Last Allocated Document: SP-140173

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Created: 2014-03-12 12:37     START OF LIST

Agenda TD LongTitle Source Summary Doc_Type Doc_For Decision Rev_By Rev_Of LS_Source_file Comment
2 SP-140001 Draft agenda for TSG SA meeting #63 TSG SA Chairman Draft agenda for TSG SA meeting #63 Agenda Approval Revised SP-140135 Revised in SP-140135
4.1 SP-140002 Draft Report of TSG SA meeting #62 TSG SA Secretary Draft Report of TSG SA meeting #62 containing revision marks of changes on the distributed draft. Report Approval Approved This Report was approved
7.4 SP-140003 SA WG4 Status Report at TSG SA#63 SA WG4 Chairman SA WG4 chairman's report to TSG SA#63 Report Presentation Noted This Report was noted
9 SP-140004 CRs to TS 26.346 on 'Correction for fdtGroupId (PMA-MBS_Ext)' (Release 9 to Release 12) SA WG4 26.346 CR0356R2; 26.346 CR0357R2; 26.346 CR0358R2; 26.346 CR0359R2 CR Pack Approval Approved This CR Pack was approved
10 SP-140005 CRs to TS 26.346 on 'Correction to MBMS Protocol Stack (MBS_Enh)' (Release 10 and Release 11) SA WG4 26.346 CR0353R1; 26.346 CR0354R2 CR Pack Approval Approved This CR Pack was approved
10 SP-140006 CRs to TS 26.233 and TS 26.247 on ' HTTP-based Streaming and Download Services (HTTP_SDS)' (Release 10 to Release 12) SA WG4 26.233 CR0011; 26.233 CR0012; 26.247 CR0051R1; 26.247 CR0052R1; 26.247 CR0053R1 CR Pack Approval Approved This CR Pack was approved
12.4 SP-140007 Revised WID on 'EVS_codec - Codec for Enhanced Voice Services' (EVS_codec) SA WG4 Objective The overall objective of this work item is to develop a codec suitable for the Enhanced Voice Service in the EPS. The following objectives should be achieved with the new codec: - Enhanced quality an [...]. WID Approval Revised SP-140151 This was revised to add the TS numbers in SP-140151
12.39 SP-140008 CR to TS 26.114 on 'IANA Registration Information for RTP Header Extensions (CVO)' (Release 12) SA WG4 26.114 CR0273 CR Pack Approval Approved This CR Pack was approved
12.40 SP-140009 CRs to TS 26.114, TS 26.140, TS 26.234, TS 26.244, TS 26.247 and TS 26.346 on 'HEVC Support (HEVC)' (Release 12) SA WG4 26.114 CR0276R1; 26.140 CR0018; 26.234 CR0218R1; 26.244 CR0052R2; 26.247 CR0055R1; 26.346 CR0365R1 CR Pack Approval Approved This CR Pack was approved
12.41 SP-140010 TR 26.827 IMS-based Streaming and Download Delivery Enhancements (IMS_SDE) (Release 12), v. 2.0.0 SA WG4 Abstract of document: At SA#58, the Release 12 Work Item on IMS-based Streaming and Download Delivery Enhancements (IMS_SDE) was agreed. The objectives of this work item include - Identify use cases and recomm [...]. TR Approval Approved This TR was approved and placed under Change control
12.44 SP-140011 TR 26.848 Enhanced MBMS Operation (MI-EMO) (Release 12), v. 1.0.0 SA WG4 Abstract of document: At SA#59, the Release 12 Work Item on MBMS Improvement MBMS Enhancement Operation (MI-EMO) was agreed. The objectives of this work item include - Improve MBMS OTA efficiency (e.g. by obje [...]. TR Information Noted This TR was noted. Companies are invited to review thisTR and send comments to SA WG4
12.44 SP-140012 TR 26.849 MBMS operation on Demand (MooD) (Release 12), v. 1.0.0 SA WG4 Abstract of document: The objective of the Rel-12 MI-MooD (MBMS Improvements - MBMS operation on Demand) Work Item is to specify in TS 26.346 (MBMS Protocols and Codecs) the required functionality to enable on- [...]. TR Information Noted This TR was noted. Companies are invited to review thisTR and send comments to SA WG4
12.44 SP-140013 CRs to TS 26.247 and TS 26.346 on 'Enhanced MBMS Operation (MI-EMO)' (Release 12) SA WG4 26.247 CR0054R1; 26.346 CR0336R6; 26.346 CR0346R5; 26.346 CR0355R1; 26.346 CR0360; 26.346 CR0361R1; 26.346 CR0362R1 CR Pack Approval Approved This CR Pack was approved
12.45 SP-140014 CR to TS 26.114 on 'Fixed-mobile interworking (E2EMTSI-S4)' (Release 12) SA WG4 26.114 CR0275R1 CR Pack Approval Approved This CR Pack was approved
12.46 SP-140015 CR to TS 26.141 on 'Video Coding Enhancements in IMS Messaging and Presence (VCEIMP)' (Release 12) SA WG4 26.141 CR0007R1 CR Pack Approval Approved This CR Pack was approved
12.51 SP-140016 CRs to TS 26.346 on 'Technical Enhancements and Improvements for Release 12 (TEI12)' (Release 12) SA WG4 26.346 CR0363R1; 26.346 CR0364R1 CR Pack Approval Approved This CR Pack was approved
7.3 SP-140017 SA WG3 Status Report SA WG3 Chairman SA WG3 chairman's report to TSG SA#63 REPORT Presentation Noted This REPORT was noted
12.22 SP-140018 TR 33.868 Security aspects of Machine-Type Communications (MTC) SA WG3 Abstract of document: The present document studies the security aspects of security architecture enhancements to facilitate Machine-Type and other mobile data applications Communications enhancements (MTCe). In [...]. TR Approval Approved This TR was approved and placed under Change control
12.22 SP-140019 TS 33.187 Machine-Type (MTC) and other Mobile Data Applications Communications Enhancements SA WG3 Abstract of document: The present document specifies the security architecture enhancements (i.e., enhancements to the security features and the security mechanisms) to facilitate Machine-Type and other mobile [...]. TS Approval Approved This TS was approved and placed under Change control
12.47 SP-140020 Release 12 CRs on Lawful Interception (LI12) SA WG3 33.106 CR0132; 33.107 CR0138; 33.107 CR0139; 33.107 CR0140; 33.107 CR0141; 33.108 CR0222 CR Pack Approval Approved This CR Pack was approved
