[99-e][217] NR_CSIRS_L3meas_1
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draft R4-2108326 (Rev from R4-2110057) CR on CSI-RSRP accuracy.docx
2021/05/25 2:14
142,7 KB
R4-2108329 CR to 38.133 Correction on core requirements for CSI-RS based measurement_v4.docx
2021/05/26 3:33
114,4 KB
R4-2108329 CR to 38.133 Correction on core requirements for CSI-RS based measurement_v5_mtk.docx
2021/05/26 3:56
112,9 KB
R4-2108329 CR to 38.133 Correction on core requirements for CSI-RS based measurement_v6.docx
2021/05/26 16:52
114 KB
R4-21xxxxx revised CR on CSI-RS measurement window.docx
2021/05/24 11:08
48,2 KB
R4-21xxxxx revised CR on CSI-RS measurement window_v1.docx
2021/05/26 1:59
51,3 KB
R4-21xxxxx revised CR on CSI-RS measurement window_v2_mtk.docx
2021/05/26 2:43
51,5 KB
R4-21xxxxx revised CR on CSI-RS measurement window_v2_mtk_HW.docx
2021/05/26 2:56
51,4 KB
R4-21xxxxx revised CR on CSI-SINR accuracy.docx
2021/05/24 11:22
125 KB
revised R4-2109078 CR on CSI-RS intra-frequency requirement and scheduling restriction.docx
2021/05/25 6:29
48,8 KB
revised R4-2109079 CR on CSI-RS based measurement requirements.docx
2021/05/24 9:45
64 KB
revised R4-2109082 draft CR on performance requirement for CSI-RSRQ.docx
2021/05/24 16:32
283 KB
Revised R4-2110365 time validity of the detected associatedSSB v1.docx
2021/05/24 9:12
43,7 KB
Revised R4-2110365 time validity of the detected associatedSSB v2.docx
2021/05/25 15:06
49,7 KB
Revised R4-2110365 time validity of the detected associatedSSB_final.docx
2021/05/26 7:30
49,8 KB
[draft] R4-2108317 WF on CSI-RS based L3 measurement requirements_v00.pptx
2021/05/24 16:55
158,6 KB
[draft] R4-2108317 WF on CSI-RS based L3 measurement requirements_v01.pptx
2021/05/26 2:15
158,5 KB
[draft] R4-2108317 WF on CSI-RS based L3 measurement requirements_v02.pptx
2021/05/26 15:02
158,7 KB
18 items.