ETSI logo / ftp / tsg_sa / WG2_Arch / TSGS2_164_Maastricht_2024-08 / INBOX / DRAFTS / R19 NG_RTC_Ph2

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icon draft S2-2409363 Status_Report_FS_NG_RTC_Ph2 v2.pptx 2024/08/27 2:01 436,4 KB
icon draft S2-2409363 Status_Report_FS_NG_RTC_Ph2 v3.pptx 2024/08/27 2:04 436,4 KB
icon draft S2-2409363 Status_Report_FS_NG_RTC_Ph2 v4.pptx 2024/08/29 1:37 454,6 KB
icon draft S2-2409363 Status_Report_FS_NG_RTC_Ph2.pptx 2024/08/26 10:36 434,2 KB
icon NG_RTC_Ph2 tdoc handling proposal.doc 2024/08/15 3:47 676,2 KB
icon S2-2407944r01 NG_RTC_Ph2 WID update.docx 2024/08/27 4:49 51,3 KB
icon S2-2408078-r2 LS to SA4 on IMS Avatar communication.docx 2024/08/22 5:54 34,4 KB
icon S2-2409093r01 was 8536 23.502 Cat B Update NEF services to support the conclusion KI#1 and KI#2.docx 2024/08/23 5:29 60,4 KB
icon S2-2409094r01 was 8514 23.228 Cat B Update to support the conclusion KI#2.docx 2024/08/23 5:29 648,4 KB

9 items.