9 SP-140021 Release 9 CRs on 128 bit encryption for GSM and GPRS (A5/4-GEA4) SA WG3 33.102 CR0258R1; 33.102 CR0259R1; 33.102 CR0260R1; 33.102 CR0261R1; 43.020 CR0031R1; 43.020 CR0032R1; 43.020 CR0033R1; 43.020 CR0034R1 CR Pack Approval Revised SP-140130 Revised in SP-140130
12.38 SP-140022 Release 12 CR on Tunnelling of UE Services over Restrictive Access Networks (Stage 2/3) (TURAN) SA WG3 33.203 CR0205R2 CR Pack Approval Approved This CR Pack was approved
12.33 SP-140023 Release 12 CR for IMS media plane security extensions (eMEDIASEC) SA WG3 33.328 CR0058R1 CR Pack Approval Approved This CR Pack was approved
12.51 SP-140024 Release 12 CR on TEI (TEI12) SA WG3 33.402 CR0117R1 CR Pack Approval Approved This CR Pack was approved
7.5 SP-140025 SA WG5 Status Report SA WG5 Chairman SA WG5 chairman's report to TSG SA#63 Report Presentation Noted This Report was noted
12.49 SP-140026 New WID Radio Planning Tool interface (OAM-RPT) SA WG5 Objective: The objective is to standardize the interface between a RPT and the applications using the site and antenna data held by the RPT. Focus is on the standardisation of the data (semantics and syntax) to [...]. WID Approval Approved This WID was approved
12.48 SP-140027 Revised WID Short Message Service - Service Center (SMS-SC) Offline Charging SA WG5 Objective: Objective of this work item is to specify Offline Charging for the Short Message Service (SMS) from the SMS-SC, for Mobile Originated , and Mobile Terminated Short Message service, Application Origin [...]. WID Approval Approved This WID was approved
12.49 SP-140028 Revised WID on Enhanced Network Management (NM) centralized Coverage and Capacity Optimization SA WG5 Objective: To study comprises how the NM centralized CCO function should be enhanced by recommending use cases, the required (potentially new) UE and network-based measurements for an NM centralized CCO functio [...]. WID Approval Approved This WID was approved
9 SP-140029 Rel-9 CRs on OAM Maintenance and small Enhancements (OAM9) SA WG5 32.423 CR0077R1; 32.423 CR0078R1; 32.423 CR0079R1 CR Pack Approval Approved This CR Pack was approved
10 SP-140030 Rel-10 CRs on OAM Maintenance and small Enhancements (OAM10) SA WG5 32.762 CR0101; 32.766 CR0060R1; 32.766 CR0061 CR Pack Approval Approved This CR Pack was approved
11.33 SP-140031 Rel-11 CRs on OAM Maintenance and small Enhancements (OAM11) SA WG5 28.702 CR0002R1; 28.703 CR0001R1; 32.422 CR0261R1; 32.422 CR0262R1; 32.423 CR0082R1; 32.762 CR0102R2; 32.766 CR0062R1 CR Pack Approval Approved This CR Pack was approved
12.49 SP-140032 Rel-12 CR on OAM Maintenance and small Enhancements (OAM12) SA WG5 32.300 CR0016 CR Pack Approval Approved This CR Pack was approved
8.5 SP-140033 Rel-8 CRs on Charging Management (CH8) SA WG5 32.298 CR0430; 32.298 CR0436R1; 32.298 CR0437R1; 32.298 CR0438R1; 32.298 CR0439R1; 32.298 CR0440R1; 32.299 CR0571R1; 32.299 CR0572R1; 32.299 CR0573; 32.299 CR0574R1; 32.299 CR0575R1; 32.299 CR0577; 32.299 CR057 [...]. CR Pack Approval Approved This CR Pack was approved
11.32 SP-140034 Rel-11 CRs on Charging Management (CH11) SA WG5 32.251 CR0342R1; 32.251 CR0343R1; 32.298 CR0427R1; 32.298 CR0428R1 CR Pack Approval Approved This CR Pack was approved
12.48 SP-140035 Rel-12 CR on Charging Management (CH12) SA WG5 32.260 CR0243R1 CR Pack Approval Approved This CR Pack was approved
12.30 SP-140036 Rel-12 CRs on Charging for Application Based Charging (ABC) SA WG5 32.251 CR0340R1; 32.251 CR0359; 32.251 CR0360 CR Pack Approval Approved This CR Pack was approved
12.48 SP-140037 Rel-12 CRs on Charging for IMS centralized service (ICS) control (Stage 2/3) (CHICS) SA WG5 32.250 CR0038R2; 32.298 CR0442R1 CR Pack Approval Approved This CR Pack was approved
12.48 SP-140038 Rel-12 CR on Charging per IP - Connectivity Access Network (IP-CAN) Session (Stage 2/3) (CHIPS) SA WG5 32.251 CR0351R1 CR Pack Approval Approved This CR Pack was approved
12.20 SP-140039 Rel-12 CRs on Traffic Detection Function (TDF) based Charging for traffic from fixed terminals and NSWO traffic from 3GPP UEs in fixed broadband access networks (Stage 2/3)(P4C-F-CH_T) SA WG5 32.251 CR0341R1; 32.299 CR0569R1 CR Pack Approval Revised SP-140154 This was revised off-line in SP-140154
12.20 SP-140040 Rel-12 CRs on Policy and Charging Enforcement Function (PCEF) based Charging for traffic from fixed terminals and NSWO traffic from 3GPP UEs in fixed broadband access networks (P4C-F-CH_P) SA WG5 32.251 CR0354R1; 32.251 CR0355R1; 32.251 CR0356R1 CR Pack Approval Approved This CR Pack was approved
11.20 SP-140041 Rel-11 CR on Charging for Roaming Architecture for Voice over IMS with Local Breakout (RAVEL-CH) SA WG5 32.260 CR0242 CR Pack Approval Approved This CR Pack was approved
11.4 SP-140042 Rel-11 CRs on Charging of SIMTC (Stage 2/3) (SIMTC-CH) SA WG5 32.251 CR0352; 32.251 CR0353 CR Pack Approval Approved This CR Pack was approved
14.22 SP-140043 Rel-12 CR on Study on OAM aspects of Network Sharing (FS_OAM_SHARE) SA WG5 32.851 CR0003R1 CR Pack Approval Approved This CR Pack was approved
9 SP-140044 Rel-9 CRs on MBMS support in EPS (MBMS_EPS) SA WG5 32.251 CR0345R1; 32.251 CR0346R1; 32.251 CR0347R1; 32.251 CR0348R1 CR Pack Approval Approved This CR Pack was approved
12.48 SP-140045 Rel-12 CRs on Short Message Service - Service Center (SMS-SC) Offline Charging (SMS-SC-CH) SA WG5 32.274 CR0024R1; 32.274 CR0027; 32.274 CR0028R1; 32.297 CR0014; 32.298 CR0429; 32.299 CR0576R1 CR Pack Approval Approved This CR Pack was approved
17.1 SP-140046 3GPP Work Plan review at Plenary #63 MCC Work Plan Manager Presentation of the 3GPP Work Plan review at Plenary #63 WORK PLAN Presentation Revised SP-140173
