/ [107-e-NR-R17-CovEnh-05] - 1st round
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R1-211xxxx Feature lead summary #1 on support of Type A PUSCH repetitions for Msg3_v000_FL.docx
2021/11/11 9:01
699,6 KB
R1-211xxxx Feature lead summary #1 on support of Type A PUSCH repetitions for Msg3_v001_FL_Sharp.docx
2021/11/11 12:50
679,6 KB
R1-211xxxx Feature lead summary #1 on support of Type A PUSCH repetitions for Msg3_v002_Sharp_CATT.docx
2021/11/11 13:29
728,9 KB
R1-211xxxx Feature lead summary #1 on support of Type A PUSCH repetitions for Msg3_v003_CATT_Panasonic.docx
2021/11/11 14:18
698,3 KB
R1-211xxxx Feature lead summary #1 on support of Type A PUSCH repetitions for Msg3_v004_Panasonic_Nokia.docx
2021/11/11 15:25
704,5 KB
R1-211xxxx Feature lead summary #1 on support of Type A PUSCH repetitions for Msg3_v005_Nokia_Intel.docx
2021/11/11 17:44
701,7 KB
R1-211xxxx Feature lead summary #1 on support of Type A PUSCH repetitions for Msg3_v006_Intel_DCM.docx
2021/11/11 21:27
704,2 KB
R1-211xxxx Feature lead summary #1 on support of Type A PUSCH repetitions for Msg3_v007_DCM_Apple.docx
2021/11/11 22:27
705,9 KB
R1-211xxxx Feature lead summary #1 on support of Type A PUSCH repetitions for Msg3_v008_Apple_LG.docx
2021/11/11 22:37
703 KB
R1-211xxxx Feature lead summary #1 on support of Type A PUSCH repetitions for Msg3_v009_LG_OPPO.docx
2021/11/12 0:31
706,8 KB
R1-211xxxx Feature lead summary #1 on support of Type A PUSCH repetitions for Msg3_v010_OPPO_SS.docx
2021/11/12 1:08
763,4 KB
R1-211xxxx Feature lead summary #1 on support of Type A PUSCH repetitions for Msg3_v011_SS_WILUS.docx
2021/11/12 6:24
707,8 KB
R1-211xxxx Feature lead summary #1 on support of Type A PUSCH repetitions for Msg3_v012_WILUS_CTC.docx
2021/11/12 6:45
766,2 KB
R1-211xxxx Feature lead summary #1 on support of Type A PUSCH repetitions for Msg3_v013_CTC_Ericsson.docx
2021/11/12 7:01
712,4 KB
R1-211xxxx Feature lead summary #1 on support of Type A PUSCH repetitions for Msg3_v014_Ericsson-vivo.docx
2021/11/12 12:20
714,3 KB
R1-211xxxx Feature lead summary #1 on support of Type A PUSCH repetitions for Msg3_v014_Ericsson_ZTE.docx
2021/11/12 12:18
709,6 KB
R1-211xxxx Feature lead summary #1 on support of Type A PUSCH repetitions for Msg3_v016_ZTE_CMCC.docx
2021/11/12 13:07
684,5 KB
R1-211xxxx Feature lead summary #1 on support of Type A PUSCH repetitions for Msg3_v017_CMCC-vivo.docx
2021/11/12 13:47
692 KB
R1-211xxxx Feature lead summary #1 on support of Type A PUSCH repetitions for Msg3_v018_vivo_IDC.docx
2021/11/12 15:00
711,5 KB
R1-211xxxx Feature lead summary #1 on support of Type A PUSCH repetitions for Msg3_v019_IDC_QC.docx
2021/11/12 21:44
712,4 KB
R1-211xxxx Feature lead summary #1 on support of Type A PUSCH repetitions for Msg3_v020_QC_HW.docx
2021/11/12 22:40
718,5 KB
R1-211xxxx Feature lead summary #1 on support of Type A PUSCH repetitions for Msg3_v021_HW_FL.docx
2021/11/13 2:49
729,3 KB
22 items.