IPR call reminder:
“I draw
your attention to your obligations under the 3GPP Partner Organizations’ IPR
policies. Every Individual Member organization is obliged to declare to the
Partner Organization or Organizations of which it is a member any IPR owned
by the Individual Member or any other organization which is or is likely to
become essential to the work of 3GPP. Delegates
are asked to take note that they are thereby invited:
Antitrust policy Reminder:
“I also
draw your attention to the fact that 3GPP activities are subject to all
applicable antitrust and competition laws and that compliance with said laws
is therefore required of any participant of this TSG/WG meeting including the
Chairman and Vice Chairman. In case of question I recommend that you contact
your legal counsel. The
leadership shall conduct the present meeting with impartiality and in the
interests of 3GPP. Furthermore,
I would like to remind you that timely submission of work items in advance of
TSG/WG meetings is important to allow for full and fair consideration of such
matters.” |
List for Meeting: SP-79 All Sessions
Temporary Documents List - Ordered by Agenda Item
To use hyperlinks, this file must be placed above Folder 'Docs'
CURRENT STATS - OPEN DOCS: Total: 0 CRs: 0 P-CRs: 0 Other: 0
Created: 2018-03-27 15:30 START OF LIST
AI | TD# | Type | Doc For | Title | Source | Rel | Work Item | Comments | Result |
1 | - | - | - | Opening of the Meeting | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
2 | - | - | - | Approval of Agenda | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
2 | SP-180001 | AGENDA | Approval | Draft agenda for TSG SA meeting #79 | TSG SA Chairman | Approved | Approved | ||
3 | - | - | - | IPR and Antitrust Reminder | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
4 | - | - | - | Reports from Previous Meetings | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
4 | SP-180193 | REPORT | Information | TSG SA Report to TSG RAN#79 | TSG SA Chairman | Noted | Noted | ||
4.1 | - | - | - | Report from TSG SA#78 | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
4.1 | SP-180002 | REPORT | Approval | Draft Report of TSG SA meeting #78 | TSG SA Secretary | Approved | Approved | ||
4.2 | - | - | - | Reports from TSG SA ad-hoc meetings and workshops (Reports related to features will be covered under the feature related agenda item) | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
5 | - | - | - | Items for early consideration (Please contact the chairman in advance) | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
5 | SP-180186 | DISCUSSION | Discussion | Considerations for late Rel-15 features from RAN with system impacts | Intel | Rel-15 | Noted | Noted | |
5 | SP-180187 | DISCUSSION | Approval | Postpone change of scope of TS 22.261 | Vodafone Group Plc | Rel-15 | Requests to postpone CRs in SP-180129. Noted | Noted | |
5 | SP-180188 | DISCUSSION | Action | UE WiFi MAC address in WLAN Measurement Information | MediaTek Inc., Broadcom, Sony | LATE REQ. LATE DOC: Rx 16/03, 07:30. It was decided to provide an LS to WGs on this, which was drafted in SP-18204. Noted | Noted | ||
5 | SP-180204 | LS OUT | Approval | [DRAFT] LS on Guidance on UE WiFi MAC Address inclusion in LTE Positioning Protocol | MediaTek | Created at meeting. Revised to SP-180222. | Revised | ||
5 | SP-180222 | LS OUT | Approval | [DRAFT] LS on Guidance on UE WiFi MAC Address inclusion in LTE Positioning Protocol | TSG SA | Revision of SP-180204. Revised to SP-180234. | Revised | ||
5 | SP-180234 | LS OUT | Approval | LS on Guidance on UE WiFi MAC Address inclusion in LTE Positioning Protocol | TSG SA | Revision of SP-180222. Approved | Approved | ||
5 | SP-180191 | DISCUSSION | Agreement | Resuming Normal 3GPP WG scheduling | Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell | LATE REQ. LATE DOC: Rx 19/03, 12:50. Noted. It was decided to capture the agreements on this topic and this was drafted in SP-180205. | Noted | ||
5 | SP-180205 | OTHER | Agreement | Agreements on 3GPP WG scheduling | Nokia | Created at meeting. Revised to SP-180223. | Revised | ||
5 | SP-180223 | OTHER | Agreement | Agreements on 3GPP WG scheduling | Nokia | Revision of SP-180205. Revised to SP-180235. | Revised | ||
5 | SP-180235 | OTHER | Agreement | Agreements on 3GPP WG scheduling | Nokia | Revision of SP-180223. This was endorsed. | Endorsed | ||
5 | SP-180014 | LS In | Information | LS from SA WG1: LS on support of Voice Service Continuity from 5G System to UTRAN CS | SA WG1 (S1-180595) | Rel-16 | 5GVSC | Noted | Noted |
5 | SP-180184 | CR | Approval | 22.261 CR0075R2: Support of Voice Service Continuity from 5G system to UTRAN CS | Deutsche Telekom, BT, KPN, KDDI, Telenor, T-Mobile US, AT&T, SK Telecom | Rel-16 | 5GVSC | Proposed replacement of CR in SP-180136. Revised to SP-180207. | Revised |
5 | SP-180207 | CR | Approval | 22.261 CR0075R3: Support of Voice Service Continuity from 5G system to UTRAN CS | Deutsche Telekom, BT, KPN, KDDI, Telenor, T-Mobile US, AT&T, SK Telecom | Rel-16 | 5GVSC | Revision of SP-180184. Revised to SP-180224. | Revised |
5 | SP-180224 | CR | Approval | 22.261 CR0075R4: Support of Voice Service Continuity from 5G system to UTRAN CS | Deutsche Telekom, BT, KPN, KDDI, Telenor, T-Mobile US, AT&T, SK Telecom | Rel-16 | 5GVSC | Revision of SP-180207.. This CR was approved | Approved |
5 | SP-180120 | SID NEW | Approval | New SID: Study on single radio voice continuity from 5GS to 3G | SA WG2 | Revised to SP-180208. | Revised | ||
5 | SP-180208 | SID NEW | Approval | New SID: Study on single radio voice continuity from 5GS to 3G | SA WG2 | Revision of SP-180120. Revised to SP-180239. | Revised | ||
5 | SP-180239 | SID NEW | Approval | New SID: Study on single radio voice continuity from 5GS to 3G | SA WG2 | Revision of SP-180208. Approved | Approved | ||
5 | SP-180053 | SID NEW | Approval | New Study Item on Security aspects of single radio voice continuity from 5G to UTRAN | SA WG3 | Revised to SP-180209. | Revised | ||
5 | SP-180209 | SID NEW | Approval | New Study Item on Security aspects of single radio voice continuity from 5G to UTRAN | SA WG3 | Revision of SP-180053.. Approved | Approved | ||
5 | SP-180136 | CR PACK | Approval | Stage 1 CRs on 5GVCS | SA WG1 | Replacement CR proposed in SP-180184. A revision of the CR was approved. This CR Pack was noted | Noted | ||
5 | SP-180040 | DISCUSSION | Endorsement | Rel-16 System Feature Planning at TSG SA#80 | TSG SA Chairman (Samsung), TSG RAN Chairman (Nokia) | Rel-16 | Slide set of potential topics drafted in SP-180210. Noted | Noted | |
5 | SP-180236 | OTHER | Discussion | Candidate focus area worksheet | Drafting group | Created in drafting session. This was withdrawn (not provided). | Withdrawn | ||
5 | SP-180210 | OTHER | Presentation | TSG SA#80 System-wide Feature Focus for Rel-16 | TSG SA Chairman | Created at meeting. Revised to SP-180225. | Revised | ||
5 | SP-180225 | OTHER | Presentation | TSG SA#80 System-wide Feature Focus for Rel-16 | TSG SA Chairman | Revision of SP-180210. Noted | Noted | ||
5 | SP-180042 | DISCUSSION | Endorsement | New Work For 3GPP: Clarification and Proposal | TSG SA Chairman (Samsung), TSG RAN Chairman (Nokia) | Proposal drafted in SP-180211. Noted | Noted | ||
5 | SP-180211 | OTHER | Presentation | Open Door For New Work | TSG SA Chairman | Created at meeting. Revised to SP-180226. | Revised | ||
5 | SP-180226 | OTHER | Presentation | Open Door For New Work | TSG SA Chairman | Revision of SP-180211. Noted | Noted | ||
5.1 | - | - | - | Challenges to working agreements (Must have been previously requested) | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
5.1 | SP-180195 | DISCUSSION | Discussion | Discussion on Support of legacy USIM in 5G | Vodafone | LATE REQ. LATE DOC: Rx 21/03, 00:20. Revised to SP-180201. | Revised | ||
5.1 | SP-180201 | DISCUSSION | Discussion | Discussion on Support of legacy USIM in 5G | Vodafone | Revision of SP-180195. LATE DOC: Rx 21/03, 09:00. Revised to SP-180203. | Revised | ||
5.1 | SP-180203 | DISCUSSION | Discussion | Discussion on Support of legacy USIM in 5G | Vodafone | Revision of SP-180201. LATE DOC: Rx 21/03, 09:20. Noted | Noted | ||
5.1 | SP-180190 | CR | Approval | 22.261 CR0054R6: Support legacy USIM in 5G | Vodafone | Rel-15 | SMARTER | LATE DOC: Rx 16/03, 11.00. Alternative proposal for CR in CR Pack SP-180131. Revised to SP-180196. | Revised |
