List for Meeting: S2-110AH
Last Allocated Document: S2-152984
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Created: 2015-09-04 09:31 START OF LIST
AI | TD# | Type | Title | Source | Rel | Work Item | Comments | Result |
2 | - | - | Approval of the agenda | {Frank} | - | - | - | - |
2 | S2-152711 | AGENDA | Draft Agenda for SA WG2#110AH | SA WG2 Chairman | - | - | Approved | Approved |
6.2 | - | - | Mission Critical Push to Talk over LTE (MCPTT) | {Frank} | - | - | - | - |
6.2 | S2-152712 | LS In | LS from CT WG1: LS on Rel-13 MCPTT work | CT WG1 (C1-151620) | Rel-13 | - | Proposed to be noted as CC for SA WG2. Postponed S2-152138 from meeting #110. Noted | Noted |
6.2 | S2-152713 | LS In | LS from SA WG6: Reply to Document C1-151620: LS on Rel-13 MCPTT work | SA WG6 (S6-150292) | Rel-13 | - | Proposed to be noted as CC for SA WG2. Postponed S2-152141 from meeting #110. Noted | Noted |
6.2 | S2-152854 | LS In | LS from SA WG4: LS to SA6 on MCPTT support over MBMS | SA WG4 (S4-151218) | Rel-13 | MCPTT | Proposed to be noted as CC for SA WG2. Response drafted in S2-152855. Postponed to SA WG2 meeting #111. | postponed |
6.2 | S2-152855 | LS OUT | [DRAFT] Reply LS to SA WG4 on MCPTT support over MBMS | Motorola Solutions | Rel-13 | MCPTT, MBMS_enh | Response to S2-152854. Revised to S2-152865. | Revised |
6.2 | S2-152865 | LS OUT | [DRAFT] Reply LS to SA WG4 on MCPTT support over MBMS | Motorola Solutions | Rel-13 | MCPTT, MBMS_enh | Revision of S2-152855. WITHDRAWN | Withdrawn |
6.2 | S2-152851 | LS In | LS from SA WG3: Clarification on SA WG6 Architecture | SA WG3 (S3-152056) | Rel-13 | MCPTT | Postponed to SA WG2 meeting #111. | postponed |
6.2 | S2-152749 | LS In | LS from SA WG6: LS on status for MCPTT in SA6 and questions on Rx interface usage | SA WG6 (S6-150981) | Rel-13 | MCPTT | Responses drafted in S2-152790 and S2-152847. Final response in S2-152932 | replied to |
6.2 | S2-152847 | LS OUT | [DRAFT] Reply LS to SA WG6 on questions on Rx interface usage | Motorola Solutions | Rel-13 | MCPTT | Response to S2-152749. Noted | Noted |
6.2 | S2-152790 | LS OUT | [DRAFT] Reply LS on status for MCPTT in SA WG6 and questions on Rx interface usage | Alcatel-Lucent | Rel-13 | MCPTT | Response to S2-152749. Noted | Noted |
6.2 | S2-152866 | LS OUT | [DRAFT] Reply LS on status for MCPTT in SA WG6 and questions on Rx interface usage | SA WG2 | Rel-13 | MCPTT | Revised to S2-152889. | Revised |
6.2 | S2-152889 | LS OUT | [DRAFT] Reply LS on status for MCPTT in SA WG6 and questions on Rx interface usage | SA WG2 | Rel-13 | MCPTT | Revision of S2-152866. Revised to S2-152932. | Revised |
6.2 | S2-152932 | LS OUT | Reply LS on status for MCPTT in SA WG6 and questions on Rx interface usage | SA WG2 | Rel-13 | MCPTT | Revision of S2-152889. Approved | Approved |
6.2 | S2-152788 | CR | 23.468 CR0068: Definition of the GCS AS | Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell | Rel-12 | TEI12 | Revised to S2-152867. | Revised |
6.2 | S2-152867 | CR | 23.468 CR0068R1: Definition of the GCS AS | Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell | Rel-12 | TEI12 | Revision of S2-152788. Noted | Noted |
6.2 | S2-152789 | CR | 23.468 CR0069: Definition of the GCS AS | Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell | Rel-13 | TEI13 | Noted | Noted |
6.2 | S2-152848 | CR | 23.468 CR0071: Clarification on use of the Rx reference point | Motorola Solutions | Rel-12 | TEI12, GCSE_LTE | Revised to S2-152868. | Revised |
6.2 | S2-152868 | CR | 23.468 CR0071R1: Clarification on use of the Rx reference point | Motorola Solutions | Rel-12 | TEI12, GCSE_LTE | Revision of S2-152848. Noted | Noted |
6.2 | S2-152849 | CR | 23.468 CR0072: Clarification on use of the Rx reference point | Motorola Solutions | Rel-13 | TEI12, GCSE_LTE | Noted | Noted |
6.2 | S2-152731 | CR | 23.468 CR0067: Adding ProSe UE-to-Network Relaying to the GCSE_LTE architecture | U.S. Department of Commerce, LG Electronics | Rel-13 | MCPTT | Revised to S2-152886. | Revised |
6.2 | S2-152886 | CR | 23.468 CR0067R1: Adding ProSe UE-to-Network Relaying to the GCSE_LTE architecture | U.S. Department of Commerce, LG Electronics | Rel-13 | MCPTT | Revision of S2-152731. Revised to S2-152938. | Revised |
6.2 | S2-152938 | CR | 23.468 CR0067R2: Adding ProSe UE-to-Network Relaying to the GCSE_LTE architecture | U.S. Department of Commerce, LG Electronics | Rel-13 | MCPTT | Revision of S2-152886. Revised to S2-152943. | Revised |
6.2 | S2-152943 | CR | 23.468 CR0067R3: Adding ProSe UE-to-Network Relaying to the GCSE_LTE architecture | U.S. Department of Commerce, LG Electronics | Rel-13 | MCPTT | Revision of S2-152938. This CR was agreed | Agreed |
6.2 | S2-152736 | CR | 23.002 CR0287: Adding MCPTT related function and reference points | LG Electronics | Rel-13 | MCPTT | Revised to S2-152887. | Revised |
6.2 | S2-152887 | CR | 23.002 CR0287R1: Adding MCPTT related function and reference points | LG Electronics | Rel-13 | MCPTT | Revision of S2-152736. Revised to S2-152941. | Revised |
6.2 | S2-152941 | CR | 23.002 CR0287R2: Adding MCPTT related function and reference points | LG Electronics | Rel-13 | MCPTT | Revision of S2-152887. This CR was agreed | Agreed |
6.3 | - | - | Extended Proximity-based Services TR Phase (eProSe-Ext-SA2TR) and Normative Phase (eProSe-Ext-SA2) | {Frank} | - | - | - | - |
6.3 | S2-152850 | LS In | LS from SA WG3: Response LS on assignment of Layer-2 ID for one-to-one ProSe Direct Communication | SA WG3 (S3-151987) | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext | Response to S2-152693 at S2#110. Noted | Noted |
6.3 | S2-152752 | P-CR | Procedures of IP Address Assignment for Isolated ProSe one to one Communication | Huawei, HiSilicon | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext-SA2 | Noted | Noted |
6.3 | S2-152821 | CR | 23.303 CR0209: Clarification of IP Address Assignment for ProSe isolated One-to-one ProSe Direct Communication | Huawei, HiSilicon | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext-SA2 | This was merged with S2-152760 into S2-152858 | merged |
6.3 | S2-152759 | P-CR | ProSe one-to-one direct communication IP address configuration | Qualcomm Incorporated | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext-SA2 | Noted | Noted |
6.3 | S2-152760 | CR | 23.303 CR0197: Introduction of One-to-one ProSe Direct Communication procedures | Intel?, Samsung?, Qualcomm Incorporated, Huawei? | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext-SA2 | Revised to S2-152858. | Revised |
