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icon PHOTOS 2023/06/15 9:35
icon 3GPP 100th Meeting Opening.pdf 2023/06/12 0:50 2825,6 KB
icon DRAFT SP-230741 LS (to MSF) on 3GPP related Metaverse specifications and activities.docx 2023/06/15 0:54 33,3 KB
icon DraftSP-230xyz_RplyLS to GSMA 5GMRR.docx 2023/06/13 0:05 23,7 KB
icon Draftv2_SP-230740_ReplyLS to GSMA 5GMRR.docx 2023/06/13 8:18 26,5 KB
icon Draftv3_SP-230740_ReplyLS to GSMA 5GMRR.docx 2023/06/14 0:56 26,9 KB
icon Draftv4_SP-230740_ReplyLS to GSMA 5GMRR.docx 2023/06/15 0:41 27 KB
icon draft_SP-230760-Condensed list for Q3.pptx 2023/06/15 7:33 87,5 KB
icon SP-230758_DRAFT.pptx 2023/06/15 1:27 87 KB
icon Text-proposal on 5GMRR guidance to SA1.docx 2023/06/13 0:06 13,4 KB
icon Text-proposal-v2 on 5GMRR guidance to SA1.docx 2023/06/13 8:18 14,3 KB

11 items.