ETSI logo / ftp / tsg_ran / WG4_Radio / TSGR4_110bis / Inbox / Drafts / [110bis][100] Main Session / 02.Tuesday

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icon 01.[115]_draft_R4_2405268_Topic_summary_[110bis][115] FR1_enh2_R18_v1.docx 2024/04/16 10:29 542,5 KB
icon 01.[136]_R4_2405289_FS_A-IoT.docx 2024/04/17 10:16 781,7 KB
icon 02.[122]_R4_2406556 Topic summary for [110bis][122] NR_cov_enh2_R18.docx 2024/04/16 10:29 71,3 KB
icon 02.[137]_R4_2405290 Topic summary for [110bis][137] NR_LPWUS.docx 2024/04/17 10:16 108,5 KB
icon 03.[118]_R4_2405271_FR1_5MHz.docx 2024/04/17 10:16 40,4 KB
icon 03.[132}_R4_2405285_NR-ATG.docx 2024/04/16 10:29 74,8 KB
icon 04.[124]_R4_2405277 Topic summary for [110bis][124] NR_SL_enh2_UERF_R18.docx 2024/04/16 10:29 44,2 KB
icon 04.[134]_R4_2405287 Topic summary [110bis][134].docx 2024/04/17 10:16 98,4 KB
icon 05.[131]_R4_2405284_Topic_summary_[110-bis][131].docx 2024/04/17 10:16 264,7 KB
icon 05.[133]_draft R4_2405286 Topic summary for [110bis][133] NR_SL_ intraB_CA_ITS_v3_Meta_HW (1).docx 2024/04/16 10:29 81,2 KB
icon 06.[120]_R4_2405273 Topic summary for [110bis][120] NR_MC_enh_UERF_R18.docx 2024/04/17 10:16 130,2 KB
icon 06.[121]_R4_2405274 Topic summary for [110bis][121] NR_NTN_enh_UERF_R18.docx 2024/04/16 10:29 79,4 KB
icon 07.[126]_R4_2405279 Topic summary for [110bis][126] Netw_Energy_NR_R18.DOCX 2024/04/17 10:16 37,9 KB
icon 07.[138]_R4_2405291 Topic summary [110bis][138].docx 2024/04/16 10:29 65,3 KB
icon 08.[130]_R4_2405283 [110bis][130] FS_NR_IMT moderator summary_v5.docx 2024/04/16 10:29 88,5 KB
icon 08.[130]_R4_2406600 [110bis][130] FS_NR_IMT ad-hoc minutes after.docx 2024/04/16 10:29 114,2 KB
icon 08.[130]_R4_2406601.docx 2024/04/16 10:29 52 KB
icon 09.[135]_R4_2405288_AIML_Summary.docx 2024/04/16 10:29 388,6 KB

18 items.