ETSI logo / ftp / tsg_ran / WG4_Radio / TSGR4_106bis-e / Inbox / Drafts / [106bis-e][227] NR_SL_relay_enh / LS

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icon R4-230xxxx_Reply LS on Comparison of SL-RSRP and SD-RSRP measurements_v00.docx 2023/04/21 8:37 21,4 KB
icon R4-230xxxx_Reply LS on Comparison of SL-RSRP and SD-RSRP measurements_v01_QC.docx 2023/04/21 23:32 27,2 KB
icon R4-230xxxx_Reply LS on Comparison of SL-RSRP and SD-RSRP measurements_v02_QC_MTK.docx 2023/04/24 7:24 28,1 KB
icon R4-230xxxx_Reply LS on Comparison of SL-RSRP and SD-RSRP measurements_v03_MTK_Huawei.docx 2023/04/24 9:53 28,2 KB
icon R4-230xxxx_Reply LS on Comparison of SL-RSRP and SD-RSRP measurements_v04_Huawei_LGE.docx 2023/04/24 13:42 29,9 KB
icon R4-230xxxx_Reply LS on Comparison of SL-RSRP and SD-RSRP measurements_v05_LGE_Nokia.docx 2023/04/24 15:37 30,7 KB
icon R4-230xxxx_Reply LS on Comparison of SL-RSRP and SD-RSRP measurements_v05_LGE_QC2.docx 2023/04/24 15:44 30,2 KB
icon R4-230xxxx_Reply LS on Comparison of SL-RSRP and SD-RSRP measurements_v06_QC2_OPPO.docx 2023/04/24 15:57 30,9 KB
icon R4-230xxxx_Reply LS on Comparison of SL-RSRP and SD-RSRP measurements_v07_final.docx 2023/04/24 18:31 34,2 KB
icon R4-230xxxx_Reply LS on Comparison of SL-RSRP and SD-RSRP measurements_v08_final_Nokia.docx 2023/04/25 12:12 35,5 KB
icon R4-230xxxx_Reply LS on Comparison of SL-RSRP and SD-RSRP measurements_v09_final_Nokia_Nokia.docx 2023/04/25 14:06 35,5 KB

11 items.