6.3 | S2-152858 | CR | 23.303 CR0197R1: Introduction of One-to-one ProSe Direct Communication procedures | Intel, Samsung, Qualcomm Incorporated, Huawei, HiSilicon | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext-SA2 | Revision of S2-152760, merging S2-152821. Revised to S2-152944. | Revised |
6.3 | S2-152944 | CR | 23.303 CR0197R2: Introduction of One-to-one ProSe Direct Communication procedures | Intel, Samsung, Qualcomm Incorproated, Huawei | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext-SA2 | Revision of S2-152858. Revised to S2-152980. | Revised |
6.3 | S2-152980 | CR | 23.303 CR0197R3: Introduction of One-to-one ProSe Direct Communication procedures | Intel, Samsung, Qualcomm Incorproated, Huawei | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext-SA2 | Revision of S2-152944. This CR was agreed | Agreed |
6.3 | S2-152772 | DISCUSSION | Clarification of ProSe UE to network Relay | ZTE | Rel-13 | - | Noted | Noted |
6.3 | S2-152773 | CR | 23.303 CR0190R2: Introduction of One-to-one ProSe Direct Communication procedures | Intel, Samsung, ZTE | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext-SA2 | Revision of S2-152601. Noted | Noted |
6.3 | S2-152774 | CR | 23.303 CR0182R4: General description for UE-to-Network Relay | Nokia Networks, Ericsson, Intel, Samsung, ZTE | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext-SA2 | Revision of S2-152682. Ericsson did not co-sign the version rev4 submitted at this meeting and does not endorse the full content added by ZTE. Revised to S2-152876, merging S2-152761. | Revised |
6.3 | S2-152876 | CR | 23.303 CR0182R5: General description for UE-to-Network Relay | Nokia Networks?, Ericsson, Intel?, Samsung?, ZTE | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext-SA2 | Revision of S2-152774, merging S2-152761 and S2-152922. Revised to S2-152949. | Revised |
6.3 | S2-152949 | CR | 23.303 CR0182R6: General description for UE-to-Network Relay | Nokia Networks, Ericsson, Intel, Samsung, ZTE | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext-SA2 | Revision of S2-152876. This CR was agreed | Agreed |
6.3 | S2-152761 | CR | 23.303 CR0198: General description for UE-to-Network Relay | Nokia Networks, Ericsson, Intel?, Samsung?, Qualcomm Incorporated | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext-SA2 | Endorsed and will be merged into S2-152876 | merged |
6.3 | S2-152838 | P-CR | Providing QoS in UE-to-NW Relay scenario | Nokia Networks | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext-SA2TR | Revised to S2-152864. | Revised |
6.3 | S2-152864 | P-CR | Providing QoS in UE-to-NW Relay scenario | Nokia Networks | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext-SA2TR | Revision of S2-152838. Approved | Approved |
6.3 | S2-152802 | P-CR | Priority handling | Huawei, Hisilicon | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext-SA2 | Noted | Noted |
6.3 | S2-152839 | CR | 23.303 CR0191R2: Introduction of ProSe Priority and QoS | Intel, Alcatel-Lucent (?), Qualcomm Incorporated (?), Nokia Networks | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext-SA2 | Revision of S2-152603. Revised to S2-152863. | Revised |
6.3 | S2-152863 | CR | 23.303 CR0191R3: Introduction of ProSe Priority and QoS | Intel, Alcatel-Lucent (?), Qualcomm Incorporated (?), Nokia Networks | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext-SA2 | Revision of S2-152839. Revised to S2-152945. | Revised |
6.3 | S2-152945 | CR | 23.303 CR0191R4: Introduction of ProSe Priority and QoS | Intel, Alcatel-Lucent, Qualcomm Incorporated, Nokia Networks | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext-SA2 | Revision of S2-152863. Revised to S2-152983, merging S2-152968. | Revised |
6.3 | S2-152983 | CR | 23.303 CR0191R5: Introduction of ProSe Priority and QoS | Intel, Alcatel-Lucent, Qualcomm Incorporated, Nokia Networks, InterDigital | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext-SA2 | Revision of S2-152945, merging S2-152968. This CR was agreed | Agreed |
6.3 | S2-152819 | P-CR | Policy Decision in PCRF in ProSe UE-NW Relay case | Huawei, Hisilicon | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext-SA2TR | Noted | Noted |
6.3 | S2-152840 | OTHER | On Bearer Binding for Remote UEs and 'EPS bearer proliferation' | Intel | Rel-13 | - | Noted | Noted |
6.3 | S2-152846 | P-CR | Analysis for successful session binding for ProSe remote UE | Ericsson | Rel-13 | MCPTT, eProSe-Ext-SA2 | Not a P-CR, discussion paper. Revised to S2-152872. | Revised |
6.3 | S2-152872 | OTHER | Analysis for successful session binding for ProSe remote UE | Ericsson | Rel-13 | MCPTT, eProSe-Ext-SA2 | Revision of S2-152846. Revised to S2-152948. | Revised |
6.3 | S2-152948 | OTHER | Analysis for successful session binding for ProSe remote UE | Ericsson | Rel-13 | MCPTT, eProSe-Ext-SA2 | Revision of S2-152872. Endorsed as a working assumption | endorsed |
6.3 | S2-152778 | P-CR | MBMS priority handling at UE-NW Relay | InterDigital | Rel-13 | - | Merged with S2-152830 and S2-152820 into S2-152873 | merged |
6.3 | S2-152830 | P-CR | ProSe Per Packet Priority assignment for MBMS traffic in UE2NW relay | Samsung, Qualcomm Incorporated | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext-SA2 | Revised to S2-152873. | Revised |
6.3 | S2-152873 | P-CR | ProSe Per Packet Priority assignment for MBMS traffic in UE2NW relay | Samsung, Qualcomm Incorporated, InterDigital, Huawei | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext-SA2 | Revision of S2-152830, merging S2-152778 and S2-152820. Revised to S2-152969. | Revised |
6.3 | S2-152969 | P-CR | ProSe Per Packet Priority assignment for MBMS traffic in UE2NW relay | Samsung, Qualcomm Incorporated, InterDigital, Huawei | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext-SA2 | Revision of S2-152873. Included in the CR to the TS (in S2-152983) instead. WITHDRAWN | Withdrawn |
6.3 | S2-152820 | P-CR | ProSe Priority for eMBMS relay | Huawei, Hisilicon | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext-SA2TR | Merged with S2-152830 and S2-152830 into S2-152873 | merged |
6.3 | S2-152779 | P-CR | Priority handling of PC5 Signalling Protocol messages | InterDigital | Rel-13 | - | Revised to S2-152874. | Revised |
6.3 | S2-152874 | P-CR | Priority handling of PC5 Signalling Protocol messages | InterDigital | Rel-13 | - | Revision of S2-152779. This had been reviewed in drafting and it was recommended to add this directly to the TS instead. This was revised to add the changes as a CR to TS 23.203 instead in S2-152940. | Revised |
6.3 | S2-152940 | CR | 23.203 CR0998: ProSe Per-Packet Priority for PC5-Messages | InterDigital | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext-SA2 | Revision of S2-152874. Revised to S2-152968. | Revised |