17.1 SP-140047 3GPP_Carrier Aggregation for LTE MCC Work Plan Manager The main focus of the present document is on the 3GPP work items on Carrier Aggregation (CA) for LTE. OTHER Information Noted This contribution was noted
12.22 SP-140048 Standardization of Machine-type Communications MCC Work Plan Manager The main focus of the present document is on the M2M Communications work items in 3GPP and ETSI. OTHER Information Noted This contribution was noted
17.1 SP-140049 3GPP Public Safety (individual to/from authority) communications MCC Work Plan Manager The present document collects 3GPP work items for supporting Public Safety (individual-to-authority/authority-to-individual) communication, including eCall, PWS, ETWS, etc., so that police/fire-fighters/paramed [...]. OTHER Information Noted This contribution was noted
17.1 SP-140050 LTE for Public Safety (authority-to-authority) communications MCC Work Plan Manager The present document collects 3GPP work items to enhance LTE for supporting Public Safety (authority-to-authority) communications, so that police/fire-fighters/paramedics/ambulance and other services can use LT [...]. OTHER Information Noted This contribution was noted
17.1 SP-140051 3GPP Rel-12_description MCC Work Plan Manager The present document contains a high-level description of the 3GPP Release 12 Features. Its latest version is available at: OTHER Information Noted This contribution was noted
17.1 SP-140052 3GPP Rel-13_description MCC Work Plan Manager The present document contains a high-level description of the 3GPP Release 13 Features. Its latest version is available at: OTHER Information Noted This contribution was noted
12.22 SP-140053 Release 12 CR on Machine-Type and other mobile data applications Communications Enhancements (MTCe) SA WG3 23.682 CR0083 CR Pack Approval Approved This CR Pack was approved
20 SP-140054 Charity Park Run/Walk at TSGs #64 Running Friends of 3GPP Invitation to participate in a Charity Park Run/Walk at TSGs #64 OTHER Information Noted This contribution was noted
5.2 SP-140055 NFV: what is there for 3GPP? Qualcomm Proposal for 3GPP work: If potential architecture work is foreseen, start in rel.13 in SA WG1 in order to identify use cases Ensure SA WG1 completes before moving work to stage-2 groups Implementation methodolo [...]. OTHER Presentation Noted This contribution was noted
5.4 SP-140056 Considerations on RAN-WLAN Interworking Qualcomm With regards to the ongoing RAN WG2 Work Item on WLAN/3GPP Radio Interworking ([1]), and following the recent RAN WG2 progress ([2,3,4]), this document intends to summarize the main open points requiring some f [...]. OTHER Discussion Noted This contribution was noted
18.2 SP-140057 MCC status report Director of MCC Report of MCC Activities Report Presentation Noted This Report was noted
12.26 SP-140058 23.402 CR1226R3: Corrections for Initial attach and handover attach call flows for single-connection Huawei, Hisilicon, Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell, Broadcom Corporation 23.402 CR1226R3 CR Pack Approval Included in SP-140107 This was reviewed with the other issues raised in SP-140107 and included in the revision CR Pack.
5.4 SP-140059 Way Forward on WLAN Interworking Broadcom Corporation Broadcom view on the Way Forward on WLAN Interworking Way Forwar Presentation Noted This contribution was noted
15 SP-140060 Revised WID SP-130045 on Enhanced Network Management (NM) centralized Coverage and Capacity Optimization SA WG5 Objective: Based on the result of the study Rel-12 TR 32.836, specify potential new performance indicators, e.g. UE measurements and/or network measurements to be reported over Itf-N to support the NM centraliz [...]. WID Approval Approved This WID was approved
7.2 SP-140061 SA WG2 chairman's report to SA 63 SA WG2 Chairman SA WG2 chairman's report to TSG SA#63 REPORT Presentation Noted This REPORT was noted
7.2 SP-140062 SA-RAN Coordination, SA WG2 Considerations SA WG2 Chairman Work items that require input and coordination from working groups across TSG RAN and TSG SA could benefit from advance planning and earlier completion. OTHER Discussion Noted This contribution was noted
7.1 SP-140063 SA WG1 Report to TSG SA#63 SA WG1 Chairman SA WG1 chairman's report to TSG SA#63 REPORT Presentation Noted This REPORT was noted
12.51 SP-140064 Stage 1 CRs on TEI12 for Alignment with Stage 2/3 SA WG1 22.011 CR0200; 22.173 CR0092R1 CR Pack Approval Approved This CR Pack was approved
12.51 SP-140065 Stage 1 CRs on TEI12 for MMTEL voice/video and SMS 'prioritisation' SA WG1 22.011 CR0202; 22.011 CR0198R5 CR Pack Approval Approved This CR Pack was approved
13.2 SP-140066 Stage 1 CR on RAN Sharing Enhancements (RSE) SA WG1 22.101 CR0471R1 CR Pack Approval Approved This CR Pack was approved
13.1 SP-140067 TR 22.853 v.1.0.0 on Service Exposure and Enablement Support (SEES) SA WG1 Abstract of document: TR 22.853 contains use cases and identifies potential requirements for network information and functionality that the 3GPP network could exposed to 3rd party applications. The goal is to a [...]. TR Information Noted This TR was noted. Companies are invited to review thisTR and send comments to SA WG1
15 SP-140068 New WID on Enhancements to WebRTC interoperability (eWebRTCi) SA WG1 Objective: The objective of this work item is to specify service requirements to enhance interoperability with WebRTC clients in the following areas: 1. Requirements and use cases originally included for Rel-1 [...]. WID Approval Noted Proposed update in SP-140138. This was therefore noted.
