ETSI logo / ftp / tsg_sa / WG2_Arch / TSGS2_159_Xiamen_2023-10 / INBOX / DRAFTS / R19 5GSAT_ARCH_Ph3

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icon draft S2-2311380 rev 11125 ref configs WT1.docx 2023/10/10 9:23 1539,2 KB
icon draft S2-2311381 was 11201 FS_5GSAT_ARCH_TR_Definitions-r7.docx 2023/10/12 2:47 157,6 KB
icon draft S2-2311383 was 10941 FS_5GSAT_ARCH_Ph3 Architecture Assumptions - Thales-vivo-Sateliot-Xiaomi-eri-hw_samsung-CATT.docx 2023/10/11 9:04 71,9 KB
icon draft S2-2311383 was 10941 FS_5GSAT_ARCH_Ph3 Architecture Assumptions - Thales.docx 2023/10/10 13:03 59,4 KB
icon draft S2-2311849-FS_5GSAT_ARCH_Ph3 status report.pptx 2023/10/18 8:11 412,6 KB
icon draft-S2-2311381 was 11201 FS_5GSAT_ARCH_TR_Definitions.docx 2023/10/10 5:12 155,3 KB
icon draft2 S2-2311380 rev 11125 ref configs WT1.docx 2023/10/12 2:01 2297,2 KB
icon draft_S2-2311382_was_10457 FS_5GSAT_ARCH_Ph3 23700-29 TR Scope_r3.docx 2023/10/10 9:51 55,2 KB
icon draft_S2-2311382_was_10457 FS_5GSAT_ARCH_Ph3 23700-29 TR Scope_r4.docx 2023/10/10 11:04 55,9 KB
icon draft_S2-2311382_was_10457 FS_5GSAT_ARCH_Ph3 23700-29 TR Scope_r5.docx 2023/10/10 12:59 47,6 KB
icon draft_TR 2023/10/15 5:02 1379,9 KB

11 items.