6.3 | S2-152968 | CR | 23.203 CR0998R1: ProSe Per-Packet Priority for PC5-Messages | InterDigital | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext-SA2 | Revision of S2-152940. Merged with S2-152945 into S2-152983 | merged |
6.3 | S2-152861 | LS In | LS from RAN WG2: Response LS on usage of ProSe Per-Packet Priority in ProSe UE-Network Relay | RAN WG2 (R2-153887) | Rel-13 | LTE_eD2D_Prox-Core | Postponed to SA WG2 meeting #111. | postponed |
6.3 | S2-152860 | LS In | LS from RAN WG2: LS on inter-PLMN sidelink discovery transmission | RAN WG2 (R2-153886) | Rel-13 | LTE_eD2D_Prox-Core | Postponed to SA WG2 meeting #111 | postponed |
6.3 | S2-152857 | LS In | LS from SA WG1: LS reply on ProSe Priorities | SA WG1 (S1-152748) | Rel-13 | LTE_eD2D_Prox-Core | Postponed to SA WG2 meeting #111 | postponed |
6.3 | S2-152729 | DISCUSSION | Clarification on Remote UE regarding 'Out-of-network' | U.S. Department of Commerce, LG Electronics | Rel-13 | MCPTT, eProSe-Ext-SA2 | Noted | Noted |
6.3 | S2-152730 | CR | 23.303 CR0192: Clarification on Remote UE regarding 'Out-of-network' | U.S. Department of Commerce, LG Electronics | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext-SA2 | Revised to S2-152875. | Revised |
6.3 | S2-152875 | CR | 23.303 CR0192R1: Clarification on Remote UE regarding 'Out-of-network' | U.S. Department of Commerce, LG Electronics | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext-SA2 | Revision of S2-152730. Revised to S2-152939. | Revised |
6.3 | S2-152939 | CR | 23.303 CR0192R2: Clarification on Remote UE regarding 'Out-of-network' | U.S. Department of Commerce, LG Electronics | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext-SA2 | Revision of S2-152875. This CR was agreed | Agreed |
6.3 | S2-152803 | CR | 23.303 CR0207: TMGI advertisement and eMBMS traffic relay | Huawei, HiSilicon | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext-SA2 | Revised to S2-152894. | Revised |
6.3 | S2-152894 | CR | 23.303 CR0207R1: TMGI advertisement and eMBMS traffic relay | Huawei, HiSilicon | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext-SA2 | Revision of S2-152803. This CR was agreed | Agreed |
6.3 | S2-152744 | CR | 23.303 CR0195: Reporting of remote UE from Relay UE | Ericsson, Intel, Orange | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext-SA2 | Revised to S2-152895. | Revised |
6.3 | S2-152895 | CR | 23.303 CR0195R1: Reporting of remote UE from Relay UE | Ericsson, Intel, Orange | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext-SA2 | Revision of S2-152744. This CR was postponed. | postponed |
6.3 | S2-152922 | other | Analysis for successful session binding for ProSe remote UE | Ericsson, Intel, Orange | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext-SA2 | This was noted as the corresponding CR in S2-152895 had been postponed. | noted |
6.3 | S2-152724 | LS In | LS from SA WG3LI: LS on Requirement for Identifying Remote ProSe UE and its Subscriber in EPC | SA WG3LI (S3i150241) | Rel-13 | LI13 | Response drafted in S2-152766. Postponed to SA WG2 meeting #111. | postponed |
6.3 | S2-152896 | LS OUT | [DRAFT] Reply LS on Requirement for Identifying Remote ProSe UE and its Subscriber in EPC | SA WG2 | Rel-13 | LI13 | Response to S2-152724. No agreement could be reached on this and the LS was withdrawn. WITHDRAWN | Withdrawn |
6.3 | S2-152766 | LS OUT | [DRAFT] Reply LS on Requirement for Identifying Remote ProSe UE and its Subscriber in EPC | Qualcomm Incorporated | Rel-13 | LI13 | Response to S2-152724. Not Handled | Not Handled |
6.3 | S2-152786 | DISCUSSION | Consideration on Uu related behaviour of a Remote UE in E-UTRAN coverage | LG Electronics | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext-SA2 | Not Handled | Not Handled |
6.3 | S2-152844 | DISCUSSION | Discussion on Remote UE's presence to the EPC in a UE-NW scenario. | OTD | Rel-13 | - | Not Handled | Not Handled |
6.3 | S2-152841 | OTHER | Lawful Intercept for remote UEs | Intel | Rel-13 | - | Not Handled | Not Handled |
6.3 | S2-152765 | P-CR | Impact on LI from using ProSe UE-Network Relays | Qualcomm Incorporated | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext-SA2 | Not Handled | Not Handled |
6.3 | S2-152856 | LS In | LS from SA WG1: LS reply on Public Safety discovery | SA WG1 (S1-152747) | Rel-13 | LTE_eD2D_Prox-Core | Postponed to SA WG2 meeting #111. | postponed |
6.3 | S2-152762 | CR | 23.303 CR0199: Direct Discovery for Public Safety use | LG Electronics, Samsung, Qualcomm Incorporated, Ericsson | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext-SA2 | This was noted and used for a revision of CR0186R1 from meeting #110 (S2-152600) | noted |
6.3 | S2-152897 | CR | 23.303 CR0186R2: Direct Discovery for Public Safety use | LG Electronics, Samsung, Qualcomm Incorporated, Ericsson, Nokia Networks | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext-SA2 | Revision of S2-152600 (S2#110), using S2-152762 as a basis. Revised to S2-152942. | Revised |
6.3 | S2-152942 | CR | 23.303 CR0186R3: Direct Discovery for Public Safety use | LG Electronics, Samsung, Qualcomm Incorporated, Ericsson, Nokia Networks | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext-SA2 | Revision of S2-152897. Revised to S2-152965. | Revised |
6.3 | S2-152965 | CR | 23.303 CR0186R4: Direct Discovery for Public Safety use | LG Electronics, Samsung, Qualcomm Incorporated, Ericsson, Nokia Networks | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext-SA2 | Revision of S2-152942. Revised to S2-152981. | Revised |
6.3 | S2-152981 | CR | 23.303 CR0186R5: Direct Discovery for Public Safety use | LG Electronics, Samsung, Qualcomm Incorporated, Ericsson, Nokia Networks | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext-SA2 | Revision of S2-152965. This CR was agreed | Agreed |
6.3 | S2-152832 | CR | 23.303 CR0213: Service authorization mechanism for Public Safety Direct discovery | Samsung | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext-SA2 | Revised to S2-152910. | Revised |
6.3 | S2-152910 | CR | 23.303 CR0213R1: Service authorization mechanism for Public Safety Direct discovery | Samsung | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext-SA2 | Revision of S2-152832. This CR was agreed | Agreed |
6.3 | S2-152831 | CR | 23.303 CR0212: Public Safety Direct discovery when in Limited Service state | Samsung | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext-SA2 | Revised to S2-152908. | Revised |