5.1 | SP-180196 | CR | Approval | 22.261 CR0054R7: Support legacy USIM in 5G | Vodafone | Rel-15 | SMARTER | Revision of SP-180190. LATE DOC: Rx 21/03, 00:20. Alternative proposal for CR in CR Pack SP-180131. Revised to SP-180202. | Revised |
5.1 | SP-180202 | CR | Approval | 22.261 CR0054R8: Support legacy USIM in 5G | Vodafone | Rel-15 | SMARTER | Revision of SP-180196. LATE DOC: Rx 21/03, 09:00. Rejected | Rejected |
5.1 | SP-180131 | CR PACK | Approval | Other SMARTER Stage 1 CRs | SA WG1 | Alternative proposal for 22.261 CR0054R5 in SP-180202. 22.261 CR0054R5 revised in SP-180212. 22.261 CR0086R2 revised in SP-180213. 22.261 CR0084; 22.261 CR0085 approved. This CR Pack was partially approved. | Partially approved | ||
5.1 | SP-180212 | CR | Approval | 22.261 CR0054R9: Support legacy USIM in 5G | Vodafone | Rel-15 | SMARTER | Revision of 22.261CR0054R5 from CR pack SP-180131. This CR was approved | Approved |
5.1 | SP-180213 | CR | Approval | 22.261 CR0086R3: Support legacy USIM in 5G | Vodafone | Rel-15 | SMARTER | Revision of 22.261 CR0086R2 from CR pack SP-180131. This Rel-16 mirror CR was approved. | Approved |
6 | - | - | - | General Incoming Liaisons (Liaisons related to specific features will be covered under the feature related agenda item) | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
- | - | - | - | RECOMMEND TO NOTE | - | - | - | - | - |
6 | SP-180004 | LS In | Information | LS from NGMN: NGMN White Paper on Service-based Architecture in 5G | NGMN (180105 LS NGMN SBA in 5G) | Noted | Noted | ||
6 | SP-180010 | LS In | Information | LS from NGMN: Architectural Proposal for the Handling of Network Operations Data with Specific Focus on Virtualized Networks | NGMN (NGMN_LS_Future_Network_Tracing) | This LS was noted and forwarded to SA WG5. | Noted | ||
6 | SP-180175 | LS In | Information | LS from NGMN: NGMN Paper on 5G End-to-End Architecture Framework | NGMN (Liaison NGMN P1_to_SDOs) | Noted | Noted | ||
6 | SP-180200 | LS In | Information | LS from NGMN: Liaison Statement from the NGMN Alliance to 3GPP on the 5G trials framework | NGMN (180320_Liaison Statement NGMN TTI PCNT TSG SA.) | Noted | Noted | ||
6 | SP-180005 | LS In | Information | LS from BBF: 5G-FMC - First release of BBF study results | BBF (BBF LIAISE-120) | Noted | Noted | ||
6 | SP-180011 | LS In | Information | LS from oneM2M: Supporting 3GPP V2X service in oneM2M | oneM2M (TP-2018-0057R01) | Noted | Noted | ||
6 | SP-180012 | LS In | Information | LS from ETSI ISG ZSM: Formation of a new ETSI ISG for Zero Touch Network and Service Management (ZSM) | ETSI ISG ZSM (ZSM(18)000046 r5) | Noted | Noted | ||
6 | SP-180013 | LS In | Information | LS from SA WG1: Reply LS to establish collaboration between IIC and 3GPP | SA WG1 (S1-180299) | Noted | Noted | ||
6 | SP-180176 | LS In | Information | LS from RAN WG4: Reply LS on NR interworking with GSM and UMTS | RAN WG4 (R4-1802691) | Rel-15 | NR_newRAT | Noted | Noted |
- | - | - | - | RECOMMEND TO PRESENT AND DISCUSS | - | - | - | - | - |
6 | SP-180003 | LS In | Action | LS from 5GAA WG2: LS on V1 and V2 reference points | 5GAA WG2 (5GAA_A-170278) | Postponed SP-170846 from TSG SA#78. Response drafted in SP-180126. Final response in SP-180233 | Replied to | ||
6 | SP-180018 | LS In | Information | LS from SA WG6: Reply LS on V1 and V2 reference points | SA WG6 (S6-180196) | Rel-16 | Noted | Noted | |
6 | SP-180177 | LS In | Action | LS from SA WG2: Reply LS on V1 and V2 reference points | SA WG2 (S2-182579) | Rel-14 | V2XARC | Noted | Noted |
6 | SP-180088 | CR PACK | Approval | 1 CR to 23.285 (V2XARC, Rel-14) | SA WG2 | Approved | Approved | ||
6 | SP-180126 | LS OUT | Approval | [DRAFT] Reply LS on V1 and V2 reference points | LG Electronics | Rel-14 | V2XARC | Response to SP-180003. Revised to SP-180214. | Revised |
6 | SP-180214 | LS OUT | Approval | Reply LS on V1 and V2 reference points | TSG SA | Rel-14 | V2XARC | Revision of SP-180126. Revised to SP-180233. | Revised |
6 | SP-180233 | LS OUT | Approval | Reply LS on V1 and V2 reference points | TSG SA | Rel-14 | V2XARC | Revision of SP-180214.. Approved | Approved |
6 | SP-180183 | LS OUT | Approval | [DRAFT] Reply LS on Establishment of SAE Cellular V2X Technical Committee and Associated Task Forces | LG Electronics Mobile Research | Revised to SP-180215. | Revised | ||
6 | SP-180215 | LS OUT | Approval | Reply LS on Establishment of SAE Cellular V2X Technical Committee and Associated Task Forces | TSG SA | Revision of SP-180183.. Approved | Approved | ||
6 | SP-180189 | LS IN | Information | LS from GSMA: Statement on urgency of alignment of ETSI SSP with 3GPP Release 15 | GSMA (TG Doc 07_022) | Revised, to corret recipients and editorial changes, to SP-180192 | Revised | ||
6 | SP-180192 | LS IN | Information | LS from GSMA: Statement on urgency of alignment of ETSI SSP with 3GPP Release 15 | GSMA (TG Doc 07_022) | Revision of SP-180189. Response drafted in SP-180216. Final response in SP-180240 | Replied to | ||
6 | SP-180216 | LS OUT | Approval | Reply LS on Statement on urgency of alignment of ETSI SSP with 3GPP Release 15 | TSG SA | Created at meeting. Response to SP-180192. Revised to SP-180232. | Revised | ||
6 | SP-180232 | LS OUT | Approval | Reply LS on Statement on urgency of alignment of ETSI SSP with 3GPP Release 15 | TSG SA | Revision of SP-180216. Revised to SP-180240. | Revised | ||
6 | SP-180240 | LS OUT | Approval | Reply LS on Statement on urgency of alignment of ETSI SSP with 3GPP Release 15 | TSG SA | Revision of SP-180232. Approved | Approved | ||
7 | - | - | - | Reports from TSG SA Working Groups and other TSGs | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
7.1 | - | - | - | SA WG1 Report and Questions for Advice | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
7.1 | SP-180128 | REPORT | Presentation | SA WG1 Report to TSG SA#79 | SA WG1 Chairman | Noted | Noted | ||
7.2 | - | - | - | SA WG2 Report and Questions for Advice | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
7.2 | SP-180082 | REPORT | Presentation | SA WG2 Report and Questions for Advice | SA WG2 Chairman | Noted | Noted | ||
7.3 | - | - | - | SA WG3 Report and Questions for Advice | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
7.3 | SP-180080 | REPORT | Presentation | SA WG3 status report | SA WG3 Chairman | Noted | Noted | ||
7.4 | - | - | - | SA WG4 Report and Questions for Advice | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
7.4 | SP-180021 | REPORT | Presentation | SA WG4 Status Report at TSG SA#79 | SA WG4 Chairman | Noted | Noted | ||
7.5 | - | - | - | SA WG5 Report and Questions for Advice | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
7.5 | SP-180081 | REPORT | Presentation | SA WG5 status report | SA WG5 Chairman | Noted | Noted | ||
7.6 | - | - | - | SA WG6 Report and Questions for Advice | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
7.6 | SP-180144 | REPORT | Presentation | SA WG6 status report to TSG SA#79 | SA WG6 Chairman | Noted | Noted | ||
7.7 | - | - | - | TSG RAN report and Questions for Advice and RAN ITU-R Ad Hoc Matters | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
7.7 | SP-180174 | LS In | Information | LS from ITU-T JCA: LS on Invitation to update the information in the IMT2020 roadmap | ITU-T JCA-IMT2020 (JCA-IMT2020-O-003) | Noted | Noted | ||
7.7 | SP-180020 | LS In | Action | LS from ITU-T SG15: Initiation of work to support IMT-2020/5G in the Transport Network | ITU-T SG15 (SG15-LS115) | Noted | Noted | ||
7.7 | SP-180006 | LS In | Information | LS from ITU-R WP 5D: IMT-2020 IN SUPPORT OF PPDR | ITU-R WP5D (5D_875_temp445r1) | Noted | Noted | ||
7.7 | SP-180008 | LS In | Information | LS from ITU-R WP5D: LIAISON STATEMENT TO IMT-2020 PROPONENTS 3GPP, KOREA AND CHINA | ITU-R WP5D (5D_875_temp464r1) | Noted | Noted | ||
7.7 | SP-180009 | LS In | Information | LS from ITU-R WP 5D: Availability of initial description template information related to proposals for the terrestrial components of the radio interface(s) for IMT-2020 | ITU-R WP 5D (5D_875_temp465r1) | Noted | Noted | ||
7.7 | SP-180217 | LS In | Action | LS from TSG RAN: DRAFT Letter to ITU on Update submission for LTE-Advanced toward Rev. 4 of Rec. ITU-R M.2012 | TSG RAN (RP-180518) | Endorsed. Used as basis for LS to PCG in SP-180245. | Endorsed | ||
