/ [108][110] HPUE_Basket_EN-DC
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draft R4-2314192 Topic summary for [108][110] HPUE_Basket_EN-DC.docx
2023/08/16 6:49
49,6 KB
REV 1 of R4-2311945 TP for TR 38.898 HPUE DC_3-8_n77.docx
2023/08/21 12:41
33,1 KB
REV 1 of R4-2311946 TP for TR 38.898 HPUE DC_8A_n77A.docx
2023/08/21 12:41
32,2 KB
rev 1 of R4-2311950 TP for TR 37.718-11-21 DC_5_n28-n78.docx
2023/08/21 12:29
36,3 KB
Rev 1 of R4-2311951 TP for TR 37.718-21-11 DC_3-40_n77.docx
2023/08/21 12:29
35,1 KB
REV1 of R4-2311940 Draft CR for TS38.101-3 Addition of inter-band ENDC Combinations with PC2.docx
2023/08/21 12:41
360,3 KB
REV1 of R4-2311970 TP for TR 38.898 HPUE DC_18A_n41A.docx
2023/08/21 11:53
32,3 KB
REV1 of R4-2311972 TP for TR 38.898 HPUE DC_41A_n28A-n77A.docx
2023/08/21 13:18
32,2 KB
Rev2 of R4-2311949 TP for TR 37.718-11-21 DC_5_n28-n77.docx
2023/08/21 12:29
37,4 KB
revision of R4-2313321 TP for 38.899 adding HPUE for CA_n7-n77.docx
2023/08/23 17:43
74 KB
revision of R4-2313325 TP for 38.899 adding HPUE for CA_n25-n66-n78.docx
2023/08/23 17:43
67,8 KB
revision of R4-2313326 TP for TR 38.898 adding PC2 DC_2_n78.docx
2023/08/23 17:43
148,9 KB
revision of R4-2313327 TP for TR 38.898 adding PC2 DC_5_n78.docx
2023/08/23 17:43
155,4 KB
revision of R4-2313328 draft CR 38.101-3 adding PC2 DC_7_n78.docx
2023/08/23 17:43
161,9 KB
revision of R4-2313329 TP for TR 38.898 adding PC2 DC_13_n78.docx
2023/08/23 17:43
231,4 KB
revision of R4-2313331 TP for TR 38.898 adding PC2 DC_71_n78.docx
2023/08/23 17:43
148,7 KB
revision of R4-2313333 TP for TR 38.898 adding PC2 DC_2-66_n78.docx
2023/08/23 17:43
145,7 KB
(New)R4-23XXXXX Draft CR for 38.101-3 to modify MSD due to harmonic mixing for PC3 DC_18_n41.docx
2023/08/21 11:53
136,2 KB
18 items.