6.3 | S2-152908 | CR | 23.303 CR0212R1: Public Safety Direct discovery when in Limited Service state | Samsung | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext-SA2 | Revision of S2-152831. This CR was agreed | Agreed |
6.3 | S2-152833 | CR | 23.303 CR0214: Radio resource management for Public Safety Direct discovery | Samsung | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext-SA2 | Postponed this to SA WG2 meeting #111 | postponed |
6.3 | S2-152842 | P-CR | A group for Group Member Discovery | Intel | Rel-13 | - | Noted | Noted |
6.3 | S2-152825 | P-CR | ProSe Discovery parameter clarification | Samsung, Qualcomm Incorporated | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext-SA2 | Approved | Approved |
6.3 | S2-152826 | P-CR | clarification on Group member discovery message parameters | Samsung | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext-SA2 | Not Handled | Not Handled |
6.3 | S2-152745 | CR | 23.303 CR0196: Clarify Model B restricted discovery | Ericsson | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext-SA2 | Revised to S2-152909. | Revised |
6.3 | S2-152909 | CR | 23.303 CR0196R1: Clarify Model B restricted discovery | Ericsson | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext-SA2 | Revision of S2-152745. This CR was agreed | Agreed |
6.3 | S2-152746 | LS In | LS from CT WG1: LS on Discovery Filter ID for Restricted Discovery | CT WG1 (C1-152974) | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext-CT | Noted | Noted |
6.3 | S2-152734 | CR | 23.303 CR0180R2: Adding Discovery Entry ID and Requested Timer in open ProSe Direct Discovery | Telecom Italia, Qualcomm Incorporated | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext-SA2 | Revision of S2-152605. This CR was agreed | Agreed |
6.3 | S2-152822 | CR | 23.303 CR0210: Add Procedures in Resticted ProSe Direct Discovery with on-demand announcing to Support Application | Huawei, HiSilicon | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext-SA2 | This was merged with S2-152735 in S2-152911 | merged |
6.3 | S2-152735 | CR | 23.303 CR0181R2: Direct Discovery update - open discovery | Telecom Italia, Qualcomm Incorporated | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext-SA2 | Revision of S2-152606. Revised to S2-152911. | Revised |
6.3 | S2-152911 | CR | 23.303 CR0181R3: Direct Discovery update - open discovery | Telecom Italia, Qualcomm Incorporated | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext-SA2 | Revision of S2-152735, merging S2-152822. This CR was agreed | Agreed |
6.3 | S2-152767 | CR | 23.303 CR0202: Correction of PC2 interactions for restricted direct discovery | Qualcomm Incorporated, Telecom Italia | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext-SA2 | Revised to S2-152912. | Revised |
6.3 | S2-152912 | CR | 23.303 CR0202R1: Correction of PC2 interactions for restricted direct discovery | Qualcomm Incorporated, Telecom Italia | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext-SA2 | Revision of S2-152767. This CR was agreed | Agreed |
6.3 | S2-152732 | CR | 23.303 CR0193: Correction to restricted Direct Discovery with application-controlled extension | Telecom Italia, Qualcomm Incorporated | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext-SA2 | This CR was agreed | Agreed |
6.3 | S2-152733 | CR | 23.303 CR0194: Adding Discovery Entry ID in restricted ProSe Direct Discovery | Telecom Italia, Qualcomm Incorporated | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext-SA2 | This CR was agreed | Agreed |
6.3 | S2-152801 | CR | 23.303 CR0187R2: ProSe Open Discovery for Dynamic Metadata | Huawei, Hisilicon, Qualcomm Incorporated, Telecom Italia? | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext-SA2 | Revision of S2-152604. Revised to S2-152913. | Revised |
6.3 | S2-152913 | CR | 23.303 CR0187R3: ProSe Open Discovery for Dynamic Metadata | Huawei, Hisilicon, Qualcomm Incorporated, Telecom Italia | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext-SA2 | Revision of S2-152801. This CR was agreed | Agreed |
6.3 | S2-152804 | CR | 23.303 CR0208: Adding 'Monitoring Subscription' in Open Direct Discovery | Huawei, HiSilicon | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext-SA2 | No Source, No WI Code on cover sheet. Revised to S2-152914. | Revised |
6.3 | S2-152914 | CR | 23.303 CR0208R1: Adding 'Monitoring Subscription' in Open Direct Discovery | Huawei, HiSilicon | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext-SA2 | Revision of S2-152804. This CR was agreed | Agreed |
6.3 | S2-152797 | CR | 23.303 CR0204: The range class for discoveree UE in restricted direct discovery Model B procedure | CATT | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext-SA2 | Revised to S2-152919. | Revised |
6.3 | S2-152919 | CR | 23.303 CR0204R1: The range class for discoveree UE in restricted direct discovery Model B procedure | CATT | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext-SA2 | Revision of S2-152797. This CR was agreed | Agreed |
6.3 | S2-152796 | CR | 23.303 CR0203: Authorization in ProSe function during the restricted direct discovery | CATT | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext-SA2 | This CR was agreed | Agreed |
6.3 | S2-152798 | CR | 23.303 CR0205: ProSe restriected code in match report model B prodedure | CATT | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext-SA2 | Revised to S2-152920. | Revised |
6.3 | S2-152920 | CR | 23.303 CR0205R1: ProSe restriected code in match report model B prodedure | CATT | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext-SA2 | Revision of S2-152798. This CR was agreed | Agreed |
6.3 | S2-152799 | CR | 23.303 CR0206: Correction to monitor request procedure for restricted discovry | CATT | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext-SA2 | Revised to S2-152921. | Revised |
6.3 | S2-152921 | CR | 23.303 CR0206R1: Correction to monitor request procedure for restricted discovry | CATT | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext-SA2 | Revision of S2-152799. This CR was agreed | Agreed |
6.3 | S2-152835 | CR | 23.303 CR0215: Removal of stale rel-12 text on prose relay | Alcatel-Lucent | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext-SA2 | Noted | Noted |
6.3 | S2-152719 | LS In | LS from SA WG6: LS on Rel-13 ProSe UE-to-Network Relay work | SA WG6 (S6-150715) | Rel-13 | MCPTT | Response drafted in S2-152771. Final response in S2-152982 | replied to |
6.3 | S2-152771 | LS OUT | [DRAFT] Reply LS on Rel-13 ProSe UE-to-Network Relay work | Qualcomm Incorporated | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext-SA2 | Response to S2-152719. Revised to S2-152915. | Revised |
