CR1187 (Rel-19, 'B'): Enabling VFL training in 5GC with AF as Server Interdigital Rel-19 AIML_CN Not Handled
19.15.2 S2-2408663 CR Approval 23.288 CR1188 (Rel-19, 'B'): Enabling VFL Inference in 5GC Interdigital Rel-19 AIML_CN Not Handled
19.15.2 - - - KI#3 - NWDAF-assisted policy control and QoS enhancement - - - Docs:=15
19.15.2 S2-2407493 CR Approval 23.503 CR1303 (Rel-19, 'B'): PCF use of QoS and policy assistance information analytic Ericsson Rel-19 AIML_CN Not Handled
19.15.2 S2-2407530 CR Approval 23.288 CR1102 (Rel-19, 'B'): Model provisioning for QoS policy assistance information analytics CATT Rel-19 AIML_CN Not Handled
19.15.2 S2-2407531 CR Approval 23.288 CR1103 (Rel-19, 'B'): QoS policy assistance information analytics / ML model accuracy monitoring CATT, China Mobile, OPPO Rel-19 AIML_CN Confirm Spec version used - CR states 19.0.0! Not Handled
19.15.2 S2-2407532 CR Approval 23.503 CR1311 (Rel-19, 'B'): Policy decisions based on QoS policy assistance information analytics CATT, China Mobile, China Telecom, OPPO, Tencent, vivo Rel-19 AIML_CN Not Handled
19.15.2 S2-2407557 CR Approval 23.288 CR1109 (Rel-19, 'B'): NWDAF service enhancements for QoS policy assistance information analytics and ML model provisioning CATT Rel-19 AIML_CN Not Handled
19.15.2 S2-2407558 CR Approval 23.288 CR1110 (Rel-19, 'B'): Analytics exposure for QoS policy assistance information analytics CATT Rel-19 AIML_CN Not Handled
19.15.2 S2-2407590 CR Approval 23.502 CR4849 (Rel-19, 'B'): QFI Change event NTT DOCOMO Rel-19 AIML_CN Not Handled
19.15.2 S2-2407693 CR Approval 23.501 CR5442 (Rel-19, 'B'): 23.501 : NWDAF capability of QoS/Policy Assistance for NWDAF discovery and selection. ETRI Rel-19 AIML_CN Not Handled
19.15.2 S2-2407719 CR Approval 23.502 CR4868 (Rel-19, 'B'): 23.502 : NRF service enhancements for NWDAF with the capability of QoS/Policy Assistance ETRI Rel-19 AIML_CN Not Handled
19.15.2 S2-2407753 CR Approval 23.288 CR1131 (Rel-19, 'B'): Enhancements to Analytics IDs to support QoS and policy Samsung, vivo, OPPO, SK Telecom, InterDigital Inc Rel-19 AIML_CN Not Handled
19.15.2 S2-2407756 CR Approval 23.503 CR1328 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support for NWDAF-assisted policy control and QoS Samsung Rel-19 AIML_CN Not Handled
Can be merged into KI#3 503 baseline CR, if any?
19.15.2 S2-2407886 CR Approval 23.503 CR1334 (Rel-19, 'B'): Enhancement to support NWDAF-assisted policy control and QoS enhancement Qualcomm Incorporated Rel-19 AIML_CN Not Handled
19.15.2 S2-2407917 CR Approval 23.503 CR1340 (Rel-19, 'B'): Update on Policy decisions based on NWDAF Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 AIML_CN Not Handled
19.15.2 S2-2408611 DISCUSSION Discussion KI#3: Extend existing analytics to determine assistance information for QoS parameters Nokia Rel-19 AIML_CN Not Handled
19.15.2 S2-2408674 CR Approval 23.288 CR1189 (Rel-19, 'B'): Enhancing Network Data Analytics to support Flexible combined/joint analytics InterDigital, Inc. Rel-19 AIML_CN Not Handled
19.15.2 - - - KI#4 - NWDAF support for network abnormal behaviours (signalling storm) mitigation/prevention - - - Docs:=11
19.15.2 S2-2408590 DISCUSSION Discussion KI#4: Need for new Analytics ID for signalling storm caused by massive UE signalling Nokia Rel-19 AIML_CN Not Handled
Unhandled and just FYI. Discuss whether one analytic ID or two separate analytic IDs. Propose to open in Conf call
19.15.2 S2-2407883 LS OUT Approval [DRAFT] LS on input data for analytics of NWDAF assisted Network Abnormal Behaviour Mitigation and Prevention QUALCOMM JAPAN LLC. Rel-19 AIML_CN Not Handled
19.15.2 S2-2407490 CR Approval 23.288 CR1095 (Rel-19, 'B'): KI#4 - Updates in input/output for signalling storm analytics report Ericsson Rel-19 AIML_CN Not Handled
19.15.2 S2-2407533 CR Approval 23.502 CR4839 (Rel-19, 'B'): Example mitigation actions for signalling storm caused by NF signalling Nokia Rel-19 AIML_CN Not Handled
19.15.2 S2-2407575 CR Approval 23.288 CR1120 (Rel-19, 'B'): KI4: Abnormal NF Signalling Storm Detection Analytics Lenovo Rel-19 AIML_CN Not Handled
19.15.2 S2-2408093 CR Approval 23.288 CR1151 (Rel-19, 'B'): KI#4: Massive UE signaling strom mitigation and prevention ETRI Rel-19 AIML_CN Not Handled
19.15.2 S2-2408157 CR Approval 23.501 CR5537 (Rel-19, 'B'): New analytics for signaling storm mitigation (TS 23.501) Vivo, SK Telecom Rel-19 AIML_CN Not Handled
19.15.2 S2-2408309 CR Approval 23.288 CR1166 (Rel-19, 'B'): NWDAF assisted signalling storm analytics Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 AIML_CN Not Handled
19.15.2 S2-2408516 CR Approval 23.501 CR5597 (Rel-19, 'B'): General description on Network Abnormal Behaviour Mitigation and Prevention China Telecom, Tencent, Tencent Cloud Rel-19 AIML_CN Not Handled
19.15.2 S2-2408585 CR Approval 23.288 CR1182 (Rel-19, 'B'): KI#4: new Analytics ID for signalling storm caused by abnormal NF behavior Nokia Rel-19 AIML_CN Not Handled
19.15.2 S2-2408600 CR Approval 23.288 CR1184 (Rel-19, 'B'): New analytics for signaling storm mitigation and prevention Samsung Rel-19 AIML_CN Not Handled
Merge into SKT S2-2408408?
19.16 - - - Indirect Network Sharing (TEI19_NetShare) - - Andy Docs:=13
19.16 S2-2407837 CR Approval 23.501 CR5465 (Rel-19, 'F'): The correction for Indirect Network Sharing China Unicom, Tencent, Nokia Rel-19 TEI19_NetShare Some clarifications were requested and alignment with the ZTE proposal was needed. This was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2408956.
Revised in parallel session to S2-2408956.
19.16 S2-2408956 CR Approval 23.501 CR5465R1 (Rel-19, 'F'): The correction for Indirect Network Sharing China Unicom, Tencent, Nokia Rel-19 TEI19_NetShare Some issues were raised and this was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2409271.
Revision of S2-2407837. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409271.
19.16 S2-2409271 CR Approval 23.501 CR5465R2 (Rel-19, 'F'): The correction for Indirect Network Sharing China Unicom, Tencent, Nokia Rel-19 TEI19_NetShare Revision of S2-2408956. Revised off-line to S2-2409539.