15 SP-140069 New WID on Isolated E-UTRAN Operation for Public Safety (IOPS) SA WG1 Objective: The SA WG1 objective is to specify service requirements for: - Initiation of an Isolated E-UTRAN for Public Safety use. o Management of a lost backhaul by an eNB. o Detection and creation of an Isola [...]. WID Approval Revised SP-140152
14.16 SP-140070 TR 22.806 v.1.0.0 on Application specific Congestion control for Data Communication (FS_ACDC) SA WG1 Abstract of document: This document provides the feasibility study for Application specific Congestion control for Data Communication (ACDC). ACDC investigates use cases and potential requirements to allow/rest [...]. TR Information Noted This TR was noted. Companies are invited to review thisTR and send comments to SA WG1
14.5 SP-140071 TR 22.897 v.1.0.0 on Isolated E-UTRAN Operation for Public Safety (FS_IOPS) SA WG1 Abstract of document: The document is the feasibility study for Isolated E-UTRAN Operation for Public Safety (IOPS) with use cases, potential requirements, conclusion and recommendations. In mission critical ne [...]. TR Information Noted This TR was noted. Companies are invited to review thisTR and send comments to SA WG1
14.7 SP-140072 TR 22.828 v.1.0.0 on Co-ordinated P-GW change for SIPTO (FS_CSIPTO) SA WG1 Abstract of document: This document is the feasibility study for Co-ordinated PGW Change for Selected IP Offload (CSIPTO), with use cases and potential requirements. This TR considers use cases and identifies p [...]. TR Information Noted This TR was noted. Companies are invited to review thisTR and send comments to SA WG1
16 SP-140073 New WID on RAN Sharing Enhancements on GERAN and UTRAN (FS_GUSH) SA WG1 Objective: The objective of this work item is to study possible requirements for the enhanced sharing of RAN resources in a secure way on GERAN and UTRAN. It will base these on the requirements already produced [...]. WID Approval Approved This Study WID was approved
16 SP-140074 New WID on Service aspects for dealing with User Control over spoofed calls (FS_UC_SPOOF) SA WG1 Objective: This study aims to examine the use cases and identify potential requirements for handling voice calls where caller information is identified as being unauthenticated or the caller is not authorized t [...]. WID Approval Approved This WID was approved
5.4 SP-140075 System Impacts of WLAN 3GPP Radio Interworking BlackBerry UK Ltd. During RAN WG2#85, RAN WG2 discussed and assessed the CN and system impacts of the UTRA_LTE_WLAN_interw work item and sent a liaison statement to RAN and SA WG2 based on their agreements [1]. This document prov [...]. OTHER Discussion Noted This contribution was noted
7.6 SP-140076 LS from RAN ITU-R Ad-hoc: 3GPP internal LS on the schedule toward Rev. 2 of Rec. ITU-R M.2012 'Detailed specifications of the terrestrial radio interfaces of International Mobile Telecommunications-Advanced (IMT-Advanced)' RAN ITU-R Ad-hoc At the Plenaries in December 3GPP received the following Liaison Statement from ITU-R WP5D 'Liaison statement to External Organizations on the schedule for updating Recommendation ITU-R M.2012 to Revision 2'. T [...]. LS In Action Forward to the PCG for endorsement RT-140003 It was agreed to forward this to the PCG for endorsement.
6 SP-140077 LS from ETSI E2NA: Reply LS on Transfer of ETSI TS 182 025 ETSI E2NA E2NA thanks CT WG1 for their liaison C1-135211 kindly asking ETSI E2NA to transfer ETSI TS 182 025 to CT WG1. E2NA agrees to this request, alsoproposing to transfer the responsibility of all documents related t [...]. LS In Information Response in SP-140171 E2NA(14)000019 A response LS was drafted to ETSI E2NA in SP-140146. Final response in SP-140171
14.13 SP-140078 LS from ETSI EE: Update on the liaison to 3GPP on Cooperation for Energy Efficiency Measurements ETSI EE Dear all, following the liaison from TSG SA WG5 on 'Cooperation for Energy Efficiency Measurements' (reference: S2-122600) and the joint meeting held in Sophia Antipolis on May 29, 2013 a constant update on th [...]. LS In Information Noted EE(14)000051 This incoming LS was noted
6 SP-140079 LS from IMTC: LS/r on the reference table of ITU-T Recommendations to be tested for conformity/interoperability, parameters and available test suites IMTC IMTC would like to thank ITU-T for recognizing IMTC as a testing organization for H.323 interoperability in the reference table of ITU-T Recommendations to be tested for conformance and interoperability (COM11- [...]. LS In Information Noted ITUtLiaison-CITreferenceTable Related inputs were reviewed and this was then noted.
6 SP-140080 LS from OMA Board: A Communiqué to 3GPP regarding Public Safety and the OMA Push to Talk over Cellular (POC) enabler. OMA Board OMA's members have identified several areas where OMA enablers may contribute to specific services requirements in the Public Safety domain. Members of Governmental agencies from several countries who are charg [...]. LS In Information Withdrawn OMA-BOARD-2013-0205R02 This LS was previously handled at TSG SA#62 in SP-130709 and was withdrawn
12.31 SP-140081 LS from CT WG1: LS on Reply LS on Transfer of ETSI TS 182 025 CT WG1 CT WG1 proposes to transfer the documents listed in the attached LS (E2NA(14)000019 / C1-140370) to 3GPP. CT WG1 believes the appropriate alloction is to allocate TS 181 019 to SA WG1 and the remainder of the l [...]. LS In Action Noted C1-140651 This incoming LS was noted
12.13 SP-140082 LS from RAN WG1: Reply LS on ProSe Out of Coverage discovery RAN WG1 RAN WG1 kindly asks RAN plenary to reply to SA WG2 on behalf of RAN WG1. LS In Information Noted R1-140950 This incoming LS was noted
5.3 SP-140083 LS from RAN WG2: Reply LS on system aspects for Small Cell Enhancement work in RAN RAN WG2 RAN WG2 would like to thank SA WG2 for the LS on system aspects for Small Cell Enhancement work in RAN. RAN WG2 has discussed the issues raised in the LS, and has the following response: 1. Is any extra informa [...]. LS In Information Noted R2-140999 This incoming LS was noted
5.3 SP-140084 LS from RAN WG3: Reply LS on system aspects for Small Cell Enhancement work in RAN RAN WG3 RAN WG3 would like to thank SA WG2 for the LS on system aspects for Small Cell Enhancement work in RAN and would like to provide answers to the questions raised and provide comments on the working assumptions p [...]. LS In Information Noted R3-140486 This incoming LS was noted
13.4 SP-140085 LS from SA WG1: LS on Mission Critical Push To Talk over LTE SA WG1 SA WG1 would like to thank TIA for their TIA-4973.201 Requirements for Mission Critical PTT and Related Supplementary Services, Rev R15 specification. As normative work on TSG SA WG1 Mission Critical Push To T [...]. LS In Information Noted S1-140149 This incoming LS was noted
12.13 SP-140086 LS from SA WG2: Reply LS on ProSe Lawful Interception SA WG2 SA WG2 thanks RAN for the LS S2-130049/RP-132107. SA WG2 would like to provide to the following answer to the question from RAN: [RAN question]: TSG RAN respectfully asks SA WG3-LI, SA WG3 and SA WG2 to pro [...]. LS In Information Noted S2-140494 This incoming LS was noted
5.3 SP-140087 LS from SA WG2: LS on system aspects for Small Cell Enhancement work in RAN SA WG2 SA WG2 would like to thank SA for the LS on Response to: LS on Small Cell Enhancement work in RAN from SA. SA WG2 analysed the system aspects for Small Cell Enhancement work and came to the following working a [...]. LS In Information Noted S2-140537 This incoming LS was noted
6 SP-140088 Maintenance of I-WLAN specifications Broadcom Corporation As explained in LS S2-140554 / SP-140089, 3GPP has specified two methods for co-ordinated WLAN access. I-WLAN stage 2 is in 3GPP TS 23.234, and stage 2 for WLAN Interworking is 3GPP TS 23.402. TSG RAN is workin [...]. Discussion Discussion Noted Related to LS in SP-140089. After some discussion, this was noted and a response LS to SA WG2 drafted in SP-140149.