6.3 | S2-152915 | LS OUT | [DRAFT] Reply LS on Rel-13 ProSe UE-to-Network Relay work | Qualcomm Incorporated | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext-SA2 | Revision of S2-152771. Revised to S2-152947. | Revised |
6.3 | S2-152947 | LS OUT | [DRAFT] Reply LS on Rel-13 ProSe UE-to-Network Relay work | SA WG2 | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext-SA2 | Revision of S2-152915. Revised to S2-152982. | Revised |
6.3 | S2-152982 | LS OUT | Reply LS on Rel-13 ProSe UE-to-Network Relay work | SA WG2 | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext-SA2 | Revision of S2-152947. Approved | Approved |
6.3 | S2-152769 | DRAFT TR | TR 23.713 coversheet | Qualcomm Incorporated | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext-SA2 | Should be TS or TR Cover, not DRAFT TR. Revised to S2-152916. | Revised |
6.3 | S2-152916 | TS OR TR COVER | TR 23.713 coversheet | Qualcomm Incorporated | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext-SA2 | Revision of S2-152769. Revised to S2-152946. | Revised |
6.3 | S2-152946 | TS OR TR COVER | TR 23.713 coversheet | Qualcomm Incorporated | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext-SA2 | Revision of S2-152916. Revised to S2-152966. | Revised |
6.3 | S2-152966 | TS OR TR COVER | TR 23.713 coversheet | Qualcomm Incorporated | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext-SA2 | Revision of S2-152946. Approved | Approved |
6.3 | S2-152763 | CR | 23.303 CR0200: Correction of ProSe provisioning methods | Qualcomm Incorporated | Rel-12 | ProSe | Revised to S2-152917. | Revised |
6.3 | S2-152917 | CR | 23.303 CR0200R1: Correction of ProSe provisioning methods | Qualcomm Incorporated | Rel-12 | ProSe | Revision of S2-152763. Revised to S2-152933. | Revised |
6.3 | S2-152933 | CR | 23.303 CR0200R2: Correction of ProSe provisioning methods | Qualcomm Incorporated | Rel-12 | ProSe | Revision of S2-152917. This CR was agreed | Agreed |
6.3 | S2-152764 | CR | 23.303 CR0201: Correction of ProSe provisioning methods | Qualcomm Incorporated | Rel-13 | ProSe | Revised to S2-152918. | Revised |
6.3 | S2-152918 | CR | 23.303 CR0201R1: Correction of ProSe provisioning methods | Qualcomm Incorporated | Rel-13 | ProSe | Revision of S2-152764. Revised to S2-152934. | Revised |
6.3 | S2-152934 | CR | 23.303 CR0201R2: Correction of ProSe provisioning methods | Qualcomm Incorporated | Rel-13 | ProSe | Revision of S2-152918. This CR was agreed | Agreed |
6.3 | S2-152963 | WI exception request | Exception sheet for eProSe-Ext-SA2 | Qualcomm Incorporated | eProSe-Ext-SA2 | Revised to S2-152967. | Revised | |
6.3 | S2-152967 | WI exception request | Exception sheet for eProSe-Ext-SA2 | Qualcomm Incorporated | eProSe-Ext-SA2 | Revision of S2-152963. Revised to S2-152984. | Revised | |
6.3 | S2-152984 | WI exception request | Exception sheet for eProSe-Ext-SA2 | Qualcomm Incorporated | eProSe-Ext-SA2 | Revision of S2-152967. Approved | Approved | |
6.3 | S2-152829 | CR | 23.228 CR1140: Handing user location information when accessing via UE-to-NW relay to IMS | Samsung | Rel-13 | TEI13, eProSe-Ext-SA2 | Not Handled | - |
6.3 | S2-152827 | DISCUSSION | Location information to support IMS in the remote UE | Samsung | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext-SA2 | Not Handled | Not Handled |
6.3 | S2-152828 | P-CR | Location information to support IMS in the remote UE | Samsung | Rel-13 | eProSe-Ext-SA2 | Not Handled | Not Handled |
6.4 | - | - | MBMS Enhancements (MBMS_enh) | {Frank} | - | - | - | - |
6.4 | S2-152776 | P-CR | Align Solution 1 with proposed mandatory text in the TSs | Motorola Solutions | Rel-13 | - | Revised to S2-152869. | Revised |
6.4 | S2-152869 | P-CR | Align Solution 1 with proposed mandatory text in the TSs | Motorola Solutions | Rel-13 | - | Revision of S2-152776. Approved | Approved |
6.4 | S2-152807 | P-CR | Solution 3 clean up (editorial) | Nokia Networks, Vodafone | Rel-13 | MBMS_enh | Approved | Approved |
6.4 | S2-152780 | P-CR | Some explanatory updates to Solution 4 | Motorola Solutions | Rel-13 | - | Approved | Approved |
6.4 | S2-152812 | P-CR | Overall evaluation for Key Issue 1 | Samsung | Rel-13 | MBMS_enh | Revised to merge S2-152800, in S2-152870 | Revised |
6.4 | S2-152870 | P-CR | Overall evaluation for Key Issue 1 | Samsung | Rel-13 | MBMS_enh | Revision of S2-152812, merging S2-152800. Approved | Approved |
6.4 | S2-152800 | P-CR | Overall Evaluation for Key Issue #1 | Motorola Solutions | Rel-13 | - | Merged with S2-152812 in S2-152870 | merged |
6.4 | S2-152813 | P-CR | Conclusion for Key Issue 1 | Samsung | Rel-13 | MBMS_enh | Approved | Approved |
6.4 | S2-152837 | CR | 23.468 CR0070: MBMS bearer establishment and update with cell ID list | Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell, Nokia Networks, Ericsson, Motorola Solutions | Rel-13 | MBMS_enh | Revised to S2-152871. | Revised |
6.4 | S2-152871 | CR | 23.468 CR0070R1: MBMS bearer establishment and update with cell ID list | Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell, Nokia Networks, Ericsson, Motorola Solutions | Rel-13 | MBMS_enh | Revision of S2-152837. Revised to S2-152935. | Revised |
6.4 | S2-152935 | CR | 23.468 CR0070R2: MBMS bearer establishment and update with cell ID list | Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell, Nokia Networks, Ericsson, Motorola Solutions | Rel-13 | MBMS_enh | Revision of S2-152871. This CR was agreed | Agreed |
6.4 | S2-152770 | OTHER | Reporting of Geographical Area in MB2 | Qualcomm Incorporated | Rel-13 | MBMS_enh | Noted | Noted |
6.4 | S2-152792 | CR | 23.246 CR0396: MBMS bearer establishment and update with cell ID list | Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell, Nokia Networks, Ericsson, Samsung | Rel-13 | MBMS_enh | Revised to S2-152877. | Revised |
6.4 | S2-152877 | CR | 23.246 CR0396R1: MBMS bearer establishment and update with cell ID list | Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell, Nokia Networks, Ericsson, Samsung | Rel-13 | MBMS_enh | Revision of S2-152792. Revised to S2-152936. | Revised |
6.4 | S2-152936 | CR | 23.246 CR0396R2: MBMS bearer establishment and update with cell ID list | Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell, Nokia Networks, Ericsson, Samsung | Rel-13 | MBMS_enh | Revision of S2-152877. This CR was agreed | Agreed |
6.4 | S2-152777 | P-CR | Completion of Key Issue #2 (Rel-13 MBMS Congestion relief) | Motorola Solutions | Rel-13 | - | Approved | Approved |