19.16 S2-2409539 CR Approval 23.501 CR5465R3 (Rel-19, 'F'): The correction for Indirect Network Sharing China Unicom, Tencent, Nokia Rel-19 TEI19_NetShare Revision of S2-2409271. This CR was agreed
19.16 S2-2407838 CR Approval 23.502 CR4888 (Rel-19, 'F'): The correction for Indirect Network Sharing China Unicom, Tencent Rel-19 TEI19_NetShare Nokia asked for clarification of the 'participating operator' indicated in This was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2408957.
Revised in parallel session to S2-2408957.
19.16 S2-2408957 CR Approval 23.502 CR4888R1 (Rel-19, 'F'): The correction for Indirect Network Sharing China Unicom, Tencent, Samsung Rel-19 TEI19_NetShare Further clarifications were requested and this was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2409272.
Revision of S2-2407838. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409272.
19.16 S2-2409272 CR Approval 23.502 CR4888R2 (Rel-19, 'F'): The correction for Indirect Network Sharing China Unicom, Tencent, Samsung Rel-19 TEI19_NetShare This was reviewed and agreed in parallel session.
Revision of S2-2408957. Agreed in parallel session
19.16 S2-2408283 CR Approval 23.501 CR5560 (Rel-19, 'F'): Clarification on network slice handling for Indirect Network Sharing ZTE, Huawei, China Unicom Rel-19 TEI19_NetShare There were a number of issues raised and this was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2408958.
Revised in parallel session to S2-2408958.
19.16 S2-2408958 CR Approval 23.501 CR5560R1 (Rel-19, 'F'): Clarification on network slice handling for Indirect Network Sharing ZTE, Huawei, China Unicom Rel-19 TEI19_NetShare The CR rev number should be corrected and changes on changes removed for the final version. Further issues were raised and this was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2409273.
Revision of S2-2408283. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409273.
19.16 S2-2409273 CR Approval 23.501 CR5560R2 (Rel-19, 'F'): Clarification on network slice handling for Indirect Network Sharing ZTE, Huawei, China Unicom, Nokia, Samsung Rel-19 5GProtoc17, TEI19_NetShare The CT WG1 WI code for Rel 17 should be explained in other comments. Changes on changes should be removed. This was revised to S2-2409534.
Revision of S2-2408958. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409534.
19.16 S2-2409534 CR Approval 23.501 CR5560R3 (Rel-19, 'F'): Clarification on network slice handling for Indirect Network Sharing ZTE, Huawei, China Unicom, Nokia, Samsung Rel-19 5GProtoc17, TEI19_NetShare This was agreed in parallel session.
Revision of S2-2409273. Agreed in parallel session
19.16 S2-2407914 CR Approval 23.503 CR1337 (Rel-19, 'F'): Correction on UE Policy from VPLMN in INS Huawei, HiSilicon, ZTE Rel-19 TEI19_NetShare The summary of change should be improved. This was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2408959.
Revised in parallel session to S2-2408959.
19.16 S2-2408959 CR Approval 23.503 CR1337R1 (Rel-19, 'F'): Correction on UE Policy from VPLMN in INS Huawei, HiSilicon, ZTE Rel-19 TEI19_NetShare Qualcomm commented that they did not see any functionality change for the PCF and did not understand why a change is necessary. Huawei clarified that the URSP part has been removed from the CR. Further discussion on this was needed and the CR was postponed in parallel session.
Revision of S2-2407914. Postponed
19.17 - - - Architecture support of roaming value-added services (TEI19_RVAS) - - Andy Docs:=0
19.18 - - - Minimize the Number of Policy Associations (TEI19_MINPA) - - Andy Docs:=4
19.18 S2-2407504 CR Approval 23.503 CR1308 (Rel-19, 'F'): Corrections to the handling of the UE and the AM Policy association Ericsson Rel-19 TEI19_MINPA In the notes 3 'trigger' should be 'reason' and China Telecom asked to be added as a source company. This was revised to S2-2408960.
Revised in parallel session to S2-2408960.
19.18 S2-2408960 CR Approval 23.503 CR1308R1 (Rel-19, 'F'): Corrections to the handling of the UE and the AM Policy association Ericsson Rel-19 TEI19_MINPA This was agreed in parallel session.
Revision of S2-2407504. Agreed in parallel session
19.18 S2-2407516 CR Approval 23.503 CR1309 (Rel-19, 'F'): Misalignment text in AM and UE policy association with respect to local configuration Nokia, Ericsson Rel-19 TEI19_MINPA This was reviewed and agreed in parallel session.
Agreed in parallel session
19.18 S2-2407517 CR Approval 23.502 CR4835 (Rel-19, 'F'): Details of the local configuration usage in UE policy association updates. Nokia, Ericsson Rel-19 TEI19_MINPA This was reviewed and agreed in parallel session.
Agreed in parallel session
19.19 - - - Deferred 5GC-MT-LR Procedure for Periodic Location Events based NRPPa Periodic Measurement Reports (TEI19_DLPM) - - _Not_On_Agenda Docs:=0
19.20 - - - Providing per-subscriber VLAN instructions from UDM (TEI19_VLANSUB) - - _Not_On_Agenda Docs:=0
19.21 - - - Enhancing Parameter Provisioning with static UE IP address and UP security policy (TEI19_IP_SP_EXP) - - Andy Docs:=10
19.21 S2-2407958 CR Approval 23.501 CR5492 (Rel-19, 'B'): Exposure enhancements for static UE IP address assignment and 5G VN group s User Plane Security Policy Ericsson, Nokia, Deutsche Telekom Rel-19 TEI19_IP_SP_EXP Ericsson asked to align this with the Samsung proposal in S2-2408432, which was reviewed. This was left for off-line discussion and revised, merging S2-2407669, to S2-2408954.
Revised in parallel session, merging S2-2407669, to S2-2408954.
Handle and use as baseline
19.21 S2-2408954 CR Approval 23.501 CR5492R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): Exposure enhancements for static UE IP address assignment and 5G VN group s User Plane Security Policy Ericsson, Nokia, Deutsche Telekom, China Telecom?, Samsung?, Obvios Rel-19 TEI19_IP_SP_EXP The CR cover sheet should be cleaned, correct revision number included and the sources confirmed. Other issues were raised and it was suggested that only some of the changes were needed and this should be included in another CR if possible. This was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2409269.
Revision of S2-2407958, merging S2-2407669. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409269.
19.21 S2-2409269 CR Approval 23.501 CR5492R2 (Rel-19, 'B'): Exposure enhancements for static UE IP address assignment and 5G VN group s User Plane Security Policy Ericsson, Nokia, Deutsche Telekom, Obvios Rel-19 TEI19_IP_SP_EXP This was reviewed and agreed in parallel session.
Revision of S2-2408954. Agreed in parallel session
19.21 S2-2408432 CR Approval 23.501 CR5579 (Rel-19, 'B'): Exposure for static UE IP address assignement Samsung Rel-19 TEI19_IP_SP_EXP China Mobile commented that it is the operators responsibility to plan IP addresses to ensure that there are no duplicate assignments to different UEs in the domain and asked for clarification on the use of 'static IP address'. Samsung commented that this CR is not concerned with dynamic IP address assignment. Ericsson suggested capturing that proper IP address planning is needed and should be captured in the TS and reflect this in the CR to TS 23.502. Merged into S2-2409270.
WI Code incorrect! Merged into S2-2409270
Merge into S2-2407958?
19.21 S2-2407669 CR Approval 23.501 CR5438 (Rel-19, 'B'): CR for 23501 on Static IP Address Provision by AF China Telecom Rel-19 TEI19_IP_SP_EXP Merged into S2-2408954.
Merged into S2-2408954
Merge into S2-2407958?