6 SP-140089 LS from SA WG2: LS on Maintenance of I-WLAN Solution SA WG2 SA WG2 believes that it may be possible to stop maintaining the I-WLAN solution for the following reasons: 1. The ANDSF-based solution that was recently specified in Rel-12 (as part of the WLAN_NS WID) provides [...]. LS In Action Response in SP-140149 S2-140554 Related discussion paper in SP-140088. A response LS was approved in SP-140149
12.13 SP-140090 LS from SA WG2: LS on ProSe Out of Coverage discovery SA WG2 TSG SA#62 reconfirmed the guidance to SA WG2 as per SP 130506 where it is requested that work on discovery out of network coverage as well as discovery in network coverage shall be undertaken in the scope of Re [...]. LS In Information Noted S2-140560 It had been agreed that ProSe Out of Coverage discovery will not be addressed in Rel-12. It was further agreed that SA WG2 should not remove existing text until Rel-12 freeze. This LS was noted.
5.3 SP-140091 LS from SA WG3: Response to SP-130720: Reply LS on Small Cell Enhancement work in RAN SA WG3 SA WG3 thanks SA for the reply LS on small cell enhancements work in RAN. As requested by SA, SA WG3 would like to provide the following summary of potential security impacts that result from solutions 1A and 3 [...]. LS In Action Noted S3-140210 This incoming LS was noted
6 SP-140092 LS from ITU-T Study Group 12: LS/o on End-to-End QoS at ITU ITU-T Study Group 12 During the meeting of Study Group 12 we reviewed carefully Contribution C-150 'QoS issue in the last ITU-T CTO meeting' which was brought to our attention by KT Corp. Study Group 12 is very active in the area o [...]. LS In Information Noted COM 12 - LS 46 This was reviewed and related LSs considered. This was then noted.
13.4 SP-140093 LS from TIA TR-8.8: LS on Mission Critical Push To Talk over LTE TIA TR-8.8 The TIA TR-8.8 Broadband Data Committee is pleased to receive the subject document from TSG SA. TR-8.8 has been recently working on project TIA-PN-4973.201 for Mission Critical Push-To-Talk Requirements. This p [...]. LS In Information Noted TR88-14-001 This incoming LS was noted
6 SP-140094 LS from WBA: Liaison Statement to 3GPP on Forum´s alignment WBA In the past year, the WBA has been working in conjunction with 3GPP to align certain guidelines. In an attempt to remain aligned on these topics, the WBA will be adopting a Forum Alignment Process. This proces [...]. LS In Information Noted WBA-LiasionStatement to 3GPP on Forums Alignment This incoming LS was noted
5.2 SP-140095 Discussion on NFV Relationship to 3GPP NEC NEC Discussion on NFV Relationship to 3GPP Presentation Discussion Noted This contribution was noted
12.26 SP-140096 LS from SA WG2: LS to SA WG3 on WLCP security aspects SA WG2 SA WG2 has selected UDP/IP as the transport solution for the SaMOG WLCP protocol (see CR in S2-140464). SA WG2 would like to ask SA WG3 to analyse the security aspects of WLCP. LS In Information Noted S2-140550 This incoming LS was noted
9 SP-140097 3 CRs to 23.167 on IMS_EMER_GPRS_EPS (Rel-9, Rel-10, Rel-11) SA WG2 23.167 CR0257R1; 23.167 CR0258R1; 23.167 CR0259R1 CR Pack Approval Approved This CR Pack was approved
10 SP-140098 8 CRs to 23.167, 23.272, 23.401 on TEI10 (Rel-10, Rel-11, Rel-12) SA WG2 23.167 CR0260; 23.167 CR0261; 23.272 CR0916R2; 23.272 CR0917R2; 23.272 CR0918R2; 23.401 CR2642; 23.401 CR2643; 23.401 CR2644 CR Pack Approval Approved This CR Pack was approved
11.10 SP-140099 2 CRs to 23.203 on SAPP (Rel-11, Rel-12) SA WG2 23.203 CR0867R2; 23.203 CR0868R1 CR Pack Approval Approved This CR Pack was approved
11.35 SP-140100 6 CRs to 23.060, 23.292 on TEI11 (Rel-11, Rel-12) SA WG2 23.060 CR1831R1; 23.060 CR1832R1; 23.292 CR0202R2; 23.292 CR0203R2; 23.292 CR0204R1; 23.292 CR0205R1 CR Pack Approval Approved TS 23.060 CRs: Linked CRs to TS 24.008 (CR 2504, CR 2505) were postponed at TSG CT. This CR Pack was approved
12.2 SP-140101 2 CRs to 23.002, 23.228 on IMS_WebRTC (Rel-12) SA WG2 23.002 CR0272R2; 23.228 CR1058R6 CR Pack Approval Approved This CR Pack was approved
12.14 SP-140102 1 CR to 23.246 on GCSE_LTE (Rel-12) SA WG2 23.246 CR0277R1 CR Pack Approval Approved This CR Pack was approved
12.20 SP-140103 1 CR to 23.203 on P4C-F (Rel-12) SA WG2 23.203 CR0865R1 CR Pack Approval Approved This CR Pack was approved
12.22 SP-140104 4 CRs to 23.060, 23.401, 23.682 on MTCe_UEPCOP (Rel-12) SA WG2 23.060 CR1835R3; 23.060 CR1840R1; 23.401 CR2638R3; 23.682 CR0079R3 CR Pack Approval Approved This CR Pack was approved
12.23 SP-140105 4 CRs to 23.402 on WLAN_NS (Rel-12) SA WG2 23.402 CR1224R2; 23.402 CR1236R2; 23.402 CR1238R2; 23.402 CR1228R1 CR Pack Approval Approved This CR Pack was approved
12.25 SP-140106 6 CRs to 23.060, 23.203, 23.401 on CNO_ULI (Rel-12) SA WG2 23.060 CR1833R1; 23.060 CR1834R2; 23.203 CR0864R2; 23.203 CR0875R2; 23.401 CR2635R2; 23.401 CR2637R2 CR Pack Approval Approved This CR Pack was approved
12.26 SP-140107 6 CRs to 23.402 on eSaMOG (Rel-12) SA WG2 23.402 CR1226R2; 23.402 CR1227; 23.402 CR1231R2; 23.402 CR1237R5; 23.402 CR1239R1; 23.402 CR1241R2 CR Pack Approval Revised SP-140155 Proposed revision of 23.401 CR1226 in SP-140058. Pack revised in SP-140155
12.27 SP-140108 2 CRs to 23.060, 23.401 on WORM (Rel-12) SA WG2 23.060 CR1829R3; 23.401 CR2636R2 CR Pack Approval Approved This CR Pack was approved
12.28 SP-140109 3 CRs to 23.228, 23.402 on NetLoc_TWAN (Rel-12) SA WG2 23.228 CR1064; 23.402 CR1223R3; 23.402 CR1242R2 CR Pack Approval Approved This CR Pack was approved
12.30 SP-140110 2 CRs to 23.203 on ABC (Rel-12) SA WG2 23.203 CR0866R1; 23.203 CR0869R2 CR Pack Approval Approved This CR Pack was approved
