ETSI logo / ftp / tsg_sa / WG2_Arch / TSGS2_159_Xiamen_2023-10 / INBOX / DRAFTS / R19 ProSe_Ph3

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icon ProSe Rel-19 CC Minutes.docx 2023/09/26 17:11 18 KB
icon S2-23xxxxx_SP-231060_S2-2309915_2308402_FS_5G_ProSe_Ph3_SID_v3.docx 2023/09/26 17:12 40,2 KB
icon S2-23xxxxx_SP-231060_S2-2309915_2308402_FS_5G_ProSe_Ph3_SID_v4.docx 2023/09/27 10:12 40,4 KB

3 items.