19.21 S2-2407959 CR Approval 23.502 CR4907 (Rel-19, 'B'): Exposure enhancements for static UE IP address assignment and 5G VN group s User Plane Security Policy Ericsson, Nokia, Deutsche Telekom Rel-19 TEI19_IP_SP_EXP This was discussed and should be used as a basis for the CR to 23.502. This was left for off-line discussion and revised, merging S2-2408438, to S2-2408955.
Revised in parallel session, merging S2-2408438, to S2-2408955.
Handle and use as baseline
19.21 S2-2408955 CR Approval 23.502 CR4907R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): Exposure enhancements for static UE IP address assignment and 5G VN group s User Plane Security Policy Ericsson, Nokia, Deutsche Telekom, China Telecom?, Samsung?, Obvios Rel-19 TEI19_IP_SP_EXP The CR cover sheet needed cleaning, the revision number updated and the Sources confirmed. Some issues were raised and this was left for off-line discussion and revised, merging S2-2407670, S2-2408432, to S2-2409270.
Revision of S2-2407959, merging S2-2408438. Revised in parallel session, merging S2-2407670, S2-2408432, to S2-2409270.
19.21 S2-2409270 CR Approval 23.502 CR4907R2 (Rel-19, 'B'): Exposure enhancements for static UE IP address assignment and 5G VN group s User Plane Security Policy Ericsson, Nokia, Deutsche Telekom, Obvios Rel-19 TEI19_IP_SP_EXP This was reviewed and agreed in parallel session.
Revision of S2-2408955, merging S2-2407670, S2-2408432. Agreed in parallel session
19.21 S2-2407670 CR Approval 23.502 CR4862 (Rel-19, 'B'): CR for 23502 on Static IP Address Provision by AF China Telecom Rel-19 TEI19_IP_SP_EXP This was discussed and left for further off-line discussion. Merged into S2-2409270.
Merged into S2-2409270
Handle (to discuss validity time)
19.21 S2-2408438 CR Approval 23.502 CR4962 (Rel-19, 'B'): Parameter Provisioning with Static IP address assignment Samsung Rel-19 TEI19_IP_SP_EXP This was discussed and left for further off-line discussion and merged into S2-2408955.
Merged into S2-2408955
Handle (to discuss whether and how to check if an IP address/prefix is already assigned to another UE)
19.22 - - - Spending Limits for UE Policies in Roaming scenario (TEI19_SLUPiR) - - Andy Docs:=0
19.23 - - - Subscription control for reference time distribution in EPS (TEI19_TIME_SUB_EPS) - - Andy Docs:=2
19.23 S2-2407862 CR Approval 23.401 CR3796 (Rel-19, 'B'): Subscription control for time reference information delivery in EPS Qualcomm, Vodafone Group Plc, Vodafone Telekom nikasyon A.S., BT, Orange?, KPN?, CKH IOD UK LIMITED? Rel-19 TEI19_TIME_SUB_EPS Draft S2-240xxyy_was_S2-2407862 CR 23.401 Subscription control for time delivery in EPS_v3+CP was provided in the drafts folder after off-line discussions and was reviewed.
Further issues were raised and clarifications requested. This was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2409198.
Confirm Sources! Revised in parallel session to S2-2409198.
19.23 S2-2409198 CR Approval 23.401 CR3796R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): Subscription control for time reference information delivery in EPS Qualcomm, Vodafone Group Plc, Vodafone Telekomünikasyon A.S., BT, CKH IOD UK LIMITED, KPN, Orange Rel-19 TEI19_TIME_SUB_EPS This was reviewed and agreed in parallel session.
Revision of S2-2407862. Agreed in parallel session
19.24 - - - On-demand broadcast of GNSS assistance data (TEI19_OBGAD) - - Andy Docs:=12
19.24 S2-2407797 CR Approval 23.273 CR0541 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of on-demand broadcast of GNSS assistance data China Mobile Rel-19 TEI19_OBGAD The alternative proposal in S2-2408444 was reviewed. This was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2409199.
Revised in parallel session to S2-2409199.
19.24 S2-2409199 CR Approval 23.273 CR0541R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of on-demand broadcast of GNSS assistance data China Mobile, Ericsson, Huawei Rel-19 TEI19_OBGAD Some editorial corrections were needed and changes on changes should be removed. This was left for off-line discussion and revised, merging S2-2408444, to S2-2409274.
Revision of S2-2407797. Revised in parallel session, merging S2-2408444, to S2-2409274.
19.24 S2-2409274 CR Approval 23.273 CR0541R2 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of on-demand broadcast of GNSS assistance data China Mobile, Ericsson, Huawei, Samsung Rel-19 TEI19_OBGAD This was reviewed and agreed in parallel session.
Revision of S2-2409199, merging S2-2408444. Agreed in parallel session
19.24 S2-2408444 CR Approval 23.273 CR0558 (Rel-19, 'B'): Enhancement of On-demand broadcast of GNSS assistance data Samsung Rel-19 TEI19_OBGAD This was reviewed and left for off-line discussion to determine whether content can be merged into S2-2409199. This was merged into S2-2409199.
Confirm Spec version used - CR states 18.4.0! Merged into S2-2409199
19.24 S2-2407798 CR Approval 23.502 CR4880 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of on-demand broadcast of GNSS assistance data China Mobile, Ericsson Rel-19 TEI19_OBGAD The alternative proposal in S2-2408442 was reviewed. This was left for off-line discussion and revised, merging S2-2408442, to S2-2409200.
Revised in parallel session, merging S2-2408442, to S2-2409200.
19.24 S2-2409200 CR Approval 23.502 CR4880R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of on-demand broadcast of GNSS assistance data China Mobile, Ericsson Rel-19 TEI19_OBGAD The CR date should be corrected. This Samsung asked to be added as a source. This was revised to S2-2409535.
Revision of S2-2407798, merging S2-2408442. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409535.
19.24 S2-2409535 CR Approval 23.502 CR4880R2 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of on-demand broadcast of GNSS assistance data China Mobile, Ericsson, Samsung Rel-19 TEI19_OBGAD This was agreed in parallel session.
Revision of S2-2409200. Agreed in parallel session
19.24 S2-2408442 CR Approval 23.502 CR4963 (Rel-19, 'B'): Enhancement of On-demand broadcast of GNSS assistance data Samsung Rel-19 TEI19_OBGAD The alternative proposal in S2-2408442 was reviewed. This was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2409200. This was merged into S2-2409200.
Merged into S2-2409200
19.24 S2-2408440 CR Approval 23.501 CR5580 (Rel-19, 'B'): AMF event exposure for supporting on-demand broadcast of LCS assistant data Samsung Rel-19 TEI19_OBGAD This was dependent on the agreements for 23.502 CRs and was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2409201.
Check Affected Clauses! Revised in parallel session to S2-2409201.
19.24 S2-2409201 CR Approval 23.501 CR5580R1 (Rel-19, 'B'): AMF event exposure for supporting on-demand broadcast of LCS assistant data Samsung Rel-19 TEI19_OBGAD Revision of S2-2408440. Wrong document uploaded! Revised to S2-2409533.
19.24 S2-2409533 CR Approval 23.501 CR5580R2 (Rel-19, 'B'): AMF event exposure for supporting on-demand broadcast of LCS assistant data Samsung Rel-19 TEI19_OBGAD This is dependent on discussions of S2-2409200. The final bullet of the event filters should be removed. Huawei asked update the reason for change. This was revised to S2-2409536.
Revision of S2-2409201. Revised in parallel session to S2-2409536.
19.24 S2-2409536 CR Approval 23.501 CR5580R3 (Rel-19, 'B'): AMF event exposure for supporting on-demand broadcast of LCS assistant data Samsung Rel-19 TEI19_OBGAD This was agreed in parallel session.