6.4 | S2-152811 | LS OUT | [DRAFT] LS on MBMS_enh conclusion and M3 signaling reduction | Samsung | Rel-13 | MBMS_enh | Revised to S2-152878. | Revised |
6.4 | S2-152878 | LS OUT | [DRAFT] LS on MBMS_enh conclusion and M3 signaling reduction | Samsung | Rel-13 | MBMS_enh | Revision of S2-152811. Revised to S2-152964. | Revised |
6.4 | S2-152964 | LS OUT | LS on MBMS_enh conclusions | SA WG2 | Rel-13 | MBMS_enh | Revision of S2-152878. Approved | Approved |
6.4 | S2-152781 | P-CR | Issue with Flow Id use in Rel-13 | Motorola Solutions | Rel-13 | - | Discussion document, not a P-CR. Noted | Noted |
6.4 | S2-152806 | TS OR TR COVER | Presentation of 23.741 to TSG SA for Information and Approval | Nokia Networks | Rel-13 | MBMS_enh | Revised to S2-152879. | Revised |
6.4 | S2-152879 | TS OR TR COVER | Presentation of 23.741 to TSG SA for Information and Approval | Nokia Networks | Rel-13 | MBMS_enh | Revision of S2-152806. Revised to S2-152950. | Revised |
6.4 | S2-152950 | TS OR TR COVER | Presentation of 23.741 to TSG SA for Information and Approval | Nokia Networks | Rel-13 | MBMS_enh | Revision of S2-152879. Approved | Approved |
6.4 | S2-152808 | WID NEW | WID on MBMS Enhancements Stage 2 for Rel-13 | Nokia Networks | Rel-13 | MBMS_enh | Revision of SP-150285 (noted). Revised to S2-152880. | Revised |
6.4 | S2-152880 | WID NEW | WID on MBMS Enhancements Stage 2 for Rel-13 | Nokia Networks | Rel-13 | MBMS_enh | Revision of S2-152808. Revised to S2-152951. | Revised |
6.4 | S2-152951 | WID NEW | WID on MBMS Enhancements Stage 2 for Rel-13 | Nokia Networks | Rel-13 | MBMS_enh | Revision of S2-152880. Approved | Approved |
6.4 | S2-152836 | DISCUSSION | Interactions of the GCSE_LTE Application Client (GCS AC) | Motorola Solutions Germany | Rel-13 | MBMS_enh | Noted | Noted |
6.5 | - | - | Isolated E-UTRAN Operation for Public Safety (IOPS) | {Frank} | - | - | - | - |
6.5 | S2-152715 | LS In | LS from CT WG1: LS on proposed method of restricting access to IOPS cells | CT WG1 (C1-152403) | Rel-13 | - | Postponed S2-152150 from meeting #110. Noted | Noted |
6.5 | S2-152717 | LS In | LS from RAN WG2: Response LS on proposed method of restricting access to IOPS cells | RAN WG2 (R2-152783) | Rel-13 | - | Postponed S2-152161 from meeting #110. Noted | Noted |
6.5 | S2-152852 | LS In | LS from SA WG3: Response LS on progress of IOPS in SA2 and security study dependencies | SA WG3 (S3-152096) | Rel-13 | FS_IOPS_Sec | Noted | Noted |
6.5 | S2-152853 | LS In | LS from SA WG3: Response LS on proposed method of restricting access to IOPS cells | SA WG3 (S3-152097) | Rel-13 | FS_IOPS_Sec | Noted | Noted |
6.5 | S2-152859 | LS In | LS from SA WG1: Response LS on proposed method of restricting access to IOPS cells | SA WG1 (S1-152750) | Rel-13 | FS_IOPS_St2 | Noted | Noted |
6.5 | S2-152751 | CR | 23.401 CR2903: Add informative annex containing implementation and deployment guidelines for IOPS | General Dynamics UK Ltd., Ericsson, Samsung, Nokia Networks, Alcatel-Lucent | Rel-13 | IOPS | Revised to S2-152888. | Revised |
6.5 | S2-152888 | CR | 23.401 CR2903R1: Add informative annex containing implementation and deployment guidelines for IOPS | General Dynamics UK Ltd., Ericsson, Samsung, Nokia Networks, Alcatel-Lucent | Rel-13 | IOPS | Revision of S2-152751. Revised to S2-152937. | Revised |
6.5 | S2-152937 | CR | 23.401 CR2903R2: Add informative annex containing implementation and deployment guidelines for IOPS | General Dynamics UK Ltd., Ericsson, Samsung, Nokia Networks, Alcatel-Lucent | Rel-13 | IOPS | Revision of S2-152888. This CR was agreed | Agreed |
6.6 | - | - | Study on architecture enhancements of cellular systems for ultra low complexity and low throughput Internet of Things (FS_AE_CIoT) | {Frank} | - | - | - | - |
6.6 | S2-152718 | LS In | LS from TSG SA: LS on considerations for clean slate CIoT for Rel-13 | TSG SA (SP-150366) | Rel-13 | - | Postponed S2-152171 from meeting #110. Response drafted in S2-152787. Final response in S2-152962 | replied to |
6.6 | S2-152748 | LS In | LS from TSG GERAN: LS on Completion of Study Item on Cellular System Support for Ultra Low Complexity and Low Throughput Internet of Things (FS_IoT_LC) | TSG GERAN (GP-151041) | Rel-13 | Proposed to be noted. Noted | Noted | |
6.6 | S2-152725 | LS In | LS from TSG GERAN: Reply LS on RAN assumptions from SA2 for FS_eDRX | TSG GERAN (GP-150670) | Rel-13 | FS_uPoD, FS_IoT_LC | Chairman's comment: eDRX related. Proposed to postpone to SA WG2#111. Postponed S2-152158 from meeting #110. Postponed to SA WG2 meeting #111. | postponed |
6.6 | S2-152747 | LS In | LS from GERAN WG2: Follow Up LS on RAN assumptions from SA2 for FS_eDRX | GERAN WG2 (GP-150988) | Rel-13 | eDRX_GSM, FS_IoT_LC | Chairman's comment: eDRX related. Proposed to postpone to SA WG2#111. Postponed to SA WG2 meeting #111. | postponed |
6.6 | S2-152805 | P-CR | pCR 23.720: introduction of LPWA CIoT terminology | MediaTek, Intel, Alcatel-Lucent | - | - | Revised to S2-152881. | Revised |
6.6 | S2-152881 | P-CR | pCR 23.720: introduction of LPWA CIoT terminology | MediaTek, Intel, Alcatel-Lucent | - | - | Revised in parallel sessions to S2-152898. Revision of S2-152805. Revised in parallel sessions to S2-152898. | Revised |
6.6 | S2-152898 | P-CR | pCR 23.720: introduction of LPWA CIoT terminology | MediaTek, Intel, Alcatel-Lucent, Nokia Networks | - | - | Revision of S2-152881. Editor to change CIoT RAT to CIoT RAN throughout the TS. Approved | Approved |
6.6 | S2-152726 | P-CR | Definition of common reference architecture | Nokia Networks, Alcatel-Lucent, MediaTek | Rel-13 | - | Noted | Noted |
6.6 | S2-152862 | LS In | LS from RAN WG2: Reply LS on paging coordination in extended idle mode DRX | RAN WG2 (R2-153914) | Rel-13 | LTE_extDRX-Core | Postponed to SA WG2 meeting #111 | postponed |
6.6 | S2-152722 | P-CR | Clarifications on support of S5 interface with C-SGN | NEC | Rel-13 | FS_AE_CIoT | WITHDRAWN | Withdrawn |
6.6 | S2-152758 | P-CR | Resolution of open issues in solution 1 | Qualcomm Incorporated | Rel-13 | FS_AE_CIoT | Solution 9 related updates should be discussed under key issue 5. Revised to S2-152883. | Revised |
6.6 | S2-152883 | P-CR | Resolution of open issues in solution 1 | Qualcomm Incorporated | Rel-13 | FS_AE_CIoT | Revision of S2-152758. Revised to S2-152970. | Revised |
6.6 | S2-152970 | P-CR | Resolution of open issues in solution 1 | Qualcomm Incorporated | Rel-13 | FS_AE_CIoT | Revision of S2-152883. Approved | Approved |
6.6 | S2-152775 | P-CR | Clarifications on solution 1 | ZTE | Rel-13 | FS_AE_CIoT | Revised to S2-152884. | Revised |