7.7 | SP-180245 | LS OUT | Approval | LS to PCG: DRAFT Letter to ITU on Update submission for LTE-Advanced toward Rev. 4 of Rec. ITU-R M.2012 | TSG RAN | Created from SP-180217. Approved | Approved | ||
7.7 | SP-180218 | LS In | Action | LS from TSG RAN: DRAFT Letter to ITU on IMT-2020 in support of PPDR | TSG RAN (RP-180555) | Endorsed. Used as basis for LS to PCG in SP-180244. | Endorsed | ||
7.7 | SP-180244 | LS OUT | Approval | LS to PCG: DRAFT Letter to ITU on IMT-2020 in support of PPDR | TSG RAN | Created from SP-180218. Approved | Approved | ||
7.7 | SP-180219 | LS In | Action | LS from TSG RAN: Letter to ITU on 3GPP IMT-2020 Self-evaluation | TSG RAN (RP-180556) | Modifications needed. Used as basis for LS to PCG in SP-180246. | Treated | ||
7.7 | SP-180246 | LS OUT | Approval | Letter to ITU on 3GPP IMT-2020 Self-evaluation | TSG RAN | Created from SP-180219. Revised to SP-180248. | Revised | ||
7.7 | SP-180248 | LS OUT | Approval | Letter to ITU on 3GPP IMT-2020 Self-evaluation | TSG RAN | Revision of SP-180246.. Approved | Approved | ||
7.7 | SP-180241 | LS In | Information | LS from TSG RAN: LS on secured Signalling-only connection | TSG RAN (RP-180590) | Rel-15 | NR_newRAT | Noted | Noted |
7.7 | SP-180242 | LS In | Action | LS from TSG RAN: LS on optimisation of UE capability signalling | TSG RAN (RP-180598) | Rel-15 | TEI15 | SA WG2 were asked to handle this LS at their next meeting. Noted | Noted |
7.7 | SP-180243 | REPORT | Presentation | TSG RAN report to TSG SA#79 | TSG RAN Chairman | Noted | Noted | ||
7.8 | - | - | - | TSG CT report and Questions for Advice | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
7.8 | SP-180197 | REPORT | Presentation | Status report of TSG CT#79 | TSG CT Chairman | Revised to SP-180221. | Revised | ||
7.8 | SP-180221 | REPORT | Presentation | Status report of TSG CT#79 | TSG CT Chairman | Revision of SP-180197. Noted | Noted | ||
7.8 | SP-180198 | REPORT | Presentation | IETF Status report | TSG CT Chairman | Noted | Noted | ||
7.8 | SP-180199 | REPORT | Information | Draft meeting report of TSG CT#79 | MCC | Noted | Noted | ||
8 | - | - | - | Rel-8 CRs (Need to be very well justified!) | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
8 | SP-180070 | CR PACK | Approval | Rel-8 CRs on Rel-8 Operations, Administration, Maintenance and Provisioning (OAM&P) (OAM8) | SA WG5 | Rel-8 | OAM8 | This CR PACK was block approved | Approved |
9 | - | - | - | Rel-9 CRs (Need to be very well justified!) | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
10 | - | - | - | Rel-10 CRs (Need to be very well justified!) | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
11 | - | - | - | Rel-11 CRs (Need to be very well justified!) | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
12 | - | - | - | Rel-12 CRs (Need to be very well justified!) | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
13 | - | - | - | Rel-13 CRs (Need to be very well justified!) | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
13 | SP-180065 | CR PACK | Approval | Rel-13 CRs on Charging Aspects of CIoT | SA WG5 | Rel-13 | CIoT-CH | This CR PACK was block approved | Approved |
13 | SP-180083 | CR PACK | Approval | 3 CRs to 23.402 (SEW1, Rel-13, Rel-14, Rel-15) | SA WG2 | This CR PACK was block approved | Approved | ||
13 | SP-180084 | CR PACK | Approval | 3 CRs to 23.682 (MONTE, Rel-13, Rel-14, Rel-15) | SA WG2 | This CR PACK was block approved | Approved | ||
14 | - | - | - | Documents related to Release 14 Features | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
14A | - | - | - | SA WG1-related Work Items | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
14B | - | - | - | SA WG2-related Work Items | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
14B | SP-180085 | CR PACK | Approval | 3 CRs to 23.271, 23.401 (CIoT_Ext, Rel-14, Rel-15) | SA WG2 | This CR PACK was block approved | Approved | ||
14B | SP-180086 | CR PACK | Approval | 6 CRs to 23.214 (CUPS, Rel-14, Rel-15) | SA WG2 | This CR PACK was block approved | Approved | ||
14B | SP-180087 | CR PACK | Approval | 2 CRs to 23.402 (SEW2, Rel-14, Rel-15) | SA WG2 | This CR PACK was block approved | Approved | ||
14B | SP-180089 | CR PACK | Approval | 3 CRs to 23.032, 23.401 (TEI14, Rel-14, Rel-15) | SA WG2 | This CR PACK was block approved | Approved | ||
14C | - | - | - | SA WG3- and SA WG3 LI-related Work Items | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
14C | SP-180034 | CR PACK | Approval | Rel-14 CRs on Lawful Interception | SA WG3 | Rel-14 | LI14 | This CR PACK was block approved | Approved |
14C | SP-180123 | CR PACK | Approval | Rel-14 CRs on TR on Security Assurance scheme for 3GPP network products(SCAS-SA3TR) | SA WG3 | This CR PACK was block approved | Approved | ||
14D | - | - | - | SA WG4-related Work Items | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
14D | SP-180022 | CR PACK | Approval | CRs to TS 26.247 on Improved Streaming QoE Reporting in 3GPP (Release 14 & Release 15) (IQoE) | SA WG4 | This CR PACK was block approved | Approved | ||
14E | - | - | - | SA WG5-related Work Items (including OAM and CH both) | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
14E | SP-180058 | CR PACK | Approval | Rel-14 CRs on Configuration Management for mobile networks that include virtualized network functions (OAM14-MAMO_VNF-CM) | SA WG5 | Rel-14 | OAM14-MAMO_VNF-CM | This CR PACK was block approved | Approved |
14E | SP-180059 | CR PACK | Approval | Rel-14 CRs on Lifecycle management for mobile networks that include virtualized network functions (OAM14-MAMO_VNF-LCM) | SA WG5 | Rel-14 | OAM14-MAMO_VNF-LCM | This CR PACK was block approved | Approved |
14E | SP-180063 | CR PACK | Approval | Rel-14 CRs on Determination of Completeness of Charging Information in IMS (CH14-DCCII) | SA WG5 | Rel-14 | CH14-DCCII | This CR PACK was block approved | Approved |
14E | SP-180067 | CR PACK | Approval | Rel-14 CRS on Charging Aspects of Enhanced Proximity-based Services (CH14-ProSe) | SA WG5 | Rel-14 | CH14-ProSe | This CR PACK was block approved | Approved |
14E | SP-180069 | CR PACK | Approval | Rel-14 CRs on TEI(TEI14) | SA WG5 | Rel-14 | TEI14 | This CR PACK was block approved | Approved |
14F | - | - | - | SA WG6-related Work Items | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
14F | SP-180145 | CR PACK | Approval | Rel-14 CRs to TS 23.280 for MCImp-MC_ARCH | SA WG6 | This CR PACK was block approved | Approved | ||
14F | SP-180146 | CR PACK | Approval | Rel-14 CRs to TS 23.379 for MCImp-eMCPTT | SA WG6 | This CR PACK was block approved | Approved | ||
14F | SP-180147 | CR PACK | Approval | Rel-14 CRs to TS 23.281 for MCImp-MCVideo | SA WG6 | This CR PACK was block approved | Approved | ||
14F | SP-180148 | CR PACK | Approval | Rel-14 CRs to TS 23.282 for MCImp-MCData | SA WG6 | This CR PACK was block approved | Approved | ||
14G | - | - | - | Other Work Items and Documents | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
14G | SP-180023 | CR PACK | Approval | CRs to TS 26.114 on Misc Changes in Clause10 (Release 14 & Release 15) (TEI14) | SA WG4 | This CR PACK was block approved | Approved | ||
15 | - | - | - | Documents related to Release 15 Features | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
15A | - | - | - | SA WG1-related Work Items | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
15A.1 | - | - | - | (SMARTER) - New Services and Markets Technology Enablers | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
15A.1 | SP-180129 | CR PACK | Approval | SMARTER Stage 1 CRs for alignment of the 5G requirements related to URLLC | SA WG1 | A request to postpone CRs provided in SP-180187. Approved | Approved | ||
15A.1 | SP-180130 | CR PACK | Approval | SMARTER Stage 1 CRs related to clarifications and corrections of 5G unified access control | SA WG1 | This CR PACK was block approved | Approved | ||
15A.2 | - | - | - | (eV2X) - Stage 1 of Enhancement of 3GPP support for V2X scenarios | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
15A.3 | - | - | - | (MONASTERY) - Mobile Communication System for Railways | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
15A.4 | - | - | - | (ProSe_WLAN_DD) - Inclusion of WLAN direct discovery technologies as an alternative for ProSe direct discovery | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