Revision of S2-2409533. Agreed in parallel session
19.25 - - - QoS monitoring (TEI19_QME) - - Andy Docs:=2
19.25 S2-2407941 CR Approval 23.502 CR4905 (Rel-19, 'C'): Clarification on the Qos monitoring capability transfer ZTE Rel-19 TEI19_QME Ericsson commented that this should be a Cat 'F' CR. This was revised to S2-2408961.
Revised in parallel session to S2-2408961.
19.25 S2-2408961 CR Approval 23.502 CR4905R1 (Rel-19, 'F'): Clarification on the Qos monitoring capability transfer ZTE Rel-19 TEI19_QME This was agreed in parallel session.
Revision of S2-2407941. Agreed in parallel session
19.26 - - - NF discovery and selection by target PLMN (TEI19_NFsel_by_tPLMN) - - Andy Docs:=4
19.26 S2-2407505 CR Approval 23.502 CR4832 (Rel-19, 'F'): Corrections for NF selection by target PLMN Nokia Rel-19 TEI19_NFsel_by_tPLMN Huawei asked whether the PCF part will be considered. Nokia replied that this should be handled in another CR. Oracle asked to ensure that 'domain and/or PLMN' is used consistently. This was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2408962.
Revised in parallel session to S2-2408962.
19.26 S2-2408962 CR Approval 23.502 CR4832R1 (Rel-19, 'F'): Corrections for NF selection by target PLMN Nokia, Oracle Rel-19 TEI19_NFsel_by_tPLMN This was reviewed and agreed in parallel session.
Revision of S2-2407505. Agreed in parallel session
19.26 S2-2407614 CR Approval 23.501 CR5430 (Rel-19, 'F'): Corrections for NF selection by target PLMN Nokia Rel-19 TEI19_NFsel_by_tPLMN This was left for off-line discussion and revised to S2-2408963.
Revised in parallel session to S2-2408963.
19.26 S2-2408963 CR Approval 23.501 CR5430R1 (Rel-19, 'F'): Corrections for NF selection by target PLMN Nokia, Oracle Rel-19 TEI19_NFsel_by_tPLMN This was reviewed and agreed in parallel session.
Revision of S2-2407614. Agreed in parallel session
19.27 - - - Roaming traffic offloading via session breakout in HPLMN (TEI19_HSBO) - - _Not_On_Agenda Docs:=0
19.28 - - - Multiple Location Procedure for Emergency LCS Routing (TEI19_MLR4RTR) - - _Not_On_Agenda Docs:=0
19.29 - - - Support for ProSe services in NPNs (TEI19_ProSe_NPN) - - Andy Docs:=0
30 - - - Project Planning and Management - - Andy Docs:=0
30.1 - - - New and Revised Study/Work Items - - Andy Docs:=19
30.1 S2-2408154 WID NEW Approval New WID on Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving Nokia Rel-19 Not Handled
30.1 S2-2408272 WID NEW Approval New WID on Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving CATT Rel-19 Revision of SP-240719 Not Handled
30.1 S2-2408351 WID NEW Approval New WID on Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving. Samsung, Lenovo, CATT, China Mobile, ETRI, Hisilicon, Huawei, Intel, InterDigital, KPN, MediaTek, NEC, NTT DOCOMO, OPPO, ORANGE, Rakuten Mobile, SK Telecom, Telefonica, Toyota, Vivo, ZTE Rel-19 Revision of (noted) S2-2406584 from SA2#163. Revised to S2-2409559.
30.1 S2-2409559 WID NEW Approval New WID on Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving. Samsung, Lenovo, CATT, China Mobile, ETRI, Hisilicon, Huawei, Intel, InterDigital, KPN, MediaTek, NEC, NTT DOCOMO, OPPO, ORANGE, Rakuten Mobile, SK Telecom, Telefonica, Toyota, Vivo, ZTE Rel-19 Revision of S2-2408351. Approved subject to confirmation of the working agreement.
Conditionally approved
30.1 S2-2408599 WID REVISED Approval Revised WID on User Identities and Authentication Architecture InterDigital Inc. Rel-19 UIA_ARC Revision of SP-240971. Revised off-line to S2-2409267
30.1 S2-2409267 WID REVISED Approval Revised WID on User Identities and Authentication Architecture InterDigital Inc. Rel-19 UIA_ARC Revision of S2-2408599. For e-mail approval. WITHDRAWN
30.1 S2-2408685 WID REVISED Approval Revised WID on Integration of satellite components in the 5G architecture Phase 3 CATT, Sateliot Rel-19 5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH LATE DOC: Rx 16/08, 10:30 For e-mail approval. This WID REVISED was e-mail approved
30.1 S2-2407656 WID REVISED Approval Revised WID on Enhancement of support for Edge Computing in 5G Core network - Phase 3 Intel (Rapporteur) Rel-19 eEDGE_5GC_Ph3 No revision marks! For e-mail approval. r01 agreed. Revised to S2-2409446.
30.1 S2-2409446 WID REVISED Approval Revised WID on Enhancement of support for Edge Computing in 5G Core network - Phase 3 Intel (Rapporteur) Rel-19 eEDGE_5GC_Ph3 Revision of S2-2407656r01. This WID REVISED was e-mail approved
30.1 S2-2407944 WID REVISED Approval Revised WID on System architecture for Next Generation Real time Communication services Phase 2 China Mobile Rel-19 NG_RTC_Ph2 For e-mail approval. r03 agreed. Revised to S2-2409447.
30.1 S2-2409447 WID REVISED Approval Revised WID on System architecture for Next Generation Real time Communication services Phase 2 China Mobile Rel-19 NG_RTC_Ph2 Revision of S2-2407944r03. This WID REVISED was e-mail approved
30.1 S2-2408024 WID REVISED Approval [Revised] WID on 5GS XRM Ph2 Nokia, Meta Rel-19 XRM_Ph2 For e-mail approval. r07 + WT#2 replaced by WT#2.1 agreed. Revised to S2-2409448.
30.1 S2-2409448 WID REVISED Approval Revised WID on Extended Reality and Media service (XRM) Phase 2 Nokia, Meta Rel-19 XRM_Ph2 Revision of S2-2408024r07 + changes. This WID REVISED was e-mail approved
30.1 S2-2408028 WID REVISED Approval Revised WID on Phase 3 for UAS, UAV and UAM LG Electronics, Ericsson Rel-19 UAS_Ph3 For e-mail approval. r01 agreed. Revised to S2-2409449.
30.1 S2-2409449 WID REVISED Approval Revised WID on Phase 3 for UAS, UAV and UAM LG Electronics, Ericsson Rel-19 UAS_Ph3 Revision of S2-2408028r01. This WID REVISED was e-mail approved
30.1 S2-2408135 WID REVISED Approval Revised WID on Multi-Access (DualSteer and ATSSS_Ph4) Apple (Primary Rapporteur) Rel-19 MASSS Revision of SP-240994. For e-mail approval. Noted
30.1 S2-2409197 SID REVISED Approval Revised SID on FS_MASSS Apple (Primary Rapporteur) Rel-19 FS_MASSS For e-mail approval. Noted
30.1 S2-2409560 WID REVISED Approval Revised WID on 5G_ProSe_Ph3 KPN N.V. Rel-19 5G_ProSe_Ph3 For e-mail approval. r01 agreed. Revised to S2-2409450.
