/ 104b-e-NR-NRU-02
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R1-210XXXX 37213CRdraft DL Type1 LBT.docx
2021/04/19 6:28
49,7 KB
R1-210XXXX 37213CRdraft multichannel UL LBT.docx
2021/04/19 6:28
50 KB
R1-210XXXX 38213CRdraft SR for LBT failure.docx
2021/04/19 6:28
80,4 KB
R1-210xxxx 7.2.2 FL summary 104bis-e-NR-NRU-02 ChAcc v000 Moderator.docx
2021/04/12 6:10
163,1 KB
R1-210xxxx 7.2.2 FL summary 104bis-e-NR-NRU-02 ChAcc v001 Nokia_Moderator.docx
2021/04/12 14:06
163,6 KB
R1-210xxxx 7.2.2 FL summary 104bis-e-NR-NRU-02 ChAcc v002 Nokia_Samsung.docx
2021/04/12 14:23
160,4 KB
R1-210xxxx 7.2.2 FL summary 104bis-e-NR-NRU-02 ChAcc v003 Samsung_Intel.docx
2021/04/12 15:19
163,1 KB
R1-210xxxx 7.2.2 FL summary 104bis-e-NR-NRU-02 ChAcc v004 Intel_Charter.docx
2021/04/12 16:53
162,3 KB
R1-210xxxx 7.2.2 FL summary 104bis-e-NR-NRU-02 ChAcc v005 Charter_HWHiSi.docx
2021/04/12 18:07
162,4 KB
R1-210xxxx 7.2.2 FL summary 104bis-e-NR-NRU-02 ChAcc v006 DCM_WILUS.docx
2021/04/13 3:08
168,6 KB
R1-210xxxx 7.2.2 FL summary 104bis-e-NR-NRU-02 ChAcc v006 HWHiSi_DCM.docx
2021/04/13 0:22
169,5 KB
R1-210xxxx 7.2.2 FL summary 104bis-e-NR-NRU-02 ChAcc v007 DCM_WILUS.docx
2021/04/13 3:09
168,6 KB
R1-210xxxx 7.2.2 FL summary 104bis-e-NR-NRU-02 ChAcc v008 WILUS_ZTE.docx
2021/04/13 3:46
157,3 KB
R1-210xxxx 7.2.2 FL summary 104bis-e-NR-NRU-02 ChAcc v009 ZTE_LG.docx
2021/04/13 5:48
142,3 KB
R1-210xxxx 7.2.2 FL summary 104bis-e-NR-NRU-02 ChAcc v010_LG_Lenovo.docx
2021/04/13 7:22
152,9 KB
R1-210xxxx 7.2.2 FL summary 104bis-e-NR-NRU-02 ChAcc v011_Lenovo_vivo.docx
2021/04/13 8:19
149,9 KB
R1-210xxxx 7.2.2 FL summary 104bis-e-NR-NRU-02 ChAcc v012_vivo_SPRD.docx
2021/04/13 8:36
146,5 KB
R1-210xxxx 7.2.2 FL summary 104bis-e-NR-NRU-02 ChAcc v013_SPRD_Sharp.docx
2021/04/13 8:44
151,4 KB
R1-210xxxx 7.2.2 FL summary 104bis-e-NR-NRU-02 ChAcc v014_Sharp_Qualcomm.docx
2021/04/13 17:16
152 KB
R1-210xxxx 7.2.2 FL summary 104bis-e-NR-NRU-02 ChAcc v015_Qualcomm_Apple.docx
2021/04/13 19:03
154,8 KB
20 items.