12.51 SP-140111 7 CRs to 23.060, 23.228, 23.237, 23.272, 23.401, 23.402 on TEI12 (Rel-12) SA WG2 23.060 CR1837R1; 23.228 CR1062R1; 23.237 CR0469; 23.272 CR0919; 23.401 CR2634R2; 23.401 CR2641R2; 23.402 CR1230R3 CR Pack Approval Approved This CR Pack was approved
12.52 SP-140112 1 CR to 23.002 on HTTP_SDS (Rel-12) SA WG2 23.002 CR0271R2 CR Pack Approval Approved This CR Pack was approved
12.14 SP-140113 Updated WID: GCSE_LTE WID updates with TS number and title SA WG2 Objective: The SA WG1 objective is to specify the system enablers' Stage 1 service requirements to the 3GPP system to support group communication over LTE for critical communications such as Public Safety. The [...]. WID Approval Approved This WID was approved
12.17 SP-140114 Updated WID: 'User plane congestion management requirements (UPCON)' SA WG2 Objective: The SA WG1 objective is to specify normative stage 1 enhancements based on the requirements derived from the scenarios and use cases developed in FS_UPCON. These use cases addressed situations where [...]. WID Approval Revised SP-140153
15 SP-140115 New WID on improvements to CS/PS coordination in UTRAN/GERAN Shared (CSPS_Coord) SA WG2 Objective The objective is to investigate all use cases for CS/PS coordination for non-supporting UEs. This includes also shared networks not having support for supporting UEs i.e. networks not broadcasting mul [...]. WID Approval Revised SP-140168
12.13 SP-140116 TR 23.703 version 2.0.0: 'Study on architecture enhancements to support Proximity-based Services (ProSe) (Release 12)' for Approval SA WG2 Abstract of document: TR 23.703 contains the Stage-2 study and evaluation of possible 3GPP technical system solutions for architectural enhancements needed to support Proximity-based Services (ProSe) based on t [...]. TR Approval Approved This TR was approved and placed under Change control
12.14 SP-140117 TR 23.768 version 2.0.0: 'Study on architecture enhancements to support Group Communication System Enablers for LTE (GCSE_LTE) (Release 12)' for Approval SA WG2 Abstract of document: TR 23.768 contains the Stage-2 study and the results of the study and evaluation of possible solutions for architectural enhancements to support Group Communication System Enablers for LTE [...]. TR Approval Approved This TR was approved and placed under Change control
12.14 SP-140118 TS 23.468 version 1.0.0: 'Group Communication System Enablers for LTE (GCSE_LTE); Stage 2 (Release 12)' for Approval SA WG2 Abstract of document: TS 23.468 contain the stage 2 specification for architectural enhancements to support Group Communication System Enablers for LTE (GCSE_LTE). The Stage 1 requirements for GCSE_LTE are defi [...]. TS Approval Approved This TS was approved and placed under Change control
12.13 SP-140119 TS 23.303 version 1.0.0: 'Architecture enhancements to support proximity services (ProSe)' for Approval SA WG2 Abstract of document: TS 23.303 contains the Stage-2 specification for architectural enhancements needed to support Proximity-based Services (ProSe) based on the relevant Stage 1 requirements as defined in TS 2 [...]. TS Approval Approved This TS was approved and placed under Change control
5.2 SP-140120 NFV/SDN Impacts to 3gpp Intel Intel view on NFV/SDN Impacts to 3gpp OTHER Discussion Noted This contribution was noted
6 SP-140121 LS from ITU-R WP5D: LIAISON STATEMENT TO EXTERNAL ORGANIZATIONS ARCHITECTURE AND TOPOLOGY OF IMT NETWORKS ITU-R WP5D Working Party 5D (WP 5D) wishes to inform the relevant External Organizations that it is commencing development of a working document toward a preliminary draft new Report ITU R M.[IMT.ARCH], 'Architecture and [...]. LS In Action Noted 347Rev2e_LS_EOs The proposed actions to handle this request were endorsed and the LS was noted.
5.2 SP-140122 Considerations on NFV standardization China Mobile NFV: A new and strong drive for telecommunication evolution Discussion Presentation Noted This contribution was noted
5.2 SP-140123 NFV impacts on 3GPP Alcatel-Lucent Alcatel-Lucent view on NFV impacts on 3GPP Discussion Presentation Noted This contribution was noted
5.2 SP-140124 NFV in 3GPP Huawei, Hisilicon Huawei, Hisilicon view on NFV in 3GPP Discussion Presentation Noted This contribution was noted
7.7 SP-140125 Status report of TSG CT#63 TSG CT Chairman TSG CT Status Report to TSG SA#63 Report Presentation Revised SP-140134
7.7 SP-140126 Draft meeting report of TSG CT#63 TSG CT Secretary Draft report of TSG CT meeting #63 Report Information Noted This Report was noted
7.7 SP-140127 IETF Status report TSG CT Chairman IETF dependencies Status report Report Presentation Noted This Report was noted
7.5 SP-140128 Nomination for Convenor of the Multi-SDO Steering Committee SA WG5 Chairman - OTHER Discussion Endorsed The proposals contained in the contribution was endorsed for transmission
5.2 SP-140129 3GPP and NFV Cisco Cisco position on 3GPP and NFV Discussion Presentation Noted This contribution was noted
9 SP-140130 Release 9 CRs on 128 bit encryption for GSM and GPRS (A5/4-GEA4) SA WG3 33.102 CR0258R1; 33.102 CR0259R1; 33.102 CR0260R1; 33.102 CR0261R1; 43.020 CR0031R1; 43.020 CR0032R1; 43.020 CR0033R2; 43.020 CR0034R1 CR Pack Approval Approved SP-140021 This CR Pack was approved
6 SP-140131 LS from TSG CT: LS on Transfer of ETSI business trunking specifications TSG CT TSG CT kindly informs TSG SA that TSG CT approved the attached WID to transfer the following ETSI business trunking specifications to 3GPP: - TS 181 019 (Requirements) - TS 182 023 (Architectural scenarios) - T [...]. LS In Action Endorsed CP-140187 Endorsed. Response LS was drafted to ETSI E2NA in SP-140146. The WID was updated in SP-140148.
