R1-220xxxx Draft summary on remaining physical layer issues of small data transmission_v000.docx
2022/05/09 8:49
153,9 KB
R1-220xxxx Draft summary on remaining physical layer issues of small data transmission_v001-Qualcomm.docx
2022/05/09 22:45
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R1-220xxxx Draft summary on remaining physical layer issues of small data transmission_v002-Qualcomm-NewH3C.docx
2022/05/10 3:18
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R1-220xxxx Draft summary on remaining physical layer issues of small data transmission_v003-NewH3C_Intel.docx
2022/05/10 3:48
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R1-220xxxx Draft summary on remaining physical layer issues of small data transmission_v004-Intel-SPRD.docx
2022/05/10 8:09
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R1-220xxxx Draft summary on remaining physical layer issues of small data transmission_v005_SPRD-vivo.docx
2022/05/10 12:46
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R1-220xxxx Draft summary on remaining physical layer issues of small data transmission_v006-vivo_SS.docx
2022/05/10 14:37
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R1-220xxxx Draft summary on remaining physical layer issues of small data transmission_v007-SS-Ericsson.docx
2022/05/11 7:23
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R1-220xxxx Draft summary on remaining physical layer issues of small data transmission_v008-Ericsson-Huawei.docx
2022/05/11 8:51
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R1-220xxxx Draft summary on remaining physical layer issues of small data transmission_v009_Huawei_Moderator.docx
2022/05/11 11:26
167,6 KB
R1-220xxxx Draft summary on remaining physical layer issues of small data transmission_v010_Moderator-vivo.docx
2022/05/11 14:42
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R1-220xxxx Draft summary on remaining physical layer issues of small data transmission_v011-vivo_Intel.docx
2022/05/11 21:18
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R1-220xxxx Draft summary on remaining physical layer issues of small data transmission_v012-Intel-Qualcomm.docx
2022/05/11 21:49
166,1 KB
R1-220xxxx Draft summary on remaining physical layer issues of small data transmission_v013-Qualcomm_SS.docx
2022/05/11 23:59
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R1-220xxxx Draft summary on remaining physical layer issues of small data transmission_v014_SS_Moderator.docx
2022/05/12 3:06
171,6 KB
R1-220xxxx Draft summary on remaining physical layer issues of small data transmission_v015_Moderator_NewH3C.docx
2022/05/12 6:01
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R1-220xxxx Draft summary on remaining physical layer issues of small data transmission_v016_NewH3C_Apple.docx
2022/05/12 8:00
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R1-220xxxx Draft summary on remaining physical layer issues of small data transmission_v017_Apple_SPRD.docx
2022/05/12 9:24
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R1-220xxxx Draft summary on remaining physical layer issues of small data transmission_v018_SPRD_Huawei.docx
2022/05/12 15:37
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R1-220xxxx Draft summary on remaining physical layer issues of small data transmission_v019_Huawei_Moderator.docx
2022/05/13 7:05
178,2 KB
R1-220xxxx Draft summary on remaining physical layer issues of small data transmission_v020_Moderator_Xiaomi.docx
2022/05/13 13:56
161,5 KB
R1-220xxxx Draft summary on remaining physical layer issues of small data transmission_v021_Xiaomi_Ericsson.docx
2022/05/13 19:52
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R1-220xxxx Draft summary on remaining physical layer issues of small data transmission_v022_Ericsson_Moderator.docx
2022/05/16 2:16
183,4 KB
R1-220xxxx Draft summary on remaining physical layer issues of small data transmission_v023_Moderator_Huawei.docx
2022/05/16 3:07
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R1-220xxxx Draft summary on remaining physical layer issues of small data transmission_v024_Huawei-vivo.docx
2022/05/16 4:15
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R1-220xxxx Draft summary on remaining physical layer issues of small data transmission_v025-vivo_Intel.docx
2022/05/16 16:24
178,7 KB
R1-220xxxx Draft summary on remaining physical layer issues of small data transmission_v026-Intel-Ericsson.docx
2022/05/16 22:32
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R1-220xxxx Draft summary on remaining physical layer issues of small data transmission_v027-Ericsson-Qualcomm.docx
2022/05/17 0:39
177,6 KB
R1-220xxxx Draft summary on remaining physical layer issues of small data transmission_v028-Qualcomm_SS.docx
2022/05/17 0:50
183,2 KB
R1-220xxxx Draft summary on remaining physical layer issues of small data transmission_v029-SS-SPRD.docx
2022/05/17 3:49
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R1-220xxxx Draft summary on remaining physical layer issues of small data transmission_v030-SPRD-Xiaomi.docx
2022/05/17 4:33
179,2 KB
R1-220xxxx Draft summary on remaining physical layer issues of small data transmission_v031_Xiaomi_Moderator.docx
2022/05/17 7:56
189,7 KB
R1-220xxxx Draft summary on remaining physical layer issues of small data transmission_v032_Moderator_SPRD.docx
2022/05/17 10:41
170,1 KB
R1-220xxxx Draft summary on remaining physical layer issues of small data transmission_v033_SPRD_SPRD2.docx
2022/05/17 11:09
167,7 KB
R1-220xxxx Draft summary on remaining physical layer issues of small data transmission_v034_SPRD2-vivo.docx
2022/05/17 12:53
170,3 KB
R1-220xxxx Draft summary on remaining physical layer issues of small data transmission_v035_vivo_SPRD.docx
2022/05/17 15:50
170,2 KB
R1-220xxxx Draft summary on remaining physical layer issues of small data transmission_v036_SPRD_Intel.docx
2022/05/17 18:32
183,9 KB
R1-220xxxx Draft summary on remaining physical layer issues of small data transmission_v037_Intel_Xiaomi.docx
2022/05/18 4:46
183,2 KB
R1-220xxxx Draft summary on remaining physical layer issues of small data transmission_v038_Xiaomi_Huawei.docx
2022/05/18 10:06
184,1 KB
R1-220xxxx Draft summary on remaining physical layer issues of small data transmission_v039_Huawei-Ericsson.docx
2022/05/18 11:42
192 KB
R1-220xxxx Draft summary on remaining physical layer issues of small data transmission_v040_Moderator.docx
2022/05/20 2:13
194,6 KB
R1-220xxxx [Draft] LS on CG period values for small data transmission_v01.docx
2022/05/12 11:54
31,2 KB
R1-220xxxx [Draft] LS on CG period values less than 5 ms for small data transmission_v00.docx
2022/05/12 3:01
30,4 KB