15A.5 | - | - | - | (eCNAM) - Enhanced Calling Name Service | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
15A.6 | - | - | - | (eBT) - Enhancement of background data transfer | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
15A.7 | - | - | - | (HORNS) - HPLMN Radio Access Technology deployment Optimisation in Network Selection | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
15A.8 | - | - | - | (PARLOS) - Provision of Access to Restricted Local Operator | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
15A.8 | SP-180228 | CR | Approval | 22.011 CR0277: Addition of RLOS availability into Automatic PLMN Selection | Qualcomm | Rel-16 | PARLOS | Created at meeting. Rel 16 mirror CR. This CR was approved. | Approved |
15A.8 | SP-180132 | CR PACK | Approval | Stage 1 CRs on PARLOS | SA WG1 | This CR PACK was block approved | Approved | ||
15A.9 | - | - | - | (REAR) - Stage 1 for REAR | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
15A.10 | - | - | - | (USOS) - Stage 1 for USOS | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
15B | - | - | - | SA WG2-related Work Items | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
15B.1 | - | - | - | (5GS_Ph1) - 5G System Architecture - Phase 1 | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
15B.1 | SP-180090 | CR PACK | Approval | 14 5GS_Ph1 CRs with interdependencies, 23.501, 23.502, 23.060, 23.228, 23.401 (5GS_Ph1, Rel-15) | SA WG2 | This CR PACK was block approved | Approved | ||
15B.1 | SP-180091 | CR PACK | Approval | 14 5GS_Ph1 CRs with interdependencies, 23.501, 23.502, 23.503 (5GS_Ph1, Rel-15) | SA WG2 | This CR PACK was block approved | Approved | ||
15B.1 | SP-180092 | CR PACK | Approval | 12 5GS_Ph1 CRs with interdependencies, 23.501, 23.502, 23.503 (5GS_Ph1, Rel-15) | SA WG2 | This CR PACK was block approved | Approved | ||
15B.1 | SP-180093 | CR PACK | Approval | 16 5GS_Ph1 CRs with interdependencies, 23.501, 23.502, 23.503 (5GS_Ph1, Rel-15) | SA WG2 | This CR PACK was block approved | Approved | ||
15B.1 | SP-180094 | CR PACK | Approval | 9 5GS_Ph1 CRs to 23.002, 23.167, 23.204, 23.228, 23.402 (5GS_Ph1, Rel-15) | SA WG2 | This CR PACK was block approved | Approved | ||
15B.1 | SP-180095 | CR PACK | Approval | 7 Category B/C CRs to 23.501, 23.502, 23.503 (5GS_Ph1, Rel-15) | SA WG2 | This CR PACK was block approved | Approved | ||
15B.1 | SP-180096 | CR PACK | Approval | 5 Category D CRs to 23.501, 23.502 (5GS_Ph1, Rel-15) | SA WG2 | This CR PACK was block approved | Approved | ||
15B.1 | SP-180097 | CR PACK | Approval | 25 Category F CRs to 23.501 (5GS_Ph1, Rel-15) | SA WG2 | This CR PACK was block approved | Approved | ||
15B.1 | SP-180098 | CR PACK | Approval | 25 Category F CRs to 23.501 (5GS_Ph1, Rel-15) | SA WG2 | This CR PACK was block approved | Approved | ||
15B.1 | SP-180099 | CR PACK | Approval | 25 Category F CRs to 23.501 (5GS_Ph1, Rel-15) | SA WG2 | This CR PACK was block approved | Approved | ||
15B.1 | SP-180100 | CR PACK | Approval | 25 Category F CRs to 23.501 (5GS_Ph1, Rel-15) | SA WG2 | This CR PACK was block approved | Approved | ||
15B.1 | SP-180101 | CR PACK | Approval | 25 Category F CRs to 23.502 (5GS_Ph1, Rel-15) | SA WG2 | This CR PACK was block approved | Approved | ||
15B.1 | SP-180102 | CR PACK | Approval | 25 Category F CRs to 23.502 (5GS_Ph1, Rel-15) | SA WG2 | This CR PACK was block approved | Approved | ||
15B.1 | SP-180103 | CR PACK | Approval | 25 Category F CRs to 23.502 (5GS_Ph1, Rel-15) | SA WG2 | This CR PACK was block approved | Approved | ||
15B.1 | SP-180104 | CR PACK | Approval | 25 Category F CRs to 23.502 (5GS_Ph1, Rel-15) | SA WG2 | This CR PACK was block approved | Approved | ||
15B.1 | SP-180105 | CR PACK | Approval | 25 Category F CRs to 23.502 (5GS_Ph1, Rel-15) | SA WG2 | This CR PACK was block approved | Approved | ||
15B.1 | SP-180106 | CR PACK | Approval | 24 Category F CRs to 23.502 (5GS_Ph1, Rel-15) | SA WG2 | This CR PACK was block approved | Approved | ||
15B.1 | SP-180107 | CR PACK | Approval | 19 Category F CRs to 23.503 (5GS_Ph1, Rel-15) | SA WG2 | This CR PACK was block approved | Approved | ||
15B.1 | SP-180125 | CR PACK | Approval | 3 CRs to 23.501, 23.502, 23.503 on 'Addition of PDU Session type IPv4v6' (5GS_Ph1, Rel-15) | SA WG2 | This CR PACK was block approved | Approved | ||
15B.2 | - | - | - | (ProSe_WAN_DD_Stage2) - Stage 2 of ProSe_WLAN_DD | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
15B.3 | - | - | - | (EDCE5) - SA2 aspects of EDCE5 | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
15B.3 | SP-180108 | CR PACK | Approval | 1 CR to 23.401 (EDCE5, Rel-15) | SA WG2 | This CR PACK was block approved | Approved | ||
15B.4 | - | - | - | (PS_DATA_OFF2) - PS Data Off Phase 2 | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
15B.4 | SP-180019 | LS In | Action | LS from GSMA RILTE: LS on PS Data Off for 5G | GSMA RILTE (RILTE64_117) | Noted | Noted | ||
15B.5 | - | - | - | (NAPS) - Northbound APIs for SCEF - SCS/AS Interworking | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
15B.5 | SP-180109 | CR PACK | Approval | 4 CRs to 23.682 (NAPS, Rel-15) | SA WG2 | This CR PACK was block approved | Approved | ||
15B.6 | - | - | - | (VoWLAN) - Stage 2 of VoWLAN | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
15B.7 | - | - | - | (EPS_URLLC) - EPC support for E-UTRAN Ultra Reliable Low Latency Communication | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
15B.7 | SP-180015 | LS In | Information | LS from SA WG1: Reply LS on URLLC | SA WG1 (S1-180628) | Rel-15 | Noted | Noted | |
15B.7 | SP-180110 | CR PACK | Approval | 1 CR to 23.203 (EPS_URLLC, Rel-15) | SA WG2 | This CR PACK was block approved | Approved | ||
15B.8 | - | - | - | (eVoLP) - Stage 2 of eVoLP | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
15B.9 | - | - | - | (USOS) - Stage 2 of USOS | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
15B.9 | SP-180111 | CR PACK | Approval | 1 CR to 23.401 (USOS, Rel-15) | SA WG2 | This CR PACK was block approved | Approved | ||
15B.10 | - | - | - | (INOBEAR) - Increasing the number of EPS bearers | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
15B.10 | SP-180112 | CR PACK | Approval | 1 CR to 23.401 (INOBEAR, Rel-15) | SA WG2 | This CR PACK was block approved | Approved | ||
15C | - | - | - | SA WG3-related Work Items | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
15C.1 | - | - | - | (5GS_Ph1-SEC) - Security aspects of 5G System - Phase 1 | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
15C.1 | SP-180178 | LS In | Information | LS from SA WG3: Reply-LS on secure storage and processing of subscription credentials | SA WG3 (S3-180851) | Rel-15 | 5GS_Ph1-SEC | Noted | Noted |
15C.1 | SP-180049 | CR PACK | Approval | Rel-15 CRs for Security aspects of 5G System - Phase 1 (5GS_Ph1-SEC) | SA WG3 | Rel-15 | 5GS_Ph1-SEC | This CR PACK was block approved | Approved |
15C.1 | SP-180056 | DRAFT TS | Approval | TS 33.501 Security architecture and procedures for 5G system | SA WG3 | Rel-15 | 5GS_Ph1-SEC | Approved | Approved |
15C.2 | - | - | - | (EDCE5) - SA3 aspects of EDCE5 | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
15C.2 | SP-180048 | CR PACK | Approval | Rel-15 CRs on SA WG3 aspects of EDCE5 | SA WG3 | Rel-15 | EDCE5 | This CR PACK was block approved | Approved |
15C.3 | - | - | - | (BEST_MTC_Sec) - Battery Efficient Security for very low Throughput MTC Devices | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
15C.3 | SP-180045 | CR PACK | Approval | Rel-15 CRs for Battery Efficient Security for very low Throughput MTC Devices (BEST_MTC_Sec) | SA WG3 | Rel-15 | BEST_MTC_Sec | This CR PACK was block approved | Approved |
15C.4 | - | - | - | (SCAS-SA3) - Security Assurance Specification for 3GPP network product classes | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
15C.4 | SP-180044 | CR PACK | Approval | Rel-15 CRs for Security Assurance Specification for 3GPP network products (SCAS-SA WG3) | SA WG3 | Rel-15 | SCAS-SA3 | This CR PACK was block approved | Approved |
15C.5 | - | - | - | (SCAS_eNB) - Security Assurance Specification for eNB network product class | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