6 SP-140132 LS from TSG CT: Comments from CT on LS from ITU on 'Architecture and Topology of IMT Networks' (CP-140175) TSG CT TSG CT has received an LS (CP-140175) from ITU Working Party 5D which informed 3GPP that they are developing a new Report ITU R M.[IMT.ARCH] on 'Architecture and Topology of IMT Networks'. As part of this docu [...]. LS In Action Noted CP-140198 The RAN proposal and deadlines were endorsed. The TSG CT proposals in this LS were endorsed.
5.4 SP-140133 LS from RAN WG2: LS on CN impacts of RAN WG2 solutions for WLAN/3GPP radio interworking RAN WG2 RAN WG2 have started the work on the WLAN/3GPP Radio Interworking WI approved by the RAN#62 plenary in RAN WG2#85 meeting in Prague. During this meeting RAN WG2 have made the following agreements which may have [...]. LS In Information Noted R2-141026 / RP-140399 Forwarded to Joint session by TSG RAN This incoming LS was noted
7.7 SP-140134 Status report of TSG CT#63 TSG CT Chairman TSG CT Status Report to TSG SA#63 Report Presentation Revised SP-140139 SP-140125
2 SP-140135 Draft agenda for TSG SA meeting #63 TSG SA Chairman Draft agenda for TSG SA meeting #63 Agenda Approval Approved SP-140001 The agenda included a time plan for the meeting. The agenda was approved.
5.2 SP-140136 LS from ETSI NFV: Reply LS on Management of Virtualised Network ETSI NFV ETSI ISG NFV thanks TSG SA WG5 for their Liaison Statement on Management of Virtualised Network. ETSI ISG NFV also looks forward to close co-operation with SA WG5 on matters of mutual importance. We would there [...]. LS In Information Response in SP-140160 - Reply to SP-130685. The presentations on this topic were reviewed and it was decided to send a LS to ETSI NFV to provide the conclusions of the discussions. Response LS drafted in SP-140144 . Final response in SP-140160.
7.8 SP-140137 TSG GERAN Status Report to TSG SA#63 TSG GERAN Vice Chairman TSG GERAN Status Report to TSG SA#63 Report Presentation Noted This Report was noted
15 SP-140138 Proposed new WID for enhancements to support webRTC interworking Alcatel-Lucent Objective: The objective of this work item is to specify service requirements to enhance interoperability with WebRTC IMS clients in the following areas: 1. Requirements and use cases originally included for R [...]. WID Approval Revised SP-140166 Proposed update to SP-140068
7.7 SP-140139 Status report of TSG CT#63 TSG CT Chairman TSG CT Status Report to TSG SA#63 Report Presentation Revised SP-140165 SP-140134
13.4 SP-140140 LS from OMA: LS to TSG SA on MCPTT requirements OMA Overview: The OMA COM is pleased to receive the TD SP-130727, LS on Mission Critical Push To Talk over LTE, document from TSG SA and SA WG1. OMA COM is currently working on the Push-to-Communicate for Public Sa [...]. LS In Information Noted - Response to SP-130727. This incoming LS was noted
5.4 SP-140141 WID on WLAN Interworking TSG SA (Alcatel-Lucent) - WID Approval Revised SP-140163
5.4 SP-140142 Exception sheet for new WID on WLAN Interworking TSG SA (Alcatel-Lucent) - Exception Sheet Approval Revised SP-140159 Wrong document uploaded. Revised in SP-140159
5.4 SP-140143 Time management for new WID on WLAN interworking SA WG2 Chairman A decision is sought on how SA WG2 will complete their part of WLAN/3GPP Radio Interworking specification. OTHER Discussion Revised SP-140164
5.2 SP-140144 LS on 3GPP activities on Network Functions Virtualisation TSG SA To: ETSI ISG NFV LS OUT Approval Revised SP-140156 - Response to SP-140136
7.6 SP-140145 LS from TSG RAN: Letter to ITU on Update submission for LTE-Advanced toward Rev. 2 of Rec. ITU-R M.2012 TSG RAN For 3GPP review: in: TSG SA feedback LS before: March 7, 2014 to: 3GPP PCG Note: You can add further lines like the one above, if necessary. 3GPP group> might be a WG, TSG, PCG or 3GPP ITU-R ad hoc. Formerl [...]. LS In Action Forward to the PCG for endorsement RP-140479 It was agreed to forward this to the PCG for endorsement.
