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icon Merged_pCRs 2024/04/17 13:59
icon draft S2-2405627 Status_Report_FS_EnergySys.pptx 2024/04/22 10:31 415,6 KB
icon S2-2403931r01_23700-66_KI#2 new solution of policy control for multiple accesses based on network energy related information-rm.doc 2024/04/13 7:14 105 KB
icon S2-2403935r01_23700-66_Conclusions for KI#2.doc 2024/04/14 15:05 71,5 KB
icon S2-2404012r01_Evaluation and conclusion of KI 1_Network energy related information exposure-merge.docx 2024/04/14 8:52 48,1 KB
icon S2-2405144_KI#1 conclusion for Energysaving.docx 2024/04/17 16:19 38,9 KB
icon S2-2405449r03.docx 2024/04/18 16:24 59,4 KB
icon TdocsByAgenda_EnergySys r4.docx 2024/04/09 12:50 38,3 KB
icon TdocsByAgenda_EnergySys_final.docx 2024/04/11 10:55 38,2 KB

9 items.