15C.6 | - | - | - | (SCAS_PGW) - Security Assurance Specification for PGW network product class | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
15C.7 | - | - | - | (eMCSec) - Mission Critical Security Enhancements | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
15C.7 | SP-180043 | CR PACK | Approval | Rel-15 CRs for MC Security Enhancements (eMCSec) | SA WG3 | Rel-15 | eMCSec | This CR PACK was block approved | Approved |
15C.8 | - | - | - | (NAPS-Sec) - Security aspects of NAPS | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
15C.8 | SP-180046 | CR PACK | Approval | Rel-15 CRs on Security aspects of NAPS (NAPS-Sec) | SA WG3 | Rel-15 | NAPS-Sec | This CR PACK was block approved | Approved |
15C.9 | - | - | - | (CAPIF-Sec) - Security aspects of CAPIF | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
15C.10 | - | - | - | (SEC15) - Security Enhancements and Improvements for Rel-15 | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
15C.11 | - | - | - | (LI15) - Normative work on Lawful Interception Rel-15 | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
15C.11 | SP-180035 | CR PACK | Approval | Rel-15 CRs on Lawful Interception | SA WG3 | Rel-15 | LI15 | This CR PACK was block approved | Approved |
15C.11 | SP-180036 | DRAFT TS | Information | TS 33.126 v1.0.0 and cover sheet | SA WG3-LI | Rel-15 | LI15 | Noted | Noted |
15D | - | - | - | SA WG4-related Work Items | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
15D.1 | - | - | - | (SAND) - Server and Network Assisted DASH for 3GPP Multimedia Services | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
15D.2 | - | - | - | (FLUS) - Framework for Live Uplink Streaming | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
15D.2 | SP-180024 | CR PACK | Approval | CR to TS 26.238 on Corrections to FLUS Framework (Release 15) (FLUS) | SA WG4 | This CR PACK was block approved | Approved | ||
15D.3 | - | - | - | (EQoE_MTSI) - Enhanced QoE Reporting for MCSI | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
15D.3 | SP-180025 | CR PACK | Approval | CR to TS 26.114 on Correction of QMC Capability Signalling (Release 15) (EQoE_MTSI) | SA WG4 | This CR PACK was block approved | Approved | ||
15D.4 | - | - | - | (LiQuImAS) - Test Methodologies for the Evaluation of Perceived Listening Quality in Immersive Audio Systems | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
15D.5 | - | - | - | (HDR) - Addition of HDR to TV Video Profiles | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
15D.6 | - | - | - | (VRStream) - Virtual Reality Profiles for Streaming Media | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
15D.7 | - | - | - | (SerInter) - Service Interactivity | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
15D.8 | - | - | - | (SAND4M) - SAND for MBMS | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
15D.9 | - | - | - | (RAOT) - Receive acoustic output test in the presence of background noise | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
15D.10 | - | - | - | (SPAN) - Speech quality in the presence of ambient noise for super-wideband and fullband modes | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
15E | - | - | - | SA WG5-related Work Items | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
15E.1 | - | - | - | (EDCE5-CH) - Data Charging aspects of EDCE5: PS Charging enhancements to support 5G New Radio via Dual Connectivity | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
15E.1 | SP-180062 | CR PACK | Approval | Charging aspects of EDCE5: PS Charging enhancements to support 5G New Radio via Dual Connectivity (EDCE5-CH) | SA WG5 | Rel-15 | EDCE5-CH | This CR PACK was block approved | Approved |
15E.2 | - | - | - | (NAPS-CH) - Charging aspects of NAPS | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
15E.2 | SP-180064 | CR PACK | Approval | Rel-15 CRs on Charging aspects of NAPS (NAPS-CH) | SA WG5 | Rel-15 | NAPS-CH | This CR PACK was block approved | Approved |
15E.3 | - | - | - | (eFMSS-CH) - Charging Enhancement for eFMSS | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
15E.4 | - | - | - | (5GS_Ph1-SBI_CH) - Service Based Interface for 5G Charging | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
15E.4 | SP-180139 | CR PACK | Approval | Rel-15 CRs on Service Based Interface for 5G Charging (5GS_Ph1-SBI_CH) | SA WG5 | Rel-15 | 5GS_Ph1-SBI_CH | This CR PACK was block approved | Approved |
15E.5 | - | - | - | (5GS_Ph1-DCH) - Data Charging in 5G System Architecture Phase 1 | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
15E.5 | SP-180061 | CR PACK | Approval | Rel-15 CRs on Data Charging in 5G System Architecture Phase 1 (5GS_Ph1-DCH) | SA WG5 | Rel-15 | 5GS_Ph1-DCH | This CR PACK was block approved | Approved |
15E.6 | - | - | - | (ME_CUPS) - Management Enhancement for EPC CUPS | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
15E.7 | - | - | - | (NETSLICE) - Management and orchestration of 5G networks and network slicing | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
15E.7 | SP-180016 | LS In | Information | LS from SA WG5: LS on roles related to network slicing management | SA WG5 (S5-176500) | Rel-15 | NETSLICE | Noted | Noted |
15E.7 | SP-180124 | WID REVISED | Approval | Revised WID on Management and orchestration of 5G networks and network slicing | Ericsson GmbH, Eurolab | Rel-15 | NETSLICE | Approved | Approved |
15E.8 | - | - | - | (PEE_CMON) - Control and monitoring of Power, Energy and Environmental (PEE) parameters in Radio Access Networks (RAN) | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
15E.8 | SP-180060 | CR PACK | Approval | Rel-15 CRs on Control and monitoring of Power, Energy and Environmental (PEE) parameters in Radio Access Networks (RAN) (PEE_CMON) | SA WG5 | Rel-15 | PEE_CMON | This CR PACK was block approved | Approved |
15E.8 | SP-180071 | DRAFT TS | Approval | TS 28.304 Control and monitoring of Power, Energy and Environmental (PEE) parameters Integration Reference Point (IRP); Requirements | SA WG5 | Rel-15 | PEE_CMON | Approved | Approved |
15E.8 | SP-180072 | DRAFT TS | Approval | TS 28.305 Control and monitoring of Power, Energy and Environmental (PEE) parameters Integration Reference Point (IRP); Information Service (IS) | SA WG5 | Rel-15 | PEE_CMON | Approved | Approved |
15E.8 | SP-180073 | DRAFT TS | Approval | TS 28.306 Control and monitoring of Power, Energy and Environmental (PEE) parameters Integration Reference Point (IRP) | SA WG5 | Rel-15 | PEE_CMON | Approved | Approved |
15E.8 | SP-180079 | WID REVISED | Approval | Revised WID on Control and monitoring of Power, Energy and Environmental (PEE) parameters in Radio Access Networks (RAN | SA WG5 | Rel-15 | PEE_CMON | Approved | Approved |
15E.9 | - | - | - | (QOED) - Management of QoE measurement collection | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
15E.10 | - | - | - | (OAM_SON_AAS) - Self-Organizing Networks (SON) for Active Antenna System (AAS) deployment management | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
15F | - | - | - | SA WG6-related Work Items | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
15F.1 | - | - | - | (enhMCPTT) - Enhancements for functional architecture and information flows for MCPTT | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
15F.1 | SP-180149 | CR PACK | Approval | Rel-15 CR to TS 23.280 for enhMCPTT, eMCData, eMCVideo | SA WG6 | This CR PACK was block approved | Approved | ||
15F.1 | SP-180150 | CR PACK | Approval | Rel-15 CR to TS 23.379 for enhMCPTT | SA WG6 | This CR PACK was block approved | Approved | ||
15F.2 | - | - | - | (eMCData) - Enhancements to Functional architecture and information flows for Mission Critical Data | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
15F.2 | SP-180151 | CR PACK | Approval | Rel-15 CR to TS 23.282 for eMCData | SA WG6 | This CR PACK was block approved | Approved | ||
15F.3 | - | - | - | (MBMS_MCservices) - MBMS usage for mission critical communication services | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
15F.3 | SP-180153 | CR PACK | Approval | Rel-15 CR to TS 23.280 for MBMS_MCservices | SA WG6 | This CR PACK was block approved | Approved | ||
15F.4 | - | - | - | (MCSMI) - MC system migration and interconnection | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
15F.4 | SP-180154 | CR PACK | Approval | Rel-15 CRs to TS 23.280, TS 23.281, TS 23.379 for MCSMI | SA WG6 | This CR PACK was block approved | Approved | ||