30.1 S2-2409450 WID REVISED Approval Revised WID on Proximity-based Services in 5GS - Phase 3 KPN N.V. Rel-19 5G_ProSe_Ph3 Revision of S2-2409560r01. This WID REVISED was e-mail approved
30.2 - - - Proposals for TEI19 - - Andy Docs:=38
30.2 S2-2408686 Discussion Endorsement TEI19 mini-WID handling in SA WG2 SA WG2 Chair This was endosed
30.2 - - - Sufficient supporting companies (before meeting) - - - Docs:=21
30.2 S2-2407794 DISCUSSION Information Discussion for TEI19 WID proposal on Dynamic Network Identity. China Mobile Not Handled
30.2 S2-2407795 WID NEW Approval Dynamic Network Identity. China Mobile Rel-19 Revision of (unhandled) S2-2402908 from SA2#161. Revised to S2-2409231 (withdrawn). Noted
7 supporting companies
30.2 S2-2409231 WID NEW Approval Dynamic Network Identity. China Mobile Rel-19 Revision of S2-2407795. WITHDRAWN
30.2 S2-2408080 WID NEW Approval New WID on Network Controlled Network Slice Selection KDDI Rel-19 Revision of (postponed) S2-2402532 from SA2#161. Revised to S2-2409232.
30.2 S2-2409232 WID NEW Approval New WID on Network Controlled Network Slice Selection KDDI Rel-19 Revision of S2-2408080. It was agreed to accept submission of the TEI19_ WID in Q4/2024. This was then postponed.
30.2 S2-2408476 DRAFTCR Information AF triggered network slicing replacement ZTE Rel-19 TEI19 Not Handled
30.2 S2-2408477 DRAFTCR Information AF triggered network slice replacement ZTE Corporation Rel-19 TEI19 No Source provided! Not Handled
30.2 S2-2408601 DISCUSSION Agreement AF triggered network slicing replacement, content for TS 23.503 for TEI19 SliceSel Ericsson Rel-19 Not Handled
30.2 S2-2408608 CR Approval 23.502 CR4991 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of Network Slice change based on AF request. Nokia Rel-19 TEI19 Not Handled
30.2 S2-2408609 CR Approval 23.501 CR5610 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of Network Slice change based on AF request. Nokia Rel-19 TEI19 WI Code should not be TEI-19! Not Handled
30.2 S2-2408519 DISCUSSION Information Discussion on Ranging/SL Positioning Information Usage Reporting China Telecom Rel-19 Not Handled
30.2 S2-2408520 WID NEW Approval New WID on Ranging/SL Positioning Information Usage Reporting China Telecom Rel-19 Revised to S2-2409233 (withdrawn). Noted
See also Xiaomi’s CR in 9.5.2
30.2 S2-2409233 WID NEW Approval New WID on Ranging/SL Positioning Information Usage Reporting China Telecom Rel-19 Revision of S2-2408520. WITHDRAWN
30.2 S2-2408521 DRAFTCR Discussion DDNMF servive enhancement on support of Ranging/SL Positioning Usage Information Reporting to GMLC China Telecom Rel-19 TEI19 Not Handled
30.2 S2-2408522 DRAFTCR Discussion GMLC discovery enhancement on support of Ranging/SL Positioning Usage Information Reporting China Telecom Rel-19 TEI19 Not Handled
30.2 S2-2408523 DRAFTCR Discussion Enhancement on support of Ranging/SL Positioning Usage Information Reporting to GMLC China Telecom Rel-19 TEI19 Not Handled
30.2 S2-2408613 WID NEW Approval New WID on PRU Usage Extension in Core Network and One Transmission Path used for one Positioning Procedure CATT Rel-19 Revised to S2-2409234.
30.2 S2-2409234 WID NEW Approval New WID on PRU Usage Extension in Core Network and One Transmission Path used for one Positioning Procedure CATT Rel-19 Revision of S2-2408613. It was agreed to accept submission of the TEI19_ WID in Q4/2024. This was then postponed.
30.2 S2-2408614 DISCUSSION Discussion Discussion on TEI19 WID of PRU Usage Extension in Core Network and One Transmission Path for Messages of one Positioning Procedure CATT Rel-19 Not Handled
30.2 S2-2408615 DRAFTCR Information Support of PRU Usage Extension CATT Rel-19 DUMMY Not Handled
30.2 S2-2408616 DRAFTCR Information One Transmission Path used for One Positioning Procedure CATT, vivo Rel-19 DUMMY Not Handled
30.2 - - - Insufficient supporting companies (before meeting) - - - Docs:=12
30.2 S2-2407714 WID NEW Approval TEI19 WID Subscription of UPF event via I-SMF China Mobile Noted
Only CMCC supporting. See LS in S2-24007446. Nokia prefer to do this as a Cat F CR in Rel-18
30.2 S2-2407715 OTHER Information Subscription of UPF event via I-SMF China Mobile Not Handled
30.2 S2-2408403 WID NEW Approval TEI19 WID on user consent management for MSISDN exposure Samsung Rel-19 Revised to S2-2409235.
Only Samsung supporting
30.2 S2-2409235 WID NEW Approval TEI19 WID on user consent management for MSISDN exposure Samsung Rel-19 Revision of S2-2408403. Noted
30.2 S2-2408469 CR Approval 23.501 CR5586 (Rel-19, 'B'): User consent management for MSISDN exposure Samsung, AT&T Rel-19 TEI19 Not Handled
30.2 S2-2408402 CR Approval 23.502 CR4968 (Rel-19, 'B'): TEI19 User consent management for MSISDN exposure Samsung, AT&T Rel-19 TEI19 Not Handled
30.2 S2-2408457 WID NEW Approval MSISDN verification operation support to Nnef_UEId Service AT&T Revised to S2-2409236.
30.2 S2-2409236 WID NEW Approval MSISDN verification operation support to Nnef_UEId Service AT&T Revision of S2-2408457. It was agreed to accept submission of the TEI19_ WID in Q4/2024. This was then postponed.
30.2 S2-2408460 OTHER Information Adding MSISDN verification operation support to Nnef_UEId Service AT&T, Ericsson, Samsung?, Nokia?, Apple?, Verizon?, T-Mobile USA?, Deutsche Telekom? Not Handled
30.2 S2-2407634 WID NEW Approval New WID on ATSSS Rule Provisioning via 3GPP access to EPC NEC Rel-19 Revised to S2-2409237.
Only NEC supporting
30.2 S2-2409237 WID NEW Approval New WID on ATSSS Rule Provisioning via 3GPP access to EPC NEC Rel-19 Revision of S2-2407634. It was agreed to accept submission of the TEI19_ WID in Q4/2024. This was then postponed.
30.2 S2-2407635 DRAFTCR Discussion ATSSS Rule Provisioning via 3GPP access to EPC NEC Rel-19 ATSSS_Ph3 Not Handled
30.2 - - - Previously noted - - - Docs:=4
30.2 S2-2407877 WID NEW Discussion New WID: TEI19_5MBS_Roam; Adding support for Roaming UEs to receive 5MBS. Nokia Rel-19 Revision of (noted) S2-2402983 from SA2#161. Source missing! Not Handled
As it was noted I don’t propose to open this again
30.2 S2-2407919 DRAFTCR Discussion MBS Roaming Nokia Rel-19 TEI19 Revision of (unhandled) S2-2402984 from SA2#161 Not Handled
30.2 S2-2407942 DRAFTCR Discussion MBS Roaming Nokia, Nokia Shanghai-Bell Rel-19 TEI19 Revision of (unhandled) S2-2402985 from SA2#161 Not Handled
30.2 S2-2407759 WID NEW Approval New WID on enhancement of TSC&URLLC_FRER. China Mobile Rel-19 Revision of (noted) S2-2403262 from SA2#161 Not Handled
As it was noted I don’t propose to open this again
30.3 - - - Rel-19 TR and TS Cover sheets - - Andy Docs:=17
30.3 S2-2407657 TS OR TR COVER Approval Cover sheet for presentation of TR 23.700-49 to TSG SA#104 Intel (Rapporteur) Rel-19 FS_eEDGE_5GC_Ph3 For e-mail approval. This TS OR TR COVER was e-mail approved
30.3 S2-2408027 TS OR TR COVER Approval Cover sheet for presentation of TR 23.700-59 to TSG SA for approval Ericsson Inc., LG Electronics Rel-19 FS_UAS_Ph3 Revised to S2-2409561.
