/ [102-e-LS-AI5-01]
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draft R1-200xxxx Email discussion on LTE DAPS power sharing v000_HWHiSi.docx
2020/08/17 11:39
51,5 KB
draft R1-200xxxx Email discussion on LTE DAPS power sharing v001_HWHiSi_QC.docx
2020/08/18 0:24
56,9 KB
draft R1-200xxxx Email discussion on LTE DAPS power sharing v002_QC_Nokia.docx
2020/08/18 14:08
56,8 KB
draft R1-200xxxx Email discussion on LTE DAPS power sharing v003_Nokia_ZTE.docx
2020/08/18 16:05
51,6 KB
draft R1-200xxxx Email discussion on LTE DAPS power sharing v004_ZTE_MTK.docx
2020/08/20 6:50
49,4 KB
draft R1-200xxxx Email discussion on LTE DAPS power sharing v005_MTK_Google.docx
2020/08/20 14:58
50,1 KB
draft R1-200xxxx Email discussion on LTE DAPS power sharing week2 - v000.docx
2020/08/24 9:57
54,6 KB
draft R1-200xxxx Email discussion on LTE DAPS power sharing week2 - v001-QC.docx
2020/08/24 23:18
57,8 KB
draft R1-200xxxx Email discussion on LTE DAPS power sharing week2 - v002-QC-HWHiSi.docx
2020/08/25 6:12
57,4 KB
draft R1-200xxxx Email discussion on LTE DAPS power sharing week2 - v003-HWHiSi-Nokia.docx
2020/08/25 7:22
59,5 KB
draft R1-200xxxx Email discussion on LTE DAPS power sharing week2 - v004-Nokia_ZTE.docx
2020/08/25 14:55
56,6 KB
draft R1-200xxxx Email discussion on LTE DAPS power sharing week2 - v005-ZTE_CHTR.docx
2020/08/26 20:22
55,6 KB
draft R1-200xxxx Email discussion on LTE DAPS power sharing.docx
2020/08/17 7:56
52,8 KB
R1-200xxxx Draft LS response on on power sharing for LTE Mobility Enhancements - positive-v002.docx
2020/08/28 10:31
29,8 KB
R1-200xxxx Draft LS response on on power sharing for LTE Mobility Enhancements - positive-v003.docx
2020/08/28 12:52
29,7 KB
R1-200xxxx Draft LS response on on power sharing for LTE Mobility Enhancements - positive.docx
2020/08/27 18:55
28,9 KB
R1-200xxxx Draft LS response on on power sharing for LTE Mobility Enhancements.docx
2020/08/21 3:52
27,4 KB
17 items.