15F.5 | - | - | - | (MCCI) - Mission Critical Communication Interworking between LTE and non-LTE Systems | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
15F.5 | SP-180155 | CR PACK | Approval | Rel-15 CRs to TS 23.379, TS 23.282 for MCCI | SA WG6 | This CR PACK was block approved | Approved | ||
15F.5 | SP-180159 | DRAFT TS | Approval | Presentation of TS 23.283 v2.0.0 for approval: Mission Critical Communication Interworking with Land Mobile Radio Systems; Stage 2 (Release 15) | SA WG6 | Rel-15 | MCCI | Approved | Approved |
15F.6 | - | - | - | (eMCVideo) - Enhancements to Functional architecture and information flows for Mission Critical Video | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
15F.6 | SP-180152 | CR PACK | Approval | Rel-15 CR to TS 23.281 for eMCVideo | SA WG6 | This CR PACK was block approved | Approved | ||
15F.7 | - | - | - | (MONASTERY) - Stage 2 of MONASTERY | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
15F.8 | - | - | - | (CAPIF) - Stage 2 of CAPIF | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
15F.8 | SP-180156 | CR PACK | Approval | Rel-15 CRs to TS 23.222 for CAPIF | SA WG6 | This CR PACK was block approved | Approved | ||
15G | - | - | - | Other Work Items and Documents | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
15G.1 | - | - | - | (TEI15) - TEI Rel-15 | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
15G.1 | SP-180179 | CR | Approval | 21.905 CR0116R3: Addition of 5G in the definition of 3GPP system | KPN, Telecom Italia, BT | Rel-15 | TEI15 | This CR was approved. | Approved |
15G.1 | SP-180133 | CR PACK | Approval | Stage 1 CRs on TEI15 | SA WG1 | This CR PACK was block approved | Approved | ||
15G.1 | SP-180113 | CR PACK | Approval | 5 CRs to 23.002, 23.401 (TEI15, Rel-15) | SA WG2 | 23.002 CR0303; 23.401 CR3378R1; 23.401 CR3381R2; 23.401 CR3392R2 were approved. 23.401 CR3388R5 was postponed | Partially approved | ||
15G.1 | SP-180047 | CR PACK | Approval | Rel-15 CRs on TEI | SA WG3 | Rel-15 | TEI15 | This CR PACK was block approved | Approved |
15G.1 | SP-180026 | CR PACK | Approval | CR to TS 26.247 on Clarifications on QoE Reporting (Release 15) (TEI15) | SA WG4 | This CR PACK was block approved | Approved | ||
15G.1 | SP-180066 | CR PACK | Approval | Rel-15 CRs on TEI (TEI15) | SA WG5 | Rel-15 | TEI15 | This CR PACK was block approved | Approved |
15G.1 | SP-180158 | CR PACK | Approval | Rel-15 CR to TR 23.379 for TEI15 | SA WG6 | This CR PACK was block approved | Approved | ||
15G.2 | - | - | - | Any other Rel-15 Documents | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
15G.2 | SP-180114 | CR PACK | Approval | 1 CR to 23.285 (LTE_eV2X-Core, Rel-15) | SA WG2 | This CR PACK was block approved | Approved | ||
15G.2 | SP-180068 | CR PACK | Approval | Rel-15 CRs on Charging of ProSe_WLAN_DD (ProSe_WLAN_DD-CH) | SA WG5 | Rel-15 | ProSe_WLAN_DD-CH | This CR PACK was block approved | Approved |
16 | - | - | - | Documents related to Release 16 Features | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
16A | - | - | - | SA WG1-related Work Items | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
16A.1 | - | - | - | (MONASTERY2) - Mobile Communication System for Railways 2 | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
16A.1 | SP-180134 | CR PACK | Approval | Stage 1 CRs on MONASTERY2 | SA WG1 | This CR PACK was block approved | Approved | ||
16A.2 | - | - | - | (ePWS) - Enhancements of Public Warning System | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
16A.2 | SP-180135 | CR PACK | Approval | Stage 1 CRs on ePWS | SA WG1 | This CR PACK was block approved | Approved | ||
16A.3 | - | - | - | (5GVSC) - 5G Voice Service Continuity | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
16B | - | - | - | SA WG2-related Work Items | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
16C | - | - | - | SA WG3- and SA WG3 LI-related Work Items | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
16D | - | - | - | SA WG4-related Work Items | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
16D.1 | - | - | - | (IVAS_Codec) - EVS Codec Extension for Immersive Voice and Audio Services | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
16E | - | - | - | SA WG5-related Work Items | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
16F | - | - | - | SA WG6-related Work Items | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
16G | - | - | - | Other Work Items and Documents | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
16G.1 | - | - | - | (TEI16) - TEI Rel-16 | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
16G.1 | SP-180142 | CR PACK | Approval | Stage 1 CRs on TEI16 | SA WG1 | This CR PACK was block approved | Approved | ||
16G.2 | - | - | - | Any other Rel-16 Documents | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
17 | - | - | - | Documents related to Study Items | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
17A | - | - | - | SA WG1 Studies | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
17A.1 | - | - | - | (FS_FRMCS2) - Study on Future Railway Mobile Communication System2 | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
17A.1 | SP-180143 | CR Pack | Approval | Stage 1 CRs on FS_FRMCS2 | SA WG1 | This CR Pack was block approved | Approved | ||
17A.2 | - | - | - | (FS_MARCOM) - Study on Maritime Communication Services over 3GPP System | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
17A.3 | - | - | - | (FS_eLESTR) - Study on Enhancement of LTE for Efficient delivery of Streaming Service | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
17A.3 | SP-180165 | DRAFT TR | Approval | TR 22.833 on FS_eLESTR for one step approval | SA WG1 | Rel-16 | FS_eLESTR | Approved | Approved |
17A.4 | - | - | - | (FS_CAV) - Study on Communication for Automation in Vertical Domains | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
17A.5 | - | - | - | (FS_5GLAN) - Study on LAN Support in 5G | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
17A.5 | SP-180166 | DRAFT TR | Approval | TR 22.821 v.2.0.0 on FS_5GLAN | SA WG1 | Rel-16 | FS_5GLAN | Approved | Approved |
17A.6 | - | - | - | (FS_5G_HYPOS) - Study on positioning use cases | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
17A.6 | SP-180167 | DRAFT TR | Information | TR 22.872 v.1.0.0 on FS_5G_HYPOS | SA WG1 | Rel-16 | FS_5G_HYPOS | Noted | Noted |
17A.7 | - | - | - | (FS_5GSAT) - Study on using Satellite Access in 5G | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
17A.8 | - | - | - | (FS_enIMS) - Study on enhancements to IMS for new real time communication services | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
17A.8 | SP-180168 | DRAFT TR | Approval | TR 22.823 v.2.0.0 on FS_enIMS | SA WG1 | Rel-16 | FS_enIMS | Approved | Approved |
17A.9 | - | - | - | (FS_5GMSG) - Study on 5G message service for MIoT | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
17A.10 | - | - | - | (FS_BMNS) - Study on Business Role Models for Network Slicing | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
17A.10 | SP-180169 | WID REVISED | Approval | Updated WID on FS_BMNS | SA WG1 | Rel-16 | FS_BMNS | Approved | Approved |
17A.11 | - | - | - | (FS_LUCIA) - Study on a Layer for User Centric Identifiers and Authentication | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
17A.11 | SP-180170 | DRAFT TR | Information | TR 22.904 on FS_LUCIA | SA WG1 | Rel-15 | FS_LUCIA | Noted | Noted |
17A.12 | - | - | - | (FS_MPS2) - Study on Multimedia Priority Service (MPS) Phase 2 | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
17B | - | - | - | SA WG2 Studies | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
17B.1 | - | - | - | (FS_ESTUN) - Study on Enhancing Topology of SMF and UPF in 5G Networks | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
17B.2 | - | - | - | (FS_LTE_LIGHT_CON) - Study on Stage 2 of core network aspects of signaling reduction to enable light connection for LTE | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
17B.3 | - | - | - | (FS_5WWC) - Study on the Wireless and Wireline Convergence for the 5G system architecture | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
17B.3 | SP-180115 | SID REVISED | Approval | Revised SID: Study on the Wireless and Wireline Convergence for the 5G system architecture | SA WG2 | Rel-16 | FS_5WWC | Approved | Approved |