30.3 S2-2409561 TS OR TR COVER Approval Cover sheet for presentation of TR 23.700-59 to TSG SA for approval Ericsson Inc., LG Electronics Rel-19 FS_UAS_Ph3 Revision of S2-2408027. For e-mail approval. r01 agreed. Revised to S2-2409451.
30.3 S2-2409451 TS OR TR COVER Approval Cover sheet for presentation of TR 23.700-59 to TSG SA for approval Ericsson Inc., LG Electronics Rel-19 FS_UAS_Ph3 Revision of S2-2409561r01. This TS OR TR COVER was e-mail approved
30.3 S2-2408144 TS OR TR COVER Approval Cover sheet for presentation of TR 23.700-13 to TSG SA for Information OPPO, Huawei Rel-19 FS_AmbientIoT For e-mail approval. r06 (remove first 'continue' in the second bullet) agreed. Revised to S2-2409452.
30.3 S2-2409452 TS OR TR COVER Approval Cover sheet for presentation of TR 23.700-13 to TSG SA for Information OPPO, Huawei Rel-19 FS_AmbientIoT Revision of S2-2408144r06 + change. This TS OR TR COVER was e-mail approved
30.3 S2-2408145 TS OR TR COVER Approval Cover sheet for presentation of TR 23.700-54 to TSG SA for approval Apple, China Telecom (Rapporteur) Rel-19 FS_MASSS For e-mail approval. Noted
30.3 S2-2408295 TS OR TR COVER Approval Cover sheet for presentation of TR 23.700-03 to TSG SA for approval KPN N.V., AT&T (Rapporteurs) Rel-19 FS_5G_ProSe_Ph3 For e-mail approval. r02 agreed. Revised to S2-2409454.
30.3 S2-2409454 TS OR TR COVER Approval Cover sheet for presentation of TR 23.700-03 to TSG SA for approval KPN N.V., AT&T (Rapporteurs) Rel-19 FS_5G_ProSe_Ph3 Revision of S2-2408295r02. This TS OR TR COVER was e-mail approved
30.3 S2-2408324 TS OR TR COVER Approval Cover sheet for presentation of TR 23.700-84 to TSG SA for Approval MediaTek Inc. (Rapporteur), vivo (Rapporteur) Rel-19 FS_AIML_CN For e-mail approval. r05 agreed. Revised to S2-2409455.
30.3 S2-2409455 TS OR TR COVER Approval Cover sheet for presentation of TR 23.700-84 to TSG SA for Approval MediaTek Inc. (Rapporteur), vivo (Rapporteur) Rel-19 FS_AIML_CN Revision of S2-2408324r05. This TS OR TR COVER was e-mail approved
30.3 S2-2408385 TS OR TR COVER Approval Cover sheet for presentation of TR 23.700-66 to TSG SA for approval Samsung, Lenovo Rel-19 FS_EnergySys For e-mail approval. r02 agreed. Revised to S2-2409456.
30.3 S2-2409456 TS OR TR COVER Approval Cover sheet for presentation of TR 23.700-66 to TSG SA for approval Samsung, Lenovo Rel-19 FS_EnergySys Revision of S2-2408385r02. This TS OR TR COVER was e-mail approved
30.3 S2-2408603 TS OR TR COVER Approval Cover sheet for presentation of TR 23.700-32 to TSG SA#105 for approval InterDigital, Europe, Ltd. Rel-19 FS_UIA_ARC Revised off-line to S2-2409266
30.3 S2-2409266 TS OR TR COVER Approval Cover sheet for presentation of TR 23.700-32 to TSG SA#105 for approval InterDigital, Europe, Ltd. Rel-19 FS_UIA_ARC Revision of S2-2408603. For e-mail approval. WITHDRAWN
30.3 S2-2409265 TS OR TR COVER Approval Cover sheet for presentation of TR 23.700-70 to TSG SA for approval Meta USA, Nokia (Rapporteur) Rel-19 FS_XRM_Ph2 Created at meeting. For e-mail approval. This TS OR TR COVER was e-mail approved
30.3 S2-2409437 TS OR TR COVER Approval Cover sheet for Study on System aspects of 5G NR Femto (FS_5G_Femto) for TSG SA approval DOCOMO (Rapporteur) Rel-19 FS_XRM_Ph2 Created at meeting. For e-mail approval. This TS OR TR COVER was e-mail approved
30.4 - - - Rel-18 WID Status Reports - - Andy Docs:=0
30.5 - - - Rel-19 WID Status Reports - - Andy Docs:=25
30.5 S2-2409350 WI STATUS REPORT Information WI Status report for Study on Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving Rapporteur (Samsung) Rel-19 FS_EnergySys To be provided after the meeting. Noted
30.5 S2-2409351 WI STATUS REPORT Information WI Status report for Study on Core Network Enhanced Support for Artificial Intelligence (AI)/Machine Learning (ML) Rapporteur (vivo) Rel-19 FS_AIML_CN To be provided after the meeting. Noted
30.5 S2-2409352 WI STATUS REPORT Information WI Status report for Study on Architecture support of Ambient power-enabled Internet of Things Rapporteur (Huawei) Rel-19 FS_AmbientIoT To be provided after the meeting. Noted
30.5 S2-2409353 WI STATUS REPORT Information WI Status report for Study on Integration of satellite components in the 5G architecture Phase 3 Rapporteur (Thales) Rel-19 FS_5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH To be provided after the meeting. Noted
30.5 S2-2409354 WI STATUS REPORT Information WI Status report for Study on Extended Reality and Media service (XRM) Phase 2 Rapporteur (Nokia) Rel-19 FS_XRM_Ph2 To be provided after the meeting. Noted
30.5 S2-2409355 WI STATUS REPORT Information WI Status report for Study on (Stage 2 of) Phase 3 for UAS, UAV and UAM Rapporteur (LG Electronics) Rel-19 FS_UAS_Ph3 To be provided after the meeting. Noted
30.5 S2-2409356 WI STATUS REPORT Information WI Status report for Study on Multi-Access (DualSteer and ATSSS_Ph4) Rapporteur (Apple) Rel-19 FS_MASSS To be provided after the meeting. Noted
30.5 S2-2409357 WI STATUS REPORT Information WI Status report for Study on Enhancement of support for Edge Computing in 5G Core network - Phase 3 Rapporteur (Intel) Rel-19 FS_eEDGE_5GC_Ph3 To be provided after the meeting. Noted
30.5 S2-2409358 WI STATUS REPORT Information WI Status report for Study on System aspects of 5G NR Femto Rapporteur (NTT DOCOMO) Rel-19 FS_5G_Femto To be provided after the meeting. Noted
30.5 S2-2409359 WI STATUS REPORT Information WI Status report for Study on Proximity-based Services in 5GS Phase 3 Rapporteur (AT&T) Rel-19 FS_5G_ProSe_Ph3 To be provided after the meeting. Noted
30.5 S2-2409360 WI STATUS REPORT Information WI Status report for Study on Vehicle Mounted Relays Phase 2 Rapporteur (Qualcomm) Rel-19 FS_VMR_Ph2 To be provided after the meeting. Noted