6.6 | S2-152884 | P-CR | Clarifications on solution 1 | ZTE | Rel-13 | FS_AE_CIoT | Revision of S2-152775. Approved | Approved |
6.6 | S2-152716 | LS In | LS from GERAN WG2: LS on Efficient Small Data Transfer | GERAN WG2 (GP-150654) | Rel-13 | - | Postponed S2-152157 from meeting #110. Postponed to SA WG2 meeting #111. | postponed |
6.6 | S2-152720 | P-CR | Clarifications for GTP mechanism to be used for transmission of small data | Cisco Systems Inc., NEC | Rel-13 | FS_AE_CIoT | Revised to S2-152882, merging S2-152794 | Revised |
6.6 | S2-152882 | P-CR | Clarifications for GTP mechanism to be used for transmission of small data | Cisco Systems Inc., NEC, CATT | Rel-13 | FS_AE_CIoT | Revision of S2-152720, merging S2-152794. Noted | Noted |
6.6 | S2-152794 | P-CR | Update to Solution 1&2 | CATT | Rel-13 | - | This was merged with S2-152720 in S2-152882. | merged |
6.6 | S2-152738 | P-CR | Update to the Signalling Reduction for UE state transitions solution | Ericsson | Rel-13 | FS_AE_CIoT | Revised to S2-152885. | Revised |
6.6 | S2-152885 | P-CR | Update to the Signalling Reduction for UE state transitions solution | Ericsson | Rel-13 | FS_AE_CIoT | Revision of S2-152738. Revised to S2-152952. | Revised |
6.6 | S2-152952 | P-CR | Update to the Signalling Reduction for UE state transitions solution | Ericsson | Rel-13 | FS_AE_CIoT | Revision of S2-152885. Approved | Approved |
6.6 | S2-152754 | P-CR | Evaluation of Solution 5: UE state transition signalling reduction | Qualcomm Incorporated, Huawei, Hisilicon | Rel-13 | FS_AE_CIoT | Revised to S2-152890. | Revised |
6.6 | S2-152890 | P-CR | Evaluation of Solution 5: UE state transition signalling reduction | Qualcomm Incorporated, Huawei, Hisilicon | Rel-13 | FS_AE_CIoT | Revision of S2-152754. Withdrawn due to the substantial change to the solution being evaluated. | Withdrawn |
6.6 | S2-152834 | P-CR | Updated of solution 6 | Alcatel-Lucent | Rel-13 | FS_AE_CIoT | Revised to S2-152891. | Revised |
6.6 | S2-152891 | P-CR | Updated of solution 6 | Alcatel-Lucent, LG Electronics | Rel-13 | FS_AE_CIoT | Revision of S2-152834, merging S2-152784. Revised to S2-152971. | Revised |
6.6 | S2-152971 | P-CR | Updated of solution 6 | Alcatel-Lucent, LG Electronics | Rel-13 | FS_AE_CIoT | Revision of S2-152891. Revised to S2-152979. | Revised |
6.6 | S2-152979 | P-CR | Updated of solution 6 | Alcatel-Lucent, LG Electronics | Rel-13 | FS_AE_CIoT | Revision of S2-152971. Approved | Approved |
6.6 | S2-152784 | P-CR | Solution evaluation on solution 6 | LG Electronics | Rel-13 | FS_AE_CIoT | Merged with S2-152834 in S2-152891 | merged |
6.6 | S2-152728 | P-CR | Update of solution 12 | Nokia Networks | Rel-13 | - | Noted | Noted |
6.6 | S2-152816 | P-CR | Key reuse for CIoT small data | Huawei, Hisilicon | Rel-13 | FS_AE_CIoT | Merged with S2-152843 in S2-152892 | merged |
6.6 | S2-152843 | P-CR | Efficient Service Request even for mobile UEs | NTT DOCOMO INC. | Rel-13 | - | Revised to S2-152892. | Revised |
6.6 | S2-152892 | P-CR | Efficient Service Request even for mobile UEs | NTT DOCOMO INC., Huawei, Hisilicon | Rel-13 | - | Revision of S2-152843, merging S2-152816. Approved | Approved |
6.6 | S2-152845 | P-CR | Removing per UE GTP-C on S11 during idle-mode | NTT DOCOMO INC. | Rel-13 | - | Revised to S2-152893. | Revised |
6.6 | S2-152893 | P-CR | Removing per UE GTP-C on S11 during idle-mode | NTT DOCOMO INC. | Rel-13 | - | Revision of S2-152845. This was withdrawn and will be worked on for the next meeting (not provided). | Withdrawn |
6.6 | S2-152740 | P-CR | Small Data overload control | Ericsson | Rel-13 | FS_AE_CIoT | Revised to S2-152923. | Revised |
6.6 | S2-152923 | P-CR | Small Data overload control | Ericsson | Rel-13 | FS_AE_CIoT | Revision of S2-152740. Revised to S2-152953. | Revised |
6.6 | S2-152953 | P-CR | Small Data overload control | Ericsson | Rel-13 | FS_AE_CIoT | Revision of S2-152923. Revised to S2-152974. | Revised |
6.6 | S2-152974 | P-CR | Small Data overload control | Ericsson | Rel-13 | FS_AE_CIoT | Revision of S2-152953. Approved | Approved |
6.6 | S2-152743 | P-CR | Setup of CIoT PDN connections with minimum NAS | Ericsson | Rel-13 | FS_AE_CIoT | Revised to S2-152924. | Revised |
6.6 | S2-152924 | P-CR | Setup of CIoT PDN connections with minimum NAS | Ericsson | Rel-13 | FS_AE_CIoT | Revision of S2-152743. Revised to S2-152954. | Revised |
6.6 | S2-152954 | P-CR | Setup of CIoT PDN connections with minimum NAS | Ericsson | Rel-13 | FS_AE_CIoT | Revision of S2-152924. Revised to S2-152975. | Revised |
6.6 | S2-152975 | P-CR | Setup of CIoT PDN connections with minimum NAS | Ericsson | Rel-13 | FS_AE_CIoT | Revision of S2-152954. Approved | Approved |
6.6 | S2-152817 | P-CR | Evaluation on infrequent small data transmission solutions | Huawei, HiSilicon | Rel-13 | FS_AE_CIoT | Revised to S2-152926. | Revised |
6.6 | S2-152926 | P-CR | Evaluation on infrequent small data transmission solutions | Huawei, HiSilicon | Rel-13 | FS_AE_CIoT | Revision of S2-152817. Revised to S2-152955. | Revised |
6.6 | S2-152955 | P-CR | Evaluation on infrequent small data transmission solutions | Huawei, HiSilicon | Rel-13 | FS_AE_CIoT | Revision of S2-152926. Revised to S2-152976. | Revised |
6.6 | S2-152976 | P-CR | Evaluation on infrequent small data transmission solutions | Huawei, HiSilicon | Rel-13 | FS_AE_CIoT | Revision of S2-152955. Approved | Approved |
6.6 | S2-152755 | P-CR | Proposed way forward for small data optimization for CIOT | Qualcomm Incorporated | Rel-13 | FS_AE_CIoT | Noted | Noted |
6.6 | S2-152727 | P-CR | Add more details to solution 4 | Nokia Networks | Rel-13 | - | Revised in parallel sessions to S2-152900. Revised in parallel sessions to S2-152900. | Revised |
6.6 | S2-152900 | P-CR | Add more details to solution 4 | Nokia Networks | Rel-13 | - | Revision of S2-152727. Revised to S2-152956. | Revised |
6.6 | S2-152956 | P-CR | Add more details to solution 4 | Nokia Networks | Rel-13 | - | Revision of S2-152900. Revised to S2-152977. | Revised |
6.6 | S2-152977 | P-CR | Add more details to solution 4 | Nokia Networks | Rel-13 | - | Revision of S2-152956. Approved | Approved |
6.6 | S2-152721 | P-CR | Clarifications for Support for non IP PDN connections | Cisco Systems Inc., Qualcomm Incorporated | Rel-13 | FS_AE_CIoT | Revised in parallel sessions to S2-152901. Revised in parallel sessions to S2-152901. | Revised |
6.6 | S2-152901 | P-CR | Clarifications for Support for non IP PDN connections | Cisco Systems Inc., Qualcomm Incorporated | Rel-13 | FS_AE_CIoT | Revision of S2-152721. Revised to S2-152957. | Revised |