17B.4 | - | - | - | (FS_eNA) - Study of enablers for Network Automation for 5G | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
17B.5 | - | - | - | (FS_ATSSS) - Study on Access Traffic Steering, Switch and Splitting support in the 5G system architecture | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
17B.6 | - | - | - | (FS_ENTRADE) - Study on encrypted traffic detection and verification | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
17B.7 | - | - | - | (FS_PARLOS_SA2) - Study on System enhancements for Provision of Access to Restricted Local Operator Services by Unauthenticated UEs | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
17B.7 | SP-180116 | SID REVISED | Approval | Revised SID: Study on System enhancements for Provision of Access to Restricted Local Operator Services by Unauthenticated UEs | SA WG2 | Rel-15 | FS_PARLOS_SA2 | Approved | Approved |
17B.8 | - | - | - | (FS_eV2XARC) - Study on architecture enhancements for 3GPP support of advanced V2X services | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
17B.9 | - | - | - | (FS_CIoT_5G) - Study on Cellular IoT support and evolution for the 5G System | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
17B.10 | - | - | - | (FS_eIMS5G) - Study on Enhanced IMS to 5GC Integration | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
17B.11 | - | - | - | (FS_eLCS) - Study on Enhancement to the 5GC Location Services | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
17B.12 | - | - | - | (FS_LLC_Mob) - Study on EPC support for Mobility with Low Latency Communication | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
17C | - | - | - | SA WG3 and SA WG3 LI Studies | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
17C.1 | - | - | - | (FS_LTKUP) - Study on Long Term Key Update Procedures | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
17C.2 | - | - | - | (FS_V2XLTE_ARC) - Study on security aspects for LTE support of V2X services | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
17C.3 | - | - | - | (FS_MC_Sec) - Study on Mission Critical Enhancements | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
17C.3 | SP-180050 | CR PACK | Approval | Rel-15 CRs on Study on MC Security Enhancements (FS_MC_Sec) | SA WG3 | Rel-15 | FS_MC_Sec | This CR PACK was block approved | Approved |
17C.4 | - | - | - | (FS_REAR_Sec) - Study on security aspects of enhancements to ProSe UE-to-Network Relay | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
17C.4 | SP-180055 | DRAFT TR | Approval | TR 33.843 Study on security architecture enhancements to Proximity Services (ProSe) User Equipment (UE)-to-network relay | SA WG3 | Rel-15 | FS_REAR_Sec | Approved | Approved |
17C.5 | - | - | - | (FS_256_Algo) - Study on supporting 256-bit algorithms for 5G | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
17C.6 | - | - | - | (FS_15LIS) - Study on R15 Lawful Interception Service | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
17C.7 | - | - | - | (FS_ NETSLICE-MGT _Sec) - Study on security aspect of 5G Network Slicing Provisioning | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
17D | - | - | - | SA WG4 Studies | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
17D.1 | - | - | - | (FS_E2E_DELAY) - Study on Media Handling Aspects of RAN Delay Budget Reporting in MTSI | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
17D.2 | - | - | - | (FS_mV2X) - Study on V2X Media Handling and Interaction | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
17D.3 | - | - | - | (FS_5GMedia_Distribution) - Study on 5G enhanced Mobile Broadband Media Distribution | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
17D.3 | SP-180027 | DRAFT TR | Information | Draft TR 26.891 5G enhanced mobile broadband; Media distribution (Release 15) v. 1.0.0 (FS_5GMedia_Distribution) | SA WG4 | Rel-15 | FS_5GMedia_Distribution | Noted | Noted |
17D.4 | - | - | - | (FS_5G_MEDIA_MTSI) - Study on Media Handling Aspects of Conversational Services in 5G Systems | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
17D.5 | - | - | - | (FS_MBMS_IoT) - Study on MBMS User Services for IoT | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
17D.6 | - | - | - | (FS_FEC_MCS) - Study on FEC for MC Services | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
17D.6 | SP-180028 | DRAFT TR | Approval | Draft TR 26.881 Study on Forward Error Correction (FEC) for Mission Critical Services (Release 15) v. 2.0.0 (FS_FEC_MCS) | SA WG4 | Rel-15 | FS_FEC_MCS | Approved | Approved |
17D.7 | - | - | - | (FS_QoE_VR) - Study on QoE metrics for VR | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
17D.8 | - | - | - | (FS_eVoLP) - S4 aspects of FS_eVoLP | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
17D.9 | - | - | - | (FS_EVS_FCNBE) - Study on EVS Float Conformance Non Bit-Exact | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
17D.10 | - | - | - | (FS_BASOP) - Study on Update to fixed-point basic operators | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
17D.10 | SP-180029 | DRAFT TR | Approval | Draft TR 26.973 Update to fixed-point basic operators (Release 15) v. 2.0.0 (FS_BASOP) | SA WG4 | Rel-15 | FS_BASOP | Approved | Approved |
17E | - | - | - | SA WG5 Studies | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
17E.1 | - | - | - | (FS_ONAPDCAE) - Study on integration of ONAP DCAE and 3GPP management architecture | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
17E.1 | SP-180017 | LS In | Information | LS from SA WG5: LS to ONAP - New study on integration of ONAP DCAE and 3GPP management architecture | SA WG5 (S5-181520) | Rel-15 | FS_ONAPDCAE | Noted | Noted |
17E.2 | - | - | - | (FS_OAM_IOT) - Study on Management aspects of selected IoT-related features | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
17E.2 | SP-180075 | DRAFT TR | Approval | TR 32.857 TR 32.857 Study on management aspects of selected IoT-related features | SA WG5 | Rel-15 | FS_OAM_IOT | Approved | Approved |
17E.3 | - | - | - | (FS_OAM_LWI) - Study on OAM aspects of LTE and WLAN integration | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
17E.3 | SP-180074 | DRAFT TR | Information | TR 32.868 Study on Operations, Administration and Maintenance (OAM) aspects of Long Term Evolution (LTE) and Wireless LAN (WLAN) integration | SA WG5 | Rel-15 | FS_OAM_LWI | Noted | Noted |
17E.4 | - | - | - | (FS_NETPOL) - Study on network policy management for mobile networks based on NFV | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
17E.5 | - | - | - | (FS_VBCLTE) - Study on Volume Based Charging Aspects for VoLTE | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
17E.6 | - | - | - | (FS_EE_5G) - Study on system and functional aspects of Energy Efficiency in 5G networks | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
17F | - | - | - | SA WG6 Studies | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
17F.1 | - | - | - | (FS_V2XAPP) - Study on application layer support for V2X services | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
17F.2 | - | - | - | (FS_MBMSAPI_MC) - Study on MBMS APIs for Mission Critical Services | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
17F.2 | SP-180160 | Draft TR | Information | Presentation of TR 23.792 v1.0.0 for information: Study on MBMS APIs for Mission Critical Services (Release 15) | SA WG6 | Rel-15 | FS_MBMSAPI_MC | Noted | Noted |
17F.2 | SP-180164 | SID REVISED | Approval | Revised SID on MBMS APIs for Mission Critical Services | SA WG6 | Rel-16 | FS_MBMSAPI_MC | Revised to SP-180237. | Revised |
17F.2 | SP-180237 | SID REVISED | Approval | Revised SID on MBMS APIs for Mission Critical Services | SA WG6 | Rel-16 | FS_MBMSAPI_MC | Revision of SP-180164. Approved | Approved |
17G | - | - | - | Other Studies | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
17G.1 | - | - | - | Other Ongoing or Completed Study Items, or documents related to study items | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
17G.1 | SP-180030 | CR PACK | Approval | CR to TS 26.918 on Corrections to subjective listening tests (Release 15) (FS_VR) | SA WG4 | This CR PACK was block approved | Approved | ||
17G.1 | SP-180157 | CR PACK | Approval | Rel-15 CR to TR 23.722 for FS_CAPIF | SA WG6 | This CR PACK was block approved | Approved | ||