30.5 S2-2409361 WI STATUS REPORT Information WI Status report for Study on User Identities and Authentication Architecture Rapporteur (Interdigital) Rel-19 FS_UIA_ARC To be provided after the meeting. Noted
30.5 S2-2409362 WI STATUS REPORT Information WI Status report for Study on UPF enhancement for Exposure And SBA Phase 2 Rapporteur (ZTE) Rel-19 FS_UPEAS_Ph2 To be provided after the meeting. Noted
30.5 S2-2409363 WI STATUS REPORT Information WI Status report for Study on system architecture for next generation real time communication services phase 2 Rapporteur (China Mobile) Rel-19 FS_NG_RTC_Ph2 To be provided after the meeting. Noted
30.5 S2-2409364 WI STATUS REPORT Information WI Status report for Study on MPS for IMS Messaging and SMS services Rapporteur (Peraton Labs) Rel-19 FS_MPS4msg To be provided after the meeting. Noted
30.5 S2-2409365 WI STATUS REPORT Information WI Status Report for Minimize the Number of Policy Associations (TEI19_MINPA) Rapporteur (Ericsson) Rel-19 TEI19_MINPA To be provided after the meeting. Noted
30.5 S2-2409366 WI STATUS REPORT Information WI Status Report for Indirect Network Sharing (TEI19_NetShare) Rapporteur Rel-19 TEI19_NetShare To be provided after the meeting. Noted
30.5 S2-2409367 WI STATUS REPORT Information WI Status Report for NF discovery and selection by target PLMN (TEI19_NFsel_by_tPLMN) Rapporteur (Nokia) Rel-19 TEI19_NFsel_by_tPLMN To be provided after the meeting. Noted
30.5 S2-2409368 WI STATUS REPORT Information WI Status Report for Support for ProSe services in NPNs (TEI19_ProSe_NPN) Rapporteur (Philips International B.V.) Rel-19 TEI19_ProSe_NPN To be provided after the meeting. Noted
30.5 S2-2409369 WI STATUS REPORT Information WI Status Report for QoS monitoring (TEI19_QME) Rapporteur (China Mobile) Rel-19 TEI19_QME To be provided after the meeting. Noted
30.5 S2-2409370 WI STATUS REPORT Information WI Status Report for Architecture support of roaming value-added services (TEI19_RVAS) Rapporteur (Ericsson) Rel-19 TEI19_RVAS To be provided after the meeting. Noted
30.5 S2-2409371 WI STATUS REPORT Information WI Status Report for Spending Limits for UE Policies in Roaming scenario (TEI19_SLUPiR) Rapporteur (Oracle) Rel-19 TEI19_SLUPiR To be provided after the meeting. Noted
30.5 S2-2409372 WI STATUS REPORT Information WI Status Report for On-demand broadcast of GNSS assistance data (TEI19_OBGAD) Rapporteur (China Mobile) Rel-19 TEI19_OBGAD To be provided after the meeting. Noted
30.5 S2-2409373 WI STATUS REPORT Information WI Status report for Enhancing Parameter Provisioning with static UE IP address and UP security policy (TEI19_IP_SP_EXP) Rapporteur (Ericsson) Rel-19 TEI19_IP_SP_EXP To be provided after the meeting. Noted
30.5 S2-2409374 WI STATUS REPORT Information WI Status report for Subscription control for reference time distribution in EPS (TEI19_TIME_SUB_EPS) Rapporteur (Qualcomm) Rel-19 TEI19_TIME_SUB_EPS To be provided after the meeting. Noted
30.6 - - - Review of the Work Plan - - Andy Docs:=3
30.6 S2-2408313 WORK PLAN Endorsement SA2#164 Work Planning slides SA WG2 Chair Revised to S2-2409228.
30.6 S2-2409228 WORK PLAN Endorsement SA2#164 Work Planning slides SA WG2 Chair Revision of S2-2408313. Endorsed
30.6 S2-2408314 WORK PLAN Endorsement SA2#164 Work Planning spreadsheet SA WG2 Chair Endorsed
30.7 - - - Planning future meetings - - Andy Docs:=4
30.7 S2-2408315 WORK PLAN Endorsement January 2025 Ad Hoc planning SA WG2 Chair Revised to S2-2409229.
30.7 S2-2409229 WORK PLAN Endorsement January 2025 Ad Hoc planning SA WG2 Chair Revision of S2-2408315. Endorsed
30.7 S2-2408319 OTHER Endorsement SA WG2 Way of working plan SA WG2 Chair Revised to S2-2409230.
30.7 S2-2409230 OTHER Endorsement SA WG2 Way of working plan SA WG2 Chair Revision of S2-2408319. Endorsed
30.8 - - - Input on SA WG2 study item way of working (Papers for information, they will not be opened in this meeting) - - Andy Docs:=0
31 - - - Close of meeting - - Andy Docs:=0
99 - - - Withdrawn and Reserved documents - - Withdrawn Docs:=106
99 S2-2408015 DISCUSSION Discussion KI#1: Use Pseudo Analytics ID for model storage and retrieval Nokia Rel-19 AIML_CN Revised to S2-2408541. WITHDRAWN
99 S2-2407473 CR Approval 23.502 CR4826 (Rel-18, 'F'): Removal of MRF Samsung Rel-18 NG_RTC WITHDRAWN
99 S2-2407475 CR Approval 23.502 CR4827 (Rel-18, 'F'): Support of provisioning ATSSS rules to the UE in EPC Samsung Rel-18 ATSSS_Ph3 WITHDRAWN
99 S2-2407878 CR Approval 23.501 CR5475 (Rel-19, 'A'): Correction to subscription to UPF event exposure Ericsson Rel-19 UPEAS WITHDRAWN
99 S2-2407477 CR Approval 23.501 CR5406 (Rel-18, 'F'): UPSI handling at the UE Samsung Rel-18 eUEPO WITHDRAWN
99 S2-2407480 CR Approval 23.501 CR5236R1 (Rel-18, 'F'): Clarification on 5GS to EPS mobility indication Samsung Rel-18 eUEPO Revision of (Noted) S2-2400484 from SA2#160AHE. WITHDRAWN
99 S2-2407457 CR Approval 23.228 CR1400 (Rel-19, 'F'): KI#2: Network initiated DC Samsung Rel-19 NG_RTC_Ph2 WITHDRAWN
99 S2-2407460 CR Approval 23.228 CR1403 (Rel-19, 'F'): KI#7: Multiplexing of DC Samsung Rel-19 NG_RTC_Ph2 WITHDRAWN
99 S2-2407462 CR Approval 23.228 CR1405 (Rel-19, 'F'): KI#8: IMS DC session transition between Avatar and other media type Samsung Rel-19 NG_RTC_Ph2 WITHDRAWN
99 S2-2407463 CR Approval 23.228 CR1406 (Rel-19, 'F'): KI#8: Support of media transcoding in avatar communication Samsung Rel-19 NG_RTC_Ph2 WITHDRAWN
99 S2-2407750 CR Approval 23.503 CR1327 (Rel-19, 'B'): UIA Policy Control non-3GPP Device ID OPPO Rel-19 UIA_ARC WITHDRAWN
99 S2-2408317 CR Approval 23.288 CR1168 (Rel-19, 'B'): Model Training using Vertical Federated Learning Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 AIML_CN WITHDRAWN
99 S2-2408409 CR Approval 23.501 CR5575 (Rel-19, 'B'): VFL support during the discovery of NWDAF, NEF, and AF instances ICS, Futurewei, InterDigital Rel-19 AIML_CN WITHDRAWN
