Issues with 23.228-19.1.0 implementation ======================================== 23228_CR1524r3_(Rel-19)_NG_RTC_Ph2_S2-2412910 was S2-2412686 was S2-2412401 was S2-2412096_Procedure for supporting of third party userion in IMS This introduces 'Annex AX", but does not have an Annex title. -> implemented as clause AF.4 instead. ------------------------------------------ 23228_CR1525r3_(Rel-19)_NG_RTC_Ph2_S2-2412912 was 12683r04 was 12397r02 was 12170 support of avatar communication KI#8 Some notes referring to ongoing work should be Editor's notes -> Inserted Editor's notes - should be replaced by referencing the SA WG4 specifications when available. ------------------------------------------