17G.2 | - | - | - | (FS_MBMSAPI_MC) - Study on MBMS APIs for Mission Critical Services | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
18 | - | - | - | Proposed New WIDs (not part of an existing feature) | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
18 | SP-180137 | WID NEW | Approval | New WID on enIMS (enhancements to IMS for new real time communication services) | SA WG1 | Approved | Approved | ||
18 | SP-180138 | WID NEW | Approval | New WID on SMARTER_Ph2 (New Services and Markets Technology Enablers - Phase 2) | SA WG1 | Approved | Approved | ||
18 | SP-180140 | CR PACK | Approval | Stage 1 CRs on SMARTER_Ph2 | SA WG1 | This CR PACK was block approved | Approved | ||
18 | SP-180141 | WID NEW | Approval | New WID on QoS_MON (QoS Monitoring) | SA WG1 | Approved | Approved | ||
18 | SP-180051 | CR PACK | Approval | Rel-15 CRs on Security for MONASTERY | SA WG3 | Rel-15 | DUMMY | This CR PACK was block approved | Approved |
18 | SP-180052 | WID NEW | Approval | New Work Item on Security Architecture for the Mobile Communication System for Railways (MONASTERY) | SA WG3 | Approved | Approved | ||
18 | SP-180054 | WID NEW | Approval | New Work Item on Security Assurance Specification for 5G | SA WG3 | Revised to SP-180229. | Revised | ||
18 | SP-180229 | WID NEW | Approval | New Work Item on Security Assurance Specification for 5G | SA WG3 | Revision of SP-180054. Revised to SP-180238. | Revised | ||
18 | SP-180238 | WID NEW | Approval | New Work Item on Security Assurance Specification for 5G | SA WG3 | Revision of SP-180229. Approved | Approved | ||
18 | SP-180031 | WID NEW | Approval | New WID on Usage of CAPIF for xMB API (CAPIF4xMB) | SA WG4 | Approved | Approved | ||
18 | SP-180032 | WID NEW | Approval | New WID on FEC and ROHC Activation for GCSE over MBMS (FRASE) | SA WG4 | Revised to SP-180206. | Revised | ||
18 | SP-180206 | WID NEW | Approval | New WID on FEC and ROHC Activation for GCSE over MBMS (FRASE) | SA WG4 Chairman | Revision of SP-180032.. Approved | Approved | ||
18 | SP-180033 | WID NEW | Approval | New WID on Media Handling Aspects of 5G Conversational Services (5G_MTSI_Codecs) | SA WG4 | Approved | Approved | ||
18 | SP-180076 | WID NEW | Approval | New WID on Forward compatibility for 3GPP Diameter Charging Applications | SA WG5 | Approved | Approved | ||
18 | SP-180077 | WID NEW | Approval | New WID on Diameter Overload Control Mechanisms for Charging | SA WG5 | Approved | Approved | ||
18 | SP-180078 | WID NEW | Approval | New WID on Charging aspects of WLAN access in EPC | SA WG5 | Approved | Approved | ||
18 | SP-180161 | WID NEW | Approval | New WID on enhancements for Common API Framework for 3GPP Northbound APIs | SA WG6 | Approved | Approved | ||
19 | - | - | - | Proposed New Study Items (SI WIDs) | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
19 | SP-180171 | SID NEW | Approval | New WID on FS_V2XIMP (Study on Improvement of V2X Service Handling) | SA WG1 | Revised to SP-180230. | Revised | ||
19 | SP-180230 | SID NEW | Approval | New WID on FS_V2XIMP (Study on Improvement of V2X Service Handling) | SA WG1 | Revision of SP-180171. Revised off-line SP-180247. | Revised | ||
19 | SP-180247 | SID NEW | Approval | New WID on FS_V2XIMP (Study on Improvement of V2X Service Handling) | SA WG1 | Revision of SP-180230.. Approved | Approved | ||
19 | SP-180172 | SID NEW | Approval | New WID on FS_ID_UAS (Remote Identification of Unmanned Aerial Systems) | SA WG1 | Approved | Approved | ||
19 | SP-180173 | SID NEW | Approval | New WID on FS_EPCO (Study on Extended Provision of Connectivity Opportunities) | SA WG1 | Noted | Noted | ||
19 | SP-180117 | SID NEW | Approval | New SID: Study on enhancements to the Service-Based 5G System Architecture | SA WG2 | Revised to SP-180231. | Revised | ||
19 | SP-180231 | SID NEW | Approval | New SID: Study on enhancements to the Service-Based 5G System Architecture | SA WG2 | Revision of SP-180117. Approved | Approved | ||
19 | SP-180118 | SID NEW | Approval | New SID: Study on enhancement of URLLC supporting in 5GC | SA WG2 | Approved | Approved | ||
19 | SP-180119 | SID NEW | Approval | New SID: Study on enhancement of systems using EPS for Ultra Reliability using commodity equipment | SA WG2 | Approved | Approved | ||
19 | SP-180121 | SID NEW | Approval | New SID: Study on Enhancement of Network Slicing | SA WG2 | Approved | Approved | ||
19 | SP-180122 | SID NEW | Approval | New SID: Study on Application Awareness Interworking between LTE and NR | SA WG2 | Approved | Approved | ||
19 | SP-180162 | SID NEW | Approval | New SID on application architecture for the Future Railway Mobile Communication System (FRMCS) Phase 2 | SA WG6 | Approved | Approved | ||
19 | SP-180163 | SID NEW | Approval | New SID on MC services access aspects | SA WG6 | Approved | Approved | ||
20 | - | - | - | Project Management | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
20.1 | - | - | - | Review of the work plan | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
20.1 | SP-180220 | WORK PLAN | Presentation | Work Plan Review at TSG SA#79 | MCC Work Plan Manager | Noted | Noted | ||
20.2 | - | - | - | Release contents and planning discussions | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
20.2 | SP-180181 | DRAFT TR | Approval | TR 21.914 v.2.0.0 on Summary of 3GPP Release 14 | MCC Work Plan Manager | Rel-14 | TEI14 | Approved | Approved |
20.2 | SP-180182 | DRAFT TR | Information | TR 21.915 v.0.0.0 on Summary of 3GPP Release 15 | MCC Work Plan Manager | Rel-15 | TEI15 | LATE DOC: Rx 19/03, 13:30. Noted | Noted |
20.3 | - | - | - | Specification Status | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
20.3 | SP-180039 | DRAFT TS | Information | Draft spec for information: 21.205 - Technical Specifications and Technical Reports for a 5G based 3GPP system | MCC | Rel-15 | 5GS_Ph1 | Noted | Noted |
20.4 | - | - | - | Work Item Summaries | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
20.4 | SP-180037 | WI SUMMARY | Endorsement | Summary of work item 'Enhanced QoE Reporting for MTSI' | Ericsson LM | Rel-15 | EQoE_MTSI | This WI SUMMARY was block endorsed | Endorsed |
20.4 | SP-180185 | WI SUMMARY | Endorsement | Summary for Rel-15 ProSe_WLAN_DD work item: Inclusion of WLAN direct discovery technologies as an alternative for ProSe direct discovery | Intel (ProSe_WLAN_DD_Stage 2 Rapporteur) | Rel-15 | ProSe_WLAN_DD | Revised to SP-180227. | Revised |
20.4 | SP-180227 | WI SUMMARY | Endorsement | Summary for Rel-15 ProSe_WLAN_DD work item: Inclusion of WLAN direct discovery technologies as an alternative for ProSe direct discovery | Intel (ProSe_WLAN_DD_Stage 2 Rapporteur) | Rel-15 | ProSe_WLAN_DD | Revision of SP-180185. This WI Summary was endorsed. | Endorsed |
21 | - | - | - | Project Support | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
21.1 | - | - | - | Improvements to working methods | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
21.1 | SP-180041 | OTHER | Approval | Exception Sheet Renewal | 3GPP TSG SA Chairman (Samsung) | Revised to SP-180194. | Revised | ||
21.1 | SP-180194 | OTHER | Approval | Exception Sheet Renewal | 3GPP TSG SA Chairman (Samsung) | Revision of SP-180041. LATE DOC: Rx 20/03, 12:30. Approved | Approved | ||
21.1 | SP-180127 | DISCUSSION | Endorsement | References to web pages and Creative Commons materials | TSG SA Chairman | LATE DOC: Rx 23/03, 10:15. This should be checked with ETSI legal. This was then endorsed. | Endorsed | ||
21.1 | SP-180180 | OTHER | Approval | Editorial modifications of the WID template | MCC Work Plan Manager | Noted | Noted | ||
21.2 | - | - | - | MCC Status Report | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
21.2 | SP-180038 | REPORT | Information | Support Team report | Director, MCC | Noted | Noted | ||
22 | - | - | - | Future meeting schedule | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
23 | - | - | - | Any Other Business | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
24 | - | - | - | Close of Meeting | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
99 | - | - | - | WITHDRAWN ITEMS | - | - | {Erik} | - | - |
99 | SP-180057 | REPORT | Presentation | SA WG2 report to TSG SA | SA WG2 Chairmaan (Huawei) | WITHDRAWN | Withdrawn |
Created: 2018-03-27 15:30 END OF LIST
Total documents: 248