6.6 | S2-152957 | P-CR | Clarifications for Support for non IP PDN connections | Cisco Systems Inc., Qualcomm Incorporated | Rel-13 | FS_AE_CIoT | Revision of S2-152901. Approved | Approved |
6.6 | S2-152741 | P-CR | Protocol at SGi for non-IP case | Ericsson | Rel-13 | FS_AE_CIoT | Revised in parallel sessions to S2-152902. Revised in parallel sessions to S2-152902. | Revised |
6.6 | S2-152902 | P-CR | Protocol at SGi for non-IP case / Support for small data transmission without UDP/IP header | Ericsson, Huawei | Rel-13 | FS_AE_CIoT | Revision of S2-152741. Revised to S2-152958. | Revised |
6.6 | S2-152958 | P-CR | Protocol at SGi for non-IP case / Support for small data transmission without UDP/IP header | Ericsson, Huawei | Rel-13 | FS_AE_CIoT | Revision of S2-152902, merging S2-152815. Approved | Approved |
6.6 | S2-152793 | P-CR | Update to Solution 4 on sending data to MTC-IWF | CATT | Rel-13 | - | Merged in parallel sessions with S2-152809 into S2-152899. Merged in parallel sessions with S2-152809 into S2-152899. | merged |
6.6 | S2-152809 | P-CR | Solution for non-IP small data transmission via SCEF | Intel | Rel-13 | FS_AE_CIoT | Revised in parallel session, merging S2-152793, in S2-152899 Revised in parallel session, merging S2-152793, in S2-152899 | Revised |
6.6 | S2-152899 | P-CR | Solution for non-IP small data transmission via SCEF | Intel | Rel-13 | FS_AE_CIoT | Revision of S2-152809, merging S2-152793. Revised off-line to S2-152903. | revised |
6.6 | S2-152903 | P-CR | Solution for non-IP small data transmission via SCEF | Intel | Rel-13 | FS_AE_CIoT | Revision of S2-152899. Revised to S2-152972. | Revised |
6.6 | S2-152972 | P-CR | Solution for non-IP small data transmission via SCEF | Intel | Rel-13 | FS_AE_CIoT | Revision of S2-152903. Approved | Approved |
6.6 | S2-152768 | P-CR | Evaluation of non-IP traffic support over T5 | Qualcomm Incorporated, Cisco Systems Inc. | Rel-13 | FS_AE_CIoT | Noted | Noted |
6.6 | S2-152795 | P-CR | Update to Solution 11 | CATT | Rel-13 | - | Revised to S2-152928. | Revised |
6.6 | S2-152928 | P-CR | Update to Solution 11 | CATT | Rel-13 | - | Revision of S2-152795. Revised to S2-152959. | Revised |
6.6 | S2-152959 | P-CR | Update to Solution 11 | CATT | Rel-13 | - | Revision of S2-152928. Approved | Approved |
6.6 | S2-152723 | P-CR | Key issue 7 - Support of SMS (Solution X - Optimised SMS) | BlackBerry UK Ltd | Rel-13 | FS_AE_CIoT | Revised to S2-152929. | Revised |
6.6 | S2-152929 | P-CR | Key issue 7 - Support of SMS (Solution X - Optimised SMS) | BlackBerry UK Ltd | Rel-13 | FS_AE_CIoT | Revision of S2-152723. Revised to S2-152961. | Revised |
6.6 | S2-152961 | P-CR | Key issue 7 - Support of SMS (Solution X - Optimised SMS) | BlackBerry UK Ltd | Rel-13 | FS_AE_CIoT | Revision of S2-152929. Approved | Approved |
6.6 | S2-152739 | P-CR | Optimized SMS relay for CIoT | Ericsson | Rel-13 | FS_AE_CIoT | Revised to S2-152930. | Revised |
6.6 | S2-152930 | P-CR | Optimized SMS relay for CIoT | Ericsson | Rel-13 | FS_AE_CIoT | Revision of S2-152739. Revised to S2-152960. | Revised |
6.6 | S2-152960 | P-CR | Optimized SMS relay for CIoT | Ericsson | Rel-13 | FS_AE_CIoT | Revision of S2-152930. Revised to S2-152978. | Revised |
6.6 | S2-152978 | P-CR | Optimized SMS relay for CIoT | Ericsson | Rel-13 | FS_AE_CIoT | Revision of S2-152960. Approved | Approved |
6.6 | S2-152714 | LS In | LS from GERAN WG2: Reply LS on paging for MTC | GERAN WG2 (GPC150297) | Rel-13 | - | Postponed S2-152142 from meeting #110. Postponed to SA WG2 meeting #111. | postponed |
6.6 | S2-152782 | P-CR | Solution 8 update 'Cell based paging area update for efficient paging area management' | LG Electronics | Rel-13 | FS_AE_CIoT | Not Handled | Not Handled |
6.6 | S2-152785 | P-CR | Solution evaluation on solution 7 | LG Electronics | Rel-13 | FS_AE_CIoT | Not Handled | Not Handled |
6.6 | S2-152753 | P-CR | Optimising the paging area | Qualcomm Incorporated | Rel-13 | FS_AE_CIoT | Not Handled | Not Handled |
6.6 | S2-152750 | P-CR | eDRX and Coverage Enhancement coexistence | Sony | Rel-13 | - | Not Handled | Not Handled |
6.6 | S2-152783 | P-CR | New solution 'Two layers Tracking Area handling for CIoT' | LG Electronics | Rel-13 | FS_AE_CIoT | Not Handled | Not Handled |
6.6 | S2-152742 | P-CR | Selection of CIoT DCN | Ericsson | Rel-13 | FS_AE_CIoT | Not Handled | Not Handled |
6.6 | S2-152815 | P-CR | Support for small data transmission without UDP/IP header | Huawei, HiSilicon | Rel-13 | FS_AE_CIoT | Revised to S2-152927. | Revised |
6.6 | S2-152927 | P-CR | Support for small data transmission without UDP/IP header | Huawei, HiSilicon | Rel-13 | FS_AE_CIoT | Revision of S2-152815. This was withdrawn and the content was merged into S2-152958 instead. | Withdrawn |
6.6 | S2-152810 | DISCUSSION | New key issue: Support of header compression for LPWA-CIoT | MediaTek | - | - | Not Handled | Not Handled |
6.6 | S2-152756 | P-CR | Moving header compression to core network for CIOT | Qualcomm Incorporated | Rel-13 | FS_AE_CIoT | Not Handled | Not Handled |
6.6 | S2-152757 | P-CR | Header compression mechanism options | Qualcomm Incorporated | Rel-13 | FS_AE_CIoT | Not Handled | Not Handled |
6.6 | S2-152814 | P-CR | Efficient small data transmission with header compression | Huawei, HiSilicon | Rel-13 | FS_AE_CIoT | Not Handled | Not Handled |
6.6 | S2-152787 | LS OUT | [DRAFT] LS response on considerations for clean slate CIoT for Rel-13 | Intel Corporation (UK) Ltd | Rel-13 | FS_AE_CIoT | Response to S2-152718. Revised to S2-152925. | Revised |
6.6 | S2-152925 | LS OUT | [DRAFT] LS response on considerations for clean slate CIoT for Rel-13 | SA WG2 | Rel-13 | FS_AE_CIoT | Revision of S2-152787. Revised to S2-152962. | Revised |
6.6 | S2-152962 | LS OUT | LS response on considerations for clean slate CIoT for Rel-13 | SA WG2 | Rel-13 | FS_AE_CIoT | Revision of S2-152925. Approved | Approved |
6.6 | S2-152818 | LS OUT | [DRAFT] Reply LS to LS on considerations for clean slate CIoT for Rel-13 | SA WG2 | Rel-13 | FS_AE_CIoT | Not Handled | Not Handled |
6.6 | S2-152791 | TS OR TR COVER | Cover Sheet for TR 23.720 for Information to TSG SA | Intel | Rel-13 | FS_AE_CIoT | Revised to S2-152931. | Revised |
6.6 | S2-152931 | TS OR TR COVER | Cover Sheet for TR 23.720 for Information to TSG SA | Intel | Rel-13 | FS_AE_CIoT | Revision of S2-152791. Revised to S2-152973. | Revised |
6.6 | S2-152973 | TS OR TR COVER | Cover Sheet for TR 23.720 for Information to TSG SA | Intel | Rel-13 | FS_AE_CIoT | Revision of S2-152931. Approved | Approved |
Created: 2015-09-04 09:31 END OF LIST
Last Allocated Document: S2-152984