99 S2-2408411 CR Approval 23.502 CR4960 (Rel-19, 'B'): Enhancement to NRF's discovery and registration procedures to support VFL ICS, Futurewei, InterDigital Rel-19 AIML_CN WITHDRAWN
99 S2-2408497 DISCUSSION Discussion KI#2: service operations for VFL Nokia Rel-19 AIML_CN WITHDRAWN
99 S2-2408499 CR Approval 23.288 CR1177 (Rel-19, 'B'): KI#2: Service operation extensions for VFL Nokia Rel-19 AIML_CN WITHDRAWN
99 S2-2408500 CR Approval 23.501 CR5592 (Rel-19, 'B'): KI#2: New services for VFL Nokia Rel-19 AIML_CN WITHDRAWN
99 S2-2408512 DISCUSSION Discussion KI#2: NEF extensions for VFL Nokia Rel-19 AIML_CN WITHDRAWN
99 S2-2408533 CR Approval 23.502 CR4979 (Rel-19, 'B'): KI#2: NEF service operation extensions for VFL Nokia Rel-19 AIML_CN WITHDRAWN
99 S2-2408541 DISCUSSION Discussion KI#3: Extend existing analytics to determine assistance information for QoS parameters Nokia Rel-19 AIML_CN Revision of S2-2408015. WITHDRAWN
99 S2-2408678 CR Approval 23.304 CR0482 (Rel-19, 'B'): Update on ProSe U2N N3IWF with Multihop Relay Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell Rel-19 5G_ProSe_Ph3 WITHDRAWN
99 S2-2408465 CR Approval 23.501 CR5584 (Rel-18, 'F'): Clarifications on Option 2 NSAC for maximum number of UEs with at least one PDU SessionPDN Connection Samsung Rel-18 eNS_Ph3 WITHDRAWN
99 S2-2408019 CR Approval 23.501 CR5505 (Rel-18, 'F'): Clarification on Congestion Event Triggered Reporting Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell Rel-18 XRM WITHDRAWN
99 S2-2408020 CR Approval 23.501 CR5506 (Rel-19, 'A'): Clarification on Congestion Event Triggered Reporting Nokia Rel-19 XRM WITHDRAWN
99 S2-2408021 CR Approval 23.502 CR4919 (Rel-18, 'F'): Correction to timing syncronization status reporting from RAN to TSCTSF Nokia Rel-18 TRS_URLLC WITHDRAWN
99 S2-2408022 CR Approval 23.502 CR4920 (Rel-19, 'A'): Correction to timing syncronization status reporting from RAN to TSCTSF Nokia Rel-19 TRS_URLLC WITHDRAWN
99 S2-2407467 CR Approval 23.401 CR3786 (Rel-19, 'F'): KI#2: Support SMS in S&F satellite operation Samsung Rel-19 5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH WITHDRAWN
99 S2-2407468 CR Approval 23.501 CR5405 (Rel-19, 'F'): KI#3: Support UE-SAT-UE communication Samsung Rel-19 5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH WITHDRAWN
99 S2-2407704 CR Approval 23.401 CR3789 (Rel-19, 'B'): Store and Forward architecture China Mobile Rel-19 5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH WITHDRAWN
99 S2-2408422 CR Approval 23.228 CR1446 (Rel-19, 'B'): KI#3: IMS-AGW relocation in UE-SAT-UE communication Samsung Rel-19 5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH WITHDRAWN
99 S2-2408448 CR Approval 23.401 CR3813 (Rel-19, 'B'): Support of UE-Satellite-UE communication CATT, vivo, NTT DOCOMO, CSCN, Thales, China Telecom, Nokia Rel-19 5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH WITHDRAWN
99 S2-2407700 P-CR Approval 23.700-70: Conclusion for Supporting PDU Set Info. Identification for E2E Encrypted XRM Traffic China Mobile, China Unicom, Huawei, HiSilicon, Ericsson, Interdigital, Xiaomi, vivo Rel-19 FS_XRM_Ph2 Revision of (noted) S2-2407196 from SA2#163. WITHDRAWN
99 S2-2407776 DRAFTCR Approval KI#2: Subscription and policy control to support energy efficiency and energy saving as service criteria Samsung Rel-19 FS_EnergySys WITHDRAWN
99 S2-2407778 DRAFTCR Approval KI#3: NF selection based on energy related information Samsung Rel-19 FS_EnergySys WITHDRAWN
99 S2-2407780 DRAFTCR Approval KI#3: Network Slicing supporting energy efficiency and energy saving Samsung Rel-19 FS_EnergySys WITHDRAWN
99 S2-2408300 CR Approval 23.228 CR1440 (Rel-19, 'B'): 23.502 Cat B Update NEF services to support the conclusion KI#1 and KI#2 Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-19 NG_RTC_Ph2 WITHDRAWN
99 S2-2408389 CR Approval 23.502 CR4958 (Rel-19, 'B'): KI#2 Local PSA selection considering N6 delay Samsung Rel-19 eEDGE_5GC_Ph3 WITHDRAWN
99 S2-2408325 P-CR Approval 23.700-54: Initial conclusions for DualSteer KI#1.2 CATT Rel-19 FS_MASSS WITHDRAWN
99 S2-2407701 P-CR Approval 23.700-70: Update on Conclusion for QoS notification to remove Ens China Mobile Rel-19 FS_XRM_Ph2 WITHDRAWN
99 S2-2408225 CR Approval 23.501 CR5549 (Rel-19, 'B'): Vertical Federated Learning in TS 23.502 KDDI Corporation Rel-19 AIML_CN WITHDRAWN
99 S2-2408129 CR Approval 23.288 CR1153 (Rel-19, 'B'): Vertical Federated Learning Support in TS 23.288 KDDI Corporation Rel-19 AIML_CN WITHDRAWN
99 S2-2407771 CR Approval 23.501 CR5455 (Rel-18, 'F'): Correction to subscription to UPF event exposure Ericsson Rel-18 UPEAS WITHDRAWN
99 S2-2407539 CR Approval 23.288 CR1106 (Rel-18, 'F'): Alignment on ML Model update description ZTE, China Telecom Rel-18 eNA_Ph3 WITHDRAWN
99 S2-2407690 CR Approval 23.401 CR3787 (Rel-18, 'F'): Adding new definitions IPLOOK Rel-18 5GSAT_Ph3 WITHDRAWN
99 S2-2407536 CR Approval 23.501 CR5414 (Rel-18, 'A'): Clarification on MFAF Serving area ZTE Rel-18 eNA_Ph2 WITHDRAWN
99 S2-2407537 CR Approval 23.501 CR5415 (Rel-18, 'F'): Clarifications on NWDAF serving area ZTE Rel-18 eNA_Ph2, TEI18 WITHDRAWN
99 S2-2407728 CR Approval 23.401 CR3791 (Rel-19, 'F'): Adding new abbreviations IPLOOK Rel-19 FS_5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH, 5GSAT_Ph3, 5GSAT_Ph3_ARCH WITHDRAWN
99 S2-2408025 CR Approval 23.288 CR1147 (Rel-19, 'B'): KI#1: Extending NWDAF descrioption to cover model provisioning to LMF Nokia Rel-19 AIML_CN WITHDRAWN
99 S2-2409095 OTHER - NOT USED - - - NOT USED - Withdrawn
Created:      END OF LIST
OPEN documents: 0
Parallel Agreed: 0
Approved/Endorsed: 83
Agreed: 236
Replied to LSs: 16
Noted: 134
Merged: 129
For e-mail approval: 0
Postponed: 139
Withdrawn: 615
Total documents: 2119