6 SP-140146 Response LS on Transfer of ETSI business trunking specifications TSG SA To: ETSI NTECH. CC: TSG CT, TSG CT WG1, TSG SA WG1, ETSI E2NA LS OUT Approval Revised SP-140171 - Revised in SP-140171
5.2 SP-140147 Slides on NFV agreements TSG SA Chairman - OTHER Endorsement Revised SP-140158 The slides were reviewed and a number of clarifications and updates proposed. The slides were revised according to agreements in SP-140158
6 SP-140148 Updated TSG CT WID: Transfer of ETSI business trunking specifications TSG SA Objective: To create versions of the defined business trunking documents in the current release and address any issues of incompatibility with the current feature set of 3GPP IMS (need features added since rele [...]. WID Approval Revised SP-140170
6 SP-140149 Reply LS on Maintenance of I-WLAN Solution TSG SA To: SA WG2, TSG CT, SA WG1, SA WG3, SA WG5, CT WG1, CT WG4, CT WG6 LS OUT Approval Approved - This outgoing LS was approved
6 SP-140150 LS on contact persons and maintenance of 3GPP TS 29.234 TSG SA To: Wireless Broadband Alliance, GSMA, IEEE. CC: CT WG4 LS OUT Approval Approved - This outgoing LS was approved
12.4 SP-140151 Revised WID on 'EVS_codec - Codec for Enhanced Voice Services' (EVS_codec) SA WG4 Objective The overall objective of this work item is to develop a codec suitable for the Enhanced Voice Service in the EPS. The following objectives should be achieved with the new codec: - Enhanced quality an [...]. WID Approval Approved SP-140007 This WID was approved
15 SP-140152 New WID on Isolated E-UTRAN Operation for Public Safety (IOPS) SA WG1 Objective: The SA WG1 objective is to specify service requirements for: - Initiation of an Isolated E-UTRAN for Public Safety use. o Management of a lost backhaul by an eNB. o Detection and creation of an Isola [...]. WID Approval Revised SP-140167 SP-140069 AT&T, T-Mobile USA and Telefonica asked to be added to the supporting companies. Revised in SP-140167
12.17 SP-140153 Updated WID: 'User plane congestion management requirements (UPCON)' SA WG2 Objective: The SA WG1 objective is to specify normative stage 1 enhancements based on the requirements derived from the scenarios and use cases developed in FS_UPCON. These use cases addressed situations where [...]. WID Approval Approved SP-140114 This WID was approved
12.20 SP-140154 Rel-12 CRs on Traffic Detection Function (TDF) based Charging for traffic from fixed terminals and NSWO traffic from 3GPP UEs in fixed broadband access networks (Stage 2/3)(P4C-F-CH_T) SA WG5 32.251 CR0341R2; 32.299 CR0569R2 CR Pack Approval Approved SP-140039 This CR Pack was approved
12.26 SP-140155 6 CRs to 23.402 on eSaMOG (Rel-12) SA WG2 23.402 CR1226R3; 23.402 CR1227; 23.402 CR1231R2; 23.402 CR1237R6; 23.402 CR1239R1; 23.402 CR1241R3 CR Pack Approval Approved SP-140107 This CR Pack was approved
5.2 SP-140156 LS on 3GPP activities on Network Functions Virtualisation TSG SA To: ETSI ISG NFV LS OUT Approval Revised SP-140160 SP-140144 - A number of comments and clarifications were made and this was revised accordingly in SP-140160
19 SP-140157 Evaluation and next steps on one-week plenaries Deutsche Telekom, Telefonica, Orange TSG #63 was the first trial to convene the TSG Plenaries in one week with the agreed set-up to facilitate cross TSG coordination and joint sessions for TSG RAN and TSG SA. Action: It is expected that the above [...]. OTHER Discussion Noted This contribution was noted
5.2 SP-140158 Slides on NFV agreements TSG SA Chairman - OTHER Endorsement Endorsed SP-140147 Endorsed
5.4 SP-140159 Work Item Exception for UTRA_LTE_WLAN_interw-SA WG2 TSG SA SA#63 has agreed to task allow SA WG2 to work on the SA WG2 aspects of WLAN/3GPP Radio Interworking feature based on RAN WG2 agreed parent feature and based on currently achieved RAN WG2 agreements and identifi [...]. Exception Sheet Approval Revised SP-140172 SP-140142 Some editorial errors and corrections were made and this was revised in SP-140172
5.2 SP-140160 LS on 3GPP activities on Network Functions Virtualisation TSG SA To: ETSI ISG NFV LS OUT Approval Approved SP-140156 - This outgoing LS was approved
7.6 SP-140161 Status report of TSG RAN#63 TSG RAN Chairman TSG RAN Status Report to TSG SA#63 Report Presentation Noted This Report was noted
7.6 SP-140162 Draft meeting report of TSG RAN#63 TSG RAN Secretary Draft report of TSG RAN meeting #63 Report Information Noted This Report was noted
5.4 SP-140163 WID on WLAN Interworking TSG SA (Alcatel-Lucent) - WID Approval Revised SP-140169 SP-140141 Revised to remove revision marks in SP-140169
5.4 SP-140164 Time management for new WID on WLAN interworking SA WG2 Chairman A decision is sought on how SA WG2 will complete their part of WLAN/3GPP Radio Interworking specification. OTHER Discussion Endorsed SP-140143 This contribution was endorsed
7.7 SP-140165 Status report of TSG CT#63 TSG CT Chairman TSG CT Status Report to TSG SA#63 Report Presentation Noted SP-140139 This Report was noted
15 SP-140166 Proposed new WID for enhancements to support webRTC interworking Alcatel-Lucent Objective: The objective of this work item is to specify service requirements to enhance interoperability with WebRTC IMS clients in the following areas: 1. Requirements and use cases originally included for R [...]. WID Approval Approved SP-140138 This WID was approved
15 SP-140167 New WID on Isolated E-UTRAN Operation for Public Safety (IOPS) TSG SA Objective: The SA WG1 objective is to specify service requirements for: - Initiation of an Isolated E-UTRAN for Public Safety use. o Management of a lost backhaul by an eNB. o Detection and creation of an Isola [...]. WID Approval Approved SP-140152 This WID was approved
15 SP-140168 New WID on improvements to CS/PS coordination in UTRAN/GERAN Shared (CSPS_Coord) SA WG2 Objective The objective is to investigate all use cases for CS/PS coordination for non-supporting UEs. This includes also shared networks not having support for supporting UEs i.e. networks not broadcasting mul [...]. WID Approval Approved SP-140115 This WID was approved
5.4 SP-140169 WID on WLAN Interworking TSG SA (Alcatel-Lucent) - WID Approval Approved SP-140163 This WID was approved
6 SP-140170 Updated TSG CT WID: Transfer of ETSI business trunking specifications TSG SA Objective: To create versions of the defined business trunking documents in the current release and address any issues of incompatibility with the current feature set of 3GPP IMS (need features added since rele [...]. WID Approval Approved SP-140148 This WID was approved
6 SP-140171 Response LS on Transfer of ETSI business trunking specifications TSG SA To: ETSI NTECH. CC: TSG CT, TSG CT WG1, TSG SA WG1, ETSI E2NA. Attachment: SP-140170 LS OUT Approval Approved SP-140146 - This outgoing LS was approved
5.4 SP-140172 Work Item Exception for UTRA_LTE_WLAN_interw-SA WG2 TSG SA SA#63 has agreed to task allow SA WG2 to work on the SA WG2 aspects of WLAN/3GPP Radio Interworking feature based on RAN WG2 agreed parent feature and based on currently achieved RAN WG2 agreements and identifi [...]. Exception Sheet Approval Approved SP-140159 This Exception Sheet was approved
17.1 SP-140173 3GPP Work Plan review at Plenary #63 MCC Work Plan Manager Presentation of the 3GPP Work Plan review at Plenary #63 WORK PLAN Presentation Noted SP-140046 This contribution was noted

Created: 2014-03-12 12:37     END OF LIST

Last Allocated Document: SP-140173